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Preview Research Report 2009 of the Faculty of Medicine of the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen ...

Research Report 2009 Faculty of Medicine y Research Report 2009 Faculty of Medicine CoNtENts Table of Contents Preface ............................................................................ 6 Institute of Virology – Clinical and Molecular Virology Chair of Clinical Virology ............................................... 38 Franz-Penzoldt-Centre of Experimental Biomedicine ...... 40 Preclinical institutes Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology Anatomical Institute and Toxicology Chair of Anatomy I ........................................................ 10 Chair of Pharmacology and toxicology .......................... 42 Chair of Anatomy II ........................................................ 12 Chair of Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical toxicology ......................................................... 44 Institute of Physiology and Pathophysiology Doerenkamp-Chair of Innovations in Animal and Chair of Physiology ........................................................ 14 Consumer Protection ..................................................... 46 Institute of Cellular and Molecular Physiology Institute of Human Genetics Chair of Physiology Chair of Human Genetics ............................................... 48 (Vegetative Physiology) .................................................. 16 Institute of Forensic Medicine Institute of Biochemistry – Emil-Fischer-Centre Chair of Forensic Medicine . ............................................ 50 Chair of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine .............. 18 Chair of Biochemistry and Pathobiochemistry ................ 20 Institute and Outpatient Clinic of Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine Chair of occupational and social Medicine .................... 52 clinical theoretical institutes Institute of Medical Physics Institute of Medical Informatics, Biometry and Chair of Medical Physics ................................................ 54 Epidemiology Chair of Biometry and Epidemiology .............................. 22 Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Centre of Molecular Medicine Endowed Chair of Medical Informatics ........................... 24 Chair of Experimental Medicine I (Connective tissue Research) ......................................... 56 Institute of the History of Medicine and Chair of Experimental Medicine II Medical Ethics (Molecular oncology) .................................................... 58 Chair of the History of Medicine .................................... 26 Professorship for Medical Ethics ..................................... 28 clinical chairs additionally to Institute of Pathology the university hosPital Chair of General Pathology and Pathological Anatomy .................................................... 30 Institute of Biomedicine of Aging Division of Nephropathology ......................................... 32 Chair of Internal Medicine - Geriatrics ............................ 60 Institute of Neuropathology Department of Orthopaedics in the Waldkrankenhaus Chair of Neuropathology ............................................... 34 Chair of orthopaedics and orthopaedic surgery ........... 62 Division of orthopaedic Rheumatology .......................... 64 Institute of Microbiology – Clinical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene Chair of Microbiology and Immunology of Infection ...... 36 2 Research Report of the Medical Faculty of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Reporting Period 2007 – 2008) university hosPital Department of Anaesthesiology Chair of Anaesthesiology ............................................... 98 Department of Medicine 1 – Gastroenterology, Lung Diseases and Endocrinology Chair of Internal Medicine I ........................................... 66 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Chair of obstetrics and Gynaecology ........................... 100 Department of Medicine 2 – Cardiology and Angiology Department of Radiation Chair of Internal Medicine II .......................................... 68 Chair of Radiation therapy .......................................... 102 Department of Medicine 3 – Department of Pediatrics Rheumatology and Immunology Chair of Pediatrics ........................................................ 104 Chair of Internal Medicine III .......................................... 70 Division of Pediatric Cardiology ................................... 106 Division of Molecular Immunology ................................ 72 Department of Dermatology Department of Medicine 4 – Chair of skin and Venereal Diseases ............................. 108 Nephrology and Hypertensiology Chair of Internal Medicine IV ......................................... 74 Department of Ear, Nose and Throat – Head and Neck Surgery Department of Medicine 5 – Chair of otorhinolaryngology ...................................... 110 Haematology and Oncology Division of Phoniatrics and Pediatric Audiology ............ 112 Chair of Haematology and oncology ............................. 76 Department of Ophthalmology Department of Nuclear Medicine Chair of ophthalmology .............................................. 114 Chair of Clinical Nuclear Medicine ................................. 78 Department of Neurology Institute of Radiology Chair of Neurology ...................................................... 116 Chair of Diagnostic Radiology ........................................ 80 Division of Molecular Neurology .................................. 118 Division of Neuroradiology ............................................ 82 Department of Neurosurgery Department of Surgery Chair of Neurosurgery ................................................. 120 Chair of surgery ............................................................ 84 Division of Pediatric surgery .......................................... 86 Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Division of trauma surgery ............................................ 88 Chair of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy ......................... 122 Division of transfusion Medicine and Division of Child and Adolescent Mental Health ........... 124 Haemostaseology .......................................................... 90 Division of Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy ............ 126 Department of Plastic and Hand Surgery ................... 92 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Chair of Dental, oral and Maxillofacial Medicine – Department of Cardiac Surgery especially oral and Maxillofacial surgery ...................... 128 Chair of Cardiac surgery ................................................ 94 Dental Department 1 – Department of Urology Operative Dentistry and Periodontology Chair of Urology ............................................................ 96 Chair of Dental, oral and Maxillofacial Medicine – especially operative Dentistry, Periodontology and Pediatric Dentistry ....................................................... 130 Research Report of the Medical Faculty of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Reporting Period 2007 – 2008) 3 CoNtENts Dental Department 2 – Prosthetic Dentistry Research Unit (FoR) 832: Chair of Dental, oral and Maxillofacial Medicine – Regulators of humoral immunity .................................. 146 especially Prosthetic Dentistry ...................................... 132 Research Unit (FoR) 894: Fundamentals on Fluid and Dental Department 3 – Orthodontics and Physical Dynamics in Human Voice Production ............ 147 Orofacial Orthopedics Chair of Dental, oral and Maxillofacial Medicine – especially orofacial orthopedics .................................. 134 National Reference Centre for Retroviruses ................... 148 National Genome Research Network – Infection and Infammation – Work package “Viral Infections”, dFG collaborative research centres and Erlangen ...................................................................... 149 research GrouPs Collaborative Research Centre (sFB) 423: Kidney injury: pathogenesis and regenerative mechanisms ................ 136 National Genome Research Network – Mental Retardation Network (MRNEt), Erlangen ..................... 150 Collaborative Research Centre (sFB) 466: Lymphoproliferation and Viral Immunodefciency ........ 137 Project group of the Academy of science and Literature, Mainz ................................................... 151 Collaborative Research Centre (sFB) 473: switch Processes of transcription ................................. 138 dFG research traininG GrouPs Collaborative Research Centre (sFB) 539: Research training Group 516: Cultural transfer in Glaucomas including Pseudoexfoliation syndrome ...... 139 the European Middle Ages ........................................... 152 Collaborative Research Centre (sFB) 603: Research training Group 592: Lymphocytes – Model-Based Analysis and Visualization of Complex scenes Differentiation, Activation and Deviation ...................... 153 and sensor Data .......................................................... 140 Research training Group 1071: Collaborative Research Centre (sFB) 643: Viruses of the Immune system ..................................... 154 strategies of Cellular Immune Intervention .................. 141 BioMedtec International Graduate school of science Clinical Research Unit (KFo) 106: (BIGss): Lead structures of Cell Function ..................... 155 target organ Damage in Hypertension ........................ 142 Erlangen Graduate school in Advanced optical Clinical Reserach Unit 130: technologies (sAot) ................................................... 156 Determinants and Modulators of postoperative pain .... 143 Clinical Research Unit Bavarian Immunotherapy Network (BayImmuNet): Adoptive Immunotherapy ..... 144 Research Unit (FoR) 661: Multimodal Imaging in Pre-clinical Research ................ 145 4 Research Report of the Medical Faculty of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Reporting Period 2007 – 2008) InterdIscIplInary centres appendIx Interdisciplinary Centre for Clinical Research Honorary Doctorate ..................................................... 171 (IZKF) .......................................................................... 157 A Selection of Awards 2007 – 2008 .............................. 172 Interdisciplinary Centre for Public Health (IZPH) .......................................................................... 158 Doctorate Theses, Board Qualifcations, Additional Qualifcations, Habilitations ......................... 174 Interdisciplinary Centre for Gerontology (ICG) ........................................................................... 159 In Memoriam ............................................................... 191 Interdisciplinary Centre for Functional Genomics Imprint ........................................................................ 192 (FUGE) ......................................................................... 160 programmes and FoundatIons For research support ELAN programme for supporting clinical research and teaching ...................................... 161 Johannes and Frieda Marohn-Foundation .................... 162 Further foundations for research support ..................... 163 academIc socIety Society for Physics and Medicine Erlangen ................... 164 degree programmes Degree Program in Medicine ....................................... 165 Degree Program in Dentistry ....................................... 167 Degree Program in Molecular Medicine ....................... 168 Medical Process Management ..................................... 170 Research Report of the Medical Faculty of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Reporting Period 2007 – 2008) 5 PREFACE Medical Research in Erlangen this report for the years 2007-2008 marks the ffth time we have pre- sented an overview of the research areas concentrated on and projects carried out by the various institutes and clinics at the University of Er- langen-Nürnberg Medical school. the aim is to provide an account of the work done in basic research as well as in clinical research projects during the report period. It is meant to be read by a wider audience comprised of interested parties both inside and outside the university sphere. It is intended to serve as a source of information both for inter- nal and interdisciplinary use and to encourage suggestions for future cooperative projects. Dean of the Medical School the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Medical school has established Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h. c. Jürgen Schüttler four focal areas of research, all of which were given a high rating by the science Council in 2006: 1. Immunology and Infection Research, 2. Renal and Vascular Research, In the course of the report period 2007-2008 a wide range of activities 3. Neurosciences (incl. Glaucoma), Pain were carried out aimed at continuing to move forward with the process 4. tumor Research. of enhancing our reputation as an institution and making our achieve- ments as a leading provider of medical research and training more vi- these research focuses are networked with each other through three sible to an international audience. the research orientation of our Me- interdisciplinary felds: Molecular Medicine, Medical technology, and dical school is refected by the existence of the Interdisciplinary Center Clinical studies. translational research, i.e. an active effort to transpo- for Clinical Research (IZKF, p. 157), the Franz Penzoldt Center (p. 40), as se fndings from basic research into clinical studies involving patients, well as the newly established Center for Clinical studies (CCs). the lat- is the overarching purpose of all research activity at the University of ter will be responsible, among other things, for coordinating the legal Erlangen-Nürnberg Medical school. thus, the objective of medical re- aspects of bench-to-bedside research projects. search is seen not solely as being that of discovering new facts and ex- panding medical knowledge for its own sake. It is also seen as being In 2007, inventory was taken of the amount of foor space in Medical that of striving for effectiveness in the pursuit of better therapeutic out- school facilities dedicated to research. this was documented in a Higher comes for our patients. Education Information system (HIs) report on construction planning for teaching and research. the report showed a considerable lack of foor these focal research areas are characterized by interdisciplinary net- space dedicated to research in the clinical sector. this was a refection works supported by third-party funding provided in the framework of of the large number of excellent research initiatives that have origina- collaborative research centers, graduate research centers, DFG research ted in this sector in recent years. on the basis of this report the Medi- training groups, as well as network projects funded by the Federal Mi- cal school is currently formulating a program aimed at creating space nistry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the EU. A more detailed available for research which is to be allocated for limited periods of time account is given on page 136 ff. of this report. In recent years there has on the basis of applications made to the Research Commission. Consi- been a steady rise in levels of third-party funding. In 2008 the Medical deration is also being given to the development of a system for renting school applied for and obtained more than 32 million euros in third- additional rooms to be used for research purposes. party funding. A further improvement of research conditions resulted from the DFG’s our Medical school plays an important part in the University of introduction of a lump sum to cover indirect costs incurred by projects, Erlangen’s scientifc research focuses: “Molecular Life sciences and Me- part of which is passed on by the University or the Medical Center to in- dicine“ as well as “Medical technology“. there is close cooperation bet- dividual clinics or institutes to use at their own discretion for research- ween the Medical school and the relevant science and engineering de- related purposes. this money has been used, for example, to create a partments in the various research networks. Collaborative Research Cen- position for a research coordinator who advises researchers and assists ter 796, Control Mechanisms of Microbial Effectors in Host Cells, was them in submitting national and international applications for project given a positive assessment by the DFG senate and approved for fun- funding. the same person initiates and coordinates network projects. ding in late 2008. How do viruses and bacteria cause diseases? Collabo- However, the distribution of funds from the newly introduced lump sum rative Research Center 796 aims to acquire new knowledge on this pi- as well as other research funding and the execution of joint research fun- votal medical problem. Also involved, in addition to the Medical school, ding programs have been made diffcult by a separation in the Medical are the various science and engineering departments at the University school administration of Medical Center budgets from those of non-cli- of Erlangen-Nürnberg, as well as the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated nical institutes. A university working group on medical facility structures Circuits (IIs) in Erlangen. is endeavoring to fnd a solution to this problem. 6 Research Report of the Medical Faculty of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Reporting Period 2007 – 2008) Translational Research Moleculare Medicin Medical Technology Clinical Studies 1. Immunology and Infection Research 2. Renal and Vascular Research 3. Neurosciences (incl. Glaucoma), Pain 4. Tumor Research Research focuses at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Medical School. In 2007 a new organization plan was introduced for the Medical school In June 2007 an agreement was concluded between the administration with a view to promoting its strategic development and to professiona- of the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and the Medical school on the lizing the offce of the Dean. the plan provides for the introduction of following objectives for the advancement of women in research by the additional assistant deans, including an Assistant Dean for Research as year 2012: to increase the percentage of women who have the formal well as two Assistant Deans of students. qualifcations for professorial positions from 17 % to 25 % and to incre- ase the percentage of women who hold professorial positions from 7 % In 2008, after a report by an international commission of experts on the to 10 %. the ARIADNE mentoring program, already in place in other status of research in Bavaria („Wissenschaftsland Bayern 2020“) attes- divisions of the university, was initiated here in october 2008. the pro- ted to the fact that our Medical school had assumed a leading role in gram brings young academic talent (women who have completed their the establishment of clinical research in Germany over the past twenty doctorates and are working on a professorial qualifcation) together years, we succeeded in getting the translational Research Center (tRC) with mentors who have accumulated experience in academic careers. in the framework of a program for the construction of research facili- ties of national and international importance in accordance with Article start-up fnancing and other forms of funding are provided for young 91b of the German constitution. the construction of this facility as part academic talent with a view to helping pave the way to independent re- of the University Medical Center will provide an innovative interdiscip- search for these persons (ELAN Fund, p. 161, Johannes and Frieda Ma- linary infrastructure for clinical research of a kind never before seen at rohn Foundation, p. 162, IZKF Funding for Young Academic talent, p. a university location in Germany. the tRC will bring together in exem- 157, as well as other foundations, p. 163). plary manner all those areas from which there is a need to translate re- search results into diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. By this means A new permanent platform for research funding, the Medical Research our Medical school will be able to counteract a much lamented lack of Foundation, was established in Erlangen in December 2007. the foun- development in clinical research and to create new research focuses on ders were the professors and department heads at the Medical school. the basis of a planned strategy. the Medical Research Foundation also conducts fund-raising activities and in some cases connects the awarding of larger amounts of funding With a view to further strengthening our research focuses and to sup- to the temporary dedication of lecture rooms to specifc uses. porting the establishment of a Leibniz Institute for Immunology, prepa- rations were made in 2008 for the founding of the Medical Immunolo- gy Campus Erlangen (MICE), an interdisciplinary center at the Universi- new developments in teaching ty of Erlangen-Nürnberg, with the objective of establishing the nucleus of an institute in the course of the next fve years. In 2006 the science Council underscored the transregional activities car- ried out by our Medical school with a view to promoting further deve- Another unique facility, the Medical technology testing and Applica- lopment of teaching. In light of this fact our report contains pertinent tions Center (MEtEAN), was opened in october 2007. It received a pre- items of information on teaching for each institution. sidential award in 2008 in the framework of the competition „Deutsch- land – Land der Ideen“ (Germany – Land of Ideas). the University of Er- the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Medical school currently has de- langen-Nürnberg, the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, and gree programs in Medicine (p. 165), Dentistry (s. 167), Molecular Me- the University Medical Center have agreed to work together to transfer dicine (p. 168), and a new master’s degree program in Medical Pro- innovative medical technology as rapidly and effectively as possible to cess Management (p. 170) offered since winter semester 2008/2009. patient care applications. Research Report of the Medical Faculty of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Reporting Period 2007 – 2008) 7 PREFACE since 2007 the students at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Medi- on behalf of the Medical school administration I would like to thank all cal school have regularly ranked among the best three out of 36 medi- those members of our staff who helped produce this report. Particular cal schools in the frst phase of degree examinations and have also been thanks go to the Research Director, Dr. Annette Pfeiffer, and the Admi- in the top group in terms of grades received on state examinations re- nistrative Director, Dr. Esther schnetz, for their active involvement in lating to clinical training. our Medical school has consistently underta- formulating the text. the report can be downloaded from the website ken efforts to seize on and apply new ideas in teaching with a view to of the offce of the Dean of the Medical school (http://www.dekanat. maintaining these rankings. A changeover to the bachelor’s and master’s med.uni-erlangen.de). degree system is not planned for Medicine and Dentistry in Erlangen, given that this is not expected to produce any time advantages in the We hope our readers enjoy the information we have provided on the training of students and, as such, would not make it possible for them wide range of research carried out at our Medical school. the scientists to get started any earlier in the medical profession. In a memorandum involved will be happy to respond to questions sent in by mail or asked our Medical school stated its opposition to the general implementation in person about their projects. of the “Bologna Process” in medical studies. However, bachelor’s and master’s degree structures have been frmly established in specialized felds such as Molecular Medicine and Medical Process Management. Erlangen, November 2009 In summer semester 2007 a skills lab, PERLE (Practice, Experience and Learning), was created with money taken from tuition fees. Here stu- dents are able to improve their skills and prepare for practical exami- nations with the support of medical specialists and trained student tu- tors. Funds from this source are also used to fnance research projects in teaching. Networked courses continue to be created in interdisciplinary Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h. c. Jürgen schüttler subjects, all courses are systematically evaluated, and the professionali- Dean of the Medical school zation of student management in the practical year (11th and 12th se- mesters) continues to be pursued. In 2008 the Bavarian state Ministry for science, Research, and the Arts approved the establishment of a Competence Center for the teaching of Medicine. In this framework the fve medical schools in Bavaria have each chosen a focal area in which they want to develop special compe- tence in the coming years and then pass on the knowledge gained to the other medical schools. the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg Medi- cal school has chosen course evaluation as its area of specialization and is working towards the creation of a general system of quality assurance in teaching that can be used by the other medical schools. 8 Research Report of the Medical Faculty of the University Erlangen-Nürnberg (Reporting Period 2007 – 2008) PRECLINICAL INstItUtEs Anatomical Institute Chair of Anatomy I address research towards neuropathological diagnostics of so- Krankenhausstrasse 9 called functional gastrointestinal disorders. 91054 Erlangen Innervation of the gastrointestinal tract Phone: +49 9131 8522265 Project manager: W. Neuhuber, J. Woerl, M. Autonomic innervation of the eye Fax: +49 9131 8522863 Raab, A. Brehmer Project manager: F. schroedl www.anatomie1.med.uni-erlangen.de Demonstration of enteric co-innervation of stri- Knowledge of choroidal innervation is of key ated muscle in the human esophagus suggests importance for understanding ocular homeo- head of institute a possible role of its disturbance in pathogene- stasis. thus, investigation of intrinsic choroidal Prof. Dr. med. Winfried Neuhuber sis of swallowing disorders. In an in vitro vagus neurons (ICN) and their connections will pro- vide new insights into various aspects of ocu- contact lar pathogenesis. these intrinsic neurons were Prof. Dr. med. Winfried Neuhuber characterized in both human and birds using Phone: +49 9131 8522265 immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy, Fax: +49 9131 8522863 neuronal tracing and electrophysiology. Based

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