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Rethinking THE FRENCH REVOLUTION Marxisamn dt he RevisioCnhiasltl enge GeorCg.Ce o mninef Witha F orewobryd GeorgReu de RethinktihnegF rench Revolution Marxisamn dt heR evisionCihsatl lenge • GEORGE C . COMNINEL VERSO Londo·Nn ew York First pubblyiV sehresd1o 9 87 101987Ge orge Comninel Allr ighrtess erved Verso UK:6 MeardS treet, LoWnIdVo 3nH R USA:2 9W est3 5tSht reeNte,w Y orkN,Y 1000212 91 Versios t hei mprintN ewof L efBto oks BritLiisbhr aCrayt alogiunPi unbgl icDaattiao n ComnineGle,o rgCe. RethinktihnegF rePlcrhe volution: Marxisamn dt her evisiocnhiasltl enge. 1.F ranceH-istorY-Revolution, 1789-17942 .F rance-Pioclasintd government-Revol1u7t8i9o-n1,7 99 I.Ti tle 944.04 DC161 ISBN0 -86091-8P9b0k- 4 ISBN0 -86091-179-9 USL ibraorfCy o ngrCeastsa loignPi unbgl icDaattiao n ComnineGle,o rgCe. RethinktihnegF rencRhe volutiMoanr:x isamn dt her evisionist challenge/GeCo.rC goem ninewli;t ahn i ntroducbtyiG oeno rge Rude. p. cm. Bibliograpp.h y: Includiensd ex. ISBN0 -86091-1$7394-.99:5 (U.ISS.B)N0. - 86091-8(9p0b-k4. ): 1. France-History-Rev1o7l8u9t-i1o7n9H,9i -storiography. 2.M arxiahni storiograpIh.Ty i.t le. . DC 147.8.C17948.7 944.04-dc19 TypesientT imebsy P .R.GG.r aphiLctsd . PrintiendG reaBtr itabiyTn h etford LPtrde.Ns,os r folk. Contents Acknowledgements Vll ForewobrydG eorgReu de ix Introduction 1 1.T heF rencRhe volutasi oBno urgeoRiesv olutiOornt:h odoxanyd Challenge 5 TheS ociIanlt erpretaantdBi oounr geRoeivso lution 5 TheP revaleonftc heeS ociIanlt erpretation 8 TheS ocial Interapsr' eOtfaftiicHoiinas lt'o ry 12 TheR evisioCnhiasltl enge 18 TheC onservaLtiibveer aloifts hmeR evisioCnhiasllte nge 20 2.T he MarxRiesstp onse 28 BourgeoRiesv olutiinMo anr x'Tsh ought 28 TheI nitMiaarlx ist Response 32 TheN ewA pproatcohB ourgeRoiesv olution 34 Reformulaotfti hoeOn r thodAocxc ount 42 TheB alanocfeC halleanngdeR esponse 46 3.B ourgeois RevoAl LuitbieornCa:ol n cept 53 BourgeoRiesv olutBieofno rMea rx 53 BourgeoRiesv olutUinodne trh eR estoration 56 TheU nitoyfL iberIadle ology 63 TheC urrenotfLs i berMaalt erialism 64 4.I nD efensoefH istorAy M:a rxisCtr itiqoufMe a rxisTth eory 77 Orthodox Marxism 78 StructurMaalrixsits m 82 CriticoifsS mtsr ucturMaeltihsotd ology 84 StructurMaalrixsitsa mn d' thTer ansition' 90 ClasRse latiaonndAs r ticulaotfMi oodne so fP roduction 95 5.L iberIadle oloagyn dt heP olitoifcst heR evolution 104 Liberal Idaenodtl hoeAg nyc ieRne gime 105 Liberal Piontl hietF ircse ncRhe volution 107 Class, HiasntdLo irbye,r alldeology 115 6.M arx'Esa rlTyh ought 121 TheO rigionfHs i storMiactaelr ialism 123 7.H istoriMcaatle rialism 133 MateriaalnidsSm o ciRaela lity 133 TheH istoriciozfPa otliiotnEi ccoanlo my 135 ProbleomfsT hGee rmanIde ology 140 DivisiofoL na bor 147 TheH istorMiactaelr iaalnidLs itb erCaoln ceptioofCn lsa ss 149 HistorMiactaelr iavlsiE.sc mo nomDiect erminism 153 Marx atnhdeD ivisoiofLn a bor 155 TheC onfusioofLn i beraanldH istorMiactaelr ialism 159 Marx'Cso nflatoifHo ins torNieccaels sities 163 TheM ethoodf H istorMiacatle rialism 166 Outlionfet heM ethoodf H istorMiactaelr ialism 170 TheP ractoifcH ei storMiactaelr ialism 174 ConclusiToonw:a rdasM arxisItn terpretoaftt ihoeFn r ench Revolution 179 'BourgeRoeivso lutainodnt 'h eA ncieRne gime 180 Capitalainsdtm h eA ncieRne gime 182 ClasRse latiiontn hseA ncieRne gime 193 ClasIsn terients hteF rencRhe volution 1% SeleBcitb liography 208 Index 219 Acknowledgements Thibso oikas r eviasnerdde writtena vdeorcsdtiioosrnsa elor f­ tatpiroens etnott heGedr aduPartoeg raimnSm oec ainaPdlo li­ ticTahlo ugahtYt o rUkn iverMsysi ttuyda.in etdsh w er itoifn g mucht hoifs textp owsesriiepnb a lmbreayta df ee llofrwosmh ip theS ociSacli enacnedHs u maniRteiseesa Crocuhn ocfil Canada. Thearrese e vepreaolpw lheo scoen tribtuotti howionsrs Ik woullidtk oea cknowlWeidlglIeir.av mai nnNdei chRoolgaesr s adviasnecddo mmenotne dtt ehoxefmt y dissearnetdaa cthi on, helpteosd t emeetr o wasrodmsie m porqtuaenstt ainoadnw sa,y froamf epw itfNaelaWllos o.da lscoo mmenotnte hdae ta rly texwth,i Rloeb eBrrte nnreeraa dn dco mmentuepdo tnh e revimsaendu script. • Fori ntriondmgue ct o rtahneg e of hiosnt otrhieo graphy ancireeng i,m eIg raemai tnldye bttoJe .Fd .B oshHeer .d oes noto,fc osureb,e aarnr ye sponwshiabtieflvoiterthr ye Iu shea ve madoeft hrei hcihs twohriIycd hi scovtehrreodu ggehn heirsou s assistance. Myi nteirnte hscetl arsesl aotfti ohFners e nRcehv olwuatsi on firsstti mulatweodr okbfG y e otrRhgueed , we hor etritehvee d livoefcs o mmopne opfrloemf rogotdtoecnu metnomt ask e meangifntuhl epiorl iatcitIcws aa.lfs ro tuntaoht aevb ee eanb le tos tubdryi ewfliytP hr ofeRsusdoaern, ed v en fmrootruen ate sintcheet no hbaevnee ffirtohemid ks i ndnienstse,ar neds t, gooadd viIcw ean.tt ot hahnikfm o hri cosm menatnssd u gges­ tioannsld,o ofrkow atrotd a kuipnt gh ofsowerh itchhe wraens o room ihnaef ruet wuorrek . vii viii Ia me speciallyE lglrMeaenti ekfsWuiolno sdgf 'eosnr e rous andi nvalausasbilseot vaetnrhc meea nyye asrisn schefe i rst agreteosd u permvyid sies sieornHt.ear ot rigainncdar li tical approtaotc hhqe u estoifco lnass ss taaintnpde r e-capitalist sociaenttdyh t er anstioct aipoint waalasin is mmp oritnafnltu ­ encient hdee veloopfmm yei ndte Sahshe.a usn stinctoinn­gly tribhuetqreu de stcioomnmnset,as n,cd r itiacnitdsh wmio,sr k habse egnr eaitmlpyr oavsaer de sIuh latvl.ee arngeredda eata l botfhr ohme wro rakn fdr om wowrikthihen rg. Finaflolhrye ,sr u ppgoorotd, haunmudon rd,e rstIa nding, dedaittceh bioso k tpoa rmtaynn ewdri ,f eABnanl l. Foreword GeogreC omninbeoloi'kass h ard-haintcdto inntge nwtoiroku s thaits botour nadis soemf el farko m hiosftt ohRreei vlaouns­ tiobno,ta hm ontgh owsheo mh ec alls 'raenvtdih soisoen ists' 'orthoMdaorxxi'as ntdos t hewrhso sjeu dgements they have beepnr opotsoi' nrge 'vB.iu stie t is vearltysh oo uga,h tful origainnwdae ll la-rrcehbseoedof kr omy oauh nigs twohroisaen argumetnhtosuh,gei h s n eaw cotmote hrfe ei ldde,s etrobv ee carefeuxlalmyia nnewddi derleya d. Thmea itnh roufDs rtC omninoenlt'esn'ttcihoawnth ,iti lhsee FrenRcehv oluhtaibsoe new ni dedleyb attehdad,te bate has oftbeene bna soendt heer ronperoeumsti hsaiett w'abso uar ­ georiesv'o l,u twihinio tcnhhbe o urgeionci hsailel,et hnoegl idn g feudaarli-storcergeai,tsm iocu gthort e pliatbc yea liberal­ bourgepooilsi atnidsc oacloi radlfe arrv aobtlote h dee velop­ menta c oafp itmaoldoiefps rto ctdiuoTnh.me a jfoarl ilnta hciys perspe,ac sth iesv eeeistl ,i iens mtihset aketnh atvthi ee w Frenecihg hteeennttubhro-yuc rgeaonidas riies trboec­racy longteotd w fou dnamenhtoasltlcilyla es ses( iwhnhiv esir eewa)s they bwoeurnbedy a co mmoni ntetroee xsptlt ohmieat t erial resouorftc hesest awtheil leea vtihonelg sd o coiradlve irr tually intaScott hm.ea jiosrs ouveew rh itchhFe r ench Revolution was foug(hatnt dha eu thionr w naody e niiteissm portwaannsco et), asL efebavnrdSe o boaunldo th'esro ciinatle rphraevtee rs' maintatioun perdo,oo tl 'dtf heeuo dradbleu'rrt a tthoge irtv hee bourgetohidese isep,ji usnepidao rrt onfae rrisrs atcyoal,c a rger -anudl timparteeployn d-sehraairnnet ptohlei cotnitcarolof l ix x thset aitnev,o ltvhieenv ge ntdueamlio sfbe o tahr istocratic privialnedg aetb hseo plouwtoeefrt hKei nAgn.di itfs o bre ing thfei rtsoet x posef atlhliatsch y'e s oofci inatelr sp'ro,re ter schooof' lo rthMoadroxxhi'is stt otrhiAaaltnf srC,eo db bhaans earntehadeu thporra'iysse heteg; o eosn atrogt uhea t nheei ther notrh Fer ehn acnAd meri'craenv istihoafntloi lsotwhsei'dm havoeff eraenad c cepatlatbelrneea xtpilvaen oafwt hiatothn e FrenRcehv oluwtarise oanal bloyu t. Sot he mpauirnpo ofDs reC omnli'nbeso oiks etxpol tohries wholpero blaenmeb wo,t ahst oi ts oarnitdgo ii tponsss sible eventsuoallu tHioown,. tthobe engw,ii nt dhi,d mtihsitsa ken perspeocfat 'ibvoeu rgreeoviosl'au rtiiIsotens ? t eadrt,th e authboerl iewvietnsho ,n e othtahMnea rrh xi msoerlm,fo ,r e exacwtiltyMh,a rxf'asi ltuoer xet end hicsr irtioigfqo ureo us bourgeoipso-lliietbcieocrnaaotllmot y hs et uodfty h hei stoofr y pre-capsiotcaiSleoitM syat.r ax l,t hohuehg ahad l re(afdryo m 184o3n warbdesg)ut noe volhvinese wt heoorfy historical materiatlooioksv me,arl mousntc hanfgreodm Ftrheen ch libehriaslt oorfit ahnes 1a8n2dt0 hse 'iprh ilosporpeh­ical' deecsstohresii dreo afas' bourrgeevooilsau'nt iditp osan r ticular applictaott hrieeo vno louf1t 7i8oT9nh. le i beorfat1lh8se2 , a0 ss welalst heei ghteeennttuphrhi-ylc opshoeasn dt hpea triote leadoeftr hsRe e voluittishoeanlsd f o,u snodc ainapdlo litical reasfoonsrse etihncoegn flpircetcse adniadnc gco mpantyhien g Revoluatsti hoeny idnbi odu:r geois-tmeartasme sran ialist ineluscttrauboglfrge il gaehg ta iwnrsotno gff, u taugraei nst past, oft hnea tiaogna itnhpsert i vialnedgm,eo drs;ep eicciafalsal y, revoloufatf ioworanr d-lboooukrignegao niidts asil ela igeasi nst ane ntrenacrhiesdtb ouctrtarcweyhs esinect da ,mt eot hpeo i,n t byi tpsr otetchtaeob rs,o lmuotnea rIcnh .at uhte'h soow rn words: Thee ssentcilaals siens tcohnitsi nuuwme ret hea ristocarnadtc hye bourgeoitshieie d:l dee,c adednets cendanotfts h ef eudoarld eorf Germanciocn queroarndst ,h ep roductiinvneo,v atainvde ,v irtuous. A weaknoefcs osue r,isn tthheiowsra yts h lei bevriarltsu'a l refu-seaxlc eapmto ng mtohrereia rd ieclaelm -etnoat p pre­ ciatthepe o sirtoilvee pblyta hypeeo dp ular wimtahsosuets whosien terv(eantsth iaeou nt hionrs itshtbeso )u rgaenodi s libearrails-tocraticco urlendvo otl uhrtaeiavoleni azreide st heir goaIltwsa .sa w eaknheesa sdd,ts h,wa atls a tsehra rbeytd h e 'revisciroiontfii scs'tt sh'oe ic nitaelr p(rwehtaoetl,r e sai'snt t h is

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