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Preview Research Article Fluorescence-Guided Resection of Malignant Glioma with 5-ALA

Hindawi Publishing Corporation International Journal of Biomedical Imaging Volume 2016, Article ID 6135293, 11 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2016/6135293 Research Article Fluorescence-Guided Resection of Malignant Glioma with 5-ALA SadahiroKaneko1andSadaoKaneko2 1DepartmentofNeurosurgery,TomakomaiCityHospital,No.5-20,1-chome,Shimizutyou,Tomakomai,Hokkaido053-0034,Japan 2DepartmentofNeurosurgery,KashiwabaNeurosurgicalHospital,No.7-20,15-chome,1-jyou,Tsukisamuhigashi, Toyohira-ku,Sapporo,Hokkaido062-5813,Japan CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoSadaoKaneko;[email protected] Received17February2016;Revised31May2016;Accepted1June2016 AcademicEditor:YantianZhang Copyrightยฉ2016S.KanekoandS.Kaneko.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttribution License,whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperly cited. Malignantgliomasareextremelydifficulttotreatwithnospecificcurativetreatment.Ontheotherhand,photodynamicmedicine represents a promising technique for neurosurgeons in the treatment of malignant glioma. The resection rate of malignant glioma has increased from 40% to 80% owing to 5-aminolevulinic acid-photodynamic diagnosis (ALA-PDD). Furthermore, ALAisveryusefulbecauseithasnoseriouscomplications.Basedonpreviousresearch,itisapparentthatprotoporphyrinIX (PpIX)accumulatesabundantlyinmalignantgliomatissuesafterALAadministration.Moreover,itisevidentthatthemechanism underlyingPpIXaccumulationinmalignantgliomatissuesinvolvesanabnormalityinporphyrin-hememetabolism,specifically decreasedferrochelataseenzymeactivity.Duringresectionsurgery,themacroscopicfluorescenceofPpIXtothenakedeyeismore sensitivethanmagneticresonanceimaging,andthealertrealtimespectrumofPpIXisthemostsensitivemethod.Inthefuture, chemotherapywithnewanticanceragents,immunotherapy,andnewmethodsofradiotherapyandgenetherapywillbedeveloped; however,ALAwillplayakeyroleinmalignantgliomatreatmentbeforethedevelopmentofthesenewtreatments.Inthispaper,we provideanoverviewandpresenttheresultsofourclinicalresearchonALA-PDD. 1.Introduction survivalratewas3.8%[1].Totalresectionofthetumormeans thattheenhancingtumorshadowcompletelydisappearson Malignantgliomasconsistofanaplasticastrocytoma(WHO magneticresonanceimaging(MRI)aftersurgery. grade III) and glioblastoma (WHO grade IV) and pos- On MRI, malignant gliomas are well-circumscribed sess a lethal prognosis. Despite surgery, radiotherapy, and tumorswithregionalnecrosissurroundedbyviableinvading chemotherapy, the median survival time for a patient with tissues and marginal contrast enhancement. However, it is glioblastoma is only 15.0 months, and it is not much better well known that infiltrating glioma cells exist in the brain forpatientswithanaplasticastrocytoma[1]. adjacenttothetumor,2-3cmawayfromthemainbodyofthe Malignant gliomas are very difficult to treat. There is glioma,andshowcontrastenhancementonMRI.Moreover, clearly a need for new, effective, and safe treatments for 80%โ€“90%ofglioblastomarecurrencesoccurfromthebrain malignantglioma. adjacenttothetumor.MRIcanfailtodetecttheseinfiltrating Theremotemetastasisofmalignantgliomastoextracra- glioma cells in the brain adjacent to the tumor. In these nialorgansisrare,andtherapeuticefficacydependsonlocal respects,malignantgliomashavefeaturesthatareinstriking controlofthemalignantgliomainthebrain. contrasttoothermalignanttumorselsewhereinthebody. Ontheotherhand,theresectionrateofgliomaisbelieved Extensiveresectionofmalignantglioma,includingnor- to affect patient prognosis. The Committee of Brain Tumor mal tissue, has to be limited to prevent the possibility of Registry of Japan reported on the relationship between the brain dysfunction after surgery. This is especially true for resectionrateofmalignantgliomaandpatientsurvivaltime. tumors located in the eloquent brain areas of the speech Aftertotalresectionofthetumor,the5-yearsurvivalratewas or motor functional centers of the brain in which serious 20.4%;however,afterresecting50%ofthetumor,the5-year complications, such as paralysis or speech disturbance, can 2 InternationalJournalofBiomedicalImaging Glycine+succinyl CoA ALA synthase ALA (Feedback) ALA dehydratase Porphobilinogen Heme Porphobilinogen deaminase Ferrochelatase+iron Hydroxymethylbilane Uroporphyrinogen III Protoporphyrin IX synthase Uroporphyrinogen III Protoporphyrinogen Coproporphyrinogen I oxidase Protoporphyrinogen IX Pentacarboxyl porphyrinogen COPRO I Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase Coproporphyrinogen III Harderoporphyrinogen Coproporphyrinogen oxidase PENTA COPRO III HARDERO Figure 1: The simplified synthetic pathway of ALA-induced PpIX. ALA is an endogenous substance. It is incorporated into the mitochondria, repeatedly transported between the cytoplasm and the mitochondria, and finally used for heme synthesis. ALA is convertedintoporphobilinogenbytheenzymeALAdehydratase,andporphobilinogenissequentiallyconvertedintohydroxymethylbilane, uroporphyrinogenIII,coproporphyrinogenIII,protoporphyrinogenIX,andfinallyPpIXbytheenzymeprotoporphyrinogenoxidase.The finalproducthemeissynthesizedfromPpIXandiron(Fe)bytheenzymeferrochelatase(FeC).Thisbiosyntheticpathwayisconsideredtobe thesameinallorganisms(PENTA:pentacarboxylporphyrin,COPROIorIII:coproporphyrinIorIII,andHARDERO:harderoporphyrin). occuraftersurgery.Duetothedifficultyofextensiveresection that the residual tumor volume is <10cc while, at the same ofmalignantglioma,residualmalignantgliomatissueisoften time, preserving the function of the surrounding normal observeddespitetumorresection. brain.Themainaimofsurgeryistotalremovaloftheglioma, Lacroix et al. [2] reported on the relationship between whichisthecontrast-enhancingareaonMRI.Unfortunately, the extent of the resection and the survival time in 416 thisgoalisachievedin<35%ofcases.Therefore,itisvisually patientswithglioblastoma.Asignificantsurvivaladvantage verydifficulttodifferentiategliomatissuefromnormaltissue wasassociatedwithresectionof>98%ofthetumorvolume basedonitscolororhardness[4]. (median survival: 13 months) compared with resection of 5-Aminolevulinic acid (ALA) appears to be a new and <98% of the tumor volume (median survival: 8.8 months, promising material in the field of malignant glioma treat- ๐‘ < 0.0001). In addition, Keles et al. [3] reported on ment. Because ALA is specifically taken up by malignant the relationship between the volume of the residual tumor gliomacellsandusedforthebiosynthesisofprotoporphyrin tissueandthevitalprognosisafterremovingthebraintumor IX (PpIX) (Figure 1), there is an abundant and specific in 107 glioblastoma patients. It was found that the median accumulationofPpIXinmalignantgliomacells.Thetumor survivaltimeforpatientswithcompletedisappearanceofthe fluorescence by excitation of violet-blue light is useful for tumorshadow,asassessedbyCTorMRI,was93weeks.The photodynamic diagnosis (PDD) of the glioma at the time mediansurvivaltimeinpatientswith10,10โ€“20,and>20cc of surgery. ALA-PDD can distinguish the infiltrating area, ofresidualtumorvolumewas68.7,49.0,and50.8weeks(๐‘< which is very difficult to distinguish using gadolinium- 0.0001), respectively. Furthermore, they observed that the enhanced MRI (Gd-MRI), and the following treatment is volumeoftheresidualtumorgreatlyinfluencedthetime-to- now possible. An exclusive removal of the glioma without recurrenceofthetumor.Theseresultsindicatethatincreasing functionaldamagetothebrainispossiblebyintraoperative the resection rate of gliomas prolongs the patient survival PDD using ALA through distinguishing malignant glioma time. Therefore, to ensure the best prognosis after surgical tissue from normal brain tissue with the naked eye during removalinpatientswithmalignantgliomas,neurosurgeons surgery. This technique is known as fluorescence-guided shouldaimtoremove>98%ofthetumorandatleastensure resectionoftheglioma[5]. InternationalJournalofBiomedicalImaging 3 2.MaterialsandMethods 2.5.4.ObservationoftheFluorescenceIntensityandSpectrum duringSurgery. Thethreefactorsthatinfluencefluorescence 2.1. Patients. A total of 217 biopsy specimens in 125 malig- observation are distance, angle, and shading. All of these nant glioma patients were obtained in both fluorescent factors should be kept in mind when performing photoil- and nonfluorescent tissue. To clarify the relationship of the lumination(Figure4(a)). Fluorescence, which is difficult to malignancy and the amount of PpIX, we obtained WHO observe macroscopically, can be confirmed by simultane- gradeofeachgliomatissue,whichwasconfirmedbypathol- ously measuring the fluorescence spectrum. The presence ogist. All patients provided written informed consent, and or absence of fluorescence is determined by analyzing the the study was approved by the ethics committees of our fluorescence spectrum R/G ratio. The R/G ratio shows the hospital. ratio of the amplitude of the red PpIX fluorescence from the glioma tissues and the green autofluorescence from the 2.2.HighPerformanceLiquidChromatography. Theamount gliomatissuesinaspectrum(Figure4(b)). of >25 types of intracellular trace elements and iron (Fe++) wasmeasuredusingKondoโ€™smethod[6]. 3.Results 2.3. Pathological Examination. Histopathological examina- 3.1.PorphyrinMetabolismandPpIXContentin tion was performed using hematoxylin and eosin (HE) MalignantGliomaCells staining.CellularproliferationwasassessedusingtheMIB- 1indexbyimmunohistochemistry. 3.1.1.HistologicalExamination. Fortheanalysisoftheintra- cellulartraceelements,atotalof42tissuesampleswereused 2.4.StatisticalAnalysis. The๐œ’2testwasusedtocomparethe in the biopsy specimens. In 28 of the 42 tissue samples, distribution of the categorical variables. In all analyses, a ๐‘ glioblastoma was histologically confirmed and fluorescence valueof<0.05(two-sided)wasconsideredtobestatistically wasobserved.In14ofthe42tissuesamples,notumorcells significant.Allexperimentswereconductedmorethanthree and no fluorescence were observed, and they were used as timeswithsimilarresults. controlsinthefollowingresults. 2.5.Treatment 3.1.2.IstheSubstanceEmittingtheFluorescencePpIX? Inthe humanglioblastomatissueandcontrolbraintissuesamples, 2.5.1. Dosage and Timing of ALA Administration. 20mg/kg the amounts of each porphyrin and the relevant enzyme ALA was dissolved in 50mL of 5% glucose solution and activities of porphyrin metabolism were measured. The orallyadministeredtothepatient,approximately1hpriorto amountofallporphyrinswasincreasedintheglioblastomas theinductionofanesthesia.Thechemicalformulaof5-ALA that emitted strong fluorescence after ALA administration (5-aminolevulinicacidhydrochloride,CosmoBioCo.,Ltd., compared with control brain tissue without fluorescence. Tokyo,Japan)isC2H9NO3โ€“HCl,anditsmolecularweightis On average, the amounts of coproporphyrin and hardero- 167.59. porphyrin increased by approximately twofold to ninefold and that of PpIX by sixfold to ninefold. PpIX was in the 2.5.2. Light Protection (Photosensitization of the Skin). It is greatest quantity for these porphyrins at more than 10 wellknownthatphotosensitizationoftheskinlastsapprox- times (Figure 2). Therefore, we can definitely say that the imately 24h after ALA administration. In our practice of substance emitting the fluorescence is PpIX. Harada et al. using ALA, direct exposure of the patient to sunlight or [7] reported that PpIX shows a very strong absorbance especially strong room light must be avoided; however, no bandatawavelengthofapproximately405nmwave(Soret special care is needed for the patient in general indoor band) and four absorbance bands between the wavelengths illumination. However, during or after surgery, when an of 480 and 650nm (Q bands). That is, if tissues containing oximeterusingLEDisattachedtothepatient,caremustbe PpIX are excited using violet-blue light at a wavelength of takentoavoidburnsfrompartoftheLEDlighttouchingthe approximately 405nm, a strong red fluorescence band at a skin. wavelengthof635nmisobservedinthetissue.Althoughnor- maltissuesalsosynthesizePpIX,fluorescenceisnotobserved 2.5.3. Light Illumination. Violet-blue light was used as the macroscopicallyinthesetissuesbecausetheamountofPpIX excitationlightbecauseitirradiatesatthewavelengthofthe is very small. After ALA administration, PpIX synthesis Soret band at which PpIX shows very strong absorbance. is observed; however, PpIX accumulation is not observed The surgical field was irradiated with violet-blue light from in normal brain tissue. In malignant glioma tissues, PpIX axenonlamp(Superlux301,CarlZeissJapan,Tokyo,Japan) synthesis and accumulation are observed. This means that, throughanopticalfiberthatwasequippedwithafilter(Nikon basedontheamountofaccumulatedPpIX,differentiationof EX405/10,400โ€“410nm,NikonCo.,Tokyo,Japan)atthedistal malignanttumortissuefromnormalbraintissueispossible. tip. It is possible to use other excitation light sources such PpIX emits red fluorescence after excitation with violet- asVLD-M1(405nmDiodeLaserSystem,M&MCo.,Tokyo, blue light, and this fluorescence can be macroscopically Japan)andsurgicalmicroscopes(OPMIPentero,CarlZeiss recognized. Therefore, tissues with red fluorescence that Japan)equippedwithanexcitationlightsourceapparatus. contain large amounts of PpIX are very likely to be tumor 4 InternationalJournalofBiomedicalImaging 1100 โˆ— inhibits the FeC activity in the malignant glioma cells. The 1000 amountsofFeinthemalignantgliomaandthecontrolswere 65.78๐œ‡g/gand92.89๐œ‡g/gofwetbrain,respectively.Although 900 thiswasnotstatisticallysignificant,theamountofFeinthe 800 malignantgliomawasobviouslysmallerthaninthecontrols. n) 700 Theamountofhemeinthemitochondriawassmallerinthe ai malignant glioma cells than in the control cells. This was br 600 et thought to be because heme was not biosynthesized from g/w 500 PpIX,althoughalargeamountofPpIXwaspresent,dueto ng/ 400 asmallamountofFeandlowFeCactivityinthemalignant ( 300 โˆ— gliomacells(Figure3(c)).Basedontheseresults,thereason โˆ— โˆ— whyPpIXisselectivelyaccumulatedinmalignantgliomacells 200 โˆ— canbeexplainedonthebasisofporphyrin-hememetabolism 100 as follows. A large amount of PpIX is first biosynthesized in the mitochondria, and the excessive amount of PpIX 0 PENTA COPRO I COPRO III HARDERO PpIX in the mitochondria decreases the activity of FeC. Because the amount of Fe is small, the biosynthesis from PpIX to Control heme decreases. Consequently, the amount of heme in the Glioblastoma mitochondria is smaller in the malignant glioma cell than in the control cell. We also speculated that FeC activity is Figure2:Theamountofporphyrinsinthecontrolbraintissueand glioblastomatissue.Thewhitebarshowscontroltissuefromabrain decreased due to the activation of PBGD and the existence tumorpatient(๐‘› = 14),andthegraybarshowsglioblastoma(๐‘› = ofnitricmonoxide. 28)(โˆ—๐‘<0.05)(PENTA:pentacarboxylporphyrin,COPROIorIII: The other explanation as to why ALA or PpIX is coproporphyrinIorIII,HARDERO:harderoporphyrin,andPpIX: oncotropic is speculated to be as follows. Since porphyrins protoporphyrinIX). haveahighaffinitytolipoprotein,especiallyto low-density lipoprotein, which is abundant in tumor cells, PpIX, which isaporphyrin,accumulatesinthetumorcellsbybindingto low-densitylipoproteins.However,thereisnoevidencethat tissue, while those without red fluorescence that contain PpIXhasahighaffinitytolow-densitylipoprotein. little PpIX are probably normal tissue. Many studies have Thepept-1andpept-2transportercontrolscellularALA addressedthequestionastowhyalargeamountoftheALA uptake. In addition, the ATP-binding cassette transporter metabolitePpIXisspecificallyincorporatedandaccumulated ABCG2 plays a critical role in regulating the cellular accu- inmalignantgliomacells. mulationofporphyrin. 3.1.3. Why Does PpIX Excessively Accumulate in Malignant 3.1.4. Intracellular Localization of PpIX. We confirmed that Glioma Cells? After ALA administration, ALA dehydratase PpIXfluorescenceoccurredintissueswithhighcelldensity obviously increased and accelerated porphyrin metabolism and in the cytoplasm of tumor cells by comparing the from ALA along with ALA incorporation into malignant findings of HE stained, isolated preparations and confocal glioma cells. It is also obvious that the material that was laserfluorescencemicroscopy[8]. excessivelyproducedandaccumulatedwasPpIX.Toexamine the mechanism underlying the increase in the amount of PpIX, the activities of three enzymes, ALA dehydratase, 3.2.PracticalAspectsofALA-PDD porphobilinogen deaminase (PBGD), and FeC, which are involvedinporphyrinmetabolismweresimultaneouslymea- 3.2.1. Diagnostic Accuracy. On histopathology, the very sured. In the malignant glioma cells, a decreasing trend in stronglyfluorescent tissues were activetumorcells, and the these enzymes with increasing amounts of porphyrin was weakly fluorescent tissues showed an infiltrative area at the observed. That is, the amount of PpIX and the activity tumormargin.Thebluefluorescenttissueswerenormalbrain of FeC were negatively correlated. The FeC activity was tissue.Mostnecroticlesionsshowedeitherveryweakorno expressed as the amount of heme biosynthesized for PpIX fluorescence. per unit time. The unit of FeC activity is nmol of heme Excessive accumulation occurs not only in malignant formed/mg/organ/h.TheFeCactivitywasclearlydecreased gliomatissuesbutalsoinothertissues.Forexample,inflam- more in the malignant glioma cells compared with control matory tissues in acne and granulation tissue accumulate cells(Figure3(a)).TheFeCactivityandthetotalamountof PpIX because PpIX accumulation is the result of an abnor- PpIX in the whole cell were positively correlated; however, malityinporphyrinmetabolism. theFeCactivityandtheamountofPpIXinthemitochondria ThemajordrawbacksofPDDaretheoccurrenceoffalse werenegativelycorrelated(Figure3(b)).Weshowedthat,in positive and false negative results. A false positive result is themitochondria,theFeCactivitydecreasedwithanincrease defined as the presence of fluorescence in the absence of intheaccumulatedamountofPpIX.Theseresultsindicated histological confirmationofmalignantgliomatissues. False that the excessive presence of PpIX in the mitochondria positivity reflects the specificity of PDD. Conversely, a false InternationalJournalofBiomedicalImaging 5 80 โˆ— 70 h) 60 g/ m ol/ 50 m n C ( 40 e F of 30 y vit cti 20 A 10 0 Control Tumor (a) g) m ng/ 2.0 g) 4.0 ell ( g/m ole c X (n n the wh 1.0 R=0.94 Mt-PpI 2.0 R=โˆ’0.412 X i pI P 0 1.0 2.0 0 1.0 2.0 Activity of FeC (nmol/mg/h) Activity of FeC (nmol/mg/h) (b) โˆ— an) 60 g or g ol/ m n e ( 40 m e h of nt u o 20 m A 0 Control Tumor (c) Figure3:(a)Ferrochelatase(FeC)activity.NotethattheFeCactivityclearlydecreasedmoreinthemalignantgliomacells(๐‘›=28)thanin thecontrolcells(๐‘›=14)(โˆ—๐‘<0.01).TheFeCactivityisexpressedbytheamountofhemebiosynthesizedfromPpIXperunittime.Namely, theunitofFeCactivityisnmolofhemeformed/mg/organ/h.TheunitofPpIXisnmol/g/organ.(b)ThecorrelationbetweentheFeCactivity andtheamountofPpIXinthemitochondriaorinthewholecell.Theleftpanelshowstherelationshipbetweenthetotalintracellularamount ofPpIXandtheFeCactivity.TherightpanelshowstherelationshipbetweentheamountofPpIXinthemitochondriaandtheFeCactivity. NotethattheFeCactivityandthetotalamountofPpIXwerepositivelycorrelated(๐‘…=0.94).TheFeCactivityandtheamountofPpIXinthe mitochondriawerenegativelycorrelated(๐‘… = โˆ’0.412).Namely,theFeCactivitydecreasedwithanincreaseintheaccumulatedamountof PpIXinthemitochondria.(c)Theamountofhemeinthemitochondria.Theamountofhemeinthemitochondriawascomparedbetweenthe controlcells(๐‘›=14)andtumorcells(๐‘›=28).Thisamountwasremarkablysmallerinthetumortissuethaninthenormaltissue(โˆ—๐‘<0.01). 6 InternationalJournalofBiomedicalImaging (A) (B) (C) (D) (a) Sample spectrum, P0, dark subtracted 10,000 9,000 R/Gratio=I(635nm)/I(505nm) 8,000 y 7,000 nsit 6,000 e Red fluorescence of PpIX e int 5,000 ativ 4,000 Green autofluorescence Rel 3,000 of brain 2,000 1,000 0 2 1 6 5 7 0 9 3 7 5 5 0 9 4 4 1 2 2 6 2 5 3 1 8 8 9 7 9 9. 0. 0. 9. 7. 5. 1. 7. 2. 5. 8. 0. 1. 1. 9 3 6 8 1 4 7 9 2 4 6 9 1 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 Wavelength (nm) (b) Figure4:(a)Anintraoperativephotographofthebrainsurface.(A)Thetumorsurfaceunderxenonwhitelight.Hypervascularityisobserved; however,thetumorboundaryisvague.(B)Byirradiatingexcitationlightofviolet-blue,redfluorescencefromthetumortissuesisobserved andthetumorboundaryisclearlyrecognized.(C)Inthecavityaftertumorremovalunderxenonwhitelight,theresidualtumorisnotclearly recognized.(D)Inthesameoperativefieldas(C)underexcitationlightofviolet-blue,theresidualtumorisclearlyrecognized.(b)TheR/G ratiowithfluorescencespectrum.Weobtainedtheamplitudeofthered(R)PpIXfluorescencefromthegliomatissuesandthegreen(G) autofluorescencefromthegliomatissuesinaspectrum. negative result is defined as the absence of fluorescence infiltrates, and thus extirpation of the glioma, especially despite the histological confirmation of malignant glioma recurrentmalignantglioma,requirescarefulconsideration. tissues.FalsenegativityreflectsthesensitivityofPDD.Tissues Inourresults,thespecificitywas92.3%,andthesensitiv- yielding false positive results are often inflammatory cell itywas86.0%(Table1). InternationalJournalofBiomedicalImaging 7 Table1:Therelationshipbetweenthefluorescenceandthepatho- (+++) 14 logicalexamination. 12 ๐‘›=217 Gliomacells Nongliomacells 10 Fluorescence(+) 153 3(allofthemwerenecrosistissues) M) (++) Fluorescence(โˆ’) 25 36 ๐œ‡ 8 Sensitivity:86.0%;specificity:92.3%. pIX ( 6 P 4 (+) (โˆ’) False positivity is generally due to an abnormality in 2 hememetabolismafterPpIXsynthesisfromALA.Therefore, 0 false positive results are not confined to tumor tissues. If a Control Grade II Grade III Grade IV similarabnormalityispresentininflammatorytissues,PpIX WHO grading accumulatesinthesetissuesandfluorescenceisobserved. Figure 5: The amount of PpIX accumulation in each grade of glioma.High-grademalignantgliomacontainsahighconcentration 3.2.2. Photobleaching during Surgery. If photobleaching of ofPpIXinthetissue.Thissignof(โˆ’)โˆผ(+++)showstheintensityof porphyrinsbyilluminationofthemicroscopeoccursimme- fluorescencetothenakedeye. diately, this is a very important issue for the diagnosis of malignant glioma during surgery. Stummer et al. [5, 9, 10] showninFigure7.Apparentfluorescencewasnotobserved reported that, under illumination of the microscope, the macroscopically in lesion (a) (Figure 7(a)). Histopatholog- fluorescencedecreasedto36%in25minforviolet-bluelight ically, lesion (a) was composed of necrotic tissue and did and in 87min for white light excitation. In addition, they notshowthebandat635nmthatrepresentsPpIX.Apparent reportedthatphotobleachingwasmuchslowerthanhadbeen strong fluorescence was observed macroscopically in lesion anticipated. Even if fluorescence decreases in the exposed (b) (Figure 7(b)). Histopathologically, this lesion was active regions of the tumor, it can be refreshed by immediate glioblastoma with abnormal nuclei and a high cell density, removal of the superficial tissue. Therefore, we believe that anditsMIB-1indexwas10%.Inlesion(b),averystrongpeak photobleachingisnotsuchaseriousissueduringsurgery. at635nmwasobserved,andtheratioofautofluorescenceto PpIX fluorescence (R/G ratio) was 30.9. In lesion (c) (Fig- 3.2.3. The Relationship between the Malignancy and the ure7(c)),weakfluorescencewasrecognizedmacroscopically AmountofPpIXintheTissue. Wemeasuredtheamountof andhistopathologically,andmostofthetumorwasidentified PpIXineachgradeofglioma.Whiletheamountincontrol asalow-gradegliomainfiltratingintothenormalbraintissue. brain tissue was 1.73๐œ‡M (micromole), it was 2.29๐œ‡M in The MIB-1 index of lesion (c) was 0.5%, and its spectrum WHOgradeIIglioma,7.43๐œ‡MinWHOgradeIIIanaplastic showed a relatively strong peak at 635nm, and the R/G astrocytoma, and 13.65๐œ‡M in WHO grade IV glioblastoma ratio was 6.5. In lesion (d) (Figure 7(d)), no fluorescence (Figure5).TheamountofPpIXwas1.8timesgreateringrade wasdetectedmacroscopicallywiththenakedeye.However, II,4.3timesgreateringradeIII,and7.9timesgreateringrade its spectrum showed a very weak peak at 635nm and the IVcomparedwiththeconcentrationinnormalbraintissue. R/G ratio was 1.3. The tissue in lesion (d) was identified The amount of intracellular PpIX increased exponentially histopathologically as normal brain tissue with a few infil- withtheincreaseinmalignancy. tratinggliomacells(guerillacells).ItsMIB-1indexwas0.5%. In lesion (e) (Figure 7(e)), no fluorescence was observed macroscopically, and no peak was observed at 630nm. The 3.2.4. The Fluorescence Spectrum with ALA-PDD Is Most tissue in lesion (e) was confirmed on histopathology to be Useful for the Estimation of Tumor Size during Surgery. normal brain tissue. The greatest diameter of the glioma We examined the tumor size that could be recognized by that was distinguished from the normal tissue was 35mm histopathologicalfindings,theR/Gratiointhefluorescence (Figure 7). In this range, the spectrum showed an obvious spectrum, the visual fluorescence strength, and the visual bandat635nm,anditwashistopathologicallyconfirmedas observationunderthewhitelight. gliomatissue. Thiscasewasafemalewithrighttemporallobeglioblas- These results suggest that fluorescence diagnosis during toma. An MR image with gadolinium contrast is shown in surgery can successfully distinguish malignant gliomas of a Figure 6(a) and a tumor shadow is observed in the right sizeof35mmfromnormaltissue.Furthermore,thefluores- temporal lobe. Figures 6(c) and 6(d) show the cut surface cence spectrum during surgery can be used for diagnosis, of the central portion of the tumor after total resection even if fluorescence is not observed macroscopically. As of the right temporal lobe glioblastoma. Figure 6(c) is a a method for diagnosing a malignant glioma from the picture of the surface under white light and the tumor is normalbrainduringsurgery,wecansaythatthefluorescence recognized by its brownish color. Figure 6(d) is the same spectrumhasexcellentdiagnosticcapability. surfaceasFigure6(c)underexcitationviolet-bluelightand thefluorescenceofthetumorisclearlyrecognized. Whether the tumor could be recognized or not was 3.2.5.CurativeEffectsofALA-PDD. Weobtainedthefollow- examinedinfivelesions(lesions(a),(b),(c),(d),and(e))as ingsurgicalresultsusingALA-PDD.Thetotalremovalrateof 8 InternationalJournalofBiomedicalImaging 24mm (a) (b) 30mm 20mm (c) (d) Figure6:Thesizeofthetumorusingdifferentmethods.(a)MRIimageshowstheglioblastomaintherighttemporallobe.(b)Itwas24mm onenhancedMRI.(c)Itwas20mmonmacroscopicobservationunderthewhitelight.(d)Itwas30mmonmacroscopicobservationand fluorescencetothenakedeye. theglioblastomabeforeusingALA-PDDwas40%.However, resectionsurgeryoftheglioblastomabeforeusingALA-PDD thetotalremovalrateafterusingALA-PDDroseto78%. was 36%. However, the total removal rate after using ALA- PDD rose to 66%. In cases of total resection of fluorescing tissues,themeansurvivaltimewas101weeks(23.5months). 4.Discussion Incaseswheresolidfluorescingtissueswereleftunresected, themeansurvivaltimewas51weeks(11.9months).Inaddi- 4.1. The Value of ALA-PDD for Malignant Glioma Surgery. tion,6-monthprogression-freesurvivalwas40.1%โ€“46.0%in Tumor resection using fluorescence of ALA-induced PpIX theGFRgroupand21.1%โ€“28.3%inthecontrols. does not differ greatly from conventional neurosurgical microsurgery. Manymethodsareusedtodistinguishtheborderofthe 5.Conclusions malignantgliomafromthenormalbrain.Forexample,there areneuronavigationsystems, ultrasonography,orMRI dur- PhotodynamicapplicationusingALAisanewandpromising ingsurgery.TumorresectionusingfluorescenceofALAhas technique for neurosurgeons in the treatment of malignant now been added to these methods and probably represents glioma.ALA-PDDhassucceededinincreasingtheresection the best one. Although these methods can distinguish the rateofmalignantgliomafrom40%to80%.PDDsignificantly borderofthemalignantgliomapathologically,unfortunately, prolongs the interval until recurrence. Furthermore, with thesemethodscannotdistinguishtheregionsofbrainfunc- intraoperative PDD for identifying tumor tissues, measure- tion.Whenmalignantgliomacellsinfiltrateintotheeloquent ment of the fluorescent spectrum facilitates more accurate brainareathatisacenterofspeechormotorfunctionwith and extensive resection compared with macroscopic obser- fluorescence,speechandmotorfunctionmustbemonitored vationofthefluorescence. to avoid resection of the eloquent areas with malignant Based on previous research, it is apparent that PpIX glioma [11]. Therefore, PDD using ALA can distinguish accumulates abundantly in malignant glioma tissues after malignant glioma more widely than MRI. Distinguishing ALA administration. Furthermore, it is evident that the malignantgliomausingfluorescencehassuperiorspecificity mechanism underlying PpIX accumulation in malignant comparedwithneuronavigationsystems,ultrasonography,or glioma tissues involves an abnormality in porphyrin-heme MRI[12]. metabolism,specificallydecreasedFeCenzymeactivity. Stummer et al. [5, 10, 13] described the clinical curative Although chemotherapy with new anticancer agents, effects of ALA-PDD as follows. The total removal rate by immunotherapy,andnewmethodsofradiotherapyandgene InternationalJournalofBiomedicalImaging 9 35mm (e) (d) (c) (b) (a) DZE dark subtracted 60,000 55,000 R/Gratio=0.7 MIB-1index:0% 50,000 45,000 nsity 3450,,000000 e nt 30,000 ve i 25,000 elati 20,000 R 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 951715786266377239 700600712045378600 925792479136802468 344445555666677777 Wavelength (nm) (a) DZE dark subtracted 60,000 55,000 R/Gratio=30.9 MIB-1index:10% 50,000 45,000 y 40,000 nsit 35,000 e nt 30,000 ve i 25,000 ati 20,000 el R 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 951715786266377239 700600712045378600 925792479136802468 344445555666677777 Wavelength (nm) (b) DZE dark subtracted 60,000 55,000 R/Gratio=6.5 MIB-1index:0.5% 50,000 45,000 y 40,000 nsit 35,000 e nt 30,000 ve i 25,000 ati 20,000 el R 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 951715786266377239 700600712045378600 925792479136802468 344445555666677777 Wavelength (nm) (c) Figure7:Continued. 10 InternationalJournalofBiomedicalImaging DZE dark subtracted 60,000 55,000 R/Gratio=1.3 MIB-1index:0.5% 50,000 45,000 y 40,000 nsit 35,000 e nt 30,000 ve i 25,000 ati 20,000 el R 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 951715786266377239 700600712045378600 925792479136802468 344445555666677777 Wavelength (nm) (d) DZE dark subtracted 60,000 55,000 R/Gratio=0.6 MIB-1index:0% 50,000 45,000 y 40,000 nsit 35,000 e nt 30,000 ve i 25,000 ati 20,000 el R 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 951715786266377239 700600712045378600 925792479136802468 344445555666677777 Wavelength (nm) (e) Figure7:Theanalysisofthefluorescencespectrumandthehistologyineachlesion.Lesion(a)wascentralnecrosiswithoutmacroscopic fluorescence.Lesion(b)showedthehighestfluorescencemacroscopically.Lesion(c)showedafaintfluorescencemacroscopically.Lesion(d), adjacenttolesion(c),didnotshowmacroscopicfluorescence.Lesion(e)didnotshowanyfluorescence.Theleftpanelshowstheanalysisof thefluorescencespectrum,andtherightpanelshowsthehistologicalexaminationsandMIB-1index. therapy will be developed in the future, we believe that includingpituitaryadenomas,metastaticbraintumors,and the curative effect of this new treatment has the potential malignantmeningiomasthathaveinvadedintotheskullbase. to show a maximum effect by maximum cytoreduction From our clinical experience, the following advantages with photodynamic application using ALA. Therefore, we and disadvantages are apparent. Advantages are as follows: strongly believe that photodynamic application using ALA (1) This method was able to distinguish malignant brain willplayakeyroleinmalignantgliomatreatmentbeforethe tumortissuesfromnormalbraintissueswiththenakedeye developmentofnewtreatmentsinthefuture. before tumor removal at the time of removal surgery. (2) Many ALA derivatives have been synthesized by ALA Photodynamicmedicinehasfewsideeffectsandprovidesa research. For example, there are ALA ether, methyl-ALA, good quality of life. Disadvantages are as follows: (1) Using andhexyl-ALA.Thesenewderivativeshavebeendeveloped PDD, it is very difficult to distinguish infiltrative tumor because it is known that their tumor affinity is higher than tissues or guerilla cells from normal tissues. Furthermore, ALA. Furthermore, these new derivatives may be more therearefalsenegativeandfalsepositivefindingsespecially suitable for fluorescence detection because they appear to in edematous brain tissues or recurrent tumor tissues. (2) induce PpIX with better tumorselectivity. Ourhopeis that Theconcentrationofthephotosensitizerinmalignantbrain thesenewALAderivativeswillbeusedinthefuture. tumortissuesisheterogeneous. Furthermore,ALA-PDT(photodynamictherapy)hasthe potentialtotreatmalignantgliomasnearorattheeloquent CompetingInterests area of the brain without major neurological deficits [14]. It is known that photodynamic application using ALA is The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests alsoeffectiveforbraintumorsotherthanmalignantglioma, regardingthepublicationofthispaper.

(PpIX) accumulates abundantly in malignant glioma tissues after ALA administration fluorescence by excitation of violet-blue light is useful for.
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