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Resummed QCD Power Corrections to Nuclear Shadowing Jianwei Qiu and Ivan Vitev Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA We calculate and resum a perturbative expansion of nuclear enhanced power corrections to the structure functions measured in deeply inelastic scattering of leptons on a nuclear target. Our 2 A 2 resultsfortheBjorkenx-,Q -andA-dependenceofnuclearshadowinginF2 (x,Q )andthenuclear A 2 modifications to FL(x,Q ), obtained in terms of the QCD factorization approach, are consistent with the existing data. We demonstrate that the low-Q2 behavior of these data and the measured largelongitudinalstructurefunctionpointtoacriticalroleforthepowercorrectionswhencompared toother theoretical approaches. 5 PACSnumbers: 12.38.Cy;12.39.St;24.85.+p;25.30.-c 0 0 2 Inordertounderstandtheoverwhelmingdatafromthe in [7]. The transverse and longitudinal structure func- RelativisticHeavyIonCollider(RHIC)andmakepredic- tions arerelatedto the standardDISstructure functions n tionsforthefutureElectronIonCollider(EIC)andLarge F , F as follows: F (x,Q2) = F (x,Q2), F (x,Q2) = a 1 2 T 1 L J HadronCollider(LHC)intermsofthesuccessfulpertur- F2(x,Q2)/(2x)−F1(x,Q2) if 4x2m2N ≪ Q2 [6]. In DIS 0 bative QCD factorization approach [1] we need precise the exchange photon γ∗ of virtuality Q2 and energy 1 information of the nuclear parton distribution functions ν = Q2/(2xmN) probes an effective volume of trans- (nPDFs)φA(x,µ2)offlavorf,atomicweightA,momen- verse area 1/Q2 and longitudinal extent ∆z × x /x, f N N 2 tum fraction x and factorization scale µ. Although the where ∆z is the nucleon size, x = 1/(2r m ) ∼ 0.1 N N 0 N v µ-dependence of leading twist nPDFs can be calculated and r ∼ 1.2 fm [5]. When Bjorken x ≪ x the lepton- 0 N 4 in terms of pQCD evolution equations, the x- and A- nucleusDIScoversseveralnucleonsinlongitudinaldirec- 9 dependent boundary condition at a scale µ must be tionwhileitislocalizedinthetransverseplane. Although 0 0 9 fixed from existing measurements, mostly of the struc- a hard interaction involving more than one nucleon is 0 turefunctionFA(x,µ2)inlepton-nucleusdeeplyinelastic suppressed by powers of 1/Q2 [5], it is amplified by the 2 3 scattering (DIS) [2]. It was pointed out recently [3] that nuclear size if x ≪ x . In the collinear factorization N 0 the available fixed-target data contain significant higher approach we evaluate the nuclear enhanced power cor- / h twist effects hindering the extraction of the nuclear par- rections to the structure functions to any power in the p ton distributions. quantity (ξ2/Q2)(A1/3 −1) and keep ξ2 to the leading - order in α . p On the other hand, it has been argued that for physi- s In terms of collinear QCD factorization, the structure e cal processes where the effective x is very small and the h typicalmomentumexchangeofthecollisionQ∼µisnot functions at the lowest order in αs are given by [6] : v large the number of soft partons in a nucleus may sat- 1 i urate [4]. Qualitatively, the unknown boundary of this F(LT)(x,Q2) = Q2φ (x,Q2)+O(α ), (1) X T 2 f f s novel regime in (x,Q) is where the conventional pertur- Xf r bative QCD factorization approach should fail [5]. a F(LT)(x,Q2) = O(α ), (2) L s In this Letter we present a pQCD calculation of the resummedpowercorrectionstotheDISnuclearstructure where (LT) indicates the leading twist contribution, f functionsanddemonstratetheirimportanceinextracting runs over the (anti)quark flavors, Qf is their fractioPnal nPDFs. From our results we quantitatively identify the charge and φ is the leading twist quark distribution: characteristic scale of these power corrections ξ2 ≪m2 , f N fwoirthQn2u≥clemon2NminacslsusmivNe l=ept0o.9n4-nGucelVeu.sWDeIScoinscalubdoveeththaet φf(x,µ2)=Z d2λπ0 eixλ0hp|ψ¯f(0)2γp++ ψf(λ0)|pi (3) saturationboundaryandcanbetreatedsystematicallyin the frameworkof the pQCD factorizationapproachwith in the lightcone A+ = nµA = 0 gauge for hadron mo- µ resummed high twist contributions. mentum pµ = p+n¯µ, where n¯µ = [1,0,0⊥] and nµ = Under the approximation of one-photon exchange, [0,1,0⊥] specify the “+” and “−” lightcone directions, the lepton-hadron DIS cross section dσ /dxdQ2 ∝ respectively. In Eq. (3) the parameter λ =p+y−. ℓh 0 0 L Wµν(x,Q2), with Bjorken variable x = Q2/(2p·q) Tocomputethenuclearenhancedpowercorrectionswe µν and virtual photon’s invariant mass q2 = −Q2. The choose the A+ = 0 gauge and a frame in which the nu- leptonic tensor L and hadronic tensor Wµν are de- cleusismovinginthe“+”direction,pµ ≡Pµ/A=p+n¯µ, µν A fined in [6]. The hadronic tensor can be expressed in and the exchange virtual photon momentum is qµ = terms of structure functions based on the polarization −xp+n¯µ+Q2/(2xp+)nµ. In this frame the struck quark states of the exchange virtual photon: Wµν(x,Q2) = propagates along the “−” direction and interacts with ǫµνF (x,Q2)+ǫµνF (x,Q2), where ǫµν, ǫµν are given the “remnants” of the nucleus. The leading tree level T T L L L T 2 γν∗ t=oo γµ∗ Since the effective γL∗ coupling is made of short-distance contact terms of quark propagators [9], the integrals of λ˜ and λ˜ in Eq. (5) should be localized. 0 n To derive the gauge invariant and nuclear enhanced y− y− powercorrectionsatthe treelevel,weaddgluoninterac- = y0− i (a) j 0− tions to the struck quark and convertthe gluon field op- γ∗ γ∗ γ∗ eratorsinthehadronicmatrixelementofWµν tothecor- T x0 , L x0 + L x0 rbeespaonnedvinengfineulmdbsterrenogftihnt[e5r,a7c]t.ioWnsebnoettweetehnatththeerγe∗mcouust- ~xxx0 x~0 pling and the final-state cut because the quark propaga- torofmomentumx p+q hasonlytwotypesofterms[9], y0− (b) y0− yy~0− (c) y0− y~0− i(γ+/2p+)/(xi−x±iiǫ)(poleterm−×→)andi(xp+/Q2)γ− xi−1 ~xi xi = xi−1 xi l(acroinzteadc.t tCeormnse−q|→ue)n,talyn,dththeesgulmuomnastaiorne torfanthsveercsoehlyerpenot- multiple scattering can be achieved by sequential inser- tion of a basic unit consisting of a pair of gluon interac- yy~− y− (d) y− tions,left-sideofFig.1(d),connectedbyaquarkcontact i i i term, and a quark pole term to the left (L) or right (R) if the unit is to the left or right of the final-state cut. FIG. 1: (a) Tree level multiple final state scattering of the struck quark in DIS on nuclei; (b) and (c) leading coupling Integrating over the loop momentum fraction x˜i, we can for transversely and longitudinally polarized photons to the replace this unit by an effective scalar interaction, right- activepartons,respectively;(d)effectivescalarvertexforthe side of Fig. 1(d), with a rule, basic two-gluon interactions. contributionsto Wµν inlepton-nucleus DIS aregivenby (cid:18)x43πQ2α2s(cid:19)Z d2λπi xeii−(xix−ix−i−11−)λiiǫ γγ−+2γγ−+−x−ii−FiˆF1ˆ2−2(λ(xλi+i))iǫ RL . the Feynman diagrams in Fig. 1(a). The cut-line rep- 2 xi−x−iǫ (6) resents the final state quark and the blob connected to  γ∗ - the lowest order coupling between the photon and InEq.(6)theboost-invariantoperatorFˆ2(λi)isdifferent the active partons. For transversely polarized photons from Fˆ2 in Eq. (5) and is defined as λ0 Fig. 1(b) gives the leading twist contribution in Eq. (1). ∗ For longitudinally polarizedγ the leading tree coupling dλ˜ F+α(λ )F +(λ˜) Fig. 1(c) results in the first power correction to F : Fˆ2(λ )≡ i i α i θ(λ −λ˜). (7) L i Z 2π (p+)2 i i 1 4π2α FL(x,Q2) = F(LT)(x,Q2)+ 2 Q2f4(cid:18) 3Q2s(cid:19) Its expectation value can be related to the small- Xf x limit of the gluon distribution, hp|Fˆ2(λ )|pi ≈ i × dλ0 eixλ0hp|ψ¯ (0) γ+ ψ (λ )Fˆ2 |pi, (4) limx→0 21xG(x,Q2), and is independent of λi. It is the Z 2π f 2p+ f 0 λ0 dλiinEq.(6)thatgivestheA1/3-typenuclearenhance- Rment[5]. Assumingthattheinteractionleavesthenucle- where the O(α ) F(LT) is given in [8] and the operator ons in a color singlet state, taking all possible final state s L cuts [10] and performing the integrals over the incoming dλ˜ dλ˜ F+α(λ˜ )F +(λ˜ ) partons’momentum fractionswe obtainthe twist 2+2n Fˆλ20=Z 2nπ 0 (pn+)2α 0 θ(λ˜n)θ(λ˜0−λ0). (5) contribution to the structure functions: 1 4π2α n dλ (iλ )n γ+ n δF(n) ≈ Q2 x s 0 eixλ0 0 hP |ψ¯ (0) ψ (λ ) dλ θ(λ )Fˆ2(λ ) |P i, (8) T 2 f(cid:20) 3Q2 (cid:21) Z 2π n! A f 2p+ f 0 (cid:20)Z i i i (cid:21) A Xf iY=1 1 4 4π2α n dλ (iλ )n−1 γ+ n−1 δF(n) ≈ Q2 x s 0 eixλ0 0 hP |ψ¯ (0) ψ (λ )Fˆ2 dλ θ(λ )Fˆ2(λ ) |P i, (9) L 2 f x(cid:20) 3Q2 (cid:21) Z 2π (n−1)! A f 2p+ f 0 λ0 (cid:20)Z i i i (cid:21) A Xf iY=1 with corrections down by powers of the nuclear size. (9) in a model ofa nucleus of constantlabframe density ρ(r) = 3/(4πr3) and approximate the expectation value Weevaluatethemulti-fieldmatrixelementsinEqs.(8), 0 3 oftheproductofoperatorstobeaproductofexpectation 1.1 D) CERN-NA37 CERN-NA37 values of the basic operator units in a nucleon state of F(2 1 momentum p=PA/A: A)/ F(2 0.9 QV n n hPA|Oˆ0 iY=1Oˆi|PAi=Ahp|Oˆ0|piiY=1hNphp|Oˆi|pii , 0.8 ξ2 = 0.09 - 0.12 Ge4VH2e 6Li withthenormalizationNp =3/(8πr03mN). Theintegrals ∆D-T 0.01 QV dλiθ(λi) = (3r0mN/4)(A1/3 −1) are taken such that EKS89 -0.1 tRhe nuclear effect vanishes for A = 1. Resumming the A1/3-enhanced power corrections Eqs. (8), (9) we find: D) FNAL-E665 F(2 1 CERN-NA37 / FA(x,Q2) ≈ N A ξ2(A1/3−1) nxn dnFT(LT)(x,Q2) F(A)2 0.9 T n!(cid:20) Q2 (cid:21) dnx 0.8 nX=0 FNAL-E665 xξ2(A1/3−1) 0.7 CERN-NA37 12C 40Ca ≈ AF(LT) x+ ,Q2 , (10) T (cid:18) Q2 (cid:19) D-T 0.1 ∆ N A 4ξ2 0 FA(x,Q2) ≈ AF(LT)(x,Q2)+ -0.1 L L n!(cid:18)Q2 (cid:19) × (cid:20)ξ2(A1Q/32−1)(cid:21)nnX=x0n dnFT(LdTn)(xx,Q2) F(A)/F(D)22 00..981 FFNNAALL--EE666655 FNAL-E665 ≈ AF(LT)(x,Q2)+ 4ξ2 FA(x,Q2), (11) 0.7 L Q2 T 0.6 131Xe 208Pb where N is the upper limit on the number of quark- 0.2 0.1 nucleon interactions and ξ2 represents the characteristic D-T 0 ∆ -0.1 scale of quark-initiated power corrections to the leading -0.2 order in αs 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 0.001 0.01 0.1 x x 3πα (Q2) B B ξ2 = s hp|Fˆ2(λ )|pi. 8r02 i FIG. 2: All-twist resummed F2(A)/F2(D) calculation from Eqs.(10),(11)versusCERN-NA37[14]andFNAL-E665[13] In deriving Eqs. (10), (11) we have taken hp|Fˆ2 |pi ≈ data on DIS on nuclei. The band corresponds to the choice (3r m /4)hp|Fˆ2(λ )|pi and N ≈ ∞ because thλe0 effec- ξ2 = 0.09−0.12 GeV2. Data-Theory, where ∆D−T is com- 0 N i putedfor theset presented bycircles, also shows comparison tive value of ξ2 is relatively small, as shown below. totheEKS98scale-dependentshadowingparametrization[2]. Eqs. (10), (11) are the main result of this Letter. Im- portant applications to other QCD processes and ob- servables that naturally follow from this new approach overestimatedthe shiftinthe regionxclosetox where are given in [11]. The overall factor A takes into ac- N the N ≈ ∞ should fail [11]. In Fig. 2, we impose count the leading dependence on the atomic weight and Q2 =m2 for virtualities smaller than the nucleon mass, the isospin averageover the protons and neutrons in the N nucleus is implicit. We emphasize the simplicity of the below which high order corrections in αs(Q) need to be included and the conventional factorization approach end result, which amounts to a shift of the Bjorken x by ∆x = xξ2(A1/3 − 1)/Q2 with only one parameter might not be valid. Our result is comparable to the ξ2 ∝limx→0xG(x,Q2). In the following numerical eval- EKS98 scale-dependent parametrization [2] of existing uation we use the lowest order CTEQ6 PDFs [12]. dataonthenuclearmodificationtoF2A(x,Q2),asseenin Fig. 2 shows a point by point in (x,Q2) calculation the∆D−T =Data−TheorypanelsofFig.2. Weempha- of the process dependent modification to F (A)/F (D) size,however,thatthephysicalinterpretationisdifferent: 2 2 in [2] the effect is attributed to the modification of the (per nucleon) in the shadowing x<0.1 region compared to NA37 and E665 data [13, 14]. We find that a value input parton distributions at µ0 =1.5 GeV in a nucleus of ξ2 = 0.09−0.12 GeV2, which is compatible with the and its subsequent leading twist scale dependence. In rangefrompreviousanalysis[15] ofDrell-Yantransverse contrast, our resummed QCD power corrections to the momentum broadening (ξ2 ∼ 0.04 GeV2) and momen- structure functions systematically cover higher twist for tumimbalanceindijetphotoproduction(ξ2 ∼0.2GeV2), all values of Q≥µ0. makes our calculations consistent with the both x- and With ξ2 fixed, Fig. 3 shows the predicted Q2 depen- A-dependence of the data. Our calculations might have dence of F (Sn)/F (C). The Q2 behavior of our result, 2 2 4 C) 1.1 showcomparisontotheEKS98parameterization[2]. The F(2 Ax=rm0.0es1r2o5 et al. Ax=rm0.0es1t7o5 et al. QCDpowercorrectionsatsmallandmoderateQ2 tothe n)/ 1 QV leading twist structure functions can also be tested via S F(2 theratioofthecrosssectionsforlongitudinallyandtrans- versely polarized virtual photons 0.9 CERN-NA37 CERN-NA37 σ FA(x,Q2) D-T 0.1 EKS98 QV ξ2 = 0.09 - 0.12 GeV2 R(x,Q2;A)= σL = FLA(x,Q2) . (12) ∆ T T 0 -0.1 ComparisontoE143datafor12C[18]isgiveninthebot- C) 3 10 30 F(2 x=0.035 Q2 [GeV2] tomrightpanelofFig.3. Thedashedcurveincludesonly F(Sn)/2 1 R0. 8= σL /σT SLAC-E143 tahnedbisreimnssesntsriathivluentgo amnoddigfilcuaotnionspsliotftitnhgeFnuL(LcTle)arfrpomart[o8n] distributions. The gray band represents a calculation of 0.9 0.6 R, FL(LT) R from Eqs. (10), (11). R, F CERN-NA37 L Inconclusion,forξ2 =0.09−0.12GeV2 ourcalculated D-T 0.1 0.4 and resummed power corrections are consistent with the ∆ 0 0.2 x-, Q2- and A-dependence of existing data on the small- -0.1 12C x nuclear structure functions without any leading twist 1 3 10 30 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 shadowing. Ourresults,therefore,giveanupper limitfor Q2 [GeV2] xB the characteristic scale ξ2 of these power corrections in DIS on cold nuclear matter. Furthermore, the enhance- FIG. 3: CERN-NA37 data [17] on F2(Sn)/F2(C) show evi- ment of the longitudinal structure function FLA(x,Q2) dence for a power-law in 1/Q2 behavior consistent with the strongly favors a critical role for the higher twist in the all-twistresummedcalculation. ComparisontoGribov-Regge presentlyaccessible(smallx<0.1,Q2 ∼fewGeV2)kine- model by Armesto et al. [16] and the EKS98 shadowing matic regime. Less leading twist shadowing and corre- parametrization [2](in∆D−T)isalsopresented. Thebottom spondinglylessantishadowingthancurrentlyanticipated right panel illustrates the role of higher twist contributions will have an important impact on the interpretation of to FL on the example of R = σL/σT. Data is from SLAC- the d + A and Au + Au data from RHIC [19]. 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