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Preview Reproductive biology of Gryon obesum Masner (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae)

HYM. RES. J. Vol. 10(1), 2001, pp. 1-9 Behaviour and Host Relationships of Dolichomutilla sycorax (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae, Sphecidae) Paul S. Bayliss and Denis Brothers J. School of Botany & Zoology, University of Natal (Pietermaritzburg), Private Bag XOl, Scottsville, 3209 South Africa; (PSB: Current address: Transvaal Museum, P.O. Box 413, Pretoria, 0001 South Africa) — Abstract. Detailed biological information for species of Mutillidae is generally lacking. The following aspectsofthebiology ofDolichomutillasycorax (Smith),based onlaboratoryobservations of 10 specimens (99, 16) reared from a single nest of Sceliyhron spirifex (Limiaeus) (Sphecidae), are described in detail and discussed: emergence from host nest, activity patterns, mating and grooming. The recorded host relations for D. si/cornx are also discussed. Successful mating by mutillid wasps on the third tergum; the macropterous generally requires only a short time males are almost identical in coloration, (Brothers 1972), and very few observations unlike for most Mutillidae, and have con- have been recorded. These are important spicuously banded wings (Figs. 1-2). Al- in providing information on sex associa- though Gerstaecker (1857, 1862) first de- tions. Grooming in mutillids has recently scribed the male (misidentified as that of been described for the first time (Bayliss D. guiueeusis), presumably based on the and Brothers 1996), and only in the last similarity of the sexes, Peringuey (1898) few years has it been used in systematic was the first to associate the sexes directly, studies of the Hymenoptera (Basibuyuk having reared both simultaneously from and Quicke 1999). This paper provides the the mud nests of Pelopaeus [= Sceliphrou] first descriptions of mating and grooming spirifex (Linnaeus) (Hymenoptera, Spheci- behaviour in Dolichomutilla si/corax (Smith) dae). and surveys the data on its host relation- MATERIALS AND METHODS ships, as well as providing some other in- cidental information on the behaviour of Laboratory observations were made this species. during April to December 1996 at the Uni- Dolichomutilla si/corax is broadly distrib- versity of Natal, Pietermaritzburg. Live uted throughout eastern Africa, from Ken- adults of D. sycorax were reared from a ya to South Africa where it is the most mud nest of S. spirifex collected at the common species of the genus. Its taxo- Greater St Lucia Wetland Park, Ozabeni nomic status as a valid species distinct Section, Lower Mkuze, KwaZulu-Natal, from Dolichomutilla guitieeusis (Fabricius) South Africa (27°39'S, 32°26'E) on 6-9 has recently been clarified by Nonveiller April 1996 by R.M. Miller and Kotze. J. (1996). Specimens are approximately 9-22 They emerged over a period of about 10 mm long, with the head and metasoma days (starting on 19 May 1996) and were black and the niesosoma deep maroon- kept isolated in petri dishes (diameter 90 red. The apterous females have a pair of mm, height 20 mm) after emergence. The w^hite spots on the second metasomal ter- bases of the dishes were lined with paper gum and an interrupted broad white band towelling to provide a rough substrate. Journal of Hymenoptera Research used in describing the grooming behav- iour is from Basibuyuk and Quicke (1999). After sufficient observations had been made, the specimens were released into a glass terrarium (288 x 217 X 225 mm, in- ternal measurements) with the floor cov- mm ered by fine sand to a depth of25 and with several flattish stones to provide hid- ing places. Food (a solution of 10% honey dissolved in water) and water were pro- vided in small glass tubes plugged with cotton wool. Most specimens lived for 3- '-i^*^^ 10 months, the male surviving for the shortest period (8 weeks). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Specimens Emerging from Mud Nest of Host The mud nest comprised 15 more or less Figs. 1-2. Dolichomutilla si/cornx. 1, 6, lateral view parallel cells separated by thick walls and (body length 10 mm). 2, 9, dorsal view (body length with the outer walls thickened and rough- 16 mm). ened by the addition of extra mud. Within 16 days after the first recorded emergence, mm one male (12 long) and nine females Mating was observed by placing two (12-15 mm long) of D. sycorax, one speci- adults of opposite sex in the same petri men of Stilhum cyanurum (Forster) (Chry- dish; their behaviour was recorded using sididae) and two specimens of Sceliphron a Sony 8mm video camera and low-inten- spirifex (one of each sex) had emerged. In sity cool fibre-optic illumination. The addition, there were two cells containing specimens were observed for at least 20 host cocoons which produced hundreds of minutes, and if no interaction (including specimens of a species of Melittobia (Eu- stridulation or rubbing of antennae) oc- lophidae). The rate of parasitism was thus curred between them during that time, 87%. they were separated for several hours be- fore placing them together again. Activity Patterns of D. sycorax A Wild M5 stereo microscope, using Emergence.—It took approximately 10 white light from a desk lamp, was used minutes for each individual, using the for observations of grooming at irregular mandibles, to chew its way out of the cell. intervals during the day and at night. The antennae, followed by the head, first Such behaviourwas noted wheneverseen, emerged through the newly chewed exit and detailed observations were carried hole, and the surroundings were scanned. out after sprinkling the body with flour. Since the forepart of the body is often Observations (a total of at least 60) in- slightly narrower than the posterior part, volved nine males and one female of D. the metasoma was often unable to pass sycorax that emerged from the mud nest through the hole. The process of chewing and the full repertoire of cleaning activi- would then be resumed until the hole was ties was seen 12 times in seven different large enough for the entire body to pass individuals (69, Id). The terminology through. Afteremergence, several minutes Volume 10, Number 1, 2001 were spent inspecting the nest, although head and the anterior part of her meso- no attempt was made to enter a previous- soma (Fig. 3). The female remained in a ly vacated cell (—n = 3). frozen position, with her antennae con- Daily activity. Because of the artificial cealed under her deflexed head. After a conditions of the terrarium, it is impossi- period ranging from several seconds to a ble to assume much about daily cycles. A couple of minutes, depending on her re- female was placed together with the oth- action, the male gradually manoeuvred ers in the terrarium only after the male posteriorly on the female so that his gen- had mated or interacted with her. The italia could be inserted into her genital only male was kept in the terrarium with opening. If she became restless the strok- the niated females and his activity, as with ing of her body by his antennae intensi- the females, was monitored. At night all fied. If she became more restless, he females huddled together under the same would quickly resume his initial more an- flat stone, even though there were several terior position. others of similar shape. The male was sol- After moving posteriorly, the male itary, never resting with the females. The grasped the female laterodorsally at the male died after 55 days, while the females midlength of the first metasomal segment lived for approximately 6 months. One fe- with his mandibles; extruding his genita- male lived for almost 11 months. lia he began prodding her genital opening with them. Often, while the male was Mating prodding her genital opening, the female Immediately after a male and a female would wander around the petri dish with were placed together in a petri dish, after him still mounted on her back. If she be- having been kept in separate vials (n = 5), came too agitated or began moving too they initially tried to escape by running. quickly, the male withdrew his genitalia, Whenever the two individuals came into disengaged his mandibles and again be- contact head-on, both instantly showed gan stroking her with his antennae. As avoidance or escape reactions by moving soon as actual genital union occurred, the away in different directions. This is simi- female became motionless, thrusting her lar to Ferguson's (1962) observations on body forward, tucking her forelegs under Sphaeropthalma (Photopsis) blakeii (Fox) but her head, with the middle and hind legs contrary to Brothers' (1972) observations placed laterally and supporting her. Her on Pseudomethocafrigida (Smith) and Bay- entire body was more or less straight with liss and Brothers' (1996) observations on the metasoma lifted and the head against Tridiolabiodes spp. where neither member the substrate. Her ovipositor was extrud- showed avoidance reactions. As soon as ed (Fig. 4), a condition which may be nec- the male contacted the female, except essary for successful copulation in mutil- when head-on, his antennae began to vi- lids since it has been observed in other brate rapidly and continuously over her species (Brothers 1972, Bayliss and Broth- body. Within seconds he attempted to ers 1996). Genital union lasted between mount her. The female resisted by stridu- 60-100 seconds, during which time the lating strongly, raising herself on her legs male continuously stroked the female and flexing the apex of her metasoma with his legs and antennae. Throughout slightly towards her coxae. As soon as the genital union, the parameres remained male began stroking her with his anten- outside the body of the female, lateral to nae, she became subdued, stopped strid- her genital opening, while the rest of the ulating and became absolutely still. Once male's genitalia extended into the female. on the female, the male continued to flick- Immediately following separation of the er his antennae, continuously stroking her genitalia, the male, poised posteriorly on Journal of Hymenoptera Research Figs. 3-6. Dolichoiiiiitilhi si/a'n7.v, mating behaviour, diagrammatic. 3, mounted 6 stroking 9 with antennae. 4, posture immediately before copulation. 5, posture immediately aftercopulation, b, postureseveralseconds after copulatit>n. the metasoma of the female, extended and strate, while swaying back and forth for straightened his metasoma, thrusting the approximately 5-10 seconds before dis- tip high into the air, and retracted his gen- mounting (Fig. 6). Inimediately upon gen- itaha (Fig. 5). Suddenly, without warning, ital separation the female retracted her the male rushed forward over the female, ovipositor and bent her metasoma for- coming to rest on her mesosoma. He ward between her legs. She bent her head dropped his head on to hers and lifted the down and nibbled the metasomal tip with posterior part of his metasoma high into her mouthparts. This behaviour has pre- the air, almost perpendicular to the sub- viously been reported as unique for the Volume 10, Number 1, 2001 Formicidae within the Hymenoptera (Wil- of the male towards the female had van- son 1962, Parish 1972), but has never been ished, with him totally ignoring her. recorded following copulation. Its func- Unlike the situation in some other Smi- tion is not obvious but, despite the fact cromyrmina (Mutillini), some Myrmosi- that no extruding material could be seen, nae and the Rhopalomutillinae (Brothers it is possible that part of the material de- 1975, 1989), where the male often trans- posited by the male is a nuptial donation ports the female in flight before settling which the female consumes and uses as and mating or may even mate in flight, in food or as some chemical signal. The fe- D. sycorax no attempt was made by the male did not extrude and withdraw her male to fly and carry the female, and mat- sting as observed by Brothers (1972) in ing took place on the substrate in an up- Pseudomethoca frigida, and by Bayliss and right position. The absence of phoretic Brothers (1996) in Tricholabiodes spp. After copulation is probably because the male is dismounting, the male usually began about the same size as the female or even grooming himself thoroughly. It was sev- smaller. eral seconds before the female began to Grooming wander around the petri dish again. In subsequent encounters immediately There are no differences in cleaning following mating, the male's response to techniques between the sexes (except for the female was one of apparent hostility; those involving the wings). If an individ- he rushed at her, fluttering his wings and ual is extremely dirty it first partially bumping into her from behind. After sev- cleans the posterior part of the body; oth- eral seconds of such treatment, and with erwise grooming proceeds antero-posteri- no possible escape from the petri dish, the orly. — Head. The antennae, which are the female stopped moving and hunched up, most frequently groomed structures, are curling her head and antennae under her cleaned using the antenna cleaners on the body and tucking her legs against her sides. The male continued to bump her front legs, either by double-antenna scrap- ing (both antenna cleaners are simulta- from behind, rushing at her with wings neously passed distad along the respective flapping, apparently attempting to drive ipsilateral antenna) or single-antenna her away. Subsequent encountersbetween scraping (one antenna at a time is the male and female were of shorter du- groomed by the ipsilateral antenna clean- ration, with continued aggressive behav- er; the different antennae are usually iour exhibited by the male towards the fe- groomed consecutively). During double- male. Similarly, if two previous recently antenna scraping, the head remains still mated adults were again placed together, with each antenna placed in its antenna the male immediately became aggressive cleaner and then drawn between the spur towards the female, chasing her with and basitarsus from base to apex three to wings fluttering and bumping her, almost four times by movement of the forelegs. pouncing on her. The male became more During single-antenna cleaning, the leg is aggressive to the mated female the longer lifted over the antenna which is placed in they were kept together. There was never and pulled through the antenna cleanerby an attempt by the male to mount an al- tilting the head backwards and simulta- ready mated female. As previously ob- neously moving the leg away from the served in P. frigida (Brothers 1972), the at- head. Sometimes, more often in the fe- tractiveness ofa mated female mutillid ap- male, there is simultaneous grooming of pears to diminish rapidly after mating. Af- one antenna using the antenna cleaners of ter several days the aggressive behaviour both ipsi- and contralateral forelegs. The Journal of Hymenoptera Research surface of the head is cleaned by both Although the hind legs are predominantly forelegs separately or simultaneously. If responsible for cleaning the metasoma, the the head is cleaned by only one foreleg, it middle legs might assist by making sev- is tilted to one side and brushed postero- eral strokes down the sides. No concentra- anteriorly with short rapid strokes. The tion of attention to grooming of the felt brushing of the head is usually followed lines (laterally on the second metasomal by single-antenna scraping. The foreleg tergum) or the metasomal apex was ob- calcaria are used for cleaning the mandi- served, although these areas may be bles, while both maxillary and labial palpi sources—of pheromones or other chemicals. are cleaned similarly to double-antenna Legs. The legs are cleaned sequential- scraping, where the palpi are either singly ly, anterior to posterior. The fore legs, if or simultaneously pulled rapidly through very dirty are first rubbed against each the antenna cleaner of the ipsilateral fore- other. The entire foreleg is then rubbed legs. While one foreleg is cleaning the ip- against and pulled between the spur and silateral antenna, the other mightbe clean- basitarsus of the ipsilateral middle leg. ing the palpi. The ipsilateral middle leg is not moved. — Body. Cleaning of the dorsal and lat- Alternatively, the fore leg is positioned eral parts of the mesosoma was never ob- ventrally along the length ofthebody, and served. The anterior part of the mesoso- the spur and basitarsus of the ipsilateral ma, including the neck region, is cleaned middle leg is scraped down its entire with the forelegs separately or simulta- length and then shaken. Cleaning of the neously. The mesosternum is cleaned by forelegs, in particular the tarsi and apical the calcar and basitarsus of the foreleg; the portions of the tibiae, using the mouth- calcar is first angled away from the basi- parts (otherwise known as foreleg nib- tarsus, then pushed down the length of bling) was never observed, although Bas- the mesosoma between the coxae, ending ibuyuk and Quicke (1999) noted this as with the foreleg rubbing laterally against commonly occurring in Mutillidae. The the ipsilateral middle leg. The dorsal and middle legs are groomed separately, using lateral parts of the metasoma are cleaned the tibial spurs and basitarsi of both hind by both hind legs, using alternating or si- legs. The hind legs are individually multaneous strokes. While grooming the cleaned by the spurs and basitarsi of the metasoma, the wasp balances on its front ipsilateral middle and contralateral hind two pairs of legs, with the entire body legs. The hind leg remains still. A hind leg slightly arched and the wings folded dor- is first cleaned distally, then sequentially sally. Often only one side of the metasoma more proximally by cleaning a longer sec- is cleaned, using the ipsilateral leg. The tion each time that the other legs are longer tibial spur, which is that mainly rubbed against it. The hind leg used for used, is angled away from the tibia. The cleaning, if very dirty, is shaken or the metasoma is first cleaned proximally, then basitarsi of both hind legs are rubbed to- sequentially more distally using longer gether. — strokes each time, the first one or two seg- Wings. The left and right wings, like ments being cleaned before proceeding to the antennae, are cleaned eitherseparately the more distal segments. The sides are or simultaneously, using the spur and bas- groomed first, followed by the dorsal sur- itarsus of the ipsilateral hind leg. This is face and then the sterna which are cleaned not to be confused with ichneumonid-type by a single hind leg. While the middle and wing grooming where both pairs of raised hind legs clean the metasoma, the animal wings are groomed simultaneously be- balances on its head with the forelegs sup- tween the tibia and tarsus of each respec- porting it laterally but close to the head. tive ipsilateral hind leg (Behaviour 16 Volume 10, Number 1, 2001 (Basibuyuk and Quicke 1999)). Unlike ich- Host Relations neumonid-type wing grooming, wherethe Specimens of DolichomiitiUn have been wings are cleaned while in a horizontal reared from the mud nests of various host position (Basibuyuk and Quicke 1999), in wasps (specially sphecids of the tribe Sce- D. sycorax the wings are orientated ventro- liphrini) and appear to be restricted to laterally to the metasoma. While the fore- such hosts. Nonveiller (1996) gave the host wings are cleaned, the hind wings are po- of D. giiineensis (Fabricius) (= D. similUma sitioned laterally, perpendicular to the Bischoff) as an unidentified species of body and horizontal to the substrate. The Chah/bion, and that of D. scuteUifera (An- wing, while being cleaned, always re- dre) (= D. conigera (Andre)) as an uniden- mains between the body and the hind leg. tified species of Sceliphron. Krombein & While the dorsal surface of the forewing Walkley (1962) recorded D. minor minor is being cleaned, the costal margin is ori- Bischoff as a parasitoid of Sceliphron spiri- entated ventrally with the dorsal surface fex; we have seen a female specimen of D. facing outwards. The metatibia and me- m. minor collected on a Sceliphron nest at tabasitarsus, remaining lateral to the wing, Mkuzi Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal slowly comb it in a backward-downward (27°37'S, 32°14'E) on 3-6.iii.1990 by A. motion. After 3-4 strokes the hind leg is Weaving (DJB collection) and a female of cleaned. The posterior margin of the fore- D. }n. minor reared from a mud nest of wing is cleaned once the dorsal surface "Cyphononyx antennatus (Smith)" (Pompi- has been combed; it is gripped and pulled lidae) collected at Durban on 10.i.1945 by between the spur and basitarsus. There- Marley (South African Museum collec- after the forewing is orientated so that the tion). Weaving (1994a, 1994b, 1995) re- costal margin is dorsally placed, with the corded the hosts of D. heterodonta Bischoff ventral surface facing outward. The ven- in KwaZulu-Natal as Auplopus femoralis tral surface of the forewing is cleaned sim- (Arnold) (Pompilidae), Tricarinodynerus ilarly to the dorsal surface. The hind wing guerinii (Saussure) and Afreumenes aethiop- is cleaned in a sequence similar to the icus (Saussure) (both Vespidae, Eumeni- forewing. The latter returns to a horizontal nae), all species using mud in nest mak- position along the body after scraping, ing. (The mutillid was probably misiden- though at a greater distance from thebody tified, however, since that species only oc- than in the normal resting position. The curs further north.) hind wings are similarly flipped as the Peringuey (1898) reared both sexes ofD. forewings, depending onthe surfacebeing sycorax from the mud nests of S. spirifex cleaned. When the wings ofboth sides are on several occasions. Skaife (1953:325) re- being cleaned simultaneously, the animal ferred to "D. guineeiisis" (actually D. sy- balances on its front and middle legs, and corax) as having been reared from S. spi- when cleaning the wings separately, the rifex, but gave no authority for this, and wasp shifts its weight to either the left or may have been referring to Peringuey's right legs, arching the mesosoma away specimens. (Incidentally, Skaife's figure and the metasoma towards the wing that 163, captioned as being ofboth sexes of D. is being cleaned. giiineensis "Parasitic on solitary bees" (sic), Compared with Tricholabiodes spp. (Bay- shows a male which looks like a species liss and Brothers 1996), D. sycorax displays of Stenomutilla and a female which isprob- relatively few differences in grooming ably a species of Dasylahroides.) Weaving techniques but does tend to exhibit a (1994b, 1995) recorded S. spirifex, T. guer- greater repertoire of grooming behav- inii and Synagris analis Saussure (Vespi- iours. dae, Eumeninae) as hosts of D. sycorax, Journal of Hymenoptera Research and provided considerable information on obviously needed, but partial support the biologies of the hosts and the influence may be derived from the observation that of nest type and construction on parasit- males of DolicJwmutilla are very much rar- ism rates. In the Albany Museum (Gra- er in collections than are females. hamstown) there are three female and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS three male specimens of D. si/corax reared from a nest of S. spirifex which also yield- We wish to thank Ray Miller and Johan Kotze of ed one female and one male of the host the University of Natal (Pietermaritzburg) and the and was collected by NJ. Myers at the To- sKpweacZiumleun-sN.aFtraeldNGaetsusreofCtohneseArlvbaatniyonMSuesreviucme fkoirndtlhye bacco Research Station, Trelawney, Zim- supplied information on specimens in his care. Fi- babwe, January/February 1954 (dets F.W. nancial assistance was provided by the Foundation Gess). In addition to these records and the for Research Development and the University ofNa- same host relationship recorded in this pa- tal Research Committee. per, D. sifcorax has also been reared from LITERATURE CITED multicellular mud nests of a species ofeu- menine vespid, possibly Delta maxillosa Andre, E. 1899-1903. Les MutiUides. Species d'Hyiuaiopteyesd'Euroyeatd'Algerie8:1-479, pi.I- (de Geer) (det. C.F. Jacot-Guillarmod) or XV.' S. analis (see Weaving 1995), collected by Basibuyuk, H. H. & D. L. J. Quicke. 1999. Grooming DJB at Lake Sibaya, KwaZulu-Natal on behaviours in the Hymenoptera (Insecta): poten- 13-25 March 1968. That nest yielded no tial phylogeneticsignificance. Zoologicaljounmlof host specimens, but produced six mutil- the Liuuemi Society 125: 349-382. lids, five fmemmales (10-18 mm long) and one Baylicshso,laPl.noSd.es& RDa.dJo.sBzrkootwhserksi. 1i9n96.soBuitohleorgny oAffriTcrai-, male (10 long). The considerable dif- with a new synonymy and review of recent bi- ference in sizes of individuals in this ological literature (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae). clutch is notable. The largest female has loHiital ofHymenoptera Researcli 5: 249-258. golden brown pubescence replacing the Bischoff, H. 1920-21.MonographicderMutillidenAf- black pubescence of the other specimens rikas. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte 86(A): 1-830, 1 map. and thus appears very different in color- Brothers, D. 1972. Biology and immature stages of J. ation. (Bischoff (1920) described a similar Pseudomethoca f. fiigida, with notes on other spe- female specimen of this species as form cies (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae). University of aurata, and this phenomenon was first not- Kansas Science Bulleti)i 50: 1-38. ed by Andre (1899:35) for other mutiUids.) Brothers, D.]. 1975. Phylogeny and classification of theaculeate Hymenoptera, withspecialreference Thehost range of D. sycorax is thus greater to Mutillidae. UniversityofKansas Science Bulletin than previously thought, although in all 50: 483-^48. cases mud is used for nest construction, Brothers, D. J. 1989. Alternative life-history styles of whether as free multicellular aerial nests mutillid wasps (Insecta, Hymenoptera), pp.279- or forming the nest closures and cell par- 2St9i1/.les/;;ofBrAunitioinu,ilsM,.NK.luewde..rAAlcteardneatmiivce LPiufbel-iHisshteorrsi,/ titions in cavity nests. Dordrecht. Also interesting is the fact that for two Parish, D. 1972. The evolutionary implications of J. of the three nests from which multiple c|ualitative variation in the grociming behaviour mutillids emerged, a single male was pro- of the Hymenoptera (Insecta). Animal Behaviour duced. This may indicate a tendency to- Fergu20s:on6,62W-.67E6..1962. Biological characteristicsofthe ward a biassed sex ratio as is found in mutillid subgenus Photopsis Blake and their sys- some other parasitoid hymenopterons, tematicvalues. UniversityofCaliforniaPublications specially those which develop gregarious- in Entomologi/ 27: 1-91. ly or quasi-gregariously, and which pro- Gerstaecker, [A.] 1857. [Descriptions.] in: i'eters, duce a single male that emerges early and Ubersicht der von ihm in Mossambique aufge- fundenen und von Hrn. Dr. Gerstiicker bearbei- mates with his sisters as they emerge (e.g. teten Hymenopteren aus den Familien der Cra- see Hardy 1994). Additional evidence is bronites, Sphegidae, Pompilidac und Heterogy- Volume 10, Number 1, 2001 na. Mo)intsbcrichtL'n Akadciuic dcr Wissciischaftcii Skaife, S. H. 1953. African Insect Life. Longmans Berlin 1857, pp. 509-513. Green, London etc. Gerstaecker, A. 1862. Hymenoptera, Hautfliigler. In: Weaving, A. J. S. 1994a. Notes on nesting behaviour Peters, Naturanssciifiiiiaftllchc Rclsc imcli Mossivn- in two Afrotropical auplopine wasps, Auplopus biqiicaiifBcfehlseinerMajestiiidcs Konigs Friedrich vitripennis Smith and A. femoralis (Arnold) (Hy- Wilhelm IV in den Jahren 1842 bis 1848 ausgefiihrt. menoptera: Pompilidae). The Entomologist 113: Zoologie, V. Iiisecten und M\/riopedes. Reimer, Ber- 140-153. Hardlyi,n,Ip.pC..4W3.8-5129964.. Sex ratio and mating structure WeavAifnrgo,trAo.picJ.alS.t1r9a9p4-bn.estNiensgtiwnagspbse,haCvhiaoluybrioinn tlaherveie- Kromibneitnh,e pKa.raVs.ito&idL.HyMm.enWoapltkelreay.. O1i9k6o2s. 6T9h:r3e-e20h.y- gaantdumTri(cKnorhinlo)dyPirworeupsipguoenraiiiimiea(dSeawuaslsduorei),Be(qHuyameer-t menopterous parasites of an African mud-daub- noptera: Sphecidae, Eumenidae). The E}itomolo- er wasp, Sceliphrou spirifex (L.) (Hymenoptera). gist 113: 183-197. Ptronoc6e4e:d7i8n.gsoftheEntomologicalSocieti/ofWashing- Weaving, A. J. S. 1995. A comparison of nesting suc- Nonveiller, G. 1996. Remarques sur Dolichoinutilla cessand nestinghabitsinsomeAfrotropicalacu- guineensis {¥., 1793) Dolichoniutillasi/corax(Smith, leatewasps,withparticularreferencetonestpar- 1855) et sur certains hotes du genre Dolichonm- asites (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae, Eumenidae). tilla Ashmead, 1899 [Hymenoptera, Mutillidae]. A)i)uils of the Cape Provincial Museums (Natural Revue frangiise d'Entoniologie 18: 31-34. History) 19: 181-224. Peringuey, L. 1898. Description ofsome new or little Wilson, E. O. 1962. Behavior of Daceton arnugerum knownSouth African Mutillidaeinthecollection (Latreille), with a classification of self-grooming oftheSouth African Museum.AnnalsoftheSouth movements in ants. Bulletin of the Museum of African Museum 1: 33-94. Comparative Zoology 127: 401-422.

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