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Revertigo: An Off-Kilter Memoir PDF

224 Pages·2014·0.984 MB·English
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UWP: Skloot: Revertigo pagei Re ver tigo UWP: Skloot: Revertigo pageii Ter race Books, a trade im print of the Uni ver sity of Wis con sin Press, takes its name from the Me mo rial Union Ter race, lo cated at the Uni ver sity of Wis con sin–Mad i son. Since its in cep tion in 1907, the Wis con sin Union has pro vided a venue for stu dents, fa culty, staff, and alumni to de bate art, music, pol i tics, and the is sues of the day.It is a place where the a ter, music, drama, lit er a ture, dance, out door ac tiv i ties, and major speak ers are made availa ble to the camp us and the comm u nity.To learn more about the Union, visit www.union.wisc.edu. UWP: Skloot: Revertigo pageiii Revertigo ff -K O cilt An e Me moir r Floyd Skloot Ter race Books A trade im print of the Uni ver sity of Wis con sin Press UWP: Skloot: Revertigo pageiv Terr ace Books A trade im print of the Uni ver sity of Wis con sin Press 1930 Mon roe Street, 3rd Floor Mad i son, Wis con sin 53711-2059 uw press.wisc.edu 3 Hen rietta Street Lon don WC2E 8LU, En gland eu ros pan book store.com Copy right © 2014 by Floyd Skloot All rights re served. No part of this pub li ca tion may be re pro duced, stored in a re trieval system, or trans mit ted, in any for mat or by any means, dig i tal, elec tronic, me chan i cal, photo cop y ing, re cord ing, or oth er wise, or con veyed via the Inter net or a web site with out writ ten per mis sion of the Uni ver sity of Wis con sin Press, ex cept in the case of brief quo ta tions em bed ded in crit i cal ar ti cles and re views. Printed in the United States of Amer ica Li brary of Cong ress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Skloot, Floyd, au thor. Re ver tigo: an off-kilter me moir / Floyd Skloot. pages cm ISBN 978-0-299-29950-7 (cloth: alk. paper) ISBN 978-0-299-29953-8 (e-book) 1. Skloot, Floyd. 2. Au thors, American—20th cen tury—Biog ra phy. 3. Au thors, American—21st cent ury—Biog ra phy. I. Title. PS3569.K577Z46 2014 818´.54—dc23 [B] 2013028359 UWP: Skloot: Revertigo pagev For Bev erly UWP: Skloot: Revertigo pagevi His dizzy brain spun fast, And down he sunk. George Gor don, Lord Byron, from Don Juan, Canto II, 110 UWP: Skloot: Revertigo pagevii Con tents Ac knowl edg ments ix Pro logue 3 Part One: O Won drous Trans for ma tion! 1 Some Things Nearly So, Oth ers Nearly Not: The King and I and Me 11 2 Sen ior Speech 27 3 Beep Beep 42 Part Two: On and Off the Page 4 Play ing the Cock 59 5 The Bot tom Shelf: On Nov els I Keep Try ing and Fail ing to Read 73 6 The Top Shelf: On Books I Need Beside Me 88 7 Some thing to Mar vel At: Dis cov er ing Jules Verne at Sixty 104 Part Three: A Spin ning World 8 The Side Ef fect of Side Ef fects 121 9 Re ver tigo 129 10 Sway Me Smooth: Sound track for an MRI of the Brain 140 11 An ni ver sary Fever 156 vii UWP: Skloot: Revertigo pageviii Part Four: Cart wheels on the Moon 12 El lip ti cal Jour ney 167 13 To Land’s End and Back: A 1,512-Mile Drive Around South ern En gland 181 14 The Fa mous Rec ipe 198 viii Contents UWP: Skloot: Revertigo pageix Ac knowl edg ments Chap ters of Re ver tigo: An Off-Kilter Me moir orig i nally ap peared in the fol low ing pub li ca tions, some times in dif fer ent ver sions. I thank the ed i tors for their sup port of my work: Boule vard: “An ni ver sary Fever,” “Beep Beep,” “Re ver tigo,” and “To Land’s End and Back: A 1,512-Mile Drive Around South ern En gland” Col o rado Rev iew: “The Fa mous Rec ipe” Ec o tone: “Sway Me Smooth: Sound track for an MRI of the Brain” Har vard Re view: “Play ing the Cock” Post Road: “El lip ti cal Jour ney” Prai rie Schoo ner: “Some thing to Mar vel At: Discovering Jules Verne at Sixty” The Sen eca Re view: “The Side Ef fect of Side Ef fects” The Se wanee Re view: “The Bot tom Shelf: On Nov els I Keep Try ing and Fail ing to Read” and “The Top Shelf: On Books I Need Beside Me” South west Re view: “Sen ior Speech” and “Some Things Nearly So, Oth ers Nearly Not: The King and I and Me” “The Fam ous Reci pe” was rep rinted in Best Food Writi ng 2011. “Seni or Speech” was cited as a Not able Essay of 2009 in The Best American ix one line long

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