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to Research on Social Work Practice Volume 14 Number | (January 2004) pp. 1-66 Number 2 (March 2004) pp. 67-131 Number 3 (May 2004) pp. 132-228 Number 4 (July 2004) pp. 229-308 Number 5 (September 2004) pp. 309-392 Number 6 (November 2004) pp. 393-462 Authors: DAY, STEVEN H.., see Fraser, M. W. DICK, GARY L., “The Fatherhood Scale,” 80. ABELL, NEIL, see Nalavany, B. A. EDMOND, TONYA, LACEY SLOAN, and DAWN McCARTY, “Sexual ANASTAS, JEANE W., “Quality in Qualitative Evaluation: Issues and Possible Answers,” 56. Abuse Survivors’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of EMDR and Eclectic Therapy,” 259. ARTHUR, THOMAS E., see Cornelius, L. J. EGAN, MARCIA, see Sullivan, M. AYON, CECILIA, see Lee, C. D. EMRICK, KELLY, see O'Hare, T. BARRETT, DAVID, see Larrison, C. R. EPSTEIN, MICHAEL H., PAUL MOONEY, GAIL RYSER, and COERY D. BAUS, STEPHANIE, “Evidence-Based Practice for the Helping Professions: A PIERCE, “Validity and Reliability of the Behavioral and Emotional Rating Practical Guide With Integrated Multimedia, by L. E. Gibbs” [Book Re- Scale (2nd edition): Youth Rating Scale,” 358. view }, 224. EPSTEIN, WILLIAM M.., “Confirmational Response Bias and the Quality of BLEDSOE, SARAH E., see Grote, N. K. the Editorial Processes Among American Social Work Journals,” 450. BOOKER, NAOMI C., see Cornelius, L. J. FIGLEY, CHARLES R.., see Bride, B. E. BORDNICK, PATRICK S., RAYMOND J. WALLER, and MICHAEL KING, FISCHER, ROBERT L.., “Assessing Client Change in Individual and Family “Feasibility and Implementation of a Statewide Evaluation of Substance Counseling,” 102. Abuse Services,” 417. FRANK, ELLEN, see Grote, N. K. BOWEN, GARY L.., see Woolley, M. E. FRASER, MARK W., “Intervention Research in Social Work: Recent Ad- BOWEN, NATASHA K., see Woolley, M. E. vances and Continuing Challenges,” 210. BRADSHAW, WILLIAM, and DAVID ROSEBOROUGH, “Evaluating the Ef- FRASER, MARK W., see Craig, C. D. fectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Residual Symptoms and FRASER, MARK W., STEVEN H. DAY, MAEDA J. GALINSKY, Impairment in Schizophrenia.” 112 VANESSA G. HODGES, and PAUL R. SMOKOWSKI, “Conduct Prob- BRANTLEY, J. FRANK, see Larrison, C. R. lems and Peer Rejection in Childhood: A Randomized Trial of the Making BRIDE, BRIAN E., MARGARET M. ROBINSON, BONNIE YEGIDIS, and Choices and Strong Families Programs,” 313. CHARLES R. FIGLEY, “Development and Validation of the Secondary FRIES, MICHAEL, see Jason, L. A. Traumatic Stress Scale,” 27. GALINSKY, MAEDA J., see Fraser, M. W. BUTTELL, FREDERICK P., and MICHELLE M. CARNEY, “A Multidimen- GIRA, EMMANUELLA C., MICHELLE L. KESSLER, and JOHN sional Assessment of a Batterer Treatment Program: An Alert to a Prob- POERTNER, “Influencing Social Workers to Use Research Evidence in lem?” 93. Practice: Lessons From Medicine and the Allied Health Professions,” 68. BUTTELL, FREDERICK P., see Carney, M. M. GOLDMAN, GERRI DELONG, “Substance Abuse Treatmenfto r Criminal CARNEY, MICHELLE M., and FREDERICK P. BUTTELL, “A Multidimen- Offenders: An Evidence-Based Guide for Practitioners, by D. W. Springer, sional Evaluation of a Treatment Program for Female Batterers: A Pilot C. A. McNeece, and E. M. Arnold” [Book Review], 223. Study,” 249. GOOCH, MICHAEL, see Sullivan, M. CARNEY, MICHELLE M.., see Buttell, F. P. GORDON-GAROFALO, VALERIE L., and ALLEN RUBIN, “Evaluation of COOK, PATRICIA G.., see Craig, C. D. a Psychoeducational Group for Seronegative Partners and Spouses of Per- COPELAND, VALIRE CARR, GARY KOESKE, and CATHERINE G. sons With HIV/AIDS,” 14. GREENO, “Child and Mother Client Satisfaction Questionnaire Scores Re- GREGOIRE, THOMAS K.., see Massatti, R. R. garding Mental Health Services: Race, Age, and Gender Correlates,” 434. GROTE, NANCY K., SARAH E. BLEDSOE, HOLLY A. SWARTZ, and CORNELIUS, LLEWELLYN J., NAOMI C. BOOKER, THOMAS E. ELLEN FRANK, “Feasibility of Providing Culturally Relevant, Brief In- ARTHUR, IRIS REEVES, and OSCAR MORGAN, “The Validity and Reli- terpersonal Psychotherapy for Antenatal Depression in an Obstetrics ability Testing of aConsumer-Based Cultural Competency Inventory,” 201. Clinic: A Pilot Study,” 397. CRAIG, CARLTON D., PATRICIA G. COOK, and MARK W. FRASER, “Re- HICKS, DEANA, see Nugent, W. R. search Awards in the Society for Social Work and Research, 1996 to 2000," HODGES, VANESSA G.. see Fraser, M. W. 50. HOWARD, MATTHEW O., see Vaughn, M. G. CROOKE, DAVID, see Larrison, C. R. JASON, LEONARD A., and MICHAEL FRIES, “Helping Parents Reduce Children’s Television Viewing,” 121. Research on Social Work Practice, Vol. 14 No. 6, November 2004 459-461 KESSLER, MICHELLE L., see Gira, E. C. © 2004 Sage Publications KING, MICHAEL, see Bordnick, P. S. 460 RESEARCH ON SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE KUBIAK, SHERYL PIMLOTT, “The Effects of PTSD on Treatment Adher- ROSEBOROUGH, DAVID, see Bradshaw, W. ence, Drug Relapse, and Criminal Recidivism in a Sample of Incarcerated RUBIN, ALLEN, see Gordon-Garofalo, V. L. Men and Women.” 424. RYSER, GAIL, see Epstein, M. H. LABUTTI, ANNAMARIA, see O'Hare, T. SCHOPPELREY, SUSAN L.., see Larrison, C. R. LARRISON, CHRISTOPHER R., SUSAN L. SCHOPPELREY, MARIA SHERRER, MARGARET V.. see O'Hare, T. GOERECKI NOWAK, J. FRANK BRANTLEY, MEG LEONARD, SHIN, SUN-KYUNG, “Effects of Culturally Relevant Psychoeducation for DAVID CROOKE, DAVID BARRETT, and ANDY McCOLLUM, “Evalu- Korean American Familieso f Persons With Chronic Mental Illness,” 231. ating Treatment Outcomes for African American and White Clients Receiv- SLOAN, LACEY, see Edmond, T. ing Treatment at a Community Mental Health Agency in the Rural South,” SMITH, MELINDA, see Nugent, W. R. 137. SMOKOWSKI, PAUL R.. see Fraser, M. W. LAYER, SUSAN DYER, CLEORA ROBERTS, KELLI WILD, and JAN SOLOMON, PHYLLIS, see Marshall, T. WALTERS, “Post-Abortion Grief: Evaluating the Possible Efficacy of a SPIVEY, CHRISTINA A., and SCOTT E. WILKS. “Reference List Accuracy Spiritual Group Intervention,” 344. in Social Work Journals,” 281. LEE, CHERYL D., and CECILIA AYON, “Is the Client-Worker Relationship SULLIVAN, MICHAEL, MARCIA EGAN, and MICHAEL GOOCH, “Con- Associated With Better Outcomes in Mandated Child Abuse Cases?” 351. joint Interventions for Adult Victims and Children of Domestic Violence: A LEONARD, MEG, see Larrison, C. R. Program Evaluation,” 163. MACGOWAN, MARK J., “Psychosocial Treatment of Youth Suicide: A Sys- SWARTZ, HOLLY A.. see Grote, N. K. tematic Review of the Research,” 147. TAMBURLIN, JUDITH, see Rice, C. MARSHALL, TINA, and PHYLLIS SOLOMON, “Confidentiality Interven- UMBREIT, MARK S.., see Nugent, W. R. tion: Effects on Provider-Consumer-Family Collaboration,” 3. VAUGHN, MICHAEL G., and MATTHEW O. HOWARD, “Adolescent Sub- MASSATTI, RICHARD R., M. ELIZABETH VONK, and THOMAS K. stance Abuse Treatment: A Synthesis of Controlled Evaluations.” 325 GREGOIRE, “Reliability and Validity of the Transracial Adoption VONK, M. ELIZABETH, see Massatti, R. R. Parenting Scale,” 42. WALLER, RAYMOND J., see Bordnick, P. S. McCARTY, DAWN, see Edmond, T. WALTERS, JAN, see Layer, S. D. McCOLLUM, ANDY, see Larrison, C. R. WILD, KELLI, see Layer, S. D. MOONEY, PAUL, see Epstein, M. H. WILKS, SCOTT E.., see Spivey. C. A. MORGAN, OSCAR, see Cornelius, L. J. WILLIAMS, MONA, see Nugent, W. R. MULVEY, EDWARD P., see Newhill, C. E. WOOLLEY, MICHAEL E., GARY L. BOWEN, and NATASHA K. BOWEN, NALAVANY, BLACE A., and NEIL ABELL, “An Initial Validation of a Mea- “Cognitive Pretesting and the Developmental Validity of Child Self-Report sure of Personal and Social Perceptions of the Sexual Abuse of Males,” 368. Instruments: Theory and Applications.” 191 NEWHILL, CHRISTINA E., EDWARD P. MULVEY, and PAUL A. YEGIDIS, BONNIE, see Bride, B. E. PILKONIS, “Initial Development of a Measure of Emotional Dysregulation for Individuals With Cluster B Personality Disorders,” 443. Articles: NEWSOME, W. SEAN, “Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Groupwork With “Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment: A Synthesis of Controlled Evalua- At-Risk Junior High School Students: Enhancing the Bottom Line?’ 336. tions,” Vaughn and Howard, 325. NOWAK, MARIA GOERECKI, see Larrison, C. R. “Assessing Client Change in Individual and Family Counseling.” Fischer, 102. NUGENT, WILLIAM R., “A Validity Study of Scores From Self-Anchored “Child and Mother Client Satisfaction Questionnaire Scores Regarding Mental Type Scales for Measuring Depression and Self-Esteem,” 171. Health Services: Race, Age, and Gender Correlates.” Copeland et al., 434 NUGENT, WILLIAM R., “A Validity Study of Two Forms of the Self-Esteem “Cognitive Pretesting and the Developmental Validity of Child Self-Report In- Rating Scale,” 287. struments: Theory and Applications.” Woolley et al.. 191. NUGENT, WILLIAM R., DEANA HICKS, and MELINDA SMITH, “The “Conduct Problems and Peer Rejection in Childhood: A Randomized Trial of Criterion Validity of Omitted Client Information as an Indicator of Suicide the Making Choices and Strong Families Programs.” Fraser et al., 313 Risk: A Partial Replication,” 379. “Confidentiality Intervention: Effects on Provider-Consumer-Family Collabo- NUGENT, WILLIAM R., MONA WILLIAMS, and MARK S. UMBREIT, ration,” Marshall and Solomon, 3. “Participation in Victim-Offender Mediation and the Prevalence of Subse- “Confirmational Response Bias and the Quality of the Editorial Processes quent Delinquent Behavior: A Meta-Analysis,” 408. Among American Social Work Journals,” Epstein, 450 O'HARE, THOMAS, MARGARET V. SHERRER, ANNAMARIA “A Confirmatory Analysis of the Organ Donation Readiness Index: Measuring LABUTTI, and KELLY EMRICK, “Validating the Alcohol Use Disorders the Potential for Organ Donations Among African Americans.” Rice and Identification Test With Persons Who Have a Serious Mental Illness,” 35. Tamburlin, 295. PANOS, PATRICK T., “The Validation of the Factor Structure of the Brief Psy- “Conjoint Interventions for Adult Victims and Children of Domestic Violence chiatric Rating Scale-Expanded Version (BPRS-E) With Geriatric and A Program Evaluation,” Sullivan et al.. 163 Nongeriatric Psychiatric Inpatients,” 180. “The Criterion Validity of Omitted Client Information as an Indicator of Suicide PATTERSON, GEORGE T., “Evaluating the Effects of Child Abuse Training Risk: A Partial Replication,” Nugent et al., 379 on the Attitudes, Knowledge, and Skills of Police Recruits,” 273. “Development and Validation of the Secondary Traumatic Stress Scale.” Bride PIERCE, COERY D.., see Epstein, M. H. et al., 27. PILKONIS, PAUL A., see Newhill, C. E. “Effects of Culturally Relevant Psychoeducation for Korean American Fami- POERTNER, JOHN, see Gira, E. C. : lies of Persons With Chronic Mental Illness.” Shin, 231 PUSHKAL, JANET THERESE, “Children in Foster Care, by J.G. Barber and “The Effects of PTSD on Treatment Adherence. Drug Relapse. and Criminal P. H. Delfabbro” [Book Review], 388. Recidivism in a Sample of Incarcerated Men and Women,” Kubiak, 424 RASHID, SONJA, “Evaluating a Transitional Living Program for Homeless, “Evaluating a Transitional Living Program for Homeless. Former Foster Care Former Foster Care Youth,” 240. Youth.” Rashid, 240. REEVES, IRIS, see Cornelius, L. J. “Evaluating the Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment of Residual RICE, CHRISTOPHER, and JUDITH TAMBURLIN, “A Contirmatory Anal- Symptoms and Impairment in Schizophrenia.” Bradshaw and ysis of the Organ Donation Readiness Index: Measuring the Potential for Roseborough, 112. Organ Donations Among African Americans,” 295. “Evaluating the Effects of Child Abuse Training on the Attitudes, Knowledge, ROBERTS, CLEORA, see Layer, S. D. and Skills of Police Recruits,” Patterson, 273 ROBINSON, MARGARET M., see Bride, B. E. Index 461 “Evaluating Treatment Outcomes for African American and White Clients Re- “Quality in Qualitative Evaluation: Issues and Possible Answers,” Anastas, 56. ceiving Treatment at a Community Mental Health Agency in the Rural “Reference List Accuracy in Social Work Journals,” Spivey and Wilks, 281. South.” Larrison et al., 137. “Reliability and Validity of the Transracial Adoption Parenting Scale,” Massatti “Evaluation of a Psychoeducational Group for Seronegative Partners and et al., 42. Spouses of Persons With HIV/AIDS,” Gordon-Garofalo and Rubin, 14. “Research Awards in the Society for Social Work and Research, 1996 to 2000,” “The Fatherhood Scale,” Dick, 80. Craig et al., 50. “Feasibility and Implementation of a Statewide Evaluation of Substance Abuse “Sexual Abuse Survivors’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of EMDR and Services,” Bordnick et al., 417. Eclectic Therapy,” Edmond et al., 259. “Feasibility of Providing Culturally Relevant, Brief Interpersonal Psychother- “Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Groupwork With At-Risk Junior High apy for Antenatal Depression in an Obstetrics Clinic: A Pilot Study,” Grote School Students: Enhancing the Bottom Line;” Newsome, 336. et al., 397. “Validating the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test With Persons Who “Helping Parents Reduce Children’s Television Viewing.” Jason and Fries, 121. Have a Serious Mental Illness,” O’ Hare et al., 35. “Influencing Social Workers to Use Research Evidence in Practice: Lessons “The Validation of the Factor Structure of the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale- From Medicine and the Allied Health Professions,” Gira et al., 68. Expanded Version (BPRS-E) With Geriatric and Nongeriatric Psychiatric “Initial Development of a Measure of Emotional Dysregulation for Individuals Inpatients.” Panos, 180. With Cluster B Personality Disorders.” Newhill et al., 443. “Validity and Reliability of the Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale (2nd “An Initial Validation of a Measure of Personal and Social Perceptions of the edition): Youth Rating Scale.” Epstein et al., 358. Sexual Abuse of Males,” Nalavany and Abell, 368. “The Validity and Reliability Testing of a Consumer-Based Cultural Compe- “Intervention Research in Social Work: Recent Advances and Continuing Chal- tency Inventory.” Cornelius et al., 201. lenges.” Fraser, 210. “A Validity Study of Scores From Self-Anchored Type Scales for Measuring “Is the Client-Worker Relationship Associated With Better Outcomes in Man- Depression and Self-Esteem,” Nugent, 171. dated Child Abuse Cases?” Lee and Ayon, 351. “A Validity Study of Two Forms of the Self-Esteem Rating Scale,” Nugent, 287. “A Multidimensional Assessment of a Batterer Treatment Program: An Alert to a Problem?” Buttell and Carney, 93 Book Reviews: “A Multidimensional Evaluation of a Treatment Program for Female Batterers: “Children in Foster Care, by J. G. Barber and P. H. Delfabbro,” Pushkal, 388. \ Pilot Study,” Carney and Buttell, 249. “Evidence-Based Practice for the Helping Professions: A Practical Guide With “Participation in Victim-Offender Mediation and the Prevalence of Subsequent Integrated Multimedia, by L. E. Gibbs.” Baus, 224. Delinquent Behavior: A Meta-Analysis,” Nugent et al., 408. “Substance Abuse Treatment for Criminal Offenders: An Evidence-Based *Post-Abortion Grief: Evaluating the Possible Efficacy of a Spiritual Group In- Guide for Practitioners, by D. W. Springer, C. A. McNeece, and E. M. Ar- tervention,” Layer et al., 344. nold.” Goldman, 223. “Psychosocial Treatment of Youth Suicide: A Systematic Review of the Re- search,” Macgowan, 147.

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