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NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY FOIA Case: 105938 20 December 2018, 1sMMA DEST MUCKROGK NEWS, DEPT MR 66268 ILA HIGHLAND AVE SOMERVILLE Ma 02144-2516 Doar Ms. Hest This responds ta your Freedom of information Act (IIA) request of U7 Decembar 2018 for “Copies uf: 1, PROMIS Front End Luad Lisers Manual 2. PROMIS M204 Lond and Ketrieval Users Mannal Your eequest was received am LT December 2018 and has been assigned Case Nomber T5038, Becuuse theee are na aascesuble fees for this request. we did not address your request for a fec waiver. Your request has sen proecssed under the FOLA, Doth ofthe documents you nequested are enclosed. Certain information, howevcr, has been deleted from the enclosures. Some of the information deleted [ram the documents was found to be currently and properly classified in accordance with Hxecutive Order 13526, The information meets the criteria for classification ow set forth in ‘Subparagtaphs fe} and (d) of Section 1,4 and remams classified TOP SECRET, SECRET, and CONFIDENTIAL ag provided in Section 1.2 of the FNccutive Order, ‘The indormation is classified because ity disclusure could veasomably be expected tn uause exceplivnally grave damage to the retional security. ‘The Jivtormation is exempt irom automalic declussificulion in accordance with Section 3.3(b(1} and (6) af #.0. 13526. Because the information is currently and properly classified, itis exempt from disclosure pursuant to the first fexeruption of the FAIS (5 U.S.C. Section $52(6X1)). The information is exempt Irom automatic declusifistioa in accordance with Section 3.310] of FO. 13526. Im addition, this Ageney is uuiarized by vations statutes lo protect cortuin information enncemning its activities. We have determined Uxat such information exists in these documents, Accerdinely, these portions are exempl from dissiosee pursuant to the third exemption of the KOLA, which provides for the withholding of formation specifeally protected fran disclosure by FOIA Case! 105938 statute, (he specific statutes applicable in this case are ‘itl 198: Title $0 C8 3605). 8 US. Code ule 30244} and Scction 6, Public Law 86-36 (50 U.S, Code Since these deletions may be construed as a partial denual of your requesl, yoW are herchy advised of this Agency's appeal procedures, ‘You may appeal this decision. Ifyou decide 1 appeal, you should du sa nthe mauner outlined felis. NSA will endioavor to respond within 20 working days of receiving any appeal. sbsent any unusual circumstances, & The appeal must be sent via U.S, postal mail, fax, or elecironle delivery (e-mail) und nuddeessed to: NSA FOLA/PA Appeal Authority (7132) National Security Ageney ‘9BUO Savage Road STE 6932 Fort George G. Mende, ML 20735-6937. ‘The facsimile number is 443.479 3612. “The appropriate email address to submit an appeal is KOIARSCnsa. gor & Itmmust be postmarked ur delivered electronically no later thurs 90 calondar day from the date of this eter. Decisions appealed after 90 days sill not be addressed. Please include the case number provided above. Please describe with sufficient detail why vou believe Une denial of reyuesied invormatinn was unwarranted. You may also contact our FOIA Public Liaison at folatoginsa gov for any further assistance and to discuss uny uspect of your request. Additionally, you ay contaet the Office of Government Information Sorvices (OCIS) ut he National Archives snd Records Administration ta inquire ubout the FOIA mediation servives they offer. The contact information for OGIS i ax fellows: Office of Government Information Serviees Nationat Archives und Records Administration 8601 Adelphi Rd. - OGIS, College Park, MO 20740, givgrura. go 77-64-6448, Wax) 209-741-5769 HOLA Cuse: 105938 Sincerely, Es braed, Phi. JOLIN R, CHAPMAN Chief, OUP Ofive NSA Initial Deniul Authoring rel as FRONTS FRONT ENO LOAD UBcRS MANUAL, PREPARED BY: SENDATA AYETENS SUPPORT CLASSIFIED BY NeA/cEEM 125-2 PEUIEM ON 14 JULY 2012 PRONLE FRONT END LOAD USERS. MAMLAL- 2. TRADUCTION 2. MESSENGER 3. PSR 4, aUBBER S. sore LreTrvss 6. 4908 7. pane 8. guoB % yaue = SOLTS RETRIEVAL AND FORMATTING NSA PRODUCT 2. US FIELD By PLATFORM TRaNGFER . FORNEUL, 2. POSPARTY 12. psazoR APPENEIETES Ae TAPE LABELS AND TAPE STRar B. CARTLEMN ZOB CARD. G AOP SERVICE REQUEST. 1D. HEROK REPRODUCTION SHEET. €. SORE XEROX SANPLEG. LABELS. ANTRERUCT ION ee The PROMS DATABASE. 1S ‘THE ODO M204 FILE OF ALL Nea, uss. FIELD, SIGINT PRODUCT, IT 15 MANAGED bv Pos Fan” THE_FURPOSE OF PROVIDING TIMELY RESPONSE TO GND ANALYSIS GF NISGION-RELATED PROBLEMS IND OUERIGH. THE EVOTEN CONTAING THe NUNGER AND PERCENTAGES OF ALL PROUUCT PRODUCED BY OR RESPONDED TO UNOER PIGINT REGUERERENYS. DATA GAN BE REFERENCED BY SUBJECT, TYPE OF ACTIVITY, PRIGRITY, GauNTRY AND/OR COLLECTION SUURGE AND CAN SE MANIPULATED FoR RETRIEVAL IN PANY DIFFERENT FORMATS. PRONEg RECEIVES 17s OATA FROM SIX MAIN SOURCES. THE SOURCES AREA MESGENER, A GROUP, B GROUP, 6 GROUP, W GROUP, feD SOCTS. MESSENGER CONTAINS ALL NSA SERIALIZED PRODUCT TSHUED FOR A ONG WERK PERIOD. HOWEVER, MANY GF THE BE FEELDS ARE NOT COMPLETE IN NESGENBER) THEREFORE, IT TS NECESSARY 70 LoaD."HE RECORDS FROM THE GROUPS ALEC. Unt. FIELD, RECORDS ARE LOADED FROM SOLIS via PLATEORH, GOLTS YS ALSIC AVAILABLE FOR NSA PRODUCT AND CAN 6 LEADED Ta PRONIS VIA PLATFORM ALSO. THE PROWIS Na04 FILE £9 FORWATTED WITH THENTY—THREE UNIQUE FIELD@;RETRIEVALS CAN BE DRAWN AGAINST THE DATABASE BY THENTY=Tua' oF THESE FIELDS, BY FIeLO Mane. FING FOLLOWING A LIST BF THE 5 FIELDS AND THE DEFTAUT{ON OF EACH. pRowie efei09 4. SERNUM - SERIAL NUMBER OF THE REPORT — THIG MumDER 15 GIVEN BY THE FLEX ROOM WHENEVER A REPORT 15 TesueD, A. SERIES — SERIES IS INDEXED OFF OF THE SERIAL NUMBER. TE APPCARS BEFORE THE 2°87 ALAGH IN THE EPIAL NUMBER @ND IDENTIFIES THE CLASSIFTCATION OF THE REPORT. EX. 3/00/213-B4 series = seorer SECRET CODEWORD . TOP SRrRET ConFWORD EE © CORPARTHENTED . 5 aarne . Us EYES ONLY, amet = yor SECRET 3B, PODG - PODG 15 INDEXED OFF OF THE SERIAL NUMBER. THIS IDENTIFIES WHERE THE PRODUCT WAS. URITTEN AND 6LSD MAKES UP PART OF THE SERIAL, NUMBER, eX B/AONI79-26 1 = THE POPE CIN THIS CASE 0 = Neay 2. OP] = OFFICE OF PRIMARY INTEREST ~ THE OFFICE WHO PRODUCES THE RcPORT. ‘A. OPI — INDEXED FROM OPI - GROUP ONLY. B, OPG2 — INDEXED FROM OPT ~ GROUP a DIVISION. Ge OPIS - INDEXED FROM OPT GROUF & DIVISION & OFFICE; SROUP % DIVISION & OFFICE: 5 BRANCH. PTA ~ INDEXED FROM OY eX. OFF = G9xH gett = 6 opr2 ~ G9 Opts = ges Opis = 954 DATE — THE DATE THE REPORT SERIAL NUMBER TS GENT GUT. YEAR - INDEXED FRO THE DATE FIELD - 1°ST & 2°NO BHARACTERS OF THE DATE FIELD. 9. NONTH = INDEXED FROM THE DATE FIELD - S°RD & 4°TH CHARACTERS OF THE DATE FIELD, a 10. G. PAY ~ INDEXED FROM THE OATE FIELD - S°TH & G°TH CHARACTERS OF THE DATE FIELD. ex, asoitz year = 25 PONT! = OL Bay = 12 TIME | TINE IN ZULU THAT THE REPORT seRraL 19 SENT out. PDATE - PROCESS DATE - THE DATE THE DATA was PROCEED (E.E., DATE ON THE TAPE. DNL = Ne ARBITRARY ONE-UP NUMBER USED 70 ISOLATE A SPECIFIC RECORD FOR PURPOSES OF DELETION, ETC. CFETLE ~ Lane TATE — TITLE OF THE REPORT — USUBLLy 3 LINES LONG, ABOUT THE SUBJECT. SIGAD - COLLECTOR SOURCE — IDENTIFIES @ITE OF INFORMATION COLLECTION. IQ — THE PRIORITY AND REQUEREVENT ANSWERED IN THE REPORT. @. ORI ~ PREGRITY 1S INDEXED OFF OF THE KIG. HUMBER PRECEEDING THE REGUIREMENT. 8. RY — REOUIREMENT Ta INDEXED OFF OF THE KID. REDUIREMENT (LP TQ FOUR BIGI Te) STATES SOLLESTEON GULOLINES.

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