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© 2012 European Nuclear Society Rue Belliard 65 1040 Brussels, Belgium Phone + 32 2 505 30 54 Fax +32 2 502 39 02 E-mail [email protected] Internet www.euronuclear.org ISBN 978-92-95064-13-3 These transactions contain all contributions submitted by 16 March 2012. The content of contributions published in this book reflects solely the opinions of the authors concerned. The European Nuclear Society is not responsible for details published and the accuracy of data presented. Programme Committee Edgar Koonen, SCK-CEN, Belgium (Chairman) Gilles Bignan, CEA/RJH, France (IGORR Chair) Pablo Adelfang, IAEA, Austria Helmut Böck, TU-Vienna, Austria Vladimir Broz, NRI Rez, Czech Republic Philippe Auzière, AREVA NC, France André Chabre, CEA, France Heiko Gerstenberg, TU-München, Germany Andrea Borio di Tigliole, LENA / Universita degli Studi de Pavia, Italy Dominique Geslin, CERCA (AREVA Group), France Istvan Vidovszky, AEKI, Hungary José Marques, Insituto Tecnologico e Nuclear, Portugal Gunter Damm, Jülich Research Center, Germany Jocob de Vries, Delft Reactor Institute, The Netherlands Stephen Curr, Rolls-Royce plc, United Kingdom Peter Schreiner, GKSS Research Centre, Germany Sandro Tozser, IAEA, Austria Pascal Claude, AREVA, France (IGORR) Douglas L. Selby, ORNL, United States (IGORR) Jose Lolich, Balseiro Institute, Argentina (IGORR) Danas Ridikas, IAEA, Austria (IGORR) Monday 19 March 2012 2012 PROGRESS REPORT ON HEU MINIMIZATION ACTIVITIES IN ARGENTINA Pablo Cristini, Liliana de Lio, Daniel Gil, Alfredo G. Gonzalez, Marisol López, Oscar Novara, Horacio Taboada COMISIÓN NACIONAL DE ENERGÍA ATÓMICA Av. Del Libertador 8250 (1429) Buenos Aires, Argentina An extension of the original CNEA-NNSA DoE contract for the RA-6 reactor core conversion was signed in March 2010 to enhance the final national HEU inventories minimization. Previously, CNEA reserved a small inventory of HEU for further R&D uses in fission chambers, neutronic probes and standards. This minimization comprises all fresh and irradiated HEU remnant inventories coming from fuels and Mo99 targets fabrication and irradiated HEU-oxides retained in production filters and solutions. Those inventories are being recovered, down-blended into LEU and purified or, in few cases and due to cost- benefit considerations, declared wastes. CNEA has a R&D program focused on the development of the fabrication technology of U- Mo monolithic (Zry-4 cladding) miniplates to support the qualification activities of the RERTR program. Some monolithic 58% enrichment and LEU 8%Mo and U10%Mo miniplates and plates were and are being delivered to INL-DoE to be irradiated in the ATR reactor core. Full scale plates will take part of the ALT FUTURE irradiation at the BR II Belgium reactor. CNEA, a worldwide leader on LEU technology for fission radioisotope production is providing Brazil with 1/3 of the national requirements on Mo99 by weekly deliveries. ANSTO is firmly producing several fission radioisotopes batches by week. During November and December 2011 the production in the new fission Mo-99 facilities of the Atomic Egyptian Agency (AEA) in Inshas Atomic Center, Egypt was demonstrated. To support these activities CNEA is refurbishing in Ezeiza Atomic Center a set of radiochemical cells where the spent LEU based material retained in the filters of the Mo99 production facility of CNEA along these last 10 years will be separed from wastes, recovered and purified to be reutilized in this or in other nuclear applications. CNEA is strongly committed to improve the diffusion of LEU target and radiochemical technology for radioisotope production and target and their process optimization. Future plans include: o Development of waste separation techniques optimization. o Fabrication and delivering to INL to be irradiated in the ATR core of complementary U- 8%Mo and U-10%Mo monolithic miniplates and development and fabrication of LEU very high density monolithic and dispersed U-Mo fuel plates with Zr cladding for the FUTURE- MONO experiment in the frame of the RERTR program. o Optimization of LEU target and radiochemical techniques for radioisotope production and waste separation, recovery and purification of irradiated LEU inventories contained in fission Mo99 production filters.. 1. Introduction: In March 2010, a supplementary agreement between CNEA and NNSA-DoE to the original one - involving the RA-6 reactor core conversion and the exportation to the US of 42 SNF in terms of the SNF FRR Program- was signed by both parties. This was done in the frame of the efforts for HEU minimization for civilian uses. From remaining HEU inventories, used in the past for fuel and target fabrication, a small amount of it for R&D purposes was reserved by CNEA (for further uses in fission chambers, neutronic probes and standards fabrication). This minimization means the recovery, blending down and purification of fresh and irradiated HEU inventories contained in scraps from fuel and target fabrication and in fission Mo99 production filters, or the disposition as waste of those few inventories whenever its recovery is not advisable due to a cost-benefit consideration. These tasks are taking place and the corrected deadline is December 2013. 2. New tasks on HEU minimization Previously it was informed about the inventories classification into 6 groups (see Table 1) Group U Mass 235 U Mass Description Form Enrichment Number (kg) (kg) Irradiated Mo-99 Solid and Targets And 1 1.928 89.73% 1.73 Liquid Solutions Gas / Solid UF6 Cylinder 2 0.65 90.14% 0.59 (UO2F2) Miscellaneous Solids (alloys, 3 Solid 0.397 87.15% 0.346 metal) Miscellaneous 4 Liquid 0.228 89.91% 0.205 Solutions Materials declared 5 Solid 0.505 89.97% 0.453 waste to dispose Ingot for MEU- Mo/Zr Miniplates 6 Solid 0.344 88.66% 0.305 Fabrication TOTAL 4.05 3.63 Tab. 1 HEU inventories Regarding the progress of the tasks involved the present status can be seen in Table 2. Most of them are already finished. Group 1 comprises the refurbishment of a radiochemical laboratory (LFR lab), licensing of two transport casks, for irradiated solutions and solids contained in cartridge filters, among of the proper recovery, downblending and purification of the HEU inventory in the hot cells of the LFR lab. This task is ongoing and the actualized deadline is December 2013. Group 2 comprised the opening of a valve stucked 5A type cylinder containing a partial hydrolized UF6 inventory, and the recovery, downblending and purification of the HEU inventory into LEU. This task was finished on October 2010I Group 3 implied the downblending of an HEU-Al inventory through cast melting. This task was finished during September 2010. Group 4 is made of several HEU solutions in acqueous and organic media. It was characterized and partially downblended and partially wasted. It finished on May 2011. Group 5: this inventory will be managed as waste and located in a new storage site, expecting to finish this task by November 2012. Group 6 included the blending down of a HEU ingot to 58% enrichment (at U235) to make ME U-10%Mo and U-8%Mo based miniplates with Zr cladding. The agreement includes the exportation to INL of miniplates for irradiation testing under the RERTR program. This task is being accomplished with a first delivery made in April, 2010 and a final second one scheduled for March 2012II. Finally, the remaining 58% enrichment inventory will be downblended to LEU- 10%Mo or LEU-8%Mo for full scale plate fabrication in the frame of the RERTR programme. RECOVERED DECLARED HEU MASS AND WASTE OR TO GROUP DESCRIPTION (Kg) DOWNBLENDED BE WASTED (Kg) (Kg) 1 IRRADIATED MATERIAL 1,928 - - 5A CYLINDER 2 0,649 0,628 0,021 CONTAINING HEU-F6 3 SOLIDS 0,378 0,374 0,004 4 LIQUIDS 0,228 0,140 0,086 MATERIAL TO 5 0,505 0 0,505** DECLARE WASTE HEU FOR MEU-Mo 6 MINIPLATES & LEU-Mo 0,344 0,310* 0,034 PLATE FABRICATION TOTAL 4,032 1.452 0.650 Tab. 2 Recovery and downblending into LEU 3. R&D on VHD fuels The development of CNEA miniplates using monolithic UMo alloy cores involves the use of the well known Zr alloy named Zircalloy-4 (Zry-4). Zry-4 is commonly used as nuclear fuels cladding for nuclear power plants. In this case Zry-4 is employed as cladding in top, cover and frame. The fuel material in the core is an alloy between Uranium (U) and Molybdenum (Mo) with different contents of Mo (between 7-10% wt/wt). These Mo percentages are enough to retain the gamma phase at low temperature but also not to penalize the reactor neutronics due to the capture cross section of Mo95 isotope. The fabrication process includes hot and cold co-rolling. Regarding hot co-rolling temperature between 575º - 660ºC the presence of some amount of alpha plus delta phases were revealed by analyses. Also although hot rolling at 800-850ºC takes place in gamma phase (with metastable bcc crystal structure), an important dog bone zoneIII and Ux-Zyry-Moz phasesIV were found. To avoid both drawbacks an intermediate temperature at 700ºC was employed. Different rolling temperatures produced different effects:  hot co-rolling at 650ºC shows a thin interlayer, but no difference in the composition of the initial materials of cover, frame and fuel coupon.  A small interlayer appear at the hot co-rolling at 700ºC which is a little different from the 650ºC, and a dog bone appeared at both coupon ends, but less relevant than the one observed at 800ºC. Rx, TEM, EDAX and microprobe analyses showed an interlayer between the Zry-4 covers and the UMo coupon, formed with UxZry and UxZryMoz phases, that are in concordance with other studiesV. Observed effects enabled improving the fabrication conditions. Regarding the pack assembly it is essential to prevent gaps and oxygen presence as well as impurities by achieving an intimate fit between Zry-4 and UMo fuel components and clean surface contact. In other case that could be areas for potential debonds or undermine optimum bonding during pack reduction. In all cases TIG welding was employed in the same conditions, and different kind of interlayers were observed. It can be concluded that this procedure do not contribute to the decomposition of the UxMo. Conclusions: for plate hot co-rolled at 800ºC a marked dog bone regions were observed at each end of plate with are characteristic of the ductility difference between the U-xMo alloy and Zry-4 at this temperature, but not roll speed effects were observed. This presence could be diminished by using a longer lead or ends, but not disappeared. No dog bone zone was observed in miniplates co-rolled at 650ºC. LEU target and radiochemical technology for Mo99 and other fission radioisotopes production: It is by far the largest contribution of CNEA to HEU minimization for civilian uses. It was already informed about the circumstances of the final cutoff to HEU supply for Mo99 production and how CNEA found an adequate LEU replacement without changing its radiochemical technology. CNEA has developed and is using high-density LEU-aluminum dispersion targets. The target meat has a density of 2.9 gU/cm3 obtained by increasing the ratio of uranium aluminide to aluminum in the target meat. The mass of U-235 in the target meat is about twice that of conventional uranium-aluminum alloy targets. CNEA was able to convert to LEU-based production in the same set of hot cells that were being used for HEU-based production, without interrupting Mo-99 production. Targets are irradiated in the RA-3 reactor at CNEA’s Ezeiza Atomic Center near Buenos Aires. Target processing is carried out in a hot cell facility at the Ezeiza site. Process wastes are also managed at the site. CNEA’s development showed that there are no technical barriers to conversion of fission Mo-99 production from HEU targets to LEU targets. Production using LEU targets is technically feasible and is being carried out by CNEA in Argentina and by the Australian National Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation. ANSTO is using CNEA’s radiochemical technology and LEU targets to produce Mo-99. This new LEU technology satisfies the most stringent requirements of quality for its use in nuclear medicine applications. Mo-99 purity has been consistently higher than that produced using HEU targets[VI]. Also in September 2005, CNEA began the regular production of high quality fission I-131, a by-product of Mo-99 production, meeting also international quality standards. HEU-LEU production process comparison costs reveal that this new technology has no significant overall cost of 10% [VII]. Due to the fact that CNEA was able to duplicate the LEU- based radioisotope weekly production rate, since 2010 provides Mo99 to Brazil covering 1/3 of the Brazilian market. During November and December 2011 the production in the new fission Mo-99 facilities of the Atomic Egyptian Agency (AEA) in Inshas Atomic Center, Egypt was demonstrated. This achievement was the result of the collaboration between several technical groups of CNEA, INVAP and AEA involved in this task, like experts in Mo99 production, product quality control, design and facility building and radiochemical cells and laboratory equipment. To support these activities CNEA is refurbishing a set of radiochemical cells where the spent LEU based material retained in the filters of the Mo99 production facility along these last 10 years will be separed from waste, recovered and purified to be reutilized in this or in other nuclear applications. . 4. Conclusions: FINAL HEU MINIMIZATION: CNEA is minimizing the remnants HEU inventories, both fresh and irradiated from fuel and target fabrication scraps and fission RI production solutions and filters. All these tasks are scheduled to finish during December 2012. R&D ON LEU VHD FUELS: CNEA is actively supporting both R&D activities to achieve solutions for core conversions. LEU TECHNOLOGY FOR FISSION RI PRODUCTION: No technical, quality or financial reasons make disadvantageous changing from HEU to LEU for fission Mo99 and other RI production. CNEA leads LEU based isotope production technology, and with INVAP built all LEU-based production systems in Australia and Egypt. This is by far the largest contribution of CNEA to the HEU minimization for civilian uses. I L. N. Aldave, H. Blanco Bello, A. A. Bonini, L. I. De Lio, L. A. Dell’Occhio, M. Falcón, T. Feijoo, A. Gauna, D. A. Gil, A. Rodriguez y J. Valdez. 2010 RERTR International Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 10-14 October 2010. II M.López, A. González, R. González, F. Rice, H. Taboada, D. Wachs. 2010 RERTR International Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 10-14 October 2010. III J. L. Snelgrove, G. L. Hofman, C. L. Trybus, and T. C. Wiencek. Development Of Very-High-Density Fuels By The Rertr Program. 19th International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR). Seoul, Republic of Korea. October 7- 10, 1996. IV M. K. Meyer, C. L. Trybus, G. L. Hofman, S. M. Frank, T. C. Wiencek. Selection and Microstructures of High Density Uranium Alloys. 20th International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR) Jackson Hole, WY (US), 10 Oct 1997. V J. L. Snelgrove, G. L. Hofman, C. L. Trybus, and T. C. Wiencek. Development Of Very-High-Density Fuels By The Rertr Program. 19th International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors (RERTR). Seoul, Republic of Korea. October 7- 10, 1996 VI Durán,A. 2005. Radionuclide Purity of Fission Mo-99 Produced from LEU And HEU. A Comparative Study. 2005 International RERTR Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, November 6-10, 2005. Available at http://www.rertr.anl.gov/RERTR27/PDF/S8-3_Duran.pdf. VII Cestau D., A. Novello, P. Cristini, M. Bronca, R. Centurión, R. Bavaro, J. Cestau, E. Carranza. HEU and LEU cost comparison in the production of molybdenum-99. 2008 International RERTR Meeting, Washington, DC, USA, 5-9 October 2008, and Cestau D., A. Novello, P. Cristini, M. Bronca, R. Centurión, R. Bavaro, J. Cestau, E.Carranza. 2007. HEU and LEU comparison in the production of molybdenum-99. 2007 International RERTR Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic, Sep. 23-27, 2007. Available at http://www.rertr.anl.gov/RERTR29/PDF/6-4_Cestau.pdf U.S. PROGRESS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF VERY HIGH DENSITY LOW ENRICHMENT RESEARCH REACTOR FUELS M.K. MEYER, D. M. WACHS, J.-F. JUE, D.D. KEISER, J. GAN, F. RICE, A. ROBINSON, N.E. WOOLSTENHULME, P. MEDVEDEV Idaho National Laboratory PO. Box 1625 Idaho Falls, ID 83415 G.L. HOFMAN, Y.-S. KIM Argonne National Laboratory 9700 S. Cass Avenue Argonne, IL 60439 ABSTRACT The effort to develop low-enriched fuels for high power research reactors began world-wide in 1996. Since that time, hundreds of fuel specimens have been tested to investigate the operational limits of many variations of U-Mo alloy dispersion and monolithic fuels. In the U.S., the fuel development program has focused on the development of monolithic fuel, and is currently transitioning from conducting research experiments to the demonstration of large scale, prototypic element assemblies. These larger scale, integral fuel performance demonstrations include the AFIP-7 test of full-sized, curved plates configured as an element, the RERTR-FE irradiation of hybrid fuel elements in the Advanced Test Reactor, reactor specific Design Demonstration Experiments, and a multi-element Base Fuel Demonstration. These tests are conducted alongside miniplate tests designed to prove fuel stability over a wide range of operating conditions. Along with irradiation testing, work on collecting data on fuel plate mechanical integrity, thermal conductivity, fission product release, and microstructural stability is underway. 1. INTRODUCTION Analysis of the possibilities for very high enrichment fuel for converting the highest power research reactors began in 1996. Investigation of possible fuel phases converged quickly on uranium alloys stabilized in the gamma phase by molybdenum or a combination of niobium and zirconium, or molybdenum with a ternary element addition as the primary candidates. The RERTR-1 and RERTR-2 experiments were configured as a screening test of these fuels, and began irradiation in the Advanced Test Reactor in 1997. [i] Results of these experiments indicated superior performance of U-Mo fuel with more than 6 wt.% molybdenum over U-Nb-Zr. Global interest in eliminating the use of high-enriched uranium and the promising results from these experiments stimulated research around the world, and aggressive programs began to develop and deploy this technology. Although U-Mo itself has proven to be a robust fuel that is stable under irradiation to high burnup, challenges arose in implementing this fuel in aluminum-based research reactor fuel system operating at high power density. Unsatisfactory fuel plate swelling behavior in this system is caused by irradiation stability of the fuel/matrix interaction layer. [ii,iii,iv] Progress has been made using additives to the fuel matrix and coating of fuel particles to address this issue. In the U.S., this problem and the requirement for very high uranium density led to the development of monolithic fuel technology as an alternative to dispersion fuel. Monolithic fuel is the primary candidate for U.S. LEU fuel development. As the U.S. program moves from the research phase toward qualification of these fuels, there have been many

European Nuclear Society, 2012. — 773p. (English)Материалы "Европейской конференции по исследовательским реакторам" RRFM/IGORR 2012, Прага, 18-22 марта 2012.All Key Areas of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle of Research ReactorsThis include
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