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Research Note - Treatment of Bertiellosis in Macaca fascicularis with Praziquantel PDF

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by  ConderG A
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J. Helminthol. Soc. Wash. 58(1), 1991, p. 128 Research Note Treatment of Bertiellosis in Macaca fascicularis with Praziquantel G. A. CONDER, P. A. ROEHM, D. A. DUPREY, S. S. JOHNSON, AND P. J. PAGANO Parasitology Research, Drug Safety Research, and Research Animal Support and Laboratory Services, The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001 ABSTRACT: A single Macaca fascicularis recently re- Duwel et al., 1981; Graber and Gevrey, 1981; ceived from the Philippines was found to harbor Ber- Jueco, 1982; Imamkuliev et al., 1983; Bandyo- tiella studeri. To eliminate the infection, the monkey padhyay and Manna, 1987). It appears that pra- was treated with praziquantel in a single oral dose at ziquantel can be added to the list of drugs which 5 mg/kg of body weight. Two strobilae but no scolices were found in the feces following treatment. Bertiella can be used to control bertiellosis. studeri were not present at necropsy 1 mo after treat- ment. It appears that praziquantel can be added to the Literature Cited list of drugs which can be used to control bertiellosis. Andrews, P., H. Thomas, R. Pohlke, and J. Seubert. KEY WORDS: Macaca fascicularis, Bertiella studeri, 1983. Praziquantel. Medicinal Research Reviews praziquantel, monkey, tapeworm. 3:147-200. Bandyopadhyay, A. K., and B. Manna. 1987. The During routine fecal examination of a newly pathogenic and zoonotic potentiality of Bertiella received group of monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) studeri. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasi- tology 81:465-466. from the Philippines, 1 animal was found to har- Dissanaike, A. S., V. Thomas, and N. Nagappan. 1977. bor Bertiella studeri (Blanchard, 1891) Stiles and Bertiella studeri (Blanchard, 1891) Stiles and Has- Hassall, 1902. The monkey was treated with pra- sall, 1902 infection in a child—first case from Ma- ziquantel to eliminate the infection. Praziquantel laysia. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Med- was used because it has become the drug of choice icine and Public Health 3:421-422. Duwel, D., E. Weinman, and R. Kirsch. 1981. Zur in treating cestode infections over the last several Panacur®—Behandlung des Prosthenorchis- und years (Harriett, 1988;KingandMahmoud, 1989). Bertiella-befalls bei Affen. Pages 247-251 in R. It is highly efficacious against both adult and Ippen and H. D. Schroder, eds. Erkrankungen der larval tapeworms and is extremely well tolerated Zootiere. Verhandlungsbericht des XXIII Inter- nationalen Symposiums iiber die Erkrankungen (Andrews et al., 1983). To our knowledge, how- der Zootiere, Mulhouse, 24-28 June 1981. Aka- ever, the drug has never been tried against B. demie Verlag, Berlin, GDR. studeri. Graber, M., and J. P. Gevrey. 1981. Parasites in- Praziquantel (Droncit canine tablets) was ad- ternes des primates de la Republique Democra- ministered to the infected monkey in a single oral tique du Congo (d'apres la collection Cassard- Chambron 1956-1960). Role pathogene-diagnos- dose at 5 mg/kg of body weight. Feces were mon- tic-prophylaxie. Revue d'Elevage et de Medecine itored for the next 48 hr following treatment, Veterinaire des Pays Tropicaux 34:27—41. during which time 2 strobilae were observed to Harnett, W. 1988. The anthelmintic action of pra- have been passed. Scolices were not found in the ziquantel. Parasitology Today 4:144-146. Imamkuliev, K. D., M. I. Alekseeva, Yu. P. Gorbunova, feces. No additional proglottids were observed and G. G. Belikova. 1983. Bertielliasis: descrip- in the feces at any later time after treatment. tion of an imported case in USSR. Meditsinskaya About 1 mo following treatment, the monkey Parazitologiya i Parazitarnye Bolezni 4:77-78. was found to have tuberculosis and was sacrificed Jueco, N. L. 1982. Bertiella infection. Pages 215-216 by an overdose of sodium pentobarbital to pro- in L. Jacobs and P. Arambulo, eds. CRC Hand- book Series in Zoonoses. Section C: Parasitic Zoo- tect the colony and caretakers. At necropsy, no noses. Vol. 1. CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Flor- B. studeri were found. Thus, it appears that pra- ida. ziquantel was effective in eliminating B. studeri King, C. H., and A. A. F. Mahmoud. 1989. Drugs from the monkey. No adverse effects of treat- five years later: praziquantel. Annals of Internal Medicine 110:290-296. ment with praziquantel were observed. Schutze, H. R. 1977. Diagnose und Therapie parasi- A number of drugs have been reported to be tarer Infektionen bei Affen. Praktische Tierarzt 58: effective in treating bertiellosis in animals and 53-56. humans (Dissanaike et al., 1977; Schutze, 1977; 128 CCooppyyrriigghhtt ©© 22001111,, TThhee HHeellmmiinntthhoollooggiiccaall SSoocciieettyy ooff WWaasshhiinnggttoonn

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