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Research Topics in Functional Programming PDF

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rch Topics in Programm unctional ED BY DAVID A. TURNER UNIVERSITYOFTEXASATAUSTINYEAROFPROGRAMMINGSERIES ABOUTTHE EDITOR DavidA. Turnerholds the Chair in Computation atthe University of Kent, where he has taught since 1977. From 1972 to 1976 hewas a lecturer in Com- putational Science atthe UniversityofSt. Andrews. He received his Ph.D. from the Universityof Oxford. He has been engaged in research intofunctional programming languages and their implementations since 1972. viUOH CORP. CALIF. RESEARCH CENTER LIBRARY 2882 Sand Hill Rl, Ste. 115 Menlo Park, CA 94025 \"> ITL Research Topics in Functional Programming Research Topics in Functional Programming EDITED BY David A. Turner University of Kent Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Reading, Massachusetts • Menlo Park, California • NewYork Don Mills, Ontario • Wokingham, England • Amsterdam • Bonn Sydney • Singapore • Tokyo • Madrid • SanJuan This book is in the University ofTexas at Austin Year of Programming Series. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Research topics in functional programming / edited by David A. Turner — p. cm. (University of Texas at Austin year of programming series) Papers from a meeting held at The University of Texas at Austin, Aug. 1987. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-201-17236-4 1. Functional programming (Computer science) I. Turner, D. A. II. Series: UT year of programming series. QA76.62.R47 1990 005.l'l—dc20 89-28793 CIP Reproduced byAddison-Wesley from camera-ready copy supplied bythe U.T. Year of Programming office. Copyright ©1990 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, elec- tronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States ofAmerica. Published simultaneously in Canada. ABCDEFGHIJ-MA-943210 The UT Year of Programming Series Thedesignforthebookswascommissionedbythe publisher,Addison-Wesley. The designerwasJean Hammond, and the designwas transformed intoa&YfX style specification by William H. Miner Jr. of Tginiques in Austin, Texas. The book was composed in I^T^C, primarily by the UT Year of Programming staff —Suzanne Kain Rhoads, Ana M. Hernandez, and Hamilton RichardsJr.—using Macintosh1 SE personal computers, but also by several authors who supplied their manuscripts asT^X2 or $TjX source files. The Macintosh implementation ofTjrX—Textures— is a product ofBlue Sky Research of Portland, Oregon. Il- lustrations were redrawn for the book using Cricket Draw.3 Draft versions of the manuscript were printed on an Apple4 LaserWriter II NTX printer, and the final copywas produced onaLinotronic 1005 byPublishingExpertsofAustin. The typeface in which the book is set is Lucida,6 a product of Adobe Sys- tems Incorporated, whose permission to use a beta version of the Lucida Math fonts is gratefully acknowledged; a few additional PostScript char- acters were created using Fontographer.7 Lucida was installed in IATjX and TEXTURES by Buff Miner and by David Mallis of Publishing Experts; the value of their dedication and expertise is beyond calculation. The publisher's vital assistance and patient encouragement were personi- fied by Peter S. Gordon (Publishing Partner for Computer Science), Helen M. Goldstein (Assistant Editor), Helen M. Wythe (Production Supervisor), Mona Zeftel (Electronic Production Consultant), and Lorraine Ferrier (Copy Editor). 1. Macintosh isatrademarkofAppleComputer, Inc. 2. T^<isa trademarkoftheAmerican Mathematical Society. 3. Cricket DrawisatrademarkofCricketSoftware, Inc. 4. Appleand LaserWriterare registered trademarksofAppleComputer, Inc. 5. Linotronic 100 isatrademarkofAlliedCorporation. 6. Lucida isaregistered trademarkofBigelow& Holmes. 7. FontographerisaregisteredtrademarkofAltsysCorporation. The UT Year of Programming Series Series editor: Hamilton Richards Jr. The University ofTexas at Austin Developments in Concurrency and Communication Editor: C. A. R. Hoare Oxford University Logical Foundations ofFunctional Programming Editor: GERARD HUET INRIA Rocquencourt Research Topics in Functional Programming Editor: David Turner University of Kent Formal Development ofPrograms and Proofs Editor: Edsger W. Dijkstra The University ofTexas at Austin The UT Year of Programming Management Committee* J. C. Browne*7 K. Mani Chandy Edsger W. Dijkstra E. Allen Emerson Mohamed G. Gouda C. A. R. Hoarec Christian Lengauer Clement Leung Jayadev Misrab James Pavone Hamilton Richards Jr. Stephen W. Sherman* a. exceptas noted,all memberswereatUT/Austin duringtheYearofProgramming b. co-principal investigator c. visitingUT/Austin, 1986-87 d. LockheedAustin Division

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