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Reproduction in the Western Coral Snake, Micruroides euryxanthus (Elapidae), from Arizona and Sonora, México PDF

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Preview Reproduction in the Western Coral Snake, Micruroides euryxanthus (Elapidae), from Arizona and Sonora, México

Cicat Masiii NatmalisI 57(1), i') 1997, pp.3(i3-;3fi5 REPRODUCTION IN THE WESTERN CORAL SNAKE, MICIU'ROIDES EUnYXANTIIHS (ELAPIIME), FROM ARIZONA AND SONORA, MEXICO Stephen H. (ioldhcr^' Keyuonlft:npnxliiclioit, MicniroidcstMiiyxantliiis,ucslcni((inilsnake.Arizona, Mexico. The western eoral .snake, Micniroidcs cunj- cut into sections at 5 |im. Slides were stained xantluis (Keiiiiieott, hSfiO), ranj^es fVom eeiitial with Harris' hematoxylin followed by eosin Arizona and southwestern New Mexieo to counterstain. Testes slides were examined to southern Sinaloa, Mexieo, and occurs from sea determine the stage of the male cycle; epi- level to 1770 ni (Stehhins 1985). Information didymides and vasa deferentia were examined on the hk)\oji,y ofthis species is in Hoze (1974). for .sperm. Slides of kidney sexual segments There are only anecdotal accounts of repro- were examined for secretory activity. Ovary duction in M. euryxanthtis (Funk 1964, Behler slides were examined for the presence ofyolk and King 1979, Stehhins 1985, Ernst 1992, deposition. Williamson et al. 1994, Kossi and Rossi 1995, Data on the male Micruroides euryxanthus Degenhardt et al. 1996). According to Lowe testicular cycle are presented in Table 1. Tes- et al. (1986), the M. euryxanthus reproductive ticular histology was similar to that reported cycle is tied to summer rains; egglaying occurs by C;()ldberg and Parker (1975) for the colu- in July-August with hatchlings appearing in brid snakes Mastico])his taeniatus and Pituophis summer. Shaw (1971) assumed breeding tnelanoleiicus. In the regressed testes seminif- occurred in the spring, with egg deposition in erous tubules contained spermatogonia and late spring or early summer. Roze (1996) re- Sertoli cells. In recrudescence there was re- ported that in Sonora, Mexico, oviductal eggs newal ofspermatogenic cells characterized by were found in M. euryxanthus in the 2nd half spermatogonial divisions; primary and sec- of May and the end of July; egg laying ondary spermatocytes and spermatids mayhave stretched from the end ofJuly to September. been present. In spermiogenesis metamor- The purpose ofthis report is to provide infor- phosing spermatids and mature sperm were mation on reproduction in M. euryxanthus. present. Males undergoing spermiogenesis I report on data from 56 Micruroides eury- were found in all months examined (April- xanthus (35 males, mean snout-vent length November; Table 1). Epididymides and vasa [SVL] = 382 mm ± 41.9.s, range 320-493 mm; deferentia of spermiogenic males contained 21 females, mean SVL = 371 mm ± 49.7 s, sperm. The smallest spermiogenic male mea- range 315-497 mm) from Arizona and Sonora, sured 320 mm SVL. Only 2 males with re- Mexico, in the herpetology collections of the gressed testes were found, 1 each in June (493 University ofArizona (UAZ), Tucson, and the mm SVL) andAugust (330 mm SVL). No males NatiHiil History Museum ofLosAngeles County with recrudescent testes were noted. The sex- (LACM), Los Angeles (Appendix). Counts were ual segment of the kidney was enlarged and made of oviductal eggs or enlarged follicles contained densely staining secretory granules mm (>3 diameter). The left testis, epididymis, in spermiogenic males. Mating coincides with and vas deferens and part of the kidney were hypertrophvofthe kidneysexual segment (Saint removed from males; the left ovary was re- Girons 1982). moved from females for histological examina- The smallest reproductively active female tion. Tissues were embedded in paraffin and (enlarging eggs) measured 356 mm SVL. To 'DepartiiientofBitiloKy,WliittierColleKe,Whittier,CA90608. 363 Great Basin Naturalist [Volume 57 364 Table 1. Monthly distribution ofconditions in seasonal testicularcycle o\'Micniroide.s curyxantlm.s. Values shown are the nimibers ofmales with testes exhibiting each of the2conditions;nonewereinrecrudescence. Month 1997] Notes 365 W 1996. Ri'iirodiiction in tlu'sadcUed li-afhoscsnake, ico. Pages 157-172 in Biicherl and E.E. Buckley, . Pliyllorhyiicluis hnncni and the spotted leafnose editors.Venomousanimalsand theirvenoms.Volume snake,Phyll<)rhyiicliii.sdccw'tatu,s, fromArizona.Jonr- II.Venomousvertebrates.Academic Press, NY. nalofIlerpetologN'30:280-282. SIKBBINS, R.C. 1985. Afieldguidetowesternreptilesand 1997. Reproduction in the western sho\ehu)se amphibians. Hougliton-Mifflin, Boston.336pp. sn.ake, Chionactisoccipitalis (Colubridae), from CaH- Williamson, M.A., PW Hvder, and J.S. AppLEf:ARTH. fornia.GreatBasin Naturahst57:85-87. 1994. Suiikes,lizards,turtles,frogs,toadsandsalaman- Goldberg, S.R.,ani:)W.S. Pakkek. 1975. Seasonal testicu- ders ofNewMexico. Sunstone Press, SantaFe, NM. larhistology'ofthecoluhrid snakes,Masticophis tac- 176pp. niatitsandPifuophismelanoleiicus. Heipetologica31: 317-322. Received15February1997 Lowe, G.H., C.R. Schvvalhe, and T.B. Johnson. 1986. Accepted2Apiil1997 The venomous reptiles ofArizona. Arizona Game andFish Department, Phoeni.K. 115pp. QuiNN, H.R. 1979. Reproduction and growth oftheTexas coral snake {Micninisfiilviiis tenerc). Copeia 1979: 453-463. Rossi,J.V,andR. Rossi. 1995. SnakesofdieUnitedStates Appendix and Canada. Keeping them healthy in captivity. Vol- ume 2. Western area. Krieger Publishing Company, Specimens examined from herpetology collections at Malabar, FL.325pp. the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County RoZE,J.A. 1974.Micniroides SchmidtWesterncoral snake. (LACM) and the University ofArizona (UAZ). Sonora, Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles Mexico: LACM 16056, 104325. UAZ9358, 27079, 35214, 163.1-163.4. 44875-76, 45202-203, 45904. Arizona, Cochise: UAZ 1996. CoralsnakesoftheAmericas:biology,iden- 14435, 14616, 39679, 39681, 45843, 46378, 46834, 50046. tif.ication,andvenoms. KriegerPublishingCompany, Gila: 43287. Pima: UAZ 9360, 14429-31, 14433, 14436, Malabar, FL.328pp. 14438-39, 14441-42, 14445-46, 14451, 14618-19, 27075, SaintGirons,H. 1982. Reproductivecyclesofmalesnakes 29658, 34459, 35829, 36557, 37831, 40874, 42608, 45011, andtheirrelationshipswithclimateandfemalerepro- 46420, 47344, 47432, 47484, 48342, 48784. Pinal: UAZ ductivecycles. Heipetologica38:5-16. 14432, 14434, 14444. Santa Cruz: UAZ 39677. Yavapai: Shaw, C.E. 1971. The coral snakes, generaMicrurus and UAZ14443,39669,45748. Micniroides,oftheUnited Statesandnorthern Mex-

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