UNIVERSITYOFTHESSALY GREECE Resource Allocation in Wireless Ad hoc Networks DoctorofPhilosophy in Electrical&ComputerEngineering by Kostas Choumas September 2015 Copyrightby KostasChoumas 2015 TheDissertation ofKostasChoumas isapprovedby: CommitteeChairperson Electrical&ComputerEngineering, UniversityofThessaly,Greece ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The research work made during the course of my Ph.D has taken place at the Department of ElectricalandComputerEngineering,UniversityofThessaly,Greece. IwouldliketothankmyadvisorsProf. LeandrosTassiulasandAssistantProf. ThanasisKorakis, for their guidance, motivation and provisioning of the funding required for my research, since my graduatethesisandduringthecourseofmyPh.D.Theirworkhasbeenatrueinspirationandworking together keeps me excited after all these years later. I would also like to express my thanks and appreciation to the members of my dissertation committee, Assistant Prof. Antonios Argyriou and Prof. CatherineHousti,foralltheirsupportandinsight. Iwouldalsoliketothankmylab-mates,andeveryonewhohaveaidedmyresearchgrowththepast sixyears. Besidestheirhelp,theymademystayinginUniversityofThessalymuchmorepleasurable. Finally, I would like to dedicate this thesis to my parents, my sister and my wife for their love andsupportalltheseyears. Theymeanthemosttomeandistheircontinuoussupportthatmadethe accomplishmentofthisthesispossible. v Dedicatedtomyfamily vii ABSTRACTOFTHEDISSERTATION Resource Allocation in Wireless Ad hoc Networks by Kostas Choumas DoctorofPhilosophy,PostGraduatePrograminElectricalandComputerEngineering, UniversityofThessaly,Greece. September 2015 Although most of the daily scenarios of using wireless networking are clearly based on a type of infrastructure, such as an access point or a base station, there is a lot of interest for the wireless ad hoc networks. There is a bouquet of scenarios that require wireless connectivity and could not besupportedwithoutthewirelessadhocnetworking. However,theefficientoperationoftheadhoc networksiscloselyrelatedtotheproblemoftheefficientresourceallocation. Resourceallocationin the wireless ad hoc networks is a multi-challenging problem, with various open issues related to the routing,schedulingandrateadaptationsubproblems. Inthisdissertation,weproposenovelschemes that cope with these challenges, utilizing practices and ideas that originate from the Backpressure andOpportunisticRoutingalgorithms. Weeithermathematicallyprovethatourschemessucceedan optimized performance, or we adopt heuristic approaches that are inspired from the aforementioned algorithms. The evaluation of the proposed schemes is based on experimentation using large scale wireless testbeds and extended software tools that adapt to our requirements. The capability for experimentationonthesewirelesstestbedsisprovidedduetoourworkonextendingthestate-of-the- art testbed framework. Our evaluation results are very promising, since we compare our algorithms withotherwellknownschemesandweshowcasesignificantimprovementscomparingtothem. ix