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SEIRATNEMMOC EXPOSITION OF THE OLD AND NEW TESTAMENTS NOITALEVER yb John Gill Thou hast given a standard to them that fear thee; that it may be displayed because of the truth — Psalm 60:4 The Baptist Standard Bearer, Inc. Version 1.0 © 1999 2 NOITALEVER NOITALEVE RF OKOO BEH TO TNOITCUDORTNI t ornae ls,cinh otJsilegna vd Enealtso pe Ahyntbetti rs wakwo osbi httahT f otnavre sa,eciff osi hmor fdn a,ema nsi hf onoitne msserpx eeh tmor fylno ,t(si rshuCseJ >101066< ret isr iwrhettcar a ehmhc otor sf tl;ua)b 1n:o1italeveR (,flesmi hf osevig >201066< e h ftsosentiwe y negani e sb;a)2 :n1oitaleveR sm aifdhoroc elrufht i eaar foo bhd wn,ad ofdGor or,Wosog olLaitnesse ,renna melbakrame rdn arailuce pyre van i,lepso Gsi hn idi dnho Js a,hcus f oels ieh tn ignie bs'retir wsih tmor fdna somt anPehw eh,etorw >9010(66< y ahmci h ow?tdi a essbi hnt anch orJeh ttoa h fwro o;f)9 :n1oitaleveR rytr anMits us,Jasreti rtwneic ne ahfstoeinomits ee thdted deab f1 , who dn a,eltsop aeh tf osrae yytfi fnihti wdevil sueanerI f2 elpics ied hst aow h,w fo sneme ldC n,aeltso psai h ftroera e nh,apracyloP sunirdnaxelA f3 , naillutreT f4 , negirO f5 e b t i. i o rm,totscisIhash rt ww aaes,dhontmao fnooit odnipu tyslsuortsnom ,suiaC snoitne mairdnaxel Af osuisynoiD f6 , nyebtt i srttawaiwht gninrecn osceiser esh inhe h,wciter eeh hstuhtnireC ta h.W t nidietuf eyrlgnor ttss oem rtasir h fCyotinam udh nyatiniv iedht sm e oeets vdaeh l oht ctu h s ,gattsun aiod uehhnfohtta octsecuhaotht odteme e,sneva emho rmfelasur ewJ een h fttonecs eed hdt n,angi e'rsraey erhutovaf ylhtra en af osnoito nlanra csi hdn a,na msih tf omsiaduj netti rgwni esb tri o sfda n.Aycnedn ehtc u osenv ayhe hstaere h,wesidarap rteatybs edoer itbp osa,hisnw hroeJht oynba , srue,st eefelhahtptsEopa o oettbs ue,mhs aewre hfd tin; an haac mus sarwe veere hntiatr et costnii sretca r eav;r h koomneoc r sontiahbe efiohctato tohbateeitlbhrtw ndievres b sotia h.Weerga skio osbi h ftnoamn eep htta h,tm i fhrouovaf ll i,weltso p ra,otsilegna vee htt odn n,aeniv ied hnth o,Jelt iet h nt,idellac ,esoehatet rl g lraoeeswtcar ash icsh etm o ordo;hotewfciv rmooeindsh d n,arenn aeamniv i od nssigni hetniv i fdeoto row h,wnh otJsilegnavE s akwo osbi hetcn e?htsir h fCyotiniv ied hgtninrecn oyclralucitrap della csemitemos ”ytiniviD “, f7 skio oe bhfetolt ie th,tsedis e:b yeologia nri o;fseir adv n,asreh t yo tb oidtexif fnae esb atha h swti u,blanigi rtoon eht ,su hstn u trnioiti dneaisnetulpmoC 3 e hnth otJsilegna vdE nealtso pyAl oeh h ftnooitalev eeRht“ ”.eniviD nh odJesse leb h fteospylaco peA hdtell a sc tinioisr envit aeLtagl ueV hntI e h ntdi n;aeltso peAht oetd asm ahwci hnwoitalev eeR h,tnoisr ecvairyS e h,tnh o fJnoois ieV h,tnoisr ecviba reA h ntdi n;atsilegna veE hnthoJ e hetgdelwonk chaci hlw l.Aespylaco peA h,tt i ow,ttsilegna vdE nealtsopA stnei c enefhasot n eewhs ot d h ,nrsftaeoit i enroe hhwtbetolJtsopA reti rswi htta h,tdegel l satia htwnem oym n f at osiri o.N tgininrecnoc ,nh ohJt ilwau ssu a twsiaere h,wsem iltarev eesm asn i fhnooitn esmekam ed i saweire hetcn i;sem asn ilhaecn o oc,tseltsi pde nlaeps osG i nhhitob ycehpo rdp n,asdnei r ofsteltsi pde nyarots i nhganiti rnweewt eebcnereffid ehfhtot u drynttairoh t eumha ot,nheow msa'nroh t eushaetriu qhecrihw ely t fstonemeergas ied hetsiwek i olds n:adnep eydltae rygcehporp ; tneiicr oosf na,hnh ofsJogniti rrweh te ohhtt i,wko osbi hndtievresbo dn alacirotsi hn amor ftnereffi dsyawl as ielyt scitehpor peh tecnis ;tnemeer g na saeire h,tsgni hytn a nm,il lraet f,at edy n;ae nyoralotsipe n odS ndar oeW h sttasir h fCsokae p,ssgniti rrweh tso i n hsi,asi h ntnihoJ :gniwoll oef hetsiwek idl n;abm aeL h ftroetcara hec hrted ndu nda ofGo ,srae(hte gdoetra p ysmeaeobmgcassap >201066< h(t i)w2 :n1oitaleveR >539134< nhoJ )53:91 dna( >101026< 1 nhoJ ,1:1 )2( >501066< h(t i)w5 :n1oitaleveR >701026< l l.A)7 :n1h o1J rr eofr tnoefeihohr ttw,i tee m bn roooudenotoehrdvtr egs nbhioceibhw enirtc oe d hfttonemeer ge ahnte hywllaicep s;eko osbi hfytotiroht ueaht d n,aely ts stfyiotsej ae mh,terutpir ce Shfstotr arpeh thot itndwiieniatnoc floarev e,s t nisis a opetm o ocstgni h ftsoeicehpo rypn aem hlt leavoba della csa wt ihguoh tdn a;deredisno cer a,delliflu fydaerl anee beva hhcihw t nisigni hetm oessuac e,bn elmaciter eehm o ysdbetcej edr nnaoitse unqi , std t e ir tetyhedienon i tw evonet u tithastoosebwsthanthuafetoeordl ydaer l ta fihoc u omes e osdtev ielv aoh hcwitneht ugani esbti e hr tos.fAd ot Gurbeh tomono refm odclu ohcci hd wndaehsilpmocca ,ere hewca lep h;tsdn alh l nanoo pdueer gta o snsii hgtniti rsw t fieomit feol sei h et obstmees s atkwini hetm o.Snoitse ueqm ot sehyci h,wsomtaP fsoem iet h ntniettirw rase asCuidualC f8 noi tef,cro uoerfhtetsbed e hfetolt ie t hn.tImelasureJ e obdti a ssnioitalev esri h,tnoisr ecvairyS feol sei h ntnih o oJetdam ytbs asc a ewhhci howt n,isomtaP Nero Caesar. ,ere hntois isvi hdt a ehtha h,t snioini pdoeviec eyrlnomm oecr oem httuB ta eht rettal dne fo ngie rs'naitimoD f9 ,dehsin aebre hst a ewmho h ywb fyolniatr eskcio oe bh,tll itsswiai het tbu. B6r, 9o5r9a ee yhttuoba e h tt nisiniatn odc n;aevitcurts ndi nlaufe sgunideec xde n,aytiroht ueanivid 4 gnainrec n,olcep s eosfhGeotnirt ctondatro p dmsniuaotne mtosmom d nyati ee dh,tdaehd oe G hnstinosr efypotinirt e h,ttsir hfpCoihsnos d neata tes h,ttsir h fCsoecif feo h,ttiri peS h ftyotilanosr edp nyatinivid e h ytnboitailicnoc edr n,anodr a,pnoitacifits u,jerut a ynnb a fmnooitidnoc d n,anoigil e frsoeit uldarev ees hstdnemmoc e trdi n;atsir h fCdooolb ralucitr ay pr seaevv id gneaca rygre vfeeosicre xe ehosttegaruocne eefhto t a edtf,hnsottasirhci tlf nl odaa,nfrae w,oep s etifhnrotuocca d n.Adlr oe w hfdt one e hoettm ifstodoir ee phl t lntaisir hfhCocruhc e h yt,bdootsred n euyb atm e,yely tnsommoc n n unanietti r s wtihiguoht ht i twginirapm o yc,bnoitatid edm nraeya r yp sb,asna ermepo r fpeosu yn ahmci h yw,bsem itts a fpyorots ieh hdt n,asgniti rcwitehpo rrpehto e obtthg u todi n;atnemhsilpmoc craie hdt aehv a ohrtaep plal i tw nisigniht t aow nosttniia h;tgni hnted d t iaod hnn,anoitale v stteaiia rh,tdevresbo tdaehst sdeelcbnuo n h e ot c,;rtdr a nukeaunpnhdesonbaatepoolobaes , (tnsiigni he thetvres bd on, atria ed hndaaer >301066< d n;a)3 :n1oitaleveR . t finooitanalp x netapmet t oattnemegaruoc nlela m o ssnhicihw 5 CHAPTER 1 NOI1T ANL OEOIVTTECRUDORTNI n ,o dokeientohthaotctbud o erdctn an asfienehirtap trneot cpsaihhcT e hhtci h nw,iko oeb h fteolt iet hhtt iswnig eebcafe rep h.T t niniois itvsrif su s ,erftJooih t eu;hantoital e , vdtaeeaRt n riftseooiitp ttacmejbus nosr eep h:tleg n na,a t firoetsin iem h;treht asF imho r tfdi aoh h,wtsirhC e hdt n,aecif f,oem asn i yhdbebircs e,dnwo nekd asm a twmio howt r do;nf wareaehsvet a doh,ntwlaep s so,iGthsi reoh rtCyeonhbomitset ssseini pe,pvtarih e,ds rnb ,aaos denoah otet srnoretempegaruocne pronounced to them ( >101066< ko oe bhfntooitpircs ne ih;t)3-1 :n1oitaleveR e hetre hewca lep hdt n,areti rew h fteom aen het rhaci h nw,iswollof hci h nw;ime h ftnooitatul ahast i,wer edwebircs n si timio h owstehcruhc yl oe Hhmto r,freht ae Fhd tomGo r,fme hr todfehs ie wreaca ed pneacarg s ighnisserp xseretcara h ycdbebircs e sdoi h;wtsir hsCus emJo rdf n,atiripS ,stifen eeb h ytdb n,asecif fyolgn idk n,ayltsei r,pcitehporp d,nsaruovaf noitpirc sryaogolo x moao dho,wtelpo es pinm hoiydhbewots esbruonoh ,(ed a smyiro lfgo >401066< ytbsr i,fdebircs erdehtr u sfoi h;w)6-4 :n1oitaleveR eh ttceff ayltaer glli whcih w,sduol ceh tn ignimo celbisi verutu fsih ythgiml adn alanret eeh ts a,flesmi hy bneh tdn a,htra eeh tf ostnatibahni God, ( >701066< retfae r,enhoi s eiehvctudor tronet i d dnr;nio)a8, 7n:o1italeveR s i yh,bflesm i fhtonuoc c nasaev i tgwi atsa h et,hretpa hsci h ntdietaler nmie hhtt ipwihsrentr asp i yhdb n,asehcru hec h otntoital esr i yh,beman enhe hewm iet h ftdo n,ata hrw odf n;a nsi a ewehca lep h ftdo n,anoitcilffa noitnet tsa idheneka wtaa hdw n,a nsi a ewehma ref hdt n,anois iev hdtah to it, ( >901066< ne vg owtenetaisihstre vtd aa,h w tdo;nh)a11- 9n:o1italeveR o h,wn a fmno oes hetk iel nmoe h fttosd iem h ntdi n,askcitseldn ancedlog tee fsi hy b,sey edn a,ria h,dae hsi hy b,eldri gdn asehtol csi hy bdebircse dsi s i fhto uton etwa h ywdb n,adn athhg isr i nhdi a ehtha h yw,beci odvna (,htgnert sst in inu seh teki lgninih seca fsi hy bdn a,htuom >211066< noitaleveR ll e tfnio pou h,wnh o.J ndo anhois isvi httcef fee hdtetal e srtix e,n)61-21:1 ndon athhg isr ighniy a,ltsir h yCdbetrofm osc atw u,bda eed n sonawod ,nee sda he htah wetir wmi hgniddi bdn a,sa we hoh wmi hgnille tdn a,mih rdol u,oehess( >711066< ht idwedulcn osrcietpa he chd tn;a)91-71 :n1oitaleveR 6 nev ee shd tn,asra tnsev ee shfytorets ye mhfntooitaterpret nnia ,(skcitseldnac >021066< .)0 2n:o1italeveR .reV.1 e hnToitaleve Rfo suseJtsirhC e hsehtihci hfrwoeht i]E.c t,e , es hat;winh oolJteg ns aiytdhbiewo hd sntan etsa hes thatr wio:frohtua s dl eef a ,h nokden tkte,ee onsoeaoh hhpf oaibhoteatooftlitbhdortutJ d otG uebn oencn i;syti esd i fhfooo replbaredisn oycr e savhici hdw n,ati dluoc emh ot dr enfehertal c,reeo d msoogtcn ilhltete r downfoankerof nein o sd si,at ety oen rtaa hstgni het hstem ittneic nmao rdf n,agninnigeb ,nosr es p ifhhoc usmtae rtrt io;ftcejb ue s h sethihci h frw:ooko osbiht e h nt,ihcru hsc i fheota tes h ft,olacits ytmsir h fCdo n,aeca rdg n,aseciffo ,m ioht neud atmsr isf ahwci hnwoitalev etra h st ti ri;oem i ftsoe glaareves :enilc nsidr ogwniwoll oef hetsn ehsci howt o mehtdivcnohaiuGghw s eihhc u ssra o,fd o s Ge ishma i ohtt o;n dn a,tneicsinmo deo d n,d ee sndemos alnotarucpeovwe twaehnwkerof si hdt n;arotaid edM nna asm a e wshta u,bm i ohetd a e mobntoitalever nwo nekk a om,tsdn ash ioht nti udp n,areht aeF hdt o yGmb inhev isgaw s t fido nee h:tecif fcoitehpo rsp i fhnooitartsinim dea h fttor agapni esba ,sa wmi hnevi ggnieb s e somyatolpctr ot hshsuc mishgwn ithntav rso eitws hnoouhts : the e h,tretfaer eeoehbtr etwa hstgni h;t”se gearut un fi,“sd dnaoisr ecvibarA d nnaiatr eec h fteosuac e,byrassec esn ahwci h fwtonemhsilpmocca d n;ayro ln gws oid hn,aelpo es pifdhoo oe gh,td ofeGoerc eedlbaretlanu ye htta ht to;nem ietltt iyl r ne,aivylkci usqs aoeptm ooectr eewseht t osngni hetm oes reare hrt o,fem i fteoca ptsro h nasdiellifl u eflb ldaluow si hetcn i,ser odm noa gsara edyerdn unheeten i sn tihiguo h,tt edyellifluf et bolnl itwa hstgni hetm oe sreare hetr ue s reda wn;aed as manwoitalever s imuinnelli meh tro f,ero mdn a,ecne hsrae ydnasuoh talli tdehsilpmocca ,noitc eer rrs , euio ddhs tte enterabs d o rehian;cdttenenf usaattgoeenyb no if todecnhuat ratsed goG dna es eth at ,hestsi n ee ths;utyb mgroagaM o gdrawrofecneh tmor fdn a,delliflu fe bo tnige bylkciu qyre vdluoh ssgniht ese httneserp e or,two h oswt o.Ndehsilpmoc cear elw llal igtnillifl unfo e ho, ttftoim ddalu omwe hfetorut ae nhs,tarenn arma e n,laiscgniht evres byoltnegil idd nraa edh ndaa e,rsreveil eebu rlt l,atsir h fCsotnavres o stsisenis uebso h,wleps oeG h ftsoretsin iem h otytllaicep sde n,ameht tnav r seyoislthralucit r da tonpmuta eothnt i do,npma eoh tthnciraes si hdterews nyaletaidem moi h,wtsir h yCebd anmoitalev esri hst a,wnhoJ :dne 7 and he sent, and signified [it] by his angel unto servant John s ioh we h; semitem o,sstiri pgsniretsin iem ryae hmto h owdt n,asleg n fador oeLht d n,asng i,ssmelb mseuoir a yvdb n;arehto nsaemitem ods nlaeg nea ntones devol eda bn,atnavr elsufhti a,afnh oeJrof etb eds ndaetneserp e,rsnoisiv .noitalev esri h fteolo hew h,ts i fheolpicsid .reV.2 d r foeodeocrh rheoWfotrbdowoG d nlaaitnes se ehf]tO.c t,e s indh iiedltso pe ahnth os;Jan onSettog eybl ns oi,hd ofdGor olWanrete rael cas ihcih wdn a;koo bsih tn iosl adn a,seltsip esi hn idn a,lepsoG . t firoeti rew hgtni esb i fheocnedive dnA fo eht ynomitset fo suseJtsirhC fsoeifits ehtci h,wleps oeG h,t stia h;t nam ush i fhyotila edr n,aytiniv isd i fhhotu ret h ft,otsir h fCnoosr eepht f:onosr es pi,hnam ud hneaniv i,dserut ao nwe t hfntooi ne u hf;toerutan dereff uds nda i edtha h fw;ogn idK ntasei r,ptehpo r fp,osecif floarev essih :mi hy beviece ryeh thcih wecar gf osgnissel beh tf odn a;elpoe psi hrof dna fo lslga ntiahhtt ehwas f oydo bnamu heh ts a,sey eylido bsi hhti w; ,tnu oe mhntfntoiooitarugifsna re th, ttntiihguo reswhelcar ie mh,ttsirhC noitcerrus ee rhd tn,ara e hpats i tfwgionicre ie phd tn, a tfniooixificu recht hac uds n;ako osbi h ntdiedroc esrnois iev hots lda n;ada eed hmto r tffio od tn,ako osbi hfytotiroht ue ahmtrifn ooyctltae rsgevr esssent ilwufhtiaf e h. T tflioasur ee phdtnemmocer ciba reA hdt nnaoiti dneaisnetulpmoC n si,a”retfaer e ehtbsu m r“,o”lla hhsci hdw n,ae rhacih w,“da enroisrev >9110(66< .)9 1n:o1italeveR .reV.3 Blessed [is] he that htedaer ,noital ek esvo]hi eo.th,RbcTte f oerise dahti w,yltnegili ddn ayllufera c,ylima fr otesol csi hn i,yletavirp d n,ad o fGhocru hec h ntyilcilb u rp;o tginidnatsrednu nserpuoovaedne e hdt nwa ael h ftgonida eer h otetdul lya adm n;asreh t o ottniialp xdena ;dednuo p tx,uedb ayelre r taeob rnhecw i,hsweugoga n eysnhstitehporp ees( >513144< t h os gyrt ieu aee ehb o;mhhdbteh)ttnht1aa t2r5: 15s:1t3c1A ,esua ltcx een h ntriebm u fneogna hsaecire hetcn i,ssdr oew h fteosnes dyy trn ecsaaaehedh e hthrtfhstpooiowhrtp e hoyttlevitnet tnaets itla h;t , or s ssaore oaetavd,theank haos noifobhoittiso pdgxnneaidaer odterevil ende h,welo he whr to: ftndiieniatn osceicehpo re phdtnatsrednu edh atsenrois ree mv to:useb msoogtcn iyfhcoteh p s o,aarnwphoJ ta h et shdiessel b,“reht i se;asesua lhct o nbeiki lraebmun ,dhnetahedaer dnni ateatLa g ,les”uhahVtter ateahht e rdaessel b r“;osnoisr ecvipoihtE :nois rceivb a er,shA”atr ate ahyh et dh,ntda ate aryhetht 8 nier enhettt iehrrcw aishgwn iehs top hedtenka ,sd dnaoisr etvs ae lh;t nti utp u,bra edh n,ada eyrl nto oon h;w”dlr olwia rsfi hgtninrecnoc“ ko osbi hnstigni hetm oe sreare hr to;fra ed hndaa eyre htta hewcitcarp nev ees h otsteltsi pee h ntyillaicep s,eerut alnacitca r fapeo rhacihw e kd,anetavre st basohntos rees poeyhrp tap,e ass ;hinersehoesthcruhc hgi elwl edw n,ame hnto peutatid edm n,anier enhetti r swtia h fweociton hguo h,tw o.Nseirom ermie h ntmie hntiat edr n,asdn irmie h ntmieht ese hfy tonydaberuco rsr pio,nno pdunep et dosne osdsenipp alhanrete ,assenipp alha e sareire htt e;ygnivres bdo n,agnira e,hgnida e sr,asnaem rh y icpa ,tiudmosshrtg wa nagei eshdretnh e ts tte,taoeahdrtus aeeulrpt :de d edsrada rgonwiwol l eoehfstop rhucp i rh dow;nfma eohttnu for the time [is] at hand .delliflu fe bo tnige bdluoh ssgnih teeh tneh w; .reV.4 he a crnisiaisehAhwc r nun ehhoevcotheJts ;ai srAess en]lI.c t,e n(dienoitn eem rsaem arnieht >111066< ;)11 :n1oitaleveR ecarg ]eb[ otnu ,uoy dnaecaep e h ftnooitatul ansomm oec h sthici h;w ll adn a,ecar gf osgnissel bll asedulcn idn a,seltsip erieh tll an iseltsopa nl“ol ieGe s:(drawt ud ondaraw n,iytirepsorp >701054< e.h)T” 7s:n1amoR ,debircs eydlralucitr aypr eev rdaehs iew ryae hmto hmwo rsfnosrep e mhsoocitc i dh,nw sahacw i dh ,nwhsaci i mhmiwohrf emo shcih w; eI hgtni e,b” shicih wm“ i yhrbeht aeF h;tytini reTlo hew h ftdonatsrednu e hdt ohGt isw ahwci h,w”s ahwcih wm“ i yhnb oeS h;t mtIaa hmta s aow h,w”em o o csthicih wm“ i yhtbiri peS hdt n;ad osG adw n,arehtaF ,d re nr e hd,a ee tdt nn mhhsreeeaooottaosmhS trafiotafFmmcooCrp n si ei sh,adednet nyil neor e shtisir hkCni hstreh t:ohtu r fttoiripS >8010(66< ecni s,”s ihcihw “e hs idn a;snoisserpx eema seh ty b)8: 1noitaleveR sog olLanre tee h,t”s ahwcih w e“dh n;a” m Iae“ hst a ewmhahar beArofeb srieh ht.tt dua kda Bre cne, g f i ad”sed;odus eah udnqiomtrJra“tooocW ,d n so ;s ofeo f ritd s ostdo eesnoreasoehhrateh rrGhttiPtehetafbpdFnu ogtnitsalre vmeo rdf ogGni e eb,hytinre tse i fhhot oebvisserp xeera dn a,sa wsyawl ae htah wwo ngnie be h,ytilibatumm isi hf odn a;gnitsalreve y ntauoht i,ws arwe vde n,a swi o entha h ewlbliw woda h rs,ossenelbairav dr oe w hfntooitanalp xnde an,asisarhpi r ee arpyae h:tgninr ufto e ho.tSem ood ctn,atnese r,pts a,psesn el tlsaedulc nhici h,w”havoheJ“ (n iema nsih tnialpx esweJ >413020< sudoxE;)41:3 9 caa s .IsRyaS“ f10 o t yn,ausSe sdoo it MdadoseGss eyl lb eo,hht stia hde mItnh,a asw iotna hde mItnh,aas atwa h,emItmhaeht ot ,emoc eroferehw ”.sem ieter hntetti rswi hyha sgniti rrwie h nttineuqe r sfdi o fGsoisarhpir ehapc udsnA f11 . hee s crndtesm ioon irionhfrAerahrewehhifvbttpess e hetrof erbeht i;e enorht fo doG eht ;rehtaF ,ro sa eht e hetrofe b,“sda enroisr ecvipoihtE hgu o,hstle g tntoann a eemrm oa;yh”bwtsi rshuC sde rJ eoefhLnotorht ,e es reddnte osn noihef eafarrtre,htohi abdtstpdo snGyeadr aaoetrod froebm uhanc uksni hot h,wsreterpret neim o fseosn ees h stsii h:tll iswih or;tosehcru he c hfstoleg nnaev ee s hoettcneref ehrt idwenoitn esmmieht t“s anlev eesht e h;tsw ee Jhfetoe rctitsilab ae Chnstirebm ur,no”torihpeS desser p,xdeaeh d eosnhGnitos reeeP r ehnhtgti seesdop pyu esthst reiefrht r:osleg n fayonapm oeclo hew htts anlev ees hdt n,aesua lgcnidece rep hnti ,ahpyrco pe A hn,tideed n. Ifkoae pssw ee Jhstleg nlaapicni rnpev ee shott m aI“ e httnese rhpci h,wsleg nyal onhev ees h fteo n,oleahpaR fyoro le ghetrof et bud o n noahigci hd wn,astni ae s hfstoreyarp ”(.e nyOl oeHht Tobit 12:15) eorabtaep pt aosne ott diu;bsleg nnaev ee shfe toneodobti aslsieahpaR .sleg nlaapicni rnpev eesr eewre htta hstrie h ftnooit odneviec eyrllareneg ehT ne(osarhpar aepedlahC >701110< . r yMdbootsrednus i sm)i7: 1s1iseneG s.tadIwesser dedra e eh”rtsale gyntanev e ts,u“”bnev e t sro,“onefdeM dnu odrna to sh,wsleg nlaapicni rrpu ofkfoae poystl nsow ee Jhhtt ilwausu ,leahc ie Mrsaem arnie hd tn;ad ofeGonor he thttuoba dn a,leirba G,leirU ,dn athhg isr i thsadna tlseahc i,Mme h otgtnidroc c;aleahpaR si ht aleirU dn a,mi herofe bleirba G,tfel mi hdnihe bleahpaR f12 . However, it does not e hnteewt enboitaut ihasc u nsdieca l epdbluo hssleg ntaa hytlek imlees eca ed pneaca rtga hsts ellli td sn;an oe Shd tnraeht ae Fh,tsnosr eePnivid dr oe Lhd tn,areht ae Fhd tomGo rs,fame hmto rr fodfehs iedwbluohs n,ipihsr olweg n oantev i egdbluo hescnanetnu oyc ntaa hdt n;atsir hsCuseJ nd in,asreppihsr osdwaetneserp enret foe osrsaleg nhaci hnkwio oab :sevlesme h yttba hdt n,ame hnteddibr oefc nnoa hetr o smpiihsr ohwcihw e n sooi h,wd o fGtoiri pySl oeH hdtednet nei rsatiri pnsev eesse h yttbub s eiehrofere hdt n;asuoir aev rsaeca rdg nsatf isg ith u,bnosr esp inhi eh tf oesuace b,rebmu nsih ty bdeifingis d n,ame h ftnooitcefr edp nsasenluf me oh,hdwedis emer ohprh ew,vsoehcr unhec v eetohscttep shetriw .secar gdn astfi gsi hhti wdehcirn edn a,delli fdn a,deifitcna sdn a,decneulfni 10 .reV.5 dn Am osrtufssierJhC , ]. c ,thoeghuW o eh dhtnntooscre esnPieht dn a;mi hf odia se bo tere wsgnih tyna mesuace b,tsa ldenoitne ms i,ytinirT ,eciff ocitehpor psi hn i:seciff osi hll an idebircse ds iohw eh tlufhstsieanftiw tcepse rhti w,lli wdn adni msi hf o,rehta Fsi hf os ie hs a; fdo n;asesimo rsp i nhsisenlufhti adf nhatu rst i fh;opihsr odw neanirtc oodt ,yti eedu rst i fh,oflesm i fhdo n;aneso hsc i oh,tycr edm n,aeca r,gev oslih proper s i fh;oreht aeF hhtt iywtilau qtecefr edp n,apihsnos ,pihshaisseM l l fado n;ahta edd n,asgnireff u,secneide bso ihhguor hntoitavl a fsdona n,isy alwarev eysnomits eltufhti aeafr osb a ehhhci h ow,tlaren e nghiturt dool bsi hf ogniddeh seh ty bdn a,htae dsi ht a,selcari msi hy b,yrtsini msih s ie h:dro wsi hf osretsini meh ty bdn a,ecni stirip Ssi hy b;t ilae sot y beciff oyltseir psi hn idebircsed the first begotten of the dead s i yhdba eed hmto refs otra httsr ief hgtni e:b desi aerr ew weefm ohsguo hr to;fef illatrom m noida tn,arew onpwo .nia gea i odtt u,bre vre oefv i olrt o,nsevlesme h yttb otn e,ym iehrofeb , re e hsveiohetroM tfsoen r daenegad e el,hpntoitcerru s eesfhrtotiurftsrif sesopp ursetcara hsci h.T t firoalpme xde neasu atcneicif fee h stlal e sw,ati nia geas oetrha hd tn;aelpo es p ifshon ie shr to,fd i esd,hade ietdhaht stasr iefs oetrha hd tn;anoitacifits urjie hr to,fd i esd,hada ee dhmtorf edh n.Ame hrt oeff i flyo aew hdtene pdo n,aevitatneserp edr ndaa erhieht ,swollo ft iro f,eciff oylgni ksi hn idebircse dsi dna eht ecnirP fo eht sgnik fo ehthtrae h:c ish iwtdoo nootts reebdnu ,dlr oe whd tn,anat a,Sn irse vroew oepv ao hh,wstni ae shfytolevitarugif ;gn i rKeocni r sP eimho h fwdo n,atsir h fCeoca rsguoicacif fee hhtguorht stisir hmCo hrwe v,odlr oswi h ftsoecni rdp nsagn iek h ftyollaret itlub el udr n,am imho rsfmodgn idk nsanwo rrcie hetviec eor h,wdr odL nganiK swoll otfx e.N etbs uym aed nyoe h st,am i ohetlbatnuoc cea rda n,am iyhb ,m ioyhtro lfngooitpirc snr,aaoygolox oad otnu mih taht htah devolsu ,neso hsc i,hhcru hsc i,helpo esp i,hn wso i;h gnitsalrev en ahti wdevo lsa he heseh t;rehta Fsi hy bmi hnevi ger aoh wdna hcih w,thgile ddn aycnecalpmo cf oevo lahti w,evo lelbaegnahcn udna n inwoh ssa he hhcih wdn a:dn ereve nlli wdn a,egdelwon ksessap ,erut arnie hgtnimus s,aesu arcie hgtnikatred n,usnosr erpie hgtnisuopse yrotaitipor pas ameh tro fflesmi hgnivi gn inah tero mgnihto nn idna tx e sn si,ame hrt odfoo lsbuoice rsp ighnidde hds ngani y nd ri,oecifircas :desserpxe

of Bithynia, and fixed the seat of his kingdom at Prusa; or rather his son .. fornication, but adultery, incest, sodomy, and all unnatural lusts; brothel.
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