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R E P T I L E M edicine Surg ery and Second Edition R E P T I E Med ici e Surge ry and (Pl lO togra pil wurlesy 0(5. Mmlier. MUir/u Mdro loo) Douglas R. Mader, MS, DVM, DABVP Diplomate, American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (CA) Fellow, Royal Society of Medicine Marathon Veterinary Hospital Marathon, Flori.da SAUNDERS With 72 Contribu ting Authors This bauk, with all of the hOllrs aJ/d cffort that wellt into it, is dedicated, witJz elle/! more emotioll, to my wonderflll n ife, Gen'y. lclz liebe d iell e T lB TO Stephen L Barren. D\'\ [ filen I;rol1 on, \ leo."et Vernon Hills Animal Hospital Veterinarv Resident Mundelell1, Illinois Deparlmenlof rumal Health Refcre/lce SOllrces JO I" Reptilc ClilliclrlllS Smjths nian ational Zoologic(l! Park Lizards (Biolog!!) Wd hinhrtun, District of Columbia Lizards Wifferl'lItial DiaglJo ·e- by Sy1llptOIll~) PI/mI/!yxor'/rIIS Bltes frO/1/ Prey Pmlle ProluJ!se D. nid R. Hrll\\ II B.~.,. 1. ~., PhD 5lrel/ Da mage A,>_Í_tant Professor Departm nt of Pathobiú!ogy , ver. Bt:lU1l!tt, DV~I, \IS, DAC\'... ColleO'e of Veterinary Medicine laff Surgeon University oí Florida Bay Arca Veterinary Sped alist. Gaine vil!e, Florida San Leandro, aJifornia Up!Jt'r ResT'¡mforv Traet oisea e (Mycoplasl/losis ) ÍlI Tartoises Nellr%gy urgery (50ft TIsSIII' arrd Ortlwpedics) 1\r B. 111 \\11, 1', PhD Cloacal ¡. rolapse Profe~~or LIpper Alimellttln¡ Tm ·( Disetlse Department of Pathobiology Col! 'ge of Veterinary Medicine Bnrhara Blam.hard. t Se (Zl1olog, ) Uruver. ily of Florida Animal I<cgistrar / Librarian and Captive Manageme.llt Gaines\'ille, florida Co-ordinator for Tuatara Llpper Rcspiratory Tracl Oisease (Mycoplns/Ilosis) ill Tortoises Life Sciences Wellington Zoo Tmst Te r \\. Camphdl, ~t.:::, D\ 1, PilO Wellington, New Z aland Associate Professor Bia/og!!, Captll'/! Mmrngem/!lIt, i1Ild Mediml Care ofTl/atara Departmcnl of linical cien ces College of eterinary Medicine and Biomedical S en e "a' n Boardnnn, BXct.. led., mc lAC\ ~( fort oUíos, Colorado Associate Lecturer Clinicnl Pal/lOlogy uf Reptiles Royal Veterinary Col! ge Hemoparasitcs London, United Kingdom on' Head of Veterinary Service~ Prote ur 101m E. Cooper, 1, FR J :\1h, Zoological Society of London lBiol -Re\:, DEC P London, United Kingdom Profe sur of Pathology Biology, Captiue MllIlagclllellt , /l/Id Medienl Care nf TlIatara Veterín<lry Path .. logy Sd,ool (lf Veterinary Medicine D0I1:11 1. Ho~u Univer ity of fue West [ndie.~ ( urator oi I Ierpelology St. Augu. tille, Trinidad and Tobago Reptile DepartJ11ent Visiting Profe sor San Diego Zoo Wild Animal and Resource Management an Diego, California Facultv of Vcterinary Medicine ty, TI/rtle , Tortoisc,;, ilIld Tcrrapins (BI¡) /oglf) Make~ere niversi aanJa, East Africa Oermafology Thoma.. I Bo er, D\ I Hepntic Liptdosis I Owner, P t H "pita! of 1ena quitos Editor-in-Chief, [oumal o{ Herpet%giel/l Mediei/1/:' (I/ld SlIrsery S n Diego, CalifornÍa TI/rtles, Torto/se IlIld Ter/'ap/Il~ rR/ology) TurNes. Tortoise a/!d Terrapil/s (Oiffem¡tú¡l Diagnosis by Symptol1ls) Hypovifa/llll1osis A tlI ld Hyperuitami/losis A Contrihutor o \largaret~. l uf 'r. LLB la lJU Di 17-Pi 'ti r 11, O 7 1. Gu st Lecturer Affilia ted Veterinary Specialists Unlv rsity of the We l Tndi Maitland, Florida St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago Caitrointestinal Allatomy alld Physiology isiting Lecturer Wild Animal and R ource M nagement ';1 OllIH' hu . t), 1D, D \C ¡ f Makerere University Owner Kampala, Uganda, East Afnca Nutrition 5upport Services, lnc. Rf'ptilt: Lcm Gnrl Rt'gulatw/1s El/ropean Pembroke, Virgina NlIl rition r 1R. r. nft·) 1. DVl\I Faculty Sr K ¡.. 'r)..,lI (11, D . . t~ {Animal Bchm'¡ ,r] I Comparati e Department Medicine Instructor Johns Hopkins School of Medicme TCVM Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine and Tui Na Baltimore, Maryland Chí lnstiture of Chinese Medicine Adjunct Assistant Professor Reddick, Florida Maryland Regional Veterinary CoUege Altemative and Complementa ry \leterilZan/ Tilerapies Univcrsity of Maryland Medicine College Park, Maryland K~ "in f. Fit7. crnld PhD D ' \ 1. OAB\ 1 Adjunct FacuIty ( n lII11'/fl'11Il ) ColIege of Forest Rescarch taH Veterinarian Mi sissippi State Ulliversity Alameda ast Veterinary Hospital , tarkvilIe, Mississippi Denver, Colorado Oir 'ctor oE Animal Management and Research SUlRery (Biotelemetry) and Conservation Aca riasis Medical Oepartment Oys~cdysis Maryland 2 0 0 in Baltimore pinal Osteopathy BaJtimore, Maryland Rcportcd Toxicities in Reptiles Director of the Mountain Gorilla Veterinary Project Medical Department llIÜ LO ' t Maryland 200 in Baltimore Mesa Veterinary Hospital Baltimore, Maryland Mesa, Ari.w na Cryptosporidiosis Sllakes (BiologtJ) Pammyxovirus Surgery (\fCll!:'1Iloid) SI/akes (Differential Diagnoses by Symptolll5) O·le DLNa I1 O f • )hU Anorexia University Veterinarian il.nd Assistant Professür Diarrhea School of LUe Sdences Ta il Damase Arizona State Univer ity Vomitillg {71!d Regursitation Tempe, ATizona Reptile Fun/lZllary Stress in Captive Reptiles Reproductive Biology \1 h.1 I \1. 3rll"f, O 1. O '1 DystoclaS Pr sident Northwest ZooPath Lj iI S. Done. D r¡\1, lPVM M<n roe, Wa.~hington Vetermarian Overview oi Biopsy alld Necropsy Teclmique California Wildlife Center Calab sas, California illi 1m j (; hr lallll, lhO Ol/colug:; Professor of Biology Nellrologic Disorders DepJrtment of Biology Texas Christian University l.J 'r Idl > icthclm. Dr.\'ct.nwJ Forth Worth, Texas Chief oi Staff Artificial Lighting Marathon Veterinary Hospital Marc thon, Fl rida Do :' Id ' t (illl' I il', OV 1 Di~ít Abl10 rlltlllities -taft Veterinan an He1l1atologic and Blood Chemistry \falues in Reptiles Animal Hcalth Reptilc Fo rmulary Montgomery Zoo Montgomer)', Alabama Li:a rds (seetion 011 Ko modo Dragoll s) Largr Colleetions: Special Con~ideratiol1s .al Contributors r\l -.:/ :l h J Innh \ . 1D Assistant Professor, Division of Emergency Medicine djuct Professor Department of Surgery Department of Con ervation Medicine 5chool of Medicine Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine Universitv of Maryland Tufts niversity Baltimore, Maryland . Jorth Grafton, Massachusetts Associatc Profes:=;or Associate Veterinarian Department of Medicine Animal Health Department School of Medicine New England Aquarium ]olms Hopkins University Boston, Massachus tts Baltimore, Maryland Renal Diseasc il! Reptile-: Diagnosis Il lUf Clinical Manage11lcllt Workillg witll Venomo/ls Specie : EmergeJ/cy Protocols Catl1\ . J0I111' n-DeJan -'t. B . D r 1. lIi" L. G l'inl!f, PhD O\B P I i. 11 ) Professor COI1Sultant Department of Pathology Bird and Exotic linic oi S attle College of Veterinary Medicine -eattle, Washington niversity of F10rida Associate Cainesville, Florida Exotic Pet and Bird Clinic Pam,;itology Kirkland, Washington Medica! Director 1'1 \.IJt 11 h.. lira z~1, W¡u;hington Ferret Re te and Shelter Associate Professor Bothell, Wa hington Department of Environmental Health Scicncc- and tt nding Vet rmarian Department ot MolecuJ:¡r Microbiology and Irnmllnology W Z logical Supplv l"t rantu las.com Jolms Hopkins Bloomberg 5chool of Public H a1 th Edmonds, ashinoton Baltimore, Maryland Reptl/e 2 00110Se5 and Tllreats to PlIb/ic Henltil ryptosporidiosis G n . uln .m, D\ t ,1 'tel !I('n J. Ilernand 'z-Dh" r I B\,t I d. As ! tant Profes_or CBi l . lImol, DZo lt·d, 11 C" , DI Z 1, Department of Environment and Population Health HCVS 1 l'(l)gllized SpeLialio;t in Zoo Cummings S houl of Vetermary Medicine 'llld \ iJJI L I ,Jil ¡ne Tufts niversity AssoClate Professor orth Grafton, Ma. sachusetts Exotic Animal, Wildli.fe and Zoological Medicme Al/ometri, Scalil18 Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surge~' College oi Vet rinary Medicine '111 Univcrsity of Georgia Professor mentus Alhens, G orgia Departm nt of Pathology, lmmunol gy, and Laboratory Associate Editor, [o¡¡mal of 200 & Wildlife MecficlIle Medicine Associate Editor, ¡olimal of Hcrpetological Medicme & Surger!! Collcge of Medicine Co-Director uf the Vcterinary Endoscopy raining Symposia Vniver ity f Florida Departm nt of Small Animal Med icine and Surgery Cainl"ville, Florida College of Veterinary Medicine Upper Re-piratory Traet Disease (MycoplaslIlosd ill Tortoises University of Georgia Athens, Georgia luaLaml"l Diagnostic Techuiqucs Professor Emoritus ollego of Veterinary Medicine urgery (Lase!' (lIld Radiosurgery) Large Animal Clinical Sciences Hepatic Lipidosis College oE Veterinary Medicine Renal Disease in Reptiles: Diagllosis ami Clillical Managelllellf niversity ot Florida Appenrii.l A Gainesvülo, Florida Appendix B Prograrn Dire -tor Departrncnt of Eqlline Science >tl'f Hl 1, International Equine School A sod a te Veterinarian cala, Florida Heales ilIe Sancruary rocod¡/ians (Biology) Healesville, Victoria, ustraha Rellal Anatomy and PlIysiology Contributor crl phthal B mni '. Mader- " 'idncr, ! S Inrriage, Fami} , hild COll1l',cliug n J hool oun eling) pedal t in Ex tic Animal edicD1e Founder, Coordinator Exotic Animal and Ophth Inu c Referral Centre The Pet Lo s upport Hotline England Center for Animals in Society School of Veterinary Medicine O, nid I L ha . O, 1 'EL Univerl'ity of California, Davis Partner D vis, California Liti <> ti n Ullder;;landillS tlle Hllman -Reptile Relatiol1slzip G ·oldmo McNutly Divi & Lewbart, PC Philad Iphia, Pennsylvania . I cnl Mauldin, 0\ '1, DA '1M Rl'Pfilc úrw¡; and Regu la tiol1s· American (internal ¡ Icdicine amI OncoJog. ), DI ..... 'R (RaJiatiun On In~) g rv A. ~ ", han, 1 -.'.vlD, DI CZM Associate Professor of Veterinary Oncology Pro te. or of Aquatic Medicine Veterinary Jinical Sciences D partment oEC línical Sciences Louisíana St t University orth Carolina State Umversity aton Rouge, Louisiana College of Veterinary edi ine Oncology Re leigh, North Carolina Reptile Laws and l<egulatiol/s: American Jo rg vlaye , Dr meJ.vct, L (~ Clinical Assistant Professor, Head of Exotics Service Ilr<Jd Lu k, D ' 1, DA Z ,1 Department of Clínical Serviee Adjunct Profe'>sor Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine Small Animal Medi ine and Surgery (Ex tic nimal, Tu fts University Wildlife and Zoological Medicine Ser ice) orth rafton, Massachusetts niversity of G ' orgía Allollletric Scaling Athcns, Ceorgia Assistant Curator ~l 'plll'1l J dllLf, D\ Herpetology maU Animal urgery Re ident Zoo Atlanta Deparlmcnt f Clinical Studies AUanta, Georgia Matthew J. Ryan Veterinary Hospital Behavioml 1l1ld Morpho logic Adaptatiol1 s Uni ersity of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania D ugla ' 1 IaJer. I 1 . DVM, DABVP, ellrology ello\\!, RlW31 ~ociety of 1 ·dil im> Uppa Alil1ll!lltary Tmet Disease Co-owner Marathon Veterimuy Hospital (Oll t;lIlU "rig Staff eterinarian Director of th Marine MammJ.I and Sea mtle Marathon Sea Turtl Hospital tranding rogram K y West Aquarium Marine Animal R seue and Rehabilitation onroe ( unty imal Farm New England Aquarium Theat r oE the Sea Boston, Ma 'sachusetts Florida Keys (Conch Republic), Florida Medical Care uf Seaturtll's (Medical Managelllent of Adjunct Professor Cold-StU111Wi Seaturtles) Schoolof eterínary Medicine Western niv\!rsity of the Health Seien , 5 t.lr1 tit< hell, DV~l, MS, PhO L Pomona, lifamia Associate Professor UlIdastandillg lILe HU1I1Il1l -Reptile Rela/iollship Veterinary Clinical Scien Microbiology: Flmglll alld Baclerial Diseases of Reptiles Louisiana tate University jJamsitology Baton Rouge, Louisiana PeriHatology Gastrointestinal Ana/omy and Pl1ysiologlJ Emergellcy alld Crittcal e are Tlzerapuetics Eulluma ia Salmonella.· Dil1gl10Stic Methods for Reptiles SlIrgay AII ce ~e \Iilhad 1. h rra , D\~f Cloacal Pr()l!¡psc Staff Veterinarian Calculi: LTril1ary Monterey Hay Aquarium G o¡Lt Montercy, alifornia Metalrolic BOII/! Diseases Cllrdiopulmollary Allatollly and Physiolog1j Thermal Bllrl lS rdiolo,f(lj Medical Care uf Seatuftles (Mediciile and SurgeryJ Aural Aboeessf. Padiographie AlZa/omy Pneumonia Contributms Id' 'l: l'\¡1 'z, B .DV I~ L. 1 "', h.l, , O r 1, DAB\'P (. ,jan) CLnícal Instructor Staff Velcrinarian Vetl'rinary Clinical Science The Avian and Exotic Pet Service School of Veterinary Median The Animal Medical _enter Louisiana tate University Nl'w York, 1 ew York or Baton H.ouge, Louisiana Microbiology: Fi/l/gal allcf Bacterial Diseases Reptile Contract Veterinarian Louisiana Iligator Indu try Jl hn f{ 1 .... 0\ Louisian Department of WíldlLfe and Fi heries Small/ ohc Anim 1Practitioner Balon Rouge, Louisiana Riv riiide Animal Ho pital (rocodilian DiffereJllial Diag/losis Jacksonville, FI rida Gel/eral HlIshal1rlry ami Mal1l1gement 1 • m () l '~'! "J\ \ Tufts niversity School of Veterillary edicine lloft J\ , D raft n, Massachusetts Directc r of Educabon Certihed Veterina ry Acupuncturist Animal Emergency Center Chi Institute Glendale, Wisconsin Reddick, Florida Emerge/ll:y fl11d Critica! Care China National Society of T VM Bejing China Il r>; 11 ~dlU llad e. .1 l J D.\C Alternative alld Complel11clllary Vete/illtl,-y Thaapil'<: As~uóate Profes or of Avían and Zoologi al Medicine Depc1rtrnent of Small Animal Clinical den ces r :ln l ('{1 , Orig)!i, O ' :\1. PhD ColIege of Veterinary Me idlle Scientist The University of TClmes ce Irnmumology and Infechous Diseases Knoxville, D nne sel' San Raffaele Scientific Institute Anest}¡esia ami Analgesia Milano, Italy lIle/llsion Body DI5ease VlTUS Herpc5virus in Tortoises _am Sih 'rman O '. 1. PhD. D 'R Parl' 1, D\ I D C\~I Clinical Profe sor Assistant Professor Departmenl uf urgical and RadiologicaI Science Special Species Health University of Calif rnja, Davj~ Dl'partment of Surgical ciencc, Davis, California Srnool of Veterinary Medicine Radiologist University of Wisconsin Private Practiee Madison, Wisconsin Sausalito, California Fungal Diseases o Reptiles Dmgllostic Imnging Lm 1\ e, O L U1 Resident Profes or and urator Adva.n ed CriticaI Care élnd Internal Medicine Univer ity of Alberta Microfungus Coliection Tusbn, California and H rbarium G!ossary Devonian Botanic Carden an Medical Mlcrobiology élnJ Immunology 1 ! 1- PI ha . B \ Edmonton, Alberta, Callada Associate Professor and Director Microbiology FUlIgal lllllf Bac/erial Diseases of Reptiles Wildlife Clinic Departrnent of EnvlronmentaI and Population Health ] farl.I.l Cllmmings S ho I of Vl'terinary MediCine Marathon Veterinary Hospital Tufts Univer ity Marathon, Florida . Grafton, Massachll etl Disi1/fe tll/lts for thc Vivllrilllll A/lomelric Sca/lng l 1. ~ t' l,U I.U b 1 lü {hi ,) 1, ~. Phn, D b f}1 Stah l Exotic nimal Velerinary Services lnterim Deparlment Head and Professor Vienna, Virginia DeparLment of mall Animal Medió ne and Surg ry Hyperglycemia in Rl.'ptilcs Coilege of Vet rinary Medicine University of Georgia ~ 'oH t(,1ll D Athens, Georgia Studio City Animal Hospital Virology ludio City, Caljfornia Ht'/nntolo ic mld Bload ClIemistry al/l f!s i/1 Reptiles mw Contributors iJ "D. te t ,D B '1 I • \\ 11It,,~('r, \1 , D '1\1 Veterinary Services Director Research Associat Professor Disncy's Animal Pro ran1b Center of Marin BiotechnoJogy W It Disney World Baltimore, Maryland Lake Buena VIsta, F1 rida Deputy Executive Director for Biological Prograrns Ultrasol1ogmphy Bíological Programs ational Aquarium in Baltim re Gr' \) 1 IIrgh Baltimore, Maryland AJi o Viej ,Cal¡e m ia Warking with Vel1a1nous Species: Emergcncy Frotacals Building a Suc e." fui Reptile Practice I Wnght. D"M t'\'1 It .) lor, 0\ ¡ 1 Adjunct Prof ssor Service Chie[ Zoological Medicine A ian and Exotic Medicine University of Pennsylvania Veterinary Tc-aching Hospital College of Veterinary edicine Ontario eterinary College Philadelphia, Penns Ivania niversity of Guelph Curiltor of Amphibians and H.epliles Guelph, Ontario, an da Philadelphia Zoological Garden E/ldoscopy Philadelphia, Pennsyl ania Overview oi AmphibÍl1l1 Medicine 1::. ~ (ott , '(>her 1Il. Aquatic Vctl'rin:Jcv Al11phibian Farl11ulary \ il l( s, ID H ad Vet rinarían and Research Associate Jeanl>tt> \\,nckl.:'Jl, 'hO Animal Health Department istant Professor New England quariurn Department of Biological Sciences Bostan, Massachusetts Florida Atlantic University Medical Ca re oi Seaturtles (Medical Managemel1t Bo 11 Raton, Florida ai Cold-Stunmd SeatUl'tle~) Medienl Care ai Seatllrtles (Species Identifica/ion Ilnd Biolagy) Camputed. Tomagraphy amI Magnetic Resallal1ce Imagillg Ji \\dldl n, D\ ' 1 R~sident, Zoological Medicine Ud, '( '\ \ era \AS, VT Small Animal Clinical ~ciences eterinary Technician Univ rsity 01 Florida Alameda East eterinary Hospital Gainesville, Florida Denver, Colorado Understanding Diagnostie Testillg SlIl'gery (Bia/elemetnj) Acariasis Lori D. \ 'cndldnu. DV¡ 1 Dy"ecdy:;is Assislant Scientist Spil11l1 Osteapatlly Department of Pathobiology Repar/ed Taxici/ies in! eptilrs Universit of Florida ainesville, Florida rJ 11:.1 'elel, BS As ociate Vcterinarian College of Veterinary Medicine Micanopy Animal Hospital Thc University of nnes ee Mi 'anopy, Florida KnoxviIle, Tennessee Upper Respiratory Traet Disea:;e (Mycoplasmosis) in Tartaises A,¡esthesia al1d Analgesia

This outstanding clinical reference provides valuable insights into solving clinical dilemmas, formulating diagnoses, developing therapeutic plans, and verifying drug dosages for both reptiles and amphibians. The information is outlined in an easy-to-use format for quick access that is essential for
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