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Preview Review of an acoustic alarm strategy to minimise bycatch of humpback whales in Queensland coastal gill net fisheries

KLV1LVV OF AN ACOUSTIC ALARM STRATEGY TO MINIMISE BYCATCH OF humpback whales in queensland coastai gill net fisheries gr. Mcpherson,j. lien, n a. gribble and b lane McPhcrMm,(i.R.,LicnJ..(inbblc. N.A.& Lane, B.2001 1231: Reviewofanaeousi\<_ altera strategy to minkiwc bycfftt h ofhumpback whales m Queensland coastal gill net fishcriefi. Memoirs of i!w QueenslandMuseum 47(2): 499-506. Brisbane. ISSN 0079-S.X3S Humpback whale**, MCgctpttfm navtwangHuP, in Queensland coastal waters are at ri<fe >>t eIntanglement in a range offishing gears and obstacles. Since L99] the Queensland Shark Contiol Programme ofthe Queensland Department ofPrimary Industries has developed an acousticiUarmt>yca$chreductionstratcgj oUfacousticalarmtypesattachedtogtlltietshavc I ilised in an atlempl lo 'warn' humpback whales offhe presence oi these man-made obstacles. Another alarm type, under development, has been distributed to cumnieivui fiShcriC8operatinginQueenslandWfitterstoreducetherisk pfhuftlpl>ack whaleentan,-leineAl in commercial gear. A standard acoustic warning protocol is under development for humpback whales, intcgralmg specific alarm source levels. BCOUStk propagation and ihmobwiedvlelrEiJtOsifhioCulledveplrs.ovHideeabeInIchaimtartOkhaguamipnsbtacwhkiwchhawlheaslethiesntsatnagnldeamredn\ts,iiotbihd oDtO'tilclmeaary. compared OFfumpbad whale, entanglement byeatvk acou&tk:alarms; The Queensland Shark Control Programme grounds in the Antarctic, passing southeast tQSCP) Oi (he Oueensland Department of Oueensland m September-November, again with Primary Industries(DPI wasinitiatedbecauseof some whales moving close to shore. QfiCP | a seriesoffatal shark attacks dfftbe Gold Coast. records show eight humpback whales were SunshineCoastand otherQueenslandbeaches in napped in nets helvveen 1962-1995 off the Cold the summers of 1958-1961 (Fig. I). The QSCP and Sunshine Coasts, with five being released does not provide an impenetrable barrier to and three dead in Cold ( nasi netfc dribble 61 al sharks, rather a constant fishing pressure with a (1998). Norecordswere keptofhumpback whale- combinationofgillnetsandbailedlinesthaioperate collisions that did not tesult in entrapment (Lien to reduce shark numbers in the immediate etaL 1998), \geiacrin1itsytroaftmegayjoorfsnweitsmmainndgdbreuaicnhliense.sTahdeap'tmsixtehde Lien el al, i 1 990) used mechanical Mow type ofgearto the physical characteristics ofthe frequency clangers' (50-IOOOHz), mechanical swimming beach and allows for differences in Mow frequency beepers (3.50UH?) and catch selectivity oflarge individuals from a wide electronic 'high frequency (ringers' (27»50fcH?) range ofshark species. The policy has provided lo reduce bycateh o( humpback whales in Swimmer protection, with the incidental capture Newfoundland's cod traps. The low frequency of non-target species lower than that resulting 'clangers' did not significantly reduce the fftmi deployment of nets alone (Dudley, |998; probability Of entrapment of humpback wh.i Gribble etal, 1998). possibly due to logistic reasons. The Mow frequency beepers5 did reduce the probability, Humpback wbales. Megaptem novuc&ngliae vvbilethe 'high frequencypingers'didnot. Due to of the eastern Australian population pass the manner in which whales were entrapped southeast Oueensland during their northward when high frequency pingcrs* wereused. Lien el migration to calviflg areas north ofF'raser Island al. (1990) believed that these entrapment's lo.in June-Augusteach year Some whales ninvc occurred as the whales were manoeuvring to close to Gold and Sunshine Coast beaches, often avoid a collision. Their suggestion was that the between the shark nets and Che surf/one (Lien et whalesdetectedthemtoo late,eitherasthey \ aL, 1998), Alter Ihebreedingseason, whales wiih ton quietoi weredetectedal an insensitivepaii .-I calves move southwards to summer feeding the whales hearing spectrum. 500 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Lien et al. (1990) concluded that humpback databaseoperatedbyrapidresponsemarinerescue whaleswerenotorientingusingvisualcuesduring groups(Gribbleetal., 1998). Suchoperationsare inshore feeding activities in Newfoundland not included in the QSCP database. waters,and itwasmorelikelythatacousticalcues QSCPnetsarenottheonlypotentialhazard for were the primary stimuli. The observations that migrating humpback whales. A gillnet that humpbackwhalescouldmovearoundandmostly appeared to be from the Australian southern avoid nets at night in extremely low light levels shark fishery was observed entangled around a and in turbid water, without producing sounds, northward migrating whale offSydney in 2000. suggested that acoustic cues from the net were Entanglements in anchor ropes have been used. reported by crews ofsmall vessels and spanner During late 1991 Lien provided acoustic crab pot lines have also been observed trailing alarms ofa mechanical Mow frequency beeper" from humpback whales. type lo the QSCP and supervised positioning A small offshore shark gillnet fishery operates them on the Gold Coast nets. These alarms were within Queensland continental shelf waters, deployed during a 16 week period of the 1992 humpback whale migration season. No whales often inareaswhereadultwhalesandcalveshave been observed but no entanglements have been were caught in nets fitted with the alarms. reported. A paired comparison study of alternating alarmed and non-alarmed nets was commenced CRITICISM OF THE ACOUSTIC BYCATCH for a 26-week period during the 1993 humpback REDUCTION POLICY whale migration season. C-CORE alarms were utilised featuring a broadband signal centred on The acoustic alarm policy developed by DPI, 4kHz. Towards the end of the experimental particularly by QSCP, has been criticised from period a whale was entrapped in a non-alarmed three major viewpoints. net. The subsequent public pressure resulted in all Gold Coast nets being fitted with alarms for 1) Environmental groups disagreed with the the remainderofthe whale migration season, the potential environmental effectsofthe QSCP, and consideredthatacousticalarmsweresuperfluous change effectively terminating the experimental opportunitytoexaminetheeffectivenessofalarms. to a shark control operation that should not be in operation. Whatever the final biological results Lien et al. (1992) demonstrated that acoustic ofanalyses ofthe QSCPdata, the outcomes will alarms were successful in reducing humpback be considered primarily in the light of risk to whale collisions with cod traps. Given that no human life and with regard to Government dramatic decrease in shark catch occurredduring 'duty-of-care' legal responsibilities (McPherson the 1992 and 1993 acoustic experiment periods et al., 1998). However, bycatch minimisation is and that no whales had become entangled in an integral part ofthe QSCP strategy (Gribble et alarmednets,alarmshavebeenroutinelyfittedto al., 1998). Gold Coast nets during subsequent whale migration periods. 2) The effectiveness of alarms, specifically the acoustic propagation ofthe alarms in relation to In 1994 a deliberate interaction was observed various ambient conditions, is uncertain. There betweenalarge humpbackwhaleand an alarmed was also concernthat the alarms could affect the netofftheGoldCoast,withthewhalecirclingfor localised migratory behaviour of humpback some time before charging the net. Smaller whales, namely that alarmed nets offshore from whales including calves had moved away as the specific headlands may direct close inshore largewhaleapproachedthenet.Thematerial,and migrating whales toward waters with unfavour- particularly the net headropes, stretched out of able navigation conditions and higher ambient the water and disintegrated under the force. noise levels which may mask the acoustic alarm While this behaviour has not been observed signals. While most humpback whales appearto again, there have been three further reports of ignore alarm signals, some approach the sound massive holes appearing in net panels and sourcewrhileotherswithdrawfromit(Toddetal., headropes of other alarmed nets on the Gold 1992). These concerns were well-founded and Coast and Sunshine Coast. DPI expended research effort to assess the From 1992-1995 a single live release of a acousticpropagationofalarmsignalsinthemain humpbackwhale from a non-alarmednet (dueto areas where QSCP gear was deployed. These short term logistical reasons) was recorded in a assessmentsarebeingextendedtootheroffshore ACOUSTIC ALARMS 501 habitats where gear that poses a potential risk for humpback whale 140--E I44"E 148°E TE 15<J°E entanglement is deployed. 3) QSCPstudies did not demonstrate sufficientstatistical rigourtoprovide clear cut conclusions to assess the effectiveness ofalarms. These critic- isms were based on a premise that if somethingcouldnotbedemonstrated AUSTRALIA ^lj tobeeffectivewith>95%probability then there was no effectiveness and noconclusionsshouldbe drawn. The Acoustics Deterrents Workshop hosted by the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service (Reeves et al., 1996) recognised that rigorous experimental procedures should be incorporated into any fishery study using acoustic alarms. However, the report recognisedthat some fisheries would never have sufficient fishing power to demonstrate statistically Sujishuu-Const whether acoustic alarms could PointLookoul reduce marine mammal bycatch. Kilometres ColdCoast Reeves et al. (1996) indicated that experiments that could not provide statistical probabilities beyond the FIG. 1. Map of Queensland showing selected Queensland Shark most rigorous standards were still Control Programme contract locations. relevant provided the observations were taken in context ofother observations that Withthesteady increaseinnumbershumpback demonstrated the same trend. The report whales have appeared in waters where they had suggested that behavioural studies monitoring not been observed, at least over the past 35-40 responses of mammals to dummy or 'pseudo" years.ThereisanecdotalinformationfromQSCP nets with active and non-active alarms contractors (e.g. J. Backmann, pers. comm.) (Koschinski & Culik, 1996; Stone et al., 1997) indicating that humpback whales hadpreviously could provide larger sample sizes to determine visited those areas, but not since themid 1960\ effectiveness ofalarms. prior to when the eastern Australian population was reportedto havebeen at its lowest(Paterson CHANGES IN RISKTO WHALE etal., 1994). In 1996 ahumpback whalecalfwas ENTANGLEMENT SINCE 1991 entangled in a QSCP gillnet off the Sunshine Coast (NW of the Gold Coast) during the In 1991 the only gear that appeared to pose a southward migration and, as a result, was threatto humpback whales inQueenslandwaters temporarily beached in the surf zone. In 1997 were eleven 186m gillnets anchored offthe surf near entanglements occurred off the harbour zone on Gold Coast beaches. Since that time mouth at Mackay (Fig. 1). Acoustic alarms have Paterson et al. (1994) have reported increases in now been attached to QSCP gillnets at Mackay whalenumbersof .7%perannum. Theobserv- 1 1 (5) and Sunshine Coast (11). ations of Paterson el al. (1994) were conducted off Stradbroke Island immediately north of the FIELD AND ANALYTICAL METHODS GoldCoast. It is not clearwhat proportionofthe humpback whale population observed from Acoustic signals from alarms were recorded Stradbroke Islandpassedwithin close proximity with aGEC-Marconi SH101X calibrated 100kHz of Gold Coast QSCP nets, although it is hydrophone, a low noise Royal Australian Navy reasonabletoassumethatthenumberpassingthe Research Laboratory pre-amplifier and a Sony Gold Coast has increased in proportion to the TCD-D8 DAT recorder. The system had a population increase. frequency response of 15-22,000Hz. Tapes were 502 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM Left_flannel 15.0k' 140k. 130k. 12Oki 11Ok. 100k. -6O0 s.dk 8Oh. 01 aih 50k' .80.0 40k' 3CHc in.' FIG.2.SpectrogramofrepeatedsignalsfromatleastsixC-COREmechanicalalarms(verticalbroadbandsignals between 2-12kHz), three Dukane 'Netmark' alarms {horizontal tone burst at around 11 kHz) and humpback songcomponentsofftheGold Coast. C-CORE andDukanealarmswereonanet 100mfromthe hydrophone, and possibly another furtheraway. Location ofthecallingwhale was not known. analysed using 'Spectra Plus' acoustics software to draw the attention of whales to the sound with anAWE-64soundcardatasamplingrateof source,whichuponcloserinspectionwasavoided 44,100Hz, with a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) along with the gillnet to which itwas attached. woifd1t,h0)2o4fp4o3i.n0t7sHazn.dWahefinltemreabsaunrdiwnigdtthhe(lFeFveTlsbionf Corrosion anddamage incurredby nethauling operations rapidly reduced the number ofwork- the fundamental frequencies of the alarms, no ing alarms. These were replaced during the correction was made for the filter bandwidth 1994-1996 migrations by 'C-CORE* alarms becauseofthesinusoidalcharacterofthesignals. (Centre for Cold Ocean Research Engineering, Sound pressure levels (SPL) were expressed as Memorial University ofNewfoundland, Canada). dB re luPa. The analysis system was calibrated The acoustic signature of these mechanical wwiitthh aanTFeFktTrosnpiexctTrDumS-a2n1al0ysdeirgimtoalduolsec.illoscope 2a-l1ar2mksHz.feAatsupreecdtroagrbarmooafdCb-aCnOdRrEaanlgaermsfraonmd Background noise spectrum levels (in 1Hz 'Dukane' high frequency alarms (Dukane bands) were calculated from the FFT results by Corporation, Seacom Division, IL, USA) is correcting forthe filterbandwidth from the level giveninFig.2.Assomeacousticenergyoccurred in the FFT bin (values given are in dB re <2.0kHz, which approaches the known audible luPaVHz). One-third octave bandwidth levels capacity of most shark species investigated were estimated by adding the bandwidth (Corwin, 1981), there was concern that sharks, correctionforthe2,810-3,540Hz 1/3octaveband the target species of the gear, would detect the to the spectrum level. acoustic signal. Given the short duration that the ACOUSTIC ALARM VARIATIONS alarms were deployed on QSCP gillnets, no consistent trend in shark catch was detected. Concerns were also expressed that the electro- Since 1991 fouracoustic alarms types have been magnetic nature of the C-CORE alarm signal used to 'warn' humpback whales ofthepresence mayaffectcatchesalthoughnodataareavailable of QSCP gillnets. Original alarm deployments on this aspect ofperformance. were courtesy ofJon Lien who provided mech- anical type alarms centred around a fundamental On Lien's second visit to Queensland he frequency of 4.0kHz that had been used supervised the development of a piezo buzzer effectively to enhance the acoustic signature of type alarm, similar to his earlier design and cod traps (Lien et al., 1992). Source levels were described by Lien et al. (1995). At that time the upto 145dB re 1uPaat lmetre. Thesehad shown 50mm diameter plastic sewer pipe and ACOUSTIC ALARMS 503 _ appropriateendcapsandthreadedfittingsused in 150 Canada and USA were not available in Cairns, £ Australia. The nearest equivalent pipe was I«S 130 100mm diameter. To minimise damage due to a. o 120 water intrusion, the piezo buzzer (a truck reversing alarm with a fundamental frequency centredaround2.9-3.0kHz)wassetinresin inthe base ofthe unit with only the terminals exposed. Acoustic output ofthe alarms were not as high i 9 12 (source levels-125-130dB re luPaat lm) as the Frequency(kHz) original alarm described by Lien et al. (1995). FIG. 3. SpectrumofBASATechnical Services 'whale' The new alarm was -3 times heavier due to the a ami. I volumeofmaterialsusedandtrials indicatedthat alarm source levels declined as alarm weight CURRENT STATUS OF ACOUSTIC ALARM increased. In many alarms the sound pressure STRATEGY level ofthe secondharmonic frequencywashigher than the fundamental frequency. Nonetheless, this inexpensive alarm (~AUD$20), was utilised Research is continuing on the acoustic during the 1997-1998 humpback whale propagation of alarm signals of the lower fre- migration seasons with no entanglements on quency alarms (-3kHz fundamental frequency, alarmed nets resulting. considered to be most effective for humpback whales) within different environments. QSCP Overall size ofthese 100mm diameter alarms areas include close proximity to high wave aisnstorcoidautecdedwiathradnegpeloyomfenltogiosnticgailllnpetrsobwlheimcsh aennedrgSyusnasnhdinbeeacChoeasstisn,5-a1n0dmbwoattherdoeffeptheerGoalndd TrehseulQteSdCiPn acaslulbesdtafnotriaelxplroessssiroatnesforfoimnttehreesgteafro.r snhoarltlhoewrenrwwaatteerrss. wCiotmhmemrorceialmufdisbhoertytomasreaisn ttheendceornsftorrucstuipopnlyofwaasrelpetlatcoemBenAtSAalaTremchannidcala oifnfcslhuodreeshwaaltleorws nbeeatrw/seheonretehenvcioraosntmeanntdsQtuoemeonrse- Services (BASA Technical Services, Brisbane, Australia). BASAproduced apiezobuzzeralarm land's coral reefs in 20-30m. with afundamental outputat-3.4kHz. Thealarm Alarm performance attributes such as source was relatively small andused four ,5Vbatteries levels,total acoustic intensityofshort tonebursts 1 which proved to be light and cost effective. The relative to ambient sound levels, and alarm SpectrumisgiveninFig.3;sourcelevelexceeded longevity are being developed and assessed. 140dB re 1uPaat 1m. Longevityofthesignalhas Until the BASA and Lien (Cairns) alarms yet to be determined although it is anticipated to currently in use have attained their fillI develop- be -21 days continuous operation. ment potential, specific recommendations on McPherson etal. (1999)describedtheacoustic waaltaerrmsdceapnlnooytmbeentmaodne.obstacles in Queensland features and construction of the Lien (Cairns) piezo alarm, adevelopment ofthe original piezo Thethresholdforauditorydetectionofasignal alarm described by Lien et al. (1995). Further is considered to occur when the signal level work has increased the longevityofthesealarms equals the background noise level in a certain to 40 days continuous operation and the alarm is bandwidth, known as the masking band seen as a cheaper variation suitable for deploy- (Richardson etal., 1995).Noiseoutsidethisband mentwithin Queenslandcommercial fisheries,at would have little effect on the detection of least until a full production commercial model is signals. Research on hearingin marinemammals available. EnvironmentAustraliahasfundedDPI has shown that a range ofvalues for the width of tocontinuedevelopmentand construction ofthis the masking band exists for tonal signals. Most alarmtype for immediateuse within commercial results vary between 1/6 and 1/3 of an octave, fisheries that may take marine mammals. One although some are less (Richardson et al., 1995); hundred alarms have been constructed with a the most conservative approach is to assume a numberhavingbeenprovidedtogillnetoperators masking band of1/3 octave. As the fundamental lo conduct logistical gear deployment trials frequencyofthepresentBASAwhalealarmsand includingattachmenttonets,operatingdepthand Lien (Cairns) alarms fall within the 1/3 octave vessel storage. band of 2,810-3,540Hz, the signal-noise-ratio 504 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM (SNR) ofalarm tone bursts are compared to the instancesthewhaleswereattemptingtoavoidthe background noise within this 1/3 octave band. gear, but probably detecied it too late to avoid Background ambient noise levels include collision. No SNR data were available for these experiments. biological noise such as snapping shrimp, wave motionandbreakingsurfwithin20-S()m fromthe For a particular background noise level, the nets, depending on tide state. Considerable spacing of alarms required to give a minimum variability has been detected between different SNR of a chosen value of +10dB (or the more beaches within QSCP contract areas. Ambient conservative +15dB) within 15m ofthe net can levels may change with sea state and wind be determined using the method given by strength, while at more sheltered beaches McPherson et al. (1999). Assessment of alarm ambient noise may be dominated by snapping signal propagation and ambient noise levels is shrimp with spectral levels between 65-80dB re conducted for each beach within QSCP contract l(iPa"/Hz at 3kHz irrespective of weather areas, or commercial fishery areas. Under most conditions. Ambient levelsin fishingareas inside alarm,propagation and ambientlevel conditions, theGreatBarrierReefwherewaterdepthis>20m a+15dB SNR is achieved 15mout from each net appeartobedominatedby fishchorusesthatmay between adjacent alarms, ifalarms are spaced reach spectral levels of 65dB re luPa7Hz at 50m along the net. As QSCP nets are 186m in -3kHz (R. McCauley, pers. comra.). length, contractors are currently required to There are few biological data to determine the position five alarms on gillnets a minimum of most appropriatepositioning ofalarmson nets in 45m apart, to achieve this SNR/distance out relation to auditory capacityofmarine mammals scenario. andbackgroundnoise. Krausetal. (1995) spaced Whether the +15dB SNR at 15m from the net d1r0okpHpzedatloaramSsNaRt odfis+t1a5ncdeBsanwdhedreemonSsPtLr*aStehdada sisceanmairinoiimsuampporrokprnioawteniasconuosttkicnoswtnan,dahrodwaegvaeirnsitt significant reduction in bycatch of harbour whichwhaleentrapments.orlackofthem,canbe porpoise. Gearin et al. (1999) placed alarms a compared. distance apart thai permitted harbour porpoise to hear 3kHz alarms at a SNR of +10dB up to a FUTURE RESEARCH Beaufort sea state of4 (i.e. 11-16 knots). As spacing between alarms increases it heightens thechance ofan acoustic 'hole' occur- Environment Australia has funded DPI, ringforananimal approachingapointonthe net. University ofQueensland, Memorial University or gear, midway between two alarms. The only of Newfoundland, SEANET and Queensland discernible acoustic cues wouldbeon eitherside Parks and Wildlife Service to examine the oftheapproachinganimal,butnotdirectlyahead. behavioural responses ofdugongs and dolphins Acoustic 'holes' would be more significant to acoustic alarms. Funding has also been where the range from the line ofsources is less provided forthe furtherdevelopmentofthe Lien than the source spacing, which would normally (Cairns) alarm for deployment throughout be the case of interest. In this situation, the Queensland's gillnet fisheries, including those received signal would be dominated by the that may interact with humpback whales. It is contributions ofthe closest two alarms, and the hopedthroughtheseexperimentswewillcometo contributions from other alarms could be more fully assess bycatch in gillnet fisheries and neglected. Thereceivedsignalislowestwhen the develop effective means to minimise it. rleinceeivoefra(laanirmmasl)atisroinghta lainngelwehsicahndcrmosisde-swtahye coDnPdIucdtoesacnooutsbteilcieavelaitrwmourledsebaeracphprtohpartiatmeatyo between two adjacent alarms. jeopardise the lives ofmarine mammals simply The minimum distance from the net that in order to achieve more rigorous experiments provides humpback whales sufficient time or that would demonstrate >95% probability of space to avoid a collision was considered to be effectiveness for alarms. Gribble et al. (1998) 15m based on the maximum length for the described the level of bycatch of marine species. Lien et al. ( 1990) and Lien et al. (1992) mammals in Queensland gillnet fisheries as indicated that the circumstances in which probably minor and there will be no attempt to humpback whales were caught in both alarmed raise fishing effort to increase bycatch numbers and non-alarmed nets suggested that in some simply to achieve a statistical probability. , M mi STIC Al ARMS ACKNOWLEDGEMEN'IS n \\z i,v tfl educe incidental moilalily of The at sea assistance of QSCP contractors harbouu.rmoplwrpFoisitsai mIDduillwnefisldlIifiin.il RcmpOfdlatti<3<th ton (Gold Coast)i Noel Walker : ... D.C.April 1995. I i (mSuonbsthaiinneinCgoaRsetl)dadnadtaJeafnfdBafetwknoibasnenrv(aMtiaocnksayo)f ii sjUI , BARNEJY. IWW.JjTjOlcDcDt,soSlMad5dEinTg0soundsto humpback whale behaviouraroundnets has been cA traps on the probability of collisions by essential foi the developtneni of an effective humpbackwhales.Pp. U1-7M.In rbomasj '• asccioeunsttiifcicalaadrvmiCsftlraOteHgy.acoWuestiarces garnatdefwulhafloei man tl »cRn-oA\ A. S>umpiiu (P'leinum Presa;i Ni.ie.iw behaviour provided by Doug Cato (Defence Yoik). Sriencc and Technology Organisation). Mike LIEN.BOJ.R.GGHAOAORDD,,DC..XHPlIST!T!MOAIVMiCv, WRlUlESLN.TRP.,, NRooabdMacnCdauKlecnySc(hCumltizm(CUnniivveerrssiitt)y)ofa'nSduinIev), t1estsMoAfHaOcNou,stiTc. &devMicIeTsCoHnELgLro,unDd.lis1h995g.illFnieetlxd; Hague (University of Queensland). Olivia assessment ofeffectiveness is rcdiw inj tiartx u oWrhiygibnialrdpiaes/soisateldarmwsitmhadcoensitnruCcatiironns. oDfenliitse pIohropnoiiasse. I Aalc&fe NaPcph.i1g-.2il2l., IPn.P.Kas(attesl)emS.enKs.oAr.y. i Ballnm ofSkANl-T and the scnmi authors &ot)S cmsofa<malii noamxc Is 1 1 fcSpil Publi Craigand Rohan assi&ted withtheconstructionof Woetden). the Lien (t kirns) alunns i ii N C LAM B, GR1BB1 I N & McPHERSON. We thank Barry Anderson (BASA Technical GR. 199S. Use ol acoustic alartiis u> reduce Services. Hnsivtnc) tor assisiauce wnh develop- ohnnniQpbuaecelns^lhaalnid'bsy GttoclndinsChonatsktc.ontPrpo.lg4il5bi-e4ti6 ment ol'that company's alarm and Siegfried Eigl (Ahsiiaeu In pribblc N. v.. WcWttetscm,CiR. (& Iv.'rPtohs-dieov-eNleogpmEleencttroofnitchse,LCiaeinrn(sC)airfnusrjaaslsairstma.nce cioansnecrvatiion.(edS'esc)onSdhaWiorkldi fiishieriesiCcontn^aen^ds Workshop Proceedings, Brisbane August 1996 LITERATURE CITED Queensland Dept of Pritnarv Indusitiea CORWIN. J.T. 198!. Audition in clasmobranchs. Pp. [ onk-rence and Workshop Series No QC9 I 81-105. In TivoUn, W.N., Popper, A.N. & Fay, LIEN. J., TODD, S. & CFUIGNE, .1. 199ft fofaencew K(islKic.--o.-d(.S,p)riInkgeiri-nVnfgeralnadg:sNouenwdYcoormkm)u.nicaii. nhbuomupibapcerkeepwthiadlnes,in flroorrrgte ienectisdceenatnasl. ceastpcthes Wm DUDLEY. S.F.J. 1998. Shark netting in Natal fixedi :" al mi 1 1 ieitfofnjflsb Kwa/ulu: an update, and a personal perspective devtcex, and the acpi^liCS of fishing eKcai lvp \.A.. 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