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Preview Review Article Alkene Cleavage Catalysed by Heme and Nonheme Enzymes: Reaction ...

HindawiPublishingCorporation BioinorganicChemistryandApplications Volume2012,ArticleID626909,13pages doi:10.1155/2012/626909 Review Article Alkene Cleavage Catalysed by Heme and Nonheme Enzymes: Reaction Mechanisms and Biocatalytic Applications FrancescoG.Mutti DepartmentofChemistry,OrganicandBioorganicChemistry,UniversityofGraz,Heinrichstrasse28,8010Graz,Austria CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoFrancescoG.Mutti,[email protected] Received29April2012;Accepted13May2012 AcademicEditor:IanButler Copyright©2012FrancescoG.Mutti.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. The oxidative cleavage of alkenes is classically performed by chemical methods, although they display several drawbacks. Ozonolysisrequiresharshconditions(−78◦C,forasafeprocess)andreducingreagentsinamolaramount,whereastheuseof poisonousheavymetalssuchasCr,Os,orRuascatalystsisadditionallyplaguedbylowyieldandselectivity.Conversely,heme andnonhemeenzymescancatalysetheoxidativealkenecleavageatambienttemperatureandatmosphericpressureinanaqueous buffer,showingexcellentchemo-andregioselectivitiesincertaincases.Thispaperfocusesonthealkenecleavagecatalysedby ironcofactor-dependentenzymesencompassingthereactionmechanisms(incasewhereitisknown)andtheapplicationofthese enzymesinbiocatalysis. 1.Introduction Otherwise, the rising popularity of natural products duringthelastdecadehastriggeredoffremarkableresearch The oxidative cleavage of alkenes is a widely employed activitiesregardingtheuseofbiocatalysisfortheproduction method in synthetic chemistry, particularly to introduce of flavour compounds [10]. In fact, products derived from oxygen functionalities into molecules, remove protecting the bioprocess of natural substrates (i.e., using wild-type groups,anddegradelargemolecules.Moreover,thesynthesis microorganismsorisolatedenzymesthereof)aredefinedas ofalargeamountofbioactivecompoundsinvolvesthealkene natural. The tag natural was one of the main reasons for cleavage as a key step. Ozonolysis is the most employed seeking biochemical routes to high-priced natural flavours chemical method for cleaving alkenes since it is considered such as vanillin, and nowadays biocatalysis constitutes a the most efficient and cleanest. However, the ozonolysis convenientalternativetosynthesisethem. requires harsh conditions such as low temperature (ca. This paper focuses on the alkene cleavage catalysed by −78◦C),henceimposingtheuseofaspecialequipment(e.g., ironcofactor-dependentenzymesencompassingthereaction ozoniser) and reducing reagents in molar amounts during mechanisms(incasewhereitisknown)andtheapplication theworkup[1].Furthermore,safetyhazardscomplicatethis of these enzymes in biocatalysis. In the first part heme reactiononlargescale,andseriousaccidentsfromexplosion peroxidases are examined, for which the alkene cleavage have been reported [2, 3]. Alternative protocols envisage is principally a promiscuous activity. In the second part the use of poisonous heavy metals such as Cr, Os, or Ru heme and nonheme oxygenases are discussed, for which a which are plagued by mediocre yields and selectivities [4– moredetailedsurveyconcerningthereactionmechanismsis 6]. Conversely, enzymes can activate the most innocuous availableinliterature. oxidant, that is, molecular oxygen, and catalyse the alkene cleavage at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure 2.AlkeneCleavagebyHemePeroxidases in aqueous buffer. Besides, in certain cases enzymes are capabletocleaveolefinicfunctionalitiesinhighchemo-and Peroxidases are ubiquitously found in microorganisms, regioselective fashion allowing biocatalysis to compete with plants,andanimals;theseenzymesarenamedaftertheirnat- chemicalmethods[7–9]. uralsourcessuchashorseradishperoxidase,lactoperoxidase, 2 BioinorganicChemistryandApplications O • Fe(IV) Fe(II) H Compound I H2O Ferrous enzyme πcation radical e−, H+ HOOH e−, H+ Peroxidase Fe(III) Oxidase O2 cycle Ferric enzyme cycle ground state H H2O HOO• OH O e−, H+ •O HOOH Fe(IV) Fe(III) Compound II Compound III H2O Scheme1:Thefiveoxidationstatesofperoxidases. myeloperoxidase or after their natural substrates such as shown that CPO catalyses the epoxidation of a number of cytochromec,chloroperoxidase,andligninperoxidase.The functionalised or unfunctionalised olefins with high degree principally studied peroxidases are heme enzymes, hence ofenantio-anddiastereoselectivity[22–24].Epoxidationwas possessing a ferric protoporphyrin IX (protoheme) as the often accompanied by the formation of aldehydes as well prostheticgroup[11].Heme-containingenzymesparticipate as by allylic hydroxylation [18]. Bougioukou and Smonou in a strikingly diverse range of chemistry; yet all biological reported the alkene cleaving activity for the oxidation of oxidationreactionscatalysedbytheseenzymesinvolvevery conjugated dienoic esters employing CPO and tert-butyl- similarhighoxidationstateintermediateswhosereactivityis hydroperoxide (tBHP) as terminal oxidant [25, 26]. The modulatedbytheproteinenvironment(Scheme1)[12,13]. reactions were carried out on alkenes with cis- and trans- Consequently, peroxidases are extremely promiscuous configuration under anaerobic and aerobic conditions. In enzymessincetheycatalysediversechemicaltransformations absence of molecular oxygen only two reactions occurred: such as peroxidase, peroxygenase, and oxidase reactions, theallylicoxidationandtheepoxidationtogivecompounds acting on a vast array of substrates including phenols, aro- 1 and 2, respectively (Scheme2). Both reactions proceeded maticandalkylamines,NAD(P)H,H O ,peracids,alkenes, with a high degree of regioselectivity, since the C=C bond 2 2 thioethers, and aldehydes [11]. Particularly, it was shown proximaltotheestermoietywasnotconverted.Surprisingly, that peroxidases catalyse the aerobic oxidation of aldehydes the reaction performed under aerobic conditions furnished toyieldcarbonylicproductsviaanenoltautomer,therefore an additional aldehyde 3 as a minor product (13%) via the postulating the formation of a dioxetane intermediate (α- cleavageoftheterminalC=Cdoublebond.Alsointhiscase, oxidation) [14]. This mechanism somehow resembles the thealkenecleavageproceededwithperfectregioselectivity. alkene cleaving activity, which has been observed as a side Moreover,therelativeamountsoftheproductsdepended reaction in various peroxidases. Depending on the enzyme on the stereochemistry of the double bond, since the and thespecific substrateinvolved, fewspeculativereaction allylic aldehyde was the preferred product starting from mechanisms for the aerobic alkene cleavage of alkenes trans-dienes. Nevertheless, the same reaction performed on leading to aldehydes have been proposed, albeit a catalytic methyl-(2Z,4Z)-hexadecanoatefurnishedthecleavedalkene cycle has not been proved to date. A survey of alkene asthemainproduct(38%),followedbytheepoxide(35%) cleavagereactionscatalysedbyperoxidasesispresentedinthe and the allylic aldehyde (27%). The proposed explanation followingsections. for the formation of all products, included 3 under aerobic but not anaerobic conditions, involves the formation of an 2.1.Chloroperoxidase. Chloroperoxidase(CPO)wasisolated intermediate radical cation (4). This is probably generated fromCaldariomycesfumago[15,16],anditisoneofthemost by a direct electron transfer from the substrate to the versatileandpromisinghemeenzymesforsyntheticapplica- formally oxoiron (V) centre (compound I, see Scheme1) tions[17–20].Forinstance,varioustransformationstypical formed in the CPO catalytic cycle [12, 27]. Alternatively a forcatalasesandcytochromeP-450monooxygenasesarealso similarlygeneratedt-BuOO• radicalmayactasamediator, catalysed by CPO [21]. Furthermore, the enzyme catalyses henceabstractingtheelectronfromtheπ C=Cbondofthe halide-dependent as well as halide-independent reactions substrate. Finally, the radical intermediate 4 can react with actingonvarioussubstratesandusinghydrogenperoxideor dioxygen, leading to the cleavage product via a dioxetane organicperoxidesasoxygensource[11].Otherstudieshave intermediate(5)(Scheme3). BioinorganicChemistryandApplications 3 CO2Me CO2Me O Anaerobic + O oxidation H 1 2 CO2Me Allylic oxidation (92%) Epoxidation (8%) CO2Me CO2Me CO2Me Aerobic O oxidation O + + O H H 1 2 3 Allylic oxidation (83%) Epoxidation (4%) Alkene cleavage (13%) Scheme2:AerobicandanaerobicCPO-catalysedoxidationofmethyl-(2E,4E)-hexadienoate. CO2Me −1e− + • CO2Me O2 +1e− CO2MeCleavage O CO2Me H O O 4 5 Scheme3:ProposedmechanismfortheaerobicalkenecleavagecatalysedbyCPO. 2.2. Horseradish Peroxidase. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) I and II (Scheme1) from the resting state of the HRP; isthemoststudiedandwell-characterisedperoxidase,whose however, H O concentration was kept below 30μM to 2 2 crystalstructure[28]andcatalyticpathwayhavebeeneluci- avoid enzyme deactivation. Under aerobic conditions the dated at high resolution [12]. HRP catalyses the oxidation mainproductwasthecarbonyliccompoundfromthealkene of phenols, anilines, and a variety of other electron-rich cleavage, whereas under anaerobic conditions the radical compoundsattheexpenseofH O andalkylhydroperoxides intermediate completely polimerised. A mechanism for the 2 2 [11].OrtizDeMontellanoandGrabobservedtheoxidation aerobic oxidative cleavage of indole was finally proposed, of styrene to styrene oxide and benzaldehyde (molar ratio involving hydrogen abstraction by HRP compound I or II 4:1) upon incubating the substrates with HRP, H O , and (6),interactionwithdioxygentoleadthehydroperoxide(7), 2 2 4-methylphenol as cooxidant [29]. By removing one of the andfinalrearrangementtoaffordthecarbonylicproduct(8) compounds, styrene oxidation was not detected anymore. (Scheme4). Besides, 18O and H 18O labelling studies have shown Mutti et al. have recently shown that some peroxidases 2 2 that the reaction mechanism for the formation of styrene (i.e.,horseradishperoxidase,ligninperoxidase,andCoprinus oxide involves a radical intermediate which originates from cinereus peroxidase) catalyse the cleavage of a C=C double the cooxidant. In the same work an explanation for the bondadjacenttoanaromaticmoietyforselectedsubstrates formationofbenzaldehydewasnotprovided. at the expense of molecular oxygen and at an acidic pH In another study, some HRP mutants showed an (Scheme5) [32]. Among the three active peroxidases, HRP enhancedactivitycomparedtothewild-typeenzymeforthe turnedouttobethemostactivewhenanequalconcentration epoxidation of styrene as well as cis-β-methyl-styrene and ofenzymewasemployed.Athoroughstudyofthereaction trans-β-styrene in absence of any cooxidant [30]. Whilst a showed that the highest activity was obtained at ambient significant amount of benzaldehyde was produced, also in temperature,atpH2,andat2barsofpuredioxygenpressure. this case the catalytic cycle leading to this product was not Addition of DMSO as cosolvent up to 15%vv−1 increased elucidated. The increased activity stemmed probably from the conversion, probably due to the improved solubility of theimprovedaccessibilityofthesubstrateintothecatalytic the substrates in the aqueous reaction medium, while a site,duetothereplacementofthestericallyhinderingPhe- further addition of DMSO led to a progressive decline of 41 residue, located close to the heme centre, with a smaller theenzymaticactivity.Usingtrans-anetholeassubstrate(9) aminoacidsuchasleucineorthreonine. (6gL−1) and HRP at low catalyst loading (3mg, equal to Oxidativecleavageof3-methyl-indoleand3-ethyl-indole 0.2–0.3mol%),quantitativeconversionwasachievedwithin to the corresponding ring-opened ortho-acyl formanilides 24h. The main product was para-anisaldehyde (11) (i.e., and oxindoles was carried out on a 50mg scale using HRP 92%chemoselectivity),whereasthesideproductaccounted under aerobic conditions [31]. Interestingly for a practical completelyforthevicinaldiol(12).Thesubstratespectrum application, the molar ratio substrate HRP was 10000:1. was quite narrow, since only other two substrates, that is, The radical oxidation was initiated by the addition of a isoeugenol (10) and indene (13), could be cleaved by HRP catalyticamountofH O ,requiredtogeneratecompounds with12%and72%conversion,respectively. 2 2 4 BioinorganicChemistryandApplications R HRP I HRP II R R O O• • −H+ O2 −1e− N N N H 6 Substrate R=Me, Et 6 H+ R R O OH O Cleavage NH N O H 8 7 Scheme4:ProposedmechanismforthecleavageofindolescatalysedbyHRPunderaerobicconditions. H OH OH HRP O O + + O2, 2 bar, 25◦C R1 aqueous buffer pH 2, R1 H R1 R2 DMSO (5–15%, v v−1) R2 R2 9: R1=MeO; R2=H; 11: R1=MeO; R2=H; 12: R1=MeO; R2=H; 10: R1=OH; R2=Meo; O HRP H O2, 2 bar, 25◦C H aqueous buffer pH 2, 13 DMSO (5–15%, v v−1) O Scheme5:Alkenecleavageoftrans-anethole(9),isoeugenol(10),andindene(13)catalysedbyHRPat2-bardioxygenpressureandambient temperature. 2.3.MyeloperoxidaseandCoprinuscinereus Peroxidase. Mye- styreneoxide(18%)andbenzaldehyde(30%)employingCiP loperoxidase(MPO)andCoprinuscinereusperoxidase(CiP) (20μM). Conversely, MPO furnished the epoxide as main catalyse the enantioselective epoxidation of styrene and a product (17%) with only traces of the other compounds number of substituted derivates in moderate yield [33]. (5%). Activated substituted styrenes bearing chlorogroups Additionally, as a consequence of the Cα=Cβ double bond in orto-, meta- and para-position and cis-β-methyl-styrene cleavage of variously substituted styrene precursors, both wereconvertedaswell,yieldingtogenerallyhigheramounts MPO and CiP form significant amounts of substituted ofaldehydes. benzaldehydes. The alkene cleavage is the most prominent reaction catalysed by CiP, whereas MPO forms a larger 3.AlkeneCleavagebyHemeand amount of epoxide. The reaction was performed with a NonhemeOxygenases continuousandcontrolledflowofH O (1μmol/h)toallow 2 2 theformationofcompoundIandcompoundII(Scheme1). Iron cofactor-dependent oxygenases constitute a very het- The downside of employing such a low flow of oxidant is erogeneousgroupofenzymes.Eachenzymefamilyactivates the long reaction time (16h). The reaction mechanism of dioxygen in different manner, and it was also postulated the alkene cleavage catalysed by CiP in presence of H O that the same enzyme may cleave olefinic functionalities 2 2 asoxidantisdifferentfromtheonepreviouslydescribedfor usingdifferentmechanismsdependingonthesubstrate(e.g., CPOinpresenceofO .Infact,theadditionofacosubstrate carotenoid cleavage oxygenases). This property has been 2 is not required in the case of the alkene cleavage catalysed already reviewed for other enzymes, and it was named by CiP using H O . Styrene (1mM) was converted to catalytic enzyme promiscuity [34–36]. The alkene cleavage 2 2 BioinorganicChemistryandApplications 5 R Criegee R N O rearrangement OH R R (a) H O N O C3 C3 N O N O FeII FeII H O H O inDteiormxeetdaniaete O R (b) R FeII FeII 14 HN O H N O O H FeII 15 R R CO2− CO2− C2 attack HN (c) • NH2 C2 HN C2 HN O • NH2 • H HN O O O H O O O O FeIII FeIII FeIV FeIII 14 Scheme 6: C=C double bond cleavage catalysed by tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO). Historical perspective of the proposed reaction mechanisms:(a)C3-attackandCriegeerearrangement;(b)C3-attackandformationofdioxetaneintermediate;(c)C2-attackviadirect radicaladdition(currentacceptedmechanism). is mainly a secondary activity for the peroxidases, whereas a dioxetane intermediate (Scheme6, path (b)). [39, 43]. it is generally the natural and often unique activity for the On the contrary, the recent isolation and characterisation oxygenases. of a cyclic aminoacetal [44] (i.e., probably generated by the rearrangement of a 2-3-epoxide intermediate) coupled 3.1. Tryptophan 2,3-Dioxygenase and Indoleamine 2,3- with novel Raman studies suggested a sequential insertion Dioxygenase. Tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) and in- of oxygen [45]. A further computational study supported a doleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) are unique heme depen- mechanismwherebyanFe(III)-superoxospecies(compound dent dioxygenases which cleave the C=C double bond III,seeScheme1)maybeinvolvedinadirectradicaladdition of the pyrrole ring of the tryptophan (14) to afford N- totheC2oftheindolering,followedbythehomolyticO–O formylkynurenine (15) [37]; hence, both oxygen atoms are cleavageandtheformationofthe2-3epoxideintermediate. incorporatedfrommolecularoxygen.TDOandIDOcatalyse Inasecondstep,theFe(IV)-oxointermediate(compoundII, essentially the same reaction, with the different denomina- seeScheme1)mightopentheepoxidering,attackingagain tions merely reflecting the wider substrate promiscuity of theC2 oftheindole ring, finallyleadingtothecleavagevia IDO.Variousreactionmechanismsforthisintriguingalkene anintramolecularrearrangement(Scheme5,path(c))[46]. cleavagehavebeenproposedsincethe1930;yetaconclusive Itisnoteworthythattheultimateproposaldoesnotrequire study has not been published so far. The first proposal theinitialdeprotonationoftheaminogroupoftheindole. involvedthedeprotonationoftheaminogroupoftheindole ring by the highly conserved histidine residue present in 3.2.CatecholDioxygenases. Thecatecholdioxygenasescatal- the active site of the enzyme [38]. In contrast, later studies yse the oxidative cleavage of catechols and substituted demonstratedthatmethyltryptophanecouldalsobecleaved catechols (16) as a central step in the bacterial degradation bytheenzymewhilstatreducedreactionrate[39].Moreover of aromatic compounds [47]. Hayaishi et al. discovered sitedirectmutagenesisofthehistidineresiduetoanalanine two nonheme families of these dioxygenases, namely, the or a serine led to variants which still cleaved the natural intradiol dioxygenases (e.g., catechol 1,2-dioxygenase also substrate[39–41].Thesefindingsareinagreementwiththe called pyrocatechase) and the extradiol dioxygenases (e.g., well-documented chemistry of indoles [42] which do not catechol 2,3-dioxygenase also called metapyrocatechase). reactbybase-catalysedreaction(PKa,N–H ≈ 17),thusruling The intradiol dioxygenases cleave the C=C double bond out the essential role of the histidine residue in a possible betweenthephenolichydroxylgroupstoyieldmuconicacid deprotonation step. The successive proposals encompassed (17)[48],whereastheextradioldioxygenasescleavetheC=C theelectrophilicadditionofanactivatedFe(II)-dioxospecies double bond adjacent to the phenolic hydroxyl groups to to the C3 of the indole ring, followed by either Criegee- yield2-hydroxymuconaldehyde(18)[49].Intheinitialstep, type rearrangement (Scheme6, path (a)) or formation of the intradiol dioxygenase interacts with molecular oxygen 6 BioinorganicChemistryandApplications Tyr OH Tyr OH •O Tyr OH O O O-Tyr O O-Tyr O O-Tyr FeIII FeII O2 FeII O N-His O N-His O N-His • R N-His R N-His R 1e− N-His (a) 16 H+ O O OH O-Tyr O-Tyr O-Tyr O O-Tyr O O-Tyr O O-Tyr O O FeIII FeIII FeIII R O R O N-His O N-His N-His N-His R N-His 17 N-His O •O O R H O R H O R H O O N-His O N-His O N-His (b) FeII 2e− • FeII FeII O N-His O N-His O N-His 16 O-Glu O-Glu O-Glu H+ R R O R O OH O O N-Hys O O HHOO N-Hys O N-His FeII FeII FeII O N-His O N-His O N-His O-Glu O-Glu O-Glu 18 Scheme 7: The mechanisms of the C=C double bond cleavage of catechols catalysed by (a) intradiol dioxygenase and (b) extradiol dioxygenase. andprobablygeneratesanFe(II)-semiquinoneintermediate animals and catalyse the C=C double bond cleavage of which then leads to Fe(III) species as confirmed by EPR carotenoids to give apocarotenoids [54, 55]. The family studies. The successive steps, which end up to the C=C members require an Fe(II) centre which is bound to double bond cleavage of the aromatic ring, were previously four highly conserved and catalytically essential histidine believed to occur via a dioxetane intermediate; however, residues [56]. CCOs often exhibit substrate promiscuity, recent 18O experiments supported an alternative mech- which probably contributes to the natural diversity of 2 anism involving a Criegee rearrangement to furnish an apocarotenoidsandderivates,whilstoftenretainingaperfect anhydride intermediate which then hydrolyses to muconic regioselectivity(i.e.,cleavageofaspecificC=Cdoublebond acid(Scheme7(a))[50].Similarly,themechanismofalkene of the carotenoid chain). Thus, depending on the enzyme, cleavagecatalysedbyextradioldioxygenaseproceedsinitially the alkene cleavage can occur either at the central C=C again through an Fe(II)-semiquinone complex, although double bond of the carotenoid substrates (i.e., C15=C15(cid:4) then diverging to form an Fe(II) proximal hydroperoxide position, central cleavage) or at another position (i.e., intermediate;thelatterundergoestoCriegeerearrangement excentric cleavage). In the literature, this enzyme family followed by hydrolysis to afford 2-hydroxymuconaldehyde is usually referred to as carotenoid cleavage dioxygenases (Scheme7(b)). Several findings supported this mechanism: (CCD). However, in this paper, the broader definition as (i)theanalysisoftheproductdistributionfromthereaction carotenoid cleavage oxygenases (CCOs) was adopted since withsubstratesanaloguescarryingacyclopropylradical[51], theclassificationasmono-ordioxygenasesisstillsubjectof (ii) UV-visible and Raman spectroscopic studies [52] and debate within the scientific community. A monooxygenase (iii)18O labellingstudies[53]. enzyme activates molecular oxygen to incorporate one 2 oxygen atom into the substrate, whereas the second oxygen 3.3. Carotenoid Cleavage Oxygenases. Carotenoid cleavage originatesfromawatermolecule.Conversely,adioxygenase oxygenases (CCOs) are widespread in bacteria, plants, and enzymeincorporatesthetwooxygenatomscomingfromone BioinorganicChemistryandApplications 7 19 17O2 17O H2 18O 17/18OH 17/18OH 17/18O H + H 17/18O Scheme8:TheproposedmechanismfortheC15-C15(cid:4)doublebondcleavageofβ-carotene.Labellingexperimentusing17O and18H O. 2 2 moleculeofmolecularoxygen.Distinguishingbetweenthese lead to an unspecific water-derived oxygen incorporation two mechanisms relies on experiments using isotopically intoretinol[59].Inanotherstudythereactionmechanismof labelled O and H O, which pose a serious problem in the thecarotenoidcleavageoxygenasefromArabidopsisthaliana 2 2 analysisoftheproductdistributionduetotherapidexchange (AtCCD1)wasinvestigated[60].AtCCD1cleavesβ-apo-8(cid:4)- ofthealdehydicoxygenwiththewatermedium.Thecontro- carotenal(20)asnaturalsubstrateatthe9,10doublebondto versialcaseofassignmentofthecleavagemechanismforβ- deliveronemoleculeofβ-ionone(21)andamoleculeofC 17 15-15(cid:4)-carotenoid cleavage oxygenase (β-CCO) exemplifies dialdehyde(22),(Scheme9). this issue. The β-CCO from rat liver and rat intestine was In this case the very low rate for the exchange of initially termed as “β-carotene 15,15(cid:4)-dioxygenase” albeit oxygen atoms between the keto moiety of β-ionone and an evidence concerning a dioxygenase mechanism was not the medium coupled with a shorter reaction time (30min) previously reported [57]. Later Leuenberger et al. claimed due to higher enzyme activity might provide an accurate that the cleavage occurs via a monooxygenase activity [58]. evaluationofthereactionmechanism.Whentheexperiment α-Carotene (19) was chosen as substrate for the labelling was performed in presence of 18O , the obtained β-ionone 2 studies, since only the use of a nonsymmetrical carotenoid was 96% labelled, whereas in the experiment in presence givingdifferentaldehydesmayprovideanexactinformation of 18H O, the same product was completely unlabelled. 2 on the origin of the oxygen atoms incorporation. With the The C dialdehyde underwent a partial oxygen exchange 17 aimtominimisetheoxygenscramblingbetweentheproduct duringthereactiontimeassupportedbyblankexperiments; aldehydesandthemedium,theexperimentwascarriedout however, a significant fraction of C dialdehyde (27%) 17 combining the β-CCO with a horse liver alcohol dehydro- showedincorporationofone18Oatomwhentheexperiment genase (HL-ADH) so that the generated aldehydes were in was performed in 18O , hence supporting a dioxygenase 2 situreducedtothecorrespondingalcohols.Theexperiment mechanism. Furthermore, a recent computational study wasperformedemployinglabelled17O intolabelledH 18O based on the crystal structure of AtCCD1 [61] estimated 2 2 as reaction medium and the obtained product distribution that the energy barrier for the formation of the epoxide was apparently consistent with a monooxygenase pathway, intermediate (16.6kcalmol−1) is only slightly exceeding sinceequalamountsof17O-and18O-labelledaldehydeswere the one for the dioxetane intermediate (15.9kcal mol−1), revealed(Scheme8). probablyduetothestericaleffectoftheThr136residueinthe Despite the fact that β-CCO was reassigned as a β- catalyticsite[62].Neverthelessaputativestilbeneoxygenase carotene15,15(cid:4)-monooxygenase,severalauthorsquestioned sharing high sequence homology with the AtCCD1 was about these results due to the long reaction time of the showntocleavevariouslysubstitutedstilbenederivativesvia enzymaticreaction(7.5h)andthedismutaseactivityofthe amonooxygenasemechanism(thisenzymewillbediscussed HL-ADH,especiallyatincreasedlevelofNADH,whichmay inthenextsession)[63].Thus,subtlechangesintheactive 8 BioinorganicChemistryandApplications O 20 AtCCD1 O2 O + O O 21 22 Scheme9:TheC9–C10doublebondcleavagecatalysedbythecarotenoidcleavagedioxygenasefromArabidopsisthaliana(AtCCD1). site may favour one mechanism over the other or the same aromaticring.Thefourisoenzymescleaved4,4(cid:4)-dihydroxy- carotenoid cleavage oxygenase may display both reactivities 3,3(cid:4)-dimethoxystylbene (23) as well as 4,2(cid:4)-dihydroxy-3,3(cid:4)- dependingonthesubstrate. dimethoxy-5(cid:4)-(2(cid:4)(cid:4)-carboxyvinyl)-stilbene (24), although The products of the alkene cleavage of carotenoids and showingdifferentsubstratespecificities(Scheme10(a));the apocarotenoidsconstituteimportantnaturalflavoursforthe isoenzyme I was the most active enzyme with a preference aroma industry; hence the possibility to exploit AtCCD1 for23,whereastheotherscleavedpreferentiallysubstrate24 in biocatalysis has attracted the interest of academia and [68]. Particularly, the isoenzyme I was stable at 50◦C and industry. Schilling et al. reported an improved protocol for showed increased activity upon the addition of methanol theexpressionofAtCCD1inE.coliasafusionproteinwith as cosolvent (30%vv−1) [69]. Despite the fact that the glutathione-S-transferase [64]. The recombinant enzyme cleavageofcompound23canfurnishdirectlytwomolecules showed higher level of heterologous expression as well as of vanillin, an important flavour and fragrance for the ameliorated biocatalytic performance. In the first report, food and cosmetic industry, the enzymatic reaction was an 18-fold increased activity in vitro was found when the neverexploitedonapreparativescale.Arecentsurveyofthe enzymaticassaywasconductedinamicellardispersionusing bacterialgenomesequenceforcarotenoidcleavageoxygenase TritonX-100assurfactant(substrate-surfactant,0.008ratio) homologues allowed to identify two putative stilbene oxy- andaddingmethanolasorganiccosolvent(15%vv−1).Due genases from Novosphingobium aromaticivorans DSM to improved solvation of the lipophilic substrate in the 12444 (NOV1 and NOV2) [63]. NOV1 and NOV2 cleaved aqueous micellar medium, β-apo-8(cid:4)-carotenal was cleaved selectively trans-stilbene-type substrates bearing a hydroxy- to give β-ionone with high conversion (>90%) and perfect oramethoxymoietyinpara-positionofthephenylringsuch regioselectivity. In a more recent publication it was shown as rhapontigenin (25), resveratrol (26), rhaponticin (27), that the maximum activity for β-apo-8(cid:4)-carotenal varied and piceatannol (28), (Scheme10(b)). Interestingly, the dependentlyonthesurfactantemployed[65].Testingdiverse two enzymes were not able to cleave carotenoids. Labelling apocarotenoidsandcarotenoidsincombinationwithdiffer- studies using 18O or 18H O showed that NOV1 and NOV2 2 ent surfactants demonstrated that the most suitable surfac- incorporatedonlyoneoxygenatomfrommolecularoxygen tantvarieddependentlyonthelipophilicityofthesubstrate. intothesubstrate.Thusthetwoputativestilbeneoxygenases Nevertheless, the substrate concentration currently applied were classified as monooxygenases. It is interesting to note is too low (less than 1mM) to meet the requirement for a that AtCCD1 was classified as dioxygenase while NOV1 possibleindustrialapplication. and NOV2 as monooxygenases in spite of high sequence homology. 3.4. Stilbene-α-β-Oxygenase and Isoeugenol Oxygenase. In another study, a novel enzyme was unveiled from Kamoda et al. identified and purified four isoenzymes of Pseudomonas putida IE27 when the microorganism was the stilbene-α-β-oxygenase (also named lignostilbene-α-β- cultivatedfromsoilscontainingisoeugenolasasolecarbon dioxygenase, LSD) from Sphingomonas paucimobilis TMY source [70]. The enzyme was purified and assayed for the 1009 (previously named Pseudomonas p.). This enzyme catalytic reaction in vitro, demonstrating high activity for familywasarbitrarilyclassifiedasdioxygenase,albeitstudies the alkene cleavage of isoeugenol (29) to yield vanillin (30) to shed light on the mechanism were never undertaken. instrictpresenceofmolecularoxygen(Scheme11).Besides, Therefore, the definition as oxygenase was adopted in this 2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol was also a substrate albeit at a paper. The four enzymes contain one equivalent of iron, reducedreactionrate(i.e.,twoordersofmagnitude).Hence andtheyareconstitutedbytwosubunits:isoenzymeI(αα), theenzymewasnamedafteritssubstrateasisoeugenoloxy- isoenzyme II (αβ), isoenzyme III (ββ), and isoenzyme IV genase.Interestinglytheanalysisoftheaminoacidsequence (γγ)[66,67].Thecatalyticactivityofallisoenzymesrequired of the isoeugenol oxygenase revealed high homology with astilbene-typesubstratepossessingtrans-configurationand thepreviouslymentionedstilbene-α-β-oxygenasefromSph- bearing a hydroxylic substituent in para-position on the ingomonas paucimobilis TMY 1009 isoenzyme I and III BioinorganicChemistryandApplications 9 R1 R1 R2 R2 H (a) R3 LSD/O2 + O R3 O R4 H R4 HO HO OMe OMe 23: R1=OMe; R2=OH; R3, R4=H 24: R1=CH=CH-COOH; R2=H; R3=OMe; R4=OH R3 R4 R3 R4 NOV1 or NOV2 H R1 R5 /O2 R1 + O R5 (b) O H R2 R2 25: R1, R2, R5=OH; R3=H, R4=OMe 26: R1, R2, R4=OH; R3, R5=H 27: R1=O-Glu; R2, R5=OH; R3=H; R4=OMe 28: R1, R2, R4, R5=OH; R3=H Scheme 10: Alkene cleavage of stilbene derivates: (a) alkene cleavage catalysed by the isoenzymes of lignostilbene α,β-oxygenase from SphingomonaspaucimobilisTMY1009;(b)alkenecleavagecatalysedbystilbenemonooxygenasesfromNovosphingobiumaromaticivorans DSM12444NOV1andNOV2. O O2 H Isoeugenol HO oxygenase HO OMe OMe 29 30 Scheme11:AlkenecleavagecatalysedbyisoeugenoloxygenasefromPseudomonasputidaIE27. (42%identity)andaputativestilbeneoxygenasefromNovos- of natural rubber (i.e., poly-(cis-1,4-isoprene)) (31) and phingobium aromaticivorans DSM 12444 (40% identity). synthetic rubbers was observed using a purified protein The alkene cleavage of isoeugenol was postulated to occur fromXanthomonassp.,currentlynamedasrubberoxygenase through a monooxygenase mechanism on the base that (RoxA), (Scheme12) [71]. RoxA was characterised with vanillinincorporatedalabelled18Oatomwhenthereaction the aid of UV-visible spectroscopy and gene sequence wascarriedouteitherinlabelled18O or18H O.Nonetheless analysis, revealing two heme prosthetic groups located into 2 2 the monooxygenase mechanism cannot be considered as protein scaffold and a conserved sequence motif which is conclusive, due to the lack of data about isotopic product a distinctive feature of the cytochrome c peroxidases. The distribution; data about exchange of oxygen atoms from enzymaticactivitystrictlynecessitatedmolecularoxygenand substratetotheaqueousmediumwerenotreportedaswell. completely ceased when heme inhibitors such as potassium cyanideandcarbonmonoxidewereaddedintothereaction 3.5.OtherOxygenases. Otherputativeoxygenaseshavebeen mixture, thus confirming the essential catalytic role of the isolatedactingonvarioussubstrates.Inthislastparagraph, metalcentre.RoxAshowedhighregioselectivitysinceitwas the most promising enzymes for biocatalytic applications capabletocleavepoly-(cis-1,4-isoprene)atregularintervals, willbeexamined.TheenzymaticC=Cdoublebondcleavage principally cutting off three isoprene units per step (32). 10 BioinorganicChemistryandApplications H O O O2 n RoxA m 31 32 Scheme12:Alkenecleavageofnaturalrubbercatalysedbytherubberoxygenase(RoxA)fromXanthomonassp.Themajorproductshowed m=2. COOH + COOH 33 34 O2 Lipoxygenase OOH COOH + COOH OOH Hydroperoxide lyase H + H O O 35 36 Scheme13:Formalalkenecleavageofpolyunsaturatedfattyacidscombiningalipoxygenaseandahydroxyperoxidelyase. O O O OH O O O O −H+ O2 β-diketone H + O dioxygenase O 37 O O 38 39 Scheme14:Alkenecleavagecatalysedbyβ-diketonedioxygenase. Alimitedamountofmajorandminordegradationproducts 4.ConclusionsandOutlook was also detected, however always showing a carbonylic moiety at both terminal ends. Further labelling studies While studying heme peroxidases to carry out chemical revealedRoxAtocleavefollowingadioxygenasemechanism transformations such as the asymmetric epoxidation or the [72]. stereoselective mono- and dihydroxylation of unsaturated Two enzymes can also cooperate to achieve the alkene functionalities, the alkene cleavage has been revealed as a cleavage.Forinstance,inthefirststep,thelipoxygenasefrom minorsidereaction.Infewcases,thealkenecleavingactivity soybeanflouractivatedmolecularoxygentoenabletheattack becamethepredominant onewhenthereactionconditions of the olefinic group. In the second step the hydroperoxide wereproperlyadjusted(i.e.,pH,dioxygenpressure,addition intermediate was cleaved by the fatty acid hydroperoxide of cosolvents). Thus, this promiscuous activity can be lyase(HPOlyase)fromgreenbellpepper.Thus,theformal potentiallyexploitedinorganicsynthesis.Incontrast,iron- two-stepcleavageofamixtureoflinoleic(33)andlinolenic dependent oxygenases often catalyse the alkene cleavage as acids (34) to yield hexanal (35) and trans-hexenal (36), thenaturalanduniquereaction.Yet,theexploitationofthese respectively, was carried out on a preparative scale with a enzymes in organic synthesis is hampered by the limited productivityofca.300mgL−1(Scheme13).TheC6aldehyde solubilityofapolarsubstratesinaqueousmedia. productsareimportantflavoursforthearomaindustry[73]. On the other hand, especially in the case of heme per- Finally,evenaformallysingleC–Cbondcanbecleaved following a dioxygenase mechanism. That is the case of the oxidases, a comprehensive understanding of the reaction Fe(II)-dependentβ-diketonedioxygenasefromAcinetobacter mechanismsforthealkenecleavagenecessitatesmoreaccu- johnsonii (Dke1). Dke1 cleaves the enol form of the 2,4- rate studies. In fact, the proposed mechanisms are merely pentanedione (37) (plus related β-dicarbonyl compounds based on experimental observations, that is, analysis of the thereof), giving equimolar amounts of methylglyoxal (38) product distribution, requirement of dioxygen and cosub- and acetate (39) and consuming only one equivalent of strates,andsoforth,orrelyonstudiesofselectiveinhibition molecularoxygen(Scheme14)[74]. ofthehemecofactor.

versatile and promising heme enzymes for synthetic applica- tions [17–20]. the stilbene-α-β-oxygenase (also named lignostilbene-α-β-.
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