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|G IST 22613P GERMANY RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION NOTE Note number: 002.98 9 January 1998 filets Research Policies, Structures and Programbiiés* sensei co RESTRUCTURING OF FEDERAL RESEARCH MINISTRY The Federal Research Ministry recently published full details of its internal restructuring measures, which came into effect on 1 November. As before, the ministry will have 7 Divisions (Abteilungen), but the number of sub-divisions (Unterabteilungen) within them has been reduced from 17 to 13, with no division now having more than 2 Unterabteilungen. The number of individual departments (Referate) has been reduced to 90 from the previous total of some 150. The 7 Abteilungen now subdivide as follows: * Central Division: Administration/Budgets (no subdivisions). “4 Division 1: Strategic/International Research Issues, subdivided into Strategic Issues (11) and EU/International Co-operation (12). . Division 2: General Education & Training Issues (respectively 21 &22). * Division 3: Higher Education, subdivided into Higher Education Policies and Student Grants (31) and University Buildings/Science Funding (32). i Division 4: Energy and Environment issues of research (respectively 41 & 42). is Division 5: Priority Research Sectors, including life sciences (51) and multimedia and information technology (52). . Division 6: Institutional Funding of research and aerospace, transport and technology (61 & 62). Restructured - But not Streamlined The restructuring measures represent a second attempt at merging two ministries which until November 1994 were run separately, each with a minister of cabinet rank. Not surprisingly, putting together the Research and Technology Ministry (BMFT) and the Education and Science Ministry (BMBW) led to some uneasy structures and cultural differences in the combined ministry, the Bundesministerium fur Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie (sometimes shortened to BMBF). In cross- sectoral areas (such as relations with the UK) the relevant department now has responsibility for both research and education issues. In part, the restructuring seeks to implement recommendations from the equivalent of the National Audit Office about the excessively high number of departments. In practice, however, many of the 90 departments have two people of Head of Department rank, considerably reducing the desired streamlining effect. A relatively small number of people have actually been retired early in order to reduce the overall manpower of the ministry, which will remain over 1000. Further Information The Federal Research Ministry has published a new organigram, setting out the new |/a backod structure and giving the telephone numbers of the main contacts. A copy of this has been sent to GIST (tel: 01664 501 501; fax: 01664 501 555). Copies oft he organigram may be obtained from the British Embassy in Bonn at the address given below. The Embassy is also happy to provide guidance about the right person to contact. In some cases, the ministry may not be the best starting point, either because it delegates the implementation of policy or funding-allocation to other bodies or because Germany's federal system leaves formal responsibility at a different level of the system. This is particularly true in the area of higher education, which is the responsibility of the Federal States. Research, Technology & Environment Section British Embassy Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 77 53113 Bonn Germany Tel: 0049 228 9167-169 Fax: 0049 228 9167 163 e-mail: [email protected] lewvo saes uber “ : aT Ti(el UR my shh \| Wo, Oi Tie Snitee nie 2e0) niI G yaos - ort ipa +5“ (2 102 baOtO vat1 0 svig wnbbe ott ie onod qiyesddad detindo f eae o} homed Jigen od ivoda Sonvbig sbeenig ona aml e seueced veins .tniog arinet isd Sdiad tan {Ain ueiniondg a d | 13 pelbod tosy tio | doe oolla-aatbrit 10 yaitog 40 mem u ‘in love mewhib a ik yilidienoqes) anol eaves! Arstays oF eb: stab Monsouhs wean Yo.so7e och tt sunt Witeloomaes 28 eonate lnnabor ait wen fess AL :D Lie tli ‘ toleed Inemnorivet 2 vgolondsa | fy) a eae 7 at 7 nod er Gb aden ovs te “” tot Yore ae LvOs Oct, lien,r e 11 | - Oo ua tice ae ‘ao ae i : ut ee ya es * | oe ae od vs os Pe 7 iy, a ory Sauer. ae : AD Metzger 3a55 mos U. Schiller MinR Dr. Wahl Fae aeabeeN unes Pol oee cored Grundsttze und St r Ref. 111 Ref. 121 3238( 3382) 7284( 2288) 3890( 3591) MinR Or. Unihom MinDirig Brenner linDiriBgo tterbusch : Entwackiungen nabonaie Zusammenarbert z1 Swategische Europdischeu nd Inter- ata Vertreter Unterabtellung 11 Unterabteliung 12 (252057)1 0 272 (27) Dr. Freund MinDir Dr. Leitterstort MinDir Intemationale Zusammenarber Zentralabteilung Strategische Entwicklungen: Abtellung Z Abteilung 1 S7- 3601 3000 (3003) (2023) 2022 NeumanBne rnd (3004) 3002 ORR'In Clobes RO Schepers ParRlet.e renStnt aatssekretar Referent Perséniiche Personlicher Stand: 3. November 1997 Internet BMB@ BFMB F.BUND-400.0E { ElektroniPscohsetrh eSn=8sMBtF; P =BMBF;A =BUND400C;= DE i . Telex 2100b0o1d=t Querverb6i2n0d2u3n-g2: 70i ty, Teletax(:0 30)2 8450 -270 & 61023-2096 plik Saba i 61023-3601 sera Gidea ges Getia (0228) 5720 Querverbmdung 5 TYR te2t2ae)l Tele(fon20:84 053- 0 0a)r r : aoe? Postt2ac2h91 ,0 10B6e rtin Postanachntt poeti) e BrerteS trate3 ,1017B8e rtin HannoverschSe trae 30, 10115 Berlin Drenstpedaude Postanschrf. 53170 Bonn sche rie. Soe Heinemenastraie 2 Forschung und Technologie (B BF) Bundesministeriums fur aes Wissenschaft, Organisationsplan des ; nerMT iunePr cn3wedk soeZswHeremo nutd .cs Emiin dha evnerrtruceroehmpm3Ptsudei1habanno7 cdagnh aei e 25y1ORer3eeM.OF/iB rDiAr2ne..ene7D. rr2wyR gtOl0t nx e aeenZPBngTtrs OtHUt Fccr ThahRee cccRtthR3t uEe 1ld6Ue. n N, O2044/20S4per1 R O HirsDcrh. Min m7NeN77.LSM0/. ci hn$DMurRFDcil. hen otaaa\GRueansnTe neer _rA i dcgv ye aakn lb Rb3der1ddf8ue, r ung2,2 23762 9MinR Mitteg 1MiR MinR Dr. Lummerzheim yii.cn hkt eGr enAgoueaaadblgesr eiudR3nosgf1 u,4. n g 2ss MinR Or. Rand lungstechnauen: Fusson, IPP Neve Energeurrrrand Ref. 413 2086 21s) RO D. Schiller MInR Tac Dr. von Stackelberg MinR Or. Bake MinR von den Minn Hochs chulrugang Ordrung der Avabsicungsbende Hoch chulrecht osbagenlyciet cakes Emeuerdare Energen Ret. 222 Rol, 312 Ref. 322 Ref.412 - SS eee) nx 3748 Ba 730 Or. 4dnikes MinR Dr. Wagner MinR Riehi MinRD r. Heldbom Hochach: wigelegenherien lerschany Pee cnape, AI emene Gruncsatriragen der Energe- Rif. 311 E Ret. 411 (212) 2117 (2063) 2546( 2068) 3632( 3635) Or. Haase MinDirig Or. Braun MinDiriDg’ .S chevermann MinDirig Eltner 21:9 (2091) Berutiche Badung MinOiy Dr. Blanke Energve Ausbtau1 9storderung Unterabtellung 22 ae ener Unterabtellung 41 22.26 (2223) BD (BH) Hoffmann MinDir Friedrich MinDir Dr. Lubbert Aligemeine und Berutliche Bildung Hochschulen; Ausbildungstorderung Energie; Umwelt Abteilung 2 Abteilung 3 Abteilung 4 2020 (2024) 3020 (3023) Abt. Z, 3, 6; UAbt. 51 ADL1 .2 , 4; UADL.5 2 3022 (2024) Gescnaftsbereich: Geschattsbererch: RO Or. Li Dr. Fritz Schaumann Helmut Stahl Relerent Staatssekretar Staatssekretar Persénlicher oe 3010/30(1310 13) Dr. Jurgen Ruttgers Minister Be MinR Or. Deyda echaften, Eth und Recht der Browasen- Ref. 511 3831( 36H) MinDirig Dr. Bauer 3970(3172) MinDir Dr. Gries Medien, Informationstechnik Biowissenschaften; Abteilung 5 20 1 (2013) Elke Wilfinoti Parl. Staatssekre at) roe Poltieche Analysen maths g t a rinis pan MinDir Dr. Baumgarten Mobiidtat, Technologweentmcklung Luft- und Reumtann InsttubonelFloe rderung, Abtellung 6 2012 (2014) M. Schiller Reterant Parsoniicher ‘BLT p@PAotn r] vvwsj LVSSMANecpynnd m caresx — \e =cl ka MMa a2 m \yh) s eehn 'a c a uLAe sSw h y iNp owes ez c Un a PNGHoie ( TT?, piyp ) nA L|. | G D Qrganisationsplandes __ ; Bundesministeriums fir Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie (BMBF) Minister peinemanastr: 9175 Bonn-Bad Godesberg Dr. Jurgen Rutt sydtanacheit: 53170 Bonn AuBenstelle Bertin TL avlon:e ga ‘ pane) Bie PBreiate pSetrresacB|en 3 ,10r1a 7f8 eB3 e0r,:l i 1n 0115 eriBenrl _-‘ aWwd mn:i sanschiuB . sere fees TPPeoolssettfatonansc:ch h n(i20t23t90:,) 1208150 64 0-Be0r lin r 3010/3011 (3013) ) Querverbindung: 62023-0 SU ‘—der; * 26110002031 =2b0m9ot8 d QTmeutleeerrfnvaeex r: bCio(n0dd3eu0w)na gh:l2 :8 6525 403029-3 2-7207 0 saNnYaeReR , wironischer Postdienst: S=«BMBF; P=BMBF; AxBUND400; C=DE if wy nna: BMBF @ BMBF.BUND400.DE { nd: 3. November 1997 Persénliche Personlicher Staatssekretar Referentin Parl. Staatssekretar Referent Dr. Fritz Schaumann ORR’in Clobes Bernd Neumann RD Schepers Geschdaftsbereich: 3002 (3004) 20 22 (2023) Abt. Z, 3, 6; UAbt. 51 3000 (3003) 2020 (2024) orerrea £0 | Abteilung Z Abteilung 1 Abteilung 2 Abteil!t Zentralabtetlung InSttermaatteigoinsaclhee ZEunstawimcmkelnuanrgbeen;r t Aligemeine und Berufliche Bildung Hochschulen; Aus® MinDir Dr. Leitterstorf Hoffmann MinDir 1 3272 (3274) 2002 (2004) standger Vertreter Unterabtellung 11 Unterabteliung 12 Unterabtetiung 21 Unterabtellung 22 Untera atellung 31 Algemene Bildung, Hochs chulpolitk: MinDiriBgW ZBo1(t 5t9e1r)b usch MiEnSnRtt rwaOatrce.k giiUushncgiheehn o m nabEounMraiolnpeDa iirsZicughs ea Bmrumneednn naeirnrbt eeri- t WMeirnt!e r28b74i d(u2OOn6rrg.7. ;5 ) H aKausfetu r MiBnerDuifriicgh eO r.B ikBdruanugn MAbuihsb ina2u1D:Da9 -g.isO( Srt2c.0or h9r1eB)dvli eearrnugmknaegn n | 3238 (3382) 2284 (2288) 213 (2132) 2117 (2063) 25 (2088) \ Ref. 111 Ref. 121 RK. #2311 GTreucnhdnsaaiidzoei geunnda beScthraattezguenng, FuTPobsak der EU HochschA uS nygoemlemeeg enneden U. Schiller MinR Dr. Wahl Or. 4onikes | 355 mos 2230 Ref. 112 Ref. 212 Ref. 222 [R at. 312 Zusammenabed ma den Mattetstand Exrstenz- Innov alionen Ordden Auusbudnunggspen se Hoch chulrecht neven Landem und Berkn grunoung, aigemenen Bacungswesen Hochs shuizugang MinR Dr. Bake MinR Dr. Nettesheim MinR Dr. Lorenzen MinR Dr. Wilnetmi 2151 RD D. Schiller x BOS 2086 Ret. 123 Ref. 213 Ff. 313 Mubtatersie Zusammenarbet, Studum .n d Prutungen internauonate Orgarssazonen MnR'in MinR Dr. Szépiébi Patfhaus Valente os MinR Dr. Sandtner “ruz M19/253 255 Rif. 314 Ausbeiu 19s/érderung, | Gesizgeoung Mink vr. Richter 2191 Ref. 318 Ausbdayagslérderung, Grundsstar.zeregenhesen Ger Our ntuneung VN. Ref. 316 Fachhchachulen, 2g y crt class d RD D.. Bergner MinR Ploghaus Or, Reinert 2513/2720 2114 Ref. 317 Européache und intemanonaie Zusammenar sed en Hochechut wesen: Su ndortmarkeiing MinR Dr. Bretend Schniedermann MinP Tuercke 2379/2190 2087 MT hd) Pe per ee t yoteiniM ; WA nepwbl AC ferGe) TOEVTC e DTS (A ROS ; ee oe ee ee | sta vigeetenle eseeweag e | nramvatos nF Ad Papen ‘ Apeensd 14ree ( | ema coal ) 1 02S OA | Moa seon | 4 i > es ERE A ee se . : t yA ; rT orwieidéA ; ” te i: ee te yeas , ‘7 | i| 7 unite n us. re { wh oe -rteek) eit ee be ata me ee AEe)s ee — ‘ eaterunee Tl dike 1*hh yenht debaineemtnevean en | \ Tf pa ereeqaene d tem, ; ' i | 116@ arteowgs ; i : : sale cecil ab } vd yal Senet | eer iets ageing fr] pe Ces : — ae oan) +e ene wry ° ‘re "7 A = : er:a. re > ' *] cf a8 i | ies - - ye " » a ee ae “+ "a . * . } : ji a an ae en re ie (hy A we onde . . mee +) my che = ab Pi + og . 4 : , 4 ' i 4 ft artyo w —_ : 5 Meus soa y i all 2 amy | Pee: gt a : us (—.7 O whe * _ Ppew| t las ae be a } one bligep e. ti. naeese iinin KH? escseankie!t eanAe uh ; | MacvaOwrie sa own nael e i . :@o tes uo4P s ‘aeb e ~ -i ]S at ine tnea” l lcyi iy =e 1. et > heel 3 re Uae 4 ; too S awte hm oa” o ie fi > . repvode nmeaie ee t *} |} er oasc a4rge t peel : if rn g Vi; e ised COP . ee i i : , : : : — -_-—— —s aw a 7 Vi ee rer : : notes i. a tat nt ————w—i e, , ieee” | elena ee a 4 } ! a @ : engin rae | ee ad Pahl. WORE me j we ls i a eee — nO PY S“~S ietPee ) 4, |— eAeMD me + hee et, a¥ ince * ee elitetensdineeet Ee . te: me mis wom « ee Ainister Ret. LS 2 Ref. LS 5 gen Ruttgers Pdeerss MmRieslieorresn Pottrache Analysen OtleBnutrhgcehrckteaaisoagr:b et Besucherchensi RD Sondermann RD Beneke NN, 3983 10/3011 (3013) Staatssekretar Persénlicher Parl. Staatssekretarin Persénlicher Helmut Stahl Referent Referent Geschaftsbereich: RD Or, Lukas Eike Wulfing M. Schiller Abt. 1, 2, 4; UAbt. 52 30 22 (3024) 20 12 (2014) 3020 (3023) 201 0 (2013) Abteilung 3 Abteilung 4 Abteilung 5 Abtellung 6 Hocnschulen; Ausbildungstorderung Energie; Umwett MedieBni,o wiIsnsfeonrmsacthiaotntsetne;c hnik InsLtuifttu-t iuonnedl leR auFémotradnenru,n g; Mobdilitat, Technologieentwickiung MinDir Friedrich MinDir Dr. Liibbert MinDir Dr. Gries MinDir Dr. Baumgarten 2226 (2223) BD (BD) 3170 (3172) D229 (2) Unters oteiiung 31 Unteradteilung 41 Unteradtetung 52 Unteradtetung 61 AuMsiHnboD#cianrusk s g csDhrtu.io prBodlieahrknu:k neg Energie MeKdoimemnu,n siunnfpoornmsatteocnhsi-n aukn d InstWwiusbsoNenaneceitclrehw aufFctéhirscd heerru ng; 21D:O.9 (2091) MinDirig Eitner MinDirig Dr. Bauer MinDirig Dr. Rupt MinDirig Dr. Bechte 26 (2068) 3632 (3635) 3631 (36%) BB (Dw RD (DH Roof. 311 Ref. 411 Ref. 511 Hochsch:A b njgeemleemgee nneten tGorrusncdhsuantg;z irAaagteonn edteer EEnneerrgppee-- especie, UFZ tdheekr Bunido wRsecshetn - verwendung MinR Dr. Heidborm MinR Or. Marx Dr. 4dnikes MinR Or. Wagner MinR Riehi MinR Or. Deyda RD Or. Matthes 220 3748 641/760 Be 3047/81 Ruf. 312 Ref. 322 Ret. 412 Hoc ichulrecnt: stipend naata tea Emeuerbare Energen Hocns :hulzugang Globale Urnweitaspeiie MinR von Heyden MinR RD D. Schiller MinR Tschope Dr. von Stackelberg MinR Or. Binder 2086 2254 ! 2706 3746 408 Ruf. 313 Ret. 323 Ref. 413 Ref. 623 PafSfthuaduumsM .n Rn-d' ViP.a nrlu teunntgeen Ca HochDsucrhchutlunrraunngm endpeiarn ung RrcNseMsuiein ocREt no uOer.n iFURiaTcneEdniSs PP UrwUenirwtwieetctahcnhouitoz,g en F2J, FZK LuMtittnaRhr tiOorr.s chung, kDeLrA MinR Rommeifangen RO Geipei MinR H. Schulz MinR Or. Lohner MinR Dr. | 7240 RBIs 97 2s me2/ 3281 ee Ref. 314 Ret. 414 Ref. 424 Ret. 624 AusbGraiwye a1rggsleébrudenrgu ng, reeesieg MeereGse-o wrusnsde nPaoclhaarttiorosnc:h ung: iSnnovaetionsnonenteerte tTech no- Meerestechnak: AW!, GFZ MinR Deneke MinR Dr. Crermak Ueinh Br: Kramer Mink vr. Richter MinR Or. Lummerzheim RO Or. Schidter RO'In Rode 2191 3762 3890/3299 Rai/Ne 46/3185 Ref. 325 Ret. 425 Ref. 525 weseGnessctheasf-i eru,n d ASkoacnesrr sen GrunNcettuargeesnGstSsoier,ns ecHchMhuIan fgt.e cDhEe SY, Informesicsysterne; GMO MinR Or. DOH MinR Or. Schunck MinR Dr. Reuse MInR Ziegier MinR L. Schulte RD Isensee MIMO 3287/2700 3199/3516 Fad. 316 Facht: chechulen: ertichan Oeanetrecta rn tae ty coer — = Ot arte se NER ? i: ¢ off —_* * al er a :: eh et eh ' a ’ 1 i) eee a ia a | yea i oe dey i i] ; ra, paikr) e A7 ‘Beer > Carer PANG07! 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