Overview: Residential Landlord Tenant Act and Unlawful Detainer Act Steve Fredrickson Advocacy Coordinator Northwest Justice Project [email protected] Steve Fredrickson is an advocacy coordinator with Northwest Justice Project and has been a legal services lawyer since 1972. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago in 1968 and his law degree from the University of Washington Law School in 1972. His practice emphasizes landlord-tenant and real estate law. He is the author or co-author of a number of publications on landlord-tenant law, including "Tenants' Rights: A Guide for Washington State," University of Washington Press, 1991; "Termination of TenancieRs easnidde nUtnialal wEvfuiclt Dioentsa &in Cero,n" dVoo Cl.o 1nCve, rCshio. n8s8,, Washington Practice, West Publishing Company, 1997; "Landlord- Tenant Super Seminar XI: " Washington Law Institute, 2007, and "Residential Lease Practice," Vol. 2, Ch. 19, WSBA Washington Real Property Deskbook Series: Real Estate Essentials (4th ed. 2009). AAAAddddvvvviiiissssiiiinnnngggg aaaannnndddd RRRReeeepppprrrreeeesssseeeennnnttttiiiinnnngggg LLLLoooowwww----IIIInnnnccccoooommmmeeee TTTTeeeennnnaaaannnnttttssss FFFFaaaacccciiiinnnngggg EEEEvvvviiiiccccttttiiiioooonnnn Overview of the Residential Landlord-Tenant Act & Unlawful Detainer Act Steve Fredrickson Northwest Justice Project January 31, 2014 1.31.14 1 HHHHiiiissssttttoooorrrryyyy ooooffff tttthhhheeee WWWWoooorrrrlllldddd ooooffff RRRReeeessssiiiiddddeeeennnnttttiiiiaaaallll LLLLaaaannnnddddlllloooorrrrdddd----TTTTeeeennnnaaaannnntttt LLLLaaaawwww:::: PPPPaaaarrrrtttt IIII 1.31.14 2 1 OOOOlllldddd LLLLaaaannnnddddlllloooorrrrdddd----TTTTeeeennnnaaaannnntttt LLLLaaaawwww Norman Conquest – 1066 A.D. 1.31.14 3 NNNNeeeewwww LLLLaaaannnnddddlllloooorrrrdddd----TTTTeeeennnnaaaannnntttt LLLLaaaawwww Uniform Residential Landlord And Tenant Act Adopted by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws 1972 1.31.14 4 2 SSSSttttaaaatttteeeessss AAAAddddooooppppttttiiiinnnngggg UUUURRRRLLLLTTTTAAAA Alabama Kansas Oklahoma Alaska Kentucky Oregon Arizona Michigan Rhode Island Mississippi South Connecticut Carolina Montana Florida Tennessee Nebraska Hawaii Virginia New Mexico Iowa Washington 1.31.14 5 WWWWaaaasssshhhhiiiinnnnggggttttoooonnnn SSSSttttaaaatttteeee LLLLaaaannnnddddlllloooorrrrdddd----TTTTeeeennnnaaaannnntttt LLLLaaaawwwwssss (cid:1) Residential Landlord-Tenant Act; RCW 59.18 – Adopted 1973 (cid:1) Manufactured/Mobile Home Landlord- Tenant Act; RCW 59.20 – Adopted 1977 (cid:1) Forcible Entry and Forcible and Unlawful Detainer Act; RCW 59.12 – Adopted 1891 1.31.14 6 3 MMMMAAAANNNNUUUUFFFFAAAACCCCTTTTUUUURRRREEEEDDDD////MMMMOOOOBBBBIIIILLLLEEEE HHHHOOOOMMMMEEEE LLLLAAAANNNNDDDDLLLLOOOORRRRDDDD----TTTTEEEENNNNAAAANNNNTTTT AAAACCCCTTTT RRRRCCCCWWWW 55559999....22220000 ((((1111999977777777)))) (cid:1) Covers rental of lot in mobile home park (cid:1) Mobile Home Park: - Two or more mobile or manufactured homes with year-round occupancy in order to produce income 1.31.14 7 MMMMAAAANNNNUUUUFFFFAAAACCCCTTTTUUUURRRREEEEDDDD////MMMMOOOOBBBBIIIILLLLEEEE HHHHOOOOMMMMEEEE LLLLAAAANNNNDDDDLLLLOOOORRRRDDDD----TTTTEEEENNNNAAAANNNNTTTT AAAACCCCTTTT RRRRCCCCWWWW 55559999....22220000 ((((1111999977777777)))) IMPORTANT FEATURES (cid:1) Must offer tenant one-year rental agreement (cid:1) Must have good cause to terminate tenancy (Different notices than RLTA & UDA) (cid:1) List of prohibited landlord actions (cid:1) Authorizes sale and transfer of rental agreement 1.31.14 8 4 FFFFOOOORRRRCCCCIIIIBBBBLLLLEEEE EEEENNNNTTTTRRRRYYYY AAAANNNNDDDD FFFFOOOORRRRCCCCIIIIBBBBLLLLEEEE AAAANNNNDDDD UUUUNNNNLLLLAAAAWWWWFFFFUUUULLLL DDDDEEEETTTTAAAAIIIINNNNEEEERRRR AAAACCCCTTTT RRRRCCCCWWWW 55559999....11112222 ((((1111888899991111)))) COVERAGE (cid:1) Residential and commercial landlord-tenant relationships EXCLUSIONS (cid:1) Tenancies at will (excluded by case law) MODIFICATIONS (cid:1) RLTA & M/MHLTA add additional procedures 1.31.14 9 FFFFOOOORRRRCCCCIIIIBBBBLLLLEEEE EEEENNNNTTTTRRRRYYYY AAAANNNNDDDD FFFFOOOORRRRCCCCIIIIBBBBLLLLEEEE AAAANNNNDDDD UUUUNNNNLLLLAAAAWWWWFFFFUUUULLLL DDDDEEEETTTTAAAAIIIINNNNEEEERRRR AAAACCCCTTTT RRRRCCCCWWWW 55559999....11112222 ((((1111888899991111)))) IMPORTANT FEATURES (cid:1) Specifies grounds for unlawful detainer and types of unlawful detainer notices (cid:1) Service requirements for unlawful detainer notices (cid:1) Priority over other civil cases (cid:1) Right to jury trial 1.31.14 10 5 LLLLooooccccaaaallll LLLLaaaawwwwssss Seattle (cid:1) SMC 7.20 – Floating Home Moorages (cid:1) SMC 7.24 – Rental Agreement Regulation (cid:1) SMC 7.25 – Third Party Utility Billing (cid:1) SMC 22.206 – Housing and Building Maintenance Code 1.31.14 11 LLLLooooccccaaaallll LLLLaaaawwwwssss,,,, ccccoooonnnntttt’’’’dddd.... (cid:1) SMC 22.206.160.C – Just Cause Eviction (cid:1) SMC 22.210 – Tenant Relocation Assistance (cid:1) SMC 22.214 - Rental Housing Registration and Inspection Program. Registration requirement phased in starting 1/1/14. 1.31.14 12 6 LLLLooooccccaaaallll LLLLaaaawwwwssss,,,, ccccoooonnnntttt’’’’dddd.... (cid:1) SMC 22.902 – Cooperative Conversion (cid:1) SMC 22.903 – Condominium Conversion (cid:1) SMC 22.904 – Mobile Homes & Mobile Home Parks Bellevue (cid:1) BCC 9.20 – Section 8 Discrimination (cid:1) BCC 9.21 – Relocation Assistance 1.31.14 13 LLLLooooccccaaaallll LLLLaaaawwwwssss,,,, ccccoooonnnntttt’’’’dddd.... Kirkland (cid:1) KMC 7.74 – Section 8 Discrimination Pasco (cid:1) PMC 5.04.160(a); PMC 5.78. Rental units must be licensed, registered, maintained, inspected and certified. Redmond (cid:1) RMC 6.38 – Section 8 Discrimination 1.31.14 14 7 RRRREEEESSSSIIIIDDDDEEEENNNNTTTTIIIIAAAALLLL LLLLAAAANNNNDDDDLLLLOOOORRRRDDDD---- TTTTEEEENNNNAAAANNNNTTTT AAAACCCCTTTT RRRRCCCCWWWW 55559999....11118888 ((((1111999977773333)))) (cid:1) Covers rental of dwelling unit for residential use (cid:1) Rights & Obligations: - Landlord duties, tenant duties, repair remedies, rent and rule changes, privacy, deposits and fees, lockouts, utility terminations, property seizures, evictions, relocation assistance, attorney's fees 1.31.14 15 CCCCoooovvvveeeerrrraaaaggggeeee &&&& DDDDeeeeffffiiiinnnniiiittttiiiioooonnnnssss RRRRCCCCWWWW 55559999....11118888....000033330000 (cid:1) Applies to rental of a dwelling unit for residential use (cid:1) “Dwelling unit”: a structure or part of structure used as a home, residence, or sleeping place including single family residences, multiplexes, apartments and mobile homes 1.31.14 16 8 EEEExxxxeeeemmmmpppptttteeeedddd LLLLiiiivvvviiiinnnngggg AAAArrrrrrrraaaannnnggggeeeemmmmeeeennnnttttssss RRRRCCCCWWWW 55559999....11118888....000044440000 (cid:1) Institutions where residence is incidental to provision of services including prisons, nursing homes, hospitals, convents (cid:1) Housing under purchase and sale agreements where residents constitute purchasers (cid:1) Hotels, motels, or other transient lodging 1.31.14 17 EEEExxxxeeeemmmmpppptttteeeedddd LLLLiiiivvvviiiinnnngggg AAAArrrrrrrraaaannnnggggeeeemmmmeeeennnnttttssss,,,, ccccoooonnnntttt’’’’dddd.... (cid:1) Housing for seasonal agricultural workers (cid:1) Housing for an employee when the right to occupancy is conditioned upon employment in or about the premises 1.31.14 18 9