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Representation and Control of Infinite Dimensional Systems PDF

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Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications SeriesEditor TamerBas¸ar,UniversityofIllinoisatUrbana-Champaign EditorialBoard KarlJohanA˚stro¨m,LundUniversityofTechnology,Lund,Sweden Han-FuChen,AcademiaSinica,Beijing WilliamHelton,UniversityofCalifornia,SanDiego AlbertoIsidori,UniversityofRome(Italy)and WashingtonUniversity,St.Louis PetarV.Kokotovic´,UniversityofCalifornia,SantaBarbara AlexanderKurzhanski,RussianAcademyofSciences,Moscow andUniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley H.VincentPoor,PrincetonUniversity MeteSoner,Koc¸ University,Istanbul Alain Bensoussan Giuseppe Da Prato Michel C. Delfour Sanjoy K. Mitter Representation and Control of Infinite Dimensional Systems Second Edition Birkha¨user Boston • Basel • Berlin AlainBensoussan GiuseppeDaPrato SchoolofManagement ScuolaNormaleSuperiore UniversityofTexasatDallas PalazzodellaCarovana Office3.211 Piano3,studio56 Richardson,TX75083-0688 Pisa56126 USA Italy SanjoyK.Mitter MichelC.Delfour DepartmentofElectricalEngineering Centrederecherchesmathe´matiques andComputerScience and LaboratoryforInformationand De´partementdemathe´matiquesetdestatistique DecisionSystems Universite´deMontre´al MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology C.P.6128,succ.Centre-ville 77MassachusettsAvenue Montre´al(QC),CanadaH3C3J7 Cambridge,MA02139 USA MathematicsSubjectClassification:34H05,47D03,47N70,49-02,49J27,49K27,93C25,93C95 LibraryofCongressControlNumber:2006936851 ISBN-10:0-8176-4461-X e-ISBN-10:0-8176-4581-0 ISBN-13:978-0-8176-4461-1 e-ISBN-13:978-0-8176-4581-6 Printedonacid-freepaper. (cid:1)c2007Birkha¨userBoston Allrightsreserved.Thisworkmaynotbetranslatedorcopiedinwholeorinpartwithoutthewrit- tenpermissionofthepublisher(Birkha¨userBoston,c/oSpringerScience+BusinessMediaLLC,233 SpringStreet,NewYork,NY10013,USA),exceptforbriefexcerptsinconnectionwithreviewsor scholarlyanalysis.Useinconnectionwithanyformofinformationstorageandretrieval,electronic adaptation,computersoftware,orbysimilarordissimilarmethodologynowknownorhereafterde- velopedisforbidden. Theuseinthispublicationoftradenames,trademarks,servicemarksandsimilarterms,evenifthey arenotidentifiedassuch,isnottobetakenasanexpressionofopinionastowhetherornottheyare subjecttoproprietaryrights. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 www.birkhauser.com (SB) In memory of Andr´ee Preface to the Second Edition A new edition in a single volume Over the past decade, more and more sophisticaced mathematical tools and approaches have been incorporated in the field of Control of infinite dimen- sional systems. This was motivated by a whole range of challenging applica- tionsarisingfromnew phenomenologicalstudies,technologicaldevelopments, and more stringent design requirements. At the same time, researchers and advanced engineers have been steadily using an impressive amount of very sophisticatedmathematics in their analysis,synthesis,anddesign ofsystems. Whatwasregardedastooabstract,specialized,ortheoreticalin1990hasnow become a standard part of the toolkit. The decision to produce a second edition of the original 1992–1993 two- volume edition is further motivated by several other factors. Over the years thebookhasbeenrecognizedasakeyreferenceinthefield,andarevisedand corrected edition was desirable. Even if some good books on the control of infinite dimensional linear systems have appearedsince then, we felt that the originalmaterialhas not agedtoo muchand thatthe breadthof its presenta- tionisstillattractiveandverycompetitive.Theresultisacompletelyrevised and corrected second edition in a single convenient volume with integrated bibliography and index. The book has been restructured into five parts and each part into several chapters.ThemostsignificantchangesoccurredinPartI,whichnowprovides a verybroadaccountoffinite dimensional linear systems.Itservesasa back- ground and a motivation for the other parts. The scope of this part has been expandedbyaddingtopicssuchasdissipative systems inChapter1andintro- ducing a new Chapter 2 on linear quadratic two-person zero-sum differential games thatprovidesanexampleofasolutiontothematrixRiccatidifferential equation that is not necessarily positive semi-definite and some connections with the H∞-theory and dissipative systems of Chapter 1. viii Preface to theSecond Edition Description of the five parts PartIonthecontroloffinitedimensional linear dynamical systems andlinear quadratic two-person zero-sum differential games presents a broad review of thefield.Itisanintroductionandamotivationforthebook,sothatthereader understands the background from which the infinite dimensional theory is developed and also obtains an appreciationof the substantialconceptual and technical difficulties that had to be overcometo give a satisfactory treatment ofthesubjectintheinfinitedimensionalcontext.Chapter1isconcernedwith the theory of controllability and observability of linear systems, and the role theseconceptsplayinthestudyofthequadraticcostproblemoveraninfinite time horizon. It has been expanded to include, in addition to the updated section on the H∞-theory, a new section on the theory of dissipative systems of J. C. Willems [2]. A new Chapter 2 on linear quadratic two-person zero-sum differential games has been included to broaden the perspective. The pioneering work in that area has been done in the paper of P. Bernhard [2] in 1979 and the seminalbook ofT. Ba¸sar andP. Bernhard [1] in 1991and 1995.This chapterisself-containedwithcompletemathematicalproofs.Itfocusesonthe openloopcase.Newresultsusingtheinvariantembeddingapproach ofR.Bell- maninthestyleofJ. L. Lions[3]areincludedtoprovidefurtherinsightinto the associated inf sup (open loop upper value) and sup inf (open loop lower value)problems.ThisiscombinedwithdevelopmentsbyP.Zhang[1]in2005 whoestablishedthatinthelinearquadraticcasethedualitygapiseitherzero orinfinite.This meansthatonlythreecasescanoccur:(a)sup inf=−∞and inf sup finite; (b) sup inf finite and inf sup = +∞; and (c) sup inf and inf sup both finite; in which case, there is equality and the existence of a saddle point. In particular it illustrates the occurrence of symmetrical solutions to thematrixRiccatidifferentialequationthatarenotnecessarilypositivesemi- definite. It also connects with the glimpse of H∞-theory and the new section on the theory of dissipative systems at the end of Chapter 1. Part II deals with the representation of infinite dimensional systems. It develops semigroup theory and variational methods for the representation of infinite dimensional systems such as dynamical partial differential equations and delay differential systems. Chapter 1 gives a unique presentation of the theory of semigroups of linear operators integrated with interpolation theory. It brings together advanced concepts and techniques that are usually treated independently.Chapter2providesabasicintroductiontothevariational the- ory of parabolic systems.It nicely describes the explicitand illuminating con- nectionbetweentheearlyworkofT.KatoandJ.-L.Lionsandthelaterresults of P. Auscher, S. Hofmann, J. L. Lewis, and Ph. Tchamitchian [1] in 2001 on the Kato’s conjecture on the domain of the square root operators. Chapter3containsthebasicconstructionstoeffectivelydealwithunbounded control and observation operators via semigroup methods. Preface to theSecond Edition ix Chapter4onthemodeling ofdifferentialsystemswithdelaysinthe state, control, and observation is self-contained. To our knowledge, it is possibly the only book where the state space theory is completely developed using the fundamental structural operators introduced by Delfour and Manitius in 1976–1977and further extended to the neutral case by M. C. Delfour and J. Karrakchou [1,2] in 1987. Part III is devoted to the generic qualitative properties of controlled sys- tems. It studies the controllability for an infinite dimensional abstract linear dynamicalsystem,whichcanbespecializedtoobtainresultsforcontrollability ofparabolicandhyperbolicpartialdifferentialequationsbothwhencontrolis exercised in the interior of the domain and when controlis exercisedthrough the boundary. The important problem of exact controllability of hyperbolic equations in appropriate spaces, which leads to stabilizability properties for these systems (and hence verification of the finite cost condition for infinite time problems) is discussed in detail in this chapter. The systematic use of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of appropriate differential operators to obtain the results is a somewhat novel aspect of this chapter. PartsIVandVpresentadynamicalprogrammingapproachtotheoptimal linear quadratic control problem over a finite and an infinite time horizon of certain classes of infinite dimensional systems. Dynamic programming is a deep conceptual idea. Its applications are manifold. For the philosophically minded reader, we have provided a quotation from Soren Kierkegaard on pagexviofthePreface toVolume II of the First Edition asanindicationthat philosophy might often anticipate developments in science. Part IV is devoted to the quadratic cost optimal control problem over a finite time horizon. We develop the theory for an abstract dynamical model satisfyingcertainsemigroup(group)assumptions,andthenwetreatconcrete situationsbyverifyingtheseassumptionsusingdifferentialequations(partial, functional-differential)methods.This chapterpresentsareasonablycomplete treatment of the subject, which includes both boundary control and bound- ary observation(not necessarilysimultaneously)for parabolic andhyperbolic systems. Technically, these are the more difficult parts of the book because they involve unbounded control and observation operators. Many of the re- sults presented here appeared in book form for the first time in 1993. The approachweadoptisdynamic programming, whichleadsto asynthesisofthe optimalcontrolinfeedbackformviaastudyofanoperatorRiccatidifferential equation.The systematic useofdynamic programming givesa unifiedview of this topic. Part V, the final part of the book, is concerned with the quadratic cost optimal control problem over an infinite time horizon. Here the concepts of stabilizabilityanddetectabilityplayanessentialrole.Thepropertiesofstabi- lizability and detectability have to be verified, in some sense directly, for the paraboliccase(whichhasafinite dimensionalunstable part)andviathe the- oryofexactcontrollability(forexample)inthehyperboliccase.Thus,thereis acloserelationbetweenPartVandPartsIandIIIofthebook.Theapproach x Preface to theSecond Edition here is again via dynamic programming and a study of an algebraic matrix Riccati equation. We also prove the stability of the closed loop system. In many (but not all) situations, the theory of the infinite time quadratic cost problemintheinfinitedimensionalcaseisascompleteasforthefinitedimen- sional situation. Again, many results here appearedfor the first time in book form in 1993. Acknowledgments It is a pleasant task to acknowledge the support of the Centre de recherches math´ematiques of the Universit´e de Montr´eal and the Natural Sciences and EngineeringCouncilthroughDiscoveryGrant–8730inthe“re-engineering”of the first edition of the book into this new second edition. We are very grateful to Thomas Grasso of Birkh¨auser Boston Inc. for his cooperation and efforts since the 2003 IEEE CDC Meeting to promote the book and for his kind invitation to consider a second edition. It is also a pleasure to thank Tamer Ba¸sar, Editor-in-Chief, for accepting it in the book series Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications. Most sincere thanks to Louise Letendre of the Centre de Recherches Math´ematiques for her colossal, patient, and truly professional work of com- pletely reorganizing and upgrading the old LaTeX files of the original two- volume book to the latest AMS LaTex standards in a single volume. Very special thanks also go to Andr´e Montpetit of the Centre de Recherches Math´ematiques who provided his technical support, experience, and talent to adapt, upgrade, and ajust the TeX files and the special format of the bib- liography to the latest Birkha¨user/Springermacros. Additional earlier acknowledgments can be found in the Prefaces to Vol- ume I (pages xii to xiii) and II (pages xvi to xvii) of the first edition. October, 2006 Alain Bensoussan, Richardson, USA Giuseppe Da Prato, Pisa, Italia Michel C. Delfour, Montreal, Canada Sanjoy K. Mitter, Cambridge, USA. Preface to Volume I of the First Edition Attheendofthe1960s,thestatespacetheoryoflinearsystemsbothfortime- invariantandtime-varyingsystemshadessentiallybeenworkedout.Thebasic concepts of controllability, observability, and their relationship to the theory of minimal realizations received almost a complete treatment in the work of Kalman and others. The feedback solution of the quadratic cost optimal controlproblem,bothinafiniteandaninfinitetimeintervalwerewellunder- stood. The concepts of controllability and observability and the weaker no- tionsofstabilizabilityanddetectabilityplayanessentialrolethroughstability ideas in the solution of the infinite time quadratic cost optimal control prob- lem. The ideas of optimal control from the Hamilton–Jacobi–Caratheodory, dynamic programming, calculus of variations (and in its modern form the McShane–Pontryagin maximum principle) points of view had received defin- itive treatments. As far as deterministic control problems for finite dimen- sional linear systems are concerned, attention shifted away from optimality to synthesis problems,suchas decoupling,regulator,and trackingwith inter- nal stability, and to a unification of the time and frequency domain points of view.Aqualitativetheoryofnonlinearcontroloffinitedimensionaldynamical systems began its development at the same time. It is a fact that most lumped parameter systems are approximations of distributed parameter systems, and hence, the study of infinite dimensional systems such as control of systems governed by partial differential equations and functional differential equations are both of intrinsic interest and poten- tiallyimportantforapplicationareassuchaschemicalprocesscontrol,control ofelasticstructures,andevenforchallengingissuessuchasthestabilizationof plasma instabilities. It was, in some sense, natural to concentrate on optimal control problems for infinite dimensional systems so that the well-developed theory of calculus of variations and Hamilton–Jacobi theory could be suit- ably generalized and used. Clearly the first step in such a development is a reasonablycompleteunderstanding ofthelinear quadratic problembothover a finite and an infinite time interval. This book attempts to do this with a reasonable degree of completeness.

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