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Requisites for Maize Seed Agronomy for Maize Seed Production Management of Maize Seed ... PDF

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Preview Requisites for Maize Seed Agronomy for Maize Seed Production Management of Maize Seed ...

Requisites for Maize Seed Agronomy for Maize Seed Production Management of Maize Seed Productio II. Essential Elements for successful Organization and Operation of a Ba III. ?f Evalua~io~ Maize Seed Quality Seed V1ab1l1ty, Germination and v Seed Certification - Its RolP ~n~ Centro Internacional de MeJoramlento de Malz y Trigo Mexlco,D. F. Mexico International Maize and W ea provement Center MAIZE SEED WEEK June 4-8, 1990 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR HANDOUTS I. 1. Maize Seed Week Schedule 2. Group Discussion Excercises - Guidelines and Requisites for Maize Seed 3. Agronomy for Maize Seed Production 4. Management of Maize Seed Production Fields II. S. Essential Elements for Successful Seed Programs 6. Organization and Operation of a Basic Seed Program III. 7. Evaluation of Maize Seed Quality 8. Seed Viability, Germination, and Vigor Tests 9. Seed Certification - Its Role and Essential Components IV. 10. Seed Production Systems for Small Farmers- A Nonconventional Perspective 11. Seed for Small Farmers-Support Infrastructure 12. Seed Production and supply for Farmers in LDC's 13. Practices used by Small Farmers in Selecting and Maintaining Their Own Seed v. 14. Post-Harvest Handling of Maize Seeds 15. Seed Drying Principles 16. Cleaning and Conditioning Seeds for Marketing 17. Seed Packaging in the Humid Tropics 18. Precepts of Seed Storage 19. Environmental and Structural Requirements for Seed Storage VI. 20. Seedborne Diseases of Maize 21. CIMMYT Seed Health Lecture 22. Seed Health Tests 23. Seed Health Testing in Maize SEED WEEK SCHEDULE June 4-8, 1990 Monday June 4 08:30 - 08:45 Introduction to Seed Week Beck Sasakawa 08:45 - 09:45 Agronomic Management of Seed Beck Sasakawa Production Fields 10:00 - 11:30 Seed Production of OP Varieties Beck Sasakawa 11:30 - 12:30 Seed Production of Hybrids Beck Sasakawa 14:00 - 15:00 Seed Production of Hybrids (cont.) Beck Sasakawa 15:00 - 16:00 Research in Seed Production Beck sasakawa 16:00 - 17:00 Field Inspections Villena Sasakawa Tuesday June 5 08:30 - 10:00 Essential Elements of a Seed Douglas Sasakawa Program 10:00 - 11:00 Organization and Operation of Douglas Sasakawa Basic Seed Production 11:15 - 12:30 Organization and Operation of Douglas Sasakawa Commercial Seed Production 14:00 - 17:00 Group Discussion Exercise Douglas, Classrooms Beck, Sasakawa Villena Wednesday June 6 08:30 - 09:45 Analysis of Seed Quality Warham Sasakawa 10:00·- 12:30 Practical Laboratory Exercises Douglas, Lab Room 52 on Seed Quality War ham Classroom 114:00 - 15:30 Development of Seed Systems Douglas Sasakawa Under Small Farmer Situations 115:45 - 17:00 Perspectives on Small Farmer Woolley Sasakawa Seed Production Thursday June 7 08:30 - 09:45 Harvesting and Drying Seed Davila Sasakawa 10:00 - 11:30 Principles and Methods of Seed Davila Sasakawa Conditioning 11:30 - 12:30 Insect Pests in Seed Storage Mihm Sasakawa - 14:00 15:00 Principles and Methods of Seed Davila Sasakawa Storage 15:00 - 17:00 Practical Exercises in Seed Davila, Redonda Conditioning Douglas Friday June 8 08:30 - 09:30 Diseases in Seed Storage Renfro Pathol. Lab 09:30 - 11:00 Seed Health War ham Auditorium Seed H. Lab 11:15 - 12:30 Group Discussion Exercise on Douglas, Classrooms Post-Harvest Handling Davila, Sasakawa 14:00 - 15:00 Group Discussion Exercise on Douglas, Classrooms Post-Harvest Handling (cont.) Davila, Sasakawa 15:00 - 16:30 Wrap-Up with Emphasis on Putting Douglas, Sasakawa a Good Seed Program Together Davila, Beck GUIDELINES AND REQUISITES FOR MAIZE SEED Gllll\S Y REQlllSITOS PARA SEMILLAS DE MAIZ (Zea maiz) A. SEED MUUJrLIC/\TION/MllLTirUC/\CION DE srMlLl/\S I * r I I ASPECT nAstc OR FOUNDATION ., FIRST GENERATION (REGISTERED) COMMERCIAL (CERTIFIED) ASPECTO MADRE (BASlCA) PRIMERA GENERACION * (REGISTRADA) COMERCIAL (CERTIFICADA) Responsible for multi pl fcation Clase de product ores of o~mership seed multiplication fields Propietario del campo de mu1tipl icaci6n F1eld characteristics for seed mu 1t i p 1 i ca ti 011 Ca racter ts ti C.il s de 1 campo Orf gin of seed planted Procedencia de 1a semi 11 a Rate of seed f ncreasP Volumen de incremento de semi 11 a Preferred planting datf'S Fecl1a de siembra preferida *-fliCTudf'S Slfl!.Jlf' OOSSPS fpr fi\1hrirf'1/J11cl11vr• ios CrllC.flS SPncillos rfllP. fortrtrtrl hibrirlos R0visPrf'.-,folv. lllHI Guidelines and requisites for maize seed Page 2 Gu1as y requisitos para semillas de ma1z "5PrCT BJ;S Jc-IT[-FOlJNDAT JON FIRST GfNERATIITfrTJITGISfUffD) ASPECTO MADRE (BASICA) PRIMERA GfNFR/\C I ON_ { ~L~ ! ~ ~!~!!~! Distancia de aislacion recomendada ays to glVe adequate isolation time (isolation in time) Numero de d1as para un aisla miento adecuado (aislaciOn en ttemoo ant populat1on compared with a connercia 1 crop Oensidad de po blaciOn compara da con un culti vo comercial a1e ana tema1e planting ratio for hybrids Relacion de siembra de sur cos hembras y I I I machos (h1bridos) -------•----------------1 Fequency of: a) roguing and or detasseling b) field inspections Frecuencia de: a) depuracion y/o - - - _,_ - ·- - - - ·- - - desespigamiento ""' b) ~ec~s ~am~ Guidelines and requisites for maize seed Page 3 Guias y rPq11isitoc; prtra SP111illas cfp 111;1iz -mrr-nir-rammJITmrr---- ASPECI FTR5T GENERATION UTREGTSTEREUJ COMMERCIAL {CERTIFIED} ASPECTO MADRE (RASICfl) PRIMERA GENERACION (REGISTRADA) COMERCIAL (CERTIFICADA) Tolerances for off-types r• 1i lnts•: - hybrids - varieties Tolerancia de pl ant as fuera de tipo *: - hlbridos - variedad<>s -·-----------------------· ----------------------------"1""--------------------------f Weed Control Conlro 1 de ma lezas Insect Control Contro 1 de plagas of Percentage - shedding tassels a 11 owed in f ema 1e of hybrids Porcentaq<' permit ido de panojas fett~ninas emitiendo polen -~---------- Tolerance<; of ears with disP11sed grains Tolerancia de mazorcas con !Jr an o s £' n r P 1 1110" * slatP rn1111lwr prt· IOO!l/1";iH1r· fr ic ilt:-11ii11iPm ---- --- Guidelines and requisites for maize seed Page 4 Gutas y requisitos para semillas de ma~z B. SEED DRYING CONDITIONS & STORAGE/CONDICIONES OE SECADO Y ALMACENAMIENTCI BASIC OR toUNUATffiN FIRST GENERAT ION\TiriiJSIT HUl) CUMMERC I /\r ( t ER Tr nro ASPECTO MADRE (BASICA PRIMERA GENERACION (R[GJSTRAOA) COMERCIAL (CERTIFJCAOA Harvesting Method Forma de Cosecha otsture content to initiate harvest Porcentaje de Humedad en el grano para iniciar la cosecha Moisture content for she 11 i ng Porcentaje de humedad para e 1 desgrane I Drying I I -- temperature for ear maize Temperatura de secado de la mazorca ---------·----·· ---------------- -· Drying tempera ____ ____ _ ture for grain , - - - - Temperatura de ec ..d ellliilno Guidelines and tNpiisites for maizP SPcd Page 5 Cui;i•; y l'l'!flli·;ilfl'; f'•"•' '.f'lllilf.ir, d1· 111,ii; --ASPECT - - · ---rrl\S1c1nr-nmFJffl1TTfiN - - · -- rrRST GENERATION {RtGJSTEREO) COMMfRCl/\L (CERTIFIED) ASPEClO ._._ __M _/\_DR _E_{!_!/\ SI Cl\ ) PRIMER/\ GfNERACION (REGISTRAD/\) COMERCIAL (CERTIFICADA) "f.fcil s tu re ~--- for safe stora9e: a) woven bags b) Sf'illed contairwrs :t de humedad en almacenamie11to: a) sacus .... b) envas~ 11 ad~----------------------t------------------+---------------~ 'ROTS tu re ~. 1n sP1111 1 wtie11 thr humid i I y is: 40% Rll SOX Hll 601. IHI 70!. Rll :r. de humedad en J.i semi I I a. cua11do I a hurnedad re J at iva es: 40% 11.R. 50% II. R. 60% H.R. 70% U.R. Minimum co11dit1011 acceptab 1e for satisfactory storage a) Tempera tu re b) Relative humidity Condiciones 111lni11~s ar.Pptables para un almacr11amie11lo sat isracl.ot'io: a ) l 11111pe r ii I 1ir ii b) llumedad relativa Tr ea lrrren t T ra I.am i e11 to Po~t~fiarvest Control Con lro I p11c;1·osPd1,1

Post-Harvest Handling of Maize Seeds. 15. CIMMYT Seed Health Lecture. 22. Polyurethane- achieve delays up to 6 days depending.
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