REQUIEM for MARX Edited with an introduction by Yuri N. Maltsev LUDWIG VON Ludwig von Mises Institute MISES Auburn University, Alabama 36849-5301 INSTITUTE Copyright © 1993 by the Ludwig von Mises Institute All rights reserved. Written permission must be secured from the publisher to use or reproduce any part of this book, except for brief quotations in critical review or articles. Published by Praxeology Press of the Ludwig von Mises Institute, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama 36849. Printed in the United States of America. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 93-083763 ISBN 0-945466-13-7 Contents Introduction Yuri N. Maltsev 1. The Marxist Case for Socialism David Gordon 2. Marxist and Austrian Class Analysis Hans-Hermann Hoppe 3. The Marx Nobody Knows Gary North 4. Marxism, Method, and Mercantilism David Osterfeld 5. Classical Liberal Roots of the Marxist Doctrine of Classes Ralph Raico 6. Karl Marx: Communist as Religious Eschatologist Murray N. Rothbard Index Contributors The Ludwig von Mises Institute gratefully acknowledges the generosity of its Members, who made the publication of this book possible. In particular, it wishes to thank the following Patrons: Mark M. Adamo O. P. Alford, III Anonymous (2) Everett Berg EBCO Enterprises Burton S. Blumert John Hamilton Bolstad Franklin M. Buchta Christopher P. Condon Charles G. Dannelly Mr. and Mrs. William C. Daywitt Tad Dekko Kendall, USA Robert T. Dofflemyer Mrs. Card G. Elliott, Jr. Dr. James W. Esler, Jr. Willard Fischer James W. Frevert Thomas E. Gee Franklin Lee Johnson Andrew P. Jones Dr. Richard J. Kossmann Helen H. Lea Hugh E. Ledbetter Charles H. Mason William W. Massey, Jr. James R. Merrell Dr. Matthew T. Monroe Lawrence A. Myers Dr. Richard W. Pooley Dr. Francis Powers Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ranstad James M. Rodney Catherine Dixon Roland