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AGEE, JANE, AND ALTARRIBA, JEANETTE. (2009). Ga pa, Lee. (2008). See: Beach, R. (2008). Changing Conceptions and Uses of Com- Gere, ANNE RUGGLES, AND BEREBITSKY, DAN- puter Technologies in the Everyday Literacy iEL. (2009). Perspectives on Highly Qualified Practices of Sixth and Seventh Graders, Vol. English Teachers (Standpoints), Vol. 43(3), 43(4), 363-396. 247-262. ALTARRIBA, JEANETTE. (2009). See: Agee, J. Hatt, Leicu A. (2009). Struggling Reader, (2009). Struggling Teacher: An Examination of Baitey, NANcy M. (2008). See McVee, M. Student-Teacher Transactions with Reading (2008). Instruction and Text in Social Studies, Vol. 43(3), 286-309. Beacu, RicHARD, BIGELOW, MARTHA, BraAAKSMA, Martine, DILton, Deporan, HeELMAN, Lori. (2008). See: Beach, R. Dockter, Jessie, GALDA, Let, HELMAN, Lori, (2008). JANSSEN, TANJA, JORGENSEN, KAREN, KALNIN, JANSSEN, TANIA. (2008). See: Beach, R. Juuir, LIANG, LauREN, NGo, Bic, O’Brien, Davip, Sato, MISTILINA, AND SCHARBER, (2008). Cassanpra. (2008). Annotated Bibliography Jarvey, Marya, McKeouGu, ANNE, AND ofR esearch in the Teaching of English, Vol. Pyryt, Micuaet C. (2008). Teaching Trick- 43(2), 188-235. ster Tales: A Comparison of Instructional Approaches, Vol. 43(1), 42-73. Beresitsky, DANieL. (2009). See: Gere, A. (2009). JORGENSEN, Karen. (2008). See: Beach, R. Bicetow, Martua. (2008). See: Beach, R. (2008). (2008). KALNIN, JuLie. (2008). See: Beach, R. (2008). Biack, Resecca W. (2009). Online Fan LIANG, LAUREN. (2008). See: Beach, R. (2008). Fiction, Global Identities, and Imagination, Matocn, Betu. (2009). Growing Research Vol. 43(4), 397-425. Practices: Expanding Our Communities Bouinc, Erica C. (2008). Learning from and Our Conversations, Vol. 43(3), 312- Teachers’ Conceptions of Technology Inte- 315. gration: What Do Blogs, Instant Messages, McKeoucu, ANNE. See: Jarvey, M. (2008). and 3D Chat Rooms Have to Do with It?, Vol. 43(1), 74-100. McVeer, Mary B., Baitey, NANcy M., AND SHANAHAN, Lynn E. (2008). Using Digital BraaksMa, Martine. (2008). See: Beach, R. Media to Interpret Poetry: Spiderman Meets (2008). Walt Whitman, Vol. 43(2), 112-143. Bruce, Davin L. (2009). Writing with Mistitina. (2008). See: Beach, R. (2008). Visual Images: Examining the Video Com- position Processes of High School Students, Moje, Evizapetu Birr. (2009). A Call for Vol. 43(4), 426-450. New Research on New and Multi-Literacies (Standpoints), Vol. 43(4), 348-362. Davin, Saro. (2008). See: Beach, R. (2008). Noo, Bic, O’Brien. (2008). See: Beach, R. Ditton, Deporan. (2008). See: Beach, R. (2008). (2008). Pyryt, Micuaet C. See: Jarvey, M. (2008). DockTer, Jessie. (2008 ). See: Beach, R. (2008). 458 Research in the Teaching of English Volume 43, Number 4, May 2009 AGEE, JANE, AND ALTARRIBA, JEANETTE. (2009). Ga pa, Lee. (2008). See: Beach, R. (2008). Changing Conceptions and Uses of Com- Gere, ANNE RUGGLES, AND BEREBITSKY, DAN- puter Technologies in the Everyday Literacy iEL. (2009). Perspectives on Highly Qualified Practices of Sixth and Seventh Graders, Vol. English Teachers (Standpoints), Vol. 43(3), 43(4), 363-396. 247-262. ALTARRIBA, JEANETTE. (2009). See: Agee, J. Hatt, Leicu A. (2009). Struggling Reader, (2009). Struggling Teacher: An Examination of Baitey, NANcy M. (2008). See McVee, M. Student-Teacher Transactions with Reading (2008). Instruction and Text in Social Studies, Vol. 43(3), 286-309. Beacu, RicHARD, BIGELOW, MARTHA, BraAAKSMA, Martine, DILton, Deporan, HeELMAN, Lori. (2008). See: Beach, R. Dockter, Jessie, GALDA, Let, HELMAN, Lori, (2008). JANSSEN, TANJA, JORGENSEN, KAREN, KALNIN, JANSSEN, TANIA. (2008). See: Beach, R. Juuir, LIANG, LauREN, NGo, Bic, O’Brien, Davip, Sato, MISTILINA, AND SCHARBER, (2008). Cassanpra. (2008). Annotated Bibliography Jarvey, Marya, McKeouGu, ANNE, AND ofR esearch in the Teaching of English, Vol. Pyryt, Micuaet C. (2008). Teaching Trick- 43(2), 188-235. ster Tales: A Comparison of Instructional Approaches, Vol. 43(1), 42-73. Beresitsky, DANieL. (2009). See: Gere, A. (2009). JORGENSEN, Karen. (2008). See: Beach, R. Bicetow, Martua. (2008). See: Beach, R. (2008). (2008). KALNIN, JuLie. (2008). See: Beach, R. (2008). Biack, Resecca W. (2009). Online Fan LIANG, LAUREN. (2008). See: Beach, R. (2008). Fiction, Global Identities, and Imagination, Matocn, Betu. (2009). Growing Research Vol. 43(4), 397-425. Practices: Expanding Our Communities Bouinc, Erica C. (2008). Learning from and Our Conversations, Vol. 43(3), 312- Teachers’ Conceptions of Technology Inte- 315. gration: What Do Blogs, Instant Messages, McKeoucu, ANNE. See: Jarvey, M. (2008). and 3D Chat Rooms Have to Do with It?, Vol. 43(1), 74-100. McVeer, Mary B., Baitey, NANcy M., AND SHANAHAN, Lynn E. (2008). Using Digital BraaksMa, Martine. (2008). See: Beach, R. Media to Interpret Poetry: Spiderman Meets (2008). Walt Whitman, Vol. 43(2), 112-143. Bruce, Davin L. (2009). Writing with Mistitina. (2008). See: Beach, R. (2008). Visual Images: Examining the Video Com- position Processes of High School Students, Moje, Evizapetu Birr. (2009). A Call for Vol. 43(4), 426-450. New Research on New and Multi-Literacies (Standpoints), Vol. 43(4), 348-362. Davin, Saro. (2008). See: Beach, R. (2008). Noo, Bic, O’Brien. (2008). See: Beach, R. Ditton, Deporan. (2008). See: Beach, R. (2008). (2008). Pyryt, Micuaet C. See: Jarvey, M. (2008). DockTer, Jessie. (2008 ). See: Beach, R. (2008). 458 Research in the Teaching of English Volume 43, Number 4, May 2009 Reyes, CYNTHIA C. (2009). El Libro de 43(2), 144-187. Recuerdos (Book of Memories): A Latina Yancey, KarHieen Brake. (2009). The Im- Student's Exploration of Self and Religion pulse to Compose and the Age of Composi- in Public School, Vol. 43(3), 263-285. tion (2008 NCTE Presidential Address), SCHARBER, CASSANDRA. (2008). See: Beach, Vol. 43(3), 316-338. R. (2008). ZACHER, Jessica C. (2008). Analyzing Chil- SHANAHAN, LYNN E. (2008). See McVee, M. dren’s Social Positioning and Struggles for (2008). Recognition in a Classroom Literacy Event, Vol. 43(1), 12-41. Wuirney, ANNE. (2008). Teacher Transfor- mation in the National Writing Project, Vol. Learning and Instruction BouinG, Erica C. (2008). Learning from Teachers’ Conceptions of Technology Inte- Jarvey, Marya, MCKeouGn, ANNE, AND gration: What Do Blogs, Instant Messages, Pyryt, Micuaet C. (2008). Teaching Trick- and 3D Chat Rooms Have to Do with It?, ster Tales: A Comparison of Instructional Approaches, Vol. 43(1), 42-73. Vol. 43(1), 74-100. Back, Repecca W. (2009). Online Fan Matocu, Beru. (2009). Growing Research Fiction, Global Identities, and Imagination, Practices: Expanding Our Communities Vol. 43(4), 397-425. and Our Conversations, Vol. 43(3), 312-315. Bruce, Davin L. (2009). Writing with Literacy and Identity Visual Images: Examining the Video Com- position Processes of High School Students, Hatt, LeiGu A. (2009). Struggling Reader, Vol. 43(4), 426-450. Struggling Teacher: An Examination of Student-Teacher Transactions with Reading McVee, Mary B., Baitey, NANCY M., AND Instruction and Text in Social Studies, Vol. SHANAHAN, Lynn E. (2008). Using Digital 43(3), 286-309. Media to Interpret Poetry: Spiderman Meets Walt Whitman, Vol. 43(2), 112-143. Reyes, CynTHIA C. (2009). El Libro de Recuerdos (Book of Memories): A Latina Moje, EvizasetH Birr. (2009). A Call for Student’s Exploration of Self and Religion New Research on New and Multi-Literacies in Public School, Vol. 43(3), 263-285. (Standpoints), Vol. 43(4), 348-362. ZACHER, Jessica C, (2008). Analyzing Chil- Teacher Education dren’s Social Positioning and Struggles for Recognition in a Classroom Literacy Event, Gere, ANNE RUGGLES, AND BereBiTskY, DAN- Vol. 43(1), 12-41. iEL. (2009). Perspectives on Highly Qualified English Teachers (Standpoints), Vol. 43(3), Literacy and Technology 247-262. AGEE, JANE, AND ALTARRIBA, JEANETTE. (2009). Wuirtney, ANNE. (2008). Teacher Transfor- Changing Conceptions and Uses of Com- mation in the National Writing Project, Vol. puter Technologies in the Everyday Literacy 43(2), 144-187. Practices ofS ixth and Seventh Graders, Vol. 43(4), 363-396.

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