Response of Montane Wet Sclerophyll Forest Understorey Species to Fire: Evidence from High and Low Intensity Fires Monica L. Campbell and Peter J. Clarke Botany, School ofEnvironmental Sciences andNatural Resources Management, University ofNew England, NSW Armidale 2351 ([email protected]). Campbell, M.L. andClarke, P.J. (2006). Response ofmontanewet sclerophyll forestunderstorey species totire: evidence fromhighandlow intensityfires. Proceedings oftheLinneanSocietyofNewSouth Wales 111, 63-73. OntheNewEnglandTablelandswetsclerophyllforeststypicallyformtheecotonebetweenrainforestand dry sclerophyll forest. Currentlythere are few dataontheresponse ofwet sclerophyllplant speciesto fire. Wecomparedthefire-responsetraitsofwoodyunderstoreyandsub-canopyspeciesinwetsclerophyllforest afterhigh and low intensity fires. The majority ofspecies (>80%) resprouted afterfire andthe prevalence ofresprouting did not differ with fire intensity. Obligate seeders were rare in these communities (<10% ofspecies), and similar numbers ofrainforest and sclerophyllous species were killedby fire. Resprouting from basal stems and root suckering were the most common mechanisms of vegetative regeneration; however, these traits may have arisen more in response to canopy disturbance than fire regime. We found that most rainforest taxa resprouted but lacked post-fire seedling recruitment, whereas most resprouting sclerophyllous taxa recruited from seed after fire. This dichotomy in seedling recruitment could reflect the productivity and disturbance gradients across the ecotone. We propose that gap-phase recruitment is favouredtowards therainforestmarginandfire-relatedrecruitmentis moreprevalentatthe eucalyptforest edge. Manuscriptreceived 1 May2005, accepted forpublication7 December2005. KEYWORDS: functional groups, obligate seeding, rainforest, resprouting, seedlingrecruitment, wildfire. wet sclerophyll forest have been used for hardwood INTRODUCTION timber production and cattle grazing. These forests have consequently been exposed to a regime of Wetsclerophyllforeststypicallyformaninterface frequent, low-intensity fires that are often associated between two broad vegetation types, rainforest and with grazing (stimulation ofgreen pick). Ahigh fire- drysclerophyllforest. Thesetall eucalyptforestshave frequency is thought to reduce diversity of woody been described as a stage in long-term succession as species in the forest understorey by removing their structure and composition approaches that of mesophyllous taxa and promoting growth of fire- rainforest in the prolonged absence of disturbance. tolerant grasses and forbs (Binns 1991; Henderson Hence, changes in community properties have been and Keith 2002). Currently there are few data on the closely linked to the passage of fire and length of demographic links between disturbance frequency fire-fi-ee periods (Ashton and Attiwill 1994). Wet and changes in understorey composition in the wet sclerophyllforestsarenothighlyflammablemostofthe sclerophyll ecotone. time, and as time-since-fire increases the probability xhe classificationofplantspecies into fianctional ofa subsequent fire is reduced as mesophyllous taxa groups based on fire-response fraits can be usefiil in become more dominant in the standing vegetation preliminary modelling ofhowvegetationwill change (Unwinl989;Adam 1992; Harringtonand Sandersen with more frequent or less fi-equent fires (Whelan 1994). Generally, one intense crown fire every 100- 1995; Bond and van Wilgen 1996). Baseline data on 200 years is thought to be sufficient to maintain the response of plant populations to crown fire are the sclerophyllous component and restrict the more being sought to confrast the effects of seed-based mesophyllous taxa of the wet sclerophyll ecotone recruitment(persistence ofpopulations)withthose of (Gilbert 1959; Chesterfield et al. 1991). resprouting (persistence of individuals) (Clarke and On the New England Tablelands many areas of Knox 2002; Pausas et al. 2004; Vesk and Westoby RESPONSES OF UNDERSTOREY SPECIES TO FIRE 2004). However, generalisations about vegetation grass fire from aneighbouringproperty in October of change with fire-frequency may be complicated 2001. The fire was oflow to moderate intensity and by variable responses of species to fire of different resulted in the complete burning of the understorey intensities (e.g. Ashton and Martin 1996; Morrison andgroundlayer,butwithminimalcanopyscorching. and Renwick 2000). In addition, shade-tolerant All study sites occurred at altitudes greater than 900 m rainforest species are not expectedto have fire-driven on metasediment-derived soils. Prior to the fires, recruitment, and their regeneration syndromes are areas of wet sclerophyll forests within each park more likely to be linked to small-scale disturbances were surveyed for full floristic composition using 20 m such as tree fall that create light gaps. X 20 quadrats (21 vegetation survey sites in total: In spring 2002, areas ofwet sclerophyll forest in WPNP, 12 sites; MGNP, 9 sites). Vegetation in each Washpool National Park were burntby fire following quadrat was described in terms of the growth form, the severe drought that affected most of eastern height and cover of dominant species in the ground Australia. We took advantage of this one in fifty storey, understorey and canopy strata. All species year event to record the response ofwet sclerophyll were recorded in each quadrat and their abundance understorey species to crown fire. We focused on the estimated using Braun-Blanquet cover-abundance shrubandsub-canopytaxa,asthedominantoverstorey scale. For each survey quadrat geographical eucalypts all resprout after fire and their dynamics position, altitude, slope, local soil characteristics, have been documented elsewhere (e.g. Ashton and physiography, evidence offire and otherdisturbances Attiwill 1994; Florence 1996). To test the generality were recorded. ofresponses to fire we compared datafrom the crown fire at Washpool National Park with a lower intensity Responses ofadult plants to fire bum at Mummel Gulf National Park the previous Responses of woody plant species to fire were year. We addressed the following questions: 1) Do recorded at four sites within burnt forest at WPNP fire-responsefraitsvarywithfire intensity?2) Dofire- and MGNP. At each ofthese sites two transects (20 response traits varybetween sympatric rainforest and X 2 m) were placed along each ofthree topographical sclerophyllous species? and 3) Are there correlations positions - ridge, slope and gully. Topographical between environmental variables, fire-response traits position accounted for differences in vegetation and other life-history traits? composition prior to fire and differences in fire intensity. Post-fire responses of adult plants were recorded along each transect in four categories: METHODS 1) killed by fire, 2) resprouting via root suckers, 3) resproutingviabasalstembuds, and4)resproutingvia Study areas stembuds. The presence ofpost-fire seedlingrecraits The New England wet sclerophyll forests was also recorded. In addition to these observations, are restricted to areas of high rainfall along the post-fire responses ofother woody species outside of eastern edge of the escarpment. These forest are transects (16 species) were recorded to gain a more characterised by a eucalypt-dominated overstorey, comprehensive overviewoffire-responsetraits ofwet typically exceeding 30 m in height, and a well- sclerophyll forest understorey species. developed, layered understorey ofmesomorphic and sclerophyllous growth forms (Specht 1970; Ashton Analyses offire response traits and Attiwill 1994). The area selected for study at Plant species were allocated to one offive fire- Washpool National Park (hereafter WPNP) was in response syndromes based on categories defined by the recent western additions that were acquired by Gill and Bradstock (1992). Note that because ofthe the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife low frequency of occurrence, species killed by fire Service (NPWS) in 1998 and had not been burnt for were classified into one group regardless of seed at least 50 years. The fires that occurred inNovember banktype. An additional group was also formed with 2002werehigh-intensityfiresthatburntallvegetation the combination of regeneration by root suckering strata in the sclerophyll forests and the understorey (Category IV) and resprouting by basal stem buds of the warm temperate rainforest. Mummel Gulf (Category V). Fire-response traits ofwoody species National Park (hereafter MGNP) lies approximately were compared between sites of different fire 60 km east of Walcha and was also gazetted as intensities, i.e. high-intensity fire (WPNP) and low- National Park in the late 1990s. The fire at MGNP intensity fire (MGNP), and between topographic WPNP was a back-bum, initiated by the NPWS to contain a positions (ridge, slope and gully) within and MGNP. The relative frequency offire-response traits 64 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 CAMPBELLAND CLARKE M.L. P.J. Table 1, Summary table for life-history attributes foliage types; sclerophyllous, coriaceous of 61 woody taxa occurring in wet sclerophyll for- and mesophyllous. These categories were est in Washpool and Mummel Gulf National Parks on chosen as preliminary representatives the New England Tablelands. Note eucalypts not in- of the different life-history syndromes cluded. Figures are the No. of species in each category. of plant species in the wet sclerophyll ecotone. Rainforest taxa generally fell into the mesophyllous and coriaceous leaf WPNP MGNP Attribute types, while most sclerophyll forest taxa Growth form were classified as sclerophyllous. Note that because of low frequencies of occurrence, Shrub (<3 m) 17 19 taxa with coriaceous leaves were grouped SmallTree (3-10 m) 13 9 with the mesophyllous taxa for the analysis. Tree (>10m) 12 6 The frequencies of persistence syndromes (as described above) were tested between foliagegroupswithaG-testforindependence Leaftype (Sokal and Rolf 1981). Sclerophyllous 15 15 Life-history traits and environmental Coriaceous 6 7 variables Mesophyllous 21 12 Toexaminetherelationshipbetween plant traits and enviroimiental variables, constrained ordinations were derived from Dispersal syndrome the full floristic data set. Patterns of life- Vertebrate 21 21 history traits and envirormiental correlates Invertebrate 9 4 were testedwith Canonical Correspondence CANOCO™ Analysis (CCA)using v4.5 (ter Wind 4 5 A BraakandSmilauer 1992). life-historytrait Passive 8 4 data set was constructed using observations in the field and from other sources. Growth form, leaf type, dispersal syndromes and Seedbanktype seed bank classes are shown in Table 1. Soil 31 26 Plant persistence syndromes were also Canopy 3 3 included in the analysis. An environmental matrix was constructed using the variables Dispersed 8 5 recorded in each vegetation survey quadrat and climatic parameters extracted Species richness 42 34 from BIOCLIM™ (Busby 1991). For the purposes of analysis, Australian Map Grid Eastings andAustralianMapGridNorthings was compared with a G-test for independence (Sokal were included as covariables. The significance of and Rolf 1981). Fire-response traits of adult plants envirormiental variables was determined using 499 after crown and understorey fires were reclassified Monte Carlo Permutations and the forward selection intooneofthefourplantpersistencesyndromesbased option in CANOCO™ v4.5 (ter Braak and Smilauer on the hierarchical persistence scheme of Pausas et 1992). al. (2004). The relative fi-equencies of persistence syndromes after crown and understorey fire were compared with a G-test for independence (Sokal and RESULTS Rolf 1981). Fire-response traits, persistence syndromes and Analyses ofpersistence syndromes and foliage fire intensity types Data on the fire-response of 49 woody taxa To test for differences in persistence syndromes were collected from transects at WPNP and MGNP. betweenrainforestandsclerophyllforesttaxagrowing Resprouting was the dominant response to fire (> in the same habitat, species were divided into three 80% oftaxa. Table 2) and there was no difference in Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 65 RESPONSES OF UNDERSTOREY SPECIES TO FIRE Table 2. Summary ofcontingency-table analysis for fire-response traits ofwoody understorey species following high intensity and low intensity fires in National Parks on the New England Tablelands. Fig- ures are the No. ofspecies in each category. High intensity fire (WPNP) Low intensity Fire (MGNP) Ridge Slope Gully Total Ridge Slope Gully Total ^^W Fire Response (II-VI) II. Killed, soil-stored seed bank 5 5 4 6 4 1 1 2 IV. Resprouts via root suckers 3 4 4 3 1 2 4 3 V. Resprouts via basal stem 13 14 12 16 10 14 13 18 VI. Resprouts via stem bud bank 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 & V Both IV 5 4 5 8 3 4 4 3 Fire Response Killed (> 70% killed) 5 5 5 6 3 1 1 2 Resprout (< 30% killed) 21 23 20 27 15 20 21 22 70% Variable (30 - killed) 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 the frequency of fire-response traits between crown the landscape, although a greater number of species fire (WPNP) and understorey fire (MGNP) (G^ = killed by fire were recorded at the high-intensity fire 2.68, P > 0.05). The fi^equency of resprouting traits sites (WPNP, 17%) than at the low-intensityfire sites was also consistent across topographic gradients (MGNP, 7%) (Table 2). within parks (WPNP, G^ = 0.87, P > 0.05; MGNP G^ Additional observations recorded outside = 4.19, P > 0.05). Resprouting firom basal stems was transects were included in the persistence syndrome the most common fire-response, followed by species data set, with persistence traits of 54 woody species regenerating from both basal stems and root-suckers included in the analysis. Resprouting was the most and then those regenerating from root-suckers alone common persistence syndrome, although resprouting (Table 2). Species killedby fire were less common in without post-fire seedling recruitment was more frequentthanresproutingwith Table 3. Summary table of contingency analysis for persistence syn- post-fire seedling recruitment dromes ofwoody understorey species after crown and understorey fires (Table 3). Species killed by and between leaf-type classes. Persistence syndromes defined by Pau- fire were low in frequency sas et al. (2004), presence or absence of seedlings refers to post-fire re- at both sites. There was no cruitment only. Species killed by fire and lacking post-fire recruitment significant difference in the rely on the dispersal of propagules into a burnt area for recruitment. relative frequencies of any ofthe persistence syndromes Low intensityHigh intensity Sclerophyllous Mesophyllous/ between high-intensity fire (WPNP) (MGNP) Coriaceous sites and low-intensity fire ..iv»'^-i . P> 1 sites (G2= 2.84, 0.05). Resprouters + seedlings 9 10 12 1 Persistence syndromes and - seedlings 21 15 2 29 leaftypes Sclerophyllous (dry forest taxa) species had a higher Killed frequency of resprouting + seedlings 6 2 3 4 species with post-fire seedling recruitment than - seedlings 1 2 1 2 mesophyllous and coriaceous 66 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 . M.L. CAMPBELLAND PJ. CLARKE Figure 1. Biplot diagram of CCA ordination for environmental variables and life history traits of 61 woody taxa in wet sclerophyll forest. D= life history traits; solid arrows = significant environmental variables (499 Monte Carlo Permu- tations, P< 0.05). RS-, RS+, K-, K+ = persistence syndromes defined by Pau- sas et al. (2004); passive, wind, vertebrate, invertebrate = dispersal syndromes; Spp Rich = species richness; AMMI = annual mean moisture index; MICV = moisture index coefficient of variation. Plot axes are 1 by 1 units of ordination. taxa {&= 22.66, P < 0.0001) (Table 3). Conversely, more common at WPNP (Table 1). There were rainforest taxa (mesophyllous and coriaceous plants) more sclerophyllous and mesophyllous taxa than had significantly greater frequency of species that coriaceous at both sites and most species had resprouted and lacked post-fire seedling recruits vertebrate-dispersedpropagules (Table 1). Soil-stored (Table 3). There was no difference in the frequency seed banks were the predominant type with less than of species killed by fire with or without post-fire 20% of species having a canopy-held seed banks or seedling recruitment between leaftype groups (Table relying on dispersal of seed for regeneration (Table 3). 1). More detailedinformation onthe life-historytraits ofindividual species is given inAppendix 1 Plant traits and environmental variables Life-history traits of woody taxa in the wet Shrubs were the most common woody growth sclerophyll understorey were significantly correlated forms at both sites, but trees and small trees were with canopy cover, slope and understorey cover Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 67 RESPONSES OF UNDERSTOP^Y SPECIES TO FIRE (Fig. 1). Mesophyllous and tree attributes correlated the low frequency of obligate seeding species and with increasing canopy cover, as did resprouting post-fire recruitment in these communities. We also species that lack post-fire seedling recruitment (Fig. recorded high levels of root-suckering, and roughly 1). Species killed by fire and with post-fire seedling one quarterofthe specieswere capable ofresprouting recruitment irom in situ seed banks were negatively from the basal stem and roots after fire. Resprouting associatedwithincreasingcanopycover,butpositively from basal stem tissue suggests that moderate fire- correlatedwith increasing ground cover. Resprouting frequencies have been a selective force (Bellingham species with post-fire seedling recruitment were and Sparrow 2000), but resprouting may also confer weakly associated with increasing understorey cover, an advantage by enabling individuals to survive and but correlated closely with moisture predictability regenerate aftermechanical damage inflicted by tree- and temperature (Fig. 1). Species with canopy-stored and limb-fall (Ashton 2000; Paciorek et al. 2000; seed banks and wind-dispersed seeds were positively Kanno et al. 2001). Similarly, root-suckering is an correlatedwith landscape slope (Fig. 1). Species with effective means of invading unoccupied space after passive dispersal, those lacking in situ seed banks, disturbance events such as tree-fall (Stocker 1981; and those killed by fire with seeds dispersed into the Kammesheidt 1999; Bellingham and Sparrow 2000). post-fire environment, were all negatively correlated with increasing understorey cover (Fig. 1). Do fire-response traits vary between rainforest and sclerophyllous species? There was a clear dichotomy between rainforest DISCUSSION (mesophyllous and coriaceous) and sclerophyllous taxa in relation to post-fire seedling recruitment. The majority of sclerophyllous taxa that resprouted also Do fire response traits vary with fire intensity? We found that the majority (>80%) of woody had post-fire seedling recruitment, whereas most rainforesttaxaresproutedbutlackedpost-fireseedling understoreyspeciesinmontanewetforestsresprouted recruitment. This may be explained by resource after fire irrespective of fire intensity. Whilst fire gradients across thewet sclerophyll ecotone affecting intensity was not replicated across sites our general species composition. At the rainforest interface the observations in wet forests in the region support this quantity and quality oflight reaching the forest floor finding. This contrasts with observations that high- is much lower than at the eucalypt forest edge and intensity fires limited vegetative regeneration in these conditions are generally unfavourable for the Victorian wet sclerophyll forests, where rootstocks recruitment ofshade-intoleranttaxa (Turton andDuff and bud banks did not survive high temperatures. 1992). The prevalence ofmesophyllous species at the Conversely,afterlower-intensityfire,thepredominant rainforest interface reduces theprobability offire and mechanism of regeneration was vegetative with a species with gap-phase regeneration dominate the high density ofroot-suckers andresprouting adults in community (Unwin 1989; Adam 1992; Harrington the post-fire environment (Ashton and Martin 1996). and Sandersen 1994). The general absence of post- In our study, less than 10% of species demonstrated fire seedling recruitment in rainforest taxa is likely a variable response to fire, indicating that the to reflectthat recruitment syndromes in rainforest are dichotomous classification of species into obligate linkedto canopydisturbanceratherthan^reperse. In seeders (< 30% resprout) and resprouters (> 70% contrast, post-fire seedling recruitment was common resprout) is auseful generalisation for these systems. in sclerophyllous taxa: these species respond to The proportion of resprouting species recorded broad-scale disturbance in order to regenerate and here is high in comparison to wet sclerophyll gap-phase recruitment is rare (Melick 1990). forests in Victoria (30%) and southwest Western The dichotomy in seedling recruitment Australia (24%), but comparable to data for coastal wet sclerophyll forest in northern New South Wales syndromes was reflected in the CCA, with species that lack post-fire recruitment closely associated (60%) (Ashton 1981). Similarly high proportions of with increasing canopy cover. In contrast, species resproutingspecieshavebeenreportedforotherhighly with post-fire seedling recruitment, regardless ofthe competitive systems such as wet heaths and grassy woodlands on the New England Tablelands (Clarke adultplantresponsetofire, werepositivelyassociated with more open habitats as indicated by increasing and Knox 2002; Clarke et al. 2005). Resprouting groundandunderstorey cover.Atthe landscape scale, may be favoured in productive habitats as vegetative productivity gradients have been linked to ratios recruitsandregenerationarecompetitivelysuperiorto of obligate seeders to resprouters across habitats seedlings (Clarke et al. 2005). This may also explain (e.g. Clarke et al. 2005). However, within the wet 68 Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 127, 2006 CAMPBELLAND CLARKE M.L. P.J. sclerophyll ecotone,theproductivitygradientappears microcorys—E. salignawet sclerophyll forest in to be driving the prevalence of post-fire seedhng responseto logging. MSc Thesis, University ofNew recruitment more than adultfire responses. England,Armidale. Paradoxically, mostrainforestspecies vigorously Bond, W.J. andvanWilgen, B.J.R (1996). 'Fire and plants'. (Chapman and Hall, London). resprouted and similar numbers of rainforest and Busby, J.R. (1991). Bioclim-abioclimate analysis and sclerophyll species were killed by fire. Other prediction system. PlantProtection Quarterly 6, 8-9. studies have reported rainforest species coppicing Chesterfield, E.A., Taylor, S.J. andMolnar, CD. (1991). or resprouting after fire (Stocker 1981; Chesterfield Recovery afterwildfire: warm temperate rainforest et al. 1991; WiUiams 2000). Hence the notion of a atJones Creek, East Gippsland,Victoria.Australian split 'fire-intolerant' vs. 'fire-tolerant' flora does ForestrySA, 157-173. not appear to be explained simply by differences in Clarke, PJ. andKnox, K.J.E. (2002). Post-fire response resprouting ability. 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