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Preview Research Article Intelligent Platform for Model Updating in a Structural Health Monitoring System

Hindawi Publishing Corporation Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2014, Article ID 628619, 11 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/628619 Research Article Intelligent Platform for Model Updating in a Structural Health Monitoring System DanhuiDan,1TongYang,2andJiongxinGong1 1DepartmentofBridgeEngineering,TongjiUniversity,Room711,BridgeBuilding,1239SipingRoad, Shanghai200092,China 2LinTung-Yen&LiGuo-HaoConsultantsShanghaiLtd.,Shanghai200092,China CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoDanhuiDan;[email protected] Received10October2013;Accepted12December2013;Published20January2014 AcademicEditor:Ting-HuaYi Copyright©2014DanhuiDanetal.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttributionLicense, whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Themainaimofthisstudyistodevelopanautomatedsmartsoftwareplatformtoimprovethetime-consumingandlaborious processofmodelupdating.Weinvestigatethekeytechniquesofmodelupdatingbasedonintelligentoptimizationalgorithms,that is,accuracyjudgmentmethodsforbasicfiniteelementmodel,parameterchoicetheorybasedonsensitivityanalysis,commonly used objective functions and their construction methods, particle swarm optimization, and other intelligent optimization algorithms.An intelligent modelupdating prototype softwareframework isdeveloped usingthecommercial softwaresystems ANSYSandMATLAB.Aparameterizedfiniteelementmodelingtechniqueisproposedtosuitdifferentbridgetypesanddifferent modelupdatingrequirements.Anobjectivefunctionlibraryisbuilttofitdifferentupdatingtargets.Finally,twocasestudiesare conductedtoverifythefeasibilityofthetechniquesusedbytheproposedsoftwareplatform. 1.Introduction In recent years, the theory and technology of model updating have continued to progress, especially in compu- The use of monitoring information from structural health tational model updating (CMU) and model validation [7, monitoringsystemsfacilitatestheupdatingoffiniteelement 8] research, some of the techniques used when updating modelswithreal-timeandonlinestructures.Bydoingso,we parameter selection [9, 10], uncertainty processing tech- cannotonlyupdatethestructuralbenchmarkanalysesmodel niques for updating results from continuous monitoring butalsocontinuouslytrackthechangesinthetargetphysical information[11,12],andalternativetechnologiesthatemploy parameters and the characteristic index in any location [1– small numbers of calculations of complex finite element 3]. The automation and intelligence of the model updating calculation during a modified iteration step [13–16]. Model process is the key problem that hinders the achievement updatingsoftwarehasalsomaderapidprogress,whilesome of these goals in structural health monitoring system [4, commercial finite element software systems have expanded 5]. After 20 years of research, existing structural health their functions to model updating, such as DDS’s FEM- monitoring systems at home and abroad have entered the tools[17],theBalmes’structuraldynamicstoolboxSDTools third stage, where the emphasis is on the processing and [18], and Schedlinski’s SysVal [19]. All of these software utilization of data to implement data-based online early systems have model updating functions, but these software warningsandassessments ofindividualhealthstatus[5, 6]. updating methods are isolated, with poor universality and During this stage, the model-based assessment method is weak poor optimization abilities. It is difficult to ensure simplyregardedasasupplementaryapproachthatisusedin the optimization of the updated results, which need to be an offline manner and it has not become the main focus of programmed completely and automated to reduce human theonlinealgorithm.Modelupdatinghasbeenstudiedonly intervention. However, technological progress constantly toprovideabenchmarkmodelforthismethod[1,6]. stimulates structural health monitoring system researchers 2 MathematicalProblemsinEngineering to include model updating in the development of the next The system matrix of the structure (global stiffness matrix, generationofstructuralhealthmonitoringsystems,thereby mass matrix, and damping matrix) can be expressed as a making the systems more intelligent with online and real- functionofthedesignparameters: time updating processes. This will allow the use of physical K=𝑓𝐾(p), andmechanicalfieldinformationtoaddressthemonitoring target, thereby expanding theevaluationof sources andthe M=𝑓𝑀(p), (2) scopeofinformation,aswellasovercomingtheshortcomings C=𝑓𝐶(p). causedbylimitedmeasurementpoints[19]. Inthecorrespondingfiniteelementmodel,theexperimental Thus, we studied online intelligent model update tech- modelalsohasthefollowingrelationshipbetweenthesystem niques based on monitoring to develop a model updating matrixanddesignparametervalues: prototype software framework based on the commercial finite element software system, ANSYS, and the scientific K∗ =𝑓𝐾∗(p∗), computingsoftwaresystem,MATLAB.Wealsodevelopedan M∗ =𝑓∗ (p∗), (3) 𝑀 intelligentalgorithmslibrary,whichincludesparticleswarm C∗ =𝑓∗(p∗). optimization(PSO),todrivemostoftheupdatingtasks.The 𝐶 use of this platform to combine updating tasks, objective The aim of updating is to ensure that the finite ele- functions,and intelligent algorithms facilitates efficient and mentmodel(K,M,C)approximatestheexperimentalmodel flexible automatic model updating without manual inter- (K∗,M∗,C∗), so it can take advantage of the former to vention, thereby bridging the functions of the structural perform inversions or predictions of the mechanical field, finiteelementmodelingandupdatingbothinthestructure or to perform system identification, as well as other tasks. and in component level with the present structural health The sources of updating are the differences between the monitoringsystem.Finally,weconsiderthekeycomponents two models, where the magnitude of the differences can be of the technique developed in this study by discussing the describedcomprehensivelybyanobjectivefunction resultsofavibrationtestwithacontinuousbeamandamoni- 𝑓=𝐹(K,M,C,K∗,M∗,C∗) toringsystemimplementationofacable-stayedbridge,which demonstratedthefeasibilityoftheproposedtechnique. =𝐹(𝑓𝐾(p),𝑓𝑀(p),𝑓𝐶(p),𝑓𝐾∗(p∗),𝑓𝑀∗ (p∗),𝑓𝐶∗(p∗)) 2.DescriptionsoftheGeneralityof =𝐹𝑓,𝑝(𝑓𝐾,𝑓𝑀,𝑓𝐶,𝑓𝐾∗,𝑓𝑀∗,𝑓𝐶∗,p,p∗). ParametricModel Updates (4) Therefore,modelupdatingcanbeconsideredtobeanoptimi- Basedonthedifferencesbetweentheobjectsupdated,model zationproblem: updatingmethodscanbedividedintotwocategories:matrix updatingandparametricupdating,theessenceofwhichisan (𝑓𝐾,𝑓𝑀,𝑓𝐶,p)opt optimizationalgorithmthatminimizestheresiduals.Matrix updatingmethodsmodifythesystemmatrixofstructureor = arg min (𝐹𝑓,𝑝(𝑓𝐾,𝑓𝑀,𝑓𝐶,𝑓𝐾∗,𝑓𝑀∗,𝑓𝐶∗,p,p∗)). submatricesdirectly.However,therelationsamongelements 𝑓𝐾,𝑓𝑀,𝑓𝐶→𝑓𝐾∗,𝑓𝑀∗,𝑓𝐶∗ p→p∗ may disappear because of the massive volumes of data in (5) the matrix elements that need updating and the drastic manipulations required before and after matrix updating. As mentioned above, the precondition of design parameter There may be imaginary elements and negative stiffness model updating is ensuring the rationality of the finite values, which means that the elements lose their definite elementanalysesmodel,thatis,ensuringasuitableapprox- physicalmeaning,sothesemethodsarenotsuitableforlarge imation of (𝑓𝐾,𝑓𝑀,𝑓𝐶) using (𝑓𝐾∗,𝑓𝑀∗,𝑓𝐶∗). Otherwise, the structures.Startinginthelate1980s,theresearchfocusshifted results cannot be correct if a wrong finite element model gradually to parametric updating methods, which regard is used for parameter updating. When modeling a finite the structural design parameters (such as the boundary element, the assumptions and approximations of structural conditions,physicalproperties,andgeometricfeatures)that geometry,materials,andboundaryconditionshavethemain constitute system matrixes or the abstract parameters as effects on rationality and the model structural error. The updating objects, thereby ensuring that the model has a structural rationality of the finite element model can be definitephysicalmeaningafterupdating.Althoughthereare guaranteedbyensuringthereasonablemodelingofstiffness, many parametric model updating methods with different mass,anddampingandtherationalprocessingofboundary characteristics, the core process can be described using the conditions, rational modeling of loads, structural damage, samemodel. anddeteriorationofperformance.Thus,theobjectivefunc- The number of design parameters in structure finite tions and the optimization updating problem, respectively, element models is 𝑛, where the first 𝑚 is the parameters canbesimplifiedas that need to be updated, so the design parameters can be 𝑓=𝐹𝑝(p,p∗), expressedas p=[𝑝1,𝑝2,𝑝3,...,𝑝𝑚,...,𝑝𝑛]. (1) (𝑓𝐾,𝑓𝑀,𝑓𝐶,p)opt =arpg→mp∗in(𝐹𝑝(p,p∗)). (6) MathematicalProblemsinEngineering 3 Asaresult,theproblemofdesignparametricmodelupdating withinthedefinitiondomain,whichisonlymathematically canbedescribedby(6).Thegeneralprocesscanbesumma- reasonable;otherwisethevaluemaybeunreasonablefroma rizedasfollows. physicalperspectiveandabnormalintheusualsenseofthe structure. (i)We regard the experimental model as the refer- Therefore, the design parameters should be selected ence to model the finite element model reasonably, beforetheparametersensitivityanalysesbasedontheactual therebyensuringtheapproximationof(𝑓𝐾,𝑓𝑀,𝑓𝐶)as conditionsoftheupdatingobject.Asensitivityanalysesthat (𝑓𝐾∗,𝑓𝑀∗,𝑓𝐶∗). considers the statistical properties of updating parameters (ii)Dependingontheaimofupdatingandtheupdating can then be performed. Given that the updating target object’s characteristics, the design objective func- function is 𝑓 and the updating parameter is 𝑝, the initial tion describe the differences in performance (static valueoftheupdatingparameteris𝑝0and𝛿𝑝isthestatistical effect, dynamic response, or structural character- variation coefficient of parameter 𝑝, so the sensitivity after istics) between the finite element model and the consideringparameter’sstatisticalfeaturescanbedefinedas experimentalmodel. follows: (iii)fiAnndatphperoopprtiimatealomptoimdeilz.ationalgorithmisselectedto 𝑠=𝛿𝑝⋅ 𝜕𝜕𝑓𝑝󵄨󵄨󵄨󵄨󵄨󵄨󵄨󵄨 . (7) 𝑝=𝑝 0 Thus,itisclearthatfiniteelementmodel,theobjectivefunc- Aftercomparingandselectingvariousparametersusing(7), tion,andtheoptimizationalgorithmarethreemainfactors the parameters with high sensitivity but low dispersion can that affected design parameter model updating. Therefore, berankedattheendoftheoptionalparametersequence,or these three main factors must be standardized first before evenexcluded,toensurethecorrectphysicalmeaningandthe automating the updating process to ensure their seamless structuralrationalityoftheresults.TheMonteCarlomethod integrationanddataexchange,whichisalsothemainfocus orbootstrapmethodcanbeusedtomakethesamechoices. ofthepresentstudy. Updatingtheboundariesoftheparameterscanbeachieved usingtheinitialvalueandthecoefficientofvariation,thatis, 3.KeyTechniquesfor IntelligentModel 𝑝0(1±𝛿𝑝). UpdatinginanOnlineEnvironment 3.2. Hybrid Objective Function. In recent years, research Finite element model updating research has made great progressinmodelupdatingtechniquesmeansthatdynamic progressandhasbeenappliedinsomefieldsofengineering, fingerprints have been used increasingly to reflect the but many problems still need to be solved when model dynamic characteristics of the structure, such as the flexi- updatingisappliedtolargestructures.Themajorconstraints bility matrix, strain mode, modal curvature, and frequency on online model updating are as follows: (1) model updat- responsefunction.Thesehavebeenappliedwidelytomodel ing with large structures entails many degrees of freedom, updating techniques with good results. However, there are intensiveandcomplexcalculations,andmanyiterativesteps; numerous dynamic fingerprints and many different cases, (2)thelimitsoftheiterativeoptimizationalgorithmandthe which have created problems when deciding the success or difficultyofappropriatealgorithmdesign, which meanthat failure of model updating, because it is difficult to choose theoptimizationprocesshasproblemsconvergingonanideal anappropriatedynamicfingerprintasanobjectivefunction. solution; (3) the improper selection of the design variables During dynamic model updating, there may be various ordesignspaceoftenleadstotheoptimizationresultslosing choices of objective functions, such as frequencies, mode theirphysicalmeaning;(4)singlestepiterationcalculations shapes, modal flexibility, modal strain energy, frequency are large and difficult to perform online and in real time; response function, and static displacement, which can all (5)someoptimizationstepsarenotcompletelyprogrammed beusedastheindependentvariablesofobjectivefunctions. and may need manual intervention. These difficulties form Various objective functions perform differently in diverse a bottleneck that hinders model updating in an online updatingenvironment,butinhybridobjectivefunctionsgen- environment.Therefore,weusedthefollowingtechniquesto erallyperformbetter.Inthepresentstudy,thekeyobjective overcomethesedifficulties. functionswereasfollows. Atypeofobjectivefunctionthatusuallycombinesnatural 3.1.SelectionofModelUpdatingParametersandDesignofthe frequenciesandmodeshapesis Space Boundary Value. The selection of model parameters has a huge effect on model updating, because the number 𝑓=∑𝑛 𝛼(𝜔𝑖−𝜔𝑖∗)2+∑𝑛 𝛽(1−√MAC𝑖)2. (8) of parameters selected will affect the scale and speed of 𝑖=1 𝑖 𝜔𝑖∗ 𝑖=1 𝑖 MAC𝑖 the optimization calculations directly, while the parameters selected will affect the physical meaning of the updating In(8),𝜔𝑖 and𝜔𝑖∗ arethe𝑖thorderofthemodalfrequencies resultsandthepathologicaldegreeoftheequationgoverning and the measured modal frequencies of the finite element, updating.Afterupdatingtheparameterselection,thechoice respectively, 𝛼𝑖 and 𝛽𝑖 are the weight coefficients of the 𝑖th of the upper and lower bounds of the design space also order,andMAC𝑖 isthe𝑖thordermodalassurancecriterion needs to be reasonable. The choice should not vary greatly ofthemeasuredmodelandthefiniteelementmodel. 4 MathematicalProblemsinEngineering Another objective function used in previous study [14] The response surface method and the influence matrix is the cross-model cross-mode (CMCM) model updating methoddeterminetherelationshipbetweenanexplicitfunc- method: tionformulatedasatransformationofthelinearmatrixand 𝑓=󵄩󵄩󵄩󵄩𝛿𝜆−[C E]󵄩󵄩󵄩󵄩. (9) bbyetswimeeunlatthiengsttrhuectcuarlcaulrlaetsipoonnssienaanddvathneceu,pwdhaitcinhgreppalraacmesettehre, finiteelementcalculationusingafunctionortheproductofa In(9),𝛿𝑗isthefluctuationratiooftheeigenvalue: matrix.TheneuralnetworkandSVMmethodssimulatethe 𝜆∗−𝜆 complexfunctionalrelationshipusingintelligentalgorithms. 𝛿𝑗 = 𝑗𝜆 𝑗 (10) A common feature of all of these methods is that a large 𝑗 number of finite element calculation rounds are needed in advance,andthenanalternativetechniqueofsmallamounts 𝜆∗𝑗 and𝜆arethe𝑖thordereigenvaluesofthemeasuredmode ofcalculationsisinducedintheprocessofupdatingbyself- andthefiniteelementmode,respectively,andCandEarethe learningalgorithmorfittingmethodsmathematically. valuesofthecross-correlationcoefficientofstiffness(COK) The model reduced method does not require a large andcross-correlationcoefficientofmass(COM),whichare numberofcalculationsbecauseitreplacesthefiniteelement definedasfollows: systemwithmanydegreesoffreedomintheoriginalcalcula- tionwiththefiniteelementanalysesofareducedmodelwith 𝐶 ⋅⋅⋅ 𝐶 [ 1,1 1,𝑁𝑒 ] fewdegreesoffreedom.Thetransformmatrixofthereduced C=[ ... 𝐶𝑘,𝑛 ... ], model,𝑇,isafunctionofthecorrectionparameters,which [𝐶𝑛𝑓×𝑛𝑡,𝑁 ⋅⋅⋅ 𝐶𝑛𝑓×𝑛𝑡,𝑁] is concerned with the iterative calculations. Additionally, 𝑒 𝑒 the process to generate 𝑇 is also a complex calculation 𝐸 ⋅⋅⋅ 𝐸 process which needs large amount of calculations. In the 1,1 1,𝑁 E=[[ ... 𝐸𝑘,𝑛 ... 𝑒 ]], pNreeusemnatnsntudseyr,itehseirsefporroep,aosdeydnatomoicverercdoumceedamboetvheomdebnatsieodnoend [𝐸𝑛𝑓×𝑛𝑡,𝑁 ⋅⋅⋅ 𝐸𝑛𝑓×𝑛𝑡,𝑁] (11) troublesome. 𝑒 𝑒 𝐶 = COK(𝑖,𝑛𝑗)∗ = (𝜑𝑖)𝑇K𝑛𝜑∗𝑖 , 3.4. Automation of the Optimization Algorithm. After con- 𝑘,𝑛 COK𝑖,𝑗∗ (𝜑𝑖)𝑇K𝜑∗𝑖 structingtheobjectivefunction,themodelupdatingproblem is transformed into a constrained optimization problem. 𝐸 =(1+𝛿 )COM(𝑖,𝑛𝑗)∗ =(1+𝛿 )(𝜑𝑖)𝑇M𝑛𝜑∗𝑖 . Thmiezraetioarnepthrorebelemmasi:nacnaatleygtoicraielsmoeftmhoedths,odtrsafdoirtiosonlavlinnguompetri-- 𝑘,𝑛 𝑗 COM𝑖,𝑗∗ 𝑗 (𝜑𝑖)𝑇M𝜑∗𝑖 ical methods, and intelligent optimization algorithms. In general, if an analytical method is used to solve complex Intheequations,𝑘=𝑖×𝑗=1,2,...,𝑛𝑓×𝑛𝑡,𝑛=1,2,...,𝑁𝑒. optimization problems, it is almost impossible to achieve The two objective functions are the representation of the solution because the conditions of the problems can- the directly designed parametric updating method and the not meet the requirements of the assumed conditions for indirectly designed parametric updating method based on the analytical solution. Therefore, numerical methods have phenomenologicaltheory,respectively. many advantages when dealing with complex optimization problems. Some traditional numerical iteration algorithms 3.3. Alternative Technique for Complex Finite Element Cal- include Newton’s method, the conjugate gradient method, culation Using Small Amount of Computation Methods in a linear programming method, and nonlinear programming Single Updating Iteration Step. The model updating process method. With multiobjective combinatorial optimization can be transformed into an optimization problem, which problems, however, the traditional numerical optimization generally requires an iterative technique that calculates an algorithmsalsohavedifficulties.Theintelligentoptimization objective function many times according to certain rules. algorithms that have emerged since the 1980s, such as For large complex structures, each iterative step requires geneticalgorithm,simulatedannealingalgorithm,antcolony one (linear) or more (nonlinear) finite element analyses to algorithm, PSO, artificial immune algorithms, and hybrid obtain the independent variables of the objective function, optimization strategies, have been developed by simulating which can include static effects, dynamic responses, the certain natural phenomena or processes to provide feasible modalparametersandtheirrelevantderivedquantities,and solutions for combinatorial optimization problems that are frequency response functions. Thus, each calculation has a difficult to solve using traditional optimization techniques. hugecomputationalload,whichmeansthatmodelupdating Fromthebeginningoftheintelligentoptimizationalgorithms is not suitable for performing online. To achieve real-time are presented, the applications cover all the field of civil onlineupdating,alternativetechniquesusesmallamountof engineeringaredonebyresearchers,Yietal.usedgeneralized calculations approaches to replace complex finite element genetic algorithm and modified monkey algorithm to treat calculation.Themainmethodsincludetheresponsesurface theproblemofoptimalsensorplacementforstructuralhealth method, influence matrix method, neural network method, monitoring[20,21].Xuetal.usedneuralnetworksmethod supportvectormachine(SVM)method,andmodelreduced to treat the real-time computing problem in the semiactive method. controlofstructures[22,23].ThePSOisalsoinvestigatedand MathematicalProblemsinEngineering 5 appliedontheautomationFEMmodelupdatingproblemby toensurethecollaborationbetween MATLABandANSYS, ourteam[24–26]. there needs to be smooth transmissions among three types We compared most of the optimization algorithms for of information: call instructions, data interactions, and the modelupdatingandfoundthatmostalgorithmswereuseful interactionsamongrunningstate. in specific conditions [21–23]. Building an intelligent plat- Thereisnoready-madeinterfacebetweenMATLABand formformodelupdatingtomakefulluseoftheoptimization ANSYS,butMATLABprovidessomeuniversalmethodsfor resultscanbehelpfulwhenselectingatraditionaloptimiza- callingexternalprograms,suchas“!,”theDOSfunction,and tion algorithm (such as sequential quadratic programming thesystemfunction.“!”andtheDOSfunctioncancallashell method) or a modern intelligent optimization algorithm program to execute a command required by the Windows (suchasparticleswarmintelligentalgorithmandevolution- system, while the system function can perform operating aryalgorithm)toaddressdifferentissues,whichcanmakethe systemcommandsandreturntheresults. modelupdatingprocessmoreflexibleandefficient,soitcan There is also no direct data exchange system between beappliedtoengineeringapplications. MATLAB and ANSYS, so the exchange of data must occur viafiles.Weusedtextfilesasthemediumofdataexchange. Textfilesaresimplebuttheyhaveahighdatastoragecapacity. 4.ComponentsofanIntelligent Bothsoftwaresystemsprovidesuitablefunctionsforreading Platformfor StructuralHealthMonitoring andwritingtextfiles. SystemModelUpdating Implementingthetransferofstatusinformationbetween two types of software is the key to process control. We Atpresent,mostofthelargefiniteelementsoftwaresystems achieved the mutual notification of status information by that are used widely in engineering lack support for model setting up a state variables identification function (flag M). updating, while some finite element software systems that ThisfunctionjudgeswhetherANSYSisoperatingbyreading have been developed specifically for model updating do the status value in the MATLAB program. Thus, if ANSYS not performwell with conventionalfinite element analyses, stopsrunning,theflagwillbezeroanditnotifiesMATLAB which makes it difficult for them to handle complex engi- thatthecurrentrunisoversothenextstepofthecalculation neering structures and they have insufficient optimization canberun;otherwiseMATLABwillwait.Theformatusesthe ability. Based on the sensitivity analyses theory of model systemorDOSfunctionstocallANSYSasfollows: parameterupdatingandbycombiningthenumericalcalcu- lation software MATLAB with the finite element modeling [status,result] ability ANSYS, we developed an intelligent platform for =system ("D:\Ansys\v110\ANSYS\bin\intel model updating in a structural health monitoring system. \anss110 −b -i ansys/ansysconcle Oursystemfacilitatesautomatedmodelupdatingforactual engineering structures because there is an urgent need -o output.out") for health monitoring systems at present. By extracting AftertheANSYSperformsthecalculation,thestatusreturns the general steps of the dynamic-based parametric bridge avalueof0.Thus,thereturnedvalueofthestatuscanbeused model updating process, we developed a common software towriteaflagfile,asfollows: architecture and implemented some key techniques, which should allow the subsequent production of large online function flag(status) bridgeupdatingsoftware. if status==0 Thecommonalityofourproposedframeworkismainly reflected in the following: the optimization algorithm and out=objfunt4; target functionare modular, so different optimizationalgo- %objfunt4 is the objective function rithmsandtargetfunctionscanbeselectedfordifferentprob- lems;thesystemisextensible,sotheoptimizationalgorithm end andtargetfunctioncanbeaddedindependentlydepending onneeds,accordingtocertainstandards. 4.2.ParametricFiniteElementModelingSolution. Thepara- metricfiniteelementtechniquereferstothedefinitionofthe 4.1.DataExchangeInterfaceandtheProcessControlbetween finiteelementmodelstructureusingagroupofundetermined MATLAB and ANSYS. The ANSYS parametric design lan- parameters, where the parameters can be the structural guage (APDL), which is shipped with ANSYS, can be used geometrysizeandphysicalandmechanicalproperties.Dur- for general process control, but it may be more difficult ing parametric model updating design, the parameters that andveryslowwhenimplementingspecificcomplexphysical needtobeupdatedconstitutetheundeterminedparameters models.Intheproposedframework,therefore,MATLABis oftheparameterizedfiniteelementmodel.ANSYSprovides responsiblefortheoptimizationandcontrolprocess,whereas a parameter design language (APDL), which is used to ANSYSisresponsibleforfiniteelementcalculation.Thedata complete the finite element analyses automatically. APDL’s generatedbyMATLAB’soptimizationmodulearepassedto command is a type of script command, which can provide ANSYS for structure analyses and ANSYS then returns the users with parameters, vectors, cycles, and a series of func- updatingdatatoMATLAB’soptimizationmodule.Thiscycle tions,whileabatchedanalysestechniqueisalsoprovidedby is repeated until the results converge. During this process, ANSYS. 6 MathematicalProblemsinEngineering The basic steps of the parametric finite element anal- anobjectivefunction,andreturningobjectivefunctionvalues yses method are as follows. First, abstract the character- to the optimization algorithm. The method used to call an istic parameters of the described model according to the objectivefunctionisshowninFigure2. geometrical structure of the model and simplify them as ObjectiveFunctionLibrary.Differentobjectivefunctionsare appropriate. Second, establish the finite element analyses calculated depending on the parameters transferred from process, including entity modeling, analyses, and results parafinder. Each objective function has its own name and treatment processes, using the command stream file in themainfunctionsincludeobtainingtheparameterspassed ANSYS. Third, replace the parameters in the model with bythemasterprogram,obtainingthedataproducedbythe abstracted characteristic parameters by APDL, which con- optimization algorithm, and calculating the objective func- stitutes the finite element analyses process with variable tionvalue.Basedonthecommonlyusedobjectivefunctions parameters. Finally, depending on the requirements of the forbridgemodelupdatingtoproduceanobjectivefunction designandanalyses,providespecificcharacteristicvaluesto librarywithastandardinterface,wedevelopedtheobjective the parameters and conduct the finite element analyses to function library table shown in Table1. The standard input obtain the results. The main difference between parametric andoutputofeachobjectivefunctionareshowninTable2. finiteelementanalysesandgeneralfiniteelementanalysesis In the table, 𝑓𝑎𝑖 and 𝑓𝑡𝑖 represent the calculated frequency that the preprocessing geometry model, material property, and test frequency, respectively, 𝜙𝑎𝑖 and 𝜙𝑡𝑖 represent the loading, and boundary conditions are parametric and the calculatedmodalvectorandtestmodalvector,respectively, parametersmustbeassignedvaluesbeforethecalculations. and 𝑢𝑎𝑖 and 𝑢𝑡𝑖 represent the calculated static displacement Dependingonthebasicflowoftheparametricfiniteele- andthemeasureddisplacement,respectively. mentanalyses,wedividethegeneralfiniteelementmodelinto thecorrespondingmodulesshowninFigure1.Ansysconsole 4.4. Intelligent Algorithm Library Design. After establishing isthemaincontrolmoduleofthemodel,whichisresponsible theobjectivefunction,themodelupdatingproblemistrans- for the finite element analyses process control. Text file formed into a constrained optimization problem with mul- Inf and Para are the initial parameter files of parametric tiobjectivefunctions.Inthissection,themainproblemthat model,whereInfrecordsthemodel’scalculationtype,basic needstobesolvedisdevelopingamethodthataddressesthe parameters, and so forth and Para records the trial data modelupdatingproblem,thatis,theoptimizationalgorithm. generated by the optimization algorithm. MCF and MCS MATLABprovidesintelligentalgorithmlibraries,whichcan aretheresultfilesforthefiniteelementanalyses,wherethe be used as tools by the model updating software. We used former records the modal frequency and the latter records PSO as a possible method for the intelligent optimization themodalshape.Thesefourfilescomprisethedatamoduleof algorithmclasslibrary. themodelandtheyarethekeycomponentsoftheinteraction withMATLAB,thatis,Model,Loading,D&D,andBCform The PSO Intelligent Algorithm. The PSO algorithm was thebasicmodelfile,whereModelistheinitialmodel,Loading inspiredbypopulationbehaviorandhasbeenusedtosolve simulatestheloadconditions,D&Dcansimulatethedamage optimizationproblems.Inthealgorithm,eachcaserepresents and performance degradation of the structure, and BC is a potential solution to the problem, where each particle themodelboundarycondition.Specificmodulescanalsobe has a corresponding fitness value that is determined by s added to the fixed format. Finally, Cal m is the computing fitness function. The velocity of a particle determines the coreofthemodelthathandlesthemodelanalyses. direction and distance of the particle’s movement, where the velocity is adjusted dynamically based on the particle’s 4.3. Objective Function Library Design. An objective func- experience, thereby allowing individual optimization in the tion is a metric used to describe the level of difference solutionspace.ThecallingformatforthePSOalgorithmisas betweentheoreticalandexperimentalmodelfeatures,which follows: comprised the geometrical and mechanical parameters of the structure. Optimization processes are error-minimizing d shown=[]; %PSO drawing parameters. processesthatareappliedtotheexperimentalmodelandthe D=; % The dimension of the input. theoretical model. The objective functions used for model updatingincludestatic-basedobjectivefunctions,dynamic- mv=60; % The largest particle velocity. basedobjectivefunctions,andstaticanddynamiccombined VR=[];% Hunting zone. objectivefunctions. PSO = [10 300 20 3 3 0.9 0.9 100 1e-25 Method for Calling an Objective Function. Because the data 2000 1e-5 1 1 1e-5 10 10.0]; generatedbytheintelligentalgorithmsaretheinitialparam- eters that need to be updated and the data needed by the % Basic parameters of PSO. objective function are the corresponding responses of the seed=;%Original value. structure, an interface function, called parafinder, must be established between the intelligent algorithm and objective [optOUT,tr,te,bestpos] function.Itsmainfunctionsarepassingtheparameterspro- =pso Trelea vectorized vided by master program, passing the parameters provided ("parafinder",D,d shown,mv,VR,0,PSO, bytheoptimizationalgorithm,preliminaryprocessingofthe parametersprovidedbytheoptimizationalgorithm,selecting "goplotpso",seed); MathematicalProblemsinEngineering 7 Damage model and FEM Load performance degradation Boundary ··· model model condition model model Inf.txt MCF.txt Ansysconsole Para.txt MCS.txt Input the parameters for Calm Output the results algorithm modules and of model updating Analysis and computing engines functions Figure1:SchematicoftheparameterizedFEmodel. Optimization algorithm Parafinder Objective function Objfuncs Objfunc-f1 Objfunc-mac ··· Figure2:Invokingaroutineusingthetargetfunctionslibrary. Table1:Libraryoftargetfunctions. Objectivefunctiontype Features Name Functionname Static-based Staticobjectivefunction Objfuns Staticanddynamicbased Staticanddynamicobjectivefunction Objfunsd Objfund-f1 Frequency Objfund-f2 Objfund-mac1 Transmissioncharacteristics Modeofvibration Objfund-mac2 Strainmode Objfund-strain Frequency-responsefunction Objfund-response Modalcurvature Objfund-mcurvature Transmissioncurvature Flexibilitycurvature Objfund-fcurvature Frequencybandenergyspectrum Objfund-spectrum Characteristicparameter Dynamic-based Subbandenergyspectrum Objfund-subspectrum Jointfrequencyandmodeshape Objfund-fmac Complexfunction Flexibilitymatrix Objfund-fmatrix Modalstrainenergy Objfund-starinenergy Table2:Input-outputtargetfunctionslibrary. Objectivefunction Remarks Input Output Objfun-df1 Frequencychangesquareratio 𝑓 ,𝑓 Dependsonitsdefinition[20] ai ti Objfun-df2 Frequencychangesquareratio 𝑓 ,𝑓 Ditto ai ti Objfun-mac1 Modalassurancecriterion 𝜙 ,𝜙 Ditto ai ti Objfun-mac2 Modalassurancecriterion 𝜙 ,𝜙 Ditto ai ti Objfun-fmac Jointfrequencyandmodeshape 𝑓 ,𝑓,𝜙 ,𝜙 Ditto ai ti ai ti Objfuns Staticobjectivefunction 𝑢 ,𝑢 Ditto ai ti Objfunsd Staticanddynamicbased 𝑢 ,𝑢 𝑓 ,𝑓,𝜙 ,𝜙 Ditto ai ti ai ti ai ti 8 MathematicalProblemsinEngineering Table3:Libraryofintelligentoptimizationalgorithms. Type Name Interface Input Output Traditionalalgorithm Sequentialquadraticprogramming byfmincon a,b 𝑋𝑁 Particleswarmoptimization Bypso a,b,c,d,e 𝐴𝑀×𝑁 Geneticalgorithm Byga a,c,f,g,h,i 𝐴𝑀×𝑁 Intelligentalgorithm Artificialfish-swarmalgorithm Byaf a,c,j,k,l,m 𝐴𝑀×𝑁 Antcolonyalgorithm Byaca a,s,n,o,p 𝐴𝑀×𝑁 Immunealgorithms Byia a,c,h,i,q,r,s 𝐴𝑀×𝑁 Annealingalgorithm Bysa t,u,v,w 𝐴𝑀×𝑁 Parafinder is an interface function between the PSO algo- Master control program rithmandtheobjectivefunctionlibrary. Intelligent Optimization Algorithm Library. Based on the callingmethodandthemethodusedtoestablishtheinterface Intelligent optimization Loop iteration functionwiththePSOalgorithm,thestandardprogramming algorithm libraryincludingothercommonlyusedintelligentoptimiza- tionalgorithmsisshowninTable3. InTable3,theparametersoftheoutput𝑋𝑁,whichisan FEM module Objective functions 𝑁-dimensionaltrialvectorwhere𝑁isthenumberofparam- eters,areasfollows:𝐴𝑀×𝑁representsan𝑀∗𝑁trialmatrix, Figure 3: Flowchart of the software system for intelligent model 𝑀representsthesizeofthepopulation,and𝑁representsthe updating. numberofparameters.Theinputparametersareasfollows: 𝑎representsthemaximumnumberofiterations,𝑏represents Table4:Parameterstobeupdated. theconvergenceerror,𝑐representsthesizeofthepopulation, 𝑑 represents the algorithm type, 𝑒 represents the disturbed Num. Parameter Initialvalue Upperlimit Lowerlimit value, 𝑓 represents the individual length, 𝑔 represents the 1 (𝐸)Mpa 3.2×104 3.6×104 2×104 generationgap,histhecrossoverprobability,𝑖isthemutation 2 (𝐷)kg/m3 2.5×103 2.6×103 2.2×103 probability, 𝑗 represents the largest feed testing number, 𝑘 3 (𝐾1)N⋅m/rad 1000 1×106 0 rdeepgrreeseenfatsctopre,rc𝑚eprtieopnresdeinsttasntchee, lmroevpirnegsesnttesp,th𝑛ercerporwesdeinntgs 45 ((𝐾𝐾23))NN⋅⋅mm//rraadd 11000000 11××110066 00 the importance factor of a pheromone, o represents the 6 (𝐾4)N⋅m/rad 1000 1×106 0 importancefactorofaninspirationfunction,prepresentsthe pheromone volatilization factor, 𝑞 represents the volume of a memory database, 𝑟 represents the evaluation parameters 5.VerificationoftheValidityof ofdiversity,𝑠representsthenumberofdistributioncenters, thePrototypeSoftware 𝑡 represents the cooling rate, 𝑢 represents the initial tem- perature, v represents the termination temperature, and 𝑤 5.1. Offline Verification of the Prototype Software Intelligent representsthechainlength. UpdatingPlatform:ContinuousBeamExperiments. Thetest model was a three-span reinforced concrete continuous 4.5.TechnicalProposalandPrototypeSoftwarefortheModel beamstructure,wherethethreespanswere1000,1700,and Updating Platform. After choosing appropriate updating 1700mm,respectively,asshowninFigure4.Atthebottomof parameters, it is necessary to enter the updating module, thecontinuousbeam,therewerefivepositions,thatis,A,B,C, where the parameters produced by the optimization algo- D,andE,whichwereinstalledwithaccelerationsensors.The rithm are subjected to finite element analyses to determine test was a single-point excitation method and the sampling the physical quantities that correspond to the measured frequencywas512Hz. values.Theobjectivefunctionvalueiscalculatedtodetermine Before model updating, the parameters with greater whetherthemodelerrorhasbeenminimizedandtodeter- sensitivityshouldbeselectedastheparametersforupdating. minewhethertheiterationsshouldcontinue;otherwisethe Basedonthestructure,theparametersselectedareshownin updatingprocessisover.Thebasicflowchartofthisprocess Table4. isshowninFigure3. InTable4,𝐸istheelasticmodulus,𝐷isthedensity,and Basedonprocesses,theprototypeoftheoverallsoftware 𝐾𝑖istherotationalstiffnessofthe𝑖thbearing. frameworkwasimplementedusingMATLABinaprototype Based on a model test where the physical quantities program.ANSYSwasreadilyimplementedintheMATLAB were measured, the objective function given in (8) was environmenttocombinethemodel,objectivefunction,and selectedasthe𝑚function,Objfund-fmac,fromtheobjective optimization algorithm, thereby implementing the overall functionlibrary.AfterselectingthePSOalgorithmfromthe processofautomatedmodelupdating. intelligent optimization algorithms library and configuring MathematicalProblemsinEngineering 9 3800 50 1000 1700 1000 50 0 3 1 2 3 4 3800 00 A B C D E 2 Figure4:Three-spancontinuousbeamtest. Table5:Parametersforupdating. 0.2 Num. Parameter Originalvalues Updatingvalues 1 (𝐸)Mpa 3.2𝑒4 2.67𝑒4 2 (𝐷)kg/m3 2.5𝑒3 2.53𝑒3 0.15 3 (𝐾1)N⋅m/rad 1000 48320.33 on 4 (𝐾2)N⋅m/rad 1000 2448.81 ncti 5 (𝐾3)N⋅m/rad 1000 87109.14 e fu 0.1 6 (𝐾4)N⋅m/rad 1000 233.8 ctiv e bj O 0.05 theappropriateoperatingparameters,the𝑚scriptautomati- callyperformedthetasksuccessfully.Theobjectivefunction approximately reached convergence and the convergence process is shown in Figure5. The parameters searched are 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 shown in Table5. A comparison of the model parameters Iterations beforeandafterupdatingisshowninTable6. Table6showsthattheupdatedfrequencywasveryclose Figure5:Convergencecurveoftheobjectivefunction. to the measured frequency and the testing frequency error wasbelow1%,withtheexceptionofthethirddegree.Allfour accelerationrecordsautomaticallyusingacompiled𝑚script, MAC values were above 0.9, which shows that the updated identifiedthecablevibrationfrequencyautomatically,called model correlated well with the measured model, and this the ANSYS program automatically for model analyses by also demonstrated the effectiveness of the updating results. building a finite element model, inputted the measured The updating process was simple to write in the MATLAB frequency and the calculated frequency into the objective script where the main contents of the script were model function automatically, selected the PSO algorithm from selection,theobjectivefunctionandoptimizationalgorithm, the intelligent optimizationalgorithm library, automatically configuring the input parameters of the calling functions, updatedthecablemodelonline,selectedthecableforceand callingANSYS,monitoringANSYSperformance,andfinally bending stiffness as the updating parameters, and finally outputting the calculated results file. After launching, the providedtheupdatedresults. wholeprocessranautomaticallyandtherewerenorequire- Based on the parameters of the cable obtained from ments for manual intervention. This example demonstrates thedesigndata,theseparametersweregivencorresponding the feasibility of our proposed automatic model updating inputvariableswhencallingtheparameterizedfiniteelement softwareframework. model.ThePSOalgorithmwasselectedforupdatingandthe objectivefunctionapproximatelyconvergedafter20iteration 5.2. Online Verification of the Prototype Software Intelligent steps. The results for the cable force and bending stiffness UpdatingPlatform:CableForceMonitoring. Intheprevious areshowninTable7,wherethereferencevalueofthecable example, the feasibility of automated model updating was force was obtained using the frequency formula and the verified offline with measured data. However, it is more error between the identified cable force and the calculated challenging and useful to update the structure online using cable force was 3.3%. EI0 represents the identified bending ongoing experimental data. Therefore, we considered the stiffness, while EI1 and EI2 represent the bending stiffness selection of real-time cable monitoring devices on a cable- when the steel cable was treated as a fully bonding model stayed bridge, which was equipped with structure mon- andasanobindingmodel,respectively.Acomparisonofthe itoring system. We connected the prototype software to frequenciesderivedfrommodelupdatingandtheidentified the monitoring system using a MATLAB program that we frequencies is shown in Table8. The curve of the updating developed,whichreadthedatafromtheremoteweb-based processobjectivefunctionisshowninFigure6. bridgemonitoringsystem[27],establishedawebconnection AsshowninTable8,thefrequencysequencescalculated to a specific cable acceleration channel, captured the cable by the automatic model updating prototype software and 10 MathematicalProblemsinEngineering Table6:Frequenciesandmodalshapeparametersafterupdating. Testfrequency Original Updating Errorbefore Errorafter MACbefore MACafter Degree (Hz) frequency(Hz) frequency(Hz) updating(%) updating(%) updating updating 1 26.38 25.02 26.26 4.76 0.5 0.995 0.98 2 57.68 54.75 58.37 5.06 1.2 0.937 0.989 3 65.22 64.54 65.15 1.05 0.1 0.955 0.979 4 88.49 93.11 87.89 5.22 0.7 0.817 0.901 Table7:Identifiedcableforcesandflexiblestiffness. ×10−3 1.1 / Cableforces(kN) / Flexiblestiffness(kN⋅m2) Updatedvalue 2900 EI 486 1.08 0 Referencevalue 3000 EI 511 1 1.06 Error(%) 3.3 EI 3.4 2 n o cti 1.04 Table8:Frequenciesafterupdating. un e f 1.02 v Order Measuredfrequencies Updatedfrequency Error ecti (Hz) (Hz) (%) bj 1 O 1 1.27 1.304 2.61 0.98 2 2.637 2.609 1.07 3 3.906 3.915 0.23 0.96 4 5.273 5.223 0.96 0 20 40 60 80 100 5 6.543 6.533 0.15 Iterations 6 7.91 7.848 0.79 Figure6:Convergencecurveforthetargetfunction. 7 9.18 9.166 0.15 the measured frequency sequences were approximately the monitoring system. The results demonstrated the feasibility same; that is, maximum error was 2.61% and the bending ofourmethodformonitoring-basedonlineintelligentmodel stiffnessestimatewasalsoreasonable.Theseresultsindicate updating. that the proposed model updating prototype software also performswellandreliablyinanonlineenvironment,which ConflictofInterests isimportantforitsfurtherdevelopment. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests 6.ConclusionsandProspects regardingthepublicationofthispaper. In this study, we developed an intelligent model updating Acknowledgment prototype software framework platform, which is based on the commercial finite element software, ANSYS, and This project was supported by The Project of National Key the scientific computing software, MATLAB. The proposed TechnologyR&DPrograminthe12thFiveYearPlanofChina parameterized ANSYS finite element modeling scheme is (Grantno.2012BAJ11B01). suitable for updating different bridge structure models. 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finite element software system, ANSYS, and the scientific computing software system .. guage (APDL), which is shipped with ANSYS, can be used for general process . a, c, f, g, h, i. × . Artificial fish-swarm algorithm. Byaf.
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