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RESTRICTIONS ON THE PRIME TO p FUNDAMENTAL GROUP OF A SMOOTH PROJECTIVE VARIETY 4 1 DONUARAPURA 0 2 Abstract. The goal of this paper is to obtain restrictions on the prime to t p quotient of the tale fundamental group of a smooth projective variety in c characteristicp≥0. Theresultsareanalogues sometheoremsinthestudyof O Khler groups. Our first main result is that such groups are indecomposable under coproduct. The second gives a classification of the pro-ℓ parts of one 5 relatorgroupsinthisclass. ] G A Our goalis obtain someanalogues,overfields ofcharacteristicp≥0,of a few of . theknownrestrictionsontheclassofK¨ahlergroups;werecallthatagroupisK¨ahler h ifitcanberealizedasthefundamentalgroupofacompactK¨ahlermanifold. Inthis t a paper,wereplacetheusualfundamentalgroupbythemaximalprimetopquotient m of the ´etale fundamental group. We focus on this group, because it behaves most [ likeittopologicalnamesake. LetP(p)denotetheclassofprofinitegroupsthatarise as prime to p fundamental groups of smooth projective varieties defined over an 2 v algebraically closed field of characteristic p. Our first main result implies, among 7 other things, the indecomposibility of groups in P(p) under coproduct. This is 9 an analogue of Gromov’s theorem [G] in the K¨ahler setting. For the second main 6 result, we show that if G∈P(p) is the completion of a one relator group, then for 2 almost every ℓ, the pro-ℓ quotient G of G is isomorphic to the pro-ℓ fundamental . ℓ 1 group of a smooth projective curve. This is inspired by the recent classification of 0 one relator K¨ahler groups of Biswas,Mahan[BM] and Kotschick[K], althoughthe 4 argumenthereiscompletelydifferent. We deducefromthe hardLefschetztheorem 1 : that Gℓ is a Demushkin group for almost all ℓ, then the result follows from the v classification of such groups. i X I would like to thank JakobStix for bringing Demuskin’s work to my attention. r a 1. Preliminaries From the beginning, we fix an integer p which is either a prime number or 0. By a p′-group we will mean a finite group of order prime to p (or arbitrary when p=0), and by a pro-p′ group, we mean an inverse limit of p′-groups. The symbol ℓwill alwaysstandfora fixedor variableprime differentfromp. Givena pro-finite group G, let Gp′, respectively Gℓ, denote the maximal pro-p′, respectively pro-ℓ, quotient of G. Given a discrete group G, we let Gˆ = lim G/N ←− G/N ap′-group denote the pro-p′ completion. So that Zˆ = Z . Then Gˆ can be identified ℓ6=p ℓ ℓ with the pro-ℓ completion of G. Given a connected scheme X, let πet(X) denote Q 1 PartiallysupportedbyNSF. 1 2 DONUARAPURA Grothendieck’s ´etale fundamental group [SGA1], where we ignore the base point. This is the profinite group for which the category of finite sets with continuous action is equivalent to the category of ´etale covers of X. Let us write πp′(X) and 1 π1ℓ(X) instead of π1et(X)p′ and π1et(X)ℓ. Given an algebraically closed field k of characteristicp, let P(k) denote the class of pro-p′ groups which are isomorphic to πp′(X), where X is a smooth projective k-variety. P(C) is the class of profinite 1 completions of topological fundamental groups of complex smooth projective va- rieties. Set P(p) = P(F ), where F is the algebraic closure of the prime field of p p characteristicp (so that F =Q¯). There is no loss in focusing on this case because 0 of the following fact. Proposition 1.1. If k is an algebraically closed field of characteristic p, P(k) = P(p). Proof. Clearly P(p) ⊆ P(k) because extension of scalars from F to k will not p changethefundamentalgroup[SGA1,expX,cor1.8]. SupposethatX isasmooth projective k-variety. It is defined over a finitely generated extension K of F , i.e. p there exists a K-scheme X such that X = X × Speck. Let S be variety K K SpecK definedoverF withfunctionfieldK. AftershrinkingS,ifnecessary,wecanassume p that there is a smooth projective morphism X → S with geometric generic fibre X . Choose an F rational point y ∈ S and let η denote the geometric generic K p 0 point. Then πp′(X )∼=πp′(X )∼=πp′(X) by [SGA1, exp X, cor 3.9]. (cid:3) 1 y0 1 η 1 Lemma 1.2. If G∈P(p) and H ⊂G is open, then H ∈P(p). Proof. If G=πp′(X) then H =πp′(Y) for some ´etale cover Y →X. (cid:3) 1 1 Given a finitely generated Z module V with a continuous action by a profinite ℓ group G, we define Hi(G,V):=limHi(G,V/ℓnV) ←− n Hi(G,V ⊗Q )=Hi(G,V)⊗Q ℓ ℓ Thisnaivedefinitionwillsufficeforourpurposes,althoughthereisoneplacewhere we are better off with the more subtle definition of Jannsen [J]. We summarize what we need about this in the following lemma. Lemma 1.3. Suppose that 1 → K → G → H → 1 is an exact sequence of profi- nite groups with G topologically finitely generated and V a finitely generated Z - ℓ module with continuous H action. Then there is the usual 5-term exact sequence of Hochschild-Serre 0→H1(H,V)→H1(G,V)→H0(H,H1(K,V))→H2(H,V)→H2(G,V) Proof. Following Jannsen, we define Hi (G,V) as the ith derived functor of cont V 7→limH0(V/ℓnV) ←− n The Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence, and the resulting 5 term sequence, for H∗ canbeconstructedintheusualway. By[J,(2.1)],wehaveanexactsequence cont (1) 0→lim1Hi−1(G,V/ℓnV)→Hi (G,V)→Hi(G,V)→0 ←− cont When i ≤ 2, we claim that Hi−1(G,V/ℓnV) is finite. For i = 1 this is clear because V is finitely generated. So we have to show this for i = 2. We can find THE PRIME TO p FUNDAMENTAL GROUP 3 an open normal subgroup G which acts trivially on V/ℓnV. Then by Hochschild- 1 Serre, we have an exact sequence H1(G/G ,V/ℓnV)→H1(G,V/ℓnV)→H1(G ,V/ℓnV) 1 1 The finiteness of the middle group is a consequence of the finiteness of the outer groups. The first group is finite, because both G/G and V/ℓnV are. The last 1 group H1(G ,V/ℓnV) is isomorphic to Hom (G ,V/ℓnV). By assumption, G 1 cont 1 contains a finitely generated dense subgroupΓ. The group Γ∩G is easily seen to 1 be finitely generated and dense in G . Therefore Hom (G ,V/ℓnV) finite and 1 cont 1 the claim is proved. TheMittag-LefflerconditionholdsforHi−1(G,V/ℓnV)andi≤2bytheprevious claim. Thereforethelim1 in(1)vanishes,andsoHi(G,V)∼=Hi (G,V)fori≤2. ←− cont Bythesameargument,Hi(H,V)∼=Hi (H,V). Sothe5-termsequenceforH∗ cont cont can be identified with the one given in the statement of the lemma. (cid:3) Lemma 1.4. If G is a profinite group and V an abelian pro-ℓ group, then (G/[G,G]) ∼=G /[G ,G ] ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ Hom(G,V)∼=Hom(G ,V) ℓ where Hom is the group of continuous homomorphisms. Proof. It is enough to prove the first isomorphism, because the second is a con- sequence of it. Since (G/[G,G]) is an abelian pro-ℓ group, the homomorphism ℓ G→(G/[G,G]) factors through the abelianization of the maximal pro-ℓ quotient ℓ G /[G ,G ]. So we have a homomorphism G /[G ,G ] → (G/[G,G]) . On the ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ other hand, the map G → G /[G ,G ] must factor through the maximal pro-ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ quotient of the abelianization (G/[G,G]) . This gives the inverse. (cid:3) ℓ Proposition 1.5. Suppose that X is a connected scheme of finite type over k. Let G be a quotient of πet(X) by a closed normal subgroup, such that G dominates 1 πℓ(X). Given a finitely generated Z -module V with continuous G-action, there 1 ℓ exists a homomorphism to ℓ-adic cohomology (2) Hi(G,V)→Hi(X,V) This is compatible with the cup products Hi(G,V)⊗Hj(G,V′)→Hi+j(G,V ⊗V′) and Hi(X,V)⊗Hj(X,V′)→Hi+j(X,V ⊗V′) The map (2) is an isomorphism when i≤1. Proof. We start by proving the analogous statements over Λ = Z/ℓnZ, and then n take the limit. We indicate two different constructions of the map; the first is simpler, but second gives more, and so it is the one that we use. First of all, both Hi(G,−)andHi(X,−)areδ-functorsfromthecategoryofdiscreteΛ [G]-modules n toabeliangroups,withthefirstuniversalinthesenseof[Gr]. Bytheconnectedness assumption H0(G,V)∼=H0(X,V). Thus we get a map H∗(G,−)→H∗(X,−) ofδ-functors. Compatibilitywithcupproductscanbeprovedinprinciplebydimen- sionshiftingandinduction,butitseemssimplertogiveanalternateinterpretation. 4 DONUARAPURA Suppose that Y →X is a Galois ´etale cover with Galois group H a quotient of G by an open normal subgroup. Then we have an isomorphism of simplicial schemes cosk(Y →X)• ∼=(Y ×EH•)/G where cosk(Y →X) is the simplicial scheme • ...Y × Y ⇒Y X andEH →BH isasimplicialmodelfortheuniversalH-bundleovertheclassify- • • ing space (cf [D1, §5.1, 6.1] or [M1, pp 99-100]). The projection cosk(Y →X) → • EH /G=BH induces a map from the bar complex C•(H,V) with coefficients in • • an H-module V to the Cech complex Cˇ•(Y →X,V). Thus we obtain maps H∗(G,V)→H∗(H,V)→H∗(X,V) Thecompatibilitywithcupproductsnowfollowseasilyfromthestandardsimplicial formulas for them [M1, p 172]. We have already seen that the map (2) is an isomorphism when i = 0. We next prove that it is an isomorphism when i= 1. First, suppose that V is a finite Λ -module with trivial G-action. Then have an isomorphism n H1(G,V)∼=Hom(G,V) On the other hand, we have H1(X,V)∼=Hom(πet(X),V) 1 because both groups classify V-torsors [M1, pp 121-123]. By lemma 1.4, we can also identify Hom(πet(X),V)∼=Hom(G,V) 1 Now suppose that V is a nontrivial finite Λ [G]-module. Let π : Y → X be an n ´etale cover such that π∗V is trivial. We can assume that π is a Galois cover, with Galois group H a quotient of G. Set K = πet(Y). Then K acts trivially on π∗V. 1 It follows that (3) Hi(K,V)∼=Hi(Y,π∗V), i=0,1 andthisisomorphismiscompatiblewiththeH action. ThenHochschild-Serregives a commutative diagram 0 //H1(H,H0(K,V)) // H1(G,V) //H0(H,H1(K,V)) //H2(H,H0(K,V)) ∼= f ∼= ∼= (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) 0 //H1(H,H0(Y,V)) //H1(X,V) //H0(H,H1(Y,V)) //H2(H,H0(X,V)) with exact rows. The maps labeled by ∼= are isomorphisms by (3). Thus f is an isomorphism by the 5-lemma. To summarize, we have canonical multiplicative homomorphisms Hi(G,V)→Hi(X,V) for Λ [G]-modules, which are isomorphisms for i ≤ 1. The proposition follows by n taking the inverse limit over n. (cid:3) THE PRIME TO p FUNDAMENTAL GROUP 5 We will apply the lastpropositionin the two cases G=πp′(X) and G=πℓ(X). 1 1 Itis worthremarkingthatwhenV =Q ,we haveH1(πp′(X),V)∼=H1(πℓ(X),V), ℓ 1 1 but there is no reason to expect this for higher cohomology. We have the following basic finiteness property. Theorem 1.6 (Raynaud). Any element of P(p) is topologically finitely presented. Proof. This follows from [R, thm 2.3.1, rem 2.3.2]. (cid:3) The analogous statement for K¨ahler groups is a well known consequence of the finite triangulability of compact manifolds. We wish to point out that topological finitepresentabilitydoesnotprecludesomefairlywildexamplessuchas ZℓZ. ℓ6=p However,such examples cannot lie in P(p). Q Proposition 1.7. If G ∈ P(p), then G/[G,G] is the product of a finite abelian group with Zˆb = Zb where b is an even integer. ℓ6=p ℓ Proof. We can deQcompose G/[G,G] = Zbℓ ×A , where A is a finite abelian ℓ6=p ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ-group. We have to show that b is constant and that A = 0 for ℓ ≫ 0. The ℓ ℓ Q Kummer sequence [M1, p 66] gives an isomorphism Hom( Zbℓ ×A ,Z )∼=T Pic(X)=T Pic0(X) ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ red where we identify Z ∼=YZ (1). For the last equality, we use the exact sequence ℓ ℓ 0→Pic0(X)→Pic(X)→NS(X)→0 and the fact that the Neron-Severi group NS(X) is finitely generated. Since Pic0(X) is an abelian variety, it follows that b = b = 2dimPic0(X) (see red ℓ red for example [M2, thm 15.1]). Again by Kummer, we have an isomorphism Hom( Zb×A ,Z/ℓZ)∼=ℓ-torsion subgroup of Pic(X) ℓ ℓ Since NS(X)is finiYtely generated,the ℓ-torsionsubgroupsofPic(X)andPic0(X) coincideforallℓ≫0. Theℓ-torsionsubgroupofPic0(X)isisomorphicto(Z/ℓZ)b. Therefore for ℓ ≫ 0, we must have Hom(A ,Z/ℓZ) = 0 which implies that A = ℓ ℓ 0. (cid:3) 2. Consequences of hard Lefschetz By far the simplest restriction on K¨ahler groups is what we will refer to as the parity test: a finitely generated Γ cannot be K¨ahler unless rank(Γ/[Γ,Γ]) is even. This is a consequence of the Hodge decomposition. Proposition 1.7 gives an analogue in our setting. It is convenient to record the relevant part of it as a corollary. Corollary 2.1. If G ∈ P(p), rankG /[G ,G ] is a fixed even integer for each ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ6=p. The followingfact, whichrefinesthe previousresult,wasfirstobservedbyJohn- son and Rees [JR] in the K¨ahler group setting. 6 DONUARAPURA Theorem 2.2. Let G ∈ P(p), and let H be a quotient of G by a closed normal subgroup such that H dominates G . Suppose that ρ : H → O (Q ) is an or- ℓ n ℓ thogonal representation such that ρ(H) is finite, and let V be the corresponding H-module with quadratic form q : V ⊗V → Q . Then there exists a linear map ℓ λ:H2(H,Q )→Q suchthatλ(q(α∪β)) definesasymplecticpairingonH1(H,V). ℓ ℓ Proof. Suppose that G= πp′(X), where X is an n dimensional smooth projective 1 variety. Fix an ample line bundle O (1), and let L denote the corresponding X Lefschetz operator. We claim that (4) H1(X,V)×H1(X,V)−q◦→∪ H2(X,Q )L−n→−1 H2n(X,Q )∼=Q ℓ ℓ ℓ gives a nondegenerate symplectic pairing. When ρ is trivial, (V,q) is a sum of n copies of Q with the standard pairing, and the claim follows from the hard ℓ Lefschetz theorem for ´etale cohomology [D, 4.1.1]. In general, let π : Y →X be a Galois´etalecoverwithGaloisgroupK suchthatπ∗V istrivial. Wecandecompose π π∗V =V⊕V′undertheK action. Letp:π π∗V →V denotetheprojection. We ∗ ∗ equip Y with the Lefschetz operator corresponding to π∗O (1). Then the pairing X (4) is obtained by applying p to the nondegenerate pairing H1(Y,π∗V)×H1(Y,π∗V)−→H2(Y,Q )L−n→−1 H2n(Y,Q )∼=Q ℓ ℓ ℓ and the claim follows for general V with finite monodromy. By proposition 1.5, we have a commutative diagram H1(H,V)×H1(H,V) // H2(H,Q ) ℓ H1(X,V)×(cid:15)(cid:15)∼=H1(X,V) //H2(X(cid:15)(cid:15),ιQ■■)■L■n■−■λ■1■■■//$$Q ℓ ℓ where λ is defined as Ln−1◦ι. (cid:3) Second proof of corollary 2.1. H1(G,Q )carriesasymplecticpairing,soitmustbe ℓ even dimensional. (cid:3) The theorem itself gives more subtle information than the parity test. For ex- ample, we have the following consequence. Proposition 2.3. Suppose that 1→K →G→H →1 is an extension of pro-p′ groups such that H1(H,Q ) 6= 0 and the trangression ℓ Hom (K,Q )→H2(H,Q ) is an isomorphism. Then G∈/ P(p) H ℓ ℓ Proof. From the Hochschild-Serre sequence (lemma 1.3) 0→H1(H,Q )−α→H1(G,Q )→Hom (K,Q )−∼→H2(H,Q )−β→H2(G,Q ) ℓ ℓ H ℓ ℓ ℓ we conclude that α is an isomorphism and β =0. Therefore ∪:∧2H1(G,Q )→H2(G,Q ) ℓ ℓ is zero, because it factors through β. Thus G∈/ P(p) by theorem 2.2. (cid:3) The conditions of the proposition are easy to check for the following example. THE PRIME TO p FUNDAMENTAL GROUP 7 Corollary 2.4. The completion of the Heisenberg group 1 a b 0 1 c |a,b,c∈Zˆ    0 0 1     is not in P(p)   Amore generalclassofexampleswhere the propositionappliescomes fromgen- eralizeduniversalcentralextensions. Givena pro-p′ groupH, we havea (generally noncanonical) central extension (5) 0→H (H,Zˆ)→G→H →1 2 with extension class lifting the identity under the surjection H2(H,H (H,Zˆ))→Hom(H (H,Zˆ),H (H,Zˆ)) 2 2 2 Here the (co)homologies are defined by taking inverse limits of the usual groups with coefficients in Z/nZ. Transgressiongives an isomorphism, so that: Corollary 2.5. If H1(H,Q ) is nonzero, then the group G of the above extension ℓ (5) is not in P(p). The last statement should be compared with [Re, p 717, cor]. 3. Free products Given two pro-p′ groups G and G , their coproduct in the category of pro-p′ 1 2 groups exists [RZ, §9.1]. We denote it by G ˆ∗G . It is closely related to the usual 1 2 free product ∗. Lemma 3.1. Given discrete groups Gi, G\1∗G2 ∼=Gˆ1ˆ∗Gˆ2. Proof. [RZ, 9.1.1]. (cid:3) ThecompletionFˆr oftheusualfreegrouponr generatorsisafreepro-p′ group. It can also be expressed as a coproduct Fˆr =Zˆˆ∗...ˆ∗Zˆ (r factors) In[ABR],itisshownthataK¨ahlergroupcannotbeanextensionofagroupwith infinitely many ends by a finitely generated group. We observe that any nontrivial free product other than (Z/2Z)∗(Z/2Z) has infinitely many ends. Since we do not (yet) have a theory of ends in the profinite setting, we give a slightly weaker statement involving the aforementioned class. On the other hand, the hypothesis on the kernel can be relaxed slightly. Theorem 3.2. Let p6=2. Suppose that we have an extension of pro-p′ groups (6) 1→K →G→H →1 such that (a) (K/[K,K]) /(torsion) is a finitely generated Z -module, and 2 2 (b) H is a nontrivial coproduct other than (Z/2Z)ˆ∗(Z/2Z). Then G∈/ P(p) 8 DONUARAPURA Proof. SupposethatG fits intothe exactsequence (6)with H =H ˆ∗H , whereH 1 2 i arenontrivialandnotbothoforder2. We willshowthatGcannotlie inP(p). We first make a reduction to the case where H is of the form Jˆ∗Fˆ2. Choose nontrivial finite quotients Q of H such that |Q |>2 for some i. Let L⊂H be the kernel of i i i theprojectionH →Q ×Q . ThenbytheprofiniteversionoftheKuroshsubgroup 1 2 theorem [RZ, 9.1.9], we see that L ∼= Jˆ∗Fˆ2 for some group J. It suffices to prove that the preimage G˜ of L in G is not in P(p) by lemma 1.2. Since it fits into an extension 1→K →G˜ →L→1 we may replace G by G˜ and H by L. From the exact sequence (6), we get a continuous action of H on K/[K,K]. Therefore M = (K/[K,K])2 ⊗Z2 Q2 is a finite dimensional representation of H. With respect to the factor Fˆ2 =Zˆˆ∗Zˆ of H, we get two actions of Zˆ on M that we refer to as the first and second. Let {ξ ,...,ξ } be the (possibly empty) set of one 1 n dimensionalcharactersofFˆ2 correspondingto one dimensionalsubquotients ofM. We may suppose that ξ ,...,ξ are the characters among these with finite order. 1 m Let S ⊂Fˆ2 be the intersection of kernels of ξ ,...,ξ . The group S is necessarily 1 m of the form Fˆr with r ≥2 [RZ, 3.6.2]. After replacing H by Jˆ∗S =(Jˆ∗Fˆr−2)ˆ∗Fˆ2, J by Jˆ∗Fˆr−2 and G by the preimage of the new H in the old G, we may assume that the all the characters ξ are either trivial or of infinite order. Let ξ′ denote i i the restrictions of ξ to the first factor of Fˆ2 = Zˆˆ∗Zˆ. Then the sign character i σ :Zˆ →Z →Q∗, 2 2 +1 if x∈2Zˆ σ(x)= (−1 otherwise is not in {ξ′,...,ξ′}. Let χ = σ and χ ∈ {1,σ}, where the precise choice will 1 n 1 2 be determined below. Let V = Q denote the H = Jˆ∗Zˆˆ∗Zˆ module where J acts 2 trivially and the two Zˆ factors act through χ and χ respectively. We note that 1 2 V is orthogonal,so that we can apply theorem 2.2 when the time comes. We now compute dimH1(G,V). From the Hochschild-Serre sequence (lemma 1.3), we obtain the exact sequence (7) 0→H1(H,V)→H1(G,V)→H0(H,H1(K,V)) We can identify H0(H,H1(K,V))∼=H0(H,Hom(K/[K,K],V))∼=Hom (M,V) H Since we chose χ ∈/ {ξ′,...,ξ′}, the latter space is zero. Therefore, by (7) we 1 1 n obtain an isomorphism H1(G,V)∼=H1(H,V) By an appropriate Mayer-Vietoris sequence [RZ, prop 9.2.13], we see that H1(H,V)∼=H1(J,V)⊕H1(Zˆ,Q2,χ1)⊕H1(Zˆ,Q2,χ2) wherethesubscriptsχ indicatetheaction. Themiddlegroupontherightvanishes i because χ was nontrivial. By choosing χ to be trivial or not according to the 1 2 parityofrank(J/[J,J]),weseethattherightsidecanbemadetohaveodddimen- sion. Therefore G cannot be the pro-p′ fundamental group of a smooth projective variety by theorem 2.2. (cid:3) THE PRIME TO p FUNDAMENTAL GROUP 9 Corollary 3.3. A group in P(p) cannot decompose as a coproduct of nontrivial pro-p′ groups, and in particular it cannot be free. Proof. The only case not covered by the last theorem is (Z/2Z)ˆ∗(Z/2Z), but since this contains Zˆ as an open subgroup, it is ruled out by corollary 2.1. (cid:3) Corollary 3.4. Suppose that G satisfies all of the assumptions of the theorem but with (a) replaced by (a’) K is topologically finitely generated. Then G∈/ P(p). Proof. (a’) implies (a). (cid:3) Corollary 3.5. Suppose that 1→K →G→H ∗H →1 is an exact sequence of 1 2 discrete groups, with K finitely generated and Hˆ nontrivial and not both of order i 2. Then Gˆ ∈/ P(p). Proof. By [RZ, prop 3.2.5] and lemma 3.1, we have an exact sequence Kˆ →Gˆ →f Hˆ ˆ∗Hˆ →1 1 2 Therefore kerf is topologically finitely generated. (cid:3) As an illustration of the use of this theorem, we show that the pure braid group does not lie in this class. This is a direct translation of the argument in [A] for showing that braid groups are not K¨ahler. Recall that B is given by generators n s ,...,s with relations s s s = s s s and s s = s s if |i −j| > 1. 1 n−1 i i+1 i i+1 i i+1 i j j i This maps to the symmetric group S by sending s 7→ (ii+ 1). The kernel is n i the pure braid group P . More geometrically, P is the fundamental group of the n n configuration space of n distinct ordered points in the plane. Proposition 3.6. Pˆ ∈/ P(p). n Proof. We have P =Z, so Pˆ ∈/ P(p) by corollary 2.1. The group B is generated 2 2 3 by a = s s s and b = s s with the relation a2 = b3. There is a surjective 1 2 1 1 2 homomorphismfrom f :B →Z/2Z∗Z/3Z which sends a and b to the generators 3 of Z/2Z and Z/3Z respectively. The kernel of f is the cyclic group generated by a2 ∈P . Thus we have an extension 3 0→Z→P →f(P )→1 3 3 By Kurosh’s subgroup theorem [S3, §5.5] the image f(P ) is a free product of 3 a nonabelian free group and some additional factors. Therefore Pˆ ∈/ P(p) by 3 corollary 3.5. When n>3, projection of the configuration spaces gives a fibration resulting a surjective homomorphism P → P with finitely generated kernel. It n 3 follows that P →f(P ) is again surjective with finitely generated kernel. So once n 3 again corollary 3.5 shows that Pˆ ∈/ P(p). n (cid:3) 10 DONUARAPURA 4. One relator groups Recently, Biswas-Mahan [BM] and Kotschick [K] have classified one relator K¨ahler groups: they are all fundamental groups of one dimensional compact orb- ifolds with at most one orbifold point. In more explicit terms, such a group would be of the form hx ,...,x |([x ,x ]...[x ,x ])mi if g >0 1 2g 1 g+1 g 2g Γ = g,m (Z/mZ=hx|xmi if g =0 (Note that both [BM, K] classify infinite one relator K¨ahler groups, but the state- ment as given above is an immediate consequence.) We prove a pro-ℓ version for large ℓ assuming that the relation lies in the commutator subgroup. To reconcile the statement below with the one just given, observe that (Γˆg,m)ℓ ∼= (Γˆg,1)ℓ when ℓ is coprime to m. Theorem 4.1. Suppose that G ∈ P(p) is the pro-p′ completion of a discrete one- relator group. Then there exists an explicit finite set S of primes such that if ℓ∈/ S, the maximal pro-ℓ quotient G of G is isomorphic to the pro-ℓ completion of the ℓ genus g surface group Γ where g = 1dimH1(G,Q ). g,1 2 ℓ Before giving the proof, we need the following versionof Stallings’ theorem [St]. Lemma 4.2. If f : G → H is a continuous homomorphism of pro-ℓ groups such that the induced map Hi(H,Z/ℓZ)∼=Hi(G,Z/ℓZ) is an isomorphism for i=1 and an injection for i=2, then f is an isomorphism. Proof. Thesurjectivityoff followsfrom[S2,Iprop23],soitremainstocheckinjec- tivity. Definetheℓ-centralseriesbyC0(G)=G,andCn+1(G)=[G,Cn(G)]Cn(G)ℓ. We claim that f induces an isomorphism G/Cn(G) → H/Cn(H). The injectivity of f will follow from this claim because one has Cn(G) = {1} The proof of the claim is essentially identical to the argument in [St] in dual form; nevertheless we T give it for completeness. This proof goes by induction. The initial case n = 1 followsfromtheisomorphismH1(H,Z/ℓZ)∼=H1(G,Z/ℓZ). Fortheinductionstep we use the commutative diagram, 1 // CnH/Cn+1H // H/Cn+1H //H/CnH // 1 γ fn+1 fn (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) 1 //CnG/Cn+1G //G/Cn+1G // G/CnG // 1 We haveto showthatf isanisomorphismassumingthis forf . Itisenoughto n+1 n checkthatγ isanisomorphism. We haveadiagramcomingfromHochschild-Serre, H1(H/Cn) // H1(H) //Hom(CnH,Z/ℓ) // H2(H/Cn) // H2(H) α β γ∗ δ ǫ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) H1(G/Cn) // H1(G) // Hom(CnG,Z/ℓ) //H2(G/Cn) // H2(G) Thehypotheses,includingtheinductionhypothesis,impliesthatα,β,δ areisomor- phisms, and ǫ is injective. Therefore γ∗ is an isomorphism by the 5-lemma. This implies that γ is an isomorphism. (cid:3)

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