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Reverie and Reality: Poetry on Travel by Late Imperial Chinese Women PDF

206 Pages·2013·7.09 MB·English
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Reverie and Reality Reverie and Reality Poetry on Travel by Late Imperial Chinese Women Yanning Wang LEXINGTONBOOKS Lanham•Boulder •NewYork•Toronto•Plymouth,UK PublishedbyLexingtonBooks AwhollyownedsubsidiaryofRowman&Littlefield 4501ForbesBoulevard,Suite200,Lanham,Maryland20706 www.rowman.com 10ThornburyRoad,PlymouthPL67PP,UnitedKingdom Copyright©2014byLexingtonBooks Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereproducedinanyformorbyany electronicormechanicalmeans,includinginformationstorageandretrievalsystems, withoutwrittenpermissionfromthepublisher,exceptbyareviewerwhomayquote passagesinareview. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationInformationAvailable LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationDataAvailable ISBN978-0-7391-7983-3(cloth:alk.paper)--ISBN978-0-7391-7984-0(electronic) TMThepaperusedinthispublicationmeetstheminimumrequirementsofAmerican NationalStandardforInformationSciencesPermanenceofPaperforPrintedLibrary Materials,ANSI/NISOZ39.48-1992. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica Tomymotherandfather, ZhangMeifenandWangNaizhuo Contents Acknowledgments ix Introduction xi I:Reverie 1 1 RecumbentTravel:LiberationandLimitation 3 2 RoamingasaFemaleTranscendent 31 II:Reality 67 3 Women’sFootprintsBeyondtheInnerQuarters 69 4 AManchuWoman’sShortExcursions 115 5 Women’sInternationalTravelsintheLateQing 147 Epilogue 161 Bibliography 167 Index 181 AbouttheAuthor 189 vii Acknowledgments The journey of writing this book started with my dissertation written at Washington University in St. Louis and saw its completion at Florida State UniversityinTallahassee.AtWashingtonUniversity,ProfessorBeataGrant, my doctoral advisor, has beenawonderfulmentorduringmy graduate stud- iesandbeyond.Shealsogenerouslyreadandcommentedonmybookmanu- script in its final stage. I am deeply grateful to Professor Robert E. Hegel who always provides me with invaluable advice. I am also thankful for the guidance of Professors Lingchei Letty Chen, Steven B. Miles, Pauline C. Lee, and Linda Nicholson. At Florida State University, William Cloonan, Feng Lan, and Mark Pietralunga have each provided me with crucial advice for this book and my overall academic growth. I would like to extend my gratitudetoallmycolleagues,especiallyAlecG.Hargreaves,MartinMunro, LisaRyokoWakamiya,IreneZanini-Cordi,JohnKelsay,andJimmyYu. My thanks also go to Grace S. Fong for bringing my attention to impor- tantresearchmaterials,toPaulF.Rouzerforcommentingonchapter2inits early stage, to Xiaorong Li for timely and thoughtful suggestions, to Ji-Eun Leeforsharingheracademicexperience,toJingZhangforherassistancein obtaining animportantbookfromher homeinstitution library, andto Bruce Tindall for his editorial advice. I greatly benefitted from library resources, especiallythosefromWashingtonUniversityLibrary,Harvard-YenchingLi- brary, Nanjing Library, Florida State University Library and other Florida libraries.Amongallthosewhohaveofferedhelp,Iwouldliketoexpressmy specialappreciationtoTonyH.Chang,Wai-manSuen,XiaoheMa,SarahA. BuckKachaluba,YueLi,andC.DavidHickey. Iamverygratefulfortheanonymouspeerreviewcommentsandsugges- tions. Sabah Ghulamali and Justin Race, editors at Lexington Books, made thebookproductionfruitfulandefficient.Anearlierversionofchapter2was ix

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