About this PDF file This PDF contains files obtained from the Internet Archive (www.archive.org). This is an archived version of a website titled, “RESOURCE: An Information‐Based Site.” The website, which is archived at the Internet Archive, contains information on the International Churches of Christ, as well as resources on Cults and Spiritual Abuse in general. The website, created by Joanna Ruhland, is only available at the Internet Archive. Apologetics Index has combined the pages found there in this PDF file as a resource for those researching the history of the International Churches of Christ. About the links Note that the URLs in this PDF all point to pages archived by the Internet Archive. For instance, the first link listed, titled ‘Purpose’ is this one: https://web.archive.org/web/20050310003255/http://members.aol.com/djrtx/about.htm If you want to check whether the original page or website is still available outside of the archive, simply remove the part of the link up to http: In this example, you would remove the bold part: https://web.archive.org/web/20050310003255/http://members.aol.com/djrtx/about.htm You will find that some links to pages within the Internet Archive lead to an error message. If you select another capture from the timeline listed at the top of the page, you can sometimes still find the information. Some websites or domains have blocked the Internet Archive from including their pages. Some of those sites may redirect your browser to show an advertisement, or something else. About Apologetics Index Apologetics Index (http://www.apologeticsindex.org/) provides research resources on religious movements, cults, sects, world religions, and related issues. FEB MAR AU 8 55 captures 5 Dec 98 - 10 Apr 13 2003 2005 200 R E S O U R C E An Information-Based Site Concerning: International Churches of Christ Cults and Spiritual Abuse Enter What's Inside Purpose A statement of purpose. Statement Statement of Faith. Site Updates What's new at RESOURCE. Bibliography An extensive, annotated bibliography of books, articles, papers, and videos concerning the International Churches of Christ (a.k.a. ICC, ICOC, Boston Movement, Boston Church of Christ, et. al). Includes information on locating numerous resources, and links to online reviews and materials. ICC Sites Links to more than 120 opposing and official web pages on the International Churches of Christ. ICC Information about the International Churches of Christ, most of which is unique to this site. Includes: Quotes from key ICC leaders. Television Reports on the ICC "Sin Lists." ICC Doctrinal Positions Chart. Kip McKean Versus the Truth About the Indianapolis Church's Growth Statistics. Baptism and Its Role in the Christian's Life. Includes "Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation? A Critical Analysis of the Doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration" by E. Calvin Beisner. University Administrators' Responses to ICC' Campus Activities. News Online newspaper articles concerning the ICC/ICOC. Cults & Abuse This page provides links to online resources which explore subjects ranging from defining cults and spiritual abuse, myths surrounding cult membership, what to do when you suspect someone has joined a cult, to healing from the effects of abusive churches and cults. Helpful Helpful materials for persons harmed by spiritual abuse, former members, and families and friends of cult members. Cult Research Links to general cult and sect research ministries and organizations online. News &Tools Religion news from around the world, and some excellent Bible study tools. Features the Blue Letter Bible Project's Bible Word Search from the Blue Letter Bible Project which includes Vine's Expository Dictionary, the Online Study Bible verse lookup which offers a choice of nine versions, Nave's Topical Bible, and Matthew Henry's Commentary. Announcements News of conferences and other cult-related events. Contact Contact J. Ruhland at RESOURCE. Dance-Away Webring devoted to sites examining the International Churches of Christ, and general pages of former members. Please note: the views expressed on these pages do not necessarily represent those of RESOURCE. Registry ICC Ex-member Registry. A safe way for former members to register, search, and locate old friends. List Subscribe to the icoc_exmembers list. This discussion list offers informal support for former members of the ICC/ICOC/Boston Movement where they can share experiences, thoughts, and feelings with other ex-members in a safe, confidential environment. [ What's Inside ] An Annotated Bibliography of Materials Concerning The International Churches of Christ (A.K.A. ICC, ICOC, Boston Church of Christ, and Boston Movement) Books and Pamphlets Magazine Articles, Studies and Diaries: Biblical Perspective Magazine Articles, Journals, and Studies: Secular Perspective Video Programs [ Top ] [ What's Inside ] What do you mean by the word, cult? definitions and discussion forthcoming [ What's Inside ] Updates * Date AddedLocation July 1999 ICC Sites July 1999 [ Updates ] [ What's Inside ] Explore the Dance-Away Zone! Webring Previous | Next | Random | Next 5 | List Sites Click on the banner to join this webring. Questions? Email the Ringmistress. [ What's Inside ] DEC MAR DEC 22 21 captures 1 Dec 98 - 19 Jul 08 2004 2005 200 Articles Examining the International Churches of Christ And Related Subjects Directory Doct Doctrinal Examination Other Other Topics Behav Behavioral/Sociological Links Links to Doctrinal Perspective Information on Other Sites Doctrinal Examination Quotes Quotes from ICC leaders speeches, and publications. Some of these quotes are unavailable elsewhere on the net or in printed materials. Salvation The International Churches of Christ: A Works-Oriented Salvation? SinLists Television Reports on the ICC "Sin Lists," Confidentiality, and Other Documentation. Chart ICC Doctrinal Positions Chart. Bapt Baptism and Its Role in the Christian's Life. Includes "Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation? A Critical Analysis of the Doctrine of Baptismal Regeneration" by E. Calvin Beisner. Audio Links to audio clips of ICC leaders. Confess The ICC's interpretation of James 5:16, and their practice of confessing sin. Behavioral/Sociological Perspective Other Topics IndyStat Was Kip McKean Telling the Truth About the Indianapolis Church's Growth Statistics? Uban University Administrators' Responses to ICC' Campus Activities. 23 Diff Twenty-three Differences Between Biblical and Totalistic Teaching or How to Identify Counterfeit, Manipulative, and Controlling Systems Links to Doctrinal Information on Other Sites DAnder The ICC Bible Studies: A Critical Analysis by Dave Anderson Last updated 20 July 1998 [ Home ] [ Books ] [ Biblical ] [ Secular ] [ Videos ] [ Sites ] [ News ] [ ICC ] [ Cults/Abuse ] [ Helpful ] [ Research ] [ Quotes ] OCT FEB MA 16 29 captures 2 Dec 98 - 12 Dec 13 2004 2005 20 International Churches of Christ' Doctrinal Positions* Doctrine Stated Beliefs/Profession Practical Application/ Members' Understanding Complete Inerrancy of Scripture Affirms Affirms Triune Nature of God Affirms Varies from member to Member Impeccability of Jesus1 Denies Denies Incarnation Affirms Affirms Virgin Birth Affirms Affirms Bodily Resurrection Affirms Affirms Perpetuity of Spiritual Gifts Denies Denies Original Sin Denies Denies Atonement Affirms Affirms Eternal Conscious Punishment Affirms Affirms Literal Return of Jesus Christ Affirms Affirms Immortality of the Soul Affirms Affirms Ephesians 2:8-92 Affirms Denies Salvation Outside the Church Denies Varies from member to member Eternal Life in Heaven Affirms Affirms Final Judgement Affirms Affirms Perserverence of the Saints3 Denies Denies Continuity of the Church Denies Denies Predestination Denies Denies Amillennialism4 Affirms Affirms Church Autonomy Denies Denies ICC Doctrinal Positions is based on information found in Prepared to Answer by Gordon Ferguson (1995); Disciples Handbook edited by Tom Jones (1997); Justified by Gordon Ferguson (1994); Kip McKean. "Preach the Word" (Woburn, MA: Discipleship Publications International, August 1995, audiotape #10091, side two; Nick Young. Tulsa Reconstruction, August 1992, audiotape, side one; "From the Editor" by Steve Johnson. UpsideDown, Issues 4 & 5 (Jan. 1993), 6; The Mission, Randy and Kay McKean editors. Woburn, MA: Discipleship Publications International, 50, 60, 62; and personal conversations with current and former ICC members. 1 Inability of Jesus to sin. 2 Although Ephesians 2:8-9 is affirmed, in actuality, a works-based salvation is taught and practiced. Certain works are redefined as either conditions of acceptance for salvation (which they teach is occurs at baptism), or "works of faith." 3 Also known as eternal security. 4 Eschatological (pertaining to the last days) view which finds insufficient scriptural basis in the New Testament to support a thousand-year (millennial) reign of Jesus Christ on earth following the second advent. The Lord's second-coming precedes the destruction of the wicked and the final judgement. Last updated 16 September 1998 [ Home ] [ Books ] [ Biblical ] [ Secular ] [ Videos ] [ Sites ] [ Articles ] [ ICC ] [ Cults/Abuse ] [ Helpful ] [ Research ] [ Quotes ] NOV FEB MAR 4 22 captures 3 Dec 98 - 26 Jul 08 2003 2005 200 An Annotated Bibliography of Materials Concerning the International Churches of Christ (A.K.A. Boston Church of Christ, Boston Movement) Books and Pamphlets* Barnett, Maurice. The Discipling Movement. Self-published, 1989. Currently out of print. See description at http://www.acay.com.au/~geolit/oasis/resources/books.html Oasis Resources and Reviews Bauer, Rick, and Bauer, Sarah. The Boston Movement: Analysis, Commentary, and Media Report. Self-published; superseded by Toxic Christianity. See entry below. Bauer, Rick. Toxic Christianity: The International Churches of Christ. Upper Marlborough, MD: Freedom House, Revised, 1996. Available through Freedom House Ministries, 15205 Jennings Lane, Bowie, MD 20772, and Star Bible Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 81220, Fort Worth, TX 76182, 1-800-433-7507. See additional information at http://www.reveal.org/merchant/fh/fhouse.html Freedom House or http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/chclee/icc-mat.html Recommended reading on the ICC *** Bauer, Sarah L. A Time to Speak: A Personal Journal of My Years in the Boston Movement. Upper Marlboro, MD: Freedom House, 1993. Available through Freedom House Ministries, 15205 Jennings Lane, Bowie, MD 20772, and Star Bible Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 81220, Fort Worth, TX 76182, 1-800-433-7507. See additional information at http://www.reveal.org/merchant/fh/fhouse.html Freedom House or http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/chclee/icc-mat.html Recommended reading on the ICC *** Blue, Ken. Healing Spiritual Abuse. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1993.** Burks, Ron, and Burks, Vicki. Damaged Disciples. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1992.** Available through Wellspring Resource and Retreat Center, P.O. Box 67, Albany, Ohio 45710. 1-614-698-6277, or http://wellspring.albany.oh.us/thebooks.html Bookstore, or http://www.rampages.onramp.net/~watchman/spirabu.htm Books on Spiritual Abuse Also see the authors' web site Damaged Disciples Caskey, David. Religious Abuse Available through Star Bible Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 81220, Fort Worth, TX 76182, 1-800-433-7507. Conway, Flo, and Siegelman. Snapping: America's Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change. New York: Stillpoint Press, 1995. Deffenbaugh, Don. The Discipling Movement Among Churches of Christ. Self-published. 1986. Dixon, Danny Andre. Discipling Ministries: An Inside Look. Nashville: Gospel Advocate Co., 1987. Enroth, Ronald. Churches That Abuse. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1992. Ordering information available at http://www.reveal.org/merchant/fh/fhouse.html Freedom House, http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/chclee/icc-mat.html Recommended reading on the ICC, *** or http://www.rampages.onramp.net/~watchman/spirabu.htm Books on Spiritual Abuse Enroth, Ronald. Recovering From Churches That Abuse. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994. http://www.reveal.org/merchant/fh/fhouse.html Freedom House, or http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/chclee/icc-mat.html Recommended reading on the ICC *** Description available at http://www.acat.com.au/~geolit/oasis/resources/books.html Oasis Resources and Reviews Geisler, Norman L., and Rhodes, Ron. When Cultists Ask. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1997. Giambalvo, Carol, and Rosedale, Herbert. The Boston Movement: Critical Perspectives on the International Church of Christ. Bonita Springs, FL: American Family Foundation, 1996. Available through American Family Foundation, P.O. Box 2265, Bonita Springs, FL 33959, 1-212-533-5420 (NY number), or at http://www.csj.org/books.html Books Also, see Carol's home page Carol Giambalvo's Home Page. Hassan, Steve. Combatting Cult Mind Control. Rochester, VT: Park Street Press, 1990. See http://shassan.com Combatting Cult Mind Control Also see http://www.reveal.org/merchant/fh/fhouse.html Freedom House , or http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/chclee/icc-mat.html Recommended reading on the ICC *** A summary can be found at http://www.mk.net/~mcf/mind_net/mn120.htm MindNet Journal -- Vol. 1, No. 20 Summary of Combatting Cult Mind Control Hughes, Richard T. Reviving the Ancient Faith: The Story of Churches of Christ in America. Grand Rapids, MI/Cambridge, U.K.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1996. Johnson, Kevin, and White, James. What's With the Dudes at the Door? Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1998. For a preview of this book, see Dudes Jones, Jerry. What Does the Boston Movement Teach? Vol. I. Bridgeton, MO: Mid-America Book and Tape Sales, 1990. All three volumes available through Mid-America Book and Tape Sales, 12880 Bittick, Bridgeton, MO 63044, 1-314-739-6434. These volumes also can be ordered from Watchman Fellowship, Inc., P.O. Box 530842, Birmingham, AL 35253-0842, 1-205-871-2858, or Watchman Fellowship, Inc., P.O. Box 13340, Arlington, TX 76094-0340, 1-817-277-0023, or http://www.watchman.org/othrcult.htm Books on ICC, and Star Bible Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 81220, Fort Worth, TX 76182, 1-800-433-7507. Also, see http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/chclee/icc-mat.html Recommended reading on the ICC , *** or http://www.reveal.org/merchant/fh/fhouse.html Freedom House Excerpts from and a review of Jerry Jones' books are available at Online copy of Vol. 1 and Books on ICC, and Oasis Resources Excerpts from 'What does the Boston movement Teach' . Jones, Jerry. What Does the Boston Movement Teach? Vol. II. Bridgeton, MO: Mid-America Book and Tape Sales, 1990. For availability, see information under What Does the Boston Movement Teach? Vol I. Jones, Jerry. What Does the Boston Movement Teach? Vol. III. Bridgeton, MO: Mid-America Book and Tape Sales, 1993. For availability, see information under What Does the Boston Movement Teach? Vol I. Kelly, John, and Kelly, Teresa. A Look at the Teachings of the Boston Church of Christ A.K.A. International Church of Christ and/or Multiplying Ministries. Self- published. Available through Breaking Free Publications, 3557 16th Ave., Minneapolis, MN 55407. Langone, Michael D. Recovery From Cults: Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse. New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 1993.** Available through American Family Foundation, P.O. Box 2265, Bonita Springs, FL 33959, 1-212-533-5420 (NY number), or at http://www.csj.org/books.html Books LeBar, Rev. James J. Cults, Sects, and the New Age. Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor, 1989.** Martin, F.H. (Buddy). Multiplying Ministries Movement. Houston, TX: Memorial Church of Christ, 1988 (revised and updated). Memorial Church of Christ, 900 Echo Lane, Houston, TX 77024. Martin, Dr. Paul R. Cult Proofing Your Kids. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1993. Available through Wellspring Resource and Retreat Center, Albany, OH 45710-9067, 1-614-698-6227, or at http://wellspring.albany.oh.us/thebooks.html Bookstore, or see http://www.reveal.org/merchant/fh/fhouse.html Freedom House or http://www.mit.edu:8001/people/chclee/icc-mat.html Recommended reading on the ICC *** for ordering information. Meyers, Sharen. Regaining the Faith After Boston. Fort Worth: Star Bible Publications, Inc., 1998. Available through Star Bible Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 81220, Fort Worth, TX 76182, 1-800-433-7507. Miller, Timothy I., editor. America's Alternative Religions. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1995. Nelson, Robert. Understanding the Crossroads Controversy.Fort Worth: Star Bible Publications, Inc. Available through Star Bible Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 81220, Fort Worth, TX 76182, 1-800-433-7507. Oppenheimer, Mike. Oahu Church of Christ. Self-published, Let Us Reason Ministries, P.O. Box 683, Wahiawah, HI 96786, (1996 or 1997). Owens, Marion. A Time to Go: A New Look at the Boston Movement. Ft. Worth: Star Bible Publications, Inc., 1995. Available through Star Bible Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 81220, Fort Worth, TX 76182,1-800-433-7507. Rudin, Marcia R. Cults on Campus: Continuing Challenge. Bonita Springs, FL: American Family Foundation, 1991. Available through American Family Foundation, P.O. Box 2265, Bonita Springs, FL 33959, 1-212-533-5420 (NY number), or at http://www.csj.org/books.html Books Stoner, Carroll, and Kisser, Cynthia. Touchstones. Chicago, IL: Cult Awareness Network, 1992. Watson, William. A Concise Dictionary of Cults and Religions. Chicago: Moody Press, 1991. Wellspring. Crossroads/ Boston Church of Christ. Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center, P.O. Box 67, Albany, Ohio 45710. 1-614-698- 6277, or http://wellspring.albany.oh.us/thebooks.html Bookstore Wookey, Steve. As Angels of Light? The Teachings and Practice of the Central London Church of Christ. United Kingdom: The Narrowgate Press, 1990.Available through Reachout Trust, Alpha Place, Garth Road, Morden Surrey, SM44LX, United Kingdom, 081-337-9716, or by contacting http://www.users.dircon.co.uk/~reachout/index.html Reachout Trust Homepage Yeakley, Flavil R. The Discipling Dilemma. Nashville: Gospel Advocate Co., 1988. (Currently out of print. Updated version might be forthcoming.) Available online at: http://www.vcnet.com/measures/TDD.01.html The Discipling Dilemma A review is located at http://www.acay.com.au/~geolit/oasis/resources/books.html Oasis Resources and Reviews *Materials listed specifically mention the International Church of Christ and Multiplying Ministries. A resource's inclusion in this bibliography does not signify doctrinal or philosophical concurrence of the compiler. ** Book contains limited information specifically related to the ICC, or former members'experiences. *** Site is currently unavailable. Joanne Ruhland June 1997 List last updated July 1999 Links last verified July 1999 [ Home ] [ Books ] [ Biblical ] [ Secular ] [ Videos ] [ Sites ] [ News ] [ ICC ] [ Cults/Abuse ] [ Helpful ] [ Research ] [ Quotes ]