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Preview Responses of Sorghum to Abiotic Stresses

J A C 1 2 0 1 7 B Dispatch:1.12.12 Journal: JAC CE:PriyaC. Journal Name ManuscriptNo. AuthorReceived: No.ofpages:11 PE:Vigneshwari JAgroCropSci(2012)ISSN0931-2250 1 SALINITY STRESS 2 3 1 Responses of Sorghum to Abiotic Stresses: A Review 4 (cid:1) (cid:1) I. Tari,G. Laskay,Z. Takacs&P. Poor 5 6 DepartmentofPlantBiology,UniversityofSzegedSzeged,Hungary 7 8 9 10 11 Keywords Abstract 12 aluminiumstress;nutrientsupplyand Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is a highly productive crop plant, which 13 deficiency;saltstress;Sorghumbicolor (L.Moench);temperaturestress;waterstress canbeusedforalternativeenergyresource,humanfood,livestockfeedorindus- 14 trialpurposes.Thebiomassofsorghumcanbeutilizedassolidfuelviathermo- 15 Correspondence chemical routes or as a carbohydrate substrate via fermentation processes. The 16 I.Tari planthasagreatadaptationpotentialtodrought,highsalinityandhightempera- 17 DepartmentofPlantBiology ture, which are important characteristics of genotypes growing in extreme envi- 18 UniversityofSzeged 19 Ko€z(cid:1)epfasor52 ronments.However,theclimatechangeinthe21stcenturymaybringaboutnew challenges in the cultivated areas. In this review, we summarize the most recent 20 POBox654 H-6701Szeged literatureabouttheresponsesofsorghumtothemostimportantabioticstresses: 21 Hungary nutrient deficiency, aluminium stress, drought, high salinity, waterlogging or 22 Tel.:/Fax:+36-62-544307 temperaturestresstheplantshavetocopewithduringcultivation.Theadvanced 23 2 Email:[email protected] molecularandsystembiologicaltoolsprovidenewopportunitiesforbreedersto 24 selectstress-tolerantandhigh-yieldingcultivars. 25 AcceptedNovember16,2012 26 27 doi:10.1111/jac.12017 28 29 30 Germplasmresourcesofsorghumshowthatacompetition Introduction 31 exists between grain yield and stem biomass production, 32 Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) is a multipurpose andthetaskofthebreedersistofindtheoptimumcondi- 33 cropbelongingtothePoaceaefamily,whichareC4carbon tionsforthedifferentproductivitiesintheplants.Breeding 34 cycle plants with high photosynthetic efficiency and pro- strategies for adaptation of sorghum to climatic variability 35 ductivity. Sorghumisoneof thefive major cultivatedspe- havebeenexcellentlyreviewedbyHausmannet al.(2012). 36 cies in the world because it has several economically 37 important potential uses such as food (grain), feed (grain MorphologicalandPhysiologicalCharacteristicsof 38 andbiomass),fuel(ethanolproduction),fibre(paper),fer- Sorghum 39 mentation (methane production) and fertilizer (utilization 40 3 of organic by-products) (ICRISAT 2009). Sorghum origi- Theplantisnativeintropicalareasandisalsowelladapted 41 nates from Africa, from the southern region of the Sahara totemperateclimate.Itishighlyresistanttodrought(Sted- 42 Desert,whereseveral closelyrelatedwildspeciesarefound uto et al. 1997), salinity (Almodares et al. 2008a,b) as well 43 (Legwaila et al. 2003). The cultivated genotypes and aswaterlogging(Promkhambutet al.2010),anditcanbe 44 hybridsareverydiverse.IntheEuropeanUnionandinthe grownandcanmaintainremarkableyieldpotentialinenvi- 45 USA, sweet sorghum has been bred as a promising energy ronments that are normally too extreme for other C4 46 crop (Berenji and Dahlberg 2004), and it is also suggested plants. Some of its morphological features are advanta- 47 asacandidateforbiofuelproductioninhotanddry(arid) geousfortheacclimationtospecificabioticstresses. 48 countries, such as Nigeria, India, Australia or Mexico (Al- The height of the plants ranges from 1.5 to 3.0 m, 49 4 modares and Hadi 2009). It is an important cereal in depending on the number and length of the internodes as 50 Africa,theMiddleEast,AsiaandCentralAmericaandisa wellasonthelengthofthepeduncleandthepanicle.Tillers 51 principal source of food for millions of people. The pur- maydevelopfromthelowernodes,whilelateralbranching 52 pose of breeders in China is to develop genotypes of both may occur higher up on the stem. In adult plants, lateral 53 high grain yield and high sugar content in the stem juice. branches usually develop when a significant amount of ©2012BlackwellVerlagGmbH 1 Tarietal. 1 moisture is available in the soil and more extensive tiller sorghum biomass at midgrowth. N concentration in plant 2 production can be observed during and after the anthesis tissues followed a common dilution curve, indicating that 3 ofthemainshoot(IsbellandMorgan1982). fertilizedsorghumefficientlyutilizedthesuppliedN,avoid- 4 Primary roots have a limited growth, and their function ing luxury consumption (Barbanti et al. 2011). However, 5 is taken over by the secondary root system, developing nitrogenfertilizationincreasedthestemdrymatterwithout 6 fromtherootcrowns.Therootsofanadultsorghumplant enhancing the sugar content of the tissues (Ferraris 1981). 7 are all secondary adventitious roots with numerous lateral Itwasaninterestingfindingthattheexpressionofthestay- 8 rootspenetratingthesoilinalldirections.Thedifferencein green phenotype in sorghum exhibited higher use and 9 totalwateruseduetochangesinrootmorphologyandbio- uptakeofnitrogen(Addyet al.2010). 10 mass was responsible for an increased yield of newly TheformofinorganicNalsodeterminesthedrymatter 11 released hybrids under rain-fed conditions (Assefa and accumulation of the plants. The tolerance of ammonium 12 Staggenborg 2011); likewise, the structure of the root sys- nutritiondependsontheammoniumdetoxificationcapac- 13 templaysanimportantroleinthedroughtstresstolerance ity of the root tissues via the cytosolic form of glutamine 14 oftherespectivecultivars(Salihet al.1999). synthetase, GS1 (GS, EC It was shown that sor- 15 Sweet sorghum is a short-day plant, but large genotypic ghum-sudan grass (S. bicolor L. 9 S. bicolor var. sudan- 16 differences exist in the photoperiodic requirement for the ense) hybrids exhibited enhanced biomass production and 17 transition from the vegetative to the generative phase. increased capacity for N assimilation at increasing NO(cid:1) 3 18 There are varieties in Australia, which are insensitive to and NHþ supplies. In sorghum, the two distinct cytoplas- 4 19 photoperiods but late sorghum varieties are known to be micformsofGSwerefoundtobetheexpressionproducts 20 highly photoperiod sensitive. The choice of cultivar and of the SbGln1.2 and SbGln1.3 genes. The expression of the 21 sowing date should be combined in order that the plants SbGln1.3genewasup-regulatedbyhighlevelsofinorganic 22 flowerduringthelast20 daysofrainyseasonsensuringan N, with a maximal abundance of transcripts after NHþ 4 23 unperturbed grain-filling process. Experiments were con- treatment(ElOmariet al.2010). 24 ducted in three representative sites along a latitudinal gra- The different N forms supplied in the root medium 25 dient in Mali with seven sorghum cultivars (Abdulai et al. affected the uptake of K+ from low-K+ solutions. NHþ in 4 26 2012). Although the largest difference in day length was full nutrient solution increased the depletion of K+ from 27 8 minbetweentheexperimentalareas,eventheserelatively the incubation medium, which correlated with an 28 small differences caused variations in the duration of enhanced activity of the plasma membrane H+-ATPase in 29 vegetativephaseofupto3 weeks. sorghumroots,whileNO(cid:1) wasnotveryeffective(Alvarez- 3 30 The appearance of the panicle determines the distribu- Pizarroet al.2011). 31 tion of assimilates because it is a better sink than the leaf, TheinteractionbetweenKandZnsupplywasstudiedon 32 leafsheathandstalk.Beforestemelongation,thephotosyn- growth, yield and quality of forage sorghum grown in 33 thates accumulate mainly in the leaves, but after elonga- loamysandsoil(Moinuddin2010).IncreasingKlevelssig- 34 tion, the sugars begin to accumulate in the stalk and nificantly improved the yield and quality attributes, and 35 inflorescence. The dry matter distribution and sugar con- the beneficial effects of Zn application increased progres- 36 tentvaryalongthestalk.Thecentralpartofthestalkcon- sivelywithincreasedKsupply. 37 tains the most of soluble sugars, especially that of sucrose The uptake of the other macroelement, phosphorus, by 38 (Coleman1970,Eastin1972).Moreglucosecanbedetected sorghum depended on the concentration of the P forms 39 inthelowerpartofthestem,whiletheupperpartcontains available to plants in the soil (Khorasgani et al. 2009). 40 moresucroseandstarch(Ventreet al.1939). Phosphorus supply affects photosynthetic performance, 41 starch synthesis and transport of sugars across the chloro- 42 plast membrane and hence also plant growth and yield. P EffectsofAppropriateNutrientSupplyand 43 deficiency seriously reduced the biomass production of NutrientDeficiency 44 grain sorghum plants, decreased the performance of PSII, 45 The early and late application of fertilizers can promote the photosynthetic rate under light saturation, the effi- 46 growthandbiomassproductionofsweetsorghum,andthe ciency of carboxylation, ATP production and the rate of 47 plantsrespondwithhigheryieldtobothorganicandinor- ribulose-1,5-biphosphateregeneration(Ripleyet al.2004). 48 5 ganic fertilizers (Amuyojegbe et al. 2007). However, the Photosynthetic activity of plants is determined not only 49 effect of nitrogen fertilizers proved to be contradictory. by the availability of macroelements but also by that of 50 Increasing N supply in the form of composted bio-solids microelements. Critical Mn levels are needed for water 51 was expected to contribute to plant growth and nutrition; splitting in C3 and C4 plants and malate decarboxylation 52 thus, a mixed compost was prepared using (15)N-labelled forCO releaseinC4plants.NADP-malicenzyme(NADP- 2 53 materials.Itwasfoundthatthecompostenhancedthefibre ME) C4 plants, such as sorghum, reached maximum 2 ©2012BlackwellVerlagGmbH EffectofAbioticStressesonSorghum 1 biomassproductionandphotosyntheticrateat2–5 lMMn (Magalhaes et al. 2004, Caniato et al. 2007). In two sor- 2 inthenutrientsolution(Keringet al.2009).IncreasingCu ghum cultivars, Magalhaes et al. (2004) found a major 3 supply for sweet sorghum in combination with ethylen- locus (Alt ) for Al3+ tolerance, which might be associated sb 4 ediaminetetraaceticacid(EDTA)inhydroponiccultureled with citrate exudation from root apices. Most recently, a 5 to increased biomass production (Sz(cid:1)ekely et al. 2011) and gene encoding a member ofthemultidrug and toxic com- 6 increasedtheelongationgrowthofplants. pound extrusion (MATE) family, an aluminium-activated 7 Plants cannot easily acquire iron from the soil, so iron citrate transporter has been identified in sorghum plants 8 deficiencyisoneofthemajorlimitingfactorsaffectingcrop (Magalhaes et al. 2007). Genes controlling Al3+ resistance 9 yield.Graminaceousspeciescanenhanceironuptakefrom have already been cloned from various crop plants 10 inorganicFe(III)derivativesbyreleasingphytosiderophores includingsorghum(RyanandDelhaize2010). 11 (PS),theFe-chelatingcompounds.ThePSreleasebyroots 12 andtheuptakeofFe(III)PSbyrootcellsincreasebyafactor DroughtStress 13 ofaboutfiveunderFedeficiency.Sorghumissusceptibleto 14 Fedeficiency,andthereforeanincreaseinitsresistancetoFe Thescarcityofwatermayexertanadverseeffectuponseed 15 deficiency(to‘limechlorosis’)canbeachievedbybreeding germination and embryo growth rate in the field, but sev- 16 the cultivars with high rates of PS release (Ro€mheld and eral sorghum cultivars adapted well to semi-arid areas 17 Marschner1990).Severalsimpleandeffectivesoilmanage- (Patan(cid:3)e et al. 2012). Although water-use efficiency and 8 18 ment practices, such as root feeding and bag fertilization, other physiological characteristics of sweet sorghum indi- 19 weredevelopedtoimprovetheFenutritionofplants(Zuo catethatthisspeciescansuccessfullyadapttodrought,the 20 6 andZhang2011).Singhet al.(2011)investigatedthetrans- research so far has mainly focused on biomass yield and 21 locationofradiolabellediron((59)Fe)suppliedthroughthe sugarcontentunderunfavourableconditions. 22 rootsystemtonon-chlorotic and chloroticsorghum.They Sorghumdevelopedtwoimportantstrategiesforadapta- 23 also treated the leaves with foliar spray of FeSO solution tion to water deficit. The primary way is the tolerance of 4 24 combined with various chelating compounds and found water potential decrease, while the second mechanism is 25 thatunderirondeficiencythedifferentialuptakeoflabelled theescapefromwaterstressduetodeepandextensiveroot 26 Fewasmarkedlyincreasedintheleavesandstemsofchlo- formation. 27 rotic plants as compared to non-chlorotic ones, and the Drought resistance of sorghum has been attributed to 28 foliar spray with FeSO + thiourea increased the (59)Fe morphological and physiological factors such as the dense 4 29 uptakethroughtheroots.IncontrasttotheFe-efficientbar- rootssystem(Mayakiet al.1976,JordanandMiller1980), 30 ley,whereironwasallocatedpreferentiallytothethylakoid theabilitytomaintainstomatalopeningandphotosynthe- 31 membranes during Fe deficiency, in the Fe-deficient sor- sis at low water potentials, and the ability for osmotic 32 ghum,thephotosyntheticapparatuswasseriouslydamaged, adjustment(Ludlowet al.1990).Sometimes,late-flowering 33 andtheproportionofleafFeallocatedtothethylakoidswas cultivars can tolerate water deficit more effectively (Hsiao 34 notaltered(Mikamiet al.2011). et al.1976). 35 Itwas reported that the high drought tolerance of sweet 36 sorghum cv. Gadambalia was associated with high water AluminiumStress 37 extraction efficiency from the soil, fewer nodal roots 38 The rhizotoxicity of Al3+ is the major limitation to plant per plants and fewer metaxylem vessels in nodal roots. 39 production in acidic soils, a problem which is exacerbated The plants had a smaller leaf area and well-developed 40 by the use of ammonium fertilizers and acid rain (von sclerenchymaintheirleaftissues(Salihet al.1999). 41 Uexkull and Murtert 1995). Higher concentrations of Al3+ Drought-tolerantgenotypescanbecharacterizedbyhigh 42 werefoundinthesoilsolutionatpH3.7thanatpH5.8or epicuticular wax deposition on the leaf surface, which 43 6.3(Milleret al.2009). increases leaf reflectance in the visible and near-infrared 44 The resistance mechanism of plants to Al3+ toxicity can radiation and contributes to decreased transpiration (Sur- 45 be classified into two main groups: (i) the external toler- wenshiet al.2010).Anotherimportantfunctionoftheleaf 46 ance,thechelationofthemetalionbyorganicacidsinthe epicuticular wax is to reduce the cuticular conductance to 47 rhizosphere, or (ii) the chelation of Al3+ inside the cells water vapour and thus to increase water-use efficiency 48 7 (Inostrosa-Blancheteau et al. 2008). The main mechanism (WUE). 49 for the alleviation of Al3+ toxicity relies on the release of As a positive correlation was found between leaf photo- 50 organic anions from the root cells to the apoplast, which synthesis,totalbiomassandgrainproduction,theeffectsof 51 maybindanddetoxifytheharmfulAl3+cationsextracellu- droughtstressonphotosyntheticactivity,stomatalconduc- 52 larly. Sorghum bicolor belongs to the first group and uses tance and transpiration have been investigated by several 53 the exclusion mechanism through organic acid exudation authors(Youniset al.2000). ©2012BlackwellVerlagGmbH 3 Tarietal. 1 Drought stress decreased the transpiration rate and sto- the most sensitive to drought in the maturation stage, 2 matal conductance (Premachandra et al. 1994, Massacci whichwasprobablyduetotheirhighertranspirationrates. 3 et al. 1996), and these parameters varied among cultivars. They found accumulation of soluble carbohydrates, 4 Tsujiet al.(2003)characterizedthephysiologicalresponses sucrose, glucose and fructose in the leaf tissues during the 5 of an isohydric cultivar, which was able to maintain the vegetativeandreproductivestagesunderwaterstress.How- 6 water potential (cv. Gadambalia), and a desiccation-toler- ever, at maturation, significant decreases were observed. 7 ant one, which reduced the water potential under drought Thissuggeststhattheplantswereabletoadaptosmotically 8 stress (cv. Tabat). Drought tolerance of Gadambalia was duetotheaccelerateddegradationofstarchandformation 9 associatedwithhighleafwaterpotentialandrelativewater ofsolublesugarsduringthevegetativeandearlyreproduc- 10 content, while the reduction in net photosynthetic rate, tive stages. Both unstressed and drought-stressed plants 11 stomatal conductance and transpiration rate was low in accumulated sucrose and starch after the anthesis in the 12 Gadambaliaandhighincv.Tabat. stem. In the course of panicle maturation, sucrose and 13 Theeffectofmoderateandseriousdroughtstressonthe starch contents were higher in drought-stressed than in 14 diurnalchangesofphotosyntheticparametersaswellason unstressedstems(Massacciet al.1996). 15 their variation in various developmental phases has been It was also found that a silicon (Si) fertilizer improved 16 investigated in the sweet sorghum hybrid BJ0601. Photo- the growth of sorghum under water stress, increased the 17 synthesis declined in most plants around mid-day, which root water uptake and decreased the osmotic potential in 18 wasacombinedconsequenceofhighirradiationandwater the root cells indicating an osmotic adjustment. Under 19 deficit. This hybrid displayed a significantly lower water drought stress, silica is deposited in the endodermis of the 20 potential, the net photosynthetic rate (Pn) exhibited a root to avoid tissue collapse. An analysis of root solutes 21 depressionunderseriouswaterstressanditwascloselycor- showed that soluble sugars and amino acids (alanine and 22 related with stomatal conductance. With increasing glutamic acid) were accumulated as compatible osmolytes 23 drought stress, the light compensation point increased, in root tissues after Si application (Sonobe et al. 2010). 24 whereas the light saturation point, the apparent quantum Moreover, under water stress, silicon-treated seedlings 25 yieldanddarkrespirationdeclined.Thestemfreshbiomass exhibited higher stomatal conductance and photosynthetic 26 was the highest under moderate drought stress (Xie et al. ratethanuntreatedones(Sonobeet al.2009). 27 2010). Proline also acts as a compatible osmolyte and accumu- 28 Net CO assimilation rate (NAR), leaf area index (LAI), lates during abiotic stresses. D1-Pyrroline-5-carboxylate 2 29 whichisameasureofthetotalone-sidedareaofphotosyn- synthetase (P5CS, EC is a key regulatory enzyme 30 theticleafsurfaceperunitgroundsurfacearea,andrelative of proline biosynthesis. Two closely related P5CS genes, 31 growth rate (RGR) are good indicators of the effectiveness SbP5CS1andSbP5CS2,wereisolatedfromsweetsorghum, 32 ofsolarradiationcapture(Patterson1982).Comparingfive which were located on chromosomes 3 and 9. Promoter 33 sweet sorghum cultivars and four lines, it was found that analysis of the two P5CS genes uncovered several stress- 34 exceptatpost-grainmaturitystage,thecorrelationsofLAI, responsive cis-acting elements. The expression analysis 35 NAR and RGR with sucrose and total sugar contents were revealed that the genes were up-regulated when the plants 36 positive,whereaswithglucose,fructose,maltoseandxylose wereexposedtodroughtstressandthatprolineconcentra- 37 contents,theywerenegative(Almodareset al.2007a).This tionwasincorrelationwiththeexpressionofSbP5CSgenes 38 meansthatasplantsgrow,LAI,NARandRGRincreasein (Suet al.2011). 39 parallel with sucrose accumulation and with the reduction Molecularvariation withinthedefinedgenes underlying 40 in invert sugars. Allen et al. (2011) found that canopy net specific biochemical and physiological functions provides 41 photosynthesis of grain sorghum was only 9 % lower at candidategene-basedmarkers,whichshowverycloseasso- 42 ambient (360 lmol mol(cid:1)1) and 7 % lower at elevated ciation with thetrait of interest. Srinivas et al. (2009) pre- 43 (720 lmol mol(cid:1)1)CO concentrationunderwater-limited sented a microsatellite linkage map containing 128 2 44 conditions than in well-watered plants. This suggests that microsatellite loci from subtracted drought stress ESTs in 45 effect of drought stress in C4 crop plants can be slightly S. bicolor(L.)Moench.ThedevelopedESTmarkersinclude 46 amelioratedatelevatedCO levels. genes coding for important regulatory proteins and 2 47 The sensitivity of sweet sorghum to water shortage enzymesthatarerelatedtodroughtstress. 48 dependedonthedevelopmentalstage.Theplantswerevery The transcriptome of sorghum shoot and root tissues 49 sensitive to drought in the vegetative and early reproduc- exposed to polyethylene glycol (PEG)-induced osmotic 50 tive stages. In the late reproductive phase, their water stress or to exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) was studied 51 requirement waslower, but theyielddecreased due to ter- using next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology to 52 minaldrought(Youniset al.2000,Xieet al.2010).Incon- revealthespecificgenesandgenenetworksthatcontribute 53 trast,OliveiraNetoet al.(2009)foundthattheplantswere tothedroughttoleranceofthiscrop(Dugaset al.2011). 4 ©2012BlackwellVerlagGmbH EffectofAbioticStressesonSorghum 1 The authors found more than 28 000 unique genes that intheresponseoftherootsystemtowaterlogging,andsev- 2 showed transcriptional activities during osmotic stress or eralgenotypesrespondedwithaerenchymaformationfrom 3 ABA treatment. Expression analysis revealed 5156 unique the roots to the stalk base in flooded soils (Promkhambut 4 genes expressed differentially (DE genes) in treated and et al.2011b).Developmentofnewnodalrootsappearedto 5 controlsamples.Thegenescodingforthelateembryogene- be also an adaptive response of sorghum to waterlogging 6 sis abundant (LEA) proteins, WSI18, a water stress– (Pardales et al. 1991). The responses of three sweet sorgh- 7 induced protein and dehydrins were found in the top five umsandaforagecultivarwerecomparedaftertwentydays 8 genes up-regulated in response to both PEG and ABA. In of waterlogging (Promkhambut et al. 2010). This long- 9 contrast,agenecodingforperoxidase6andagenesimilar termfloodingcausedsignificantreductioninbiomasspro- 10 to OSIG-Ba010B08.10 coding for a sugar substrate trans- duction, increased the allocation of biomass to the roots 11 porter domain-containing protein were down-regulated. andreducedtheleafarea,andinthesweetcultivars,itsig- 12 Genes enriched in gene ontology (GO) categories, such as nificantly reduced photosynthetic rate, stomatal conduc- 13 response to drought, osmotic stress, cold and heat stress, tanceandtranspiration.Theabilitytoextendtheyoungest 14 were up-regulated in the roots and shoots after ABA and leaves, to produce new leaves, to increase the root length 15 PEG treatments, and only a small number of genes were and nodal root development indicated the high tolerance 16 down-regulated in these categories. The pathway enrich- ofasweetcultivar,Wray,towaterlogging.Thebiochemical 17 ment analysis revealed that both choline and the proline mechanismsunderlyingtheadaptationofplantstoO defi- 2 18 biosynthesis pathways contained DE genes in both shoots ciency are based on the ability of a genotype to maintain 19 and roots, but the authors did not observe enrichment for active fermentative metabolism under anaerobiosis. The 20 the glycine betaine biosynthesis pathway after ABA and rootsofaflood-tolerantsorghumcv.SSG-59-3exhibiteda 21 osmoticstresstreatments. ABAandosmoticstressaffected constant increase in alcohol dehydrogenase (EC 22 thebiosynthetic pathways of other hormones, such as eth- and lactate dehydrogenase (EC activities and 23 ylene, gibberellins, jasmonic acid and brassinosteroids; higher ethanol concentration than the sensitive variety 24 some of them also showing enrichment while cytokinin S-308, suggesting that the flood-tolerant variety tends to 25 and indoleacetic acid conjugation pathways, which render attaingreatercapacityforvariousfermentativepathwaysas 26 these hormones biologically inactive, also contained DE alternative means to sustain production of ATP under 27 genes. In PEG-treated roots, the up-regulated genes were floodedconditions(Jainet al.2010). 28 enrichedintheGOcategoriessuchasnodulation andepi- 29 dermal cell differentiation, while the genes coding for an SaltStress 30 auxin efflux carrier and a phosphate transporter as well as 31 thegenesinvolvedinlateralrootdevelopmentweredown- Althoughsorghumisamoderatelysalt-tolerantcrop,geno- 32 regulated. Promoter analysis of the DE genes up-regulated typic differences exist among cultivars. High salinity is a 33 in theshoots due to ABA treatment revealed ABA-respon- consequence of the excess accumulation of various ions, 34 sive (ABRE) and dehydration-responsive (DRE) cis-acting first of all sodium, calcium, magnesium, chloride and sul- 35 elements, and the members of the AP2-EREBP transcrip- phate in the soil, and among them, sodium chloride is the 36 tionfactorfamily,whichcanbindthesecis-actingelements, mostharmfulforplantgrowthanddevelopment.Thereare 37 werealsoover-representedwithintheDEgenes. several classical methods for screening salt tolerance of 38 plants because the majority of the physiological processes, 39 for example, germination, K+ uptake, photosynthesis, bio- Waterlogging 40 massproductionandbiochemicalparameters,suchaselec- 41 In tropical and sub-tropical regions, the crops may suffer trolyte leakage or chlorophyll content, are all highly 42 intermittentorlong-termwaterloggingduetoheavyrains, sensitivetosaltstress.Theresistanceofplantstosalinityis 43 storms, excessirrigation orflooding.Inthese areas,water- based on three strategies: (i) exclusion of Na+ from the 44 logging has a particularly deleterious effect on the crop, cytoplasm due to low uptake, or pumping out of the ion 45 because it does not only influence plant metabolism but from the cell by active mechanisms, (ii) sequestration of 46 also induces unfavourable changes in the soil texture. The Na+intothevacuoleand(iii)preferentialaccumulationin 47 harmful effects of flooding depend on the age of the seed- the leaf tissues. However, the genotypes with high leaf Na 48 lings(OrchardandJessop1984).Theplantsweremostsen- contentsprovedtobegenerallysaltsensitiveandonlythose 49 sitivetofloodingandrespondedwiththehighestreduction cantoleratehightissueconcentrations,whichcansequester 50 in growth and dry mass at the early vegetative and early Na+ into the vacuoles of leaf cells. The essential processes 51 reproductive stages (Promkhambut et al. 2011a).Flooding leading to plant adaptation to high salinity include ionic, 52 later than 30 days after emergence did not significantly metabolic and osmotic adjustments. The salt-resistant 53 affectshootgrowth.However,thereweregeneticvariations genotypes can successfully cope with osmotic and ionic ©2012BlackwellVerlagGmbH 5 Tarietal. 1 stresses caused by the excess of NaCl; they can effectively (APX, EC, catalase (CAT,, superoxide 2 reduce the oxidative damage and are able to detoxify the dismutase (SOD, EC, peroxidase (POX, EC 3 harmfulmetabolites(Zhu2001)., glutathione reductase (GR, EC and total 4 Thetwo-phasemodelofgrowthreductioncausedbysalt antioxidantand phenolcontentsoftissues,suggesting that 5 stress divides theresponse ofplants into two distinct peri- the alleviation of salinity stress was associated with 6 ods (Munns 1993). The retardation of growth in the first enhanced antioxidant activity. Moreover, the plants accu- 7 phasewasshowntobeduetoosmoticstressandinthesec- mulated compatible osmolytes, soluble sugars and proline 8 ond phase to ion-related effects caused by high NaCl con- and exhibited higher osmotic adaptation after the applica- 9 centrations. It was observed by several authors that long- tion of silicon (Kafi et al. 2011). Increasing salinity levels 10 termsaltstressledtochlorosisandimpairedphotosynthe- decreasedthestemyieldandsolublecarbohydratelevelsin 11 sisinolderleaves(Munns1993,2002).Insorghumplants, twosweetsorghums(cvsKellerandSofra)andinonegrain 12 anotablesalt-stressphenotypewasobservedafter4 daysof sorghum cultivar (Kimia), but at the higher salinity level 13 growthin200 mMNaCl(Swamiet al.2011). the cv. Keller had the highest stem yield and sucrose 14 Salt stress decreased the percentage (Almodares et al. content(Almodareset al.2008b). 15 2007b) and increased the duration of germination (Gill Although the analyses of transcriptomes in response to 16 et al. 2003) in sweet sorghum. Significant differences can abiotic stresses have already been published by several 17 bedetectedinthesensitivityofgerminationtohighsalinity authors(seeinDugaset al.2011),studiesoncellularprote- 18 amongcultivars(Samadaniet al.1994). ome in sorghum are limited. Swami et al. (2011) investi- 19 The accumulation of toxic ions (Na+ and Cl(cid:1)) causes gated overall changes in the protein complement of 20 disturbancesinionuptakeandK+statusoftissues;thus,it sorghumleavesafter96-hexposureto200 mMNaCl.They 21 isthe high K+/Na+ discrimination and the maintenance of found 21 spots with altered expressions on 2-DE gels, and 22 lowNa+/K+ratiointissues,whichcharacterizethesalt-tol- after tryptic digestion of the excised spots, they identified 23 erant genotypes (Amtmann and Sanders 1999, Hasegawa them by MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometer. One pro- 24 et al. 2000). The Na+ content of tissues in sorghum tein, the ATP synthase a-subunit, showed enhanced abun- 25 increased with increasing external sodium concentrations dance, which points to an impact of salt stress on the 26 (Lacerdaet al.2003),andthereweresignificantdifferences photosynthetic machinery. Eight of the up-regulated pro- 27 in root and shoot Na+ contents among genotypes (Bavei teins were involved inscavenging of ROS(POXand APX) 28 et al. 2011a). Lower accumulation of sodium in the shoot orinthedetoxificationofreactiveelectrophiliccompounds 29 results from either lower Na+ uptake by the root or from (glutathione S-transferase, EC Other proteins, 30 the differences in the rate of Na+ transfer to the shoot. It such as lectin-like protein kinase, salt-inducible protein 31 was found that the salt-tolerant sorghum variety, Jambo, kinase, serine/threonine protein kinase, may be putative 32 accumulatedlessNa+intherootandshoottissuesthanthe components of the Na+-induced signal transduction. GS 33 salt-sensitive genotypes and maintained lower Na+/K+ was also an overexpressed protein in sorghum under salt 34 ratiosbothintherootandshoot(Baveiet al.2011a).Pref- stress, which corresponds to the findings of Pang et al. 35 erentialdepositionofNa+ionsintheshootoccurredinthe (2010)insalt-stressedThellungiella.Thissuggeststhatreas- 36 leafbase(Lacerdaet al.2003),andincreasinglevelsofCa2+ similation of ammonia is a crucial process under high 37 in the culture solution enhanced growth and lowered salinityinsorghum. 38 sodium uptake of sorghum plants (Asghar et al. 2009). It 39 was also observed that the salt-tolerant genotype Jambo LowandHighTemperatureStresses 40 accumulated more Ca2+ both in the leaf and root tissues 41 than the sensitive varieties, Kimia and Payam (Bavei et al. The planting date determines the total sugar content and 42 2011b). biomass production of sweet sorghum: the later is the 43 The control of the excess accumulation of reactive oxy- planting, the lower are the yields of the stalk in arid envi- 44 gen species (ROS) generated as a secondary stress under ronments (Almodares and Mostafi Darany 2006). The 45 high salinity is also an essential component of salt toler- shortageinsoilwaterandtheheatstresssensitivityofculti- 46 ance. Many studies attributed the salt tolerance to an varsaretheprimary factorsfordecidingthedateofplant- 47 increase in the activity of antioxidant enzymes. However, ing in hot and dry climate zones (Teetor et al. 2011). In 48 salttolerancedidnotconsistentlydependonhigherantiox- these areas such as Arizona (USA), the growing season is 49 idant activities, and a fine tuning of both enzymatic and over 6 months long and sunlight is not limited. It was 50 non-enzymatic ROS-scavenging components can contrib- foundbyseveralresearchersthattheamountsofnon-struc- 51 ute to successful acclimation. Application of silicon to soil turalcarbohydratesincreasedfrompre-bootstagetoanthe- 52 alleviated salinity stress in two sorghum cultivars and sis (McBee and Miller 1982) and sucrose accumulation 53 caused an increase in the activities of ascorbate peroxidase reached the highest value at the ‘soft dough’ stage (Lingle 6 ©2012BlackwellVerlagGmbH EffectofAbioticStressesonSorghum 1 1987).Duringadelayedharvestperiod,themaincarbohy- recently been found that the photosynthetic activity does 2 drate components in the stems in decreasing order were not depend only on the day temperature but also on the 3 sugar > cellulose > hemicellulose > starch in Chinese temperaturedetectedinthenightperiod(PrasadVaraand 4 sweetsorghumcultivars(Zhaoet al.2012). Djanaguiraman2011a).Theauthorscomparedtheeffectof 10 5 In temperate zones, the optimal growth can be con- an optimal day/night temperature combination (32/22 °C, 6 strained bychilling stressin earlyspring andit determines respectively) with an optimal day temperature (32 °C)/ 7 theplantingdateintheseareas. high night temperature (HNT) (28 °C) combination and 8 Sweetsorghumisacold-sensitivecrop,andtheseedger- found that HNT adversely affected the photosynthetic 9 mination,seedlingemergenceandthegrowthofplantsare activity of plants. Exposure to HNT increased thylakoid 10 all sensitive to low temperatures (Alegre De La Soujeole membranedamageandnon-photochemicalquenchingbut 11 and Miller1984).Theseeds cannot germinate belowa soil decreasedthechlorophyllcontentofthetissues,thephoto- 12 temperature of 10 °C (Anda and Pint(cid:1)er 1994). Generally, chemical quenching parameter, the electron transport rate 13 stand establishment and early-season vigour are adversely and the photosynthetic activity of the leaves. The other 14 affected byair and soil temperatures below15 °C (Yu and interesting finding was that HNT increased ROS produc- 15 9 Tuinstra 2001). It was found that chilling stress caused a tioninleavesandpollengrains.Thelatterledtodecreased 16 significant decline in photosynthetic capacity (Taylor and pollen germination and lower seed set. It is in agreement 17 Rowley 1971) and photosynthetic rate was more severely with the results of Prasad et al. (2011b) who found that 18 affected than respiratory rate (Ercoli et al. 2004). After a grain sorghum pollen had shorter lifespan and exhibited 19 prolonged exposure to low temperature (8 °C), the plants much lower germination percentage on artificial growth 20 wereabletoadaptbyrestoringphotosynthesis,butatlower mediumathightemperatures. 21 temperatures the growth ceased. After screening for the High temperature stress (40/30 °C day/night tempera- 22 chillingtoleranceofsweetsorghumgenotypes,itwasfound tures)ingrainsorghumdecreasedthechlorophyllcontent, 23 that chilling temperatures drastically inhibited the photo- photosynthetic rate and antioxidant enzyme activities but 24 chemical quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence. This increased oxidant production and membrane damage as 25 effect characterized the chilling-susceptible genotypes, and comparedtothecontrolplantsgrowingatoptimaltemper- 26 it was not observed in chilling-tolerant plants (Havaux atures(32/22 °C).Thisoxidativestresscanbemitigatedby 27 1989). sodium selenate sprayed onto the plant leaves, indicating 28 Chineselandraces‘kaoliangs’werefoundtoshowhigher that selenium can play a protective role during high tem- 29 seedling emergence and improved seedling vigour under perature stress by enhancing the antioxidant defence 30 cool conditions (Franks et al. 2006), but unfortunately system(Djanaguiramanet al.2010). 31 these landraces also harbour poor and undesirable agro- Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are synthesized in response 32 nomic traits. To produce elite sorghum lines with stable tohightemperatureorotherabioticstresses,andasmolec- 33 and good early-season cold tolerance, Burow et al. (2011) ular chaperones, they canprotect proteins fromtheharm- 34 identifiedsimplesequencerepeat(SSR)molecularmarkers ful effects of the stressors. The expression of hsp90 was 35 associated with various traits for early-season cold toler- comparedinvarioustypesofsorghum(ingrainandforage 36 ance. The mapping population consisting of 171 F -F sorghum hybrids and in a sweet sorghum cultivar) after 7 8 37 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from the cross various durations of heat stress (Pavli et al. 2011). The 38 between RTX430 (cold-sensitive) and PI610727 (cold-tol- accumulation of hsp90 transcripts was determined by 39 erant) lines. PI610727 is also known as Gaigao Liang, a meansofRT-qPCRanalysis,anditwasfoundthatthelev- 40 landrace from a Chinese germplasm selected for early-sea- els of gene expression were significantly different in the 41 son cold tolerance. The RILs were evaluated for cold and investigatedgenotypes. 42 optimal temperature germinability in the laboratory, field The complete genom sequence for sorghum has been 43 emergence and seedling vigour in two locations during recently released (Paterson et al. 2009). This, in parallel 44 early-season planting. Two or more quantitative trait loci with the analysis of abiotic stress-induced transcriptomes, 45 (QTLs)weredetectedforalltraits, exceptforseedlingvig- proteomesandmetabolomes,providesanexcellenttoolfor 46 our;here,onlyoneQTLwasfound.Usinganewsourceof breeders to improve stress tolerance of this important 47 cold tolerance, PI610727, the authors tagged the genome energycrop. 48 regions of sorghum that have significant contributions to 49 traitsforearly-seasoncoldtolerance. Acknowledgements 50 Hightemperaturestressmayalsoresultinthereduction (cid:1) 51 in biomass and sugar yield. 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literature about the responses of sorghum to the most important abiotic stresses: H. N. Trick, and L. V. Kochian, 2007: A gene in the multidrug.
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