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SoniaAggarwalisDirectorofStrategyat EnergyInnovation:PolicyandTechnologyLLC. Sheleadstheorganization’sworktodevelopaset ofpoliciesthatcansupportahighershareof renewablesonthegridwhilemaintaining reliabilityandkeepingcostslow.Beforejoining EnergyInnovation,Ms.AggarwalwastheGlobal ResearchManageratClimateWorksFoundation, anetworkof13regionalfoundationsandexpert teamswhopromotepolicestoreducethethreatof climatechange,wheresheworkedwiththeMajor EconomiesForum,JapaneseandChinese governments,severalU.S.senators,theWhite Rethinking Policy to Deliver a House,andtheAmericanEnergyInnovation Council.Shealsoservedasanadvisortothe InternationalEnergyAgency’s‘‘Accelerating Clean Energy Future TechnologyTransitions’’project.Earlierinher career,sheworkedinaccidentpreventiondesign engineeringforanuclearpowerplantinOhioand lateradvisedcleanenergycompanieson America’s electricity system is in the early days of a technologyandfinancialcommunications.Ms. AggarwalholdsaB.S.fromHaverfordCollegein radical makeover that will drastically reduce greenhouse AstronomyandPhysicsandanM.S.from StanfordUniversityinEngineering,withafocus gas emissions, increase system flexibility, incorporate new onenergy. technologies, and shake up existing utility business HalHarveyistheCEOofEnergyInnovation: models. Depending on each region’s history and PolicyandTechnologyLLC.HeisalsoaSenior FellowforEnergyandtheEnvironmentatthe preference, well-designed markets or performance-based PaulsonInstitutelocatedattheUniversityof Chicago.Previously,hewasthefounderandCEO regulation can be used to accomplish power system goals ofClimateWorksFoundation.From2001to2008, heservedasEnvironmentProgramDirectorat of low costs, high reliability, and environmental theWilliamandFloraHewlettFoundation.From 1990through2001,Mr.Harveyservedas performance. founderandPresidentoftheEnergyFoundation. Mr.Harveyhasservedonenergypanels appointedbyPresidentsGeorgeH.W.Bushand Sonia Aggarwal and Hal Harvey BillClinton.In2005,Mr.Harveyservedas RhodesChairandLecturerinPublicPolicyat ArizonaStateUniversity.HehasB.S.andM.S. degreesfromStanfordUniversityinEngineering. Theauthorsacknowledgevaluablecomments I. Introduction building a cleaner, more fromDanAdler,DougArent,LaurenAzar, RichardCaperton,RalphCavanagh,Allison affordable,andmorereliablegrid, Clements,KennethCostello,SteveFine,Peter The electricity system in as well as an industry ready to Fox-Penner,EricGimon,DianGrueneich, MichaelHogan,MarijaIlic,JohnJimison,Ronald America, and in many other profit from deploying its Lehr,MichaelLiebreich,TrieuMai,Robert nations, is in the early days of a technologies around the globe. Marritz,ColinMeehan,BenthamPaulos,Jigar Shah,JosephWiedman,UdayVaradarajanand radical makeover that will Managed badly, we will spend CarlZichella.However,theauthorsaresolely drasticallyreducegreenhousegas too much time, money, and responsibleforthecontentofthisarticle.This articleispartofapackagefundedandorchestrated emissions, increase system pollution on obsolete power byEnergyInnovation:PolicyandTechnology flexibility, incorporate new plants, leave our country LLC,anenergyandenvironmentalpolicyfirm,in partnershipwiththeEnergyFoundation,a technologies, and shake up increasingly exposed to system partnershipofphilanthropicinvestorspromoting existing utility business models. failure, and let our energy cleanenergytechnology. This transformation is already technologybusinessessliptoback underway: it is not speculation. of the pack. Managedwell,thistransitionwill T he stakes are high: every give America a great boost, single part of our economy October 2013,Vol.26,Issue8 1040-6190/$–seefrontmatter#2013ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved.,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tej.2013.08.009 7 requires reliable, affordable vertically integrated monopolies substations. Still, well-structured electricity. And the world built power plants, strung wholesale electricity markets requires a climate that does transmission and distribution and performance-based not drown our cities, dry up lines, billed customers, and were regulation have proven effective our farms, decimate our rewarded with a predictable at reducing costs and bringing planet’s biological diversity, or return on investment. That important innovation to the fore. leave us vulnerable to mega- regulatory compact was Third, national security, public storms. upended in the last two decades health, economics, and climate T hree factors are driving as various parts of the nation’s changepointtotheneedforclean change in America’s power grid were opened to competitive energy.Societycannotcontinueto sector. First, a large number of markets, many electric utilities bear the public health and new technologies are becoming were restructured into multi- environmental costs caused by commercially viable. Power state holding companies, and unmitigated carbon pollution— generation technologies like solar and public opinion increasingly (pricesdown80percentinthelast demands clean, homegrown There is no five years) and wind (down 30 electricityforAmerica.Asaresult more business percent in the same period) are (despite federal inaction), a gaining market share.1 Last year, as usual: These majority of states have adopted the U.S. added more wind than policies to encourage greater trends will change any other kind of generating investmentinrenewables,energy the power system capacity.2 Smart engineers are efficiency,demand–response,and rethinkingthegrid,totransformit and utility grid modernization. from a static delivery system for businesses What does this all mean? What electrons into an intelligent web opportunities and threats does at their core. that can optimize across many this conjunction of forces variables. New solid state portend? This article argues that equipment can deliver more thereisnomorebusinessasusual: functionality to grid operators regulators increasingly turned to These trends will change the and replace huge, expensive, ‘‘performance-based power system and utility vulnerable, and hard-to-monitor regulation,’’ wherein utilities or businessesattheircore.Profound transformers and switching competitive service providers opportunity is embedded in that systems. And fracking3 has earn a profit when they, for change. Several studies have transformed the economics of example, keep costs low, deliver demonstratedthatitispossibleto natural gas in America, making efficiency,andkeepthelightson. power America’s grid using a natural gas-fired generation an It turns out, however, that very high share of renewables in attractive option, though history building a competitive market is the next 40 years, at very modest has proven the value of a diverse devilishly difficult for a cost, and without relying on any setofpowersupplyanddemand- commodity that cannot easily be technological breakthrough.4,5 side resources to minimize price stored, flows to the nearest load That kind of transformation volatility. regardless of contract intent, means cleaner air, better jobs, a Second, the advent of runs along monopoly more flexible power system, and competition has challenged the distribution wires, is a hopeforfuturegenerations.Itisa protected and privileged status prerequisite for all economic very big deal. of America’s utilities— activity, and requires real-time T hese changes require a catalyzing massive change in the coordination across hundreds of breakthrough in policy energy industry. For a century, power plants and thousands of andinbusinessmodels.Wemust 8 1040-6190/$–seefrontmatter#2013ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved.,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tej.2013.08.009 The Electricity Journal re-think power system incentives operationtooptimizeacrossboth II. A Clean Energy andregulation,therelationshipof demand and supply resources to System that Works American citizens and their keep the system in balance. government with the power When they do this, they will America has an opportunity to system. An America powered by unleash innovation, drive down lead the world in a vast power 80 percent low-cost, reliable prices,andincreasetheresilience system transformation. As costs renewables is within our of the grid. of renewable energy technologies technological reach, but we are The world of electricity decline, experience across the notonapathtoachieveitquickly regulation is extremely world is demonstrating that it is orefficiently.Tosucceed,weneed complicated—and it is not likely easier to integrate much higher to face head-on the task of to get simpler, at least in the near shares of renewables, more modernizing our institutions and term. In order to capture the rapidly,thanpreviouslythought.7 lining up the right incentives in benefits of new technology—in Still, none of this happens the power sector. automatically. Just as today’s P ower system planners are electric system was built on clear An America powered by well accustomed to figuring incentives for utilities, 80 percent low-cost, out where, when, and how to tomorrow’s system needs build large, centralized power reliable renewables is direction,andthatwillcomefrom plants and their transmission the way electricity systems within our lines. They have mostly operate, power markets are technological reach, but considered electricity demand to structured, utilities are managed be an uncontrollable variable, to we are not on a path to and regulated, and new market be met by central power plants, achieve it quickly or entrants are supported. whicharebuiltbasedondemand Technology, competition, and efficiently. projections, and dispatched to increasing awareness of the follow load. Today, though, dangers of climate change are demand-side resources like likely to drive change in the energy efficiency and demand– costsavings,morereliability,and power sector regardless of efforts response allow system operators better environmental to preserve the status quo. But and consumers alike to reduce, performance—utility regulators withoutthepolicyandregulatory shape, and shift demand—in will have to rethink their drive to facilitate this transition, effect making it dispatchable. At approach, and will need there is likely to be significant the same time, renewable energy legislative permission to do so. collateral damage and economic introduces variability in power This article, building on seven hardship. supply. Utility systems will have studies organized and reviewed Aclearpolicysignalisrequired morecontrolonthedemandside by more than 200 of the top todriveefficiencyandthenswitch and less on the supply side— experts in the country, is a to ever-greater proportions of which is manageable if, and only guide to that rethinking. It is clean power. Most economists if, there are physical systems in written for state public utility arguethatapriceoncarbonisthe place to optimize the whole, and commissioners, power company most efficient way to do this, and the regulatory structures to executives, investors, federal a few states and countries have reward those who perform well regulators, legislators, grid and adopted that approach, though at this optimization.6 Utilities marketoperators,andtheirstaffs, mosthave done so in conjunction and their regulators must re- considering the demands of their withbroaderefficiencystandards think system planning, jobs—to supply reliable, clean, and clean energy policy. Others investment, markets, and and affordable power. have employed more targeted October 2013, Vol.27,Issue8 1040-6190/$–seefrontmatter#2013ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved.,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tej.2013.08.009 9 tactics: 29 states now require withthatrisk,anddrivingprivate power sector is so capital- utilitiestoproduceashareoftheir investment. The power sector intensive, reducing risk—and electricity from renewable demands large capital therebyreducingcapitalcosts—is sources, under renewable investments, but they will not be key to keeping consumer costs electricity standards.8 Many made unless the potential for low. stateshaveincreasedtheirtargets returnexceedstherisk.Important as renewable energy technology criteria for an investment grade costs continue to drop.9 Other policy include: III. Maximizing options include feed-in tariffs, (cid:2) Policy certainty that can America’s Resources: A production incentives (e.g., support investment choices that Framework for production tax credits), or a may have long payback periods; Regulators and Utilities strong emissions standard for (cid:2) Long-term certainty about power plants. Design may vary, price, or access to markets; America’s power system is but the most critical point is to remarkably diverse. It employs a have an adequate, clear, stable, Conversations about the system of high-voltage wires andlong-termpolicysignalthatis more than 200,000 miles long— best way to keep costs economically and politically enoughtowraparoundtheEarth low, keep the lights on, sustainable. eight times.11 Some parts of the E ach of these approaches and deliver a cleaner country rely almost entirely on has advantages and power system are often coal-fired electricity, while others limitations, but the best have already receive a quarter of their plagued by arguments been remarkably effective at electricity from renewables—and over whether utilities or increasing the share of renewable the rest of the nation lies energy, delivering efficiency, markets are king. somewhere in between.12 Power and driving down costs. The generation and demand must be series of articles brought to balanced in every instant, all you in this special issue of acrossthegrid,tokeepAmerica’s The Electricity Journal addresses (cid:2) Contractsanctitywithcredit- businesses functioning and thenextgenerationofpoliciesthat worthy utilities (when the utility homes bright. can build on the industry’s is the buyer); S itting on top of this successful growth; policies (cid:2) Appropriate reduction of incredibly complex physical with the potential to deliver othernon-pricebarriers,10suchas system is an equally complex an efficient grid powered by a permitting; system of governance. much higher share of renewable (cid:2) Access to the grid; and Conversationsaboutthebestway energy. (cid:2) Reduced time between to keep costs low, keep the lights Regardless of which of these application and approval (or on, and deliver a cleaner power toolsaregionchoosestouseasan denial). system are often plagued by overarching signal, supporting The authors of Removing arguments over whether utilities policies must be ‘‘investment- Investment Barriers and Managing or markets are king, as well as grade’’ to make the transition Risk—another article in this whether legislators or regulators readily affordable, but this factor issue—lay out ways that policy are driving system evolution. is often neglected. A policy is can remove financing barriers, There is no ‘‘right’’ answer to investment-gradewhenitreduces enableinvestorstomakethemost thesequestions:America’spower uncertainty, thereby shifting risk of new assets they deploy, and systemisheterogeneous,andwill to partiesthatcan bestmanageit, lower the risk of renewable remainso.Changewillhappenon offering return commensurate energy investments. Because the a regional basis, and innovative 10 1040-6190/$–seefrontmatter#2013ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved.,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tej.2013.08.009 The Electricity Journal partnerships must be forged include treating energy efficiency these roles evolve—Policy between previously siloed as a resource, higher efficiency Implications of Decentralization, decision-makers. The path to a appliances or motors, or smart another article in this issue, clean, reliable, and affordable controls that ensure electricity is explores the evolving role of energy future must therefore be used when it is most needed. distributed energy resources in adaptable to a whole range of Demand-side programs can be the power system, as well as the regulatoryandmarketstructures. administered by utilities or policies that can support them. I ndeed,nomatterwhatchoices government agencies, but are More than half of all electricity each region makes about how usually executed by independent consumed in the United States is to organize power system service providers. sold by vertically integrated management, there are five basic 5. System optimization: Supply- utilities. This means that the roles that must be filled: and demand-side resources must utility handles at least the first 1. Generation: Energy must be be evaluated on equal footing to three of these roles, and converted into electricity and fed sometimes the role of demand- intothepowersystem.Thiscanbe side management and system Customer done by utilities or independent optimization as well. These service is about power producers—and monopoliesareregulatedbystate increasingly, by businesses and delivering the and federal governments to homeowners. ensure they keep prices best energy 2. Transmission: Electricity reasonable for their customers services—not must be transported from while meeting certain social generatorstoareaswhereitcanbe the most objectives.15 used. This is done by utilities, electrons—for the ‘‘Restructured’’ electricity federal agencies, or independent marketslayattheotherendofthe least cost. transmission builders and spectrum. Many flavors of operators. restructuring exist because there 3. Distribution: Once electricity are many power system is delivered via the transmission maximize their value, create a ‘‘products’’or‘‘services’’thatcan system, or once it is produced portfolio of options to manage be provided through competitive close to where it can be used, it risk, and keep the system in markets. In some regions, must be conditioned and filtered balance—both for real-time customers are allowed to choose into the homes and businesses systemoperationandlonger-term their power supplier, or that need it at the end of the line. system planning. Advances in independent companies run the This can be done by utilities or intelligent grid technology will transmission system, or independent distribution system underpin this critical task. independent system operators builders and operators.13 Properly designed wholesale use wholesale markets to call on 4. Demand-side management and markets, independent system independent service providers customer service: Many smart operators, regional transmission andextractmaximumvaluefrom options exist for reducing the operators, or utilities can fill this availableresourceswhilekeeping amount of electricity that each role.14 the power system in balance. home or business needs to Each region has decided to fill Ancillaryservicessuchasvoltage function, and customer service is these roles somewhat differently. support, black-start capability, about delivering the best energy And the increasing role of and system balancing can be services—not the most consumers in controlling their provided by regulated entities or electrons—for the least cost. energy supply and demand will independent parties Demand-side management can have profound impacts on how competitively bidding for the October2013,Vol.27,Issue8 1040-6190/$–seefrontmatter#2013ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved.,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tej.2013.08.009 11 work. A particular region may gaining access to power markets, stateorregiontodeterminewhere choose to restructure the whole and suggests a strong imperative along this range it lands between system (e.g., the Electric toreducebarriersfornewmarket vertically integrated utilities and Reliability Council of Texas), or entrants while maintaining fully restructured markets. Most mayjustrestructureoneortwoof servicestandards.Donewell,this regions are a hybrid, and the the roles above, leaving the other will drive innovation and bring model is likely to fall somewhere roles as regulated monopolies. down costs. between the three illustrated I n markets that lie somewhere Figure 1 lists each of the five above. But regardless of the betweenthesetwoendsofthe roles that must be filled in the choices made, regulators must spectrum, a utility might act as a power sector, and displays the ensure that the markets and ‘‘smart integrator.’’ In this spectrum of ownership models utility oversight are properly potential scenario, the utility described here. As the figure designed, or else costs will rise, would take advantage of its illustrates, transmission and whilereliabilityandpublichealth unique skills and experience as a distribution are physical suffer. large-scale social actor, using monopolies—thereisonlyoneset markets to select the least-cost, of wires, so even if the system most-valuable resources, and operator runs a contest to IV. The Goals, and Ways looking across the whole system determine who should build or to Accomplish Them to integrate those resources operatethelines,andevenifthey effectively. The smart integrator are jointly owned, they will Regardless of how a region’s mightoperatethepowergridand ultimatelybeoperatedbyjustone markets are organized, its information and control entity. The other roles in the power system planners must systems, but would not own or system can all be handled by optimize for high reliability, sell the power delivered by the competitive markets or by reasonable cost, and strong grid or by long-term suppliers.16 regulated monopolies. environmental performance. The This concept relies on new A s long as all of these roles first two of these objectives have businesses and service providers are filled, it is up to each been explicit for as long as the [(Figure_1)TD$FIG] Figure 1: A Wide Spectrum of Market Structures Operate in America Today 12 1040-6190/$–seefrontmatter#2013ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved.,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tej.2013.08.009 The Electricity Journal power grid has existed. The whatkindofenergytouse,when T here are many ways to third—environmental to use it, and how much of it design markets or performance—has gained to use. This means that fixed regulation badly—and the worst considerable traction as an costs cannot be passed through ofthesecanbedisastrous.Butthe equally important objective.17 as large fixed charges to right mix of smart regulation and Sometimes there can be tension consumers. At the same time, well-designed markets can each between these three objectives, maintaining reliability means be very effective. Five general but emphasis is usually set by keeping power system principles for good power policy policies put in place by the infrastructure up to date design can help increase electorate and the legislature (see sidebar), and minimizing effectiveness no matter how a with public interest in mind. thefrequency,duration,andscale region’s markets are structured: Striking the right balance of outages. And finally, 1. Long-term signals are between these three objectives is environmental performance can necessary to give utilities and essential to ensure the power be measured via conventional other investors the confidence system continues to meet pollutants, greenhouse gas they need to get the right America’s needs. To keep costs emissions, water use, effluent resources built and online by the low, power system planners, management, and optimal timetheyareneeded.Regulations regulators, and market designers siting for new infrastructure. must be transparent, and must must think about how to Figure 2 provides examples of articulate the market failure they minimize bills (not rates) for both regulatory and market address. customers, as well as how to solutions to each of these 2. Innovation and efficiency minimize price volatility. They challenges—though it is should be properly incentivized. must also make sure that rates important to note that all market 3. All resources—both are designed to send the right solutions also require regulatory generation and demand-side— signals to customers about oversight. should be properly valued for [(Figure_2)TD$FIG] Figure 2: Regulation or Markets (or a Combination) Can Be Used to Optimize Cost, Reliability, and Environmental Performance October2013,Vol.27,Issue8 1040-6190/$–seefrontmatter#2013ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved.,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tej.2013.08.009 13 theirusefulattributes.Supplyand A. Best practices: competitive independent system operator demand resources should be markets (ISO) or a regional transmission compared on an equal footing to organization (RTO)—is also determine the right mix of Competition has moved—at needed whenever operations are resources for the system. Two varying paces in different parts handledbymorethanoneentity. other articles in this issue, Policy of the country—into electricity As long as all five roles in the ImplicationsofDecentralizationand generation, transmission, and power sector are filled and the SupportingGenerationonBothSides demand.Mostofthecountryhas barriers to entry into the market of the Meter, give clear policy introduced competitive are minimized, competitive recommendations for how to do generation, and independent markets have the potential to this, including how to analyze power producers own and lower prices, drive innovation, trade-offs between centralized and deliver the energy services and distributed resources that customers need. But it is (emphatically including tricky to design markets that efficiency) as well as ‘‘integrated cover all the near- and long-term distribution planning.’’ system needs, so regulators need 4. Newancillaryservicesmustbe to act with care and valued(andoldonesmodified)as sophistication. the grid modernizes. These non- A n important step in energy grid services are essential maximizing the efficiency tokeepingthesystembalancedin of competitive markets is real-time aswellasover the long- consolidating balancing areas— term.Manyexpertsarebeginning creating more system flexibility tocallthesenewancillaryservices and options by enlarging the ‘‘capabilities,’’whichincludeboth area over which supply and real-time and forward services. operate three-quarters of all demand have to be balanced. 5. Coordination among renewable energy generation.19 Consolidating balancing areas agencies—and constructive Federal Energy Regulatory helps system operators take communication with utilities—is Commission (FERC) now sets advantage of a wider range of critical.18 rules for these wholesale resources, which reduces T hese general principles can markets across the nation. Some aggregate variability in both be used as preliminary areas have also introduced generation and demand, screens to identify the most competitive transmission, decrease the need for costly effective proposals for new wherein independent backup generation or markets or regulatory policies. transmission companies may reserves, and decrease price The supporting articles in this compete to build and operate volatility.20 When balancing issueprovidemanymorespecific transmission lines, taking bids areas cannot be fully recommendations,buteachmeets and negotiating contracts to consolidated, a second-best these criteria. move electricity (subject to FERC approach is to open an The following two sections lay oversight). Some parts of the organized exchange for grid out best practices for optimizing country have adopted retail services between control cost, reliability, and choice, where residential and areas—often called an environmental performance small business customers can ‘‘energy imbalance market’’— using these five principles within choose their own power coupled with authority for both competitive markets and supplier. As a rule, a system dynamic transfers between regulated utilities. optimizer—such as an regions.21,22 14 1040-6190/$–seefrontmatter#2013ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved.,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tej.2013.08.009 The Electricity Journal A n article in this issue, by-year basis for access to long-term certainty for investors PlanningforandInvestingin electricity, capacity, and—in and utilities, either through well- Wires, provides clear policy some places—ancillary services. functioning markets or long-term recommendationsforgettingnew Takentogether,itisahugetaskto contracts, giving them the transmission lines built to enable have all these markets built and confidence they need to balancing area consolidation or functioning well, but luckily undertake the multi-year process energy imbalance markets. Siting smart information technology of gaining reliable access to ofnewtransmissionwillremaina and communications controllable demand, building challenge, but best practices for infrastructure can help by new supply and transmission streamlining the process are laid automating many of the resources, or upgrading older outinoneofthismonth’sarticles, transactions. All of these shorter- ones. Markets for delivery of Finding a Home for Renewable term markets are shown in the productsorservicesseveralyears Energy and Transmission. shaded ellipses in Figure 3. in the future are called ‘‘forward Eachenergymarkethasitsown Even as these complex shorter- markets.’’ products and services. Within a term markets operate, system Somegridregions,suchasPJM balancing area, well-designed optimizers and grid planners (the largest wholesale electricity competitive markets clear on must think about the future. market in the world, located in manydifferenttimescalesforeach Maintainingtherightresourcesto the eastern part of the country), of these different products and keep the grid in balance requires have established forward services. To make the most of renewable and demand-side [(Figure_3)TD$FIG] energy resources, markets for energy and short-term ancillary services should clear as often as every5min(orless),soastotake advantage of short term fluctuations in demand and variable supply. Examples of these ancillary services include power quality, voltage management and frequency regulation. At the same time, hour-ahead markets usually ensure that electricity supply and demand are on track to be balanced, and that ample ancillary services (like load following and ramping capabilities) will be available to keepthegridreliable.Marketsfor access to adequate power generation capacity and ancillary services may also clear a day aheadofwhentheyareneeded.In parallel to day-by-day markets, markets mayalso clear on a year- Figure 3: Electric Power Markets Clear on Many Different Timescales36 October2013,Vol.27,Issue8 1040-6190/$–seefrontmatter#2013ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved.,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tej.2013.08.009 15 markets for capacity alongside A nother article in this issue, Table 1 shows the market their energy markets. This Aligning Power Markets to solutions to meet each of the five introduces an explicit value for Deliver Value, suggests that principles for good power policy the ability to call on resources forward—i.e., future—markets design outlined above. Even if a whenever they are needed, and should also be opened for a region relies heavily on ensures a revenue stream for handful of existing ancillary competitive markets, there is still capacitythatmayrarelyrun,butis services, such as the capability to a substantial role for regulators critical to system reliability. ramp energy production up or setting policy direction and Demand response is delivering down quickly. The article also providing market oversight to more and more capacity in PJM’s suggests that new kinds of minimize gaming. forwardmarket—almost15GWof ancillary services should be newdemand–responseclearedthe added, such as a service that B. Best practices: market in 2012 for delivery in hedges the price differences performance-based regulation 2015/2016,23 which suggests that between one scheduling demand-side resources could interval and another. As To usher in a modern system, havegreatpotentialtodeliverlow- generation becomes more regulators must reconsider the cost solutions to capacity variable and demand more verypremiseupon whichutilities requirements in other parts of the controllable, the flexibility have traditionally received country. Any new market should characteristics of power compensation.A focus onrate-of- take care to ensure that demand- generation resources will become return regulation may no longer side resources—at least including more valuable.25 Market make sense for America’s power efficiency,demand–response,and designers must develop tools to system—partly because of the distributed generation—can better forecast net demand, and spread of competitive markets, participate and bid on equal shed light on the future value of partly because it is unlikely to footing with supply-side grid flexibility. Valuing the new adequately compensate utilities if resources.Demand-sideresources capabilities that we anticipate they are building less new will be an important part of the needing can make sure the right infrastructure (as growth in flexible grid of the future—giving resources are online when grid electricity demand slows), and system operators the freedom to operators need them to fill partly because policymakers are call on whichever resource can resource adequacy requirements increasingly focused on deliverclean,reliablepoweratthe ortominimizecostsandkeepthe performance, rather than capital lowest cost.24 grid reliable. investment.26 The power sector Table 1: Markets Can Address All of the Principles for Good Power Policy Design. Principle Market Solution Long-term signals Work to make short-term markets for energy and services healthy enough to provide long-term signals37; open forward markets for energy and services. Value supply- and demand-side Ensure new markets encourage bids from all resources. resources New ancillary services Open markets for new ancillary services and capabilities, carefully defined to assure an even playing field for new services, and to reward innovation and performance. Innovation and efficiency Minimize barrier to entry for new resources and service providers. Coordination among agencies Consolidate balancing areas, organize frequent meetings, between PUCs/ISOs/RTOs, and utilities. 16 1040-6190/$–seefrontmatter#2013ElsevierInc.Allrightsreserved.,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tej.2013.08.009 The Electricity Journal

Aggarwal holds a B.S. from Haverford College in. Astronomy and Physics and an M.S. from. Stanford University in Engineering, with a focus on energy
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