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Preview Respiration Physiology January-March 1992: Vol 87 Index

AUTHOR INDEX Adamson, T.P., see Hempleman, S.C., | Engwall, M.J.A., see Weizhen, N., 37 Allen, P.S., see Jones, R.L., 11 Altose, M., see Supinski, G., 141 Farhi, L.E., see Sheehan, D. W., 357 Ar, A. and Pointkewitz, Y., Nest ventilation explains gas composition in the nest- Gautier, H., Bonora, M. and Lahiri, S., Control of chamber of the European bee-eater, 407 metabolic and ventilatory responses to cold in anesthetized cats, 309 Badeer, H.S. and Hicks, J.W., Hemodynamics of Glass, M.L., see Branco, L.G.S., 195 vascular ‘waterfall’: is the analogy justified?, Gonzalez, N.C. and Clancy, R.L., Mechanism of 205 the effect of alkalosis on maximum oxygen Bairam, A., see Marchal, F., 183 uptake in hypoxic exercise, 243 Barstow, T.J., Landaw, E.M., Springer, C. and Gunst, S.J., see Lau, H.-P., 255 Cooper, D.M., Increase in bicarbonate Guz, A., see Shea, S.A., 275 stores with exercise, 231 Bartlett, D., Jr., see Ukabam, C.U., 157 Haouzi, P., see Marchal, F., 183 Biggs, D., see DeLisle, S., 131 Hempleman, S.C., Powell, F.L., Adamson, T.P. Bisgard, G.E., see Weizhen, N., 37 and Burger, R.E., CO, and avian eggshell Bonora, M., see Gautier, H., 309 formation at high altitude, | Branco, L.G.S., Glass, M.L. and Hoffmann, A., Hicks, J.W., see Badeer, H.S., 205 Central chemoreceptor drive to breathing in Hochachka, P.W., see Jones, R.L., 11 unanesthetized toads, Bufo paracnemis, 195 Hoffmann, A., see Branco, L.G.S., 195 Bundy, R., see Supinski, G., 141 Hoppeler, H., see Weibel, E.R., 325 Burger, R.E., see Hempleman, S.C., | Hussein, F., see Supinski, G., 141 Cherniack, N.S., see Mitra, J., 49 Jones, R.L., Man, S.F.P., Matheson, G.O., Clancy, R.L., see Gonzalez, N.C., 243 Parkhouse, W.S., Allen, P.S., McKenzie, Cooper, D.M., see Barstow, T.J., 231 D.C. and Hochachka, P.W., Overall and Crance, J.P., see Marchal, F., 183 regional lung function in Andean natives Cunningham, D.J.C., see Painter, R., 293 after descent to low altitude, 11 Jones, R.M., see Tenney, S.M., 397 Daristotle, L., see Weizhen, N., 37 Jouin, C., see Toulmond, A., 429 DeLisle, S., Biggs, D., Wang, A. and Martin, J.G., Effects of prostaglandin E, on ganglionic Kanno, T., see Matsumoto, S., 165 transmission in the guinea pig trachea, 131 Karla, W., Shams, H., Orr, J.A. and Scheid, P., Dev, N.B., see Mitra, J., 49 Effects of the thromboxane A, mimetic, Di Giulio, C., see Marchal, F., 183 U46,619, on pulmonary vagal afferents in the DiMarco, A.F., see Supinski, G., 141 cat, 383 Douse, M.A. and Mitchell, G.S., Effects of Katayose, D., see Ohe, M., 105 vagotomy on ventilatory responses to CO, in Klocke, R.A., see Sheehan, D.W., 357 alligators, 63 Knuth, S.L., see Ukabam, C.U., 157 Douse, M.A. and Mitchell, G.S., Episodic breathing in alligators: Role of sensory Lahiri, S., see Gautier, H., 309 feedback, 77 Lahiri, S., see Marchal, F., 183 448 AUTHOR INDEX Landaw, E.M., see Barstow, T.J., 231 Powell, F.L., see Hempleman, S.C., 1 Lau, H.-P., Sayiner, A., Warner, D.O., Gunst, Powell, F.L., see Woodson, G.E., 25 S.J. and Rehder, K., Halothane alters the Prabhakar, N.R., see Mitra, J., 49 response of isolated airway smooth muscle to carbon dioxide, 255 Rehder, K., see Lau, H.-P., 255 Lenfant, C., see Roth, C.A., 269 Romaniuk, J.R., see Mitra, J., 49 Roth, C.A. and Lenfant, C., Funding biomedical Man, S.F.P., see Jones, R.L., 11 research: A common gound for concern? 269 Marchal, F., Bairam, A., Haouzi, P., Crance, J. P., Di Giulio, C., Vert, P. and Lahiri, S., Carotid Sayiner, A., see Lau, H.-P., 255 chemoreceptor response to natural stimuli in Scheid, P., see Karla, W., 383 the newborn kitten, 183 Shams, H., see Karla, W., 383 Martin, J.G., see DeLisle, S., 131 Shea, S.A. and Guz, A., Personnalité ventilatoire Matheson, G.O., see Jones, R.L., 11 - An overview, 275 Matsumoto, S., Kanno, T., Yamasaki, M., Sheehan, D.W., Klocke, R.A. and Farhi, L.E., Nagayama, T. and Shimizu, T., Pulmonary Pulmonary hypoxic vasoconstriction: How C-fibers elicit both apneusis and tachypnea strong? How fast? 357 in the rabbit, 165 Shimizu, T., see Matsumoto, S., 165 Mattsoff, L., see Nikinmaa, M., 219 Springer, C., see Barstow, T.J., 231 Maxime, V., see Thomas, S., 91 Supinski, G., DiMarco, A. F., Hussein, F., Bundy, McKenzie, D.C., see Jones, R.L., 11 R. and Altose, M., Analysis of the con- Mitchell, G.S., see Douse, M.A., 63 traction of series and parallel muscles Mitchell, G.S., see Douse, M.A., 77 working against elastic loads, 141 Mitra, J., Dev, N. B., Romaniuk, J.R., Trivedi, R., Prabhakar, N.R. and Cherniack, N.S., Takishima, T., see Ohe, M., 105 Cardiorespiratory changes induced by ver- Taylor, C.R., see Weibel, E.R., 325 tebral artery injection of sodium cyanide in Tenney, S.M., and Jones, R.M., Water balance cats, 49 and lung fluids in rats at high altitude, 397 Thomas, S., Perry, S.F., Pennec, Y. and Maxime, Nagayama, T., see Matsumoto, S., 165 V., Metabolic alkalosis and the response of Nicholas, T.E., see Ward, H.E., 115 the trout, Salmo fario, to acute severe Nikinmaa, M. and Mattsoff, L., Effects of oxygen hypoxia, 91 saturation on the CO, transport properties Toulmond, A. and Jouin, C., Seawater salinity and of Lampetra red cells, 219 blood acid-base balance in the lugworm, Arenicola marina (L.), 429 Ogata, M., see Ohe, M., 105 Trivedi, R., see Mitra, J., 49 Ohe, M., Ogata, M., Katayose, D. and Takishima, Truchot, J.P., Acid-base changes on transfer T., Hypoxic contraction of pre-stretched between sea- and freshwater in the Chinese human pulmonary artery, 105 crab, Eriocheir sinensis, 419 Orr, J.A., see Karla, W., 383 Ukabam, C.U., Knuth, S.L. and Bartlett, D., Jr., Painter, R. and Cunningham, D.J.C., Analyses of Phrenic and hypoglossal neural responses to human respiratory flow patterns, 293 cold airflow in the upper airway, 157 Parkhouse, W.S., see Jones, R.L., 11 Pennec, Y., see Thomas, S., 91 Vert, P., see Marchal, F., 183 Perry, S.F., see Thomas, S., 91 Piiper,, J., Diffusion-perfusion inhomogeneity and Wang, A., see DeLisle, S., 131 alveolar-arterial O, diffusion limitation: Ward, H.E. and Nicholas, T. E., Effect of artificial Theory, 349 ventilation and anaesthesia on surfactant Piontkewitz, Y., see Ar, A., 407 turnover in rats, 115 Pizarro, J., see Weizhen, N., 37 Warner, D.O., see Lau, H.-P., 255 AUTHOR INDEX 449 Weibel, E.R., Taylor, C.R. and Hoppeler, H., Widdicombe, J.G., Chemoreceptor control of the Variations in function and design: Testing airways, 373 symmorphosis in the respiratory system, 325 Woodson, G.E. and Powell, F.L., Effects of Weizhen, N., Engwall, M.J.A., Daristotle, L., hypoxia and hypercapnia on cricothyroid Pizarro, J. and Bisgard, G.E., Ventilatory muscle response to airway pressure, 25 effects of prolonged systemic (CNS) hypoxia in awake goats, 37 Yamasaki, M., see Matsumoto, S., 165 SUBJECT INDEX Acid-base Bronchoconstriction buffering, blood (lamprey), 219 chemoreceptors, 373 water salinity (Chinese crab), 419 Acid-base balance Carotid bodies alkalosis, hypoxic response, 91 . ventilation, thermogenesis, hypoxia, 309 CSF, 195 Cerebrospinal fluid seawater salinity (Arenicola marina), 429 acid-base, chemosensitivity, 195 Aganthans Chemoreceptors lamprey (Lampreta fluviatilis), 219 carotid, O,, CO, (kitten), 183 Airways central (toad), 195 resistance, chemoreceptor control, 373 central, response during brain hypoxia, 37 resistance, cricothyroid muscle, 25 control of airways, 373 co, smooth muscle, halothane, CO, , 255 submucosal gland secretion, chemoreceptors, stores, rest, exercise, 231 373 Control of breathing tracheal muscle, 131 central chemoreceptors, 195 Alkalosis central hypoxia, 49 maximum O, uptake, 243 CO, sensitivity (reptile), 63, 77 Altitude pattern, 275 egg shell conductance, | pattern, chemical drives, exercise, 293 Alveolar gas exchange Development models, heterogeneity, 349 sensitivity carotid body (kitten), 183 Amphibian Diffusing capacity toad, 195 lung, 325 Anesthesia lung, distribution to perfusion, 349 surfactant release, 115 Antidiuretic hormone Egg hypoxia, 397 O, uptake (European bee-eater), 407 Apneusis shell conductance, | pulmonary C-fibers, 165 Elastic load respiratory muscles, 141 Bicarbonate Endothelium stores, rest, exercise, 231 hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, 105 Birds Exercise European bee-eater (Merops apiaster), 407 hypoxic vs normoxic, maximum O, uptake, 243 hen, | pattern of breathing, 293 Blood O,, CO, transport (lamprey), 219 Fish Blood flow trout, 91 pulmonary, eucapnic vs hypocapnic hypoxia, Fluid balance 357 hypoxia, 397 Bronchial smooth muscle Funding halothane, CO, , 255 biomedical research, 452 SUBJECT INDEX Haldane effect Lung receptors lamprey, 219 CO,, reptile, 63 Halothane Lung volume airways smooth muscle, 255 overall, regional, high altitude residents, 11 Hemoglobin CO, transport (lamprey), 219 Mammals Heterogeneity cat, 49, 157, 309 D/Q in alveolar lungs, 349 cat, rabbit, 383 pulmonary blood flow, hypoxia, 357 dog, 25, 255 High altitude guinea pig, 131 residents, lung function upon descent, 11 goat, awake, 37 High frequency oscillation humans, 105, 275, 293 surfactant release, 115 humans, high altitude residents, 11 Hypercapnia kitten, 183 airway resistance, 25 rabbit, 165 Hypocapnia rat, 115, 243, 397 egg shell conductance, | sheep, 357 hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, 357 Maximal O, consumption Hypoxia O, transport system, 325 airway resistance, 25 Model carotid chemoreceptors (kitten), 183 bicarbonate stores, rest, exercise, 231 CNS, sympathetic stimulation, 49 vascular waterfall, 205 fluid balance, ADH, 397 Motor nerves high altitude pulmonary edema, 397 cold air, upper airways, 157 maximum O, uptake, 243 prolonged systemic, ventilatory effects, 37 Nest pulmonary vasoconstriction, 357 ventilation (European bee-eater), 407 response during alkalosis, 91 thermogenesis, carotid bodies, 309 Osmoregulation Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction acid-base balance (Arenicola marina), 429 dependence on voltage-gated Ca?* channels, euryhaline Chinese crab, 419 105 Oxygen transport function, design, 325 Incubation egg (European bee-eater), 407 Pattern of breathing Invertebrates individuality, 275 Chinese crab (Eriocheir sinensis), 419 periodic breathing, reptile, 77 lugworm, Arenicola marina, 429 steady state, chemical! drives, exercise, 293 Ion channels Pharmacological agents Ca**, hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction, phenylbiguanide, 165 105 TxA, mimetic, U46,619, 383 lon exchange Prostaglandin transfer seawater freshwater (Chinese crab), ganglionic transmission, trachea, 131 419 Pulmonary circulation pressure-flow, 205 Kinetics bicarbonate exchange, rest, exercise, 231 Receptors pulmonary C-fibers, tachypnea, apneusis, 165 Larynx pulmonary stretch, TxA,, 383 reflex, cold air, 157 Reptiles Lung function Alligator mississippiensis, 63, 77 high altitude residents, 11 Respiratory muscles SUBJECT INDEX cricothyroid, O,, CO, effects, 25 Tracheal muscle force, series vs parallel arrangement, 141 contractility, PGE,, 131 Salinity Upper airways seawater, blood acid-base balance (Arenicola cold air, neural responses, 157 marina), 429 Skeletal muscle Vagus nerve O, exchange, 325 afferents, sensitivity TxA, , 383 Smooth muscle CO, sensitivity, reptile, 63 airways, halothane, CO,, 255 respiratory pattern, reptile, 77 Surfactant Vascular resistance release, 115 lung, model, 205 Sympathetic system Ventilation central hypoxia, 49 thermogenesis, varying ambient O, , 309 Thermal control ventilation, varying ambient O,, 3

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