Joerg Doerr Andreas L. Opdahl (Eds.) Requirements Engineering: 0 3 8 Foundation for 7 S C Software Quality N L 19th International Working Conference, REFSQ 2013 Essen, Germany, April 2013 Proceedings 123 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7830 CommencedPublicationin1973 FoundingandFormerSeriesEditors: GerhardGoos,JurisHartmanis,andJanvanLeeuwen EditorialBoard DavidHutchison LancasterUniversity,UK TakeoKanade CarnegieMellonUniversity,Pittsburgh,PA,USA JosefKittler UniversityofSurrey,Guildford,UK JonM.Kleinberg CornellUniversity,Ithaca,NY,USA AlfredKobsa UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine,CA,USA FriedemannMattern ETHZurich,Switzerland JohnC.Mitchell StanfordUniversity,CA,USA MoniNaor WeizmannInstituteofScience,Rehovot,Israel OscarNierstrasz UniversityofBern,Switzerland C.PanduRangan IndianInstituteofTechnology,Madras,India BernhardSteffen TUDortmundUniversity,Germany MadhuSudan MicrosoftResearch,Cambridge,MA,USA DemetriTerzopoulos UniversityofCalifornia,LosAngeles,CA,USA DougTygar UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley,CA,USA GerhardWeikum MaxPlanckInstituteforInformatics,Saarbruecken,Germany Joerg Doerr Andreas L. Opdahl (Eds.) Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality 19thInternationalWorkingConference,REFSQ2013 Essen, Germany,April 8-11, 2013 Proceedings 1 3 VolumeEditors JoergDoerr FraunhoferIESE InformationSystemsDivision Fraunhofer-Platz1 67663Kaiserslautern,Germany E-mail:[email protected] AndreasL.Opdahl UniversityofBergen DepartmentofInformationScience andMediaStudies Fosswinckelsgate7 5020Bergen,Norway E-mail:[email protected] ISSN0302-9743 e-ISSN1611-3349 ISBN978-3-642-37421-0 e-ISBN978-3-642-37422-7 DOI10.1007/978-3-642-37422-7 SpringerHeidelbergDordrechtLondonNewYork LibraryofCongressControlNumber:Appliedfor CRSubjectClassification(1998):D.2,K.6.3-4,H.4,D.3,I.2.7 LNCSSublibrary:SL2–ProgrammingandSoftwareEngineering ©Springer-VerlagBerlinHeidelberg2013 Thisworkissubjecttocopyright.Allrightsarereserved,whetherthewholeorpartofthematerialis concerned,specificallytherightsoftranslation,reprinting,re-useofillustrations,recitation,broadcasting, reproductiononmicrofilmsorinanyotherway,andstorageindatabanks.Duplicationofthispublication orpartsthereofispermittedonlyundertheprovisionsoftheGermanCopyrightLawofSeptember9,1965, inistcurrentversion,andpermissionforusemustalwaysbeobtainedfromSpringer.Violationsareliable toprosecutionundertheGermanCopyrightLaw. Theuseofgeneraldescriptivenames,registerednames,trademarks,etc.inthispublicationdoesnotimply, evenintheabsenceofaspecificstatement,thatsuchnamesareexemptfromtherelevantprotectivelaws andregulationsandthereforefreeforgeneraluse. Typesetting:Camera-readybyauthor,dataconversionbyScientificPublishingServices,Chennai,India Printedonacid-freepaper SpringerispartofSpringerScience+BusinessMedia( Preface Requirements engineering (RE) is a central prerequisite for developing high- quality software systems and services. The REFSQ — Requirements Engineer- ing: Foundation for Software Quality — working conference series is well estab- lished as one of the leading international fora for discussing RE and its many relations to quality. The first REFSQ took place in 1994 and, since 2010, it has been organized as a stand-alone event. REFSQ conferenceshave a long traditionfor being highlystructured and in- teractive.Eachsessionisorganizedtoprovokediscussionamongthepresentersof papers,pre-assigneddiscussants,and all the other participants.For eachpaper, timeisallocatedsothatthediscussionisatleastaslongasthepresentation.The series also highlights requirements engineering in practice by bringing together researchers,users, and practitioners in order to develop a better understanding ofthe practiceofRE,to contributeto improvedRE practice,aswellasto share knowledge and experiences. This LNCS volume contains the papers that were accepted for presentation atREFSQ2013 —the19thInternationalWorkingConferenceonRequirements Engineering:Foundation for Software Quality — that took place in Essen, Ger- many,during April8–11,2013.ForREFSQ2013,we choseInterdisciplinary RE asthespecialtheme.InadditiontogeneralpapersonREandquality,weencour- aged submissions that highlighted the interplay of RE with related disciplines such as software architecture, quality assurance, user interface design, project management, and agile software development. TheCallforPapersattracted105submissionsfromauthorsinbothindustry andacademiain29differentcountriesonallsixinhabitedcontinents.Afterelim- inating bogus and clearly out-of-scope submissions, 82 papers were sent out for reviewing, of which 35 were marked as belonging to the special theme Interdis- ciplinary RE. Each of them was evaluated carefully by at least three reviewers, before the online discussion phase, in which senior Program Committee mem- bers acted as discussion drivers for the most critical papers. Eleven members and two co-chairs also attended the Program Committee meeting in Essen on January 11 to discuss the 45 most promising submissions in even greater de- tail.TheProgramCommitteeselected28high-qualitypaperstobe presentedat REFSQ 2013: 23 full papers and five short ones. Among the full papers, there were three industrial experience reports and 20 regular research papers. Of the shortpapers,onewasaproblemstatementandfourwereresearchpreviews.The acceptance rate was thus 28% for long papers and 34% overall. The resulting program from REFSQ’2013 was organized in the following thematic sessions: RE & Architecture, Natural Language Requirements, RE & Quality, Traceability, RE & Business/Goals, RE & Software Development, RE in Practice, and Product Lines and Product Management. It thereby reflects VI Preface how RE encompasses human and organizational issues in addition to technical aspects when developing quality software systems and services. The research program also featured a keynote by Jan Bosch, a professor at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, with many years’ experience from industry. The theme of his talk was customer experimentation anditsrelationtorequirementsengineering.Theconferencealsofollowed-upthe positive experiences from earlier REFSQ conferences with a variety of activities such as a practitioner/industrial track, an empirical track including a live ex- periment and an empirical fair,a doctoralsymposium, and a poster forum with posters both from the doctoral symposium and presenting other new research. REFSQ 2013 was also associated with the following three workshops: CreaRE — the Third Workshop on Creativity in Requirements Engineer- ing, organized by Maya Daneva, Andrea Herrmann, Anne Hoffmann, and Kurt Schneider; IWSPM13 — the 7th International Workshop on Software Product Management, organized by Richard Berntsson Svensson, Inge van de Weerd, and Krzysztof Wnuk; and RePriCo13 — the 4th International Workshop on Requirements Prioritization and Communication, organizedby BenediktKrams and Sixten Schockert. We thank the members of the international Program Committee and their sub-reviewers for carefully reviewing the submitted papers. We devote special thanks to those committe members who travelled to attend the ProgramCom- mittee meeting in Essen. Your dedicated work was vital for putting together a high-quality working conference. We also thank the REFSQ Steering Commit- tee, and the other REFSQ 2013 Chairs (listed on the next page) for all their useful input to the organization process. We also thank the organizers of the associated workshops (listed above). Last, but not least, we would like to thank PALUNO at the University of Duisbug-Essen for organizing REFSQ 2013, in particular General Chair Klaus PohlandOrganizersRoxanaKlippertandTobiasKaufmann,whodealtwithall practical matters quickly and efficiently, as well as Vanessa Stricker, who is no longer formally involved in the organization after several years of service, but who nevertheless provided prompt and useful advice whenever needed. AlongwiththeREFSQ2013organizerswealsowanttothanktheconference sponsors, whose logos are shown on a later page! February 2013 Joerg Doerr Andreas L. Opdahl Conference Organization General Chair Klaus Pohl University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Program Co-chairs Joerg Doerr Fraunhofer IESE, Germany Andreas L. Opdahl University of Bergen, Norway Organizing Team Tobias Kaufmann University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Stella Roxana Klippert University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Industry Track Co-chairs Kai Petersen Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden Thorsten Weyer University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Workshop Co-chairs Raul Mazo University of Paris 1 — Sorbonne, France Camille Salinesi University of Paris 1 — Sorbonne, France Doctoral Symposium Co-chairs Oscar Pastor Polytechnical University of Valencia, Spain Roel Wieringa University of Twente, The Netherlands Empirical Track Co-chairs Daniel M. Berry University of Waterloo, Canada Norbert Seyff University of Zurich, Switzerland VIII Conference Organization Steering Committee Patrick Heymans (Chair) University of Namur, Belgium Pete Sawyer (Vice Chair) Lancaster University, UK Daniel M. Berry University of Waterloo, Canada Daniela Damian University of Victoria, Canada Joerg Doerr Fraunhofer IESE, Germany Xavier Franch University Polit`ecnica de Catalunya, Spain Martin Glinz University of Zurich, Switzerland Andreas L. Opdahl University of Bergen, Norway Barbara Paech University of Heidelberg, Germany Anne Persson University of Sko¨vde, Sweden Bjorn Regnell Lund University, Sweden Camille Salinesi University of Paris 1 — Sorbonne, France Inge van de Weerd VrijeUniversiteitAmsterdam,TheNetherlands Roel Wieringa University of Twente, The Netherlands Program Committee Aybuke Aurum University of New South Wales, Australia Brian Berenbach Siemens Corporate Research, USA Dan Berry University of Waterloo, Canada Sjaak Brinkkemper Utrecht University, The Netherlands David Callele University of Saskatchewan, Canada Jane Cleland-Huang DePaul University, USA Eric Dubois CRP Henri Tudor, Luxembourg Armin Eberlein American University of Sharjah, UAE Xavier Franch University Polit`ecnica de Catalunya, Spain Samuel Fricker Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden Donald Gause Binghamton University, USA Vincenzo Gervasi University of Pisa, Italy Martin Glinz University of Zurich, Switzerland Tony Gorschek Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden Olly Gotel Independent Researcher, USA Paul Gruenbacher Johannes Kepler University of Linz, Austria Peter Haumer IBM Rational, USA Andrea Herrmann Free Software Engineering Trainer, Germany Patrick Heymans University of Namur, Berlgium Matthias Jarke RWTH Aachen University, Germany Natalia Juristo University Polit´ecnica de Madrid, Spain Erik Kamsties University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, Germany Peter Karpati Institute for Energy Technology, Norway Marjo Kauppinen Aalto University, Finland Eric Knauss University of Victoria, Canada Conference Organization IX Kim Lauenroth adesso AG, Germany Soren Lauesen IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark Pericles Loucopoulos LoughboroughUniversity, UK Nazim Madhavji University of Western Ontario, Canada Raimundas Matulevicius University of Tartu, Estonia Raul Mazo University Paris 1 Panth´eon — Sorbonne, France John Mylopoulos University of Trento, Italy Cornelius Ncube Bournemouth University, UK Bashar Nuseibeh Open University, UK Barbara Paech University of Heidelberg, Germany Oscar Pastor Lopez University Polit´ecnica de Valencia, Spain Anne Persson University of Sko¨vde, Sweden Kai Petersen Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden Jolita Ralyte University of Geneva, Switzerland Gil Regev Ecole Polytechnique F´ed´eralede Lausanne, Switzerland Bjorn Regnell Lund University, Sweden Colette Rolland University Paris 1 Panth´eon — Sorbonne, France Camille Salinesi University Paris 1 Panth´eon — Sorbonne, France Kristian Sandahl Linko¨ping University, Sweden Pete Sawyer Lancaster University, UK Kurt Schneider Leibniz Universita¨t Hannover,Germany Norbert Seyff University of Zurich, Switzerland Guttorm Sindre Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Janis Stirna Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden Christer Tho¨rn Jo¨nko¨ping University, Sweden Inge Van De Weerd VrijeUniversiteitAmsterdam,TheNetherlands Thorsten Weyer University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany Roel Wieringa University of Twente, The Netherlands Eric Yu University of Toronto, Canada Didar Zowghi University of Technology, Sydney, Australia Additional Reviewers Ulrike Abelein Pascal Van Eck Beatrice Alenljung Xavier Ferre Muneera Bano Anne Hess Elizabeth Bjarnason Tom-Michael Hesse Markus Borg C´edric Jeanneret Eya Ben Charrada Alejandrina Mara Aranda Lo´pez King Alexander Delater Anne Koziolek X Conference Organization Alessio Micheli Kevin Vlaanderen Gilles Perrouin Krzysztof Wnuk Bastian Tenbergen Rosalee Wolfe Irina Todoran Dustin Wu¨est Michael Unterkalmsteiner Gabriele Zorn-Pauli