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Research and Development in Industry: 1991... Detailed Statistical Tables... NSF 94-325... Division of Science Resources Studies... National Science Foundation... January 1992 PDF

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Preview Research and Development in Industry: 1991... Detailed Statistical Tables... NSF 94-325... Division of Science Resources Studies... National Science Foundation... January 1992

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Wolfe, Principal Author oi Division of Science Resources Studies Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation NSF 94-325 | ee rr a Suggested Citation National Science Foundation, Research and Development in Industry: 1991, NSF 94-325 (Arlington, VA, 1994) Availability of Publications Single copies are available free of charge from the Division of Science Resources Studies, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA 22230. If you are a user of electronic mail and have access to Internet, you may order publications electronically. Internet users should send requests to [email protected]. In your request, include the NSF publication number and title, number of copies, your name, and a complete mailing address. Printed publications may also be ordered by fax (703-644-4278). Publications should be received within 3 weeks after receipt of request. See page iv for availability on the Science and Technology Information System (STIS). Telephonic Device for the Deaf (703) 306-0090 Contributors Data collection, preparation, and tabulations were performed by the Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce, for the National Science Foundation. The principal author for this report was Raymond M. Wolfe. BEatnHaRee m tSOe CONTENTS Table Page I ites niente tiated natin vil Section A. Detailed Statistical Tables ....................cccececesesee eceeceeeeceeeecececeeeeceeecs 1 Te: TRIE Reidiniishinennnetaanunsnemnenencnnssenatenaaanabtnnnenseetnssenenseentntin 83 I nssnisiininsensnnslibieibintidbtincvensescssanncscacesesoseseecsiivitnsiliel 83 Sy HITED vecscneccnesancncnccncecescececeesisbdbvstébiibbbeddinbiartibebiel 85 SY iik-hiitriiihtntrrnenennnbmmnnsennnnsanesnnesonsseeeneen stentaumamoqnaenenit 85 ED in ctiiindidiniilicedstds nenecesssccemenseesnsnxeneseeennanedeemuneias 85 Probability Proportionate to Size ................cccccececceeeeceeeeeceeeeeeeers 88 Sample Allocation and Relative Standard Error Constraints................ 89 SE IIIS Scachnetdcunnneeubedeboee cecennneenanesedensawnanqnnncasonvacsentes 89 ED WUE shcccesesdddhdeddsecausesisocecenecesecccaceercnccoeceecccecsesecssceess 91 Follow-Up for Survey Nonrespomse ................ccccceeeeeeeeceeeceeueeneens 91 Imputation for Item Nonrespomnse .................cscceceseeeeeeeeeeceeeeesees 91 Response Rates and Mandatory Versus Voluntary Reporting ............. 102 COOMIPRSEEIEY GT BOMMIIIGS onc csccccecccccccccccccsccvccccccccccsccccccecsccsocesens 104 Pee NEED bcdcvctotdevcccecccscnccccesevevecesscsecesecseoeoseceses 104 Fy CE thdccccccsccncccccccccesccescecccensecenesensesencocecesseves 104 Survey Definitions.....................0.. vesauseosnensocenneserendpeamisunee 107 Se ET MUU etnccedlecieddesececddecccrcesceuensncsnnenenccenoenesenonnnnceeess 109 iii STIS2 The Science & Technology Information System (STIS) at the National Science Foundation What is STIS? 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(Replaces NSF 91-10) WV SRoHoo—errm_n e | NSF Diviosfi Scoiennc e Resources Studies NSF 94-325 xI Order Form ' Please send me the following reports: Title NSF No. | Data Brief, "1992 R&D Spending by U.S. Firms Rises, NSF Survey | improved" 94-317 [] Selected Data on Research and Developmenti nI ndustry: 1992 .........0-... 94-327 [J | Researcha ndDe velopment dusty:1 992, Detailed ~O Statistical Forthcoming | | I | | | | I l I : “Ll a) " Check here to get SRS Publications List: FY1989-93. [J I I | Name 7 Address 7 City | State Zip 7 Phone Fax I L To order SRS publications, fill out order form, cut on dotted line, fold in half, tape, and drop in the mail. No postage is necessary. ee || ARLINGTON, VA 22230 NECESSAFY iF MAILEL' IN THE OFFICIAL BUSINESS LISTED SUES eee PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE $300 PE a ae aS ee |B BUlS INESS REPLY CARD | == eee PERMIT NO. 12806 ARLINGTON, VA TRE National Science Foundation Division of Science ResourScteudsie s PublicatioUnnsi t 4201 Wilson Bivd., Suite 965 ArlinVgA 2t22o03n-9,96 6 Please tape here (do not staple) NA eo at Ae EE EDPSh te Te Aes . LL. GENERAL NOTES The Survey of Industrial Research and Devel- The Bureau of the Census (Census), Department opment provides national estimates of the total expendi- of Commerce, has conducted the survey annually for tures on research and development (R&D) performed the National Science Founda(tNSFi) osninc e 1957. within the United States by industrial firms, whether Census staff conduct the survey under title 13 of the U.S. or foreign owned. It is a sample survey in which U.S. Code, which prohibits publicoar trelieaosen o f all R& D-performing companies, including privately held data that may reveal informaboautt iindiovindua l firms, are intended to be included or represented. All companies. Theron esomef taboles rof tehis ,repo rt, companies that are identified as spending more than $1 the symbol “(D)” is used as a footnote reference to million annually on R&D in the United States receive a indtihatc daata atre ebei ng withheld to avoid possible survey form every year. Informfraomt inidiovidnua l disclosure ofi nformation about operatofi inodinvidsua l companies in the sample is used to develop national companies. estimates on an industry-by-industry basis. The survey does not cover trade associations. Although their For detailed discussions of the histoorf yth e survey, primary mission is to serve industry, these associations survey methodology, cormparability of data, and survey are establaiss nohnperodfi t organizatioannsd ,i t is definitions, see section B. For more information estimated that their R&D expenditures are less than | regarding the survey. please contact Raymond Wolfe: percent of the industry R&D total. National Science Foundation The survey is enterprise based rather than establish- Science and Engineering Activities Program ment based. Therefore, all R&D data for each enter- Division of Science Resources Studies prise are reported in the major Standard Industrial 4201 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 965 Classification (SIC) code of the firm. Data are aggre- Arlington, VA 22230 gated in this manner for all tables in this report. (703) 306-1772, ext. 6936 (voice phone) For surveys up to and including the 1991 survey, rwolfe@ nsf.gov (Internet) data are based on probability samples selected about every 5 years. In intervening years a subset oft he last sample, called a “panel,” is used. The most recent probability sample prior to the 1991 survey was se- lected and first used for survey year 1987. ———8 SU wee Note To obtain accurate historical statistics, use only the latest detailed statistical tables in this report and not those pub- lished earlier. Statistics in trend tables are derived from the most recently completed survey cycle. Data for prior years are reviewed for consistency with current-year responses and are revised when necessary. Consequently, this report contains the latest revised statistics from the Survey of Industrial Research and Development. viii SECTION A. DETAILED STATISTICAL TABLES Industry Classification Classification of Reporting Units The basic reporting unit is the company or Census assigned an enterpriseS-IlC ecvodee it o corporate family that includes all establishmenuntdser each company. A single SIC code was assigned to common Ownership or control. All researcahn d multiestcomapabniels ibassed honm thee cnodet th at development (R&D) expenditures and all scientists and represented the most dominant aggregated activity for engineers of each company are classified into a single that firm in terms of total payroll. Data for the follow- standard industrial classification (SIC) code and size ing industry groupings are pub'ished in this report (SIC category. An exceis mpadet foir moost nof the code(s) are shown in parentheses):' companies classified in SIC code 13 (oil and gas extraction) and SIC code 50 (wholesale trade, durable Food and tobacco (20, 21¥ goods). Because the R&D activity of these companies Textiles and apparel (22, 23) is in manufproaductc arteas urathrer tihan nin sgerv ice Lumber, wood products, and furniture (24, 25) areas, their R&D expenditures are included with the Paper and allied products (26) SIC classioff thie macnuafactturiingo condess th at Chemicals and allied products (28) encompthae hsighseste ddoll ar valouf tehes e Industrial chemicals (28 1-82, 286) companies’ payroll. The R&D expenditofu arlle ssuc h Drugs and medicines (283) firimn sSI C 13 are included with those of the firms in Other chemicals (284-85, 287-89) SIC 29 (petroleum). The R&D expenditures of such Petroleum refining and extraction (13, 29) firms in SIC 50 are allocated to several manufacturing Rubber products (30) SIC codes. Stone, clay, and glass products (32) Primary metals (33) Company Size-Class Ferrous metals and products (331-32, 3398-99) Nonferrous metals and products (333-36) Comapre caategnorizeid bey thesir t otal numbero f Fabricated metal products (34) domestic employees. The following are the six com- Machinery (35) pany size-classes used in this report: Office. computing. and accounting machines (357) Other machinery, except electrical (351-56, 358-59) 1. Fewer than 500 employees; Electrical equipment (36) 2. 500 to 999 employees; Radio and TV receiving equipment (365) 3. 1,000 to 4,999 employees; Communication equipment (366) 4. 5,000 to 9,999 employees; Electronic components (367) 5. 10,000 to 24,999 employees; and Other electrical equipment (361-64, 369) 6. 25,000 or more employees. Current/Constant Dollars Statistics in all tables are reported in terms of current dollars. Constant dollars are also presented in two summary trend tables, tables A-1 and A-25. Geographic Statistics The statistics cover only those operations in the 50 States and the District of Columbia. Company-spon- sored R&D performed outside the United States by foreign subsidiaries of U.S. domestic companies is repoirn ttablee dA- 11 but ise xcludferdom all other ' When the sample was drawn in 1987. the 1972 SIC code tables. numbweree irn esffec t. 2 Until 1984, the tobacco products industry (SIC 21) was included with “other manufactinudunstnriegs ”

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