To my fans, who have been so incredibly wonder- ful and supportive. You guys are the best! For the RBL women, who are always there when I need a pick-me-up. To my loop members, who fill my life with laughter and caring. God bless you all. For May, Lyssa and Nancy, who work so tire- lessly to make every book the best it can be. I don’t know what I’d do without you guys and I never want to find out. To my husband and boys, for fill- ing my life with love and for making it complete. But most of all for my mother, who really wanted to read Christian’s story. I’m only sorry I didn’t get it done sooner, Mom. I miss you more than I would have ever thought possible and I hope that you were right and that heaven is filled to the brim with all the books you loved so much. There are three acts in a man’s life which no one should advise him either to do or not to do. The first is to get married, the second is to go to the wars and the third is to go to the Holy Land. These things are all good in themselves, but they may turn out ill, in which case he who gave the advice will be blamed as if he were the cause of it. —EBERHARD OF WÜRTTEMBERG Contents EPIGRAPH PROLOUGUE “Well?” Queen Adara asked in nervous anticipation as her senior… 1 ONE Christian of Acre sat in the aleroom of the town’s… 5 TWO The men paused in the doorway as they surveyed her… 18 THREE Adara stared at the man who held her. “I’m not… 40 FOUR Adara’s heart returned to its frantic beating while she scanned… 70 FIVE Phantom choked on the porridge. Brother Thomas pounded him on… 97 SIX Christian woke up to the harsh morning light. For an… 116 SEVEN The marriage was now consummated. Adara should feel elated and… 154 EIGHT It was late when Adara went to find Phantom in… 173 NINE Christian sat in his wooden chair, staring at Adara, who… 195 TEN Adara sat alone at a table eating her supper of… 215 ELEVEN While Christian and Dagger settled Agbert, Adara returned to the… 239 TWELVE By the time they reached Venice, the weather was freezing,… 255 THIRTEEN “Adara?” 267 FOURTEEN Her miracle didn’t come right away. Adara wasn’t sure how… 283 FIFTEEN With Phantom’s words ringing in his head, Christian paused as… 298 SIXTEEN Adara and Christian settled into an easy camaraderie as they… 308 SEVENTEEN “Something’s amiss,” Christian said as he surveyed the rising mountains… 320 EIGHTEEN “The imposter’s dead.” 335 EPILOGUE The last two months had moved far too swiftly for… 348 ABOUT THE AUTHOR BOOKS BY KINLEY MACGREGOR COVER COPYRIGHT ABOUT THE PUBLISHER