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Response of Resprouting Shrubs to Repeated Fires in the Dry Sclerophyll Forest of Gibraltar Range National Park PDF

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Preview Response of Resprouting Shrubs to Repeated Fires in the Dry Sclerophyll Forest of Gibraltar Range National Park

Response of Resprouting Shrubs to Repeated Fires in the Dry Sclerophyll Forest of Gibraltar Range National Park KiRSTEN J. E. Knox''^ and Peter J. Clarke^ 'Botany, School ofEnvironmental Sciences andNatural Resources Management, University ofNew England, Armidale, 2351 ([email protected]), ^current address: Department for Environment and Heritage, PO Box 822, Clare, SouthAustralia 5453. Knox, K.J.E. andClarke, RJ. (2006). Response ofresprouting shrubs to repeatedfires in thedry sclerophyll forestofGibraltarRangeNational Park. Proceedings oftheLinneanSocietyofNewSouth Wales 121, 49-56. Fire regimes affect survival and reproduction ofshrub species infire-prone vegetation such as occurs in Gibraltar Range National Park. The influence offire regimes on resprouting shrubs is known for a range ofspecies in coastal regions ofAustralia but is poorly known in montane sclerophyll communities. The fire responses ofthree Proteaceae shrubs {Banksia spinulosa, Hakea laevipes, Petrophile canescens) and a grasstree {Xanthorrhoeajohnsonii) were measured after the wildfire of2002 to determine whether: 1) storageorgansizewasrelatedtopost-firegrowthandfloweringresponse, 2)firefi-equencyinfluencespost- fire mortality and ifsurvival was related to the size ofplant; 3) fire fi-equency influences the resprouting ability ofplants, and4) fire frequency affects pyrogenic flowering in the post-fire environment. We found the size ofstorage organs was positively relatedto post-fire sprouting in the three shrubs andto flowering inthegrasstree.However,highfirefi-equencyonlyaffectedthesurvivalofBanksiaspinulosaanddecreased flowering in Xanthorrhoeajohnsonii. Survival in all species ranged between 83 and 99% and it appears thatthe intervalsbetweenfires (7-22 years) hadbeensufficientformostadultplantsto regainthe abilityto resprout. The abilityofjuvenileplantstodevelopthe abilitytoresproutneedstobetestedonseedlingsthat establishedafterrecentfires. Manuscriptreceived IMay2005, acceptedforpublication 7 December2005. KEYWORDS: Fire frequency, fireregime, persistence, pyrogenicflowering, resource allocation INTRODUCTION BondandVanWilgen 1996). Some specieshavebeen The fire response of species is often simplified found to have greater resprouting potential in larger into resprouters and obligate seeders, but in reality size-classes (e.g. Morrison 1995); in contrast, some a continuum fi-om 0-100% mortality of individuals species have been found to have greater resprouting within a population exists amongst species potential in smaller size-classes (e.g. Burrows 1985). (Bellingham and Sparrow 2000; Vesk and Westoby Frequent fires with short inter-fire intervals may 2004; Clarke et al. 2005). Characteristics of a result in the exhaustion of buds or carbohydrates particular fire, distribution of size-classes and the stored in the lignotuber, resulting in the mortality of physiologicalandanatomicalfeaturesofaspecieswill resprouters (Zammit 1988; Bowen and Pate 1993). affect the percentage mortality in a population after The intensity of a particular fire can influence what fire. Shrub species capable of resprouting generally proportion of a population survives. Some obligate resprout from subterranean buds (lignotubers and seeders may survive a low-intensity fire if 100% roots suckers), but also occasionally from epicormic leafscorch does not occur (Gill 1981; Bond and van buds on aerial stems. Grasstrees on the other hand Wilgen 1996). Onthe otherhandaveryhigh-intensity resprout via apical buds. The ability ofan individual fire may result in the death of a large number of toresproutfollowingfiredepends onhavingadequate individuals within apopulation that usually resprouts dormant buds and carbohydrate storage to facilitate following fire. The minimum fire-tolerant stem size resprouting (Bell 2001; Knox and Clarke 2005). of resprouters often increases with fire intensity for Variation in mortality has been observed for different some species (Bradstock and Myerscough 1988; size-classes within populations (Morrison 1995; Morrison 1995; Morrison and Renwick 2000). RESPONSE OF RESPROUTING SHRUBS TO REPEATED FIRES METHODS Resproutersthatrecruitseedlingsintopopulations followingfire generallyhave seed storedinthe soil or in the canopy in woody fruits. Hence, understanding Fire regime maps of Gibraltar Range National the post-fire growth and reproductive response Park were examined and dry sclerophyll forest areas of resprouting shrubs is critical in determining that had been burnt twice, four and five times since appropriate fire regimes in landscapes dominated 1964wereidentified.AllsiteswereburntinNovember by resprouting species. Resprouting shrubs typically 2002 by an intense wildfire that removed most ofthe have greater growth and reproductive vigour in the tree leaf canopy but did not totally incinerate the yearfollowing afire (e.g.Auld 1987; BowenandPate fruits of the target species. The minimum interval 2004). In many resprouting shrubs flowering occurs between fires was approximately seven years and the predominantly, or exclusively, following fire, e.g. maximum 22 years. Fire records showedthat all fires Telopeaspeciosissima(Pyke 1983),Lomatiasilaifolia burnt in spring/summer, suggesting that all fires were (Denham and Whelan 2000), Xanthorrhoea preissii of high intensity. All observations were at the same (Lamont et al. 2000), and Stirlingia latifolia (Bowen time since the last fire (8 months). In areas ofeach of and Pate 2004). Little is known about the factors that the fire frequency regimes two patches were chosen influence reproductive output ofpyrogenic flowering thatwereatleast 1 kmapart. Ineachpatchthree500m plants, although season of fire is known to strongly transects were established and the post-fire response influence flowering in some Western Australian of three species of Proteaceae shrubs with canopy- species (Lamont et al. 2000; Bowen and Pate 2004). held seed banks {Banksia spinulosa, Hakea laevipes, One important component offire regime that is likely and Petrophile canescens) were measured. These to influence post-fire flowering is the frequency of species were selected because they are ubiquitous, bumsasthismayinfluencethestarchstoragecapacity easyto identifywhendead, andtheyonlyrecruitafter ofplants. fire, hence their minimum age can be estimated. For Little quantitative work has been conducted to eachspeciesthenumberofshootsresproutedfi^omthe determine the effects of frequent fires on post-fire lignotuber, the length ofthe longest shoot resprouted performance and mortality of shrubs that resprout andthebasalgirthofthelignotuberweremeasuredfor following fire. The fire regime in Gibraltar Range the first 20 (approx.) individuals encountered in each National Park provided an opportunity to examine transect. Dead plants were also recorded and their these questions because records date back to the basal girth measured. Individuals were identified by 1960s and the number and extent of subsequent their 'skeletal' remains and their canopy-held woody fires have spatially explicit records. Gibraltar Range finits. In addition, the post-fire flowering of the National Park also has widespread and abundant grasstree Xanthorrhoeajohnsonii was also recorded populations of resprouting shrubs occurring within along eachtransect. VoxXanthorrhoeabasal girthand physiographically similar landscapes. In late 2002 an height ofthe caudex were measured andthe presence intensive crown fire burntmost ofthe dry sclerophyll and length ofthe inflorescence were recorded for the forest in the National Park. This event afforded an first 20 individuals encountered along each transect. opportunityto studythepost-fire response ofspecies, Data for this study were mainly collected by which have experienced differentfire firequencies. undergraduate students. All students collected the Evidence of an effect of fire fi-equency would equivalent amount of data fi-om each of the fire show that more frequently burnt sites had more dead frequency areas. This was important so that the plants and surviving plants with reduced grow1:h and patterns in post-fire resprouting and flowering could reproduction. If, however, these sites had smaller beattributedtothedifferentfirefrequencies,andnotto plants,thenthesemayappeartoshowreducedsurvival, variationinsamplingamongdifferentstudents.Ineach growthandreproductionpurelyforallometricreasons. ofthe three species ofshrubs, to test the relationship Hence we asked whether: 1) storage organ size was between storage organ size and post-fire response, related to post-fire growth and flowering response, basal girths were regressed against the number of 2) fire fi:equency influences the resprouting ability shoots resprouted, height of shoots resprouted and We ofplants 3) fire firequency and/or size ofthe storage size of inflorescence as independent variables. organ influences post-fire mortality 4) fire frequency then used analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to test affects pyrogenic flowering (flower or inflorescence ifnumber of shoots or stem height were reduced by production) in the post-fire environment. fire firequency, with lignotuber size as the covariate. We alsousedANCOVAinXanthorrhoeato test ifthe inflorescence length was reduced by fire firequency, with the caudex size as a covariate. Plots ofresiduals 50 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 — — I I I 1 I 1 I KNOXAND CLARKE K.J.E. P.J. established that no transformations ofraw data were analysis the response variable was the number of necessary. Homogeneity of slopes was determined plants flowering ornot flowering. by testing the interaction between the covariate and the main factors. We next tested the hypothesis that RESULTS storage organ size and/or fire frequency affects post- fire survival by logistic regression using likelihood Of the four species sampled, only the grasstree ratio tests. In these analyses the response variable is Xanthorrhoea johnsonii was observed to flower in the number ofplants alive or dead. InXanthorrhoea, the immediate post-fire period (August 2003), whilst we also tested the hypothesis that caudex volume the other species began to flower in the following and/or fire fi-equency affects post-fire flowering by year (August2004). Allresprouting Proteaceae shrub logistic regression using likelihood ratio tests. In this species had a positive and significant {P < 0.05) a) Banksia 120 - 100 - 80 - 60 - 40 20 1 r^""—I—"""I—"""T—"—1——1—"-T——1—""T •—I -I 1—1 1— 1— r— 1—1 1— 1— 1— 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Girth (cm) Girth (cm) o o b) Hakea i 60 1 e o 50 - • c o c40- e o % 30 - o 20- t O) X |io- 1—"—I—f—I—>—1—"—I <—\—— 1 oJ iiijiifmnpuo ''^o ' " 1 1 • 1 1 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Girth (cm) Girth (cm) c) Petrophile 30 40 Girth Figure 1. Regression ofshoot height and numberwith lignotuberbasal girth with 18 months after fire for a)Banksia spinulosa, r^ = 0.77, 0.59; b) Hakea laevipes, r^ = 0.77, 0.70; and c)Petrophile canescens r^ = 0.76, 0.77, across all fire frequencies offire at Gibraltar Range National Park. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 51 RESPONSE OF RESPROUTING SHRUBS TO REPEATED FIRES Table 1. Summary results for analysis of covariance for height (Ht) and numbers of shoots (Shoot) resprouted for Banksia spinulosa, Hakea laevipes, Petrophile ca- nescens and length of inJBorescence (Infl.) in Xanthorrhoea johnsonii. The size co- variate for the three shrubs was basal girth and for the grasstree it was the cau- dex volume. *** indicates P<0.05, ** indicates P<0.01, and * indicates P<0,001 Factors B. spinulosa H. laevipes P. canescens X.johnsonii Ht Shoot Ht Shoot Ht Shoot Infl. Fire frequency NS NS NS NS NS NS Size (covariate) NS Fire fq. x size NS NS NS NS NS * NS b) Hakea 24 - a) Banksia 24 - n 2 Fires H 20 - 20 - 4 Fires H 5 Fires £ 16 - £ 16 - o 12 - 12 - 1 b 8 - 8 - 1 4 - 4 - -' - Dead Alive Dead Alive c) Petrophile 30000 1 d) Xanthorrhoea 24 D 25000 2 Fires 1 20 1 n J T T , £ 4 Fires o 20000 H 16 £ 5 Fires o Of £ J= 12 - 1 5000 - > b 8 - oXOf 10000 - 4 - O 5000 - Dead Alive Not flowering Flowering Figure2.Mean(+se)basalgirthoflignotubersineachofthreefirefrequenciesinGibraltarRangeNational Parkfora)5fl«^s/as/7/«H/os«,b)jyaA^ea/aevipes,andc)Pefro/?^//ecflnesce«s.Meanvolumeofthecaudex(+se) for%««?Aorr^o^flyo^«so«Hforeachfirefrequencywheresmallerplantsflowerinsiteswithlessfrequentfires. 52 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 KNOX AND CLARKE K.J.E. P.J. Table 2. Number ofplants recorded in each fire frequency category and the results oflogistic regression for fire frequency and size ofstorage organ from likeUhood ratio tests. *** indicates P<0.05, ** indicates P<0.01, and * indicates P<0.001 Chi- Chi-squared Logistic response Species Fire frequency squaredFire Basal girth/ variable frequency volume B. spinulosa Dead 10 21 24 Alive 96 99 108 10.7* 16.6*** H. laevipes Dead 4 5 3 Alive 116 115 116 0.5 NS 8.7=* P. canescens Dead 9 2 4 Alive 120 121 117 0.8NS 7 9** X.johnsonii Notflowering 103 93 110 Flowering 17 7 8 8.4* 67.3*** relationshipbetweenbasal girth ofthe lignotuber and species had an increased likelihood of mortality as post-fire response of shoots (numbers and height) 8 lignotubersize decreased(Table 3, Fig. 2.). However, months after fire (Fig. labc). In addition, the volume fire firequency only influenced mortality in Banksia of the caudex in Xanthorrhoea johnsonii was also spinulosa where increased fire frequency increased positivelyrelatedto the length ofthe inflorescence (r^ the likelihood ofmortality (Table 2). = 0.71). Finally, we examined whether fire fi-equency Fire frequency did not reduce the height and and/or size of the caudex influenced flowering in number of shoots resprouting when basal girth was Xanthorrhoea johnsonii. Both size of caudex and usedasacovariate(Table 1).Firefi-equency,however, fire frequency influenced whether plants flowered or appeared to increase the height of Hakea laevipes not with increased proportions of plants flowering which is not consistent with the hypothesis that fire when the caudex was large (Fig. 2) and increased fi'equencywouldreduce height. In shrub species, size proportions ofplants flowering when fire frequency and number of shoots resprouting were significantly was low (Table 2). In addition only larger plants related to basal girth. Hence, the apparent reduction tended to flower in populations with a high fire in size and number ofresprouted shoots in Banksia fi-equency (Fig. 2). simply reflects the decreased size of lignotubers with fire frequency (Fig. 2). Fire firequency did DISCUSSION not affect the length of the inflorescence in the grasstree Xanthorrhoeajohnsonii and the length of Inthisstudyweexaminedtheinfluenceofstorage the inflorescence was not significantly related to the organ size and fire fi-equency on post-fire mortality, caudex volume (Table 1). resprouting vigour and flowering. Generally, we Next we ask if fire fi-equency and/or size of found that larger storage organ sizewas relatedto: (i) storage organ affect the survival of species. Only greaterpost-fire survival, (ii) more resprouting shoots two of 358 Xanthorrhoea johnsonii plants were (iii) faster grov/ing resprouting shoots, and (iv) the killed by fire, hence it was not possible to examine presence, andsize ofinflorescences ioxXanthorrhoea the relationship between survival and caudex size. johnsonii. Fire fi-equency influenced the post-fire Mortality was sufficiently high in the shrub species survival ofBanksiaspinulosa and also influenced the to examine the effects of fire fi-equency and size presence ofinflorescences ofXanthorrhoeajohnsonii on post-fire survival using logistic regression. All following fire (Table 2). Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 53 RESPONSE OF RESPROUTEMG SHRUBS TO REPEATED FIRES Table 3. Summary ofthe results on the effect offire frequency and size ofstorage organ on post-fire survival and resprouting offour species with canopy-held seed banks. Does increased Are storage organ size Does increasedfire Does increasedfire storage organ size Species andpost-fire growth fi-equency affect firequency affect affectpost-fire response correlated? storage organ? post-fire survival? survival? Banksiaspinulosa Yes+ive Yes -ive Yes +ive Yes -ive Hakea laevipes Yes +ive No evidence Yes +ive No evidence Petrophile canescens Yes +ive No evidence Yes+ive No evidence Does increased Does storage organ Does fire frequency Does fire frequency storage organ size size affectpresence of affect size of affectpresence of affectpost-fire inflorescence? inflorescence? inflorescence? survival? Xanthorrhoea Yes +ive No evidence No evidence Yes -ive johnsonii Post-fire survival for the species studied resprouting shoots. Although this pattern was not ranged from 99% for Xanthorrhoea johnsonii to imexpected, we had hoped to be able to determine 82% for Banksia spinulosa, although we may have whether carbohydrate storage or ntxmber ofdormant underestimated mortality if small dead plants were buds was the limiting factor when it came to the overlooked. YorXanthorrhoeajohnsonii, individuals ability of individuals to resprout, but we did not were found to survive fire irrespective of storage detect any trends. Rather, it would appear that organ size. However, forthe three shrubs, individuals larger storage organs have more dormant buds with small storage organs were more likely to be available for resprouting and greater carbohydrate killedbyfirethanthose thathadlargerstorageorgans. stores. Whether this greater resprouting vigour for This pattern is consistent with the idea that many individuals with larger storage organs translates to species develop greater fire-tolerance as the storage a greater reproductive output remains to be tested at organ increases in size and age (Morrison 1995; this site, but other studies have shown a relationship Keith 1996). This increased tolerance is likely to be a between storage organ size and reproductive output result ofa larger dormant bud bank and more stored (Auld 1987; Bowen and Pate 2004). Furthermore, carbohydrate in less frequently burnt plants (Knox there was clear evidence supporting this idea in the and Clarke 2005). We do, however, acknowledge grasstree {Xanthorrhoeajohnsonii) where the length that the sampling technique used might have of the inflorescence was positively correlated with underestimated the mortality of some populations the volume ofthe caudex. We also found that plants if the fire intensity was great enough to incinerate that lacked or had a short caudex did not flower in fhiits. This could have resulted in an under-sampling the firstyear following fire. This result contrasts with of dead individuals, as retained woody fruits were the findings ofLamont et al. (2000) who foimd that used to help identify individuals. There could have for a Western Australian grasstree, plant size was also been an underestimation ofthe mortality ofpre- not positively related to the proportion of plants reproductive individuals, as there would not have flowering. been fi:iiits present to identify the species. Clearly Firefrequencydidnotaffectthepost-firesurvival ifthis occurred then the percentage mortality ofthe ofHakea laevipes or Petrophile canescens, but high populations would have been underestimated. While fire fi-equency increased the mortality of Banksia this may have influenced the recorded percentage spinulosa. Individuals ofBanksiaspinulosa in higher mortality ofthepopulation, we feelthatitwouldhave fire frequency sites were more likely to be killed by little influence on our general findings. fire, were generally smaller in size when comparedto When examining the relationship between the less fi-equentlyburnt sites. Interestingly, we foundno size of the storage organ and resprouting vigour evidence that this increased mortality was a result of we found that larger storage organ size was related a depletion ofthe bud bank, as the number ofshoots to more resprouting shoots and faster growing perplant did not differ among sites with differentfire 54 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 KNOX AND CLARKE K.J.E. P.J. frequencies. Similarly, we found no evidence that ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS the mortality was directly related to a depletion of carbohydrate reserves, as the length of the longest WethanktheNSWNationalParksandWildlifeService resprout did not differ among sites with different fire (now Department of Environment and Conservation) for frequencies. Rather, it appears that the cohort that allowing us to measure the post-fire responses ofplants in recruited since the previous fire (1990) had not had Gibraltar Range National Park and for logistic support for the research. The 2003 class ofthe Ecology ofAustralian an opportunityto reachfire tolerance and it was these Vegetationisthankedfortheirdiligentcollectionofthedata individuals that contributed to the higher mortality that have enabled this paper to be produced. Ian Simpson in the more frequently burnt site. A synthesis of providedexcellentfieldassistanceforthestaffandstudents, post-fire survival ofjuvenile resprouting species by and the University ofNew England supportedthe research Keith (1996) suggests that some Proteaceous shrubs by extendingthebudget ofthe studentexcursion. {Banksiaoblongifolia,Telopeaspeciosissima)develop the ability to resprout at around five years, but others {Banksia serrata, Isopogon anemonifolius) may take REFERENCES more than 10 years to develop a strong resprouting ability. Whetherjuvenile plants that recruit after fire Auld, T.D. (1987). Post-fire demography intheresprouting are able to develop persistence in less than 10 years shrubAngophorahispida (Sm.) Blaxell: flowering, needs to be tested on seedlings that established after seedproduction, dispersal, seedling establishment recent fires. and survival. Proceedings officeLinneanSocietyof Xanthorrhoea johnsonii individuals were less NewSouth Wales 109, 259-269. Bell, D.T(2001). Ecologicalresponse syndromes in likely to flower in the higher fire frequency site, thefloraofsouthwesternWesternAustralia: fire but the length of the inflorescence was not affected resprouters vs reseeders. BotanicalReview 67, 417- by fire frequency. This is surprising given the large 440. investment of resources in post-fire flush flowering Bellingham, P.J. and Sparrow,A.D. (2000). Resprouting in Xanthorrhoea johnsonii. The reduced flowering as a life history strategy in woodyplantcommunities. in the high fire frequency sites may be a result of 0/7co5 89, 409-416. previous fires depleting carbohydrate reserves. Knox Bond, W.J. andVanWilgen, B.W (1996). FireandPlants. andMorrison (2005) found a similarpattern for some Chapman & Hall, London. resprouting shrubs where individuals in high fire Bowen, B.J. andPate, J.S. (1993). The significance ofroot starchinpost-fire shootrecovery ofthe resprouter frequency sites had lowerreproductive outputthan in Stirlingia latifoliaR. 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Reducingthe abundance of very short inter-fire intervals (e.g. Gary andMorrison Banksiagrandis inthe Jarrahforestbytheuse of 1995). In the current study, the shortest interval controlledfire.AustralianForestry48, 63-70. betweenfireswassevenyearsandatthisfirefrequency Gary, G. J. andMorrison, D.A. (1995). Effects offire two of the four species examined were adversely frequency onplant species composition ofsandstone affected in the higher fire frequency sites. This is an communities in the Sydneyregion: combinations of important finding because the current Guidelines for inter-fire intervals.AustralianJournalofEcology20, NSW 418-426. Ecologically Sustainable Fire Management in (Kenny et al. 2003) indicate that a lower minimum Clarke(,20R0J5.).KLnaonxd,sKc.aJp.eE.p,aWtitlelrsn,sKo.fEw.oaonddyCpalmapnbterlels,poMn.sLe. threshold between fires for dry sclerophyll shrub to crownfire: disturbance andproductivity influence forest is sevenyears, and the results from this current sprouting ability. JournalofEcology93, 543-555. study indicate that such an interval may be too short Denham,A.J. andWhelan, R.J. (2000). Reproductive forthese particular forests. ecology andbreeding system ofLomatiasilaifolia (Proteaceae) followingfire.AustralianJournalof Botany'X^, 261-269. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 55 RESPONSE OF RESPROUTING SHRUBS TO REPEATED FIRES Gill,A.M. (1981).Adaptiveresponses ofAustralian vascularplant speciestofire. InFire in theAustralian Biota. Gill,A. M., Groves, R. H. andNoble, I. R. (Eds).AustralianAcademy ofScience,ACT,pp. 243- 272. Keith,D.A(1996). 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