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Reproductive biology of Octopus tehuelchus d'Orbigny, 1834 (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) in southern Brazil PDF

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Preview Reproductive biology of Octopus tehuelchus d'Orbigny, 1834 (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) in southern Brazil

THE NAUTILUS 125(3):150-158, 2011 Page 150 Reproductive biology of Octopus tehuelchus d’Orbigny, 1834 (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) in southern Brazil Jonatas Alves Manuel Haimovici Graduate Program in Biological Oceanography InstituteofOceanography Institute ofOceanography Federal UniversityofRio Grande Federal UniversityofRio Grande CEP96201-900 Rio Grande, BRAZIL CEP96201-900 Rio Grande, BRAZIL [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT distributed species, with small body size, larger eggs, low fecundity and benthic development, such as Octopus Octopus tehuelchus is a small octopus endemic to subtropical tehuelchus (Pujals, 1982; Iribame, 1991; Re, 1998). This and temperatewaters ofthe southwestern Atlantic continental last species occurs from subtropical southeastern Brazil shelf. Its reproductive biology was studied by examining 319 individuals, measuring 20 to 79 mm mantle length (ML), col- (20° S) (Haimovici and Perez, 1991) to the temperate lected between 1979 and 2009 along the coast of southern habitats ofSan Jorge Gulf, in northern Patagonia, Argen- Brazil. Females are more numerous in shallower waters and tina (43°S) (Re and Simes, 1992; Re, 1998). attain larger size than males. Fully mature males and females In southern Brazil, Octopus tehuelchus occurs over were observed in all seasons and mean mantle length at matu- the continental shelf, as deep as 100 m depth and usu- ritywas 46 mm forfemales and27mm for males. Thenumber ally associated with gastropod shells (Haimovici and of intraovarie oocytes ofmaturing females ranged from 20 to Andriguetto, 1986). Due its low abundance in commer- 448 and was positively correlated with female size. In mature cial landings, its life cycle and biology are poorly known foebmsaelrevse,d,ainwisdoemercaansgeeswoifthinatrbaiovmaordiaelodoicsyttriebsutdioina.meTtheersnuwma-s sintoBmraazcihl.coHnotwenetvsero,fdtehmeersspeaclietseleiosstfsreaqnudenmtalryinfeoumnadmi-n ber of eggs in the four layings ranged from 86 to 237, the diameters ranged from 8.2 to 14.5 mm and no bimodalitywas mals from this region (Santos and Haimovici, 2002). In observed. Digestive gland grew proportionally to body weight the Patagonian gulfs, the species is commercially ex- alongmaturation in females but not in males, suggestingaccu- ploited as small artisanal fishery (Storero, 2010). mulation ofreserves forspawningandparentalcarein females Most information on the growth and reproductive and priority for sexual maturation over growth in males. The biology of the species comes from studies conducted comparisonofthereproductivecycleofO. tehuelchusinsouth- in Patagonia, in an environment predominantly that ern Brazil with populations from northern Patagonia shows includes rock}' bottoms, discharge of freshwater creeks thatthe species has thepotentialforyear round spawning, but and channels, high tidal range (up to 9 m), and large ecological constrains only allows it to express this potential in seasonal variation of temperature and luminosity thelowerlatitudes ofits distribution. (Pollero and Iribarne, 1988; Iribarne, 1991; Navarte Additional keywords: Mollusea, Reproductive cycle, sexual et al., 2006; Klaich et al., 2008; Storero et al., 2010). This maturation, fecundity, southwestern Atlantic environment contrasts with that of southern Brazil, which presents sandy and muddy bottoms, small tidal range and, due to its more northerly distribution, tem- perature rarely below 12°C, even in the cold months INTRODUCTION (Haimovici etal., 1996) andlowervariation inluminosity between winterand summer (Bakun and Parrish, 1990). Cephalopods have developed a wide array of reproduc- Tlle aim ol this work is to study the reproductive tive strategies, which enable them to occupy all marine biology of Octopus tehuelchus in the subtropical envi- habitats (Rocha et al., 2001). Particularly, the family ronment of the continental shelf in southern Brazil, Octopodidaehas experiencedan intense speeiation, occu- which will allow for a better understanding ofthe repro- pying coastal benthic environments from the tropics to ductive strategy alongthe species distribution. temperate regions (Norman, 2003). In this family, a range of reproductive strategies occurs, from species with wide distribution, large body size, small eggs, high fecundity MATERIALS AND METHODS and pelagic hatchlings, such as Octopus vulgaris (Guerra, 1975; Mangold, 1987; Rocha et al., 2001; Otero et al., Data Collection: Specimens of Octopus tehuelchus 2007; Villanueva and Norman, 2008) to more narrowly were collected from bottom trawl surveys by the R/V 1 Alves and M. Haimovici, 201 Page 151 J. Atlantico Sul and from commercial trawling along Needham's sac partially or totally empty, with spermato- southern Brazil in the 28° S to 34° S range at depth from phores being released and testicle relatively small, 15 to 100 m, between 1979 and 2009. Specimens were striped and usually less heavy than the glandular system. fixed in 10% formalin andpreserved in 70% ethanol. Potential fecundity was defined as the number of mm All preserved individuals, 125 males and 194 females, developing oocytes with diameters over 4 in ovaries had their total length (TL), dorsal mantle length (ML), ofstages III and IVfemales. The fewsmallerones,which total body weight (BW), and digestive gland weight were probablyatresic, were discarded. (DGW) recorded. Females had their ovaryweight (OW), oviducts weight (including the ovidueal glands) (OvW), Data Analyses: Reproductive indices were compared and maximum diameter of ovidueal glands recorded. with the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test for multiple Maximum diameters of oocytes (MDO) were measured comparisons, because assumptions tor normality and with a caliper to the nearest 0.1 mm. All developing homogeneityofvariancewere not satisfied. intraovaric oocytes over 4 mm were counted. Four The sex ratio was calculated for the categories egg clutches were collected on gastropod shells, spawned “month”, “mantle length”, and “deptMh"L. To allow for eggs were measured and recently hatched individ- comparablemmnumbers of specimens, was grouped uals, without the yolk sac, were measured and weighed. in four 15 classes and depthmin three classes: under In males, testis weight (TW) and spermatophoric sac 30 m, from 30 to 59 m, and 60 and over. Significant (including the glandular system) weight (SSW) were deviations from the 1:1 proportionwere tested usingthe weighed within 0.01 g precision. Spermatophores in the X“ test, adjustedto Yates correction (Zar, 1984). Needham’s sac were counted and measured at the Length-weight relationships were estimated for the neaTrheestr0e.p1romdumctoinveacmyicclerowmaestraincalsyczaleed.byacombination ptootwalersammopdleela(nyd=acacxo1r’)d,iwnhgertoesyex=. DBaWt;axwe-reMaLd;juast=edthteo ofthe monthly frequencies ofmales and females in each y-intercept; and b = the slope. The goodness of fit maturitystage andthe monthlyvariations ofthe maturity was expressed by r“ and the analysis of covariance and gonadosomatic indices. (ANCOVA) (Zar, 1984) was used to test for differences A maturity index (MI) was calculated as MI = SSW/ in the slope of log-transformed relationships. (TW + SSW) formales andMI = OvW/(OW + OvW) for The mean mantle length at maturity (ML50%) was females (Hayashi, 1970). The gonadosomatic index (GSI) estimated starting from the proportiomnm(PiM)Lol stages was calculated as GSI = (SSW/ (BW - SSW)) x 100 for III and IV individuals, grouped in 6 classes, males and GSI = (OW/ (BW - OW)) x 100 for females adjustedtothe logistic model: Pi = 1—{1/ 1 + exp [-(a + (Otero et ah, 2007). Digestive gland index (DGI) was cal- pMLi)]} culatedas DGI = (DGW/(BW-DGW)) x 100, similarto The Bhattaeharya method (Bhattacharya, 1967; King, the one used for Octopus vulgaris (Oteroet ah, 2007). 2007) was used to discriminate normal components in The maturity scale was modified from Guerra (1975), the diameter frequency distribution of intraovaric Pujals (1982), and Perez and Haimovici (1991). For oocytes. females, five stageswere defined based on the size, color and transparency ofthe oviducts and ovidueal glands in RESULTS preservedspecimens aswell as the mean diameterofthe developing oocytes: Immature (I): translucent oviducts, Sex Ratio: Females were significantly more abundant ovidueal glands little differentiated, with diameter usu- that males (174:125), however the sex ratio did not dilfer ally smaller than 2 nun; Initial mmatmurity (II): whitish significantly when grouped monthly (Table 1). The pro- ovidueal glands between 2 and 3 in diameter and portion of females was significantly higher among the developing oocytes 2 to 4 mm long; Intermediatemmmatu- specimens larger than 45 mm NIL (yj = 13.89 and 5.18; rity(III): ovidueal glands brown/black, 3 to 4m.5m in p <0.05) (Table 2), suggesting that females grow larger diameter, most oocytes between 4 and 7.5 long; than males. The number of females was higher in all Advanced maturity (IV): enlarged oviducts, sometimes depth ranges, however, the differences between sexes with oocytes beingreleased, mean diameter ofthe larger was only significant at depths shallower than 30 m (y“ = oocytes over 7.5 mm; Post-spawning (V): ovary clearly 4.17; (p <0.05) (Table 3). flaccid with reduced size and few eggs in it, oviducts dilated and small ovidueal glands. Length-Weight Relationships: Females O. tehuelchus The maturity scale for males included four stages: ranged from 21 to 79 mm ML (mean 47.2) and from 8.3 BW Immature (I): small and whitish testis, glandular system to 228.5 g (mean 69.5) and males ranged from 20 to slightly differentiated and absence ofspermatophores in 76 mm ML (mean 42.6) and 4.7 to 125.1 g BW (mean the Needhams sac; Initial maturity (II): testis under 46.0). The dorsal mantle length/total body weight rela- development, usually heavier than the glandular system tionships (ML/BW) were calculated only for individuals and Needham's sac with few (<20) spermatophores; caught in 2009 (n = 64), which were less affected by the Advanced maturity (III): testicle weight lighter than dehydration observed in specimens preserved in alcohol glandularsystem and Needham’s sacfull; Post-liberation for long periods. Relationships were best described by BW = of spermatophores (IV): glandular system still bulky. the power equations (Table 4): females: 0.0211 x Page 152 THE NAUTILUS, Vol. 125, No. 3 mm ML Table 1. Monthlyvariation insexratioofOctopustehuelchus measured over 24 and weighed over 30 g. in southern Brazil. Despite the small variation, the mean ML increased sig- Month Number Females Males r9 nificantly with maturation (p <0.05) (Table 5). The maturity curve offemales showed a good fit to the logis- Jan 49 59% 41% 1.67 tic model (r~ = 0.980) and ML50% calculated was 45.9 Mar 5 40% 60% 0.40 mm (Figure 2). Apr 14 50% 50% 0.07 Males in stages I and II (n = 58) were observed in all May 18 67% 33% 2.00 sizes including five individuals over 60 mm (Figure 1). Jun 43 51% 49% 0.05 All males in stages III and IV (n = 65) were over 30 mm ASuepg 4144 6644%% 3366%% 31..3210 ML and 15 g BW. The ML5o% was 27.4 mm, however, NOoctv 5164 5673%% 4338%% 03..3562 tthhee lmoagtisutriictymocduerlve(ro2f=ma0l.e1s29)di(dFingoutresh2)o.w a good fit to Dec 30 40% 60% 1.23 Seasonality: Females in stages I or II were observed in all months sampled. Stage III individuals were caught Table 2. Sex ratiovariation ofOctopustehuelchus according more frequentlyin April, June, and November and stage to ML 15 mm classes in southern Brazil (*significant IVindividualswerecaughtin all months sampled, mainly X~ departures from the 1:1 sex ratio p <0.05). in January, August, and September (Figure 3). A single ML stage V female with an egg clutch was observed in July. Classes range Three other egg clutches without the spawned female (mm) Number Females Males T9 were found in the same month and a fourth was 15-29.9 17 35% 65% 1.53 observed in November. Reproductive indices were not 30-44.9 140 51% 49% 0.04 homogeneous throughout all months (p <0.05) (Fig 4). 45-59.9 104 68% 32% 13.89* Higher (GSI) and lower (MI) associated to sexual matu- > 60 38 68% 32% 5.18* rity were observed in January (summer) and June, August, and September (late autumn to latewinter). Table3. SexratiovariationofOctopustehuelchusaccordingto Immature and initial maturity males (stages I and II) 30 m depth classes in southern Brazil (*significantx~ departures occurredyear round, but more frequentlyin April, June from the 1:1 sex ratio p <0.05). and December. Stages III and IV also occurred in all sampled months, more frequently in January (summer), Depth Mean females September, October, and November (late winter and range (m) Number ML(mm) Females Males 19 earlyspring) (Figure 3). Therewere no significant differ- < 30 24 45 71% 29% 4.21* ences in the monthly means of IM and GSI (p >0.05), 30-59 171 45,0 56% 44% 2.58 indicating mature males in all seasons (Figure 4). > 60 58 47,8 60% 40% 2.50 In both sexes, maturity stages and reproductive indi- ces support ayear-round sexual maturation cycle. ML12098 males: BW = 0.0113 x ML2'3337 and both Pre-spawning Oocytes and Spermatophores: The sexes com,bined: BW = 0.0072 x ML24"2 Slope com- mean number of oocytes in the ovaries of 67 maturing parisons did not show heterogeneity bet. ween sexes females (stages III and IV) was 246.8 (range from 20 to c(oAnNsCidOeVrAe,d wpi—th0c.6a3r4e).duHeowteovtehre,ltohwesneurmebsuelrtsoslhionudlidvibde- 41438.)9.mTmhe(dTiaablmeet5e)r. oAfwtahdeeoorcayntgeesorfanogoecydtefrdoimam1e.t8ertso uals, particularlyofmales (Table 4). was observed within the ovaries of eveiy individual, in some cases with a bimodal distribution. The number Maturation and Size-at-Maturity: Fully mature of oocytes (ON) increased significantly with female males and females were observed in all seasons. There- ML (ON=1.4889x(ML) 1.3094; r=0.524 n=67) fore, the mean size and weight at maturity were calcu- (Figure5). Immature and initial maturityfemales (stages = lated includingspecimens collectedyear round. I and II, n 68) had 185 oocytes in average (50 to 514), = mm Females in stages I and II (n 76) were observed mostwith diameters under4 (Table 5). in all size ranges including seven females over 60 mm In stages III and IV males (n = 67), the number ot ML (Figure 1). Females in stages III and IV (n = 95) stored spermatophores in Needham’s sac ranged from 1 Table 4. Range of mantle length (ML) and total body weight (BW) and power regression parameters of length/weight relationships for females and males ofOctopus tehuelchus caught in southern Brazil in 2009. n min-max(mean) ML min-max(mean) BW A B “ / mm Females 47 30-65 (49.9) 21.9-228.5 (123.4) g 0.0211 2.2098 0.7240 Males 17 28-52 (40.1) mm 32.5-119.4 (65.1) g 0.0113 2.3337 0.8290 Bothsexes 64 0.0072 2.4772 0.8347 Alves and M. Haimovici, 2011 Page 153 J. FEMALES MALES Stage Stage I 6 - n=14 meanML=31.9mm 4 2 -on ,n,n.n 0 , Mantlelength(mm) Mantlelength(mm) Figure 1. Frequencyofmantlelength (ML) classesin eachmaturitystageoffemalesandmalesofOctopustehuelclmsinsouthern Brazil. Table 5. Variation in the number and maximum diameter (MDO) of intraovaric oocytes in females of Octopus tehuelchus in different maturation stage (Stages I, II III and IV) in southern Brazil. Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV Numberoffemales 12 56 22 45 Mean female ML(± SD) (mm) 32.8 ± 7.4 43.9 ± 9,5 46.6 ± 9.1 48,5 ± 8.4 Rangeoocytes number 50to350 65to514 20to410 112to448 Meanoocytes number (± SD) 139.7± 76.6 226.9 ± 108.0 205.1 ± 93.3 267.1 ± 83,5 MDO Range (mm) 0.2to3.0 1.0to 7.4 1.8to 10.8 1,5to 13.9 Mean MDO (± SD) (mm) 1.4 ± 0.7 3.1 ±0.8 5.5 ± 1.8 8.0 ± 2.2 to 62 (21.2 ± 12.3), with maximum length ranging from The maximum diameterofthese eggs ranged from 8.1 to 1.7 to 57.4 mm (21.2 ± 8.9). Non-significant correlation 14.4 mm and their diameter distributionwere unimodal. was found between the number ofspermatophores and Recentlyhatched octopuses (n = 16) resembled small the ML (r = 0.086) (Figure 5) norbetween the length of adults, and measured from 5.0 to 6.40 mm ML and the spermatophores and the ML (r = 0.03). from 10.5 to 15.0 mm TL and weighed from 0.07 to 0.12 g (Table 6). During one of the cruises, a spawned Spawning and Hatchlings: All the egg clutches were femalewith hereggs stucktoagastropodshellwasplaced observed in gastropod shells of Tonna galea and inside a recipientwith seawater and some eggs hatched. Adelomenon brasiliana. The number ofeggs attached to Recently hatched octopus did not show any swimming the shells ranged from 86 to 237 (165.2 ± 60.5; n = 4). behavior, remainingnearthebottom ofthe recipient. Page 154 THE NAUTILUS, Vol. 125, No. 3 100% Males 50% • • ^=0.129 25% 0% ~i 1 1 1 r Mantle length (mm) Mantle length (mm) Figure 2. Relative frequencycurve ofmature individuals by mantle length (ML) classes (mm), offemales and males ofOctopus telmelchus in southern Brazil adjustedtoalogistic model. 011 Sill IV Females Males I Figure 3. Monthlyfrequency(%) ofthe maturitystagesofOctopustehuelchus females and males in southern Brazil (valuesin the barsindicatethe numberin each stage). Digestive Gland Index and Reproductive Invest- waters of the southwestern Atlantic continental shell ment: The digestive gland weight (DGW) ol females (Haimoviciand Perez, 1991; Re, 1998). This studyshows increased significantlywith sexual maturation (p <0.05). that its reproductive biology can adapt to both environ- The digestive gland index (DGI) was significantly lower ments, with seasonal spawning in temperate waters and in stage I (p <0.05), and remainedconstantin the others year round spawning in subtropical environments. Tem- stages (Figure6). MonthlyDGI offemales did notfollow perature, light intensity and dailyphotoperiod can influ- a seasonal pattern: the lowest values were observed in ence growthand reproductionincephalopods (Mangold, April and May and the highest ones, in January, March, 1987). However, these factors may influence particular August, and December (Figure 7). species or populations in different ways (Boyle and Digestive gland weight and index of males did not Rodhouse, 2005). Temperature an photoperiod differ show significant changes along maturation p >0.05), al- between northern Patagonia (40° to 42° S), where day- ( though small decrease in DGI means along maturation light ranges from 9 to 15 h and air temperatures along was observed (Figure 6). Seasonally, higher DGI values the San Antonio Baycoast rangebetween6° C and24° C were observed in spring (Figure 7). (Iribarne, 1991) and southern Brazil (32° S), where day- light ranges from 10 to 14 h (Bakum and Parrish, 1990) DISCUSSION and bottom temperatures on the continental shell range between 12° C and 24° C (Haimovici et al., 1996). Octopus telmelchus is a small specieswith large eggs and Although not discriminating the effects of each factor, low fecundity, endemic to the subtropical and temperate Iribarne (1991) observed that high intensity of light Alves and M. Haimovici, 2011 Page 155 J. Females Males 10 8 - M. 0 6 1 * 4 11 • r f * i tt i 2 0 0,7 0,4 0,6 0,3 0,5 O 0,4 I 0,2 $ 0,3 - - 0,2 0,1 0,1 — 0,0 FMAMJ ASOND 0,0 I 1 MJ JASOND J J F M A Figure 4. Monthly trends of mean (±SE) values of the gonadosomatic index (GSI) and the maturity index (MI) of Octopus tehuelchus females andmales in southern Brazil. Females Males 70 0 r= 0.086 60 O 0 50 (bfi &40 O 0 0 9° 0 bgsj.30 <q03 O, O O |20 °R 0 0 ^ 10 O cc8 0 o — o—0- 0 20 40 60 80 Mantlelength (mm) Figure 5. Relationshipbetween mantle length (ML) andpotential fecundity(numberofdevelopingoocytes andspermatophores) ofmaturefemales and malesofOctopustehuelchus in southernBrazil. Table 6. Variation in the number and maximum diameter ofeggs (MDE) and in the mantle length (ML), total length (TL) and totalbodyweight (BW) ofhatchlingon foureggclutches ofOctopustehuelchus in southern Brazilcomparedtonorthern Patagonia. (Iribarne, 1991; Re, 1998). Southern Brazil Northern Patagonia Maximum ofeggsperclutch 237 227 Mean eggclutch fecundity (± SD) 165.15 ± 60.84 Nodata Range MDE (mm) 8.13to 14.44 9.0to 12.0 Mean MDE (± SD) (mm) 10.33 ± 1.09 9.87 ± 0.61 Measuredhatchling 16 280 Mean hatchling ML(± SD) (mm) 5.77 ± 0.46 6.64 ± 0.38 Mean hatchlingTL(± SD) (mm) 12.06 ± 1.06 14.23 ± 0.83 Meanhatchling BW(± SD) (mg) 0.095 ± 0.014 0.139 ± 0.019 . Page 156 THE NAUTILUS, Vol. 125, No. 3 dgi qdgw Females Males 7 6 ? 5 4 4 * f 3 2 O 1 - 0 T II III II IV Maturity stage Maturity stage Figure 6. Mean (±SE) of digestive gland weight (DGW) and digestive gland index (DGI) in each maturity stages ofOctopus tehuelchus females and malesinsouthern Brazil. Males 8 2 2 ——————————— 0 T J1 F1M1AM1 J1 1 J1 A1S1O1ND1 10 i i FiMiAMi Ji i i AiSiOiNDi 1 J J Figure 7. Monthlytrends ofmean (±SE) values ofthe digestive gland index (DGI) ofOctopus tehuelchus females and males in southern Brazil. and temperature were associated to the intensification Ammiuntispurpurata, Mytilus edulis plotensis, Chlamys of growth and sexual maturation ot Octopus tehuelchus tehuelchus, and Pitar rostratus or gastropod shells of in northern Patagonia, where sexual maturation occurs Buccinanops gradatum, Odontocymbiola subnodosa, between December and May and spawning occurs andZidona dufresnei (Iribarne, 1990). Although most of from June to November (Pujals, 1982; Re 1989). More these mollusks alsooccurinsouthern Brazil (Rios, 2009), recently, Storero et al. (2010) observed two distinct egglayingof Octopustehuelchus inthis regionwas found sub-annual cohorts in the mantle length distributions only inside shells of large sized gastropods Tonna galea within San Antonio Bay, suggesting that O. tehuelchus and Adelomenon brasiliana. Iribarne (1990) notes that can have a more extended spawning season even in the abundance ofsmall shells in San Antonio Bay could the higher latitudes of its distribution. In contrast, in favor the selection ol smaller octopuses. However, the southern Brazil, mature males and females were availability of larger shells in southern Brazil does not observedyear-round and eggbroods were sampled both seem to have favoredlargerindividuals in this region in cold andwarm months. In southern Brazil, awide range ofsizes ofdeveloping Octopus tehuelchus uses a wide variety of bottoms intraovaric oocytes and of egg sizes in the egg clutches types to deposit eggs. On the rocky bottoms of San (Figure 8) were observed. In northern Patagonia, Matias Gulf(41° to 42° S), the eggs are attached directly some females also showed oocytes at different stages of to the substrata (Re, 1998). On the sandy bottoms ofthe development (Pujals, 1982). These wide ranges in San Antonio Bay (40°40' S), the eggs are attached to oocytes size may decrease competition among siblings. shelters, mainly bivalve shells of Ostrea puelchana, Plowever, there are differences in the evolution of the Alves and M. Haimovici, 2011 Page 157 J. n=237 variation, where higher productivity rates are concen- trated in spring and summer (Aeha et ah, 2004). In tem- perate environments, such as the northern Patagonian gulfs, seasonality in productivity limits food availability andconsequentsurvivalandgrowth foryoungoctopus in the cold season more difficult. Furthermore, according to Klaich et ah (2006), food intake, growth, and food conversion of O. tehuelchus in experimental conditions were lower at 10°C when compared to 15°C. Based on our data, we have concluded that O. tehuelchus has the potential foryear round spawning, but ecological constrains such as temperature, which influences metabolism, and photoperiod, which influ- ences productivity, enables the species to express this potential only in the lowest latitudes of its distribution range. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank RogerVillanueva and Roberta Aguiar dos Santos for their comments on the manuscript and Figure 8. Frequency of spawning eggs size in four egg the skippers Bjarne Bager and Jailson for providing clutchesofOctopustehuelchus insouthern Brazil. specimens. J.A. was supported by a scholarship from CAPES (Coordination for Improvement ofHigh Educa- DGI between regions, that suggest that the individual tion), provided by the Graduate School of Biological spawning period may be longer in southern Brazil: in Oceanography at the Federal University of Rio Grande northern Patagonia, the DGI decreases along sexual (FURG). MIL was partlysupported byaresearch grand maturation and can be associated to intense reserve from the Brazilian Research Council (CNPq). mobilization along a short spawning season (Pujals, 1982; Iribarne, 1991); in southern Brazil, the DGI LITERATURE CITED remains high along maturation, suggesting accumulation ofreserves for a longer period ofspawning and parental Acha, E.M., W. Hermes, R.A. Mianzan, M.F. Guerrero, and care of the eggs. However, it is not consensual that Bava. 2004. Marine fronts at the continental shelves of the digestive gland has an important role in energy stor- aJ.ustral South America Physical and ecological processes. age in cephalopods, as many authors also consider the Journal ofMarine Systems44: 83-105. reserves in the muscle and gonads (Moltchaniwskyj and Andriguetto, J.M. and M. Haimovici. 1991. Abundance and Semmens, 2000; Bosa et ah, 2004; Semmens et ah, distribution of Loligo sanpaulensis Brackoniecki, 1984 2004). 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