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Review of Cyclodostomia Sacco, 1892 and Marginodostomia Nomura, 1936, two taxa of the Pyramidellacea (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) PDF

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Preview Review of Cyclodostomia Sacco, 1892 and Marginodostomia Nomura, 1936, two taxa of the Pyramidellacea (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia)

BASTERIA, 63: 61-68, 1999 Review of Cyclodostomia Sacco, 1892 and Marginodostomia Nomura, 1936, two taxa of the Pyramidellacea (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) J.J. van Aartsen Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, P. O. Box 9517,2300 RALeiden, The Netherlands & J.X. Corgan Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennessee 37044, USA. Itis shownthat CyclodostomiaSacco, 1892,is amonotypicsubgenusofOdostomia Fleming, 1813, with the only (type-) species Odostomia (Cyclodostomia) italiana Corgan & Van Aartsen, 1998.MarginodostomiaNomura, 1936,which has beenconsidered assynonymous, ishere shown tobeafullgenusandits contentscriticallyevaluated.SpeciesofMarginodostomiaoccurthroughout the world from Paleocene to Recent. Fifteenspecies are referred toit. Key words: Gastropoda, Heterobranchia, Pyramidelloidea,Cyclodostomia, Marginodostomia, nomenclature, systematics. INTRODUCTION The pyramidellacean gastropod taxa Cyclodostomia Sacco, 1892, and Marginodostomia Nomura, 1936,areoftenmisunderstood.Twenty-three nominalspecies havebeenreferred to this pair of genus-grouptaxa. They range from Paleocene to Recent and occur in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and North America. Many of these 23 species are morphologically distinctfrom the type species ofthe genus-group taxon to which they are referred. Cyclodostomia and Marginodostomia have been interpreted as subjective syn- onymsbutthatviewisnottenable.Thepresenttext clarifiesthemorphology, geographic distribution, and geologic range of these dissimilar taxa and refers three additional species-group taxa to Marginodostomia. EARLY USAGE OF CYCLODOSTOMIA SACCO, 1892 Cyclodostomia Sacco, 1892,was initially ranked as a subgenus ofOdontostomiaJeffreys, 1839.Odontostomiaisanunjustified emendationofOdostomia Fleming, 1813.Itlacks status in zoological nomenclature(Van Aartsen & Corgan, 1996). Cyclodostomia was proposed for two gastropods from the PlioceneofItaly: O. (C.) mutinensis Sacco, 1892,and O. (C.) cingulata Sacco, 1892.Sacco's firstspecies was designated as the type by Verrill& Bush (1900: 333). The original Latindescription ofCyclodostomia is: "Testa parva,plus minusve conica. Anfractus interdum angulati et prope suturam superam cingulo sat perspicuo muniti. Columella uniplicata." (Sacco, 1892: 46). It canbe loosely translatedas: Shell small, ratherconical; periphery angular; suture prominent, set offby abold cord; witha single 62 BASTERIA, Vol. 63, No. 1-3, 1999 columellar plication. Sacco's figure of the type-species is small and unrecognizable (Sacco, 1892: pi. 1 fig. 102). When Sacco established Cyclodostomia, he described 11 other new genus-group taxa withinthePyramidelloidea andscoresofothertaxarepresenting manymolluscangroups. Sacco's study helped to establish him as a paleontologist (Desio, 1951) and was widely viewed as a significant attempt to clarify molluscan taxonomy. Students ofMollusca soon applied Sacco's taxonomic concepts to modern and fossil faunas from many re- gions. In the case of Cyclodostomia, this produced confusion. Sacco's type specimens are in Italian museums. For many decades they were little used.Initially, interpreting hiswork depended onhis text and plates. The firstpublished reaction to Cyclodostomia was negative. Cossmann (1894: 797) consideredit a nominal taxon oflittle value. In French, he called it and some ofSacco's other taxa 'an abuse ofnomenclature'.Sacco's work was accepted by otherworkers. For Cyclodostomia, inter- pretations of morphology varied. 11.. OOddoonnttoossttoommiiaa ((CCyyccllooddoossttoommiiaa))cciinngguullaattaaSSaaccccoo ((11889922:: 4466,, 4488,,ppll..ll ffiigg.. 110033))..PPlliioocceennee,,IIttaallyy.. TToo OOddoossttoommiiaa ss..ll.... SSeeeetteexxttddiissccuussssiioonn.. 22.. OOddoossttoommiiaa ((CCyyccllooddoossttoommiiaa))ddiiddyymmaaVVeerrrriillll&&BBuusshh ((11990000;;333333,,ppii.. 6655ffiigg.. 1144))..RReecceenntt,,BBeerrmmuuddaa.. TTooEEuulliimmaassttoommaa BBaarrttsscchh,, 11991166 ((ffiiddeeWWiissee,, 11999966)).. 33.. OOddoossttoommiiaahhiillggeennddoorrffiiCClleessssiinn((11990000:: 111199,,ppii..2288ffiigg..55))..RReecceenntt aanndd TTeerrttiiaarryy,,AAssiiaa.. SSeeee HHaattaaii &&NNiissiiyyaammaa((11995522)).. IInnMMaarrggiinnooddoossttoommiiaa((ffiiddeeKKuurrooddaa&&HHaabbeeiinnKKuurrooddaa,,HHaabbee&&OOyyaammaa,, 11997711::227766)).. SSeeeeaallssooDDaallll&&BBaarrttsscchh,, 11990066::336644,,ppii..2244ffiigg..55..SSeeeetteexxtt,,sshhoouullddbbee vviieewweeddaass OOddoossttoommiiaa.. 44.. OOddoossttoommiiaa((CCyyccllooddoossttoommiiaa??))lleettssoonnaaeePPiillssbbrryy((11991188::332233,,ffiigg..2233))..RReecceenntt,,HHaawwaaiiii..TTootthheeeeuulliimmiiddggeennuussPPyyrraammiiddeellllooiiddeess NNeevviillll,, 11888855 ((ffiiddeeKKaayy,, 11997799)).. 55.. OOddoossttoommiiaassuubbaanngguullaattaaAA..AAddaammss((11886600bb::441166))..RReecceenntt,,AAssiiaa..IInnMMaarrggiinnooddoossttoommiiaa((ffiiddeeKKuurrooddaa&&HHaabbeeiinnKKuurrooddaa,, HHaabbee && OOyyaammaa,, 11997711:: 227766)).. ((==>OOddoossttoommiiaa ccllaarraa BBrraazziieerr,, 11887777,,ffiiddee PPoonnddeerr && SSttaannbbuurryy,, 11997722:: 4466)).. SSeeee tteexxtt,,sshhoouulldd bbee vviieewweedd aass OOddoossttoommiiaa ss..ll.. 66.. OOddoossttoommiiaa((CCyyccllooddoossttoommiiaa))ssuuttaaPPiillssbbrryy((11991188::332222,,332233,,ffiigg..2222))..RReecceenntt,,HHaawwaaiiii..TTootthheeeeuulliimmiiddggeennuussPyramidelloides NNeevviillll,, 11888855 ((ffiiddeeKKaayy,, 11997799)).. 77.. OOddoossttoommiiaatteenneerraaAA..AAddaammss ((11886600aa::2211))..RReecceenntt,,AAssiiaa..IInnMMaarrggiinnooddoossttoommiaia((ffiiddeeKKuurrooddaa&&HHaabbeeiinnKKuurrooddaa,,HHaabbee,, &&OOyyaammaa,, 11997711::227777)).. SSeeeetteexxtt,,sshhoouuldldbbee vviieewweeddaassOOddoossttoommiiaa .. Table 1. Problem taxa. WhenVerrill& Bush selecteda typespecies, they characterizedCyclodostomia as 'Shell small, more or less conic. Whorls angular sometimes and near the suture above with a small but distinctcingulum. Columellauniplicate' (Verrill & Bush, 1900: 532). After this awkward description, they assigned anew species to the subgenus. Odostomia(C.) didymya Verrill & Bush (table 1) is from the Recent fauna ofBermuda. It has been studied by Waller (1973) and Wise (1996). Wise assigned it to Eulimastoma Bartsch, 1916. It does not have the prominent spiral cord mentionedin Sacco's description. The next discussions ofCyclodostomia came in a pair ofdichotomous keys by Dall & Bartsch(1904: 12; 1909: 15). They characterizeditas an odostomiidsubgenus with two tumid spiral ridges, one near the periphery and one near the suture. They did not expand its content. Then, Cossmann &Peyrot (1917: 125) identifiedCyclodostomia as a taxon with a single spiral sulcus near the suture. They added a new species, O. (C.) aturensis (table 2). Next, Pilsbry (1918) described two new species from the Hawaiian Islands (table 1). Van Aartsen & Corgan: Review of Cyclodostomia and Marginodostomia 63 11.. OOddoonntloossttoommiiaa((CCyyccllooddoossttoommiiaa))aattuurreennssiissCCoossssmmaannnn&& PPeeyyrroott((11991177:: 112244,,ppii.. 99ffiigg..5522--5544))..TTeerrttiiaarryy-,, EEuurrooppee..SSeeee CCoossssmmaannnn ((11992211)).. 22.. OOddoossttoommiiaaccaammbboonneennssiissVVaasssseeuurrffiiddeeCCoossssmmaannnn((11992211::224400))..TTeerrttiiaarryy,,EEuurrooppee..NNootteetthhaattwweehhaavveeoonnllyyCCoossssmmaannnn''ss cciittaattiioonnffoorr tthhiiss ssppeecciieess.. 33.. OOddoossttoommiiaaddaanniiaannaaCCoorrggaann&&VVaannAAaarrttsseenn,, 11999988 [[== OOddoonnttoossttoommaaoobbttuussuumtnVVoonnKKooeenneenn,, 11888855:: 5511,, ppii.. 33ffiiggss 88aa--dd,, nnoottOOddoossttoommiiaaoobbttuussaaGGoouulldd,, 11886611]]..TTeerrttiiaarryy,, DDeennmmaarrkk.. 44.. AAcctteuomn((ssiicc)) mmeellaanneelllulussII.. LLeeaa ((11883333:: 111133,,ppii.. 44ffiigg.. 9999))((== OOddoossttoommiiaa llaaeevviiggaattaaHHeeiillpprriinn,, 11887799:: 221122,,ppii.. 1133ffiigg.. 55;; ==AAccttaaeeoonnmmaaggnnoopplliiccaattuussHH.. CC..LLeeaa,, 11884411:: 9944,,ppii.. 11ffiigg.. 55,,ffiiddeePPaallmmeerr&&BBrraannnn,,11996666:: 880044--880055))..TTeerrttiiaarryy,, NNoorrtthh .AAmmeerriiccaa..SSeeee CCoossssmmaannnn ((11992211)).. 55.. OOddoonnttoossttoommaappuuppaaeeffoorrmmeeVVoonnKKooeenneenn((11888855:: 5522,,ppii..33 ffiigg.. 77aa--cc)).. TTeerrttiiaarryy,,DDeennmmaarrkk.. SSeeee RRaavvnn ((11993399)).. 66.. OOddoossttoommiiaassuubbmmaarrggiinnaattaaBBooeettttggeerr((11990066:: 111133))..TTeerrttiiaarryy,, EEuurrooppee..SSeeee ZZiillcchh((11993344:: 223377,, ppii..1122ffiigg..1133)).. 77.. OOddoossttoommiiaavveermneeuuiilleennssiiss ddeeRRaaiinnccoouurrtt &&MMuunniieerr--CChhaalmlmaass((11886633::220000,,ppii..77ffiiggss..88aa--cc)).. TTeerrttiiaarryy,,EEuurrooppee..SSeeee CCoossssmmaannnn ((11992211)).. Table 2. European and North American speciesreferred to CyclodostomiaSacco in thesense ofCossmann, 1921. By 1918, concepts ofCyclodostomia were diverse. Sacco stressed a spiral cord, Dall & Bartsch mentionedtwo spiral cords, andCossmann&Peyrotemphasized a spiral sulcus. Then, Cossmann (1921: 239) changed Sacco's nameto Cyclodontostomia, an unjustified emendation to improve Sacco's Latin. The new namewas accompanied by a detailed characterization, similarto that ofCossmann & Peyrot (1917). Cossmann said "...tours peu convexes, lisses, separes par des sutures profondes et finement rainurees, au- dessus desquelles on apergoit un sillon spiral, situe aucinquieme environ dela hauteur de chaque tour... Diagnose refaite d'apres les figures mediocres du genotype ...; et d'apres un plesiogenotype plus etroit, de l'Aquitanien de Dax: O. aturensis Cossm. et Peyr..." (Cossmann, 1921: 239). Thiscanbe very loosely translatedas: ... whorls some- what convex, smooth ... separated by a deeply furrowed suture ... with a spiral sulcus about a fifth ofthe way down the whorl... after the mediocrefigures of the genotype and after O. aturensis Cossm. et Peyr.... ... ... Thetype speciesofCyclodostomia is notnecessarilyexcluded fromCossmann's Cyclodon- tostomia since a spiral band and spiral sulcus can co-occur. Still, Cossmann's phrasing created the impression ofataxon definedprimarily in terms ofa sulcus. Cossmann's work is both widely known and much esteemed. His concept of a taxon primarily definedby a sulcus hasbeenalmostuniversally accepted as validfor Cyclodostomia Sacco, 1892. Table2 is a catalogue ofEuropean and NorthAmerican species that have been referred to Cyclodostomia Sacco in this sense. WhileCossmann's concept was used by European and North American authors, it was little used by Asian authors. Eventually Nomura (1936: 34) created a taxon that resembles Cossmann's interpretation ofCyclodostomia as Cyclodontostomia. EARLY USAGE OF MARGINODOSTOMIA NOMURA, 1936 Marginodostomia Nomura began as asectionofOdostomiawith O. suturamarginata Nomura (1936: 34, pi.5 figs. 35a, 35b) asits typeby monotypy.Theoriginal description wassimple: “Odostomiahaving marginate sutures; aperture rhomboidalwitha strong columellarfold." While the type species has a spiral sulcus near the suture, Nomura initially viewed this as aspecies-group character, notsignificant atthe genus-grouplevel. Apparently because ofthis initialview, species 3, 5 and 7 of table 1 havebeen referredto Odostomia (Margin- odostomia) although they lack the distinctive morphology ofthe type species. BASTERIA, Vol. 63, No. 1-3, 1999 64 11.. OOddoossttoommiaia((MMaarrggiinnooddoossttoommiiaa))mmiissaakkiieennssiiss NNoommuurraa ((11993399:: 115511--115522,,ppii.. 99ffiigg.. 4411))..RReecceenntt,,AAssiiaa.. 22.. OOddoossttoommiaia((.MMaarrggiinnooddoossttoommiiaa))ssuuttuurraammaarrggiinnaattaaNNoommuurraa((11993366::3344,,ppii.. 55ffiiggss3355aa,,3355bb))..RReecceenntt,,AAssiiaa..TTyyppeessppeecciieess ooffMMaarrggiinnooddoossttoommiiaa.. 33.. OOddoossttoommiiaa ((.MMaarrggininooddoossttoommiiaa))uunniiccoorrddaattaa NNoommuurraa ((11993388:: 111144,, ppii.. 99 ffiigg.. 1177)).. TTeerrttiiaarryy,,AAssiiaa.. Table 3. Some Asianspecies referred to MarginostomiaNomura, 1936. Soon, Nomura(1938: 826) ranked Marginodostomia as a subgenus. Then, he redescribed it, saying "Whorls with a faintspiral cord in front of the suture; microscopic spiral lines may or may not be present on the surface" (Nomura, 1939: 129). Nomura and others eventually recognized six supposed species ofMarginodostomia in Asianfaunas (tables 1, 3). SAURIN’S VIEW Saurin(1958: 64) interpreted Marginodostomia Nomuraas ajunior subjective synonym of“Cyclodostomia Cossmann, 1921."This discussion shows clear signs ofconfusion be- cause Cyclodostomia was namedby Sacco in astudy Saurinmaynever have seen.Heused thisnameasCossmannusedit. His definitionforthesynonymouspairwas brief, "Mince cordon ouruban spiral sous la suture [Minute spiral cordor ribbonnearthe suture]." Eventually he madeit evenmore brief: "Sillion spiral sous la suture [spiral sulcus near the suture]" (Saurin, 1959: 234). In this discussion he cited both Sacco and Cossmann but Cossmannisthe only text listed inhislistofreferences. Heclearly equated Cyclodon- tostomia, not Cyclodostomia, with Marginodostomia. Refering to Cossmann (1921: 239, pi.s fig. 72) and Nomura (1936: 34, pi. 5 figs 35a, 35b) it is apparent that Saurin was right. Marginodostomia and Cyclodostomia Sacco sensu Cossmann are synonymous. Because Saurin viewed it as the senior name, he referred two species to Odostomia (Cyclodostomia). They are listed in table 4. 11.. SSyyrrnnoollaacchhaarrppeennttiieerriiHHoorrnnuunngg&&MMeerrmmoodd((11992244:: 229911,, 229922,,ffiigg..1166))..RReecceenntt,,RReeddSSeeaa aanndd SSoouutthheeaassttAAssiiaa..SSeeee SSaauurriinn((11995588::7700,, ppii.. 11 ffiigg.. 55;; 11995599:: 223399--224400,,ppii.. 22 ffiigg..66;; 11996611:: 224400)).. 22.. OOddoossttoommiiaa ((CCyyccllooddoossttoommiiaa))pprraavvaa((SSaauurriinn 11996611:: 224400,,ppii.. 11 ffiigg.. 44)).. SSoouutthheeaasstt AAssiiaa,,RReecceenntt.. Table 4. Asian species referred to Cyclodostomiaby Saurin. REDESCRIPTION, RANKING, AND DISTRIBUTION The type species ofCyclodostomia and many of the nominal species named listed in tables 1-4 have long been misinterpreted. Part ofthe confusion is nomenclatural.Text discussions of content, given below, mention 31 valid, synonymous, or replacement names for 23 meaningful species-group taxa. Almost 25% ofthenames applied to these taxa are, basically, superfluous. While nomenclaturalcomplexity is a factor, much of the difficultyin interpreting Cyclodostomia andMarginodostomia isrootedin Sacco's obscure illustrations, Cossmann's innovative view ofSacco's taxon, andNomura's briefdescrip- tions. Redescriptions and an appraisal of content should clarify these taxa. EXCLUDED SPECIES Species listed in tables 1 must be excluded from the Cyclodosotomia-Marginodostomia complex before meaningful genus-grouptaxa canbe characterized.Modernevaluations Van Aartsen & Corgan: Review of Cyclodostomia andMarginodostomia 65 OofSacco'stdype andoreferencnespecimtenso, citedbeslow, dtonootincludemdataon ia (C.) cingulata Sacco, 1892. Apparendy the type is lost. While the written description of this species israthercomparable tothat ofthetype species, theillustrationdoes notshow complex morphology near the suture. Without type material, this species is virtually uninterpretable. It should be referred to Odostomia s.l. The six otherspecies listed in table 1 must also be excluded from the Cyclodostomia- Marginodostomia complex. In the table, each species is referred to an appropriate genus. Cyclodostomia Sacco, 1892 Recently Sacco's type and reference specimens were restudied and well illustrated (Janssen, 1972, and Ferrero-Mortara et ah, 1984). Sacco's type species was originally named Odontostomia (C.) mutinensis. Because of homonymy with O. (Macrodostomia) muti- nensis Sacco, 1892, the species was renamed Odostomia italiana Corgan & Van Aartsen (1998). Redescription.- Shells belonging to the Odostomiidae, conical in shape withoutany conspicuous sculpture. The adapical suture is thickened by a broad swolen spiral cord that is only poorly differentiatedfrom therest ofthewhorl. Columellawith one, clearly defined tooth. Discussion.- The typespecies ofCyclodostomia hasabroad inflatedspiral cordadjoining the suture belowwhich the whorl seems to be concave.This is best shown in a figure by Ferrero Mortara, et al. (1984, fig. 13b). It is not the presence ofthese sculptural features per se that is distinctiveof Cyclodostomia, the distinctive feature is the broad, poorly definedstyle ofthe sculpture. Taxa that have been incorrectly referred to Cyclo- dostomia have narrow, clearly defined sculpture. Differences in appearance are pronounced. Content.-No species listedin tables 1-4hasthe diffusespiral ornamentationofO. (C.) italiana.Cyclodostomia Sacco is, therefore, interpreted as a monotypic taxon. Distribution.-Sacco's typespecimenofthisspecies is fromthe PlioceneofItaly. There are apparendy reliablelatetwentiethcenturyrecords from MiocenestrataofGermany (Janssen, 1972) and Denmark (Sorgenfrei, 1958). Ranking.- Because Cyclodostomia has a long history ofuse, it is here retained as a subgenus although differencesfrom Odostomia s.s. are relatively minor. Marginodostomia Nomura, 1936 While descriptions by Nomura fail to adequately characterizeMarginodostomia, this taxon is a well-marked and significant componentofthe global fauna. Redescription.- Shells belonging to the Odostomiidae, conical in shape without con- spicuous sculpture except for a well defined, clearly incised spiral line or groovebelow the adapical suture, at about one-fifth from above. The whorls are flat or only very slightly convex. Columella with one well-developed tooth. Discussion.- Comparing thistaxon toCyclodostomia with its poorly definedspiral cord along thesuture, theclearly delineatednarrowspiral sulcus differentiatesMarginodostomia immediately. Content.-Marginodostomia includesthe 12apparendy meaningful species listedin tables 2-4. In addition, itincludesActeon(sic) alveatus H. C.Lea, 1841 (= A. striatusI. Lea, 1833 66 BASTERIA, Vol. 63, No. 1-3, 1999 not Sowerby, 1824,fidePalmer&Brann, 1966:804-805),OdontostomiaoccidentalisGougerot (1981: 40, pi. 1 fig. 14), and Odostomia verduiniVan Aartsen (1987: 5, pi. 3 fig. 24). VanAartsen's taxon is distributedin the East Atlantic and Mediterranean(see Van Aartsen et al. 1998: 31). Gougerot's taxon was described from the Tertiary ofFrance andwas initially ranked as a subspecies ofO. submarginata Boettger (table 2). H. G. Lea's taxon is sometimes ranked as a subspecies ofActeon (sic) melanellus I. Lea, 1833 (e.g. Palmer& Brann, 1966: 805). It is from the Tertiary ofNorth America. In total, 15 species group taxa are here referred toMarginodostomia. Distribution.-Recent species ofMarginidostomia range from the EastAtlantic and the Mediterraneanthrough the Red Sea to SoutheastAsia andJapan. The oldestknown fossil species are from thePaleoceneofDenmark (species 3 and 5, table 2). Otherfossil species occur in Europe, Asia, and North America. In tables 2 and 3, ages are simply indicatedas Tertiary because it was impossible to verify the age ofeach stratum that containeda Marginidostomia. It seems probable that the fossil record is continuousover 60,000,000 years, from Paleocene to Recent. Ranking.- Species of Marginodostomia are clearly part ofthe odostomiidstock, as dis- cussedabove. Still, they are reasonably well-marked, widely distributed, andhave been distinct from Odostomia for a significant span of time. Ranking as a genus seems appropriate. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS WhileMarginodostomia and Odostomia (Cyclodostomia) have long been confused, they are distinct taxa ofthe odostomiidstock. Cyclodostomia is ranked as a monotypic subgenus ofOdostomia Fleming, 1813.The type species bysubsequent designation (Verrill& Bush, 1900) is O. (G.) italiana Corgan & Van Aartsen, 1998 [= Odontostomia (C.) mutinensis Sacco, 1892 not O. (Macrodostomia) mutinensis Sacco, 1892]. The type specimen is from the Pliocene ofItaly. The species is widely distributedin the Tertiary ofEurope. Marginodostomia is ranked as a genus,allied to Odostomia. The type species, by original designation, is O. (O.) suturamarginata Nomura, 1936, from the Recent ofAsia. Fourteen other species-group taxa are referred to this genus:Odontostomia (C.) aturensis Cossmann & Peyrot, 1917, Tertiary, Europe; Odostomia cambonensis Vasseur fide Cossmann, 1921, Tertiary, Europe; Syrnola charpentieri Hornung & Mermod, 1924, Recent, Middle East andAsia; O. danianaCorgan & Van Aartsen, 1998 [= OdontostomaobtusumVon Koenen, 1885 not Odostomiaobtusa Gould, 1861], Tertiary, Europe; Acteon(sic) melanellus I. Lea, 1833 (= Odostomia laevigata Heilprin, 1879 = Actaeon magnoplicatus H. C. Lea, 1841), Tertiary, North America; Acteon (sic) melanellus alveatus H. C. Lea, 1841 (=Acteon (sic) striatus I. Lea, 1833 not Sowerby, 1824), Tertiary, North America; O. (M.) misakiensis Nomura, 1939, Recent, Asia; Odostomia(C.)pravaSaurin 1961, Recent, Asia; Odontostoma pupaeforme Von Koenen, 1885, Tertiary, Europe; Odostomia submarginata Boettger, 1906, Tertiary, Europe; Odontostomia submarginata occidentalis Gougerot, 1981, Tertiary, Europe; OdostomiaunicordataNomura, 1938, Tertiary, Asia; O. verduiniVanAartsen,1987,Recent, EastAtlantic and Mediterranean; and O. verneuilensisDe Raincourt& Munier-Chalmas, 1863, Tertiary, Europe. Seven species that have sometimes been placed in Cyclodostomia Sacco, 1892, or Marginodostomia Nomura, 1936, donot belong in either genus. They are Odontostomia(C.) cingulata Sacco 1892,Tertiary, Europe (to Odostomia Fleming, 1813); Odostomia(C.) didyma Verrill& Bush, 1900, Recent, Bermuda(toEulimastomaBartsch, 1916);Odostomia hilgen- Van Aartsen & Corgaa; Review of Cyclodostomia and Marginodostomia 67 dorfiClessin, 1900(toOdostomia), Recentand Tertiary, Asia; O. (C?) letsonae Pilsbry, 1918, Recent, Hawaii (to Pyramidelloides Nevill, 1885); O. subangulata A. Adams, 1860b(= O. clara Brazier, 1877), Recent, widespread in Pacific (to Odostomia); O. (C.) suta Pilsbry, 1918, Recent, Hawaii (toPyramidelloides Nevill, 1885); O. (M.)tenera A. Adams (1860a: 21), Recent, Asia (to Odostomia). REFERENCES AARTSENJ.J.VAN,1987.EuropeanPyramidellidae:III.OdostomiaandOndina. BollettinoMalacologico 23: 1-34. —, &J. X.CORGAN, 1996. South African pyramidellacean gastropodnames. — Basteria 60:153-160. —,E.GITTENBERGER&J.GOUD, 1998.Pyramidellidae(Mollusca,Gastropoda,Heterobranchia)collected duringtheDutch CANCAP andMAURITANIA expeditionsin the south-eastern part ofthe North Atlantic Ocean (part 1).— Zoologische Verhandelingen,Leiden 321: 1-57. ADAMS,A. ,1860a. MolluscaJaponica. New species ofOdostomia. — Annals and Magazine ofNatural History (3) 6: 20-22. —, 1860b. OnanewgenusandsomenewspeciesofMolluscafromJapan.— AnnalsandMagazineofNatural History (3) 6: 414-422. 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