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Preview Response of random field Ising model driven by an external field

February 2, 2008 6:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE roy˙ray 4 0 0 2 International JournalofModernPhysicsB n (cid:13)c WorldScientificPublishingCompany a J 2 2 ] RESPONSE OF RANDOM FIELD ISING MODEL DRIVEN BY AN h EXTERNAL FIELD c e m - t RATNADEEPROY† andPURUSATTAMRAY‡ a The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, t s Chennai-600 113 , . t India. a †[email protected] m ‡[email protected] - d Received23June2003 n o c We study the dynamics of spin flipping at first order transitions in zero temperature [ two-dimensionalrandom-fieldIsingmodeldrivenbyanexternal field.Wefindacritical value of the disorder strength at which a discontinuous sharp jump in magnetization 1 first occurs. We discuss growth morphology of the flipped-spin domains at and away v fromcriticality. 4 1 Keywords: disorder;threshold-dynamics;domain-growth. 4 1 0 1. Introduction 4 0 The Random Field Ising Model (RFIM) has been widely studied in recent years / in the context of hysteresis [1-3], return-point memory [4,5] and Barkhausen noise t a [6-11]. Hysteresis is a common phenomenon, exhibited, for example, by most mag- m netic materials. In hysteresis the magnetization lags behind the applied field and - d the phenomenon has received lots of attention in the past. Moreover, if one ob- n serves carefully, the change in magnetization in systems like that in ferromagnetic o alloys and amorphous ferromagnets, takes place in a series of irregular pulses as c : the external field is slowly varied. In experiments these pulses manifest themselves v as acoustic emissions and is known as Barkhausennoise. Interestingly, Barkhausen i X signalsshowscale-freebehaviorsimilartothatofsystemsatcriticality.Barkhausen r noise has been studied much in recent years in the context of driven disordered a systems far from equilibrium example of which include martensite transformation inshape-memoryalloys[12],eartquakes[13],deformationofgranularmaterials[14] and the breakdown of solids [15]. Various experiments [8] show that the distribu- tionofsize,durationandenergyassociatedwith Barkhausennoise showpower-law behavior.Sethna et al, in order to accountfor the hysteresis and Barkhausennoise incorporated disorder in the form of random fields into the otherwise pure spin systems such as the Ising model [3]. In the RFIM, the Ising spins {s } with nearest neighbor ferromagnetic interac- i 1 February 2, 2008 6:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE roy˙ray 2 Ratnadeep Roy and Purusattam Ray tion J are coupled to the on-site quenched random magnetic fields {h } and the i external field h . The Hamiltonian of the system is a H =−J X sisj −Xhisi−haXsi (1) <ij> i i where {h } are quenched independent random variable drawn from a distribution i of zero mean and variance ∆. In the study of hysteresis and Barkhausenjumps the applied field is ramped up or down adiabatically (so that the rate of spin flips is much larger than the rate of change of h ). In the absence of disorder ({h } = 0), a i the model exhibits a sharp first order transition taking the magnetization m(h ) a from -1 to +1 as ha passes through zJ, z being the coordination number of the underlying lattice. In presence of random field, the sharpness of the transition gets smeared out and the change in magnetization with field takes place in a series of “spin-cluster”flips andthe magnetizationchangesinsporadicjumps asis observed in BN. SimulationsofRFIMinthree-dimensionsshowthatforlargevaluesof∆(greater than a critical value ∆ ), the spins flip in small clusters resulting in avalanches of c smallsizes.Thesizesoftheseavalanchesaredistributedinapower-law.At∆=∆ c avalanches of all sizes occur. For ∆ < ∆ , the magnetization shows a first order c jump (corresponding to an infinite avalanche) as is the case if there is no disorder. The behavior of avalanches and avalanche size distribution at and near ∆ has c been studiedin the meanfieldlimit [3]andthe powerlawrelatingto the avalanche size distribution is known exactly in RFIM in one-dimension and on Bethe lat- tices [11]. For a linear chain and a Bethe lattice of coordination number z =3 the avalanchesize(s)disributiondecreasesexponentiallyforlarges.Nofirstorderjump hasbeenobservedforanyfiniteamountofdisorder(unbounded)forz ≤3.Thusthe low ∆ behavior depends on the coordination number of the underlying lattice. For z ≥4 and for small disorderthe magnetizationshowsa first orderdiscontinuity for several continuous and unimodal distributions of the random fields. The avalanche −5 distribution P(s) varies as s 2 for large s near the discontinuity. Thisgrowthofmagnetizationisessentiallyduetothemotionofaninterfaceofa clusterofpositivespinsthroughadisorderedmedia.Renormalizationgroupstudies of the interface (starting from a continuum model and an interface without any backbends) motion in disordered medium shows that the interface at the critical value of the strength of the disorder becomes rough with a roughness exponent ζ =(5−d)/3 [16] for a d-dimensional system. According to this relation the upper critical dimension is five and the lower critical dimension is two. At d = 2, it is considered that the interface may have backbends and can encompass bubbles as it moves through the medium. Simulation results show the following generic features of the interface growth in random media [17-24]: (i) For large strengths of the disorder the interface growthis percolation-like.Thefractal dimension of the magnetic-interfacecorrespondsto that ordinarysite percolation.(ii) At the critical value of the disorder the interface becomes self-affine with a roughness exponent February 2, 2008 6:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE roy˙ray Dynamics of Random Field Ising ... 3 which closely matches the RG result. (iii) For low strength of the disorder the interface growth is faceted. We study the spin flipping dynamics in RFIM in two-dimensions at zero tem- perature as the external field is ramped up slowly from a high negative value. Our intention is to see if there is any finite value of the disorder strength ∆ in two- c ∗ dimension. At ∆ and at a particular field h = h , the spin starts flipping from c a a a site and does not end till the flipped spins span the entire system. The domain wallthat separatesthe flipped spin regionsfrom the restis highly tortuous (fractal like).Thespinflippedregionhasbubblesofunflippedspins,sothatm(h )doesnot a jump from -1 to +1, instead attains a value ∼ 0.76 irrespective of system size. In the regimewhen the flipped spindomaingrows,the number M of flipped spins and 2 the interface length I both grow with time t as M ∼I ∼t . For ∆<∆ , M jumps c from-1 to +1 ata particularfield and the flipped spin domainremains compact as 2 2 it grows following M ∼ I ∼ t . For ∆ > ∆ , m(h ) grows continuously with the c a field in jumps of different sizes. These jumps correspond to flipping of small spin clusters at various places in the lattice. 2. The Model and Simulation WehavestudiedRFIMintwo-dimensionsonasquarelatticeofsizeLwithaclassical Ising spin s = ±1 and a quenched random field h on every site i of the lattice. i i Each spin interacts with each of its nearest neighbor spin through a ferromagnetic interaction J =1. The random field h is drawn from a uniform distribution i 1 p(h ) = if−∆≤h ≤∆ i i 2∆ = 0 otherwise . (2) The spins are subjected to an applied field h which is varied. We study the a model at zero temperature. We start with a configuration of all down spins which corresponds to a high negative value of h . The field h is then slowly raised and a a the resulting spin flips are recorded. The spin flipping process follows the rule of zerotemperatureGlauber dynamics [25],where aspinis flipped only ifthe flipping lowers the energy of the system as calculated according to the Hamiltonian given by “Eq (1)”. We use periodic boundary conditions in our simulation. For a certain L, ∆ and a configuration of the random field h we first find out the spins {α} which can be i ∗ most easily flipped and the corresponding value of the applied field h required to a ∗ flipthespins.Wethenseth =h andflipallthespinsin{α}simultaneously.This a a constitutesonetimestepinoursimulation.Nextwecheckifthisprimarysetofspin flips introduce secondaryspin flips and so on,alwaysflipping allthe flippable spins simultaneously.Ifthereisnospinthatcanbeflipped,weincreaseh totriggernext a generation of spin flipping. We continue this process till all the spins of the lattice are flipped. We have taken results for L = 500 to 7000 and for various values ∆ February 2, 2008 6:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE roy˙ray 4 Ratnadeep Roy and Purusattam Ray from 2.0 to 2.8. For a certain ∆, our results are averaged over 50 initial random configurations of the on-site fields. 3. Results and Discussion Our simulation results show that there is a critical value ∆ of the strength of the c disorder.Thegrowthmorphologyofdomainsofflippedspinsaredistinctlydifferent for ∆<∆ , ∆>∆ and for ∆=∆ . We discuss the three cases below: c c c (i) For ∆ < ∆ as the external field is ramped up there is a sharp first order c transition (like that happens in the absence of disorder) at a particular field (h = 4J −∆)that takes the magnetization from -1 to +1 as is shown in Fig.1 a This infinite avalanche nucleates from a single spin and invades the system in courseoftime.Theflippedspinclusterremainscompactwhileitgrows:themass M (the number of upturned spins) of the cluster grows with time t (in Monte 2 Carlo steps) as M ∼t (Fig.2). The number of spins I along the interface grows as I ∼t (Fig.2). 1 0.5 0 m(h ) a -0.5 -1 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 h a Fig. 1. The magnetization curve for ∆(=2.2)<∆c. The magnetization shows a discontinuous jumpatthecriticalfieldha=4J−∆. (ii) For ∆ > ∆ an infinite avalanche never happens. The magnetization increases c in irregular steps with the increase of external field as shown in Fig.3. In Fig.4 we show a snapshotof the upturned spins at a particular field when the flipping of the spins has stopped. In this regime we see nucleation of many domains as opposed to the nucleation of a single domain for ∆<∆ . Such a feature is also c observed in dilute RFIM [10]. February 2, 2008 6:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE roy˙ray Dynamics of Random Field Ising ... 5 108 106 M/I 104 102 100 101 102 t Fig.2. Thevariationofthetotalnumberofspins,Mandthenumberofspinsalongtheinterface Iwithtimet(inunitsof300MonteCarlosteps)for∆<∆c=2.2andha=h∗a=1.800.M varies as the square of the time and Ivaries linearlywith time. Thedotted linehas a slopeof two and thedashedlinehasaslopeofunityandbothareaguidetotheeye. 0.2 0 n o-0.2 ati z neti-0.4 g a m -0.6 -0.8 -1 1.49 1.495 1.5 1.505 1.51 1.515 1.52 h a Fig.3. Themagnetizationcurvefor∆(=2.5)>∆c.Themagnetizationincreasesinsmallirreg- ularjumpsasthefieldisincreased. Foranyfield,whenthesystemhasstoppedevolving,atypicaldistributionofthe randomfieldsoverthe unturnedspinsalongthe interfaceis asshowninFig.5.It February 2, 2008 6:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE roy˙ray 6 Ratnadeep Roy and Purusattam Ray Fig.4. Thedomainofupspins(black)isshownfor∆(=2.5)>∆c,ha=h∗a=1.5000. consists of two steps. The higher step is for those sites that have large negative random fields that would require three upturned neighbors for its flipping. The lower step corresponds to the random fields of those sites which can flip if two of its neighbors havealready flipped. This shows that the the interface spins are strongly pinned. Thenon-existenceofsites(attheinterface)thatcanflipwhenoneofitsneighbor isupisresponsibleforthefreezingoffurtherspinflippingattheparticularfield. (iii) At the critical value of ∆ = ∆ we see the growth of a single domain and a c discontinuous first order jump in the magnetization at a particular value of the appliedfield.However,unlikethesituationfor∆<∆ herethedomainofflipped c spins encompasses bubbles of unturned spins of various sizes at different stage of its growth and the interface has overhangs and is fractal like. As a result magnetization does not jump from -1 to +1 but to (around) 0.76 irrespective of thesystemsize(wehavecheckeditforL=500,800,2000,4000,5000and7000). The change in magnetization with field is shown in Fig.6. Atypicalup-spinclusteratacertaintime ofits developementis showninFig.7. It shows the tortuous interface with bubbles of unturned spins (white region). 2 In this case both the mass and interface develops as M ∼ I ∼ t as is shown in Fig.8. Atanytimeduringthegrowthoftheup-spindomaintheprobabilitydistribution of the random fields of the unturned spins along the interface has three steps as isshowninFig.9.Theloweststepcorrespondstotherandomfieldsonthosesites that can flip if one of its neighbor is up. This guarantees the growth of domains February 2, 2008 6:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE roy˙ray Dynamics of Random Field Ising ... 7 0.030 0.020 p(h) i 0.010 0.000 -3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 h i Fig.5. Theprobabilitydistributionof“negative”spinsatafieldwhenthegrowthofdomainsis arrested.Thisisfor∆(=2.5)>∆c. 0.5 0 m(h ) a -0.5 -1 1.5995 1.6 1.6005 1.601 1.6015 h a Fig. 6. The magnetization curve for ∆=∆c =2.4. The magnetization increases to about 0.76 inaninfinitejumpafterwhichthefieldhastobeincreasedforthemagnetization toincrease. as along the interface one neighbor will always be up. However when the up- spins span the system the probability distribution of the random fields along the interface correspondsto those for the bubbles only and is similar to that for ∆>∆ .Thisshowsthatthespinsalongtheinterfaceofthebubblesarestrongly c February 2, 2008 6:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE roy˙ray 8 Ratnadeep Roy and Purusattam Ray Fig.7. Thedomainofupspins(black) isshownfor∆=∆c(=2.4),ha=h∗a=1.60000. 108 106 M/I 104 102 100 101 102 t Fig.8. Thevariationofthetotalnumberofspins,Mandthenumberofspinsalongtheinterface I with time t (in units of 300 Monte Carlosteps)for ∆=∆c =2.4 and ha =h∗a =1.6000. Both MandIvaryasthesquareofthetime.Thedottedlinehasaslopeofunityandisaguidetothe eye. pinned.Theexternalfieldhastobecontinuouslyincreasedforthemagnetization to change from 0.76 to +1 which will eventually fill up the bubbles (Fig.6). February 2, 2008 6:4 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE roy˙ray Dynamics of Random Field Ising ... 9 0.03 0.02 p(h) i 0.01 0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 h i Fig. 9. Distribution p(hi) of the random field hi over the spins along the interface between the up and the down spins for ∆ = ∆c = 2.4 and ha = 1.6000. (The distribution remains invariant withtimeandismarkedbythreestepsasisshown) 4. Conclusion Wefindafinite,non-zero∆ forboundeddistribution.This∆ demarcatesaregion c c (∆ > ∆ ) where infinite avalanches never happens to that from a region where c magnetization shows a jump discontinuity from -1 to +1. Earlier studies indicate ∆ =0 for unbounded distribution. We find at ∆ the interface around the flipped c c domains have backbends and is fractal like. It encloses bubbles of unflipped spins in all length scales. References 1. E. C. Stoner, Rev. Mod. Phys. 25, 2 (1953). 2. B. K. Chakrabarti and M. Acharyya,Rev. Mod. Phys. 71, 847 (1999). 3. J.PSethna,K.Dahmen,S.Kartha,J.A.Krumhansl,B.W.RobertsandJ.D.Shore, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 3347 (1993). 4. P. Shukla,Phys. Rev. E62, 4725 (2000). 5. P. Shukla,Phys. Rev. E63, 027102 (2001). 6. H.Barkhausen, Z. 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