JournalofChildPsychologyandPsychiatry51:8(2010),pp859–870 doi:10.1111/j.1469-7610.2010.02251.x Research Review: attention bias modification (ABM): a novel treatment for anxiety disorders Yair Bar-Haim DepartmentofPsychology,TelAvivUniversity,Israel Attention bias modification (ABM) is a newly emerging therapy for anxiety disorders that is rooted in current cognitive modelsof anxiety and inestablished experimental dataon threat-related attentional biasesinanxiety.ThisreviewdescribestheevidenceindicatingthatABMhasthepotentialtobecomean enhancing tool for current psychological and pharmacological treatments for anxiety or even a novel standalone treatment. The review also outlines the gaps in need of bridging before ABM techniques could be routinelyappliedand incorporatedinto standardtreatment protocols. In our field of research and practice few things gen- describes the accumulating evidence highlighting erate more excitement than a new treatment for a the potential of ABM for alleviating anxiety. Finally, major psychopathology such as the anxiety disor- the review outlines the gaps in need of bridging ders, for which the considerable treatment data before ABM techniques could be routinely applied collectedthusfarleavesmuchroomforimprovement andincorporatedintostandardtreatmentprotocols. in treatment efficacy (Insel, 2009; Pine, 2009). Anxiety disorders occur in anywhere from 5–20% of children (Bernstein, Borchardt, & Perwein, 1996) Cognitive theories of anxiety and attention and about 18% of adults (Kessler, Chiu, Demler, & bias modification Walters, 2005), inflicting considerable suffering and Cognitive accounts of anxiety suggest that informa- dysfunction. With remission rates in first line treat- tion-processing biases play a central role in the eti- ments (cognitive-behavior therapy, pharmacother- ology and maintenance of anxiety disorders (Beck & apy) standing at only about 50% (Ballenger, 2004; Clark, 1997; Eysenck, 1992, 1997; Rapee & Heim- Barlow,Gorman,Shear,&Woods,2000;Cartwright- berg, 1997; Williams, Watts, MacLeod, & Mathews, Hatton, Roberts, Chitsabesan, Fothergill, & Harring- 1997). Along with application of conditioning prin- ton, 2004), it is imperative to continue refining ciples derived from behavior learning theories (e.g., existing treatments and actively pursuing more effi- Rachman,1991;Wolpe,1973,1978),suchcognitive cacious ones. This is particularly relevant for pedi- models laid fertile grounds for the development and atric anxiety disorders for which barriers to refinement of cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT), treatment (reviewed later in this paper) are higher now considered established evidence-based treat- thanthoseforadults.Giventhatchronicpatternsof ments for anxiety disorders in both adults and chil- clinicallysignificantanxietyanddepressiontypically dren(A.C.Butler,Chapman,Forman,&Beck,2006; emerge during childhood (Pine, Cohen, Gurley, G. Butler, Fennell, Robson, & Gelder, 1991; Cham- Brook, & Ma, 1998), and given the potential of early bless & Gillis, 1993; Kendall, 1994; Kendall et al., intervention for disrupting such long-term cycles of 1997;Kendall,Hudson,Gosch,Flannery-Schroeder, maladaptation,itisparticularlyimportanttodevelop & Suveg, 2008; Kendall & SouthamGerow, 1996). and test novel treatments for highly anxious According to such models, processing is guided by children. schemas (cognitive frameworks or concepts) that Against this backdrop, a novel attention bias largely determine how information is attended to, modification(ABM)treatmentforanxietyhasstarted interpreted, and remembered. In anxious individu- to emerge. This new theory-driven treatment stems als,schemasarethoughttobebiasedtowardthreat. fromestablishedexperimentaldataonthreat-related The translation of such models into applicable CBT attentional biases in anxiety (for a review see Bar- protocolsfocusedprimarilyontraininginrelaxation Haim, Lamy, Pergamin, Bakermans-Kranenburg, & techniques, systematic and graded exposure to vanIJzendoorn,2007),andutilizescomputer-based threat as a vehicle promoting fear extinction, and attention training protocols to implicitly modify direct, explicit, and conscious challenging of nega- biasedattentionalpatternsinanxiouspatients.This tive interpretive and memory biases. Although cur- review first localizes ABM treatments in the broader rentcognitivemodelsofanxietyreadilyacknowledge context of cognitive therapies for anxiety. It then the involvement of early, automatic, and pre- conscious attentional biases in the etiology and Conflictofintereststatement:Noconflictsdeclared. maintenanceofanxietydisorders,andevidencefrom (cid:2)2010TheAuthor Journalcompilation(cid:2)2010AssociationforChildandAdolescentMentalHealth. PublishedbyBlackwellPublishing,9600GarsingtonRoad,OxfordOX42DQ,UKand350MainStreet,Malden,MA02148,USA 860 YairBar-Haim both animal and human research indicates that a matic, and sometimes unconscious attentional bia- major component of emotion in general and anxiety ses by ABM therapy. ABM techniques may prove inparticularreflectsfunctionalaspectsofsub-corti- valuable to anxiety patients who do not respond to calneuralcircuitsthatarenotavailabletoconscious currently available treatments and in particular for thought (e.g., Delgado, Nearing, LeDoux, & Phelps, anxious children for whom compliance with elabo- 2008; LeDoux, 2000; Pine, 2007), lack of means to rateCBTprotocolsoftenprovesproblematic(Kendall directly manipulate such biases and patterns of &Sugarman,1997),andforwhomparentsareoften neural activation within the context of standard reluctant to consider pharmacological treatment. As psychotherapy leaves the treatment of these biased willbediscussedlaterinthisreview,itremainstobe cognitiveprocessesoutoftheCBTtoolbox. seen whether these novel ABM tools will be inte- Recently, however, ABM treatment studies have grated into standard CBT protocols or will end up started to emerge. At the heart of this novel and serving as standalone therapies. promising approach lies the idea that the classic cognitive tasks, which provided ample evidence for specific attentional biases in both anxious children The design of ABM protocols for anxiety and adults (Bar-Haim et al., 2007; Mogg & Bradley, 1998), can be modified to implicitly manipulate Most ABM studies utilized variants of the dot-probe attention biases and reduce anxiety. Such transla- task (MacLeod, Mathews, & Tata, 1986) to measure tions of insights from cognitive neuroscience have and manipulate threat-related attention biases. startedtogeneratenovelapproachestotreatmentfor Figure 1 describes a typical dot-probe trial. In this a variety of psychopathologies. Relevant examples task,twostimuli,onethreat-relatedandoneneutral emergeindyslexia,forwhichbehavioralremediation (typically words or pictures of faces with distinct focused on auditory processing and oral language expressions of emotion), are shown briefly on each training was found to improve reading performance trial, and their removal is followed by a small target in children (Gabrieli, 2009; Temple et al., 2003). In probe in the location just occupied by one of the the same vein, schizophrenic patients who received stimuli. Participants are required to discriminate as implicit computerized auditory training showed sig- fast as possible between two variants of the probe nificant gains in global cognition, verbal working (e.g., the letters F and E or the shapes ‘..’ and ‘:’) memory, and verbal learning and memory (Fisher, without compromising accuracy. In the classic for- Holland, Merzenich, & Vinogradov, 2009). Finally, mat of this task, designed to measure attention children with attention deficit hyperactive disorder biases, targets appear with equal probability at the (ADHD)whoreceivedcomputerizedworkingmemory location of threat and neutral stimuli. Thus, training showed improved response inhibition, rea- response latencies provide a ‘snapshot’ of the dis- soning,andworkingmemory,aswellasreductionin tribution of participants’ attention, with faster parent-reported inattentive symptoms of ADHD rel- responsestoprobesevidentintheattendedlocation ative to a control group receiving a sham training relative to the unattended location. Attention bias program (Klingberg et al., 2005). towards threat is revealed when participants are A specific example of how such techniques are faster to respond to probes that replace threat- currently applied in treatment for anxiety disorders related stimuli rather than neutral stimuli. The is provided in the next section. Note, however, that opposite pattern indicates avoidance of threat. an important distinction should be made between In attention-training variants of the dot-probe theteachingofanxiouspatientstoemploytop-down task,targetlocationissystematicallymanipulatedto effortful attention control strategies to divert atten- increase the proportion of targets appearing at the tion away from anxiety-provoking thoughts as is location of the intended training bias. For example, sometimes applied in standard CBT or other cogni- in a training protocol intended to induce attentional tive therapies (e.g., Wells, White, & Carter, 1997), bias away from threat and toward neutral stimuli, and the direct but implicit targeting of early, auto- targetswouldappearmorefrequentlyatthelocation Figure1 Sequence of events in adot-probetrial (cid:2)2010TheAuthor Journalcompilation(cid:2)2010AssociationforChildandAdolescentMentalHealth. ResearchReview:Attentionbiasmodification(ABM) 861 readily amenable to explicit/conscious cognitive intervention and which are supported by fast- responding neural circuitries (Eldar & Bar-Haim, 2010;Monketal.,2008;Pine,2007forareview). TheprecursorsofABMapproachwereprovidedin twostudies(reviewedinMathews&MacLeod,2002) in which high trait-anxious students received a number of dot-probe attention training sessions (6000–7500 trials) designed to direct their attention away from threat cues. These students reported significant reductions in trait anxiety scores from pre- to post-training. Over the past two years ABM studies have taken an important step forward by showing quite dramatic effects of attention training on anxiety symptoms in anxious patients and in sub-clinical populations (see Table 1 for a summary of the extant ABM studies). These studies have focused on generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and social phobia (SP) employing dot-probe training protocols.Areadilyspottedlacunainthisresearchis thelackofABMstudiesinpediatricanxietypatients, Figure2 Schematic of Attention Bias Modification to which I will refer later in this review.1 (ABM) study designed to evaluate treatment efficacy and stressvulnerability ABM for GAD oftheneutralstimulusthanatthelocationofthreat. Amir, Beard, Burns, and Bomyea (2009a) randomly It is assumed that because attending to such con- allocated patients with GAD to either an attentional tingencies can assist in task performance, an training condition designed to induce avoidance of implicitlylearnedbiasawayfromthreatisgradually threat words or to an attentional control condition. induced with a systematic repetition of tens or This dot-probe training entailed 160 trials of threat- hundreds of trials. Effects of the training procedure neutralwordpairspersession,administeredineight on anxiety symptoms can be measured immediately sessions across a four-week period. Following upon completion of the training protocol, whereas training 58% of the patients in the attentional effectsofattentiontrainingonvulnerabilitytostress training condition no longer met DSM-IV diagnostic can be measured if participants are exposed to a criteria for GAD compared to only 17% of the stressor following the attention training protocol patients in the control condition. The clinical effi- (Figure 2). cacy of the attentional training procedure was Because only one published study on attention further supported by improvements on a range training for anxiety used a paradigm different than of clinician-delivered and self-report measures of the dot-probe task (Dandeneau, Baldwin, Baccus, anxiety.Similarfindingswererecordedinastudyof Sakellaropoulo, & Pruessner, 2007), the rest of this undergraduate students (Hazen, Vasey, & Schmidt, review will focus on dot-probe-based attention- 2009)whoreportedstableandseverelevelsofworry training studies. This by no means implies that the (most of which met DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for dot-probe task is the most effective or most relevant GAD). In this study, participants were randomly as- paradigm. In fact, the anxiolytic effects demon- signed to receive five sessions of either attentional strated by Dandeneau et al. (2007), who used a training to avoid threat words or a control placebo- visualsearchtasktorepeatedlytrainparticipantsto training. Compared to participants in the control locate a single smiling face in a matrix of frowning condition, the participants who received the active faces,arequiteimpressiveandequalthoseobtained training program produced significant reductions in with the dot-probe task. both threat bias and anxiety-depression symptoms. ABM attenuates clinical symptoms of anxiety ABM for social anxiety Basic research on threat-related attentional biases Three dot-probe studies using neutral and disgust hasbeenprimarilymotivatedbythehopethatitwould faces as cue stimuli applied attentional training lead to new and more efficient psychotherapeutic protocols to reduce social anxiety. Schmidt, Richey, interventions for emotional disorders (MacLeod, Buckner, and Timpano (2009) randomly assigned Koster, & Fox, 2009; Mobini & Grant, 2007; Pine, Helfinstein,Bar-Haim,Nelson,&Fox,2009).Ofpar- ticularinterestforABMtherapyareearlyattentional 1The author is aware of three attention training studies in processes that have been typically considered not anxiouschildrenbeingcurrentlyconducted. (cid:2)2010TheAuthor Journalcompilation(cid:2)2010AssociationforChildandAdolescentMentalHealth. 862 YairBar-Haim Table1 Alistoftheextantattentionbiasmodification(ABM)studies Total#of Threat Attention #of critical Study Population Paradigm Stimuli Content Redirection Sessions Trials Amiretal.(2008) SociallyAnxiousStudents Dot-Probe Faces Disgust Neutral 1 128 Amiretal.(2009a) GADPatients Dot-Probe Words Negative Neutral 8 1024 Amiretal.(2009b) SPPatients Dot-Probe Faces Disgust Neutral 8 1024 Dandeneauetal. NonselectedStudents VisualSearch Faces Rejecting Happy 1/5 112/560 (2007) Eldaretal.(2008) NonanxiousChildren Dot-Probe Faces Angry Neutral 2 672 andThreat Eldar&Bar-Haim HighTrait-Anxious Dot-Probe Faces Angry Neutral 1 480 (2010) Students Harris&Menzies NonselectedStudents Dot-Probe Words Spider Neutral 1 40 (1998) andThreat Hazenetal.(2009) SeverWorryStudents Dot-Probe Words Negative Neutral 5 640 Klumpp&Amir SociallyAnxiousStudents Dot-Probe Faces Disgust Neutral 1 128 (2010) andThreat Lietal.(2008) SociallyAnxiousStudents Dot-Probe Faces Angry Happy 7 3360 MacLeodetal.(2002) NonanxiousAdults Dot-Probe Words Negative Neutral 1 576 andThreat MacLeodetal.(2007) NonselectedAdults Dot-Probe Words Negative Neutral 1 288 andThreat Mathews&MacLeod HighTrait-Anxious Dot-Probe Words Negative Neutral 8/10 6000/7500 (2002) Students Schmidtetal.(2009) SPPatients Dot-Probe Faces Disgust Neutral 8 1024 Seeetal.(2009) NonselectedStudents Dot-Probe Words Negative Neutral 15 2880 patients with generalized SP to either a training Furthermore, blind raters judged the speeches of condition designed to reduce vigilance for threat those in the attention training condition as better (disgustfacialexpressions)ortoacontrolcondition. thanthoseinthecontrolcondition. In this study patients received eight sessions across four weeks, each incorporating 160 trials (128 criti- ABM in nonanxious populations caltrials).Aftertheintervention,72%ofthepatients in the attentional training condition no longer met One of the most important theoretical and practical diagnostic criteria for SP, compared to 11% of the questionsconcerningABMiswhetherattentionbias patients in the control condition. At a follow-up toward threat is causally related to anxiety symp- assessment four months later, 64% of the partici- toms. Proving causality is important because it pants in the attentional training condition were constitutes the logical foundation for the mecha- classifiedasremittedversusonly25%ofthoseinthe nisms by which ABM therapies work. Scientifically, control condition. Using the same procedure in a this question can only be answered by experimen- randomized,double-blindplacebo-controlledtrialin tally inducing a temporary bias toward threat and a group of patients diagnosed with generalized SP, measuring its impact on anxiety levels. Although Amir et al. (2009b) found that attention training temporary threat bias-induction may be ethically away from disgust faces facilitated attention disen- justified for nonanxious participants, it might be gagement from threat and reduced clinician- and more difficult to defend for clinically anxious self-reportedsymptomsofsocialanxietyrelativetoa patients (but see Klumpp & Amir, 2010). placebo training condition. The percentage of par- Tomyknowledgethereareonlytwostudies,onein ticipants no longer meeting DSM-IV criteria for gen- adults and one in children, that directly tested for eralized SP post treatment was 50% in the active causalityinacontrolledexperimentalABMdesign.In traininggroupand14%intheplacebocontrolgroup. a seminal report, MacLeod, Rutherford, Campbell, Symptom reduction in the active training group was Ebsworthy,andHolker(2002)demonstratedthatitis maintained at four-month follow-up assessment. possible to modify patterns of attention to threat in Finally, using a similar design, Amir, Weber, Beard, nonanxiousparticipantsandthatsuchchangesalter Bomyea,andTaylor(2008)exposedsociallyanxious affective responses to subsequent stress. In this undergraduate students to a single dot-probe study,avariantofthedot-probetaskwasusedtotrain session(128criticaltrials)ofeitherattentiontraining nonanxious participants either to adopt a biased away from facial expressions of disgust or a control attentionalresponsetowardthreatwords(i.e.,probes condition. Relativetoparticipantswhoreceivedcon- always appeared in the loci of threat) or to adopt an trolplacebotraining,participantswhoweretrainedto attentionalbiasawayfromthreat(i.e.,probesalways attend away from disgust faces showed significantly appearedinthelociofneutralwords).MacLeodetal. lessattentionbiasaftertrainingaswellaslowerlevels (2002) found that these two groups of participants ofanxietyinresponsetoapublic-speakingchallenge. developed differentially biased attention responses (cid:2)2010TheAuthor Journalcompilation(cid:2)2010AssociationforChildandAdolescentMentalHealth. ResearchReview:Attentionbiasmodification(ABM) 863 that were in accord with the assigned threat-target Summary contingency. This differential attention bias did not Theevidenceofclinicallyrelevanteffectsofattention result in an immediate change in anxiety following training in GAD and SP patients directly links the training,perhapsduetothenonanxiousnatureofthe research on therapeutics and the research on participants who were specifically selected for this attention bias. At the theoretical level, the extant trait. However, attention modulation did lead to a attentiontrainingstudiesprovidestrongsupportfor group difference in anxiety vulnerability to a subse- the hypothesis that modifying attentional biases quentlyinducedstress.Whereasbothgroupsofpar- toward threat causally reduces anxiety symptoms. ticipants responded to the stress manipulation with At the practical level, these findings indicate that it elevation in state anxiety, the magnitude of this ele- may be possible to utilize attention training proce- vationwassignificantlygreaterinthoseparticipants duresclinically,eitherindependentlyorasaugmen- who had been exposed to the attendance to threat tation of already established treatments for anxiety. condition. Eldar, Ricon, and Bar-Haim (2008) repli- Despite its high prevalence, many individuals with cated this finding in nonanxious 7–12-year-old chil- anxiety disorders do not receive treatment. Addi- dren using a dot-probe variant with naturalistic tionally,manyindividualswhopresentfortreatment pictures of angry and neutral facial expressions. In respond poorly to it, do not respond at all, or drop additiontogroupdifferencesinself-reportedanxiety out of treatment (Kendall & Sugarman, 1997). Spe- following stress induction, this study showed that cifically for children and adolescents, computer- relative to children who were trained to attend away based training of attention may be more acceptable fromthreat,childrentrainedtoattendtowardthreat than traditional in-person therapy formats, and showed a higher frequency of anxious behavior as it may offer advantages by delivering systematic coded from video tapes recorded during the stress exposure to threat during which attention can be episode.Bydemonstratingthatchildrenasyoungas guided and controlled (Pine et al., 2009). Such 7 years of age are able to comply with repeated computer-based attention retraining may act attentiontrainingsessionsandthattrainingiseffec- directly to reduce anxiety symptoms and could tiveinmodulatingboththreatbiasandanxiety,this augment the core-CBT feature of systematic expo- study sets the stage for evaluating the clinical rele- sure to threats. With CBT, patients attempt to use vanceofABMforanxiouschildren. cognitive control strategies to willfully alter their ABMtechniquesmayalsobeusedasaprevention attentional focus (see also Wells et al., 1997). With measurereducinganxietyandstressvulnerabilityin computerized ABM, patients can implicitly learn to individuals who are bound to face stressful natu- control attention in the absence of explicit instruc- ralistic circumstances, which could range from mild tions. Thus, combining CBT with ABM may simul- (e.g., upcoming midterm exams) to severe (e.g., mil- taneously target explicit and implicit processes itary deployment to combat). This potential applica- contributingtobiasedcognitiveprocessesinanxiety. tion was demonstrated by See, MacLeod, and Bridle Finally, the computer-based nature of ABM bears (2009) who followed Singaporean students while the potential to enhance dissemination of treatment preparing to immigrate to Australia for tertiary edu- both in the clinic and remotely, over the internet cation–aneventconsideredhighlystressfulbythese or via installation of simple software packages students. Applying a dot-probe attention training (Chu et al., 2004; MacLeod, Soong, Rutherford, & schedule before migration, half of the participants Campbell, 2007). were randomly biased away from emotionally nega- tivewordstimuli,andhalfreceivedaplacebocontrol training not intended to change attention patterns. Technical and theoretical considerations Trainingreducedanxietyresponsestotheupcoming naturalistic stressor of migration and reduced state The extant preliminary data suggest impressive effi- anxiety scores collected upon arrival at the host cacy of ABM protocols for reducing anxiety symp- country. toms.Thedataalsoraisesomeimportanttheoretical These findings from normative samples provide considerations and a pressing need to identify the crucial evidence in support of the hypothesis that most efficient parameters for intervention protocols. threatbiasisacausalfactorinanxietybyconfirming Specifically, it remains undecided whether anxiety- two pivotal assumptions of ABM research: a) atten- reducing effects are specific to threat-related atten- tion patterns can be altered through training proce- tional training or reflect a more general attentional dures using classic cognitive tasks; and b) biased controlprocess;whethertherearecontraindications attentional responses to threat can exert a specific for ABM treatment; whether threat content, when influence on the tendency to experience anxiety used in training, should be congruent with the typ- when encountering stressors. This latter finding ical fears of the specific anxiety disorder being trea- could be highly relevant for the use of ABM as a ted or represent a more general category; to what preventive measure for upcoming and unavoidable classesofstimulishouldattentionberedirectedtoin stressors as well as in the context of relapse pre- training? What subcomponents of attention should vention and sustainment of therapeutic gains. be targeted by ABM? What is the optimal frequency (cid:2)2010TheAuthor Journalcompilation(cid:2)2010AssociationforChildandAdolescentMentalHealth. 864 YairBar-Haim of ABM treatment and how many training trials achieved through the training protocol, and is in would yield the highest therapeutic gains? And, turnresponsibleforthenotedreductionsinanxiety. should the contingencies being trained remain Although the behavioral response time data in this implicit or should these be explicitly spelled out for study were largely inconclusive with regard to patients?Scientificevidenceconcerningtheseissues attention training effects, consistent with an atten- will play a central role in determining the faith of tional control hypothesis, both participants who ABMprotocols asacceptabletreatments foranxiety, were trained to attend toward threat and partici- and each of these issues will be discussed below. pants who were trained to attend away from threat faces exhibited a relative decrease in anxiety during a speech challenge compared to participants in a Are anxiety-reducing effects of attention training placebo control condition. No difference in anxiety specific to enhanced threat avoidance? scoresbetweenthetwoattentiontrainingconditions Attention training protocols for anxious individuals was found in this moderately anxious sample. rely theoretically on the premise that anxiety is Despite these preliminary data (Klumpp & Amir, associated with a faster engagement of attention to 2010), the general attentional control hypothesis threat stimuli and with a greater difficulty to disen- must wait for a more programmatic experimental gageattentionfromthreatafterithasbeencaptured testing in clinical and sub-clinical populations. Per- (Bar-Haim et al., 2007; Fox, Russo, Bowles, & Dut- hapsthefirststepinthisdirectionshouldbetesting ton, 2001; Mogg & Bradley, 1998). Thus, attention the anxiety-reducing effects of an attention training training away from threat in anxious individuals is protocol that utilizes non-affective cue stimuli expected to reduce both the enhanced attention (e.g., geometric shapes). If simple attention control capture by threat and the delayed attentional dis- enhancement is the anxiolytic component of this engagement from threat. Specifically, if the anxiety- intervention then anxiety-reducing effect should be reducing effects of attention training are consistent expected with attention training to non-affective with these premises, it must be attention training stimuli. away from threat that decreases anxiety symptoms and anxious reactivity to stressors and not placebo Who should be treated with ABM protocols? or attention training conditions that are not specific to threat avoidance. A meta-analysis found equivalent combined effect In contrast, recent theory and research may be sizesofthreat-relatedbiasinclinicalandnonclinical taken to suggest that cognitive biases in anxiety high trait anxious populations (Bar-Haim et al., reflect a more general cognitive deficit that may not 2007). This finding suggests that an official clinical be specific to attentional threat processing (e.g., cutoff is of little significance with regard to biased Bishop, 2009; Derakshan & Eysenck, 2009; Derry- attentional processes in anxious individuals, and berry&Reed,2002;Eysenck,Derakshan,Santos,& that milder forms of anxiety are sufficient for trig- Calvo, 2007; Wells et al., 1997). According to such gering the full potential of the bias. In addition, views, the anxiety-reducing effects of attention despite the fact that threat-related attention bias is training may be due to increase in general atten- reliably observed in anxious patients and partici- tional control regardless of its valence-related pantsandnotinnonanxiousparticipants(Bar-Haim directionality. For instance, attention training may etal.,2007),thiseffecthasonlybeenestablishedas increaseattentionalcontrolviaenhancementoftop- a group-means difference and is not reported at the down cognitive capacities that may in turn inhibit level of the individual subject. Careful inspection of threat processing (e.g., Pessoa, 2009; Pessoa, several samples of clinically anxious children and McKenna, Gutierrez, & Ungerleider, 2002). adultsindicatethatnotallanxiousindividualsshow The extant attention training studies did not an attention bias toward threat. In fact, despite include systematic testing of the general attentional showinghigherthreatbiasscores,thedistributionof control hypothesis. However, Klumpp and Amir threatbiasinanxiouspatientsisrathernormal,with (2010) studied a group of moderately socially anx- large numbers of individuals not showing the bias. iousundergraduatestudents,and,inadditiontothe Takingthisunofficial(butnotdisputed)statisticinto standard training away from threat and placebo consideration, an important question arises: name- training conditions, included a third training condi- ly,shouldanxiouspatientswhoshow noevidenceof tion in which participants were trained to attend an attention bias toward threat be treated with toward threat. While implicitly training anxious attention training protocols? individualstoattendtowardthreatseemssomewhat A few issues may be of interest to consider in this counterintuitive given the vast data showing that respect. First, if ABM produces a general improve- anxious individuals typically possess such threat ment in attentional control rather than specific bias to begin with, this condition provides a pre- threat-related effects, and this improvement serves liminary test of the hypothesis that perhaps as the anxiolytic agent of ABM, then training atten- enhanced attentional control rather than more effi- tion away from threat should have a therapeutic cient attentional disengagement from threat is effect on patients whether they show threat bias or (cid:2)2010TheAuthor Journalcompilation(cid:2)2010AssociationforChildandAdolescentMentalHealth. ResearchReview:Attentionbiasmodification(ABM) 865 not. Second, attention training procedures may of the stimuli such as words versus pictures. Word servetoregulateandnormalizeattentionalbiasesin stimuli may be particularly useful in the case of both directions (i.e., toward and away from threat). attention training protocols for disorders in which This may be particularly relevant to social anxiety, anxiety is related to abstract threat themes (e.g., for which it has been shown that patients demon- GAD,PTSD)–suchabstractioncouldberepresented strate both faster initial engagement with threat but more efficiently with written words. In contrast, for also enhanced later avoidance of threat (e.g., Amir, specific phobias (e.g., spider phobia, social phobia), Foa, & Coles, 1998). Finally, initial measurement of inwhichanxietyismorefocusedandrefined,theuse threat bias may not represent the true tendency of of images may be more effective. anxious individuals to be highly vigilant toward Utilization of threat stimuli that are specifically threat. Specifically, several studies have shown that tailored for a particular disorder or the anxious threat bias is suppressed and even reverses in anx- concernsofaparticularpatientindicatesagooddeal ious individuals under conditions of threat (e.g., of common sense and rhymes well with clinical tra- Amir et al., 1996; Constans, McCloskey, Vasterling, dition. However, personalized protocols introduce a Brailey, & Mathews, 2004; Helfinstein, White, Bar- serious toll on ease of delivery, dissemination, and Haim, & Fox, 2008; Mathews & Sebastian, 1993; costs of treatment. If attention training protocols Mogg, Kentish, & Bradley, 1993). Thus, if a priori servetobalanceperturbationsinbasicandrelatively biasistobecomeaconsiderationinprescribingABM hard-wiredmechanisms(Bar-Haimetal.,2007;Pine treatment, some standard measurement of bias, et al., 2009), then it might be possible to achieve preferably not taken during the stress of the first significanttherapeuticeffectswithattentiontraining session of psychotherapy, should be delineated and protocols applying a standard set of stimuli. tested. Furthermore, the stability and retest reli- ability of threat-bias measurement will have to be Where should attention be directed? Once threat carefully established. stimuliareselected,researchersandtherapistsmust decide on the class of stimuli to which attention be directed when training for disengagement from Considerations related to stimuli selection threat.Thevastmajorityofattentiontrainingstudies Even if accumulating data will eventually indicate todatemanipulatedattentionbiasbyveeringitaway thattrainingattentionawayfromthreatisakeyfactor from threat and onto a neutral stimuli (words or inanxiety-reducingeffects,itwillremainimportantto pictures). Enhanced attention to neutral over threat decide: a) what are the most effective and relevant materialmayrepresentarealistictherapeuticgoalin threat stimuli that can be used in attention training which perturbed interplay between attention and protocols;andb)whatarethemosteffectiveandrel- emotion in anxious individuals reaches a more neu- evantstimulitoveerattentionto. tralbalance.Althoughthisapproachprovedefficient invariousclinicaltrials(e.g.,Amiretal.,2009a;Amir Specificity of threat stimuli. To date, attention et al., 2009b; Schmidt et al., 2009), it is not clear training studies appear to have selected threat whether this training approach is indeed the most stimuli that are conceptually relevant to the specific potent approach available. For example, there is anxiety disorder being treated. In one case, stimuli evidence that anxious individuals also show biases were idiosyncratically selected to represent the spe- anddeficitsintheprocessingofpositivestimuli(e.g., cificworriesofindividualpatients(Amiretal.,2009). Bradley, Hogg, White, Groom, & de Bono, 1999; That is, before training, each patient was asked to Frenkel, Lamy, Algom, & Bar-Haim, 2008; Mansell, ratetheemotionalvalenceofeachwordfromalarge Clark, Ehlers, & Chen, 1999), thus, conceptually, list and the specific words that were rated as most attention could be trained away from threat and negativebyaparticularparticipantwereusedasthe toward positive stimuli or even simply away from threat stimuli in his or her dot-probe training task. neutralandtowardpositivestimuli. SuchastrategymaybeparticularlyrelevanttoGAD Indeed, Wadlinger and Isaacowitz (2008) used a in which there is a large variability in the nature of dot-probe task to train a nonselected group of concernsforeachpatient.Attentiontrainingstudies undergraduate students to attend either toward for SP (Amir et al., 2008; Schmidt et al., 2009) also positive or toward neutral words (happy–neutral applied a disorder-specific approach in selecting displays). Eye-tracking revealed that participants threat stimuli utilizing disgusted faces as threat. trained to attend to positive information looked sig- Indeed,theprimaryconcernsofpatientswithSPare nificantlylessatstressfulnegativeimagespresented in the realm of social evaluation andsocial rejection to them upon completion of the attentional training (see Yoon & Zinbarg, 2007) and arguably disgust than their counterparts who were trained to attend conveys a message of aversion or rejection (Rozin, toneutralstimuli.Thisfindingsuggeststhatpositive Lowery, & Ebert, 1994). attention bias may be used to regulate attention In addition to relevance of specific contents for patterns and thereby emotional response while specific disorders, the selection of disorder-specific under stress. Li, Tan, Qian, and Liu (2008) took a threatstimulimayalsorelatetomorebasicfeatures different training approach and used threat–happy (cid:2)2010TheAuthor Journalcompilation(cid:2)2010AssociationforChildandAdolescentMentalHealth. 866 YairBar-Haim face pairs in a dot-probe protocol designed to train attention orienting (Eldar & Bar-Haim, 2010). In- sociallyanxiousstudentstoattendawayfromthreat deed, there is some indication that the threat- and toward positive faces. Their task comprised a relatedbiasinclinicalanxietymightbedependentto total of 480 critical trials per session, delivered on a greater extent on more elaborate processing of the sevensuccessivedays.However,groupdifferencesin threat than on automatic pre-attentive processes threat bias were unstable during the seven days of (Bar-Haim et al., 2007; see also McNally, 1995). training and training effects did not last from one These findings may have practical implications for session to the next. Furthermore, no significant interventions aiming at a systematic reduction of changes in social anxiety scores as a function of threat bias in anxious patients. For instance, ABM attention training condition were found. These protocols targeting the disengage component of results may be taken to suggest that attention attention (e.g., using variants of the Posner’s spatial training toward positive stimuli is less efficient in cueing task) may prove highly efficient. It is impor- reducing anxiety than attention training away from tant, though, to make a distinction between the threat and toward neutral stimuli. However, there attention training procedures discussed here and are numerous factors that can explain the failure of attention training therapy (Wells, 2009). Wells and this particular study to alter attention and anxiety colleagues’ approach deals primarily with diverting patterns. Perhaps the most obvious reason is that attention away from self-focused negative thoughts. each daily training session in this study ended with In contrast, ABM is focused on diverting attention 120 trials presenting the target probes with equal from minor threats in the environment, which may probability at the locations of threat and happy be effective in many daily circumstances entailing faces. This was done to obtain a measure of threat minimalobjectivethreat.Thereisalsoadifferencein biaschangeforeachsession,butmighthaveundone its focus on targeting early attention processes vs. the intended training effect at the end of each the more elaborate attention control processes tar- session. This is an excellent example of a common geted by Wells’ procedures. conflictinthislineofresearchbetweenthedesireto closely monitor the impact of training on attention The optimal structure of attention training (manipulation check) and maximizing the potential protocols impact of training on anxiety symptoms. Another reasonfortheunstableresultsintheLietal.(2008) There is considerable variability in the number of study might have to do with the simultaneous sessions and the number of trials per session that presentation of two emotional faces (happy and have been implemented in ABM protocols. This threat). This presentation mode can influence the variability ranges from 7500 trials delivered over 10 affective tone and arousal levels of the training pro- sessions (Mathews & MacLeod, 2002) to a single cedureasawhole,andintroduceanemotion-related session of 160 trials (Amir et al., 2008) that lasts competition for attentional resources that might approximately 8 minutes. There is not enough flatten the expected threat bias reduction effect. systematicdatayettodeterminetheoptimaldelivery Tosummarizethissection,thereisarichvarietyof ofattentiontrainingprotocolsintermsofnumberof stimuli that could be used in attention training trials and sessions. Our own experience suggests protocolsforanxiouspopulations.Selectingtheright thatmostclinicallyanxiouschildrenwhoareatleast combination of stimuli for specific patient popula- 8 yearsofageareabletocomplywithfive50-minute tions can immensely impact the magnitude of treat- weekly dot-probe training sessions of 480 trials ment effects and presents as a major area of much each. Clearly, however, shorter and fewer sessions needed systematic exploration. could increase compliance and cost-effectiveness, particularly in pediatric populations. To delineate the parameters of the most efficacious protocol, What is being trained with attention training futurestudieswillhavetocloselyinspectbothgroup protocols? and individual learning curves within and across There is an overwhelming dominance for use of the sessions. dot-probe task in attention training studies. One of Additionally,thelastingeffectsoftrainingonboth the criticisms of the dot probe task is that training- attention bias and anxiety should be measured in relatedchangesinperformancecouldbetheresultof follow-up assessments. The most impressive evi- either modulation in attentional engagement with dence to date suggest that for adults with SP, eight threat, or of modulation of the ability to disengage sessions across four weeks, each incorporating 160 from it. Thus, it is not entirely clear what the atten- trials, produce strong therapeutic effects and con- tion components being trained with dot-probe pro- siderable retention at four-month follow-up (Amir tocols are. A recent dot-probe attention training et al., 2009b; Schmidt et al., 2009). It remains to be study measuring event-related brain potentials seen whether attention training protocols could be revealed that attention training away from threat shortened without ceding efficacy. Furthermore, as modulatedanxiousparticipants’top-downprocesses discussed by MacLeod, Koster et al. (2009), the of attention control rather than processes of early possibility that treatment results and outcome per- (cid:2)2010TheAuthor Journalcompilation(cid:2)2010AssociationforChildandAdolescentMentalHealth. ResearchReview:Attentionbiasmodification(ABM) 867 sistence might be enhanced by spreading rather effects. Even older children and adolescents commit than crowding therapy sessions should be seriously significantly more errors than do adults on tasks considered. The use of booster sessions, to periodi- similartothoseusedinABMprotocols,andanxious cally reinstate the target patterns of attention train- children are prone to even lower accuracy, particu- ing,mayalsoproveeffectiveinsustainingtheimpact larlyduringthefirstsessionsoftrainingwhenstress of treatment. is still high. Therefore, close monitoring of accuracy rates as training progresses is required. That being Explicit vs. implicit training said, our experience also indicates that with a rea- sonable number of slow self-paced training ((cid:2)40 All ABM studies so far have relied on participants’ trials), accuracy levels can be enhanced consider- implicit (as opposed to explicit) learning of the in- ably. Such preparation can sometimes make the tendedcontingenciesbetweenthreatcuesandtarget difference between successful application of ABM location. Some studies have even added a certain anddropout.Finally,attentiontrainingresearchand amountofnon-contingenttrialsinordertoascertain practice relies on relatively simple and, in many that the intended cue-target contingencies do not respects, visually dated and dull graphics. Current become obvious (e.g., Amir et al., 2009). There are technology could clearly provide new packaging of reasons to believe that implicit learning might be the computer tasks in a fashion that is more more efficient in modifying threat bias, as it over- appealing for children. This could considerably comespotentialresistance andconscious avoidance enhance compliance and clinical efficacy. by gently but consistently challenging preexisting biases. Indeed, a vast majority of participants who Summary received active training report that they believe they had been assigned to the placebo control group Whileforthetimebeingmostoftheabovedelineated (MacLeod,Mackintosh,&Vujic,2009).However,one dilemmas remain unresolved, they highlight the may argue that explicit instruction to attend to a complexity and myriad parameters that could influ- certain contingency may produce steeper learning ence the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of attention curves and more prominent reductions in anxiety. training protocols, and the need for systematic A recent study delivering the same dot-probe ABM manipulationoftheseattentiontrainingparameters. task either with explicit instruction and explanation Inasense,attentiontrainingresearchandpracticeis of the task’s contingencies, or with no such instruc- like a newlydiscovered oil field. Preliminary surveys tions,indicatesthatthisisprobablynotthecase,and clearly indicate that a valuable resource has been thatanxiety-relatedeffectsarestrongerintheimplicit identified,anditisnowtimetomoveonandsystem- learning condition (MacLeod, Mackintosh et al., aticallydelineatethemostefficientwaystoextractit. 2009). However, a more detailed examination of the effects of explicit vs. implicit learning on attention biasmodulationandanxietysymptomsisrequired. Conclusion Taken together, the extant evidence portrays a Attention training for anxious children promisingfutureforABMtreatmentsinanxiety.The As mentioned above, except for Eldar et al.’s (2008) findingssuggestthatattentiontrainingisassociated study, which applied an ABM protocol with non- with dramatic symptom reductions, including anxious children, no other pediatric data has been remission of diagnoses and maintained positive published. There are at least three clinical trials treatment effects four months after completing the currently running with children but it will take a training. ABM may have several advantages over whilebeforethesedatawillbereadyforpresentation. traditional psychosocial treatments because of ease However,accumulatingexperienceandpriorstudies of delivery. Some of the specific advantages that on attentional threat bias in children and adoles- make this treatment particularly appealing for cents(Dalgleishetal.,1997;Monketal.,2008;Pine, children and adolescents include little need for 2007) indicate that there are several unique consid- therapist contact and that, relative to standard CBT erations in applying attention training to this popu- or psychosocial protocols, it requires little effort or lation. First, due to large variability in children’s motivationfrompatients.Furthermore,thecomputer- readingproficiency,itisrecommendedthatattention based interface of attention training (with some trainingprotocolsdesignedforchildrenusepictorial graphic and packaging upgrades) could bring cues(e.g.,faces)ratherthanwords.Second,children therapy into the intuitive lifestyle of many children younger than 7 years of age find the dot-probe and adolescents, improve compliance with treat- task very difficult, which results in large number of ment, and open up the possibility of reaching errorsandunreliableprocedures. Forolderchildren potential patients who do not have access to CBT (8–12 years), shorter training periods, fewer trials, or medication, through web-based protocols and andfrequentbreaksbetweentrainingblocksmaybe software installations (see also Kaltenthaler et al., necessary (Perez-Edgar & Bar-Haim, in press) and 2008). Finally, as pointed out by MacLeod, Koster, this might have a negative impact on anxiolytic andFox(2009),becauseitcanbedeliveredremotely (cid:2)2010TheAuthor Journalcompilation(cid:2)2010AssociationforChildandAdolescentMentalHealth. 868 YairBar-Haim and is relatively cheap, attention training seems ters of the attention training protocols, but also particularly suitable for ongoing post-treatment use whether it will serve as a standalone treatment or tominimizerelapseratesandenhancemaintenance become an established part of existing treatments. of treatment gains. Viewed from a broader perspective, threat-related A powerful asset of this rapidly evolving evidence- attentional biases could be characterized as a based therapeutic approach is its rootedness in specific target for therapies in anxiety, much like strong experimental cognitive science and cognitive specificcognitiveperturbationshavebeendelineated neuroscience research. This rigorous scientific as targets for novel therapies in schizophrenia (see tradition propels both theory and practice and it Buchanan et al., 2005; Green et al., 2004; Nuech- is important that this thrust be integrated with a terlein et al., 2004). This approach has exerted an sensitive clinical approach. It has been rightfully immense impact on how researchers and therapists pointedout(MacLeod,Koster,andFox,2009;Pineet think about new treatments and could be readily al., 2009) that it would not be reasonable to expect applied to current thinking about novel therapies that ABM will always yieldtherapeutic gains for any such as ABM for anxiety disorders. type of anxiety disorder. This must depend upon whetheraspecificbiasdoesordoesnotplayacausal Acknowledgement role in the etiology and maintenance of a particular This research was supported by The Israel Science anxietydisorderandonwhetherthetrainingprocess Foundation (grant No. 964/08). specificallyandeffectivelytargetsthisbias.Thenext few years will witness a growing number of clinical Correspondence to trials that will serve to establish and perfect the efficacy of attention training protocols across differ- Yair Bar-Haim, Department of Psychology, Tel Aviv ent anxiety disorders in children and adults. These University, Israel; Email: [email protected] trials will determine not only the technical parame- Key points • Anxiety disorders in both children and adults have been associated with threat-related attention biases. • Recent studies have shown that threat biases can be modified via computer-based attention bias modi- fication (ABM) protocols. • Randomized control trials (RCTs) in adult patients have shown that ABM significantly reduces anxiety symptoms,revealingtreatmenteffectsizesofsimilarmagnitudeasthosereportedinfirstlinetreatments (CBT, SSRIs). • RCTs in pediatric populations are needed to provide conclusive evidence for ABM treatment efficacy for anxious children. Ballenger, J.C. (2004). Remission rates in patients with References anxiety disorders treated with paroxetine. Journal of Amir, N., Beard, C., Burns, M., & Bomyea, J. (2009a). ClinicalPsychiatry,65,1696–1707. 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