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Request for Proposals For General Contractors Wheatley Park Senior Living Apartments Introduction PDF

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Preview Request for Proposals For General Contractors Wheatley Park Senior Living Apartments Introduction

Request for Proposals For General Contractors Wheatley Park Senior Living Apartments CNI Phase III San Antonio, TX April 6, 2016 Introduction This Request for Proposals (RFP) involves Phase III of the Wheatley Courts CNI Development which consists of 80 Senior Apartment units in one building, on approximately 1.2 acres (see Site Plan, Attachment A) and with all the associated site improvements. The new development will be named Wheatley Park Senior Living. McCormack Baron Salazar (MBS) has distinguished itself since the early 1970’s as a leading for-profit residential development and management company committed exclusively to urban neighborhoods. Often called upon by cities to provide housing opportunities in difficult to develop areas, McCormack Baron Salazar has also developed in other city locations. The firm has moved from restoring single historic buildings during its early years to undertaking multi- block development projects including both market-rate and affordable housing. Its more recent projects often involve a combination of rehabilitation and new construction as part of a comprehensive plan to create new neighborhoods. Its larger scale residential projects often stimulate new private investment in the community, either by single-family homebuyers or by retail and commercial businesses. The firm has developed new housing in many urban historic districts and sites, while at the same time, recreating historic and contextual architectural features and developing a new social and economic environment in non-historic districts, as well. McCormack Baron Salazar developments are also characterized by a blend of financing sources --both public and private. Its financing techniques incorporate a variety of funding approaches utilizing federal, state, and local programs where available, tax-exempt financing, conventional loans, pension funds, foundation loans and grants, and equity from the private sector. During the course of its development activities in local communities, the firm has successfully created relationships with local government, the private sector, community-based organizations, and foundations. In the past forty (40) years, the firm has completed over one hundred fifty seven (157) projects with a development cost of $2.6 billion in urban neighborhoods around the country. It has developed nearly 17,143 housing units and 1.3 million square feet of retail/commercial space. The foundation community has also seen the value in many McCormack Baron Salazar projects. To date, approximately $21 million has been invested by the following foundations including: Ford, Pittsburgh, Heinz, Mellon, Hall Family (Hallmark), Cleveland, Gund, and other corporate funds. For more information about McCormack Baron Salazar, please visit www.mccormackbaron.com. History of the Site The Wheatley Courts Site was historically a public housing development since 1940 within the established East Side Neighborhood and is adjacent to the Wheatley Middle school north of Gabriel Street and the site. In 1951, a fourth block bounded by Hudson St., Hays St., Burnet St., and Walters St. was added to the public housing development to become the existing development it was just recently. Presently, commercial uses occur along New Braunfels located three blocks to the west of the site running north and south and also occurs along I-35 north outer roads approximately ½ mile north of the site, near Fort Sam Houston. Single family residential occurs along all other adjacent streets. The site is presently undergoing Housing and Public Improvements construction, whereby 38 new buildings are presently being constructed for the new East Meadows Housing development, and adjacent streets are being reworked and rebuilt to support and follow the housing construction. Construction of this phase of housing structures and preparation of the streets are part of previously issued and awarded contracts. Wheatley Courts CNI Development Description The San Antonio Housing Authority (SAHA) is the recipient of a $29.75 million Choice Neighborhood Imitative Implementation Grant to redevelop the public housing community known as Wheatley Courts. The Wheatley Courts CNI Redevelopment Plan, which will take place in the Arena District in the Eastside Neighborhood of San Antonio, calls for the demolition of the 248 units and the development of 412 rental units of new mixed use multifamily and senior housing construction. The new housing development will be built in 3 phases over a 5 year time period. The total overall housing development costs are estimated to be approximately $70 million. SAHA selected MBS as the Master Developer to complete the multiphase rental housing under the CNI Plan. To implement the redevelopment plan, San Antonio Housing Authority (SAHA) has formed a Choice Neighborhood Implementation Partnership, which includes the San Antonio Housing Authority, The United Way of San Antonio (United Way), Urban Strategies (US), and McCormack Baron Salazar (MBS). The rental housing will be developed through limited partnership entities including SAHA and MBS. Page 2 of 22 This new CNI Development of mixed-income affordable and market rate apartment complex will be funded by a combination of funding through the San Antonio Housing Authority (SAHA), the U.S. Department of Housing (HUD), the City of San Antonio, private construction and permanent financing, and by equity raised from the syndication of Low Income Housing Tax Credits. Transformation Plan Concepts The Wheatley Courts CNI development is part of a broader strategy for the revitalization of the East Side Neighborhood Plan Area, now called EastPoint. The Wheatley Courts CNI redevelopment is a key part of and will complement the overall CNI strategy by creating housing opportunities for households with a variety of incomes who can support the nearby retail corridor to the west and creating a visually attractive presence in the neighborhood. The proposed Transformation Plan for the Wheatley Courts CNI development includes 412 new mixed-income units designed in the styles of historical residential buildings in San Antonio East Point Neighborhood and in conformance with “New Urbanism” principles. A mixed- income strategy will be used which incorporates affordable housing for low and very low income, workforce, and market rate tenants into this revitalized community. The affordable, work force, and market rate units will be mixed within all buildings, and the units will be indistinguishable from one another. The Transformation Plan is substantially formed by the following planning and design concepts: 1) Compact, Pedestrian-Friendly Design with Interconnected Streets and Open Spaces; 2) Defensible Spaces; 3) Integrated, Appealing Architecture, and 4) Responsive Unit Design. Phasing Site preparation work began September 15, 2014. The first phase of rental Housing Construction, East Meadows, commenced June 2015 and Public Improvements construction began in November 2015. Site Preparation involved all four existing Wheatley Courts blocks; Blocks A, B, C, and D. Block C is shared by the first phase of Family Housing and the proposed Wheatley Park Senior Living Apartments. Public Improvements work occurs along each side of Block C. The first Phase of Family Housing and Public Improvements are scheduled to be substantially complete by March 2017. The Wheatley Park Senior Living Apartments are scheduled to begin construction approximately May 2016 and be substantially complete approximately August 2017. Request for Proposals MBS is requesting Proposals from General Contractors for the construction of a new Wheatley Park Senior Living Apartments. Prequalified General Contractors will be asked to submit Proposals for the construction of the new development. Page 3 of 22 Four complete copies and one CD book marked of the Proposal must be received at the office of McCormack Baron Salazar by 4:00 pm CST on May 6, 2016. Please mark envelopes with “Proposal for General Contractor – Wheatley Park Senior Living Apartments, San Antonio, TX” The offices of McCormack Baron Salazar are located at: McCormack Baron Salazar, Inc. 454 Soledad Street, Suite 300 San Antonio, TX 78204 (210) 819-6492 Attn: Louis Bernardy MBS reserves the right to reject any and/or all qualifications, proposals and submittals, to waive informalities or irregularities in any submittal, to solicit new proposals, or to proceed to do the work by other means, as determined to be in the best interest of the Development Team, SAHA and the future residents of the Wheatley Park Senior Living Apartments development. Any and all contractors which respond to this RFP, do so at their own risk and cost. Description of the Senior Living Apartment Project Wheatley Park Senior Living Apartments will be owned by a limited partnership developed by McCormack Baron Salazar and be professionally managed by McCormack Baron Management, Inc., an affiliate of the developer. A portion of the units will be set aside for “public housing” eligible residential tenants, and a portion set aside for “affordable tax credit- income” residential tenants. Different 1BR and 2BR unit types will be interspersed throughout the building, and each will be built to the same standards and with the same amenities whereby no one unit will be distinguishable from another in terms of how it is built or whether it serves public housing or tax credit tenants. This Senior Living Apartment CNI Phase consists of one separate 3-story wood frame building, including community spaces, uses, and amenity spaces along with management office space, with apartments on the first, second, and third floors accessed by double loaded corridors, stairs, and elevators. One and two bedroom units are provided throughout the building. Exterior materials are stucco, stone, and cement fiber siding with a combination of flat and sloped roofs. The scope of the new construction also includes the following site improvements: on-site utility distributions (electric, gas, water, sewer, storm, telephone and cable), parking area, active and Page 4 of 22 passive recreation areas, sidewalks, site lighting, fencing, parking control gates, trash enclosures, landscaping, and site irrigation systems. This RFP anticipates that the General Contractor selected for the Senior Living Apartments will also coordinate with the Public Improvements work for the areas illustrated in (Attachment B – Public Improvements): the public improvements scope includes, but is not limited to, all new, repaired and replaced streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters (along adjacent streets); street lighting and landscaping in the right-of-way, including street trees; new sanitary and water mains, and electric, gas, cable, and telephone utility distribution systems. The Public Improvements work is being installed just preceding and somewhat concurrent with the Senior Living Apartments contract. The Senior Living Apartments construction scope of work is subject to laws, regulations and Executive Orders involving projects funded by HUD; including HUD Safe Harbor limits on the General Contractor’s General Conditions, Overhead, and Profit (currently 6%, 2%, 6% respectively). Summary of Senior Living Apartments Scope Components There are three major components of work for the Senior Living Apartments Phase. They are listed and defined as follows: 1) Site Preparation of Senior Living Apartments Site Area: Demolition of existing structures and utilities occupying the CNI Phase III site is complete. SAHA was responsible for delivering to the Senior Living Apartments partnership, a “clean and buildable site" on which to build. The scope of work within this category is defined as mass grading, earthwork, existing fill removal and replacement, backfilling, soil exchanges, soil correction, soil compaction of graded fill, remediation and demolition of vacant buildings, slabs and foundations, removal of parking and drives, removal of utilities, clearing and grubbing, removal and disposal of debris, and tree protection. The soil grades left after site preparation have been left within 1'-0" +/- of the proposed sub- grade building pad with sloped drainage transitions to adjacent grades and other site elevations. The Site Preparation Contractor turned over the project site by block with as-built surveys of each Phase II block area to the Housing Contractor when completed. An as-built survey is available to each interested Senior Living Apartment GC, upon request to MBS. Site Preparation is complete and is not part of this RFP. 2) Senior Living Apartments Housing Construction: Senior Living Apartments consists of 80 elderly units with associated site improvements, and amenities. The attached design documents, prepared by RPGA Design Group, Inc., detail the scope of work to be included under this RFP. Parameters detailed in the design documents will apply to each interested Contractor. Transition and interface construction will be required around the building. The site was prepared and left by the site preparation work for the building pad and parking area by the Site Preparation Contractor thereby allowing the Senior Living Apartments Contractor to begin foundation, parking areas, and Page 5 of 22 underground utility work. Senior Living Apartments housing construction is a part of this RFP. 3) Public Improvements: Plans and specifications have been prepared detailing the scope of work to be performed in the City’s right-of-ways. As a part of the redevelopment of the community, the street right-of-ways are being repaired, reconstructed, and milled. New streetscape, such as curbs, drive aprons, streetlights, sidewalks, landscaping, asphalt paving and striping are to be installed as a part of this Phase II effort. Additionally, all new infrastructure and rework of utility mains within the new and existing right-of-ways are also a part of this scope of work. Coordination with this public realm work is the responsibility of the Senior Living Apartments Contractor. Public Improvements work is proceeding but is not a part of this RFP. Project Principals A. The contract Owner of the Senior Living Apartments, CNI Phase III construction is Wheatley Senior, L.P., a Texas limited partnership. An affiliate entity of McCormack Baron Salazar is a part of the limited partnership. McCormack Baron Salazar is the Developer and will represent the Owner. B. The members of the Design Team are as given on the coversheet of the construction/pricing drawings. All questions should be addressed to RPGA Design Group, Inc. The contact person for RPGA Design Group is Mr. Dustin Higgins. He can be reached by telephone at (817) 332-9477. Schedule The following is the proposed schedule for this RFP and the subsequent process for the Housing development: Re-Issue RFP to pre-qualified GCs April 6, 2016 RFP proposals due by GCs May 6, 2016 Interview GC’s for RFP Award May 9 - 13, 2016 Housing GMP negotiation w/ GC May 16 – June 10, 2016 Execute Construction Contract June 13, 2016 Issue a Notice to Proceed July 18, 2016 Senior Living Substantial Completion July 18, 2017 Senior Living Final Completion September 16, 2017 The above schedule is subject to modification as the process and project develops. Page 6 of 22 Note: Contractor will be required to hold the final agreed upon contract amount for 90 days from the date awarded (approximately May 13, 2016) unless otherwise approved in writing by the Owner. Pricing Parameters A. Form of Cost: Submit your costs on the Proposal Breakdown Form as provided in the Project Manual, plus any supplementary information requested herein. Provide the following breakdowns for evaluation (see Division 00, Exhibit A in the specifications): 1. Senior Living Apartments Summary (Per 2328 Proposal Breakdown Form) 2. Senior Living Apartments Breakdown a) Allowances (See Project Manual) b) Alternates (See Project Manual) c) Unit Prices (See Project Manual) d) Voluntary Alternates/Value Engineering (by Contractor) e) Self -Performed Work (per 2328 Proposal Breakdown Form) f) Subcontractor Breakdowns (per 2328 Proposal Breakdown Form ) g) MWBE/Section 3 (per 2328 Proposal Breakdown Form) B. Self-Performed Work: On a Proposal Breakdown Form, which you prepare, indicate the value of subcontract and supplier work, which will be provided by your own forces or by a subcontractor/supplier affiliated with your construction company or with family members or principals of your construction company. Follow the same order as on the 2328 Proposal Breakdown Form. C. Assurance Guarantee (Bonds): A bid security is not required with this proposal. However, either a payment and performance bond for 100% of the contract amount, or a letter of credit for 25% of the contract amount, will be required after award and before notice-to-proceed, which shall be acceptable to McCormack Baron Salazar Development, Inc., Indicate this cost on the breakdown and submit proof of bonding capacity from your surety or provide a letter from your bank indicating a letter of credit will be provided without conditions. D. Wage Rates: Base your estimate on paying the Davis Bacon Prevailing Residential Wage Rate in effect at the time of signing of the construction contract, which date should be close to or coincident with the execution of contract and the anticipated NTP date of June 16, 2014. All work will be subject to the Davis Bacon Prevailing Residential Wage Rate. A copy of the current residential wage rate schedule applicable to this project is included in the design specifications. It may change prior to contract execution; if so the successful Contractor will be notified when it does and shall account for the revisions in its proposal without cost to the Owner. Page 7 of 22 E. Pricing Documents: The documents to price are the completed Wheatley Senior Living Apartments construction documents. They are the design/pricing set for the Wheatley Courts CNI Phase III, also known as Wheatley Park Senior Living Apartments. A CD with the construction documents is available upon request from Mr. Dustin Higgins of RPGA Design Group at (817) 332-9477 or I. Alternates: Refer to Specifications for requested itemized Alternates. All Contractors must price the base documents and submit their cost on the Proposal Breakdown Form with accurate trade descriptions for each line. Any and all alternates given in the specifications must be offered as adds or deducts against the base proposed cost, including general requirements, overhead, profit, bond or Letter of Credit, insurance, and all other fees or taxes. J. Cost Certification: Cost auditing will be required by an independent accountant secured and paid for by the Contractor at the completion of the job. The cost for this service should be included in the estimate and should be so identified in the “Other Fees” on the 2328 proposal breakdown form. This subcontractor must also be submitted with the Contractor’s S/M/WBE Business and Labor Plan. K. Insurance: See the Insurance Requirements Summary in Division 00, Exhibit D of the specifications. Contractor will provide its insurance certificate and its environmental subcontractor’s insurance certificate, if applicable, to the Owner. L. Temporary Facilities: Site security, fencing and other fire and safety parameters given in Temporary Facilities in the specifications must be included and the cost thereof will be required of the Contractor and can be included in General Conditions cost. M. Permits, Fees, Tests and Inspections: Earthwork monitoring and Special Inspections will be provided by the Owner. All other permits, fees, tests or testing specified will be by the Contractor per the A201 General Conditions of the contract. N. Construction Documents: The Contractor will be furnished one CD and one set of the drawings and specifications. Additional copies can be obtained by the Contractor from the CD that is provided. The cost of additional printing can be included as a General Conditions cost. Documents will also be on file for examination at the following locations: 1. San Antonio Housing Authority Ella Austin Community Center 1023 N. Pine San Antonio, TX 78202 (210) 559-8850 Fax: (210) 477-6002 Attn: Virginia 1223 Arion Parkway, Suite 108 San Antonio, TX 78216 (210) 829-7000 Fax: (210) 495-0557

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