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1 Routledge REVIEW OF SOCIAL ECONOMY, VOL. LXIII, NO. 4, DECEMBER 2005 Taylor & Francis Group Index—Volume LXIIT 2005 INDEX OF ARTICLES AND SYMPOSIUM Ability to Pay Bernard W. Dempsey, S.J. Adaptive Preferences and Capabilities: Some Preliminary Conceptual Explorations Miriam Teschl and Flavio Comim Aristotle and Hesiod: The Economic Problem In Greek Thought Barry Gordon Basic Income in the United States: Redefining Citizenship in the Liberal State Almaz Zelleke Basic Income, Liberal Neutrality, Socialism, and Work Michael W. Howard Capabilities and Happiness: Potential Synergies Flavio Comim Capabilities, Culture and Social Structure William A. Jackson Do Detailed Work Histories Help to Explain Gender and Race/Ethnic Wage Differentials? Carole A. Green and Marianne A. Ferber Fact, Value, and Economic Policy Objectives John E. Elliott Gender as More Than a Dummy Variable: Feminist Approaches to Discrimination Deborah M. Figart Happiness Research: State and Prospects Bruno S. Frey and Alois Stutzer Have the 1996 Welfare Reforms and Expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit Eliminated the Need for a Basic Income Guarantee in the US? James B. Bryan Review of Social Economy ISSN 0034-6764 print/ISSN 1470-1162 online © 2005 The Association for Social Economics http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals REVIEW OF SOCIAL ECONOMY Homo Socio-Economicus: Foundational to Social Economics and the Social Economy Edward J. O’Boyle Justice and Welfare Economics Stephen Worland Knowledge at Work: Some Neoliberal Anachronisms Geoffrey M. Hodgson Modelling Care Irene van Staveren Personhood and Human Richness: Good and Well-Being in the Capability Approach and Beyond Benedetta Giovanola Presidential Address, Association for Social Economics, January 2005 Common Ground for Thomas Carlyle and Personalist Economics Patrick J. Welch Quadragesimo Anno: Schumpeter’s Alternative to the Omnipotent State Josef Solterer Real-World Economics Today: The New Complexity, Co-ordination and Policy Wolfram Elsner Subjective and Objective Well-being in Relation to Economic Inputs: Puzzles and Responses Des Gasper The Basic Income Guarantee and Social Economics Michael Lewis, Steven Pressman and Karl Widerquist The Doctrine of Consumers’ Sovereignty F. Knox The Normative Foundations of Social Theory: An Essay on the Criteria Defining Social Economics E. K. Hunt The Principle of Solidarity in the Teachings of Father Henry Pesch, S.J. Franz H. Mueller The Rise and Fall of “‘Self-Interest”’ Robert W. Faulhaber Towards a Process Conception of Rationality in Economics and Science James R. Wible INDEX — VOLUME LXIII Unraveling the Meanings of Underground Work Colin C. Williams What Informational Basis for Assessing Job-Seekers?: Capabilities vs. Preferences Jean-Michel Bonvin and Nicolas Farvaque Wiccanomics? Sam Cameron INDEX OF AUTHORS Ardebili, Morteza 659 Howard, Michael W. Blau, Joel 649 Hunt E. K. Bonvin, Jean-Michel 269 Jackson, William A. Bryan, James B. 595 Knox F. Cameron, Sam 87 Lewis, Michael Comim, Flavio 161, 229 Mueller, Franz H. Dempsey S.J. Bernard W. 335 O’Boyle, Edward J. Elliott, John E. 447 Pressman, Steven Elsner, Wolfram 19 Solterer, Josef Farvaque, Nicolas 269 Staveren, Irene van Faulhaber, Robert W. 405 Stutzer, Alois Ferber, Marianne A. 55 Teschl, Miriam Figart, Deborah M. 509 Welch, Patrick J. Frey, Bruno S. 207 Wible, James R. Gasper, Des 177 Widerquist, Karl Giovanola, Benedetta 249 Williams, Colin C. Gordon, Barry 395 Worland, Stephen Green, Carole A. 35 Zelleke, Almaz Hodgson, Geoffrey M. 547 INDEX OF BOOKS REVIEWED Albino Barrera (2001) Modern Catholic Social Documents and Political Economy (Andrew Yuengert) Bruce Anderson and Philip McShane (2002) Beyond Establishment Economics: No Thank-you Mankiw (Stephen Martin) REVIEW OF SOCIAL ECONOMY Charles M.A. Clark (2003) The Basic Income Guarantee: Ensuring Progress and Prosperity in the Twenty-First Century (Joel Blau) Douglas E. Booth (2002) Searchinfgo r Paradise: Economic Development and Environmental Change in the Mountain West (Jouni Paavola) Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred D. Miller and Jeffrey Paul (2002) Should Differences in Income and Wealth Matter? (James F. Smith) Gene Smiley (2002) Rethinking the Great Depression: A New View of its Causes and Consequences (John E. Murray) Hank Lim, Ungsuh K. Park and G. C. Harcourt (2002) Editing Economics: Essays in Honour of Mark Perlman (Warren J. Samuels) Judea Pearl (2000) Causality: Models, Reasoning, and Inference (Marcel Boumans) Matthew Hilton (2003) Consumerism in 20" C. entury Britain: The Search for a Historical Movement (Ben Fine) Philip Parker (2000) Physioeconomics: The basis for Long-Run Economic Growth (Jonathan B. Wight) Robert D. Putnam (2000) Bowling Alone (Patrick J. Welch) Robert Pollin (2003) Contours of Descent: U.S. Economic Fractures and the Landscape of Global Austerity (James G. Devine) Sabina Alkire (2002) Valuing Freedom. Sen’s Capability Approach and Poverty Reduction (Solange Regina Marin) Samuel Rosenberg (2003) American Economic Development Since 1945: Growth, Decline and Rejuvenation (Paul Burkett) Tony Lawson (2003) Reorienting Economics (Morteza Ardebilt) William Van Lear (2002) A Populist Challenge to Corporate Capitalism (William M. Dugger) n i e oBaso et

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