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Residual Strength Analysis of AA2198 Laser Beam Welded Integral Structures Aerospace ... PDF

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Preview Residual Strength Analysis of AA2198 Laser Beam Welded Integral Structures Aerospace ...

Residual Strength Analysis of AA2198 Laser Beam Welded Integral Structures Alexandre Amorim Carvalho Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in Aerospace Engineering Supervisors: Prof. Luís Filipe Galrão dos Reis and Prof. Miguel António Lopes de Matos Neves Examination Committee Chairperson: Prof. Fernando José Parracho Lau Supervisor: Prof. Luís Filipe Galrão dos Reis Member of the Committee: Dr. Nikolai Kashaev Member of the Committee: Prof. Rui Fernando dos Santos Pereira Martins November 2014 ii Dedicatedtomyfamily. iii iv Acknowledgments The research work was accomplished at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG), at the Institute of Ma- terialsResearch/MaterialMechanics-DepartmentofJoiningandAssessment(WMF) IcannotthankenoughthehelpIhadatHZG,forallthatIwastaughtandforgivingmethisopportu- nity. SpecialthankstoDr. NikolaiKashaevforhisguidancethroughoutmywork,foralwayshavingtime todiscussanytechnicalandpersonalaspect. To all the other colleagues at the WMF department I owe gratitude. Some dedicated acknowledg- ments must go to Stefan Riekehr for sharing his knowledge and suggestions on technical details, to Volker Ventzke for the help with SEM and EBSD, to Sergey Chupakihn for helping me to lear Python, Patran and Abaqus and to Jin Lu, Anne Groth, Josephin Enz and Rielson Falck for productive discus- sionsandsuggestions. I am also extremely grateful for Prof. Luis Reis and Prof. Miguel Neves for accompanying me throughout my daily work in this thesis. For all the productive discussions, suggestions, sharing their knowledgeandbeingdemanding,theygavemotivationandinspiration. AndfinallytomyfamilyandfriendswhomImissedalotduringmystayinGermany. v vi Resumo Indo ao encontro das exigeˆncias da indu´stria aeroespacial tendo em conta seguranc¸a, produtividade, pesoecustos,novosmateriaiseconceitosdeligac¸o˜esmecaˆnicasforamdesenvolvidos. Recentemente, desenvolvimentosnocampometalu´rgicopermitiramautilizac¸a˜odeligasdealum´ınio(AA)dase´rie2xxx soldadas por laser. Um exemplo e´ o AA2198 que possui elevado´ındice de eficieˆncia estrutural devido a` sua elevada resisteˆncia e baixa densidade. O procedimento europeu para a integridade estrutural SINTAP juntamento como me´todo dos elementosfinitos (FEM) foram usados para avaliara mecaˆnica de fratura de estruturas integrais soldadas com feixe de laser. Neste trabalho e´ apresentado um pro- gramaexperimentalrealizadoparacaracterizarmecaˆnicamenteoAA2198nosrevenidosT3eT8. Este programaincluiuensaiosdetracc¸a˜o,resisteˆnciaa` fraturaeresisteˆnciaresidual. Duasestruturasforam modeladas numericamente utilizando elementos casca e os factores de intensidade de tenso˜es foram extra´ıdosusandome´todosenerge´ticoscomoointegralJeoVirtualCrackClosureTechnique(VCCT). Previso˜es da resisteˆncia residual foram feitas com sucesso usando o SINTAP e o comportamento de toleraˆnciaadanosdoAA2198foicomparadocomoAA6013revelandooportunidadesparaoAA2198. Palavras-chave: Soldadura com feixe de laser, alum´ınio l´ıtio, SINTAP, paine´is, toleraˆncia a dano,elementosfinitos vii viii Abstract To meet the future demands of the aerospace industry with respect to safety, productivity, weight and cost, new materials and joining concepts have been developed. Recent developments in the metallur- gical field now make it possible to use laser-weldable Aluminum Alloys (AA) of the 2xxx series, such as the AA2198, with a high structural efficiency index due to their high strength and low density. The Europeanstructuralintegrityassessmentprocedure(SINTAP)combinedwithFEMapproachwasused for the assessment of the fracture mechanical behavior of the laser beam-welded integral structures. An experimental program which included tensile, CTOD and residual strength tests was performed to mechanicallycharacterizetheAA2198intheT3andT8tempers. Structureswerenumericallymodeled using shell elements and the stress intensity factors were extracted using energy methods such as the J-integral and Virtual crack closure technique. Residual strength predictions were successfully made provingthereliabilityoftheSINTAPprocedure. ThedamagetolerancebehavioroftheAA2198integral structureswascomparedwiththeAA6013integralstructuresandrevealedthepromisingcapabilitiesof theAA2198. Keywords: Laser beam welding, aluminum lithium, SINTAP, stiffened panels, damage toler- ance,FEM ix x

Patran and Abaqus and to Jin Lu, Anne Groth, Josephin Enz and Rielson Falck for productive discus- sions and suggestions. 3.6 Basic scheme of the clamping system for the tensile test. nomic study of a laser beam welding technology” which is under financial support of the European Union.
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