Hindawi Publishing Corporation Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2015, Article ID 702563, 12 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2015/702563 Research Article Combined Numerical-Statistical Analyses of Damage and Failure of 2D and 3D Mesoscale Heterogeneous Concrete XiaofengWangandAndreyP.Jivkov SchoolofMechanical,AerospaceandCivilEngineering,theUniversityofManchester,ManchesterM139PL,UK CorrespondenceshouldbeaddressedtoXiaofengWang;[email protected] Received6May2015;Accepted16July2015 AcademicEditor:EugeneKogan Copyright©2015X.WangandA.P.Jivkov.ThisisanopenaccessarticledistributedundertheCreativeCommonsAttribution License,whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,andreproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperly cited. Generationandpackingalgorithmsaredevelopedtocreatemodelsofmesoscaleheterogeneousconcretewithrandomlydistributed elliptical/polygonal aggregates and circular/elliptical voids in two dimensions (2D) or ellipsoidal/polyhedral aggregates and spherical/ellipsoidal voids in three dimensions (3D). The generation process is based on the Monte Carlo simulation method whereintheaggregatesandvoidsaregeneratedfromprescribeddistributionsoftheirsize,shape,andvolumefraction.Acombined numerical-statisticalmethodisproposedtoinvestigatedamageandfailureofmesoscaleheterogeneousconcrete:thegeometrical modelsarefirstgeneratedandmeshedautomatically,simulatedbyusingcohesivezonemodel,andthenresultsarestatistically analysed.Zero-thicknesscohesiveelementswithdifferenttraction-separationlawswithinthemortar,withintheaggregates,and attheinterfacesbetweenthesephasesarepreinsertedinsidesolidelementmeshestorepresentpotentialcracks.Theproposed methodologyprovidesaneffectiveandefficienttoolfordamageandfailureanalysisofmesoscaleheterogeneousconcrete,anda comprehensivestudywasconductedforboth2Dand3Dconcreteinthispaper. 1.Introduction An extensive literature review recently carried out by Wang et al. [3] shows that numerical image processing Concrete is the most widely used construction material in technique and parameterization modelling technique are the world due to its good strength and durability relative two main approaches to generate mesostructure models of to its cost. Numerical simulations coupled with theory and concrete.Althoughthemeshgeneratedfromimagesisclosest experiment are considered to be an important tool for to nature, it is presently very costly and time consuming examiningthemechanicalbehaviourthroughcomputational to generate sufficient scanned images and convert them to materials science. Wittmann [1] proposed three levels of −6 −3 meshformeaningfulstatisticalanalyses(e.g.,[4–6]).Inthe observation: microlevel (10 m), mesolevel (10 m), and 0 parameterization modelling technique, both direct (e.g., [3, macrolevel(10 m).Themicrolevelrepresentsthemostbasic 7–9])andindirectapproaches(e.g.,[10–13])tocharacterize level, in which the internal structure of cement paste is materialrandomheterogeneityhavebeenused.Theindirect consideredandwherephysicalandchemicalforcesdominate. approach is able to generate a large number of samples Inthemesolevel,concreteisusuallyrepresentedasamaterial made up of coarse aggregates, mortar with fine aggregates with ease but the key multiphasic parameters which could and cement paste embedded inside, and interfaces between significantly influence the mechanical behaviour cannot be coarseaggregatesandmortar.Atthemacroscale,concreteis considered.Thedirectapproachcantakeintoaccountmost treatedasahomogenousandcontinuousmaterialinwhich of the key parameters such as shape, size, gradation and the internal structure is not considered [2]. As concrete is spatial distribution of voids and aggregates, phase volume generally used in large-sized structures and its dependence fractions,andaggregate-mortarinterfaces.Soamongallthe of mechanical behaviours on mesostructures is significant, approaches,itseemsthatthedirectapproachisparticularly mesoscalemodellingofconcretebecomesessentialandwas suitable for statistical analysis of concrete samples and was investigatedinthisstudy. usedinthisstudy. 2 MathematicalProblemsinEngineering Mortar Voids Aggregates (a) Glass ball concrete (b) Rolled aggregate concrete (c) Crushed aggregate concrete Figure1:Tomographiccross-sectionalviewofthreeconcretesvaryingbycoarseaggregateshape(after[14]). Identificationandgenerationofunitcellgeometryarea Table1:Aggregatesizedistribution[28]. vital step in the mesoscale analysis of concrete. Both shape Sievesize Totalpercentage Totalpercentagepassing andsizeofaggregateshavesignificantinfluencesonthestress (mm) retained(%) (%) distribution, crack initiation, and damage accumulation up tothemacroscopicfailurewithintheconcretematerial[16]. 12.70 0 100 Mostoftheexistingalgorithmsformesostructuregeneration 9.50 39 61 of concrete only consider random aggregates but neglect 4.75 90 10 voids[2,7,17–19].However,theX-rayCTimages[4,14,20] 2.36 98.6 1.4 clearlyshowthatvoidsexistinconcreteatthisscaleandhave severely adverse effects on the specimen strength [3, 9]. So automatic generation of morphological details of materials usingthecombinednumerical-statisticalmethod,leadingto withrandomlydistributeddifferentshapeofaggregatesand valuable statistical results that may help improve designs of voidsposesnewchallenges.Inthispaper,acomputationally concretematerials. efficient and versatile in-house program of heterogeneous material generator (HMG) has been developed considering both2Dand3Drandomaggregatesandvoidsbasedonthe 2.2Dand3DHeterogeneousConcrete prescribedparameters. Severalnumericalmodelsforcrackpropagationatmeso- 2.1. Aggregate and Void Size Distribution. The size distribu- scopic level have been used to study the heterogeneity of tionofaggregatesinconcreteisoftendescribedbytheFuller concrete. Continuum based finite element models are the curve [16], which is discretised into a certain number of mainapproachesemployedintheliterature[21–24],primar- segments. The aggregate size distributions found in Hirsch ily based on cohesive zone model [25]. Other alternative [28]andsummarisedinTable1areusedinthisstudy.Inthis approaches have also been developed, such as discrete ele- study, concrete is treated as a material consisting of coarse mentmodel(DEM)[26]andlatticemodel[11,12].Thebiggest aggregates,mortarincorporatingfineaggregatesdissolvedin disadvantage of DEM and lattice model is the difficulty it,voids,andinterfacesbetweenaggregatesandmortar.Here in determining the equivalent model parameters, which is only coarse aggregates are explicitly modelled as mesoscale relativelystraightforwardforcontinuumbasedfiniteelement features.Fornormalstrengthconcretecastwithamouldin models[27].Thenumericalmodelusedinthisworkforcrack thelaboratory,coarseaggregatesusuallyrepresent30–50%of propagation at mesoscopic level is based on the cohesive theconcretevolume. zone model [3]. It is becoming more and more popular in From X-ray CT images, it was found that gravel aggre- modelling crack propagation due to its simple formation gates have circular/elliptical shapes in 2D and spheri- and easy implementation in the form of cohesive interface cal/ellipsoidal shapes in 3D, while crushed aggregates have elements(CIEs). polygonal shapes in 2D and polyhedral shapes in 3D [14]. WiththepreprocessingfunctionalityinANSYS[29]and A number of voids can be clearly observed in concrete at explicit solver in ABAQUS [30], nonlinear modelling of mesoscale from CT images (see Figure1). Therefore, voids multiple crack propagation with a considerable number of with size ranging from 2 to 4mm as presented in [31] are concrete samples has been performedby high performance included in the mesostructure of concrete in this study. computinginthisstudy.Statistically,analysisofmechanical Coarseaggregatesareconsideredtohaveelliptical/polygonal behaviourofboth2Dand3Dspecimenshasbeenconducted shapes in 2D and ellipsoidal/polyhedral shapes in 3D, and MathematicalProblemsinEngineering 3 Loop over all the previous generated inclusions until prescribed volume fraction is achieved No Hierarchy I: radial distance check Save and go for next inclusion Yes Hierarchy II: check if the centres of any previous inclusions Yes Exit loop filtered in Hierarchy I lie inside the new inclusion No Hierarchy III: check if any node on new inclusion lies inside Yes Exit loop of inclusions filtered in Hierarchy II No Save and go for next inclusion End loop Figure2:Flowcharttohierarchicalintersectionandoverlappingchecking. (a) Ellipticalaggregatesandcir- (b) Ellipticalaggregatesandellip- (c) Ellipsoidalaggregatesandspheri- (d) Ellipsoidal aggregates and ellip- cularvoids ticalvoids calvoids soidalvoids Figure3:Numericallygenerated2Dand3Dmodelsforconcretewithgravelaggregates(𝑃 =30%,𝑃 =2%). agg void the shape of voids is assumed to be circle/ellipse in 2D or 2.3. Mesostructure Models. Elliptical aggregates and circu- sphere/ellipsoidin3D. lar/ellipticalvoidsin2Dorellipsoidalaggregatesandspheri- cal/ellipsoidalvoidsin3Dwereusedforconcretewithgravel 2.2. Specimen Generation. The basic idea is to create the aggregates.Aseriesofconcretesampleswithdimensionsof aggregates and voids in the concrete in a repeated manner, 50mm × 50mm in 2D and 50mm × 50mm × 50mm in until the target area/volume is filled with aggregates and 3Daregenerated.Figure3showsthenumericallygenerated voids. The generation starts with the information input modelswithgravelaggregates(aggregatesingreenandvoids process and is followed by taking and placing voids within in red). Aggregate gradation in Table1, aggregate volume size range; the aggregates within the grading segments are fraction𝑃 = 30%,voidcontent𝑃 = 2%,aspectratios agg void produced last. The “input” process reads the controlling forelliptical/ellipsoidalaggregatesandvoids(theratioofthe parameters for generating a heterogeneous concrete; the major axis to the minor axis) 𝑅1 = 𝑅2 = [1,2], minimum “taking” process generates an individual void or aggregate spacebetweentheedgeofanaggregateandtheboundaryof inaccordancewiththerandomsizeandshapedescriptions. theconcretespecimen𝛾1 =0.2mm,andminimumgapwidth The“placing”processpositionstheaggregatesandvoidsinto thepredefinedarea/volumeinarandommanner,subjectto between any two aggregates 𝛾2 = 0.2mm are adopted here [31]. theprescribedphysicalconstraints.Therearethreephysical Polygonalaggregatesandcircular/ellipticalvoidsin2Dor conditions to be satisfied simultaneously: (1) the whole inclusion(voidoraggregate)mustbewithintheconcrete,(2) polyhedral aggregates and spherical/ellipsoidal voids in 3D thereisnooverlappingofinclusions,and(3)thereisnointer- areconsideredforconcretewithcrushedaggregates.Aseries sectionbetweenanytwoinclusions.Athree-levelhierarchical ofconcretesampleswiththesamedimensionsastheprevious methodisproposedtoreducethecomputationalcostandis gravel aggregate samples are generated. Figure4 shows the outlinedinFigure2.Theprocedurewasprogrammedusing numericallygeneratedmodelswithcrushedaggregates.The MATLAB[32]inthisstudy,andthedetailedalgorithmsand minimumandmaximumedgesofthepolygons/polyhedrons procedureingeneratingmesostructurescanbefoundinour aresetto𝑁 = 8,𝑁 = 16.Alltheotherparametersare min max previouswork[3,33]. thesameasthevaluesusedforgravelaggregates. 4 MathematicalProblemsinEngineering (a) Polygonalaggregatesandcir- (b) Polygonal aggregates and (c) Polyhedralaggregatesandspheri- (d) Polyhedral aggregates and ellip- cularvoids ellipticalvoids calvoids soidalvoids Figure4:Numericallygenerated2Dand3Dmodelsforconcretewithcrushedaggregates(𝑃 =30%,𝑃 =2%). agg void 3.CombinedNumerical-StatisticalMethod in Figure5. A bilinear cohesive crack model is used here topredictdiscretecrackpropagationinconcretespecimens 3.1. Description of the Method. A combined numerical- undertensionloading.Alinearascendingbranchisaddedin statistical method is proposed in this paper to study the thesofteningcurvetomodeltheinitiallyuncrackedmaterial. material behaviour of concrete in a statistical sense. The The separation displacement is difficult to derive from detailedprocedureisasfollows: experiments, so cohesive fracture energy and cohesive strengthareusuallyused.Amongthem,onlytwoparameters (1)Generate a model with prescribed variables, for areindependent,andthefractureenergycanbeobtainedas example,samplesize,aggregatevolumefraction,void content,andaggregateshape. 𝛿 𝑓 1 𝐺=∫ 𝑡(𝛿)𝑑𝛿= 𝑡 𝛿 , (3) (2)Performafiniteelementsimulationofthesamplefor 2 0 𝑓 0 givenboundaryconditions. where 𝐺 is the cohesive fracture energy, 𝑡0 is the cohesive (3)Compute the mean value, standard deviation, and strength,and𝛿𝑓istheseparationdisplacement. coefficientofvariation(CoV)ofeffectivepropertyfor Inthe3Dcohesivezonemodel,itisassumedthatthere theconsideredsamplesize. existanormaltraction𝑡𝑛andtwotangentialtractions(shear (4)Repeatsteps(1)to(3)forsufficientnumberofrandom cohesion)𝑡𝑠and𝑡𝑛acrossthecracksurfaces,throughmech- samplestomeettherequiredprecision,andconduct anisms such as material bonding, aggregate interlocking, statisticalanalysis. and surface friction in the fracture process zone. Figures 6(a) and 6(b) illustrate typical linear softening curves for Thisprocedureisautomatedbyrunningabatchfileinthis 𝑡𝑛 − 𝛿𝑛 and 𝑡𝑠(𝑡𝑡) − 𝛿𝑠(𝛿𝑡), where 𝛿𝑛𝑓 and 𝛿𝑠𝑓(𝛿𝑡𝑓) are the study. critical relative displacements when the tractions diminish Resultsfromallrealisationsareevaluatedstatistically.The for normal traction and tangential traction components, standarddeviation𝑠withinaseriesof𝑛samplesisgivenby respectively.Theunloadingpathsarealsoindicated. 𝑛 It is worth noting that the initial tensile stiffness 𝑠2 = 𝑛−11∑𝑖=1(𝑥𝑖−𝑥)2, (1) 𝑘ac𝑛0rosshsothueldcboehehsiigvheeinntoeurgfahcteosebnefsourreetdhiesptelancseimleesntrtecnogntthin𝑡𝑛u0itiys reached,butnottoohightocausenumericalinstabilitydue where𝑥 = (1/𝑛)∑𝑛𝑖=1𝑥𝑖 istheseriesaverageresultand𝑥𝑖 is to ill-conditioned global stiffness matrix. Reasonable initial theresultfromsample𝑖. shear stiffness, 𝑘𝑠0 and 𝑘𝑡0, is also needed before the shear To compare results obtained with different sample sizes strength, 𝑡𝑠0 or 𝑡𝑡0, is reached. The effects of initial stiffness quantitatively,weusethecoefficientofvariationgivenby on computational results have been investigated previously [37, 38]. The following relation is suggested in [38] as a 𝑠 𝜀= . (2) guidelineforinitialstiffnessselection: 𝑥 𝑐(1−V) Thisexpressesthefluctuationofmeasuredpropertyrelative 𝑘𝑛0 =𝑘𝑠0 =𝑘𝑡0 = 𝑏(1+V)(1−2V)𝐸, (4) toitsaveragevalue. where𝐸andVareYoung’smodulusandPoisson’sratio,𝑏is 3.2. Cohesive Zone Model in ABAQUS. The cohesive zone the characteristic size of elements, and 𝑐 is taken as 10∼100 model developed by Barenblatt [34, 35] and Dugdale [36] fromtheexperiencein[38]. enables the simulation of the energy dissipation process in The areas under the curves in Figures 6(a) and 6(b) thefractureprocesszone(FPZ)duringfracture,asillustrated (calculated by (3)) represent the normal facture energy MathematicalProblemsinEngineering 5 Aggregate Concrete Real crack Fracture process zone (FPZ) Traction distribution along FPZ t 0 Figure5:Characterizationofcohesivezonemodel(after[15]). t n A tn0 ts(tt) A t (t ) s0 t0 G (G ) k (k ) sf tf s0 t0 k n0 G k(k) nf s t −𝛿 (−𝛿 ) sf tf 𝛿 (𝛿 ) kn s0 t0 𝛿sf(𝛿tf)𝛿s(𝛿t) 𝛿 𝛿 𝛿 n0 nf n t (t ) s0 t0 Loading Loading Unloading Unloading (a) 𝑡𝑛−𝛿𝑛curveinnormaldirection (b) 𝑡𝑠(𝑡𝑡)−𝛿𝑠(𝛿𝑡)curveintangentialdirection Figure6:Bilinearsofteninglawsforcohesiveelements. 𝐺𝑛𝑓 and twice the tangential fracture energy, 𝐺𝑠𝑓 and 𝐺𝑡𝑓, displacements𝛿𝑚 combiningtheeffectsof𝛿𝑛,𝛿𝑠,and𝛿𝑡 can respectively: beobtainedas 𝛿 =√⟨𝛿 ⟩2+𝛿2+𝛿2, (6) 𝑚 𝑛 𝑠 𝑡 𝛿 𝑛𝑓 1 𝐺 =∫ 𝑡 (𝛿 )𝑑𝛿 = 𝑡 𝛿 , 𝑛𝑓 𝑛 𝑛 𝑛 2 𝑛0 𝑛𝑓 where⟨⟩istheMacaulaybracketand 0 𝐺𝑠𝑓 =∫0𝛿𝑠𝑓𝑡𝑠(𝛿𝑠)𝑑𝛿𝑠 = 21𝑡𝑠0𝛿𝑠𝑓, (5) ⟨𝛿𝑛⟩={{{0𝛿,𝑛, 𝛿𝛿𝑛𝑛 ≥<00 ((tceonmsiporne)ssion). (7) 𝛿 𝑡𝑓 1 𝐺 =∫ 𝑡 (𝛿)𝑑𝛿 = 𝑡 𝛿 . 𝑡𝑓 𝑠 𝑠 𝑠 2 𝑠0 𝑡𝑓 Thedamageevolutionlawisgivenby 0 𝛿 (𝛿 −𝛿 ) 𝐷= 𝑚𝑓 𝑚,max 𝑚0 , (8) Cohesive elements in ABAQUS based on the cohesive 𝛿 (𝛿 −𝛿 ) 𝑚,max 𝑚𝑓 𝑚0 zonemodelareusedhere.Thedamageischaracterisedbya scalarindex𝐷representingtheoveralldamageofthecrack where𝛿𝑚,maxisthemaximumeffectiverelativedisplacement caused by all physical mechanisms. The effective relative attainedduringtheloadinghistory.𝛿𝑚0and𝛿𝑚𝑓areeffective 6 MathematicalProblemsinEngineering relative displacements at damage initiation and complete mesh generation for a large number of samples required failure,respectively.Itisobviousthatthedamagevariable𝐷 forstatisticalanalysis.Followingthemeshingprocedure,the evolvesmonotonicallyfrom0to1uponfurtherloadingafter generatedmeshwillautomaticallyhavesharednodesatthe theinitiationofdamage. interfacesbetweentwoelements.Iftheinterfacessurround- The damage initiation and evolution will degrade the ing the elements are to be modelled explicitly as potential unloadingandreloadingstiffnesscoefficients𝑘𝑛,𝑘𝑠,and𝑘𝑡, microcracksources,aduplicatesetofnodeswillberequired whichcanbecalculatedas at the interface locations. Here 4-node or 6-node zero in- planethicknessCIEsarepreinsertedintotheexistingelement 𝑘𝑛 =(1−𝐷)𝑘𝑛0, interfaces in 2D or 3D. This is conducted by a purpose 𝑘𝑠 =(1−𝐷)𝑘𝑠0, (9) winrtietrtfeanceaenldemfleenxtisbilnesienr-tihoonu(sCeIcEoImN)p.uThterrepersoegtsraomfCcIoEhsewsiivthe 𝑘𝑡 =(1−𝐷)𝑘𝑡0. differenttraction-separationsofteninglawsareinserted(see Figure7), namely, CIE-AGG inside the aggregates (grey in Thetractionsarealsoaffectedbythedamageaccordingto Figures7(b)and7(d)),CIE-MORinsidethemortar(greenin Figures7(b)and7(d)),andCIE-INTontheaggregate-mortar {(1−𝐷)𝑡𝑛, 𝑡𝑛 ≥0 interfaces (yellow in Figures 7(b) and 7(d)). The element 𝑡𝑛 ={ and node numbers are denoted by 𝐸 and 𝑁, respectively. {𝑡𝑛, 𝑡𝑛 <0, Thedetailednumberingofelementsandnodesintheinitial (10) mesh and the mesh with inserted cohesive elements shows 𝑡𝑠 =(1−𝐷)𝑡𝑠, theinsertionprocedurewiththenewnodesgeneratedatthe samepositionsandCIEsbetweenthecontinuumelements. 𝑡𝑠 =(1−𝐷)𝑡𝑡, where 𝑡𝑛 and 𝑡𝑠 are the traction components predicted by 4.NumericalSimulationandResults the elastic traction-displacement behaviour for the current separationwithoutdamage. 4.1. Description of the Numerical Model. 2D concrete spec- In this study, damage in the cohesive zone model is imens with elliptical aggregates and circular voids and 3D assumed to initiate when a quadratic interaction function specimens with ellipsoidal aggregates and spherical voids involvingthenominalstressratiosreachesavalueofone (𝑃agg =30%,𝑃void =2%,𝑅1 =𝑅2 =[1,2],𝛾1 =𝛾2 =0.2mm) were modelled, loaded under uniaxial tension. 25mm × ⟨𝑡 ⟩ 2 𝑡 2 𝑡 2 25mmconcretesquarein2Dand25mm × 25mm × 25mm { 𝑛 } +{ 𝑠 } +{ 𝑡 } =1. (11) concretecubicin3Dareusedhere.Alltheothermesoscale 𝑡 𝑡 𝑡 𝑛0 𝑠0 𝑡0 parameters were fixed to be the same for 2D and 3D models.Figure8showsthegeometry,boundary,andloading Thematerialproperties,suchasdensity,Young’smodu- conditionsofthenumericalmodel.Horizontaldisplacements lus,Poisson’sratio,tensilestrength,andfractureenergy,are were prescribed to all nodes on the left and right surfaces set forcontinuumelementsofaggregates andmortar,three of the specimen, with a value equal to zero for the left different interface cohesive elements. The material hetero- surface, and a uniformly distributed displacement on the geneityisinvestigatedbyconsideringdifferentphasesinthe rightsurface.Verticaldisplacementsforthesamenodesare concretespecimenwithcorrespondingmaterialproperties. leftfree,exceptforthenodesattheleftlowercornerofthe Inthefractureprocesszonefora2Dcase,tractionsexist in the normal direction 𝑡𝑛 and shear direction 𝑡𝑠 across the specimen,whicharefixedtopreventrigidbodytranslation. Adisplacementcontrolledloadingschemewasusedandall crackinterface,andthecorrespondingrelativedisplacements are 𝛿𝑛 and 𝛿𝑠. So the 2D constitutive law could be easily tlohaedainnagltyismesew𝑡=ere0.e0n0d5esd[3a]t.Caodnisspidlaecreinmgetnhte𝑑ba=lan0c.1embemtwaenend deducedfrom3Dcharacterizationdescribedabovebytaking accuracyandefficiency,theelementlength1mmwasusedfor oneofthesheartractionsanddisplacementsout. allthemeshesinthisstudy[3]. Generally, aggregates have much higher strength than 3.3. Cohesive Interface Elements Insertion. In this study, all mortar and interfaces in normal concrete. In this section, finiteelementmeshingisperformedwiththepreprocessing no cracks are allowed to initiate inside the aggregates by functionality in commercial FE package ANSYS [29]. To assuming elastic behaviour without damage in CIE-AGG. meshthemesoscopicstructureofconcrete,differentmaterial The linear tension/shear softening laws described above parts(mortarandaggregates)shouldmaintaincontinuityon were used to model CIEs with quadratic nominal stress theirsurfaces.Hence,thefiniteelementboundariesarecoin- cidentwithmaterialsurfacesandtherearenomaterialdis- initiation criterion and linear damage evolution criterion. continuitieswithintheelements.Themortarandaggregates Similarmaterialpropertiesextractedfrom[39]wereusedin aremeshedwithtriangularelements(plainstress)in2Dand thisstudy,whicharelistedinTable2.Thefractureproperties hexahedralelementsin3Dsothatmorerealisticcrackpaths relatedtotheshearbehaviourwereassumedtobethesame canbeobtained.ThespeciallydevelopedANSYSparametric asthenormalonesduetothelackofexperimentaldata.Both designlanguage(APDL)programsincombinationwiththe initialtensileandshearstiffnessforallthecohesiveelements 6 ANSYSbatchprocessingprovideapowerfultoolofautomatic weresetto10 MPa/mmaftertrialanderror. MathematicalProblemsinEngineering 7 N12 N13 N11 N44 N45 N46N47N48 N43N42 E14 E16 E14 E16 E15 E34 E35 E15 E36 E33 E13 E12 E13 N29N30N31 N36N37N35E12 N8 E8 N9 N26N28N27 E24 N33N34N32 E31 E8 E32 N7 E6 E9 N10 E11 E7 N6 N25 E18 E17 N22 N24 E6 E22 E9 N39N38N41 E11 E23 E7 N21 N40 E10 N23 N20 N2 N4 E5 E4 E30 E19 E10 E20 E29 E2 N6N7 N8 N16N17N15 E1 E3 E5 N5N3N4 E21 N12N13N14E4 E2 N1 N3 N5 E26 E1 E25 E27 E3 E28 Mortar N2 N1 N9N10N11 N18N19 Aggregate CIE-MOR Mortar CIE-AGG Aggregate CIE-INT (a) 2Dinitialmesh (b) 2Dmeshwithzero-thicknessCIEs N1 N2N3 N1 N4 E5 E7 E6 N2 E1 N4 E4 N7 N5 E1 N8 N11 E4 N16 N9N10 E2 E3 E2 E3 N3 N5 N6 N6 N15 N7 N12N13 N14 Mortar CIE-MOR Mortar Aggregate CIE-AGG Aggregate CIE-INT (c) 3Dinitialmesh (d) 3Dmeshwithzero-thicknessCIEs Figure7:Insertingdifferentcohesiveelementstotheinitialmesh. Table2:Materialproperties. mYo(oMduuPnluag)s’s𝐸 Proaitsisoon]’s (10−9Dteonnsnitey/m𝜌m3) E𝑘l𝑛as(tMicPsati/ffmnmes)s sCtr(oeMnhgePstahi)ve𝑡𝑛 e(FnNrear/cgmtyum𝐺re)𝐹 Aggregate 70000 0.2 2.8 — — — Mortar 25000 0.2 2.0 — — — CIE-AGG — — 2.8 106 — — CIE-MOR — — 2.5 106 4 0.06 CIE-INT — — 2.0 106 2 0.03 8 MathematicalProblemsinEngineering 25 mm 25mm m m 5 2 m m 5 2 m m 25 (a) 2D (b) 3D Figure8:Specimendimensions,loading,andboundaryconditions. 4 4 A-3D 3 3 A-2D Pa) - 3m) Mean stress (M 2 Toughness (kJ/ 2 B-2D/3D 1 1 0 0 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Displacement (mm) Displacement (mm) 2D 2D 3D 3D (a) Stress-displacementcurves (b) Toughness-displacementcurves Figure9:Comparisonofstress-displacementandtoughness-displacementcurves. ABAQUS/explicit with small time increments (typically Fiftyrandomsamplesweremodelledinthisstudytoensure Δ𝑡 = 3 × 10−8s) was utilised to solve the highly nonlinear thattheresultsarestatisticallyconverged. equationsystemsbythehighperformancecomputing(HPC) In Figure9, resulting mean stress-displacement and clusterattheUniversityofManchestercomputationalshared toughness-displacement curves, together with the variation facility(CSF).Atypicalrunofsimulationswith50samplesin range for both 2D and 3D, are depicted. It can be seen thisstudytakesabout6hoursbyparallelcomputationwith thatthepredictedstress-displacementcurvesarequalitatively 32CPUs. similar with a clear peak and sharp initial postpeak drop followed by a long shallow tail. Numerical mean stress for 4.2. Tensile Behaviour. Due to the statistical nature of every curve is obtained by summing the nodal reaction mesostructuremodels,anextensiveseriesofnumericalsimu- forces in the constraints and dividing by the specimen lationswouldbenecessarytocapturetherangeofbehaviours. cross section area. The mean peak stress predicted by 2D MathematicalProblemsinEngineering 9 0.5 6 80 B-3D 5 Pa) 0.4 60 M on ( 0.3 B-2D %) 4 %) eviati V-A ( 3 40 V-B ( d d 0.2 Co Co ar 2 and A-2D 20 St 0.1 1 B-3D 0.0 0 0 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0 10 20 30 40 50 Displacement (mm) Sample number 2D 2D-A 2D-B 3D 3D-A 3D-B Figure10:Comparisonofstandarddeviation-displacementcurves. Figure11:InfluenceofsamplenumberontheCoVofstress. and 3D modelling is 2.65MPa and 3.49MPa, respectively, testingofdifferentsamples.ItcanbeobservedthatCOVof representing an increase of 24.1%. The mean toughness peakstressfordifferentvoidandaggregatedistributionislow (energy absorbed per unit volume up to the break point, (4.2%for2Dmodellingand1.5%for3Dmodelling),which i.e., the area under the stress-strain curve up to the break demonstrates that the peak stress is relatively insensitive to 3 point,measuredinJ/m )predictedin2Dand3Dmodelling thevoidandaggregatedistribution.ThehighCoVofstress 3 3 is 2.47KJ/m and 3.15KJ/m , respectively, representing an at point B further demonstrates the necessity to conduct increase of 21.6%; Figure10 shows the standard deviation- a statistical analysis as the results vary greatly for different displacement curves for both 2D and 3D modelling. The aggregateandvoiddistributioninsofteningrange. standard deviation of peak stress is 0.11MPa and 0.05MPa, Figure12showsthestatisticaldistributionofpeakstress, respectively,representingadecreaseof54.5%.Theseincreases togetherwiththeprobabilitydensityandthebestfitGaussian in peakstress ordecreases in standarddeviationaredue to ProbabilityDensityFunction(PDF).Theprobabilitydensity theconstrainteffectsinthethicknessdirectionin3Dandthe curvecanbeusedtocalculatestructuralreliabilityorfailure lesssmoothcrackingsurfacesfrom3Dmodelling.However, reliabilityagainstgivenexternalloadingsandmaterialprop- the standard deviation of 3D modelling at softening range ertiesforstructuraldesign. islargerthanthatin2Dmodellingwhichindicatesthat3D modelling is more complicated and dependent on different samples. This is due to the 3D heterogonous distribution 4.3.CrackPatterns. Thecomplexmesoscalecrackpropaga- of aggregates and voids. It is clear that the third dimension tion is realistically simulated using the proposed method, cannotbeneglectedduetothenatureoffractureprocess.The andtypicalcrackpatternsforboth2Dand3Datfailureare importanceofthethicknesseffecthasalsobeenpointedout showninFigure13.Toclearlyvisualisethefracturesurfaces, experimentallybyVanMierandSchlangen[40]. models with damaged cohesive elements, models without The mean curve, mean value, and standard deviation cohesiveelements,andfailedinterfacesonlyareusedfor2D of the stress and toughness shown in Figures 9 and 10 are models(seeFigures13(a)–13(c)),andmodelswithdamaged extractedfromthestress-displacementcurvesfor50samples cohesive elements, models without cohesive elements, and with different aggregate and void distribution. In order to morphology of failed surface are used for 3D models (see evaluate the effect of sample number on simulation results Figures13(d)–13(f)).ThecracksshowninFigures13(a),13(c), asrequiredfortheproposedcombinednumerical-statistical and 13(d) are represented by red CIEs with damage index method,twospecialloadingpoints,namely,pointAatpeak 𝐷 ≥ 0.95(𝐷 = 1meanscompletefailure).Amagnification stress and point B at displacement 0.03mm where largest factorof20and200wasusedforthedeformedmodelswith standarddeviationisobserved(denotedinFigures9(a)and 10), are investigated. The influence of sample number on damagedCIEsandthosewithoutdamagedCIEs,respectively. the coefficient of variation (CoV) of stress at points A and Thenoticeabledifferenceof2Dand3Dmodellingdiscussed B is illustrated in Figure11. It can be seen that 50 samples above could also be summarized in that the 3D modeling are enough to get convergent values of CoV of stress with predicts more realistic fracture surfaces in the thickness astablefluctuation.Thisisanindicationthatthecombined directionwhereas2Dmodelingonlyassumesplanefracture numerical-statistical method with 50 random realisations problems. This result confirms the importance of including offers a good balance between general applicability and thethirddimensionintotheanalysis. 10 MathematicalProblemsinEngineering 0.25 0.30 Mean:2.65MPa, standard deviation:0.11MPa Mean:3.49MPa, standard deviation:0.05MPa 0.25 0.20 y y 0.20 nsit 0.15 nsit e e d d y y 0.15 abilit 0.10 abilit b b o o 0.10 Pr Pr 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.00 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.35 3.40 3.45 3.50 3.55 3.60 Peak stress (MPa) Peak stress (MPa) (a) 2D (b) 3D Figure12:StatisticaldistributionofpeakstressfromMonteCarlosimulation. (a) 2DmodelwithdamagedCIEs (b) 2DmodelswithoutCIEs (c) 2Dmodelswithfailedinterfaces (d) 3DmodelwithdamagedCIEs (e) 3DmodelwithoutCIEs (f) 3Dmorphologyoffailedsurface Figure13:Failureofconcreteundertension.