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Reverse Monte Carlo Simulations and Raman Scattering of an Amorphous GeSe$_4$ Alloy Produced by Mechanical Alloying PDF

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Preview Reverse Monte Carlo Simulations and Raman Scattering of an Amorphous GeSe$_4$ Alloy Produced by Mechanical Alloying

Reverse Monte Carlo Simulations and Raman Scattering of an Amorphous GeSe 4 Alloy Produced by Mechanical Alloying ∗ K. D. Machado, J. C. de Lima, C. E. M. Campos, and T. A. Grandi Departamento de F´ısica, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 88040-900 Florian´opolis, SC, Brazil 4 P. S. Pizani 0 Departamento de F´ısica, Universidade Federal de S˜ao Carlos, 13565-905, S˜ao Carlos, SP, Brazil 0 (Dated: February 2, 2008) 2 The short and intermediate range order of an amorphous GeSe4 alloy produced by Mechanical n Alloying were studied by Reverse Monte Carlo simulations of its x-ray total structure factor and Ja Raman scattering. The simulations were used to compute the GRGMe-GCe(r), GRGMe-SCe(r) and GRSeM-SCe(r) partialdistributionfunctionsandtheSGReM-GCe(K),SGReM-SCe(K)andSSReM-SCe(K)partialstructurefactors. 1 Wecalculatedthecoordinationnumbersandinteratomicdistancesforthefirstandsecondneighbors 3 andthebond-angledistributionfunctionsΘ (cosθ). Thedataobtainedindicatethatthestructure ijl ofthealloyhasimportantdifferenceswhencomparedtoalloyspreparedbyothertechniques. There ] i areahighnumberofSe-Sepairsinthefirstshell, andsomeofthetetrahedralunitsformed seemed c tobe connected by Se-Sebridges. s - l PACSnumbers: 61.10.Eq,61.43.Bn,05.10.Ln,87.64.Je r t m . I. INTRODUCTION t a m Amorphous semiconductor materials like chalcogenide glasses present a great potential for application in techno- - logicaldevices, such as optical fibers, memory materials and switching devices, but their use is limited due to several d factors. One of them is the difficulty in obtaining information about atomic structures, which define the short-range n o order (SRO) of the alloy. In this context, the structures of amorphous GexSe1−x (a-GexSe1−x) and liquid GexSe1−x c (l-GexSe1−x), in particular Ge33Se67 (GeSe2), have been extensively studied by several experimental techniques, like [ neutrondiffraction(ND)1,2,3,4,5,x-raydiffraction(XRD)6,7,extendedx-rayabsorptionfinestructure(EXAFS)8,9 and Ramanspectroscopy(RS)10,11,12. Onthe theoreticalside,moleculardynamicssimulations(MD)13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21 1 v andreverseMonteCarlo(RMC)simulations7havebeencarriedouttounderstandtheSROintheseliquidsandglasses 5 in terms of two possible and distinct models. In the first one the distribution of bonds in the structure is purely ran- 1 domic and determined by the local coordination numbers and composition. In the second one, there is a strong SRO 0 and the structure is formed by well defined structural units, e.g., corner-sharing GeSe (CS) tetrahedral and edge- 4/2 2 sharing Ge Se (ES) bitetrahedral units. The distribution of these units gives raise to a medium, or intermediate, 0 2 8/2 range order (IRO), whose signature is the appearance of a first sharp diffraction peak (FSDP) in the neutron1,3,4,5 4 0 or x-ray structure factors6,7 at many compositions. In particular, ND experiments performed on melt-quenched3,4,5 / (MQ) GeSe (MQ-GeSe ) showed a FSDP in the total structure factor S(K) which was associated with correlations t 2 2 a in the range of 5–6 ˚A. As described in Ref. 5, this alloy is formed by CS and ES units with heteropolar bonds but m therearehomopolarbonds inverysmallquantities. Itshouldbe noted,however,thatalmostallavailabledataabout - a-GexSe1−x alloys were determined for MQ samples, and the preparation method can affect the SRO and IRO. We d haverecentlyverifiedthisassumptioninastudyaboutthestructureofa-Ge Se 7 producedbyMechanicalAlloying n 30 70 (MA)22. In our case, an unexpected large number of Se-Se pairs is found in the first coordination shell, suggesting o thatthe tetrahedralunits arelinkedby Se-Se“bridges”. Takeuchiet al.10, bycomparingthe structuresofa-Ge Se c 30 70 : produced by MQ and by vacuum evaporation (VE) techniques, and Tani et al.6 studying the a-GeSe2 produced by v Mechanical Grinding (MG) of its crystalline counterpart have also found some structural differences among alloys i X produced by different methods. These differences are important because some physicochemical properties can be r altered and improved as desired by choosing an appropriate preparation method. a In this paper, we investigated the SRO and IRO of an amorphous GeSe alloy produced by MA (MA-a-GeSe ) 4 4 startingfromtheelementalpowdersofGeandSeusingRamanspectroscopy(RS),X-raydiffractionandreverseMonte Carlo(RMC) simulations23,24,25,26 of its XRD S(K). We were interestedin studying two main points. Firstof all we wouldlike to know if the alloyproducedby MA contains CSor ESunits. Besides that, evenif these units are formed the SRO andthe IRO ofthe alloycanbe significantlyalteredbythe highquantity of defects anddisorderintroduced by the MA process when compared to MQ samples, for instance. Therefore, the second point is to determine the local structure of the alloy itself, finding coordination numbers and interatomic distances. At our knowledge, this is the first time that such study is reported concerning an a-GeSe alloy produced by MA. 4 2 II. THEORETICAL BACKGROUND A. Structure Factors 1. Faber and Ziman structure factors Accordingto Faber andZiman27,the totalstructurefactor S(K)is obtainedfromthe scatteredintensity per atom I (K) through a I (K)− hf2(K)i−hf(K)i2 a S(K) = , (cid:2) hf(K)i2 (cid:3) n n = w (K)S (K), ij ij XX i=1j=1 where K is the transferred momentum, S (K) are the partial structure factors and w (K) are given by ij ij c c f (K)f (K) i j i j w (K)= , ij hf(K)i2 and hf2(K)i = c f2(K), i i X i 2 hf(K)i2 = c f (K) . i i hX i i Here, f (K) is the atomic scattering factor and c is the concentration of atoms of type i. The partial reduced i i distribution functions G (r) are related to S (K) through ij ij ∞ 2 G (r)= K S (K)−1 sin(Kr)dK. ij π Z ij 0 (cid:2) (cid:3) From the G (r) functions the partial radial distribution function RDF (r) can be calculated by ij ij RDF (r)=4πρ c r2+rG (r). ij 0 j ij where ρ is the density of the alloy (in atoms/˚A3). Interatomic distances are obtained from the maxima of G (r) 0 ij and coordination numbers are calculated by integrating the peaks of RDF (r). ij 2. Bathia and Thornton structure factors The Bathia-Thornton (BT) structure factors can be related to the FZ ones28. For a binary alloy the BT number- number structure factor S (K) is given by NN S (K)=c2S (K)+c2S (K)+2c c S (K), (1) NN 1 11 2 22 1 2 12 where S (K) are the FZ partial structure factors and c is the concentration of element i. The BT number- ij i concentration structure factor S (K) is NC S (K)=c c c S (K)−S (K) −c S (K)−S (K) , (2) NC 1 2 1 11 12 2 22 12 n (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:2) (cid:3)o and the BT concentration-concentrationstructure factor S (K) is found through CC S (K)=c c 1+c c S (K)+S (K)−2S (K) . (3) CC 1 2 1 2 11 22 12 n (cid:2) (cid:3)o 3 B. RMC Method ThebasicideaandthealgorithmofthestandardRMCmethodaredescribedelsewhere23,24,25,26 anditsapplication to different materials is reported in the literature29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41. In the RMC procedure, a three- dimensional arrangement of atoms with the same density and chemical composition of the alloy is placed into a cell (usually cubic) with periodic boundary conditions and the GRMC(r) functions corresponding to it are directly ij calculated through nRMC(r) GRMC(r)= ij , ij 4πρ r2∆r 0 where nRMC(r) is the number of atoms at a distance between r and r+∆r from the central atom, averagedover all ij atoms. By allowingthe atomsto move(one ateachtime) inside the cell,the GRMC(r) functions canbe changedand, ij as a consequence, SRMC(K) andSRMC(K) are changed. Thus, SRMC(K) is comparedto the S(K) factor in orderto ij minimize the differences between them. The function to be minimized is m ψ2 = 1 S(K )−SRMC(K ) 2, (4) i i δ Xi=1(cid:2) (cid:3) where the sum is over m experimental points and δ is related to the experimental error in S(K). If the movement decreases ψ2, it is always accepted. If it increases ψ2, it is accepted with a probability given by exp(−∆ψ2/2); otherwise it is rejected. As this process is iterated ψ2 decreases until it reaches an equilibrium value. Thus, the atomic configuration corresponding to equilibrium should be consistent with the experimental total structure factor within the experimental error. By using the GRMC(r) functions the coordination numbers and interatomic distances ij can be calculated. In addition, the bond-angle distributions Θ (cosθ) can also be determined. ijl III. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES The MA-a-GeSe alloy was produced by considering a binary mixture of high-purity elemental powders of germa- 4 nium (Alfa Aesar 99.999% purity, particle size < 150 µm) and selenium (Alfa Aesar 99.999% purity, particle size < 150µm)that wassealedtogether withseveralsteelballsinto a cylindricalsteelvialunder anargonatmosphere. The ball-to-powder weight ratio was 5:1. A Spex Mixer/Mill model 8000 was used to perform MA at room temperature. The mixture was continuously milled for 50 h. A ventilation system was used to keep the vial temperature close to room temperature. The XRD pattern was recorded in a powder Siemens diffractometer equipped with a graphite monochromator,using the CuK line (λ=1.5418 ˚A). The total structure factor S(K) was computed from the XRD α pattern after corrections for polarization, absorption, and inelastic scattering, following the procedure described by Wagner42. Thef′ andf′′ valuesweretakenfromatablecompiledbySasaki43. Ramanmeasurementswereperformed withaT64000Jobin-YvontriplemonochromatorcoupledtoacooledCCDdetectorandaconventionalphotoncount- ing system. The 5145˚A line of an argonion laser was used as exciting light, always in backscattering geometry. The output power of the laser was kept at about 200 mW to avoid overheating the samples. All Raman measurements were performed at room temperature. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Raman Scattering Figure 1 shows the RS spectra of MA-a-GeSe , c-Se and c-Ge. The alloy has bands at around 195, 215, 237 and 4 255 cm−1. The band at 195 cm−1 is associated with the A breathing mode of CS units and the 215 cm−1 band 1 is related to the Ac breathinglike motions (companion peak) of Se in the ES units11,44,45. The difference in the 1 intensities of these peaks indicates that the alloy is formed basically by CS tetrahedra and ES tetrahedra are found in a small quantity. The very weak shoulder around 237 cm−1 is associated with A and E modes of Se chains, and 1 they are also seen in c-Se (see Fig. 1). The broad and intense band at 255 cm−1 is related to A and E modes of 1 2 Se rings8,10,44,45,46. It is importantto note that the bandataround165cm−1, whichis associatedwith Ge-Ge pairs n vibrations in ethanlike units, is not seen in the spectrum of the alloy (as well as the other bands of c-Ge), indicating 4 that the quantity of Ge-Ge pairs is very low in the alloy. In addition, the bands relatedto Se-Se pairs are not seen in thespectraofthealloysproducedbyMQ44 orVE10 techniquesatthiscomposition,buttheyexistinMA-a-Ge Se 7 30 70 and in MA-a-GeSe , and their intensities suggest that the number of Se-Se pairs in our alloy may be relevant. These 4 results indicate that the tetrahedral units are formed during the MA process and there is a preference for CS units. (a) ) u. a. ( y nsit (b) e nt I (c) 150 200 250 300 350 Raman shift (cm-1) FIG. 1: RS spectra of (a) MA-a-GeSe4, (b) c-Seand (c) c-Ge. B. X-ray Diffraction and RMC Simulations Figure 2 shows the experimental XRD S(K) (full line) for our alloy and the experimental ND S(K) (dashed line) given in Ref. 4 for MQ-a-GeSe . The FSDP is seen at around 1.1 ˚A−1. It is lower than those shown in Refs. 4 and 4 1, indicating that the IRO in the alloy produced by MA is less pronounced than in the MQ-GeSe samples1,4. The 4 FSDP is known to be much dependent on Ge-Ge and, to a lesser extent, on Ge-Se correlations3,14,47,48. Therefore these correlations have a different behavior in MA-a-GeSe . This fact is also verified in MA-a-Ge Se 7. 4 30 70 S(K) was simulated using the RMC program available on the Internet25. To perform the simulations we have considered a cubic cell with 16000 atoms (3200 Ge and 12800 Se), δ = 0.002, and a mean atomic number density ρ = 0.03834 atoms/˚A3. This value was found from the slope of the straight line (−4πρ r) fitting the initial part 0 0 (until the first minimum) of the total G(r) function49. The minimum distances between atoms were fixed at the beginning of the simulations at r =2.0 ˚A, r =1.8 ˚A and r =1.7 ˚A. The SRMC(K) obtained from the Ge-Ge Ge-Se Se-Se simulations (squares) is also shown in Fig. 2 and there is a very good agreement with the experimental S(K). 1.0 0.5 S(K) 0.0 -0.5 -1.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 K (Å-1) FIG. 2: Experimental (full line) and simulated (squares) total structure factor for MA-a-GeSe4 together with the ND total structurefactor given in Ref. 4 (dashed line) (for a bettercomparison it was cut at Kmax =8.0 ˚A−1). 5 4 3 r) ( Ge 2 Ge- G 1 0 12 r) 8 ( G Ge-Se 4 0 3 (r) 2 G Se-Se 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 r (Å) FIG. 3: GGe-Ge(r), GGe-Se(r) and GSe-Se(r) functions obtained from RMC simulations of MA-a-GeSe4 (thin solid lines) and MA-a-Ge30Se70 (thick solid lines) and also the NDfunctions for MQ-GeSe2 (dashed lines, Ref. 3). First hard sphere simulations without experimental data were carried out to avoid possible memory effects of the initialconfigurationsintheresults. Thenunconstrainedruns(i.e. whenonlyhardspherediametersandexperimental data were used during the simulation) were carried out. These runs led to essentially identical GRMC(r) functions, ij becauseoftheproximityoftheatomicnumbersandscatteringfactorsofGeandSe. Inthenextseriesofsimulationswe usedthecoordinationnumberswehavefoundforMA-a-Ge Se 7asstartingcoordinationconstraints(N =0.25, 30 70 Ge-Ge N =3.5andN =1.25),whichwerethenallowedtovaryfreely. Theresultsobtainedfromthebestsimulation Ge-Se Se-Se achieved are shown in Fig. 2 and they are discussed below. As a final test, we also tried to make simulations forcing the Se-Se coordination to be two, as it is in a-Se, but again the simulations did not show a good convergence. When this constraint is released, the Se-Se coordination number decreases until it reaches the number we found for the previous case (N = 1.71, see text below). This indicates that there are no amorphous or crystalline selenium in Se-Se themixture,andtheRamanbandsat237and255cm−1 areassociatedwithSeatomsthatbelongtotheMA-a-GeSe 4 alloy. 1. Pair Distribution Functions Figure 3 shows the GRMC(r) functions obtained from the RMC simulations of MA-a-GeSe compared to those ij 4 found experimentally for MQ-GeSe using ND with isotopic substitution3. Since the G (r) functions shown in Fig. 2 ij 3 of Ref. 4 for MQ-GeSe were calculated and their combination do not reproduce quite well the experimental G(r) 4 function for this alloy, we have chosennot to compare our results with those functions. We have also added to Fig. 3 the GRMC(r) functions obtained for MA-a-Ge Se 7 since it is interesting to compare both alloys produced by MA. ij 30 70 The intensity of the first peak in GRMC is higher in the present alloy, confirming their existence in a larger quantity Se-Se in the first coordination shell, as indicated by the RS measurement. The two first peaks of the GRMC (r) function, Ge-Ge which correspond to Ge-Ge first and second neighbors, show up around 2.35 and 3.80 ˚A. The first peak occurs at a distance a little shorter than that found in MQ-GeSe 3,5, but the second is displaced towards higher-r values by 2 0.23 ˚A. In addition, the peak at around 3.0 ˚A seen in MQ-GeSe is not resolved in MA-a-GeSe . Remembering that 2 4 the distance between two Ge atoms in adjacent ES and CS units are found at 3.02 ˚A and 3.60 ˚A, respectively14,18, it can be seen that the fraction of ES units in MA-a-GeSe is low, again in agreement with the results obtained by 4 RS. Since the intensity of the FSDP in S(K) seems to be related to the quantity of ES tetrahedra13,14,18,19, the low quantity of ES units in our alloy could explain the low intensity of the FSDP. 6 The first peak of GRMC(r) function is located at 2.36 ˚A. This shell in our alloy is lower and broader than in Ge-Se MQ-GeSe but, due to the difference in densities, Ge-Se coordination numbers are almost the same in both alloys. 2 The next peak appears at 3.84 ˚A, and it is higher than that at 4.95 ˚A. In the MQ-GeSe samples, there is a peak 2 around 3.02 ˚A which is not seen, or at least not resolved, in MA-a-GeSe , and there are peaks at 3.78 ˚A (smaller) 4 and 4.66 ˚A (higher). In c-GeSe an ES Ge atom has Se neighbors in the range 4.6 . r . 5.3 ˚A, and a CS Ge atom 2 has Se neighborsin the range4.0.r.4.8 ˚A1,2 Then, we have associatedthe peak at3.80˚A withCS units andthat at 4.95 ˚A with CS and ES units. ThefirstpeakofGRMC(r)functionislocatedat2.33˚A,anditcorrespondstoacoordinationnumberN =1.71, Se-Se Se-Se which is much higher than that obtained for the MQ-GeSe samples (N = 0.20)3,5. This suggests that some of 2 Se-Se the tetrahedral units are connected by Se “bridges”, forming sequences such as Ge-Se-Se-Se-Ge. As a consequence, Ge-Ge pairs should be found at higher distance values. This agrees with the results obtained from the GRMC (r) Ge-Ge function. The next peak appearsat3.75˚A, whichgivesa ratio ofGe-Se:Se-Se distances of0.632. The value expected for ideal tetrahedral coordination is 3/8= 0.612, indicating that the tetrahedral (CS or ES) units are distorted in our alloy. It is interesting to note thpat in MQ-GeSe samples no peaks are found from ≈ 4.5 ˚A to ≈ 5.9 ˚A either 2 considering ND results3,5 or MD simulations14,20. On the other hand, in MA-a-GeSe there are peaks at 4.95 and 4 5.75 ˚A, and we believe these peaks are related to the distances between Se atoms in the “bridges” and Se atoms in tetrahedral units. These features were also found in MA-a-Ge Se 7. The peaks at around 6.6 and 7.4 ˚A, which are 30 70 alsoseeninMQ-GeSe samples,canbe associated,followingRef.14, to distances betweenSe atoms belongingto two 2 adjacent tetrahedral units. The coordination numbers show in Table I were calculated considering the RDFRMC(r) functions shown in Fig. 4. ij The integrations were made using the following ranges: from 1.7 ˚A to 2.95 ˚A to the first peak and from 2.95 ˚A to 4.5 ˚A to the second peak, for all RDFRMC(r) functions. The interatomic distances are also shown in Table I. For a ij comparison,Fig. 4alsoshowstheRDFRMC(r)functionsforMA-a-Ge Se ,anditsstructuraldataarealsoshownin ij 30 70 Table I. It is interesting to note that except for Ge-Ge pairs, coordinationnumbers are alwayslarger in MA-a-GeSe 4 than in MA-a-Ge Se . If we compare our results with those found by MD simulations of l-GeSe 21, in which it 30 70 4 is found N = 0.06, N = 3.87 and N = 1.04, a large increase in the homopolar coordination numbers Ge-Ge Ge-Se Se-Se is seen, suggesting that the liquid and the amorphous alloy produced by MA have important differences from the structural point of view. This was also verifiedin an amorphous Ga Se alloy produced by MA studied recently by 50 50 us50. 15 12 r) ( Ge 9 FGe- 6 D R 3 0 30 r) ( F Ge-Se 20 D 10 R 0 30 r) ( F Se-Se20 D 10 R 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 r (Å) FIG. 4: RDFRGMe-GCe(r),RDFRGMe-SCe(r) and RDFRSeM-SCe(r)obtained from theRMC simulations for MA-a-GeSe4 (dashed lines) and MA-a-Ge30Se707 (solid lines). 7 TABLE I: StructuralParameters obtained for MA-a-GeSe4. RMC FirstShell SecondShell BondType Ge-Ge Ge-Se Se-Ge Se-Se Ge-Ge Ge-Se Se-Ge Se-Se N 0.22 3.61 0.90 1.71 2.70 8.3 2.1 10.1 r(˚A) 2.35 2.36 2.36 2.33 3.80 3.84 3.84 3.75 MA-a-Ge30Se707 BondType Ge-Ge Ge-Se Se-Ge Se-Se Ge-Ge Ge-Se Se-Ge Se-Se N 0.26 3.50 1.75 1.25 3.85 7.4 3.7 9.7 r(˚A) 2.33 2.35 2.35 2.33 3.83 3.84 3.84 3.75 MQ-GeSe2 studiedbyND3,5 BondType Ge-Ge Ge-Se Se-Ge Se-Se Ge-Ge Ge-Sea Se-Gea Se-Se N 0.25 3.7 1.8 0.20 3.2 - - 9.3 r(˚A) 2.42 2.36 2.36 2.32 3.57 - - 3.89 l-GeSe2 studiedbyND2 BondType Ge-Ge Ge-Se Se-Ge Se-Se Ge-Ge Ge-Se Se-Ge Se-Se N 0.25 3.5 1.7 0.23 2.9 4.0 2.0 9.6 r(˚A) 2.33 2.42 2.42 2.30 3.59 4.15 4.15 3.75 aThesenumbersarenotgiveninRefs.3or5duetothedifficultyindefiningthesecondshell. 2. Partial Structure Factors ThepartialSRMC(K)areshowninFig.5,togetherwiththeSND(K)foundinRef. 3andalsowiththeSRMC(K)for ij ij ij MA-a-Ge Se 7. SRMC (K)hasitsfirstthreepeaksatabout1.1(veryweak),1.9and3.4˚A−1 andtwominimaat1.2 30 70 Ge-Ge and 2.8 ˚A−1. Their positions agree reasonablywell with those found for MQ-GeSe studied by ND3,5, but intensities 2 are very different. The first peak is lower in MA-a-Ge Se and almost unresolved in MA-a-GeSe . This peak is 30 70 4 associatedwiththeFSDPintheS(K)showninFig.2and,sincetheFSDPisknowntobestronglydependentonthe Ge-Ge correlations and, to a lesser extent, on the Ge-Se correlations14,47,48, the low intensity FSDP experimentally observed in Fig. 2 could be caused by weak Ge-Ge and Ge-Se correlations at its position. In addition, the heights of the secondand third peaks are almost the same, and in MQ samples the height of the second peak is twice of that of the third peak. SRMC(K) has two maxima at 1.1 and 3.5 ˚A−1 and a minimum at 1.7 ˚A−1. Again, the first peak of MA-a-GeSe Ge-Se 4 is lower than that found in MQ-GeSe samples, but its position is the same, and it is also associated with the FSDP 2 in S(K). The second peak and the first minimum in MQ samples are found at 3.5 ˚A−1 and 2.1 ˚A−1, respectively, indicating that in our alloy they are dislocated to higher (the maxima) and lower-K (the minimum) values. These facts can be explained by the important differences between the GRMC(r) function and that of the MQ samples for Ge-Se r >4 ˚A. SRMC(K)hastwopeaksataround2.0and3.6˚A−1,andthereis aminimumat2.8˚A−1. Atabout1.2˚A−1 thereis Se-Se asmallpeakassociatedwiththeFSDPinS(K). InMQ-GeSe samplesthepeaksareseenat0.95,2.05and3.55˚A−1, 2 and there is a minimum at 2.75 ˚A−1. These data indicate that SRMC(K) is similar to that of MQ-GeSe samples, Se-Se 2 at least in the low-K region, concerning peak positions. However, we should note that their heights are different, in particular the intensity of the peak at 2.0 ˚A−1. Itis importantto compareourresults consideringthe BT formalism. Figure6 showsthe SRMC(K), SRMC(K)and NN NC SRMC(K) factors obtained using Eqs. 1, 2 and 3, together with those factors found by ND and shown in Ref. 3. As CC expected, SRMC(K) resembles the XRD S(K) because the scattering lengths of Ge and Se are almost the same, and NN it is very similar to the SND(K) found for MQ-GeSe , except for the FSDP intensity at 1.0 ˚A−1. Although there are NN 2 differences inthe peakintensities, SRMC(K)resemblesthatfound forl-GeSe 2,15,16,51 andforMQ-GeSe 3, including NC 2 2 the sharpminimum at2.0˚A−1. S (K)alsobehaveslikethatobtainedforl-GeSe 2,51 andMQ-GeSe 3. Inl-GeSe CC 2 2 2 a sharp FSDP is clearly seen in S (K) at around 1.0 ˚A−1, and this fact also occurs in MQ-GeSe samples. MD CC 2 simulationsofl-GeSe 15,16 andMQ-GeSe 20 couldnotreproducewellthis peak. Inourcase,averyweakFSDP can 2 2 be seen at 1.1 ˚A−1 as a shoulder of the high peak at 2.0 ˚A−1. Remembering that the FSDP in S(K) (see Fig. 2) has a low intensity and considering all the results discussed above, we should not expect that the FSDP in S (K) was CC 8 2 1 ) K ( 0 Ge Ge- -1 S -2 1 0 ) K ( Se-1 Ge- S -2 2 ) K (Se-Se0 S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 K (Å-1) FIG. 5: SGe-Ge(K), SGe-Se(K) and SSe-Se(K) factors obtained from theRMC simulations for MA-a-GeSe4 (dashed lines) and MA-a-Ge30Se70 (thick solid lines), and also theND Sij(K) of MQ-GeSe2 (thin solid lines, Ref. 3). as high and well defined as it is in l- or MQ-GeSe samples. The IRO in MA-a-GeSe is different mainly because of 2 4 the introduction of Se-Se first neighbor pairs as “bridges” between the tetrahedralunits, thus decreasing the number ofESunits andincreasingthe numberofCSunits. Thisaffectsthe shortandmediumrangeorder,which,inits turn, changes the concentration-concentrationBT factor. 3. Bond-Angle Distribution Functions Bydefiningthepartialbond-angledistributionfunctionsΘ (cosθ)wherej istheatominthecornerwecalculated ijl the angulardistribution of the bonds betweenfirst neighboratoms. The six Θ (cosθ) functions are shownin Fig. 7. ijl All these functions were calculated considering as r the position of the first minimum after the peak of the first max shell (r ≈3.0 ˚A). max TheΘ (cosθ)functionisverynoisybecauseofthe verysmallnumberofGe-Gepairsinthefirstshell,butit Ge-Ge-Ge ◦ ◦ shows a tendency for angles around 100 . The Θ (cosθ) function has peaks at 55–61 and a broaddistribution Se-Se-Se ◦ ◦ ◦ from 99 to 118 , with a maximum at 103 . The internal Se-Se-Se angles in perfect tetrahedra are found at 60 , the Se-Se-Se angle in trigonal Se is seen at 103◦ and the angles in small Se chains and rings46 can be found at 90–116◦. Thus, the Θ (cosθ) function indicates that the tetrahedra in MA-a-GeSe are slightly distorted and Se chains Se-Se-Se 4 and rings are formed, in agreement with RS results and with the previous analyses of the G (r) functions. The ij ◦ ◦ Θ (cosθ) functionis verysimilarto the Θ (cosθ)function, showingpeaks at58 and105 ,whichis close Se-Ge-Se Se-Se-Se ◦ to the ideal tetrahedral angle of 109 . ◦ ◦ The Θ (cosθ) function peaks at about 58 and 106 . The Ge-Se-Ge sequence in ES units has angles around Ge-Se-Ge ◦ 80 that are not seen in this function, reinforcingthe small quantity of these units. On the other hand, this sequence in CS units has angles around 100◦, and n-fold rings have angles ranging from 92◦ to 125◦.18,46 The Θ (cosθ) Se-Ge-Ge ◦ and Θ (cosθ) functions are similar to the others, having peaks at 58 , associated with threefold rings, and Ge-Se-Se ◦ ◦ at 116 (Se-Ge-Ge) and 109 (Ge-Se-Se), which are related to tetrahedral angles and n-fold rings. The Θ (cosθ) ijl functions above confirm that distorted tetrahedral units are formed in MA-a-GeSe , with a clear preference for CS 4 units. These units seem to be connected by Se-Se bridges, forming small chains and rings, as pointed out by the RS data. 9 0.5 ) 0.0 K (N N S -0.5 0.25 0.00 ) K ( C N-0.25 S -0.50 0.6 P 0.4 D ) S K F ( C C0.2 S 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 K (Å-1) FIG. 6: Bathia-Thornton SNN(K), SNC(K) and SCC(K) factors obtained from RMC simulations for MA-a-GeSe4 (dashed lines)andMA-a-Ge30Se70 (thicksolid lines) andalsotheNDBTstructurefactorsofMQ-GeSe2 (thinsolidlines, Ref. 3). The arrow indicates the FSDPin SCRCMC(K). Ge-Ge-Ge Se-Se-Se ) qos c ( Q ) qos c ( Q Se-Ge-Se Ge-Se-Ge Se-Ge-Ge Ge-Se-Se ) qos c ( Q -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 cos q cos q FIG.7: Θijl(cosθ) functionsobtainedfrom RMCsimulations forMA-a-GeSe4 (squaredline) and MA-a-Ge30Se70 (solid line). V. CONCLUSION Tosummarize,wecanconcludethattheamorphousGeSe alloycanbeproducedbyMAstartingfromtheelemental 4 powders of Ge and Se, but the structure of the alloy is different from that found in MQ-, VE- or MG-GeSe or MQ- 2 GeSe samples, making clear the importance of the preparation technique. Structural units similar to distorted CS 4 and ES tetrahedra are formed, with a preference for CS tetrahedra, as indicated by Raman spectroscopy. These units seem to be connected by Se-Se bridges, as suggested by the high number of these pairs in the first shell, by the increaseinthedistancebetweenGe-Gesecondneighbors,bytheΘ (cosθ)functionsandalsobyRSvibrationaldata. ijl These differences in the SRO affect the IRO of the alloy, and this causes the low intensity of the FSDP in S(K) of MA-a-GeSe when comparedto the MQ-GeSe alloy4. The low intensity of the FSDP in S(K) can be tracedback to 4 4 10 the partialS (K)factor,whoseFSDP is relatedto the ESunits, whicharefoundina smallquantity inthe alloy. 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