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Research Methods in Public Administration and Public Management: An Introduction PDF

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‘This invaluable book provides a wealth of practical advice and methodological insights.ItdrawsfromProfessorvanThiel’sextensiveexperienceasaleadingpublic administrationscholar,andsomeonewhoisequallyathomeinundertakingresearch for theory testing, issue exploration, or policy development. The book contains numerous worked examples, case studies and a glossary, making it the ideal companionforthepublicadministrationresearcheratwhateverstageintheircareer.’ Professor ChrisSkelcher, UniversityofBirmingham, UK ‘Writing methodology books in such a messy field as public administration is difficult. Writing them for beginners is doubly difficult. Sandra van Thiel has over- come these difficulties to give us a book that is concise, accessible and compre- hensive. Shehasalsomanagedtotreatthemethodologywarswithinthefieldina very even-handed way: even where I disagreed with her I found her account balancedandfair.Highlyrecommended.’ Christopher Pollitt,Emeritus Professor, PublicManagementInstitute, CatholicUniversityofLeuven,Belgium ‘This book is long overdue. Studying and doing research in Public Administra- tion and Public Management has become ever more popular in recent years. In doingthatweutilizeallmodernresearchmethodologiesofthesocialsciences,as we should! But at the same time research in these areas poses unique problems and challenges. At last we finally have our own textbook which explicates these problems and demonstrates how to handle them, using inspiring examples of “bestpractice”inpublicadministration research.’ Prof.Dr.WernerJann,ChairforPoliticalScience,AdministrationandOrganization, Faculty forEconomicsandSocial Sciences,PotsdamUniversity, Germany ‘Sandra van Thiel has produced the solution for a problem faced by students and supervisors of research in public administration: how to make a rigorous exposition ofresearch methodsrelevant to the investigation ofproblems in public policy and management. Embedded in the problems faced by public and related organisations, Research Methods in Public Administration and Public Manage- ment is a thorough, clear and focused exposition which will enable its readers to choosetherightresearchstrategyandcarryoutrelevant andusefulresearch.’ NormanFlynn,CentreforFinancial andManagement Studies, SOAS, UniversityofLondon,UK ‘Manyscholarswouldarguethatresearchinallthesocialsciencesisessentially thesame.SandraVanThieldemonstratesratherconclusivelythattherearespecial issues of research in public administration, and that our methods need to be considered in light of those issues. This is an extremely useful text for students embarkingoninvestigating theworkings ofthepublicsector.’ B.GuyPeters, UniversityofPittsburgh, USA This page intentionally left blank Research Methods in Public Administration and Public Management Research in public administration and public management has distinctive featuresthatinfluencethechoicesandapplicationofresearchmethods.Periods of change and upheaval in the public sector provide ample opportunities and cases for research, but the standard methodologies for researching the social sciences can be difficult to follow in the complex world of the public sector. In a dynamic political environment, the focus lies on solving social problems whilst also using methodological principles needed for doing scientifically sound research. This textbook represents a comprehensive guide to doing and using research in public management and administration. It is impressively succinct but covering a wide variety of research strategies including: action research, hypotheses, sampling, case selection, questionnaires, interviewing, desk research, prescription and research ethics. This textbook does not bog the nascentresearcher downin the theorybutdoes provide numerousinternational examples and practical exercises to illuminate the research journey. Sandra van Thiel guides us through the theory, operationalization and research design process, before explaining the tools required to carry out impactful research. This concise textbook will be core reading for those studying research methodsand/orcarryingoutresearchonpublicmanagementandadministration. SandravanThielisaProfessorofPublicManagementatRadboudUniversity, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. From 2006–12 she was Associate Professor Public Administration, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, and she has been a guest lecturer at Vaasa University, Finland and the Catholic University at Leuven, Belgium. She has published, edited and lectured extensively on Public Man- agement and Public Administration, both in her native The Netherlands and internationally. ROUTLEDGE MASTERS IN PUBLIC MANAGEMENT EditedbyStephenP.Osborne,OwenHughes,WalterKickert Routledge Masters in Public Management series is an integrated set of texts. It is intendedtoformthebackbonefortheholisticstudyofthetheoryandpracticeofpublic management,aspartof: & ataughtMaster’s,MBAorMPAcourseatauniversityorcollege, & aworkbased,in-serviceprogrammeofeducationandtraining,or & aprogrammeofself-guidedstudy. Each volume stands alone in its treatment of its topic, whether it be strategic manage- ment,marketingorprocurement,andisco-authoredbyleadingspecialistsintheir field. However, all volumes in the series share both a common pedagogy and a common approachtothestructureofthetext.Keyfeaturesofallvolumesintheseriesinclude: & a critical approach to combining theory with practice which educates its reader, ratherthansolelyteachinghim/herasetofskills, & clearlearningobjectivesforeachchapter, & theuseoffigures,tablesandboxestohighlightkeyideas,conceptsandskills, & anannotatedbibliography,guidingstudentsintheirfurtherreading,and & adedicatedcasestudyinthetopicofeachvolume,toserveasafocusfordiscussion and learning. ManagingChangeandInnovationin ManagingLocalGovernments PublicServiceOrganizations Designingmanagementcontrolsystems StephenP.Osborneand thatdelivervalue KerryBrown EmanuelePadovaniand DavidW.Young RiskandCrisisManagementinthe PublicSector MarketingManagementand CommunicationsinthePublicSector LynnT.DrennanandAllanMcConnell MartialPasquierand ContractingforPublicServices Jean-PatrickVilleneuve CarstenGreve EthicsandManagementinthePublic PerformanceManagementinthe Sector PublicSector AlanLawton,KarinLasthuizenand WoutervanDooren,GeertBouckaert JulieRayner andJohnHalligan MakingandManagingPublicPolicy KarenJohnstonMillerand FinancialManagementand DuncanMcTavish AccountinginthePublicSector GaryBandy ResearchMethodsinPublic AdministrationandPublic StrategicLeadershipinthePublic Management Sector Anintroduction PaulJoyce SandravanThiel Research Methods in Public Administration and Public Management An introduction Sandra van Thiel Firstpublished2007 byCoutinhoPublisherinDutch byRoutledge2014inEnglish 2ParkSquare,MiltonPark,Abingdon,OxonOX144RN andbyRoutledge 711ThirdAvenue,NewYork,NY10017 RoutledgeisanimprintoftheTaylor&FrancisGroup,aninformabusiness ©2014SandravanThiel TherightofSandravanThiel,representedbyUitgeverijCoutinhoBV,tobe identifiedasauthorofthisworkhasbeenassertedbyherinaccordancewith sections77and78oftheCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereprintedorreproducedor utilisedinanyformorbyanyelectronic,mechanical,orothermeans,now knownorhereafterinvented,includingphotocopyingandrecording,orinany informationstorageorretrievalsystem,withoutpermissioninwritingfromthe publishers. Trademarknotice:Productorcorporatenamesmaybetrademarksorregistered trademarks,andareusedonlyforidentificationandexplanationwithoutintentto infringe. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloginginPublicationData Thiel,Sandravan. Researchinpublicadministrationandpublicmanagement:anintroduction/ SandraVanThiel. pagescm.–(Routledgemastersinpublicmanagement;11) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. 1.Publicadministration–Research.I.Title. JF1338.A2T4772014 351.072–dc23 2013027804 ISBN:978-0-415-65581-1(hbk) ISBN:978-0-415-65582-8(pbk) ISBN:978-0-203-07852-5(ebk) TypesetinBembo byTaylor&FrancisBooks Contents List of illustrations ix Acknowledgements xi 1 Research in public administration 1 1.1 The unique features of research in Public Administration 1 1.2 Research in Public Administration and policy 5 1.3 Aim and outline of the rest of the book 10 2 The research problem 12 2.1 Choosing and formulating a research problem 12 2.2 The research aim 15 2.3 The research question 17 3 Theoretical framework 24 3.1 The empirical cycle 24 3.2 What is theory? 28 3.3 Philosophies of science 31 3.4 The role of theory in Public Administration research 36 4 Operationalization 43 4.1 Operationalization in three steps 43 4.2 Sampling 45 4.3 Reliability and validity 48 4.4 Validity and reliability: sources of interference 51 5 Research design 54 5.1 The different elements of the research design 54 5.2 Choosing a research strategy, method and technique 57 6 The experiment 61 6.1 The classic experiment 61 6.2 Simulations and gaming 64 CONTENTS 6.3 The field experiment 67 6.4 Reliability and validity in experiments 68 6.5 Observation 70 7 The survey 74 7.1 The survey: characteristics and types 74 7.2 The written questionnaire 75 7.3 The reliability and validity of questionnaires 82 8 The case study 86 8.1 Case study research 86 8.2 The selection of cases 89 8.3 The reliability and validity of case studies 92 8.4 The interview 93 9 Desk research 102 9.1 Using or re-using existing data 102 9.2 Three methods for gathering and analysing existing data 107 10 Analysing quantitative data 118 10.1 Quantitative data 118 10.2 Collecting and ordering the data 119 10.3 Analysis 126 10.4 Descriptive statistics 127 10.5 Inferential statistics 128 10.6 Reliability and validity when analysing quantitative data 135 11 Analysing qualitative data 138 11.1 Qualitative data 138 11.2 Collecting and ordering the data 142 11.3 Analysing the data 143 11.4 The reliability and validity of qualitative data analysis 150 12 Reporting results 153 12.1 Forums 153 12.2 Reporting formats 155 12.3 The purpose of reporting research results 158 12.4 Writing down the results 159 12.5 Prescription 164 Bibliography 169 Glossary 175 Index 190 (cid:1) viii Illustrations FIGURES 3.1 Schematic outline of the empirical cycle 25 6.1 Schematic outline of the classic experiment 62 10.1 Normal distribution 124 10.2 Example of a scattergram 131 11.1 Example of a taxonomic scheme of codes 148 TABLES 2.1 Research aims 15 2.2 Research questions 18 3.1 Philosophies of science in Public Administration research 36 4.1 Sampling 46 5.1 Characteristics of the four main research strategies 58 5.2 Characteristics of diverse research methods 59 10.1 Example of a code book 121 10.2 Example of a data matrix 122 10.3 Example of a cross-tabulation 127 BOXES 1.1 Examples of prevalent topics in Public Administration and Public Management research 2 1.2 Reconstruction of programme theories 6 1.3 Evaluation and evidence-based policymaking 8 2.1 Action research 16 2.2 Example: formulating sub-questions 20 2.3 Hypotheses 22 3.1 Falsification and verification 26 3.2 The regulative cycle 28

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