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RESUSCITATION (@) Resuscitation 34 (1997) 309-310 Volume contents Volume 34 (1997) In this issue Assessing with CARE: An innovative method of testing the approach and casualty assessment Editorial components of basic life support, using video recording Efficacy vs. effectiveness M. Mohr, J. Bahr, J. Schmid, W. Panzer, D. Kettler Clinical papers (Germany) The decision to terminate resuscitative efforts: results M. Baubin, M. Schirmer, M. Nogler, B. Semenitz, M. of a questionnaire Falk, G. Kroesen, H. Hértnagl, H. Gilly (Austria, Germany) . Steen, A.C. Ness, P.A. Steen (Norway) Active compression—decompression cardiopulmonary Paramedics organizational culture and their care for resuscitation in standing position over the patient: relatives of cardiac arrest victims 57 pros and cons of a new method . Takasu, S. Matsushima, M. Takino, Y. Okada (Japan) . Skogvoll, L. Wik (Norway) Effect of an endothelin-1 antagonist, BQ-485, on Active compression—decompression cardiopulmonary cerebral oxygen metabolism after complete global resuscitation (ACD-CPR) compared with standard cerebral ischemia in dogs CPR in a manikin model — decompression force, compression rate, depth and duration Y.-C. Li, L. Wiklund, G. Bjerneroth (Sweden) Influence of alkaline buffers on cytoplasmic pH in . Herlitz, A. Bang, M. Holmberg, A. Axelsson, J. myocardial cells exposed to hypoxia Lindkvist, S. Holmberg (Sweden) Rhythm changes during resuscitation from ventricular B.W. Béttiger, J.J. Krumnikl, P. Gass, B. Schmitz, J. fibrillation in relation to delay until defibrillation, Motsch, E. Martin (Germany) number of shocks delivered and survival The cerebral ‘no-reflow’ phenomenon after cardiac arrest in rats—influence of low-flow reperfusion J.E. Gough, M.K. Kerr, R.A. Henderson, L.H. Brown, K.A. Dunn (USA) Letters to the Editor Do pulse checks cause a significant delay in the initial defibrillation sequence? Editorial The ILCOR advisory statements C.F.M. Weston, R.J. Wilson, S.D. Jones (UK) Predicting survival from out-of-hospital cardiac Introduction arrest: a multivariate analysis D.A. Chamberlain, R.O. Cummins Advisory statements of the International Liaison J.J.M. Jansen, H.J.J.M. Berden, C.P.M. van der Vleuten, Committee on Resuscitation (“ILCOR’) R.P.T.M. Grol, J. Rethans, C.P.M. Verhoeff (The Netherlands) Evaluation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills of A.J. Handley, L.B. Becker, M. Allen, A. van Drenth, E.B. general practitioners using different scoring methods Kramer, W.H. Montgomery Single rescuer adult basic life support: An Advisory C.A. Lester, C.L. Morgan, P.D. Donnelly, D. Assar (UK) Statement from the Basic Life Support Working 310 Volume contents vol. 34 (1997) Group of the International Liaison Committee on Improving cardiopulmonary _ resuscitation skills Resuscitation (ILCOR) retention: effect of two checklists designed to prompt correct performance W. Kloeck, R. Cummins, D. Chamberlain, L. Bossaert, V. Callanan, P. Carli, J. Christenson, B. Connolly, J. C.F.M. Weston, S.D. Jones, R.J. Wilson (UK) Ornato, A. Sanders, P. Steen Outcome of out-of-hospital cardiorespiratory arrest in The Universal ALS Algorithm: An Advisory Statement South Glamorgan by the Advanced Life Support Working Group of the International Liaison Committee On K. Sunde, L. Wik, P.A. Steen (Norway) Resuscitation Quality of mechanical, manual standard and active compression--decompression CPR on the arrest site L. Bossaert, V. Callanan, R.O. Cummins and during transport in a manikin model Early defibrillation: An Advisory Statement by the Advanced Life Support Working Group of the R.E. Kerber, J.E. Davis (USA) International Liaison Committee On Combined epicardial-transthoracic electrode paddle Resuscitation placement: A method for defibrillation during open-chest cardiac resuscitation ’, Nadkarni, M.F. Hazinski, D. Zideman, J. Kattwinkel, L. Quan, R. Bingham, A. Zaritsky, J. Bland, E. R.F. Buckman, Jr., M.M. Badellino, C.A. Eynon, L.H. Kramer, J. Tiballs Mauro, S.C. Aldridge, R.E. Milner, N.B. Merchant, Paediatric Life Support: International Liaison R.F. Buckman III, D. Mercer, P.J. Malaspina, R. Committee on Resuscitation: Paediatric Working Warren (USA) Group Advisory Statement Open-chest cardiac massage without major thoracotomy: metabolic indicators of coronary and _ cerebral Special resuscitation situations: An Advisory Statement perfusion on conditions which may require modifications in resuscitation procedures or techniques. Prepared by H.W. Gervais, B. Eberle, H.-J. Hennes, W. Grimm, A. Members of the International Liaison Committee on Kilian, D. Konietzke, C. Massing, W. Dick (Germany) Resuscitation High dose naloxone does not improve cerebral or myocardial blood flow during cardiopulmonary Special Report resuscitation in pigs R.O. Cummins, D. Chamberlain, M.F. Hazinski, V. S.R. Blumenthal, W.D. Voorhees (USA) Nadkarni, W. Kloeck, E. Kramer, L. Becker, C. The relationship between airway carbon dioxide Robertson, R. Koster, A. Zaritsky, L. Bossaert, J.P. excretion and cardiac output during cardiopulmonary Ornato, V. Callanan, M. Allen, P. Steen, B. Connolly, resuscitation A. Sanders, A. Idris, S. Cobbe Recommended guidelines for reviewing, reporting, and W. Behringer, F. Sterz, H. Domanovits, B. Hohenberger, conducting research on in-hospital resuscitation: the W. Schérkhuber, M. Frass, U. Losert, A.N. Laggner in-hospital “Utstein style’ (Austria) Effects of manual high-impulse CPR on myocardial Abstracts of free papers and posters presented at “CPR perfusion during cardiac arrest in pigs 97”, Brighton, UK S.A. Tisherman, K. Vandevelde, P. Safar, T. Morioka, W. Instructions to authors Obrist, L. Corne, R.F. Buckman, S. Rubertsson, H.E. Stephenson, A. Grenvik, R.J. White (USA, Belgium, Announcement Japan) Future directions for resuscitation research. V. A. Braslow, R.T. Brennan, M.M. Newman, N.G. Bircher, Ultra-advanced life support A.M. Batcheller, W. Kaye (USA) CPR training without an instructor: development and Book review evaluation of a video self-instructional system for Literature effective performance of cardiopulmonary Acknowledgement to referees resuscitation Author index Subject index . Ward, L.A. Johnson, N.W. Mulligan, M.C. Ward, Volume contents D.L. Jones (USA) Instructions to authors

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