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Preview Review Article Silencing Viral MicroRNA as a Novel Antiviral Therapy? - Hindawi

HindawiPublishingCorporation JournalofBiomedicineandBiotechnology Volume2009,ArticleID419539,18pages doi:10.1155/2009/419539 Review Article Silencing Viral MicroRNA as a Novel Antiviral Therapy? UgoMoens DepartmentofMicrobiologyandVirology,UniversityofTromsø,N-9037Tromsø,Norway CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoUgoMoens,[email protected] Received28December2008;Accepted20March2009 RecommendedbyBibekanandMallick Virusesareintracellularparasitesthatensuretheirexistencebyconvertinghostcellsintoviralparticleproducingentitiesorinto hidingplacesrenderingthevirusinvisibletothehostimmunesystem.Somevirusesmayalsosurvivebytransformingtheinfected cellintoanimmortaltumourcell.MicroRNAsaresmallnon-codingtranscriptsthatfunctionasposttranscriptionalregulators of gene expression. Viruses encode miRNAs that regulate expression of both cellular and viral genes, and contribute to the pathogenicpropertiesofviruses.Hence,neutralizingtheactionofviralmiRNAsexpressionbycomplementarysingle-stranded oligonucleotidesorso-calledanti-miRNAsmayrepresentastrategytocombatviralinfectionsandviral-inducedpathogenesis. ThisreviewdescribesthemiRNAsencodedbyhumanviruses,anddiscussesthepossibletherapeuticapplicationsofanti-miRNAs againstviraldiseases. Copyright©2009UgoMoens.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense,which permitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. 1.Introduction [10]. Thus the pathogenic properties of viruses necessitate thedevelopmentofefficientantiviraltherapies. Viruses are common habitants of the human population, Viruses attempt to create a favorable cellular environ- where they establish different forms of infection, including ment allowing viral replication or survival by establishing anacute,achronic,orapersistentinfectionwithproduction a lifelong latent infection through evading the immune of low levels of virions. Some viruses can exist in a true system of their hosts. Viruses can hide within a cell by latent state in which infectious particles are only produced restricting their activity to a minimum so as not to conceal upon reactivation stimuli. Viruses that reside harmlessly in their presence to the immune system and at the same time theirhostcanundercertainconditionsorinimmunocom- they will also try to avoid apoptosis. For these purposes, promised persons be responsible for malignant and non- viruses have developed different strategies, one of which malignant diseases, which may even lead to the death of includes the posttranscriptional regulation of both cellular the host. A causal role for human polyomaviruses (HPyV), and viral gene expressions through modulating the host’s papillomaviruses (HPV), herpesviruses (HHV), hepatitis B RNA-interference (RNAi) machinery. Viruses can suppress virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and human T-cell the RNAi pathway by viral microRNA (vmiRNA) targeting lymphotropic virus type-I (HTLV-I) and cancer is accepted cellular or viral transcripts, or by viral proteins (e.g., (forrecentreviewssee[1–7]).Itisestimatedthatoncoviruses humanimmunodeficiencyvirusTatprotein,influenzavirus areassociatedwith15%ofthehumancancers[8],whilenon- NS1/NS2 protein, Ebola VP35 protein, and vaccinia virus malignant infections from human immunodeficiency virus E3L protein) or viral RNA (Adenovirus VA transcripts) (HIV), HBV and HCV alone cause more than 3 million that counteract the host’s RNAi machinery (for recent deaths annually worldwide [9]. Other viral infections (HIV reviews see [11–17]). This review summarizes the recent no included) were responsible for the death of more than findings on virus-encoded miRNAs and their described 6000 patients in Japan in 2006, ∼7000 individuals in the functions and briefly discusses the potential of antiviral USA in 2005, and 555 people in United Kingdom in 2006 miRNA as a novel therapeutic strategy in combating virus according the statistics of the World Health Organization infections. 2 JournalofBiomedicineandBiotechnology 2.MicroRNA(miRNA) duplex formation with their target sequences and they display excellent mismatch discrimination, hence avoiding MiRNAs are noncoding small RNA molecules that act as off-target effects (for recent reviews see [28] and [29]). posttranscriptionalregulators.Theyseemtobeaninherent LNAinjectionsagainstmiR-122,acellularmiRNAinvolved part of the genomes of most living organisms as they have in lipid metabolism, resulted in efficient and long-lasting been described in plants, unicellular and lower inverte- decrease in plasma cholesterol in African green monkeys brates, all vertebrates, and in viruses. Their exact functions without any evidence for toxicities [30]. A second type start to emerge and include control of cellular processes of modification is the phosphorothioate backbone which such as differentiation, morphogenesis, organogenesis, and reduces the affinity to the target somewhat, but it confers metabolism [18–22]. MiRNAs are typically generated by significantstabilitytonucleasedegradation(Figure1(b)).A RNA polymerase II. The primary transcript (pri-miRNA) thirdgenerationofantisenseoligonucleotidesarephospho- is processed by the RNase III enzyme Drosha, in concert diamidatemorpholinooligomers(PMO)inwhichtheribose with double-stranded (ds) RNA-binding protein DGCR8 ringisreplacedwithamorpholinering.Addinganarginine- into a ∼60 pre-miRNA hairpin. This nuclear pre-miRNA richpeptide(RXR) furtherincreasedthestabilityandtissue 4 isthentransported into thecytoplasma byexportin 5/Ran- retention of the PMO (reviewed in [31]). An additional GTP and cleaved by the cytoplasmic RNase III Dicer to modificationcanbemadetoimprovethecellularuptakeof generate an imperfect ds RNA of 21–25 nucleotides. One theAMO.Kru¨tzfeldtetal.linkedacholesterolmoietytotheir of the strands, the mature miRNA strand or guide strand, AMOs and referred to these anti-miRNAs as antagomirs. is loaded in the RNA induced silencing complex (RISC), Antagomirs should be >19 nucleotides in length to provide and directs RISC to the target mRNA, where the complex highest efficiency in silencing target miRNA [32–34]. The hybridizesto(partially)complementarysequencesresulting putative therapeutic potentials of antagomirs were recently in cleavage or translational inhibition of the target mRNA. demonstrated in treatment of lipid metabolic disease in The unincorporated strand, called the passenger strand, is animals[35].AnalternativeclassofAMOsispeptidenucleic degraded. The seed region, which encompasses nucleotides acids (PNA), which are synthetic oligonucleotides with N- 2 to 8 of the 5’ ends of miRNA, plays a pivotal role in (2-aminoethyl)-glycine replacing the deoxyribose or ribose target selection by RISC-bound miRNA (for recent reviews backbone[36].Astudypublishedin2008reportedthatPNA see [23–25]). In animals, mature miRNAs do not require can efficiently block the action of cellular miRNAs [37]. completecomplementaritytotheirtargetmRNAs,enabling Finally, another approach in silencing miRNA is the use of them to bind to and prevent translation of several mRNAs. so-calledmicroRNAsponge,asyntheticmRNAthatcontains Experimental evidence suggests that a single miRNA can multiple binding sites for a particular miRNA and that is potentiallytargetasmanyas200differentmRNAs[26–28]. transcribed from a plasmid containing a strong promoter Assuch,miRNAshavemergedaspivotalposttranscriptional (reviewed in [28]). In conclusion, different classes of AMO regulatorsofgeneexpressioninmulticellulareukaryotesand havebeenshowntobeefficientinsilencingmiRNAandmay aberrant expression can contribute to diseases ([28] and beusefultherapeutictools(reviewedin[29,32–34,38]). referencestherein). 3.SilencingofmiRNAby 4.ViralmiRNAsEncodedbyHumanViruses Anti-miRNAOligonucleotides 4.1. Human polyomaviruses. (HPyV) are nonenveloped Anti-miRNAoligonucleotides(AMOs)arechemicallymod- viruses with a circular ds DNA genome of approximately ified synthetic oligonucleotides that are complementary to 5000 base-pairs. The members BK virus and JC virus were their target sequence and this will silence the action of first isolated in 1971 from the urine of a renal transplant the target. AMOs are modified with the dual purpose patient with the initials B.K., and from the brain of a to stabilize them and to improve their affinity for their Hodgkin’slymphomapatientwithinitialsJ.C.whosuffered targets. One modification is the 2’ sugar modification from progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), which implies a chemical modification of the 2’-O of respectively. Human infections with the rhesus macaque the ribose residue (Figure1(a)). The 2’-O -methyl AMOs (Macaca mulatta) Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40) were have a methyl group linked to the 2’-O of the ribose considered as accidental transmission of the virus from residue, while the 2’-O - methoxyethyl AMOs contain a monkeystopeoplelivinginclosecontactwiththeseanimals methoxygroup.ThismodificationprovidesimprovedRNase or through vaccination with the contaminated poliovirus resistanceandbindingaffinitytoRNAcomparedtounmod- vaccines.However,recentobservationssupportthepossibil- ified antioligonucleotides. However, 2’-O -methoxyethyl itythatSV40canspreadinhumansbyhorizontalinfection AMOspossessahigheraffinityandspecificitytoRNAthan andevenverticaltransmission,suggestingthatmanmaybe their 2’-O -methyl AMOs. Other 2’ sugar modifications a natural host for this virus. The human polyomaviruses that have been used include 2’-fluor and locked nucleic seem to be implicated in tumours of the brain, bone, acid (LNA). In LNA-modified oligonucleotides, the 2’-O - colon,mesothelium,pancreas,stomach,urogenitaltract,and oxygen is bridged to the 4’-position via a methylene linker lymphomasandleukaemias(reviewedin[39,40]).In2007, to form a rigid bicycle, locked into a C3’-end (RNA) two independent research groups reported the isolation sugar conformation (Figure1(a)). LNAs give very strong of two new human polyomaviruses from nasopharyngeal JournalofBiomedicineandBiotechnology 3 O O O O O -O P = O -O P = O -O P = O -O P = O -S P = O O O O O O O O O O Base Base Base Base O Base O OH O O CH3 O O O O O O OH -O P = O -O P = O -O P = O CH3 -O P = O -S P = O O O O O O O O O O Base Base Base Base O Base O OH O O CH O O O O 3 O O OH CH3 RNA 2’-O-methyl-RNA 2’-O-methoxyethyl-RNA LNA Phosphorothioate (a) (b) Figure1:Commonchemicalmodificationsusedforanti-miRNAoligonucleotides(AMO).(A)Modificationsofthe2’-Oresidueinribose. (B)Modificationofthephosphate-ribosebackbone.LNA=lockednucleicacid.Seetextfordetails. samples and they are referred to as KIPyV WUPyV [41, therapeutic effect [47]. Expression of a corresponding or 42]. This year a novel human polyomavirus, Merkel cell otherviral-encodedmiRNAfortheotherHPyVWUandKI polyomavirus (MCPyV), was identified that is associated islackingsofar. withMerkelcellcarcinoma[43]. TheHPyVgenomecanbedividedintothreefunctional regions. The early region encodes the early proteins large 4.2. Human Papillomaviruses. Human papillomaviruses T-antigen (LT-ag) and small t-antigen (st-ag), while the (HPV) are nonenveloped viruses with a circular dsDNA late region encodes the capsid proteins VP1-VP3 and the genomeofapproximately8000base-pairs.Thesevirusesare regulatory protein agnoprotein. Both regions are separated associatedwithbenignandmalignantlesionsoftheskinand bythenoncodingcontrolregionthatencompassestheorigin the genital tract. More than 100 different HPV genotypes ofreplicationandthepromoter/enhancersequencesforthe have been identified and based on their association with early and late genes (reviewed in [44]). The SV40 genome benign warts or cancer, they are classified as low-risk and encodes a viral miRNA (vmiRNA) of which both arms high-riskvariants,respectively[1]. are complementary to the early viral mRNAs and reduces One study with HPV type 31 failed to clone vmiRNA expression of the early proteins (Figure2(a); Table1). Cells fromvirus-infectedcells[58].However,thisdoesnotexclude infectedwithmutantSV40lackingthismiRNAorwithwild- that other strains may encode vmiRNA. Moreover, the type SV40 yielded comparable levels of infectious viruses, expression of vmiRNA may be regulated in a temporal but the latter were less sensitive to lysis by cytotoxic T cells and spatial manner, so that the experimental conditions andproducedlessinterferon-γ.ThusSV40-encodedmiRNA for capturing vmiRNA may be tricky. In addition, the high allowsthevirustoevadetheimmunesystem[45].TheSV40 mutation rate of HPV genome sequences may impede the miRNA is conserved in BKV and JCV and both miRNAs predictionofthepresenceofputativevmiRNA. generatedfromtheprecursorhairpinbindtothesametarget, thatis,theearlytranscripts.TheBKVandJCVmiRNAsserve the same role as SV40 miRNA, that is, downregulation of 4.3. Human Adenovirus. Adenoviruses are naked dsDNA early expression. JCV miRNA, miR-J1, was readily detected viruses that can cause mild respiratory, gastrointestinal, in brain samples of PML patients, suggesting a biological urogenital,andoculardisease.Morethan50serotypeshave role of this miRNA [46]. The group of Sullivan has also been described in human. Although there is no proof for identifiedaMCPyV-encodedmiRNA,miR-M1,whichdoes a causative role in malignancies, adenoviruses can induce not share sequence identity with the known miRNAs of cancerinanimalmodelsandhavebeenextensivelystudiedto the other polyomaviruses. MCPyV miR-M1 is located in scrutinizeviralmechanismsforcellulartransformation[59]. the early region (Figure2(a)) and can downregulate early Adenovirus encodes small noncoding RNAs, known as gene expression. In accordance with SV40, this may allow virus-associated RNA or VAI and VAII RNA, which are thevirustoevadetheimmunesystem.However,MCPyVis generated by RNA polymerase III. This noncoding RNA associatedwithMerkelcellcarcinomaandtheviralgenome playsanimportantroleforviralreplicationandneutralizes is integrated in these tumours [43]. Blocking miR-M1 by, the antiviral action of interferon by blocking the dsRNA- for example, antagomirs will increase the expression of the induced protein kinase (PKR), which phosphorylates and viraloncoproteinLT-antigenandassuchhavelittlebeneficial thereby inactivates the eukaryotic translational initiation 4 JournalofBiomedicineandBiotechnology HPyV ORI HSV-1 miR-M1 UL US TRL IRL IRS TRS Late region Early region miR-H1 miR-H3 miR-H6 miR-H2 miR-H4 miR-H5 miR-S1 miR-J1 LAT locus miR-B1 ~118300 ~127000 (a) (b) HCMV miR miR US5-2 US25-2 miR miR miR miR miR miR miR miR UL22A-1 UL36-1 UL70-1 UL112-1 UL148D-1 US4-1 miR US25-1 US33-1 US5-1 miR UL71 US6 miR-US24 TRL UL23 IRL/IRS TRS UL21 UL23 UL36 UL37 UL70 UL112/UL113 UL114 UL150 US4US5 US7 US24 US26 US28US29 UL US (c) EBV EBERs EBNA-LP EBNA2BHRF1 EBNA3 EBNA1 BARTs LMP2A,B BHRF1 LMP1 miRNAs BART miRNAs (d) KSHV 117600 124000 K12 ORF 71 ORF 72 12 10 9 8 7 11 6 5 4 3 2 1 miR-K (e) Figure2:Continued. JournalofBiomedicineandBiotechnology 5 HIV tat miR-N367 gag vif nef vpu U3 R U5 pol vpr env U3 R U5 mi-TAR #1 #2 #3 rev #4 #1 #5 HAAmiR (f) Figure2:Schematicrepresentationofthegenomesofdifferenthumanvirusesandlocationofviral-encodedmiRNAs.(A)Thehuman polyomavirus(HPyV)BKvirus,JCvirus,SV40,andMerkelCellpolyomavirusencodetheviralmiRNAsmiR-B1,miR-J1,miR-S1,andmiR- M1,respectively[45–47].(B)Herpessimplexvirus-1genomewithdetailoftheLATlocus.Thenumbersrefertotheapproximatesequence coordinatesoftheLATlocus.L=long,S=short,U=unique,TR=terminalrepeat,andIR=internalrepeat.Thefigureismodifiedafter[48]. (C)GenomicmapofHCMVwithrelativepositionofsomeofthegenes.Theopenreadingframesaredepictedbythickarrows,whilethe positionoftheviralmiRNAsareindicatedbynarrowarrows.L=long,S=short,U=unique,TR=terminalrepeat,andIR=internalrepeat. Modifiedafter[49]and[50].(D)LocationofthemiRNAsintheEBVgenome.Thelatencygenesareshownasgreyboxes,whilethemiRNAs areindicatedbyverticallines.(E)Kaposi’ssarcoma-associatedherpesvirus(KSHVorHHV-8).MostKSHVmiRNAsareclusteredbetween thekaposin(K12)geneandthev-FLIP(ORF71)gene,whiletwoarelocatedwithintheK12openreadingframe(ORF).Adaptedfrom[51]. (F)TheHIV-1genomeandlocationoftheviral-encodedmiRNAs.Thefigureisbasedonacompilationofthestudiesby[52–57]. factor 2 [60]. A recent study showed that a minor frac- but it can also cause a spectrum of diseases from sight- tion of VAI RNA is processed by Dicer into functional threateningocularinfectionsinimmunocompetentadultsto RISC-associated ssRNA which can act as miRNA (Table1). moresevereinfectionsinnewbornsandimmunosuppressed Blocking of VAI-derived small RNA by 2’-O -methyl AMO patients(reviewedin[89]). complementarytoVAIdecreasedvirionproduction[61–63]. An important gene in HSV latency is the LAT gene. In an attempt to identify potential targets for VAI-derived This gene encodes the latency-associated transcript (LAT), miRNA, computational analysis was used. Putative targets which does not code for a protein. LAT seems to promote include genes encoding apoptosis-related protein NAPOR cell survival of the infected cells [90]. Gupta and cowork- and PKR-activating protein PACT. Therefore VAI RNA- ers proposed that the antiapoptotic activity of LAT was derived miRNA may help adenovirus to escape the actions achieved by an miRNA-entrapped in the LAT (miR-LAT), ofthehostdefensemechanisms[64]. whichdownregulatestheexpressionoftransforminggrowth factor-β (TGF-β) and SMAD3. The latter is a mediator of the signalling pathway induced by TGF-β, while TGF- 4.4. Human Herpesviruses. Herpesviruses are enveloped β can prevent cell proliferation and induce cell death [67]. dsDNAviruseswithagenomesizerangingbetween∼130to However,alaterstudyrevealedthatthedescribedmiR-LAT ∼250kilobase-pairs.Theyaredividedintothreesubfamilies wasnotviralencoded,butinfactacellularmiRNAexpressed denoted α, β, and γ. Approximately 130 different her- in SH-SY-5Y cells [67] and the report describing miR-LAT pesviruseshavebeenidentifiedtodate,includingthehuman was retracted [91]. Work by Umbach et al. could also not α-herpesvirusesherpessimplexvirus1(HSV-1orHHV-1), confirmtheexistenceofthismiRNAinHSV-1infectedSH- herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2 or HHV-2), Varicella-zoster SY-5Ycells[48].Later,itwasshownthattheHSV-1LATexon virus(VZVorHHV-3),theβ-herpesvirusescytomegalovirus encodesHSV-1miR-LAT-ICP34.5,whichcanbedetectedin (HCMV or HHV-5), HHV-6A, HHV-6B, and HHV-7, the HSV-1infectedcells[89].Circa120base-pairsupstreamin γ-herpesviruses Epstein-Barr virus (EBV or HHV-4), and this region, a sequence with 77% homology to the HSV-2 Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated virus (KSHV or HHV-8). All miRNAmiR-I(seefurther)ispresent,butnomaturemiRNA human herpesviruses are able to establish latent infections wasdetectedinHSV-1infectedcells.However,theexistence with only a small subset of viral genes expressed (reviewed of this miRNA during HSV-1 latency in vivo remains to be in[64]).Aswillbediscussedinthenextsection,amongthe confirmed[68]. viraltranscriptsthatcanbedetectedinlatentlyinfectedcells Computationalanalysispredicted24-miRNAcandidates are viral-encoded miRNAs, which seem to be required to in the HSV-1 genome, 8 of which were conserved in HSV- maintain a latent state of infecton, but may also contribute 2, suggesting they may be functional miRNAs [69]. The tothepathogenicpropertiesofthevirus. authors confirmed the expression of one mature miRNA, designated miR-H1, in HSV-1 infected Vero cells, where it 4.4.1. HSV-1. Herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1 or human wasexpressedlateinproductivereplication.ThismiRNAis herpes virus 1; HHV1) infects the majority of the human encodedapproximately450bpupstreamofthetranscription population,butremainsalatentcohabitantinmostpeople. startsiteoftheLATtranscript,butacorrespondingsequence Reactivation of the viruses usually results in cold sores, is not conserved in the HSV-2. The function of miR-H1 6 JournalofBiomedicineandBiotechnology Table1:MicroRNAsencodedbyhumanvirusesandtheirtargets.Seetextfordetails. Virus miRNA Target/function Reference Humanpolyomaviruses Downregulationearly SV40 miR-S1 [45] expression;Immunomodulating BKV miR-B1 Downregulationearlyexpression [46] JCV miR-J1 Downregulationearlyexpression [46] MCPyV miR-M1 Downregulationearlyexpression [47] Humanpapillomavirus notpredicted [65] notdetected [66] Humanadenovirus unnamed [61–63] Humanparvovirus notpredicted [65] Preventsapoptosisbytargeting miR-LAT [67](retracted),[48,68, HSV-1(HHV1) translationofthegenesencoding (withinexon1) 69],[70] TGF-β1andSMAD3 miR-LAT- ICP34.5 Repressionoftheexpressionof miR-H1 theviralproteinICP0,which promotesviralreplication DownregulationofICP34.5,a miR-H2 keyviralneurovirulencefactor DownregulationofICP34.5,a miR-H3 keyviralneurovirulencefactor miR-H4 DownregulationofICP4,aviral miR-H5 transcriptionalactivator ReducedexpressionofICP34.5,a miR-H6 keyviralneurovirulencefactor HSV-2(HHV2) miR-I miR-II miR-III VZV(HHV3) notpredicted [65,71] HCMV(HHV5) miR-UL23 Immunomodulating [12,49,65,72–74] miR-UL36-1 miR-UL54-1 miR-UL70-1 miR-UL22A-1 Downregulatestheexpressionof CMVgenesinvolvedinitsown replicationprocess,forexample, transactivatorsIE72andIE86; miR-UL112-1 UL120/121;UL114MHCclass I-relatedchainB(MICB),a cellularligandfortheactivating receptorNKG2D; downregulationofIE-1 miR-UL148D-1 miR-US4-1 miR-US5-1 miR-US5-2 miR-US24 JournalofBiomedicineandBiotechnology 7 Table1:Continued. Virus miRNA Target/function Reference miR-US25-1 miR-US25-2 miR-US33-1 Bndscomponentsofthe mitochondrialrespiratorychain RNAβ2.7 complexIandthuspreventing apoptosis miR-BART1-1 EBV(HHV4) InhibitionLMP1expression [24],[51,75–79] to-3 InhibitEBVDNApolymerase BALF5 miR-BART2 InhibitionLMP1expression miR-BART3 Antiapoptoticby miR-BART4 downregulationofPUMA miR-BART5 miR-BART6 InhibitionLMP1expression miR-BART7 miR-BART8 miR-BART9 miR-BART10 miR-BART11 miR-BART12 miR-BART13 miR-BART14 InhibitionLMP1expression miR-BART15 InhibitionLMP1expression miR-BART16 miR-BART17 miR-BART18 miR-BART19 Downregulationchemokine miR-BART20 CXCL-11 miR-BHFR-1 miR-BHFR-2 miR-BHFR-3 Downregulationof KSHV(HHV-8) miR-K12-1 [51,66,75,80–82] thrombospondin1andBACH Downregulationof miR-K12-2 thrombospondin1 miR-K12-3 miR-K12-4 Downregulationof miR-K12-5 thrombospondin1andBACH miR-K12-6 miR-K12-7 miR-K12-8 miR-K12-9 miR-K12-10a Downregulationof miR-K12-10b thrombospondin1andBACH-1; miR-K12-11 IdenticaltomiR-155 8 JournalofBiomedicineandBiotechnology Table1:Continued. Virus miRNA Target/function Reference miR-K12-12 Poxvirusvacciniavirus 3predicted [65] Poxvirusvariolavirus 1predicted [65] HepatitisBvirus [54] HepatitisCvirus Humanimmunodeficiencyvirus miR-H1 HDAC-1-mediatedrepressionof Type1(HIV-1) miR-TAR [83] viralgeneexpression miR-TAR-5p [84] miR-TAR-p DownregulationIL-15,IL-2 HAAmiRNA receptorγchain,IRAK1,and [56] FMRP Proteinsinvolvedin,for example,signaltransduction, VmiRNA#1-5 [85] proteinsynthesis,and degradation,DNAmethylation miR-N367 HIVpromoterinterference [86] HIV-2 miR-TAR2-5p [87] miR-TAR2-3p HTLV-I notdetected [88] Paramyxoviridae(measlesvirus) 1predicted [65] remains to be established and no cellular target mRNAs HSV-2 infection varies between 10–60%. Reactivation can were identified [69]. Umbach and coworkers detected in causeoro-facialandgenitalherpes,butHSV-2infectioncan addition to miR-H1 five novel viral miRNAs in trigeminal alsocauseencephalitisandneonatalherpes,andformsarisk ganglia of mice latently infected by HSV-1, as well as in factor for HIV acquisition [89]. The only detectable viral HSV-1-infected Vero cells. These miRNAs, that is, miR-H1 transcriptduringHSV-2latencyistheLAT,butthemolecular tomiR-H6,areencompassedintheLATlocus(Figure2(b)). function of this transcript remains largely unknown [92]. By quantitative RT-PCR, the authors were able to roughly HSV-2 LAT exon encodes an miRNA, referred to as miR- estimate the number of copies of each miRNA during I, which is expressed during latent, as well as during acute productiveinfectionofVerocells.MiR-H1andmiR-H6were infection. Remarkably, several promoters regulate miR-I expressed at ∼1200 and 300 copies, respectively, while the expression in different stages of the viral life cycle. This othermiR-Hswerepresentatlessthan40copiesperinfected HSV-2 miRNA efficiently diminishes the expression of cell. In latently infected trigeminal ganglia, much higher the viral neurovirulence factor ICP34.5, a multifunctional levels were monitored with 63000 copies of miR-H2, 8000 protein required for viral replication in neuronal cells in copiesofmiR-H3,800000copiesofmiR-H4,80000copiesof miR-H5,and40000copiesofmiR-H6.Thelargedifference vivo,andwithintrinsicneurovirulentproperties[93].Thus, miR-I may affect the outcome of infection (latent versus in numbers of miRNA transcripts in latently infected cells productive) by modulating the protein levels of ICP34.5. comparedtocellswithproductiveHSV-1infectionindicates WhethermiR-Ihasothertargetsremainstobeinvestigated, that miR-Hs play an important role in establishing latent HSV-1infection.Indeed,miR-H2expressiondiminishedthe butanmiR-IanalogueisalsoexpressedbyHSV-1,indicating protein levels of ICP0, a viral transcriptional activator that the importance of this miRNA for these viruses [68]. Tang promotesviralreplication,whilemiR-H6inhibitsexpression and colleagues identified two new HSV-2 miRNAs, miR- of ICP4, which is required for expression of most HSV-1 II, which includes miR-II-5p and miR-II-3p, and miR-III, genesduringreproductiveinfection[48]. both encoded byexon 2 of LAT. The expression of miR-I, - II, and –III increased during infection of cells, but miR-III 4.4.2.HSV-2. HSV-2typicallyinfectsthegenitalregionand displayedslowerkineticsthanthetwoothermiRNAs.Similar establishesalifelonglatentinfection.Theprevalenceoflatent to miR-I, miR-II silences the expression of ICP34.5,while JournalofBiomedicineandBiotechnology 9 miR-IIIfunctionallyresemblesHSV-ImiR-H2inthatitcan of them is the viral transactivator protein called immediate downregulatetheexpressionofICP0[70]. early72(IE72)thatregulatesthetranscriptionofviralgenes requiredforacutereplication[50].IE72playsapivotalrolein controllinglatencyandreactivation.miR-UL-112-1canthus 4.4.3.Varicella-ZosterVirus(VZV). VZVisacommonvirus restrictreactivationofthevirusthroughnegativeregulation thatcauseschickenpoxorvaricelladuringprimaryinfection. ofIE72expression[50,95].Twoseparatestudiesshowedthat Thevirusestablishesalatentinfection,butreactivationleads miR-UL112-1 also inhibited expression of the immediate to herpes zoster, commonly referred to as shingles. Acute earlyproteinIE1.Murphyetal.detectedincreasedIE1levels VZV reactivation may lead to post-herpetic neuralgia [94]. in cells infected with either a virus lacking miR-UL112- NoputativemiRNAscouldbepredictedintheVZVgenome 1 or with mutations in the seed sequence of the ie1 gene [65, 71], but experimental studies to unambiguously proof comparedtocellsinfectedwithwild-typeHCMV[73].Grey theexistenceofVZVmiRNAarelacking. and coworkers demonstrated that addition of miR-UL112- 1 RNA prior to infection reduced IE1 protein levels and 4.4.4. Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV). HCMV causes blocked viral replication [74]. IE1 is a crucial protein to mild or subclinical diseases in immunocompetent adults, ascertainlyticreplicationofHCMV,thusdownregulationof but can lead to life-threatening complications in immuno- IE1mayhelpthevirustoestablishlatency.Thisstrategymay compromised patients such as organ transplant recipients beacommonfeatureforherpesvirusesbecauseimmediate- and AIDS patients. In addition, HCMV is one of the early genes may be putative targets for HSV-1 miR-LAT, leadingviralcausesofbirthdefectsandhasbeenimplicated EBV miR-BART15 and miR-BHRF1-3, and KSHV miR- in the acceleration of long-term vascular diseases such K12-6-3p [73]. Yet another target for miR-UL112-1 is the as atherosclerosis. Depending on the tissue type and the viral protein UL114, a homologue of the mammalian DNA host’s immune state,HCMV canestablish acute,persistent, repair enzyme uracyl-DNA glycosylase. UL114 is required or latent infections characterized by different viral gene for efficient viral DNA replication. Hence, miR-UL112-1- expression [95, 96]. Because other herpesviruses encode mediateddownregulationofUL114maypreventviralDNA miRNAs, it was assumed that HCMV may encode miRNAs replication and favor a latent infection state [65]. Taken whichcouldbeinvolvedindeterminingthetypeofinfection. together,theactionsofmiR-UL112-1seemtobeassociated Todate,15HCMVvmiRNAs,scatteredthroughouttheviral with latent viral infection, a state which allows the virus to genome, have been identified (see Table1 and Figure2(c)). hide from the immune system. Ablating expression of this ThreeviralmiRNAs,designatedasUL23-5p,miR-UL23-3p, viral-encoded miRNAs by AMOs may therefore force the and miR-US24, were identified that are expressed during virus into a lytic cycle and provide the immune system the productiveHCMVinfectionofpermissivecells(humanfore- opportunitytogetrideoftheviralinfection. skinfibroblasts,astrocytomaU373MGcells,retinalpigment epithelialcells,andhumanmicrovascularendothelialcells). Their putative cellular target genes include genes encoding 4.4.5. EBV. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) or human herpses- transcriptionfactors(e.g.,HNF3andTGIF2),receptors(e.g., virus-4(HHV-4)isaγ-herpesvirusthatestablishesalifelong IL-18 receptor 1 precursor; CD206), proteins implicated in latent infection in B-lymphocytes in more than 90% of T-cell activation (AHNAK1), in signal transduction (e.g., the human population. EBV is associated with infectious RAB2L), and in biosynthesis of leukotrienes that sustain mononucleosisandhasbeenimplicatedinthepathogenesis inflammatory reactions (coactosin-like protein). Whether of several malignancies including Burkitt’s and Hodgkin’s thesegenesrepresentbonafidetargetsaswellasthebiological lymphomas,posttransplantandT-celllymphomas,X-linked relevance of HCMV miRNA-mediated silencing of these lymphoproliferative syndrome, nasopharyngeal, and gastric genesremainselusive[49]. carcinomas [97]. Latently EBV-infected cells are classified HCMV usually establishes a lifelong persistent or latent in stage I, II, or III, each of them characterized by distinct state in healthy individuals by ensuring that infected cells EBVgeneexpression[98].Amongthelatencystage-specific avoid immune recognition. The HCMV-encoded miRNA EBV transcripts are miRNAs. More than 20 different EBV miR-UL112-1seemstoplayacentralroleinhelpingthevirus miRNAs have been identified that are transcribed during to hide from the host’s immune system. This viral miRNA latentinfection(Table1;[25,51,75–79]).TheEBVmiRNAs targetsmRNAforMHCclassI-relatedchainB(MICB),and areorganizedintwomajorclusterswithintheEBVgenome toalesserextendMICA.Theseproteinsarecellularligands (Figure2(d)).OneclusterresidesintheBART(abbreviation for the activating receptor NKG2D, which is expressed on for BamHI-A rightward transcripts) region. The BART some natural killer (NK) cells, γ/δ T cells, and CD8+ T region gives rise to multispliced transcripts and is highly cells.Duringcellularstress(suchasviralinfection)MICBis expressed in EBV-positive cancers and in epithelial tissues, induced,thusactivatingNK-cellsandTcellsthatcanleadto while there is low BART expression in B lymphocytes. The thekillingofinfectedcells.Cellsinfectedwithmutantvirus exact function of BART mRNAs remains obscure [76]. The lackingthismiRNAweremoresusceptibletobeingkilledin intronic region of BART also encodes the miRNAs miR- anNKG2D-dependentmannerbyNKcells[72]. BART1 to miR-BART20. The second region that encodes The miR-UL112-1 also represses the expression of multiple miRNAs is the untranslated region of the gene HCMVgenesinvolvedinitsownreplicationprocess,inpart encoding BHRF1 (BamHI fragment H rightward open bytargetingmRNAencodingimmediateearlyproteins.One reading frame 1), a viral Bcl-2 homologue that prevents 10 JournalofBiomedicineandBiotechnology apoptosis. BHRF1 encompasses the miRNAs miR-BHRF-1- inhibited with an anti-miR-BART5 oligonucleotide, PUMA 1tomiR-BHRF-1-3[51,75]. protein levels decreased and apoptosis was triggered. Thus, The expressions of EBV-encoded miRNAs in clinical EBV may promote survival of infected epithelial cells by samples and computational analysis to predict putative modulating the expression of an apoptotic protein through targets were applied to unravel the biological functions of an miRNA-mediated mechanism. This finding may have EBVmiRNAs.TheseapproachesshowedthatthemiR-BARTs important implications in the development of anti-EBV areabundantlyexpressedinlatentlyinfectedepithelialcells, agentssuchasAMOsdirectedagainstmiR-BART5. nasopharyngeal carcinomas, EBV-associated gastric carci- Fewerstudieshavebeendirectedtodeterminethetargets nomacelllinesandtissues,Burkitt’slymphomaslatencytype ofmiR-BHRF1s.miR-BHRF1-2isinvolvedinthecleavageof I, EBV positive primary effusion lymphomas, and diffuse BHRF1 RNA in the cytoplasm, but the biological relevance large B-cell lymphomas, but at a significantly lower level in remains to be determined [98]. In another study, Xia et al. B cells. This corresponds well with the expression pattern observed that high levels of miR-BHRF1-3 were correlated of BART multispliced transcripts (see above). Higher levels with low levels CXCL-11, a potent interferon-inducible T- of BHRF1-3 were measured in latency type III Burkitt’s cellattractingchemokine.MiRNA-mediatedsuppressionof lymphomas and in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas [66, 79, CXCL-11 may serve as an immunomodulating mechanism 98–100]. Another study demonstrated that induction of allowing the virus to survive in the host [79]. On the EBV replication in latency I-infected cells was associated otherhand,enhancingCXCL-11expressioninEBV-positive withincreased expression of miR-BHRF1-1, -2,and -3, but tumours by AMOs against miR-BHRF1-3 may increase expression levels of miR-BART-1 and -2 did not change. susceptibility ofthetumourcellstotheimmune system.In Ontheotherhand,inductionofEBVreplicationinlatency agreementwiththis,tworecentstudiesreportedantitumour III-infected cells did hardly change the expression levels activityforCXCL-11inanimalmodels[104,105]. of BHRF1-1, -2, and -3 [98]. These observations suggest that EBV miRNAs may be implicated in the oncogenic propertiesofthevirus,butalsoinregulatingitsreplication. 4.4.6. Kaposi’s Sarcoma Virus (KSHV or Human Herpes Moreover, a precise knowledge of the latency state of EBV Virus Type 8; HHV-8). Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated virus, andtheexpressionpatternofviralmiRNAsmayimprovethe so named because it was detected in Kaposi’s sarcoma, successfultreatmentofEBVinfectionwithAMOs. belongstotheγ-herpesvirusesandisalsoknownashuman The function of most EBV vmiRNA remains poorly herpesvirus-8orHHV-8.HHV-8isassociatedwithKaposi’s understood, but some targets of EBV miRNAs have been sarcoma, as well as with two rare forms of B-cell malig- recently identified. Several mi-BARTs prevent expression nancy: primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) and the plasma of viral latent infection membrane protein 1 (LMP1) cell variant of multicentric Castleman’s disease. Like other protein (see Table1). LMP1 functions as a constitutively herpesviruses,KSHVcanestablishalifelonglatentinfection active tumour necrosis receptor [101], and can activate severalsignallingpathwaysincludingNFκB,AP1,JAK/STAT, characterizedbyalimitedviralgeneexpression[106]. MEK/ERK, and PKC. LMP1 can also interact with p53 A total of 17 KSHV miRNAs encoded by 12 distinct andaffectscyclins,cyclin-dependentproteinkinases(CDK), miRNA genes have been reported and their sequences and the CDK inhibitors p16 and p27 (reviewed in [102]). are highly conserved between different KSHV genomes Furthermore,LMP1isexpressedinalltheEBVrelatedmalig- in PEL cell lines and in clinical samples. However, some nanciesandpromotescellulartransformation.Itsoncogenic polymorphismwasobserved,particularlyinmiR-K12-5and property makes LMP1 an attractive target for EBV therapy. miR-K12-9[80,107,108].TheentireKSHVmiRNAcluster Interestingly, overexpression of LMP1 results in growth- resides within an approximately 4 kilobase-pairs region inhibitoryandsensitizationtoapoptosisinducedbystressor betweenopenreadingframesORFK12(kaposin)andORF chemotherapeuticagents([76]andreferencestherein).Thus 71(Figure2(e)). AMO-mediatedneutralizationofmi-BARTsmayleadtoele- To elucidate the functions of the KSHV miRNAs, vatedLMP1proteinlevelsandrenderEBV-positivetumour transcriptome analysis was performed from cells stably cells more susceptible to chemotherapy. The viral miRNA expressing the miR-K12 cluster. Among the differentially miR-BART2caninhibitexpressionofviralDNApolymerase expressed genes were genes encoding proteins implicated BALF5 and may thus interfere with viral replication and in proliferation, immune modulation, angiogenesis, and preventlyticinfection[51,77].SilencingmiR-BART2could apoptosis. The gene encoding thrombospondin-1 was tar- thus allow the virus the complete its life cycle and produce geted by all ten KSHV miRNAs, but especially by miR- new infectious virus particles, which then could offer the K12-1, miR-K12-3-3p, miR-K12-6-3p, and miR-K12-11. immunesystemtheopportunitytodetectandeliminateEBV. Thrombospondin-1 possesses antiproliferative and anti- UsingcomputationalpredictionprogramssuchasmiRanda angiogenic properties. Other transcripts that were reduced and RNAhybrid (reviewed in [103]) allowed Choy and corresponded to the genes for osteopontin, S100 calcium coworkers to envisage the cellular protein p53 up-regulator binding protein, plasticity related gene 1 product, and of apoptosis (PUMA) as a target for miR-BART5 [78]. The integralmembraneprotein2A[80,81].ThemRNAforthe authors demonstrated that PUMA levels were decreased in Bcl-2 interacting protein BCLAF1 was identified as a target cellsexpressingmiR-BART5comparedtocellslackingmiR- formiR-K12-5.AdditionalinhibitionofBCLAF1expression BART5. In accordance, when miR-BART5 was specifically wasobtainedinthepresenceofmiR-K9,-10a,and-10b.The

Adenoviruses are naked dsDNA viruses that can cause mild respiratory, gastrointestinal, urogenital, and ocular disease. More than 50 serotypes have.
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