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RFE Review of Financial Economics ELSEVIER Review of Financial Economics 14 (2005) I-III www.elsevier.com/locate/econbase INDEX VOLUME 13, 2004 AUTHORS Bellante, Don, and Carole A. Green. “Relative Caporale, Guglielmo Maria, and Luis A. Gil- Risk Aversion Among the Elderly.” 3: Alana. “Fractional Cointegration and Real 269-281. Exchange Rates.” 4: 327-340. Berlin, Mitchell, and Loretta J. Mester. “Credit Chang, Chun-Hao, Arun J. Prakash, and Shu Yeh. Card Rates and Consumer Search.” 1-2: “Sale of Monopoly Information and Behavior 179-198. of Rivaling Clients: A Theoretical Perspective.” 3: 283-304. Booth, James R., and Lena Chua Booth. “Deposit Insurance and Specialization in Commercial Chen, Andrew H., Kenneth J. Robinson, and Bank Lending.” 1—2: 165-177. Thomas F. Siems. “Wealth Effects from a Subordinated Debt Policy: Evidence from Brooks, Raymond M., and Jonathan Moulton. Passage of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, The.” “The Interaction between Opening Call Auc- 1—2:103—-— 119. tions and Ongoing Trade: Evidence from the NYSE.” 4: 341-356. Cornett, Marcia M., and Hassan Tehranian. Canhoto, Ana. “Portuguese Banking: A Structural “Overview of Commercial Banks: Perform- Model of Competition in the Deposits Market.” ance, Regulation and Market Value, An.” 1-2: 1-2: 41-63. 1-5. Caporale, Guglielmo Maria, and Luis A. Gil- Ely, David P., and Kenneth J. Robinson. “Impact Alana. “Fractional Cointegration and Tests of of Banks’ Expanded Securities Power on Small Present Value Models.” 3: 245-258. Business Lending, The.” 1-2: 79-102. Index-Author/Title of Volume 13, 2004 Fields, L. Paige, and Donald R. Fraser. “Effects gerial Attributes and Fund Performance.” 4: of IPO Mispricing on the Risk and Reputa- 305-326. tional Capital of Commercial Banks.” 1-2: 65-77. Preece, Dianna C., and Donald J. Mullineaux. “Agency Theory and the House Bank Affair.” 3: 259-267. Frenkel, Michael, Christian Pierdzioch, and Georg Stadtmann. “On the Determinants of ‘Small’ Schure, Paul, Rien Wagenvoort, and Dermot and ‘Large’ Foreign Exchange Market Inter- O’Brien. “Efficiency and the Conduct of Euro- ventions: The Case of the Japanese Interven- pean Banks: Developments After 1992, The.” 4: tions in the 1990s.” 3: 231-243. 371-396. Hahn, TeWhan, and Mario G. Reyes. “On the Smoluk, H.J., and David VanderLinden, “Catching Estimation of Stock Market Reaction to Cor- up with the Americans.” 3: 211-229. porate Layoff Announcements.” 4: 357-370. Wheelock, David C. and Paul W. Wilson. Kane, Edward J. “Continuing Dangers of Dis- “Consolidation in US Banking: Which Banks information in Corporate Accounting Reports.” Engage in Mergers?” 1—2: 7-39. 1-2: 149-164. Wilson, Berry, and Anthony Saunders. “Monetary Ors, Evren. “Post Mortem on the Federal Reser- Secrecy and Selective Disclosure: The Emerging ve’s Functional Cost Analysis Program: How Market Case of Mexico’s Monetary Reporting.” Useful was the FCA?” 1-2: 121-148. 1-2: 199-210. Prather, Laurie, William J. Bertin, and Thomas Henker. “Mutual Fund Characteristics, Mana- INDEX VOLUME 13, 2004 TITLES “Agency Theory and the House Bank Affair.” “Consolidation in US Banking: Which Banks Preece, Dianna C., and Donald J. Mullineaux, Engage in Mergers?” Wheelock, David C. and 3: 259-267. Paul W. Wilson, 1-2: 7-39. “Catching up with the Americans.” Smo- “Continuing Dangers of Disinformation in Corpo- luk, H.J., and David VanderLinden, 3: rate Accounting Reports.” Kane, Edward J., 1— 211-229. 2: 149-164. Index-Author/Title of Volume 13, 2004 Ill “Credit Card Rates and Consumer Search.” Berlin, “On the Estimation of Stock Market Reac- Mitchell, and Loretta J. Mester, 1-2: 179-198. tion to Corporate Layoff Announcements.” Hahn, TeWhan, and Mario G. Reyes, 4: “Deposit Insurance and Specialization in Com- 357-370. mercial Bank Lending.” Booth, James R., and Lena Chua Booth, 1—2: 165-177. “Overview of Commercial Banks: Performance, Regulation and Market Value, An.” Cornett, “Effects of IPO Mispricing on the Risk and Marcia M., and Hassan Tehranian, 1-2: Reputational Capital of Commercial Banks.” 1-5-. Fields, L. Paige, and Donald R. Fraser, 1-2: 65-77. “Portuguese Banking: A Structural Model of Competition in the Deposits Market.” Canhoto, “Efficiency and the Conduct of European Banks: Ana, 1-2: 41-63. Developments After 1992, The.” Schure, Paul, Rien Wagenvoort, and Dermot O’Brien, 4: “Post Mortem on the Federal Reserve’s Functional 371-396. Cost Analysis Program: How Useful was the FCA?’ Ors, Evren, 1-2: 121-148. “Fractional Cointegration and Real Exchange Rates.” Caporale, Guglielmo Maria, and Luis “Relative Risk Aversion Among the Elderly.” A. Gil-Alana, 4: 327-340. Bellante, Don, and Carole A. Green, 3: “Fractional Cointegration and Tests of Present 269-281. Value Models.” Caporale, Guglielmo Maria, “Sale of Monopoly Information and Behavior of and Luis A. Gil-Alana, 3: 245-258. Rivaling Clients: A Theoretical Perspective.” “Impact of Banks’ Expanded Securities Power on Chang, Chun-Hao, Arun J. Prakash, and Shu Small Business Lending, The.” Ely, David P., Yeh, 3: 283-304. and Kenneth J. Robinson, 1—2: 79-102. “The Interaction between Opening Call Auctions “Monetary Secrecy and Selective Disclosure: The and Ongoing Trade: Evidence from the NYSE.” Emerging Market Case of Mexico’s Monetary Brooks, Raymond M., and Jonathan Moulton, Reporting.” Wilson, Berry, and Anthony Saun- 4: 341-356. ders, 1-2: 199-210. “Wealth Effects from a Subordinated Debt Policy: “Mutual Fund Characteristics, Managerial Attrib- Evidence from Passage of the Gramm-Leach- utes and Fund Performance.” Prather, Laurie, Bliley Act, The.” Chen, Andrew H., Kenneth J. William J. Bertin, and Thomas Henker, 4: Robinson, and Thomas F. Siems, 1-2: 305-326. 103-119. “On the Determinants of ‘Small’ and ‘Large’ Foreign Exchange Market Interventions: The Case of the Japanese Interventions in the 1990s.” Frenkel, Michael, Christian Pierdzioch, and Georg Stadtmann, 3: 231-243.

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