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Residential Appraisers: Residential Appraisers: A Dying Breed PDF

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Preview Residential Appraisers: Residential Appraisers: A Dying Breed

RReessiiddeennttiiaall AApppprraaiisseerrss:: AA DDyyiinngg BBrreeeedd ?? A Presentation By: . Panel Members: Jordan Petkovski VP and Chief Appraiser, Title Source CChhaaiirr,, NNaattiioonnaall AApppprraaiissaall CCoonnggrreessss (( NNAACC )) Greg Stephens, SSVVPP, CChhiieeff AApppprraaiisseerr, MMeettrroo--WWeesstt AApppprraaiissaall CCoommppaannyy Chair, NAC Regulatory and Government Affairs Subcommittee EErrnniiee DDuurrbbiinn, Chief Valuation Officer, Valuation Vision Chair, NAC Technology Subcommittee Frank O’Neill Chief Appraiser, Stewart Lender Services Chair, NAC Education Committee Tony Pistilli VP, Chief Appraiser, Valuations, Xome Settlement Services AAbboouutt tthhee National Appraisal Congress • The National Appraisal Congress(NAC) is a non-ppartisan Five Star Institute member-led organization, established aass aa vveehhiiccllee ttoo ppoossiittiivveellyy iimmppaacctt tthhee residential valuation and appraisal iinndduussttrryy. AAbboouutt tthhee National Appraisal Congress •• TThhe NNAACC was creattedd tto serve tthhe needs of valuation professionals and the clients they serve by facilitating problem solving, policymaking, education and advocacy. AAbboouutt tthhee National Appraisal Congress •• NNAACC MMeemmbbeerrss rreepprreesseenntt aa ddiivveerrssee cross-section of the valuation industry, iinclluddiing appraiisall ffiirms, appraiisall management companies, title companiies, bbackkgroundd iinvesttiigattiion providers, technology platform providers. About the National Appraisal Congress There are Five Member Committees • Communications/Marketing • EEdduuccaattiioonn • Practice/Procedures • Regulatory/Government Affairs • Technology About the National Appraisal Congress NAC Advisory Board Members • AAllffrreedd PPoollllaarrdd - FFeeddeerraall HHoouussiinngg FFiinnaannccee AAggeennccyy • Anne Petit – Ohio Dept. of Commerce-Division of Real Estate • David Bunton - The Appppraisal Foundation • Debra Rudd, Arizona Dept. of Financial Institutions. AAbboouutt tthhee National Appraisal Congress Recent Activities by NAC Members •• MMarchh 2200115 – MMet wiithh membbers off Congress and top regulators from the CFPB and Dept. of Housing and Urban development to advocate for sensible and streamlined regulations in the valuation sppace AAbboouutt tthhee National Appraisal Congress •• August 2015 – Submitted written response to AQB Concept Paper, Alternative Track to the Experience Reqquirements in the Real Proppertyy Appraiser Qualification Criteria

p member-led organization, established as a vehicle to positively impact the as a vehicle to positively impact the residential valuation and appraisal.
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