Reversal of DOACs Breakthroughs and Their Aftermath Geno J Merli, MD, MACP, FSVM, FHM Professor Medicine & Surgery Co-Director Jefferson Vascular Center Sidney Kimmel Medical College Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals Disclosure Financial Relationships Geno J. Merli, MD, MACP, FHM, FSVM • Jannsen: Research (Medically ill) • Bristol-Meyer Squibb: Research ADIOS Study • Portola: Research • LoweRisk LLC, Co-Chief Development Officer Reversal of DOACs Breakthroughs and Aftermath 1. Has the emergence of reversal agents for DOACs impacted on prescribing behavior or improved clinical outcomes? 2. What education needs to be disseminated about reversal agents and how should that be done effectively? 3. How should reversal strategies be used appropriately and what can the ACC do to encourage appropriate use? 4. What is the expectation of availability for emerging reversal agents for DOACs? At minimum, should all stroke and trauma centers be required to carry all reversal agents? Assess Patient History & Physical Anticoagulant LABs Imaging Consultation Drug Class CBC As Indicated As Indicated Indication PTT/PT By H&P By H&P Last Dose SCr ½ Life LFTs Clearance Thrombin Time Target Specific Anticoagulants Key Points Rivaroxaban Apixaban Edoxaban Dabigatran Target Factor Xa Factor Xa Factor Xa Factor IIa T ½ 7-11 hrs 12 hrs 6-11 hrs 12-17 hrs single doses 9-10 hrs multiple doses Clearance 30% Renal 25% Renal 33% Renal 80% Renal 60% Liver 60% Liver 75% Liver Metabolism CYP3A4 CYP3A4 No No CYP 450 CYP2J2 P-GP Yes Yes Yes Yes Dialysis removes 60% Dabigatran Intervention IIa Inhibitor Xa Inhibitor Warfarin DOAC DOAC Vit K + 4 PCC Idarucizumab Vit K + 4 PCC Vit K + 3 PCC Vit K + 3 PCC FFP Andexanet rF VIIa Goals of Intervention 1. Fluid Resuscitation 2. Provide Rescue Clotting Factors 3. Increase Production of Normal Clotting Factors 4. Provide Anticoagulant Reversing Factor Reversal Agents Target Mechanism Idarucizmab Andexanet Ruff C et al Circ 2016;134:248 Ciraparantag (PER977) Ruff C et al Circ 2016;134:248 DOAC Reversing Agents Key Points Idarucizumab Andexanet Chemical structure Human Monoclonal Recombinant truncated Antibody fragment human Factor Xa variant (decoy) Onset < 5 min 2 min Half-Life Initial 47 minutes Terminal 6hrs Terminal 10.3 hrs Elimination Kidney Not reported Binding Non-competitive Competitive binding to binding to dabigatran direct Factor Xa inhibitors or to indirect Factor Xa inhibitors- activated AT III Target Affinity 350 greater affinity for Affinity for Direct FXa dabigatran than IIa inhibitors similar to that of native FXa Storage Refrigerate Refrigerate 51 Patients Serious Bleeding 39 Patients Urgent Surgery Conclusion: Idarucizumab completely reversed the anticoagulant effect of Dabigatran within minutes. Pollack C, et al N Engl J Med 2015;373:511